The Pirate Bay

The Royal Atoll

Far off the coast of La Salenas is an island once purposely left off maps for fear of discovery; where the executives of Empira go to celebrate and the City State Dukes retreat to feast; where the rich get richer and the rivers flow with silver (figuratively). This of course is the Royal Atoll, a tax free getaway that remained a secret for decades. Rumors were starting to spread, as hauling and building materials can only stay out of sight for so long, and it all came crashing down in a plume of smoke.

Also being a stockpile for weaponry, a diverse group of workers had been hauling a vessel to and fro for weeks, taking notice of this disturbing seclusion. Though they were under an NDA (which, side note, are signed in blood) one Bjordlandic carpenter, Sven Sandström, was fed up with the riches he saw and hatched a devious plan; the workers would increase the order and shipment of blackpowder barrels until, one-by-one, the stockpile was unfathomably large. Up on the hillside, once the workers had quietly left their shackles and vessels in the middle of the night, a single shot from a Long Rifle would set off an explosion, leaving the atoll claimed by the workers, now known as Sven’s Sveven.

What they didn’t predict… was a volcanic eruption occurring at the same time.

No Bueno Volcano

The No Bueno Volcano, the highest peak of the Royal Atoll, was named to keep commoners away, but it ended up a flare for the opposite. The combined explosion was heard all the way to the mainland, leaving a visible smokestack for weeks. Most of Sven’s Seven survived, and in the coming weeks they would face an onslaught of Privateers and Empirates coming to reclaim the island. Miraculously, the Svenven resisted time and time again (typical Bjordlander), leaving the Royal Atoll fully absorbed by Pirates. It’s unknown if Sven himself is still alive, but eventually Empira cut their losses, the war slowed, word got out, and a new era began.

The Pirate Bay

With the Royal Atoll totaled, the island would become known as The Pirate Bay. The barrel explosion left millions of coins scattered in the shallow water creating The Doubloon Lagoon—no doubt sought after by many curious folk from the mainland. Reaching legendary status, traveling to The Pirate Bay and its refuge, of course, became officially illegal in a unanimous vote from the IIC in 1715. This only increased public curiosity, as U-Ship reported record numbers of lost vessels.

The Pirate Bay has become a haven for scoundrels, and their first stop to freedom on the way to the greatest discovery in all of history… The Public Domain.