Eric Stanton (Character Prologue)

20 Sided Stories

Adventure Pass

MARVEL - Eric Stanton (Prologue)

Air Date: January 15, 2020


Sage G.C.:         The following podcast has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, the Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

[Podcast Intro music plays.]

Jessica Dahlgren:       Thank you and welcome to 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



Eric Stanton (Prologue)


[Gentle music.]

Sage:            Character prologue three of three.



Eric Stanton. Currently age twenty-five and living in Bolivia, South America.

Eric, aka Scry, is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, conscripted at the age of seventeen practically against his will. Eric has a very special and very specific power. Since puberty he has been able to tap into the senses of anyone he’s touched. So long as he has made physical contact, like a radio signal, he can hear what they are hearing, see what they are seeing, smell what they are smelling, and so forth. The farther away they are the harder it is to connect.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by the secret Nazi organization Hydra, Eric fled to Bolivia. For the past four years, he has been living there alone, doing what he does best: selling information and working as a sketchy private investigator.

Eric hears the sound of an alarm clock and opens his eyes.

[Alarm clock blares annoyingly. Eric takes a deep breath and groans.]

Eric:             [groggy] Saturday. Great.

[Sheets rustle as he reaches over and clicks the alarm off.]

[groggy] Okay, what’s happening?

Sage:            Eric’s looking at this alarm clock…

[Warbling whoosh builds.]

…and then it explodes.

[A bullet whips past, and the window and alarm clock shatter.]

Eric:             Jesus! Christ!

[Action music.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll me Mind, Eric

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Eric does not have any idea where this came from, but he’s pretty sure somebody just shot his alarm clock through the window—

[Travis and Sage stifle laughter.]

—attempting, possibly, to shoot him.

Eric:             It’s happening! It’s happening! Okay! Okay. Okay. Bag. Bag. Bag. Floorboard! Bag. Floorboard! Floorboard!

[Bare feet slap on wood as he runs across the room.]

Sage:            Eric goes to his hidden floorboard in the kitchen. He lifts up [chuckles] the—

Travis:          No, the bag is hidden under the fl- the floorboard is there—

Sage:            Yes, yes [chuckles].

Travis:          —the bag is under the floorboard. The floorboard is in plain sight.

Sage:            [amused] Okay.

Travis:          I don’t need to hide the floorboard.

Sage:            But, you lift up a floorboard and you find—

Travis:          I mean, maybe there’s a rug on it but…

Sage:            [chuckles] Yes. Yes, there’s a rug. You push it outta the way.

Travis:          Roll the rug back, get the floorboard…

Sage:            Lift it up, and there is a bag. And what is in the bag?

[Eric pushes a rug away and the floorboard creaks open.]

Eric:             Okay, uuuh, money. Uh, supplies, first aid. Dadada. Gun! Gun! Alright, um. Bows, passport, another passport, ID.

Sage:            Roll Combat. That’s Powerful.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

10! Wow! Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. In the dead center of 1-20. Um…

Travis:          Paid for a full season o’ this shit.

Sage:            [chuckles] Another bullet grazes right by Eric. He didn’t move [stifles laughter], but now he knows he needs to.

Eric:             Okay! Okay! Okay! I’m out. I’m out, I’m out. Beh leh leh. Out!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[A door bangs open as Eric rushes out of his apartment and into the stairwell. His voice and footfalls echo a bit in the enclosed concrete space.]

[mumbles] Okay, okay, okay. [normal] That’s the… I’m facing that, so the north side. Higher. Okay, I gotta go out the back. Okay, uuuhhh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric can roll full blue.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Travis:          6 on Personal, 8 on Powerful.

Sage:            Yeah, um…

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Eric is so flustered, [amused] he trips and falls down a flight of stairs.

[Thudding is heard as Eric falls. He grunts in pain the whole way down.]

Eric:             D-dammit. Ow! Fuck. Dammit! Ow! Dammit. [pants]

Sage:            He lands right in front of a door and then somebody opens it.

[Handle clicks and door swings open.]

Eric:             Shit!

[Suspenseful music.]

[Gun clicks as Eric raises it.]

Who’re you? What d’you want?

Sage:            He cocks his head. He’s wearing a mask of some kind.

Man:                You gonna give me ya money.

Eric:             [confused] You want my money?

Man:                Well, I want your money, personally, but then I’m also gonna take you somewhere.

Eric:             [mildly annoyed] Oh. No. No. Ah, dammit. Why couldn’t it just be a… How ’bout I give you the money and we don’t go somewhere?

Man:                How much money d’you got?

Eric:             Uhhh, hundred thousand?


Man:                You have a hundred thousand dollars?

[Eric makes a vague agreement noise.]

Where is it?

Eric:             It’s in this…it’s in this bag right here.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Let’s roll for Personal Reality.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Eric:             I can show you.

Man:                You have twenty seconds.

Eric:             Okay. No problem. Um…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Powerful Speed.

[Dice roll on table.]


[Net chime.]

Great! Uh…

Travis:          Hey! [amused scoff]

Sage:            You pull it out. However, it wasn’t quite fast enough to stop him from pulling his gun out.

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            You’re both now at gunpoint. Uh, some people have noticed [amused] behind this- behind you guys, and they scream and they run out of the apartment building.

Eric:             Mrs. Contrarez, I’m sorry! This isn’t what it looks like.

[Woman runs away screaming.]

’Kay. Now we both have a gun. And I still have a hundred thousand dollars. I swear. [stifles laughter]

[Sage chuckles.]

Man:                This is already taking a lot longer than it needs to.

Eric:             Yeah.

Man:                I’m gonna get in trouble if I don’t kill you.

Eric:             I bet. Here’s the— If you don’t kill me?

[Music stops.]

Man:                That’s what I’m here for.

Eric:             Oh, well, fuck this then [amused scoff].

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          20! And suck my dick.

Sage:            WOW! [chuckles]

[Three rapid gunshots go off. Man gags on blood and collapses with a thud.]

He collapses to the floor.

Travis:          I’m gonna touch his face.

Eric:             You still alive, still alive, you still alive, you still alive?

Sage:            Hella dead.

Eric:             God dammit.

Sage:            [amused] Hella fuckin’ dead.

Eric:             I did not think that through. Alright, fine. I gotta get outta here. I gotta go out the back. I gotta get to town square.

Sage:            Eric starts moving through La Paz, and he finds his way into some crowds to try to lay low. He’s checking his shoulders every moment he can and he is seeing- starting to see a pattern. There’s a lot of people watching him.

Eric:             I gotta go. I gotta go go. Alright. [sighs] Cathedral.

Sage:            Eric finds the nearest cathedral. It’s a pretty big one. Not, like, humongous, but it’s nice. Um, and he [amused] uh, makes his way into the confession booth.

[Door handle clicks and door squeaks open.]

Eric:             I could cable car? But then they’d be on a cable car, which is, by definition, the most inefficient means of public transport. I’ve got nothin’. I’ve got nothin’. I’ve got…


Holy shit. Okay.

[Clothes rustle as he pulls out his phone and dials.]

[quiet] I swear to god, you better pick up this fucking phone [sighs].

[Phone rings. It rings again. And again.]

Dan:             [over phone, hesitant] Eric?

Eric:             I need your help.

Dan:             Duuude.

Eric:             Uh-huh. I know, long time. It’s- long story. It’s- I’m in- okay.

Dan:             [over phone] I can’t believe I still had your number in this thing.

Eric:             Yeah, well, you know. I figured, uh…

Dan:             How- how- how ya doin’, man? I haven’t seen you since, you know, the whole Hydra thing.

Eric:             Mm-hmm. Uh, not great. So I have been hiding, uh, in Bolivia for the past however many years and—

Dan:             Bolivia?

Eric:             Yeah. Again, long story. Great place, great racquetball scene.

Dan:             Oh, that’s neat.

Eric:             Yeah. But, my spot just got blown up, and by blown up I mean someone shot my alarm clock and then tried to shoot me. I’m kind of in over my ass here, I could use some help.

Dan:             Oh, shit, dude.

Eric:             I don’t know if you have any contacts or anything, but this is literally my last.

Dan:             I mean, I ditched S.H.I.E.L.D. the same time you did.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Uhhh [sighs].

Eric:             I figured we all kept doin’ spy shit. Are you tellin’ me you’re not doin’ spy shit anymore? [scoffs in amusement]

Dan:             Well, I wasn’t for a little while—

Eric:             Okay.

Dan:             —but then they- they got in contact with me recently—

Eric:             They?

Dan:             S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric:             S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Dan:             Yes.

Eric:             Did you tell them to fuck themselves?

Dan:             We considered it, but the pay’s pretty good.

Eric:             You just be— So wait, are you just working for Hydra again? I don’t understand what’s—

Dan:             No, no, no! They’re not Hydra anymore. They- they- they weeded ’em out. They weeded ’em out. I mean, one still pops up every now and again, and they go, “Op! There’s another Hydra!” But- but generally speaking, you know, they’ve rebuilt a little bit. It- there’s just been a lot of stuff going on with the Avengers, and it’s a lot to keep track of.

Eric:             I’ve been keeping tabs… I’ve been actively avoiding everything about that. Uh, here’s what’s up, though. I’m in a church in La Paz, and my shit’s about to be—

Dan:             [over phone] Yeah, yeah. Um, okay, well, we can try to transfer you to, uh, Robert. Robert is kinda, like, my local manager. He’s not that high up, but he might be able to, you know.

Eric:             What is this, a solar panel company? Local- yeah sure. This- I’m sorry. Look, I’m sorry. I’m stressed. Di—

Dan:             The structure is still, you know what I mean, like, there’s still work— There’s a lot of fundamentals in S.H.I.E.L.D. that have been kinda…you know.

Eric:             Alright. Cool, yeah. Patch me though, please.

Dan:             Okay. [clears throat] Ehh, find the- find the number.

Eric:             I’ll- I’ll get in- I’ll let you know as soon as I figure out what’s goin’ on.

Dan:             Okay. Alright. Here we go. Robert’s comin’ your way.

[Phone rings.]

Sage:            The phone rings a couple times. Then Eric hears the front door of the cathedral open.

Robert:         [over phone] Hello?

Eric:             [whispers] Is this Robert?

Robert:         [whispers over phone] Yes this is Robert. I believe, uh, what’s his name?

Eric:             [whispers] Daniel.

Robert:         Daniel. Yeah. Daniel Daniels.

Eric:             [quiet] My name is Eric Stanton, agent name Scry. I’ve been off the grid—

Robert:         He mentioned you are in our system.

Eric:             [quiet] Right, I’ve been off the grid for a while. Listen, I am interested in getting back into the fold and could use, uh, an immediate interview, and after that potentially an extraction.

Robert:         Oh! Okay, uh, let me look you up really quick.

Eric:             Oooh, okay. Um. [nervous scoff] Any chance you can take my word for it?

Robert:         Uh, no it’s just protocol. You’re good, right? You good for time? It’ll just take a minute or two.

Eric:             [quiet] Yup, yup, yup. Yup.

Sage:            Some footsteps…getting closer to the booth.

[Footsteps echo closer.]

Robert:         [whispers over phone] Okay. Yeah, I found you! Eric Stanton.

[Footsteps stop.]

Ah, Scry. That’s a cool name. Oh. You’re an enhanced operative. You’re only level four, it looks like. You’re in Bolivia, you said?


Eric:             [whispers] Yes.

Robert:         I’m sorry, what?

Eric:             [whispers] Yeees.

Robert:         Is that…

Eric:             [whispers] Y-E-S.

Robert:         Oh, oh. Gotcha. Gotcha. Are you okay, by the way? I don’t- you seem a little stiff. Little tense.

Eric:             [whispers] Nooo!

[Sage and Travis stifle laughter.]

Robert:         Oh. Oooh I’m readin’ more on your dossier right now. Oh. Oh, you’re an info guy. Yeah, okay. Look, we don’t have to get into a whole thing. There is a helipad. Uh, we actually have an operative flying out in about twenty minutes.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Uh, it’s on the opposite side o’ town, but if you sprint there—

Eric:             [quiet] That’s almost too convenient.

Robert:         We have a lot of contacts. Believe it or not, we’ve rebuilt, you know. It’s going okay. There’s definitely some big threats right now, but- but—

Eric:             [urgent] Okay, Robert?

Robert:         Yes?

Eric:             Where do I gotta go?

Robert:         Oh, that’s right. You’re about to be assassinated.

Eric:             Assassinated, yes.

Robert:         Yes. Uh, so go ahead and head over, uh, towards… [tsks] Do you know where [pronounces badly] Aeropuerto Internacional El—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Hoooly shit. I thought I was bad. Yes.

Robert:         [pronounces badly] El Alto. Oh! Oh! Oh, aeropuerto- it’s- it’s the airport! The airport.

Eric:             Yeah, aeropuerto. [stammers] Yes! The airport. They’re—

Robert:         Yes, yes, yes. That’s west. It looks like it’s west of your position.

Eric:             Yes. Okay.

[Clothes rustle and the phone beeps as Eric hangs up. Suspenseful music builds.]

Sage:            However, right as Eric hangs up the phone, he can see through the blinds in the booth… There’s somebody in there.


Eric:             My son.

[Sage and Travis laugh.]

Sage:            Yeah, you’re rollin’ Reality for that.

[Stat test chime.]


[Travis and Sage chuckle.]

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]


Thug:           [muffled] Oh, uh, [clears throat]. Sorry, uh, wrong- wrong booth.

Eric:             [accent] Have you come to—

Thug:           [muffled] Nope, nope! Sorry, uh. [fast] ’Nother day, ’nother day, ’nother day.

Eric:             [accent] Are you sure? Please. Please.

Thug:           [muffled] Nope! I’m leaving.

[The other door opens and footsteps fade away.]

Sage:            You wait a minute. You hear this operative leave the cathedral.

[Distant door bangs shut.]

Eric:             Holy shit. Okay.

[Rapid footsteps tap across the tile and a door bangs open. Action music.]

[pants] Christ. Fuck. Christ. Shit. This sucks.

Sage:            Gunshot!

Eric:             Ah, AH!

[More gunshots ring out. Eric cries out as he continues to run.]

Sage:            Gunshot!

Eric:             [frantic] Stop shooting at me!

Sage:            [chuckles] There are people up in the hills with snipers. But you get to the airport, you see where there are some ’chopters.

Travis:          [amused] I’m gonna let you take that again [chuckles].

Sage:            ’Copters. [chuckles]

Travis:          No, no, no. It’s 2020-whatever. We don’t know! Maybe there’s something called a ’chopter now.

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Yeah, a helichopter.

Travis:          A heli— [chuckles]. Hellachopter.

Sage:            It has blades on the blades.

[Travis chuckles.]

Eric:             Fuck is this… Helipchopter?

Sage:            [amused] It says that on the side, too, and it looks vicious.

[Helichopter whirs as it gets ready to take off.]

Eric:             Ah! Who? Hey!

[Eric charges toward the helichopter.]

Sage:            Somebody in a suit sees you, and they’re in the ’copter, and they were about to get up and they were about to leave!

Eric:             Stop! But also keep going!

Agent:             [from above] Are you Eric Stanton?

[Eric runs just below the ’chopter as it flies.]

Eric:             Yes!

Agent:             We’ve been waiting for you.

Eric:             Great!

Agent:             We were about to leave.

Eric:             Okay!

Agent:             You’re late.

Eric:             Gimme the fuckin’ rope!

Sage:            He throws you a rope. Eric, you need to roll me Power Personal, Combat Powerful.

[Engine revs harder as it starts to pull up.]

[Net chime.]

Eric’s reaction time is always fucking excellent.

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            So you grab the rope. However, Eric hasn’t worked out in a while. He’s been in Bolivia for several years. So the helicopter is pulling up, and as the helicopter is going up, Eric is slipping down this rope.

[Helicopter rotor blades get faster and louder.]

Eric:             Oh god. Oh god.

Sage:            Gunshot towards his foot!

Eric:             Jesus! Hey!

Agent:             You gotta pull yourself up, kid.

Eric:             Yeah, okay, look. To be completely—

Agent:             You’re slipping, you’re slipping!

Eric:             I’m aware! Alright here we go. I’m gonna pull- I’m gonna do the leg cross thing, I’m gonna pull myself- I’m gonna- here we go, I’m gonna pull myself up.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll on full orange. Personal and Powerful.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Travis:          [groans] 12 and 6. [stifles laughter]

Sage:            [amused] Eric is hanging from the edge of the rope, swinging through the- the mountains surrounding La Paz. It’s cold!

Eric:             I’m out of my element!

Sage:            They throw another rope. This time, though, the rope has got some tech on it, and it wraps around your foot.

Eric:             Not proud o’ this!

Sage:            And then it yanks Eric and flips him 180° upside down.

Travis:          Op, do I keep my bags?

Sage:            Nope, your bags fall.

Eric:             Ah, fuck!

Agent:             Come on, kid. Come on.

[Eric sighs.]

Here we go, and ready?

[Agent and Eric grunt as they work to pull him inside.]

Sage:            And they shut the door.

[Helicopter rotor sounds muffled. Eric groans.]

Agent:             You gotta work out more.

Eric:             Shut up!

Agent:             Tryin’a get a job with S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Eric:             [groans] Please take me somewhere that isn’t here.


Who’re you?


Sage:            He stares at you and takes off his shades. And then reaches into his vest slowly, deviously [stifles laughter].

Eric:             God dammit.

[Stat test chime.]

Travis:          Uh, 20.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Perfect. Even before this guy in a suit can pull out the gun, Eric knows what’s up. He is working for whoever is trying to kill him and, with Eric’s master judo training, has disarmed him completely.

Eric:             [grunts] Fuck you! God dammit!

[Scuffle. Agent grunts.]

Sage:            He’s down on the floor, you have him in a choke hold, and his arm’s, like, tied in a knot with his other arm. He can’t move anywhere. Also, you opened the door to the helicopter all in the same move. You have him hanging out the side.

Eric:             Who…are you? Please?

Agent:             [sighs] The end is near.

Eric:             Is this Hydra or is this, like ten rings shit? I’ve… Look. A lot of my sources went dark, I don’t have a lot to go off of here. I’ve been out of range of everything, I don’t know shit, and I’m not used to it, so you’re gonna have to tell me something.

Agent:             You know too much, kid.

Eric:             [irked] Oh my god. Uh, look.

Agent:             The end is near.

Eric:             You know what I could do? You know what would be really fun? If I let you go, and then I s- and then I just wanted to see what that was like. The fall to my death. Like, I could do that. We could do this together. You wanna do it together? It’d be really fun.

Agent:             Even if you kill me, there’s still gonna come after you wherever you’re headed.

Eric:             I. Fucking. Know. I’ve spent the last five years of my life selling out drug lords against each other.

Sage:            The pilot opens the door to the cockpit.

Pilot:            Hey, what’s going on back there?

Eric:             We’re talking about…racquetball.

Pilot:            Right on! They did a tourney last weekend!

Eric:             Oh! No shit?

Pilot:            Yeah, it was great.

Eric:             Oh, do you- so you stay- do you stay in Bolivia, or are you…?

Pilot:            Yeah, yeah. I live half time here and I live half time up in the U.S.

Eric:             Oh! Right on. Is racquetball caught on yet?

Pilot:            In the U.S.?

Eric:             Yeah.

Pilot:            No. Not even a little bit.

[Eric groans in disappointment.]

I would say most people don’t even know what the fuck that is.

Eric:             Alright, that’s fair.

Pilot:            You’d have a better chance of saying bocce ball or pickleball or something like that.

Eric:             So are you just a pilot or are you also, uh, an employee of some, uh, uh, multinational—

Pilot:            S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric:             S.H.I.E.L.D.? Like, S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Pilot:            Yeah. I’m a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative.

Eric:             Okay. Now—

Pilot:            I fly a helicopter. That’s literally my job, to fly this thing.

Eric:             Are we talkin’ like- like- like S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Pilot:            Why do you have the door open? It’s very loud.

Eric:             Oh, sorry. Here, let me- let me just- let me just…

[A punch is heard. The Agent screams as he falls. Eric shuts the door.]



Sage:            Eric lands eventually, after a couple of transfers, in Los Angeles, California.

Pilot:            Whoa. That was quite a trip.

Eric:             Oh, you’re still here?

Pilot:            Yes, I transfer from helicopter- it’s a- it’s a security thing.

Eric:             Oh! So you’re like my escort.

Pilot:            Yeah.

Eric:             Oh, that’s exciting.

Pilot:            Yeah. But I’m gonna go back now. So I’m not- I’m not escorting you through the city. You’re on your own.

Eric:             I’m on my own?

Pilot:            Yes. You’re on your own.

Eric:             But where do I- I’m supposed to meet with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pilot:            Uhhh... Give ’em a call.

Eric:             Alright. Well, I’ll do that. Uh, thanks Frank.

Frank:          No problemo.

[The Snap echoes.]

Sage:            But as you shake Frank’s hand—uh, the helicopter landed at the top of a skyscraper in downtown, and since you’re pretty high up, the winds are also very fast—and as you shake Frank’s hand, you feel like you didn’t touch it. And then you try again—

[Ash rustles.]

—and you just feel…graininess. And his hand is turning to ash. Blowing in the wind, millions of pieces of dust.

Frank:          Holy…

Eric:             Okay, [fast] no, no, no, no, no, no.

Frank:          What’s happening?

Eric:             You got- I don’t know. I don’t know. An-anyth- what do I do? What d’you need?

Frank:          Figure this out, Eric.

Eric:             What, me?

[Eric scoffs in panic as Frank disintegrates completely.]

Sage:            Eric leans over the side of the skyscraper. There’s all sorts of dust flying in his face. The city is in chaos.

[Clothes rustle and a phone beeps as Eric dials. The phone rings once.]

Dan:             [over phone, frantic] Eric?

Eric:             Daniel?

Dan:             [over phone] Yes.

Eric:             Holy shit, wha—

Dan:             [over phone] Please call me Dan. I don’t know if you forgot that.

Eric:             Do— Are you okay?

Dan:             Uh, I’m okay, but nobody else is! Everyone’s disappearing to dust, dude!

Eric:             Yeah, I know.

Dan:             Are you on your way to L.A.? That’s a—

Eric:             I just landed, the guy who piloted the helicopter just du- just- I thought I did it to him. He just disintegrated in front of my—

Dan:             Uh…

Eric:             What- d’you- what is- what’re you guys doing? What the fuck is—

Dan:             Ah, it wasn’t me. This wasn’t—

Eric:             No—

Dan:             —I don’t know anything about this.

[Eric sighs.]

S.H.I.E.L.D. said there was some shit goin’ on up in space, they didn’t wanna t—

Eric:             In space?

Dan:             They said it was way above my pay grade.

Eric:             [groans] Oh god.

Dan:             Somethin’ went down in Africa, dude. Holy shit. Look, meet up with me at, um…uh… I d— [sighs] I don’t wanna send- I’m at the bar. I’m at Lost Property, it’s a bar. Uh, yes, I know it’s 3PM, what am I doing at a bar? Sh-shut up Eric! Okay?

Eric:             That’s- Iook, I been there. I been all—

Dan:             Everyone at the bar is disappearing—

Eric:             Look, it—

Dan:             —everyone’s screaming here!

Eric:             St- okay, look… Okay, I’ll- I’ll see ya there.

[Phone beeps and clothes rustle as he hangs up and puts his phone away.]

Oh my god. Um…

Sage:            Eric is thinking about all these people that might be disappearing. Is there- is there a method to the madness? Did somebody instigate this? Is it anybody he knows?

Eric:             [quiet] Oh my god.




Is she here?

[Suspenseful music.]

Sage:            And Eric attempts to make a tap.

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric uses his power to tap into someone’s sense.]

He can vaguely see what she is seeing. It’s a little rough. She must be on the opposite side of the city. A lot of dust. A lot of screaming. A lot of shock and silence. She looks at her arms. She’s fine.


And then she looks up and sees the title of a bar…called Lost Property.

[A gentle rumble returns Eric to reality and he gasps.]

[Music slowly fades out.]



Sage:            20 Sided Stories was produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Eric Stanton, aka Scry, was played by Travis Reaves

Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale

Direction, Editing, and Music by Sage G.C.

That’s a wrap for the prologues. Hope you’ve enjoyed meeting the three new heroes of MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and you’ll hear the trio interact in our official pilot episode very, very soon.

As always, thank you so much for your support, and I’ll see you on the next 20 Sided Story. Later.