If ye can afford it, this be the voyage of a lifetime.
It is now the Royal Year of 1717. The skies are beginning to dim from new steam machines that bellow with the black of burnt coal. The beaches’ sand and innocent forest paths coated all the same. The Cities know of few pure trees, cause the papers say they're bad for you. On The Private Isles, only Profit is King, and thus our ragtag cast of Pirates-To-Be will have to steal a ship from The Pirate Bay to set sail for a fabled, free land called... The Public Domain.
In this original nautical fantasy story, we’ll escape the binds of capitalism and travel across the mythical Seventh Sea, discovering new lands and uncovering ancient histories. This odyssey is once-in-a-lifetime. Can our sailors spare the change? Or are they doomed to be forever stuck within the locker of Davy Jones Inc.?
Pirates of The Public Domain is an audio fiction story told using an original tabletop role playing system, which is then brought to life through immersive sound design and an original music score. From it’s Teaser to the Finale, the whole series is a single self-contained arc intended to be heard in order. This is an ‘R rated’ satire and not appropriate for all ages.
Painted Portraits of Ronald, Valora, and Horatio by cybercatbug
Unfortunately, the other crew members were too poor to afford commissions of their own.
The image of their tale is instead told through the rumoured etchings of The Public Domain.
Captain Horatio: David Michmerhuizen
Prince Ronald: Greg Reasoner
Valora: Jessica Dahlgren
Sabine: Emily Ervolina
Una: Kate Pursley
Salmon: Travis Reaves
Monte: Henry Benny
Shoebill McMuffin, Game Master, Additional Voices: Sage G.C.
The Storyteller: Joyce Torres
Shantyman, Additional Voices: Christian Baltazar
Original Soundtrack
From Sea Shanties to Folk Rock to Neo-Classical Minimalism, the Pirates of The Public Domain musical soundtrack is currently being composed alongside releases of new episodes. It will be available in full once the journey is done, for enjoyment or even use in your own campaign.
Tabletop Role Playing Game
Pirates of The Public Domain uses an original TTRPG system with a fluid dice pool spending mechanic called “Currency of Ability”. It is easy to pick up and play for newcomers, while also providing great depth for RPG veterans who want a fast paced game with great focus on role play.
The 20 Sided Story was the first big playtest. Various tweaks and balance changes are being made so that it may be enjoyed for casual, non-recorded use.
To be released
On itch.io
20 Sided Stories remains a fully independent production made by a very small team of creators. This series is no doubt among our most ambitious and expensive work to date. If you like what we do, and want access to exclusive episodes, consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron.