20 Sided Stories



Air Date: February 10, 2021


[The Twilight Space intro music.]

Kristin Couture:    20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Toei Animation or Funimation or any mation of any kind.

Narrator:         You unlock this door with a natural 20. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of sound, a dimension of dice, a dimension of mind.

We travel to a much louder version of our world. Somewhere between tradition and a radical separate future. There are numerous alien races, talking animals, a well-observed afterlife, and even beans that can cure every injury.

Occurring once every three years, the world martial arts tournament is all abuzz this spring season. And though for now they live in peace in pursuit of a challenge, new ones are fast in approach. An evil force is blooming and a new saga is beginning.

[Intro music crescendos and cuts off.]


Cast Introduction

[20 Sided Stories music plays throughout.]

Sage:            Hello! And welcome to 20 Sided Stories. My name is Sage, I’m your game master and narrator. And I’m joined, of course as always, by my wonderful co-hosts and your leading players for this episode.

Travis:          Travis!

Jessica:          Jessica!

Emily:          Emily!

David:           David!

Sage:            We are about to set foot into the world of Dragon Ball. Specifically, Dragon Ball Z.

Emily:          Whoo.

Travis:          [stoked] Ah, I’m so excited!

Sage:            If you’re not familiar with Dragon Ball Z, w- [stifles laughter] where do I even begin? The world is bonkers.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Uh, it’s a long-beloved anime series that follows a group of warriors from Earth who face off against foes of extraterrestrial, synthetic, or demonic nature. Sometimes gods get involved. They train, fight, explore, and yell a lot to learn new techniques, save the world and power up and up and up.

So! To bring this life, I’ve designed a micro-RPG for us that uses a d100 and yes, we bought, and recommend, the golf ball ones with all the sides. Basically, every character has a power level, measured in Ki, which both represents your health and which of your signature techniques you can perform.

Here’s the catch. To increase this power level, you need to provide exposition. Every time you give some backstory detail or perform some juicy monologue, you will acquire power.

[Powerup chimes.]

Eventually having enough to transform and use your ultimate signature technique. Your basic abilities to roll with are Vigor, Courage, and Mind. Each character has a focus on one that gives them an advantage. And every character has a Wish. Something that they will ask of the mighty dragon, Shenron, once acquiring the Dragon Balls and summoning him.

So let’s meet our leading characters, shall we?

Jessica:          My name is Jessica and I will be playing [Tooba’s accent] Tooba. Uh, hi. I’m the last Namekian on Earth currently. Um, it’s a lot of pressure to be the only Namekian on Earth, 'cause that also means that I am Earth’s current guardian, and I feel a bit inadequate. [sniffs] Oh, I got asthma and my wish, if I had all the Dragon Balls, would be to finally have a mom.

[Stifled laughter.]

Because I’m a Namekian, so I don’t have a mom. And I think that would be really great if I could have one.

[Sage continues chuckling.]

Emily:          My name is Emily, and I will be playing [Tamago’s accent] Tamago! I’m from the planet Rankaku, uh, and my name means “egg”, which is unfortunate, because it’s why they wouldn't let me into the ginyu force because they said it wasn’t technically a dairy.


Uh, and I never really lived that one down. Um, it’s fine, though, 'cause if I get all the Dragon Balls, I would wish for friends.

[Stifled laughter.]

Travis:          My name is Travis, and I’ll be playing [Tonu’s accent] Tonu. I’m a high school student at Satan City High. I love to fight, but my mom won’t let me because she says it wouldn’t be fair. I don't know what that means, though. But I do know that if I ever got the chance to fight, I’d win. Because I’m a descendant of the greatest warrior the Earth has ever seen! Mr. Satan.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

And if I had a wish, I’d wish to meet the greatest warrior the world has ever seen…. Mr. Satan!

[Emily chuckles.]

Sage:            [Granola’s accent] Oh, is that so? Because my name is Granola, and I’ve been a rival of Tonu for years. And you know what? I’ve been told that my descendance comes from Vegeta! That’s right, the other greatest warrior ever. And my wish would be to hang out with him! So fuck you, Tonu!

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Tonu:            I got no beef with this guy. I don't know what his problem is.

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            And lastly, David, who are you?

David:           Hi, my name is David and I’ll be playing [King Kai’s accent] King Kai! I’m the guy who’s gonna teach these little ragamuffins how to fight.


Sage:            Alright, so yeah. We’re very far into the future. Um, don’t worry about all this stuff. [chuckles] It’s Dragon Ball Z and super. We’re gonna be kickin’ it old school for this one. No multiverse threats. We’re just on Earth. We’re a bunch of lowly heroes trying to get started and level up. Sound good, everybody?

David:           Hai!

Jessica:          Whoo!

Travis:          Yeah!


Narrator:         It is time to train and battle on this world of passion, power, and pain. You’re about to enter the TWILIGHT SPACE: ONE SHOT #5 - DRAGON BALL Z.

[Music crescendos and fades.]



[Mysterious music.]

Mysterious Android:     May 7th, one month since my awakening on planet 4032-877. Hard to believe. I continue to wander this world, a seemingly endless search. The inhabitants of this Earth, they believe they are in an era of peace. But among them still is stifled pain, wasted time, getting in their own way constantly.

[Scanner beeps.]

Wait. Was that…

[Scanner beeps rapidly.]

Yes. There. A blip. Huh, could it be…? 100 miles north. Off I go.

[He takes off in flight with a whoosh.]


Shenron Dragon icon


[Gentle, upbeat music.]

Sage:            The sun rises on a bright spring day. The sky is blue and there’s a crowd buzzing with excitement. They’re filling a huge square bleacher that wraps all the way around this ring. The ring is also square. There’s no boundaries, but there is grass kind of separating the bleachers and the ring. Everyone is having a great time. And then you see another smaller crowd, kind of off to the side of the ring, following a man who’s bringing out this green machine.

Announcer:      Alright, step up! It’s time to qualify for the World Martial Arts Tournament. You know the ru—

Tonu:            Ooo, ooo, I wanna go! Can I go first, can I go first?

Announcer:      I wasn’t done with my spiel.

Tonu:            Oh. I’m sorry.

Announcer:      Oh, that’s okay. We’re all very excited. The top fifteeeeeen punchers will be our contenders for the tournament. When you punch the machine it’ll measure your strength—

Tonu:            ’Scuse me!

Announcer:      [slightly annoyed] Yes?

Tonu:            How long is this gonna take? 'Cause I- I really wanna punch it.

Announcer:      Alright then. You’re up first!

Tonu:            Alright! Alright, King Kai, you ready?

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Man Not This You! Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. A bottle of pippin stocks for Man Not This You! I was born ready. Just get around to it already.

Tonu:            Alright.

[Tonu steps forward. Misadventure tune plays.]

King Kai:           Wait, wait, wait!

Tonu:            Huh?

King Kai:           You’re too tense. I can tell by your muscles and your shoulders that you’re too tense. You need to shake it up a little. Here, let me tell you a joke!

Tonu:            Uh…

King Kai:           It’s the most important part of your training.

Tonu:            Alright, fine.

King Kai:           What did the Italian say to the walrus?

Tonu:            I don't know.

Announcer:      Hey, kid, are you gonna go or not? You kinda rushed me through my speech there, and now you’re just fuckin’ standing here.

King Kai:           Never mind.

Tonu:            [flustered] I’m sorry! It—

King Kai:           Never mind, I’ll tell you when you’re done.

Tonu:            I- [irked sigh] Okay.

[Stifled laughter.]

[Motivating music.]

Doesn’t seem fair. Alright. This is the first time I’ve ever gotten to really hit something. This is so exciting. My whole life I’ve been, told don’t try. You can’t hit. Because I- I don't know. But, I mean, I know I’m stronger than all the other kids in my class, but you know, I just- I’ve always wanted to let loose and this is my chance—

[Granola screams and rushes forward, slamming into the punch machine.]


King Kai:           What the hell was that?

[Bell dings.]

Granola:       Ha! That’s right! Granola got 102.

[Misadventure music.]

King Kai:           Granola?

Tonu:            Oh, what?

Granola:       Too slow, nerd!

Tonu:            He cut in line! That’s no fair!

Announcer:      Wow, 102 for Granola. Incredible!

King Kai:           Jesus. That Granola guy’s really got his act together. I wish I was his mentor.

[Sage chuckles.]

Tonu:            [offended] Oh.

King Kai:           No offense.

Tonu:            Come on! That’s not nice, King Kai. I’m right here.

King Kai:           I said, “no offense.” It’s just a fact.

Tonu:            [offended] Ah, man.

Granola:       You’re gonna have to step it up and be a little bit quicker, Tonu, if you wanna beat me in this tournament.

King Kai:           Tonu, I hate to tell you, but that guy’s right.

Tonu:            Alright! Well, I’m sorry. I got distracted by the joke and—

King Kai:           I told you, I’ll tell you the punchline to the joke after you’re done not sucking.

Tonu:            Don’t worry Granola. I’m coming for you. Alright, here we go.

[He steps forward again.]

[Stat test chime.]

[Tonu screams and punches the machine. Bells and chimes go off.]

Announcer:      Wow! 100 points for Tonu.

[Powerup chimes.]

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Not bad. Pretty good.

Tonu:            Yeah! I’m pretty proud of that.

King Kai:           It’s still not as good as Granola, though.

Tonu:            [irked sigh] Well that’s 'cause he’s been fighting longer than I have. He’s on the school martial arts team.

[Tamago’s theme.]

Announcer:      Alright, it looks like we have some other fighters who need to qualify.

Tamago:       [approaching] Ooo, I’d like to go! I’d like to go, I’d like to go.

Announcer:      Well, what’s your name on this list? I can’t find it.

Tamago:       It’s Tamago.

Announcer:      Tamago… Hmm…

[The Announcer flips through his papers.]

Tonu:            Wow, she’s funny lookin’.

Tamago:       What? I can hear you.

[David chuckles.]

Thank you.

Tonu:            Sorry! I just- I’ve never seen someone so, uh, blue before.

Tamago:       I’ve never seen someone so short before.

[Put down warble.]

Tonu:            Oh.

King Kai:           [amused] Oh, she got you!

[Stifled laughter.]

She’s good at humor. I wish she was my tut- my- my tutelage.

Tonu:            Stop saying that you wish everyone else was your student! It’s starting to get- hurt my feelings.

King Kai:           I said “no offense”.

[Tamago’s theme resumes.]

Announcer:      Well I guess I’ll add you to the list, Tamago. But it seems like somebody forgot about you pretty intentionally.

Tamago:       That happens a lot.

Announcer:      We’ve never made an error like this before.

Tamago:       Uh, that- that’s alright. Can I, uh, can I still do it?

Announcer:      Tamago’s up! Punch the machine!

Tamago:       Oh, do I have to punch it or can I kick it?

Announcer:      It’s called the punch machine.

Tamago:       Oh—

Announcer:      No kicking allowed.

[Stifled laughter.]

Or you’re disqualified.

Tamago:       Okay. Uh…

[Stat test chime.]

[Tamago screams and punches the machine. Chimes and bells go off.]

Travis:          Holy shit.

Announcer:      76 from Tamago.

[Powerup chimes.]

Not bad.

Tamago:       Thank you!

Announcer:      Not quite on the level of Granola and Tonu. But so far ya still qualify 'cause we’ve only gone through three people.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Tamago:       Yay! [giggles]

Tonu:            Wow, Tamago! You’re really strong!

Tamago:       Thank you. So are you! You’re so little, but there’s so much power in you.

Sage:            So we then go through several more fighters who are ready to compete in the tournament and they punch this machine. And after an hour of attendees, there’s one last person in line.

Tooba:          Oh…

Sage:            A little tiny kid who’s green.

Tooba:          I don't know, King Kai. I know you don’t believe in your other dude, uh, Tanya. But…

[Stifled laughter.]

But I don’t think I could be as strong as him.

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Tooba, listen to me. Only a few people at the same time can recruit King Kai’s magical tutelage. So you have to believe in yourself that I see great potential in you. But you have to loosen up your shoulders, and the only way to effectively do that is with humor.

Tooba:          Okay…

King Kai:           So we’re gonna tell you a little joke before we get started, okay?

Tooba:          Okay.

King Kai:           And then all your misgivings will evaporate.

Tooba:          Will it make me have a mom?

King Kai:           In the long run, maybe.

[Sage and Travis chuckle.]

Tooba:          Okay. Go ahead.

King Kai:           What did the doctor say to the invisible man?

Tooba:          I don't know.

King Kai:           I’m sorry, but I can’t see you now.

Tooba:          Oh. [chuckles lightly]

King Kai:           See? Now you’re loosened up. Now give that machine everything you’ve got!

Tooba:          Okay!

Sage:            100 points of power for both Tooba and King Kai.

[Stat test chime.]

Tooba:          [hesitant] Excuse me, sir? I’d like to go.

King Kai:           Say it with your chest!

Tooba:          [hesitant, but firmer & louder] Uh, excuse me sir! I’d like to go!

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Announcer:      Alright. Tooba, you’re the last on the list. Go ahead and give it a punch.

[Tooba steps forward, screams as he powers up, and punches the machine. The machine beeps.]

Tooba:          Uh…

[Failure chime.]

Announcer:      51 from Tooba.

Tooba:          Oh, man.

Announcer:      Hmm. Well… [Sage stifles laughter] Looks like you don’t qualify.

Tooba:          Oh, King Kai. I was loosened up and I didn’t qualify. [tearful] I’m never gonna get a mom now.

King Kai:           Tooba, the most important thing is not giving up hope. There’s plenty of ways into this competition without qualifying. You just have to be the dark horse. The jabroni. The outsider! You have to just sneak in.

Tooba:          Uh…

King Kai:           People do it all the time.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Tooba:          Okay.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

King Kai:           You and I are gonna sneak into this competition. And we’re gonna take somebody’s costume.


[Misadventure music.]

Tooba:          [hesitant] What? I—

King Kai:           Do you trust me or don’t you?!

Tooba:          I—

King Kai:           Do I have to tell you another joke?

Tooba:          But I wanna be myself. I don’t wanna pretend to be someone else.

King Kai:           Yourself didn’t qualify!

[Stifled laughter.]

Are you paying attention to what’s happening around you?

Tooba:          Yes, I am!

[Tooba walks over to the Announcer.]

Uh, excuse me, sir?

King Kai:           Say it with your chest!

Tooba:          [deeper] Excuse me, sir!

Announcer:      Uh, yes. Hello, uh, little Tooba. Namekian kid.

Tooba:          T-O-O-B-A. I am the last Namekian on Earth and I think that I should be considered to do this. I’m a descendant from Piccolo!


Announcer:      Prove it.

Tooba:          My name is Tooba, and I’m a Namekian. What- how else am I supposed to prove that?

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Tooba, roll me Courage.

[Dice roll on the table.]

Jessica:          [quiet, pained] Oh, I got a 23.

[Failure chime.]

[Stifled laughter.]

Announcer:      Listen, kid. I think you’re a little more fit for the junior division, don’tcha think?

Tooba:          Uh…

King Kai:           Say, yes! That way we actually get in the building. We’re already two-thirds of the way there!

Tooba:          I guess I- I am only, like, eight.

Announcer:      Great! Well, then I’ll sign you up for the junior league. Have fun.

Tooba:          Uh, does that mean I not- I don’t get to join all the big kids?

Announcer:      Nope!

Tooba:          Do I get to have a wish? At the end?

Announcer:      [gasps] Good Segway.

[The Announcer turns on his microphone. Feedback squeals for a moment.]

[on loudspeaker] Everybody!

[Lights clank as they turn on around the stadium.]

Welcome to the 200ish world tournament- martial arts world tournament!

[The crowd cheers.]

Tonu:            Boy!

Tamago:       Yay!

Tonu:            I can’t wait!

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] We have a very special prize this year. Seeings to the fact that our previous year’s champion, uh, Tomato—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

—got hit by a train—

[Emily and Travis stifle laughter.]

—we no longer have a winner, uh, a champion at the front. That means this year it’s anybody’s shot. And of course, for such celebration, we have one of the best prizes we’ve ever offered.

[Tamago gasps.]

Not only will you be the reigning champ and get fame and glory and shit like that, you will be given…seven dragon balls!

[Excited chime. Tooba gasps.]

Tamago:       Oh!

Tonu:            Wow!

Tooba:          Oh, whoa!

Granola:       No way.

Tonu:            King Kai, did you hear that? All seven dragon balls.

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           I heard it alright.

Tamago:       I can finally have friends.

King Kai:           I heard it. And you’d better win this competition, because we need your wish to come true more than anybody’s.

Tonu:            Wow. I didn’t realize you wanted to meet Hercule so bad too.

King Kai:           Uh…yeah. Sure. Whatever.

Sage:            Eh, it’s a little bit of extra. 50 points.

[Powerup chimes.]

Travis:          Hey! [chuckles]

David:           Baboom.

Announcer:      Alright, and first up is... Tamago!

Tamago:       Oh my god that’s me!

Tonu:            Alright. Can’t wait to see her fight.

Tamago:       Wow. I’m so excited!

Announcer:      Versus!

[Tamago gasps.]


[Crowd cheers. Tonu and Tamago gasp.]

Tonu:            Oh!

Tamago:       Oh my gosh. Oh. Um. Hi. We—

Tonu:            Hi!

Tamago:       We met before. [chuckles]

Tonu:            Yeah! You’re really strong. Wow, I’m excited! This is gonna be great!

Tamago:       Oh, you’re really strong too. Oh.

King Kai:           Don’t get too excited. There’s no room for romance in the ring.

Tonu:            What? Romance?

King Kai:           You need to focus on defeating your opponent and nothing else.

Tonu:            I don’t care about s-stupid girls. I just wanna hit something!

King Kai:           That’s right! The only important things in this entire world are both fighting and comedy.

Granola:       Wow. Pretty cool, Tonu. I guess you’re going up first. I’m kinda jealous to be honest. I’m really ready to get in there. But I know me and you are gonna face off. So get ready.

Tonu:            [cheerful] Okay. Good luck!

[Annoyed warble. Misadventure music.]

King Kai:           No! You have to be mean to him! That’s your- that’s your blood fueder person.

Tonu:            What?

Tamago:       Are you guys friends?

Tonu:            Me and Granola? Yeah, we’ve been in school together since we were kids. He’s a great guy!

Tamago:       Oh, wow. That’s cool.

Granola:       Yeah.

King Kai:           He’s not a great guy! He’s your competitor!

Tonu:            What?

Granola:       I’m the greatest!

[King Kai growls.]

Tonu:            He can be kinda hard to deal with sometimes, but I know he means well.

King Kai:           Tonu, we’re gonna have to work on your fighting spirit if we’re gonna get you anywhere in this competition.

Sage:            That was a pretty good amount of exposition from Travis. I’m gonna go ahead and give you 500 points.

[Powerup chimes.]

Travis:          Wow!

[David whistles.]

Jessica:          [impressed] What?

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Alright, Tonu aaaand…

[Feedback squeals as he covers the microphone with a hand and turns to Tamago.]

I already forgot your name.

Tamago:       It’s Tamago. It’s fine, everybody forgets me. Whatever. Okay.

Announcer:      Tamago…? Oh, that’s right!

[Tamago sighs.]

Where are you from, by the way?

Tamago:       Oh, I’m from, uh, Renkaku. It’s a really far away planet. I was, like, briefly in the finals for the Ginyu Force, that’s how you might know me. But then I- I didn’t make it.

Announcer:      Well that’s too bad.

Sage:            [chuckles] Good exposition, though. +300 points.

[Powerup chimes.]

Tonu:            King Kai?

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Yeah?

Tonu:            What’s the Ginyu Force?

King Kai:           The Ginyu Force is a super-powerful group of people that you would probably die if you ever tried to compete against.

Tonu:            [panicked] Wha-

[Misadventure music.]

But she’s from the Ginyu Force!

King Kai:           She’s not from the Ginyu Force, she’s a washup. But that doesn't mean that you can take your eyes off the prize. The key here is keeping yourself loose and your soul balanced. And that means that you need to do some serious contemplation of some humor.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Tonu:            Okay.

King Kai:           What did that little boy who swallowed a roll of quarters say to the doctor?

Tonu:            Uh…I don't- I don't know.

King Kai:           No change yet!


Tonu:            Oh, I don’t think I get that.

[Sage chuckles.]

King Kai:           It’s okay. While you’re contemplating it like a Koan, you can go in there and distract yourself from the things that would normally inhibit your ability to battle. Now go in there and remember what I taught you.

Tonu:            I get it. Thanks!

Sage:            Pretty good exchange from Tonu and King Kai. I’m gonna say +200 for both of you.

[Powerup chimes.]

Announcer:      Alright!

[Fight bells ring out.]

Tamago:       Oh! Are we fighting?

Announcer:      If you get knocked out of the ring, you lose and you suck! But if you remain in the ring, you win! And you move on to the next round, the semifinals. More than likely [Sage stifles laughter] for time.

Tamago:       Oh wow, this is a lot of pressure.

Tonu:            Yeah.

Tamago:       Usually in my line of work I have the element of surprise. But this is like y-you know I’m gonna try to attack you, so it’s a whole ’nother thing, really.

Announcer:      Are you ready?

Tamago:       Uh, yeah? Okay!

Announcer:      Begin!

[Fighting bell rings out. Battle music builds.]

Tonu:            Before we start fighting, Tamago.

Tamago:       Yeah?

Tonu:            I just want you to know it’s an honor to have my first real fight against someone as strong as you.

Tamago:       Oh.

Tonu:            And no matter what…

Tamago:       Oh.

Tonu:            I hope we can be friends after this.

Tamago:       Wait, wait. You wanna be my friend?

Tonu:            Well, sure!

Tamago:       Oh my god. [excited] Oh my god! This is—

Tonu:            Yeah!

Tamago:       [excited] Oh! Okay! Uh

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           God dammit, Tonu! What are you doing?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Tamago:       Uh, I’m so sorry, but I really have to punch you!

[She runs forward with a scream.]

Tonu:            Okay!

[Stat test chime.]


[Sage chuckles.]

Emily:          [amused] It’s 99.

Travis:          Wow!

Jessica:          [amused] Ohh.

Sage:            Damn! [chuckles]

[The punch lands and Tonu cries out.]

King Kai:           I told you you couldn't go easy on her!

Tamago:       I’m sorry! Uh, but also I’m not sorry. But also can we still be friends?

King Kai:           You weren’t contemplating the joke correctly. I went through all that trouble, telling you hundreds of jokes, and you just forgot them at the first sight of a lady!

Tonu:            I’m sorry, King Kai. I just- I don’t get your jokes and—

[Angry bubble pops.]

King Kai:           [offended gasp] Oh dare you! We’re gonna have a lot to talk about after this fight.

Tamago:       Oh my god, I’m so sorry!

Tonu:            Wow! This is gonna be fun! Alright, here we go!

[He screams and runs forward.]

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on the table.]

Emily:          73.

Travis:          103.

[Tonu punches Tamago and she soars back.]

Tamago:       Oh my gosh, you punch real strong!

Tonu:            Wow! Thanks! That- that was my first time!

Tamago:       Oh my gosh, really? You- you’re a natural. Congratulations!

Tonu:            Cool. You know, I’m not gonna lie. I’m pretty excited and confident because, even though I’ve never fought before, I’m a descendant of the greatest fighter this world has ever seen. The man who beat Freeza, Cell, and Majin Buu.

Tamago:       Oh, wow! Here’s a good tip. Don’t talk as much.

[She charges with a scream.]

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on the table.]

Travis:          46.

Emily:          66.

Sage:            Ooo.

[Success chime.]

[Tamago’s punch lands and Tonu cries out.]

Tonu:            I wasn’t even done with my story!

Tamago:       I know. Y-you kinda gotta, like, speed up the fighting thing. That- that’s part of how it works.

Tonu:            Alright. If you say so.

[He sprints forward with a scream.]

[Dice roll on the table.]

Travis:          81.

Emily:          8.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Tamago cries out as Tonu’s punch throws her back.]

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Tonu. Tonu, listen to me.

Tonu:            Huh? Oh.

King Kai:           You have to make it a decisive victory now, while everybody’s watching.

Tonu:            Alright. Well, I mean, should I- should I use a move or…

King Kai:           You have to use the special move I taught you when you came seeking my help all those years ago.

Tonu:            Alright.

Sage:            Ooo. Great exposition. +500 points to King Kai.

[Powerup chimes.]

David:           Babow.

[Sage chuckles.]

Tonu:            Let’s see if I can remember how to do this.

[He sets his feet.]

Alright, Tamago. This has been fun, but I wanna end this.

Tamago:       That’s what everybody says.

Tonu:            Solar Flare!

[Tonu’s special ability squeals.]

Sage:            Oh no. A huge burst of light.

[Tamago screams.]

Tamago starts stumbling out of the ring.

[Tamago screams again.]

And unless she can roll Courage, she’s gonna hit the grass.

[Dice roll on the table.]

Emily:          122.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Wow! Alright.

[Tamago grunts as she catches herself and jumps back into the ring.]

Tamago:       That was a really cool trick!

Tonu:            Thanks! I can’t believe you made it back to the ring! That was amazing!

Tamago:       Yeah. I got real bendy bones.

Tonu:            That’s a relief. 'Cause otherwise this might break a few. Ready?

Tamago:       Do it.

[Stat test chime.]

[Tonu charges with a scream. Time slows with a warble.]

[Success chime.]

[Time resumes and Tonu’s punch sends Tamago out of the ring. She lands on the grass with a thud.]

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] The winner is Tonu!

Tonu:            [gasps] Oh. Alright! I won! King Kai, did you hear that? I won!

Woman:          [distant] Tonu!

[Misadventure music.]


Tonu:            Huh?

Woman:          What on earth are you doing?

Tonu:            Wha- uh, Mom?

Tonu’s Mom:     Tonu!

Tonu:            Oh god! Mom! Uh, uh, I was just—

Tonu’s Mom:     Are you beating up an innocent blue girl?

Tonu:            Well, it’s kind of a—

Tamago:       I-it’s fine. It happens a lot. And also I-I’m here by- by choice. 'Cause I’m tryin’a make friends. Um. Your son is my friend now. I think.

Tonu’s Mom:     My son is not allowed to date! My son is not allowed to fight.

Tonu:            Ah, Mom. Did you have to come all the way to the tournament and- and embarrass me like this?

Tamago:       Don’t worry, ma’am. I’m way too old for your son.

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Tonu, listen to me. You have to tell your mother about the endorsement deal.

Tonu:            Oh, right!. Okay, Mom, so look—

Sage:            Amazing exposition from King Kai. [amused] Another 500 points.

[Powerup chimes.]

Tonu:            Mom, no. If I win the tournament, I’m gonna get the dragon balls. And then we can wish for whatever we want!

King Kai:           Tonu, I said the endorsement deal is what you have to- tell her about the endorsement deal!

Tonu:            Oh! Okay, so my sensei told me that if I win, we can get endorsement deals, and that we could—

Tonu’s Mom:     Oh my god.

Tonu:            I don't know what that means, but it sounds nice.

Tonu’s Mom:     You’re not gonna become a sellout! We don’t need money! We don’t need to feed into this capitalistic society! We’re living in a cottage and you’re gonna focus on your studies, young man.

Tonu:            Oh…

Tonu’s Mom:     I am sick and tired of you not listening to me. I am a mother who takes care of you! Your father left us and I’ve been a single mother this whole time, taking care of you, making money for this family, and you disrespect me this way!

Sage:            Wow.

Tonu’s Mom:     How dare you!

Sage:            So much exposition.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

If only you were play- you had a character sheet for this character.


Travis:          Give the mom points, Sage!

Sage:            Nope, movin’ on.

Jessica:          Damnit!



[Radio clicks on.]

Kristin Couture:    We’ll be right back after these messages.

[Radio crackles off.]


[Gentle music.]

King Kai:           Thank you for all your spirit energy, Koharu0.

And Jelica Baker.

And Chloe Grossman.

And Jeremy Stanley.

And who can forget D McNutt.

Eyes of the Shifter.

Pinky Francisco.

Rafael Melendez.

Shameer Goss.

And my favorite Heather Zelle.

But let’s not forget other special people like Jesse.

Matthew Warby.

Bubbles, put that down!

[Bubbles the monkey screeches.]


Johnny Stanton.

And of course Frank Janisch.

Thanks for all our help. And if you’d like to help out more, come to patreon.com/20 Sided Stories

What’s great about the Patreon is that it gives you a special place in our Discord. 20 Sided Stories Discord. That’s where I hang out all the time. I hope to see you there!

[Music fades and radio clicks off.]


DRAGON BALL Z - Part 1.5

[Gentle space music.]

Mysterious Android:     There. The World Martial Arts tournament. Another pesky excuse for these humans to inflate their ego. Pathetic.

[Scanner beeps as it turns on.]

Scanning power levels.

[Scanner beeps rapidly as it reads the horizon.]

Mostly low, except for a notable few. Hmm.

[Scanner clicks off.]

Must investigate. Flying over now.

[Flight whoosh.]


Shenron Dragon icon


Tooba:          Oh, gosh.

[Misadventure music.]

I don't know about this King Kai.

[Mental link chirp.]

King Kai:           No. It’s fine. I- this is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Now you just have to go into this locker room and you have to take one of the grown-up’s outfits and put it on.

Tooba:          Okay. Are you sure it’s not gonna look ridiculous? I’m, like, only two feet tall.

King Kai:           Yeah, well I have antennas sticking out of my head and I’m a great, big, blue basket. So out-

[Stifled laughter.]

We’re all worried about looking ridiculous, there. It’s not a big deal. Just go in there and put the costume on!

Tooba:          [hesitant] Okay.

Sage:            And then there’s a strange figure.

[Tooba gasps.]

Standing there.

Tooba:          Oh. [hesitant] Hello?

Sage:            They’re annoyingly plain. The only notable features being a red puffer vest and a very dead stare in their eyes.

Tooba:          Um… Hi. Uh, my name’s Tooba. I’m not doing anything suspicious like stealing someone’s outfit in order to participate in the fighting league so I can wish to have a mom and- and—

King Kai:           [irked] You’re talking too much, Tooba!

Tooba:          Oh, sorry. Uh…

Mysterious Android:     Attempting to sneak into the tournament, you say?

Tooba:          Maybe. Who’s asking?

Mysterious Android:     Don’t worry about it.

Tooba:          Uh. Okay…

Mysterious Android:     You mentioned a wish. Are you referring to the dragon balls?

Tooba:          …Yeah.

Mysterious Android:     So they are here. I want them.

Tooba:          You don’t sound like a good guy.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

I don't know.

King Kai:           Well, let’s hear him out.

Tooba:          Okay—

[Jessica stifles laughter, Sage chuckles, and Travis laughs.]

King Kai! I’m supposed to be the Earth guardian! I’m the last Namekian on Earth. I have to make sure the Dragon Balls get into the right hands.

King Kai:           Okay. Well we can decide when- the hands the Dragon Balls end up when we actually have them. But this guy seems to have some kind of line on how to get them.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Tooba, can you roll me Mind?

Tooba:          Yeah.

[Dice roll on the table.]

Uh, that’s, like, 106 I think.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            That’s really effective. So Tooba is very smart. Studied in school, knows so much about history. Tooba’s pretty confident, this is an android.

[Suspenseful music.]

Tooba:          Uh…King Kai, can you hear me? I’m talking through my mind, not out loud.

King Kai:           Of course I can hear- tha- we’ve been doing this telepathically the whole time. Everybody’s just been thinking that you’re talking to yourself.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Tooba:          No, but- yeah, but this time I’m not talking out loud. So it just kinda looks like I’m thinking.

King Kai:           …Okay. What did the therapist—

[Travis stifles laughter.]

—say to the guy who came in pretending—

Tooba:          King Kai, you gotta—

King Kai:           —that he was a pair of grapes?

Tooba:          King Kai, we don’t have time for jokes!

[Angry bubble pops.]

King Kai:           There’s always time for jokes! You need to relax more!

[Travis stifles laughter.]

That’s why we’re ending in all these problems.

Tooba:          This- this person is not a person. It’s an android!

King Kai:           What?


Shenron Dragon icon


Announcer:      [on loud speaker] Wow! What a tremendous several rounds we just went through of fighting. Incredible. Lots of people have been knocked out and knocked out of the ring. This has been quite a day. What a wonderful tournament. I feel great! Anyone wanna know about me?

Tamago:       No.

Tonu:            I’m okay.

Announcer:      [on loud speaker] Okay, moving on! [Sage stifles laughter] We have one more match before the finals. Er, I guess the semifinals. No, the finals. That’d be way more epic.

[Stifled laughter.]

Tonu versus Granola!

[Fight bell dings. Action music.]

Tamago:       Whoo! Go, Tonu!

Granola:       Wow, it’s finally gonna happen.

[Both of them step into the ring.]

Tonu:            Hey, Tamago?

Tamago:       Yeah? What?

Tonu:            Look I’m just- I just wanted to say, you know, I came here looking for a fight. And I’m always gonna remember that my first fight was with you and it was- it was just the best. And thanks. And I don't know if you have to go back to your home planet after this, but if not, I really wanna be your friend 'cause—

Tamago:       Oh, no. I live in the woods.

Tonu:            Me too!

Tamago:       What?

Tonu:            Yeah!

Tamago:       Oh my gosh!

Tonu:            I live in a cottage—

Tamago:       We’re twins!

Tonu:            Uh…

Granola:       Hey, Tonu.

[Electric guitar strums.]

You and I have something to settle.

Tonu:            [irked] Hold on a second, Granola. I’ll be right there. Calm down.

Granola:       Everybody’s waiting! There’s hundreds of people in the crowd!

Tamago:       [irked] He said wait!

Granola:       Uuugh!

Tonu:            I’m sorry, what were you gonna say, Tamago?

[Hopeful music.]

Tamago:       I was gonna say you’re my only friend and please kick this guy’s ass.

Tonu:            Oh. Alright, cool. Here we go!

[Electric guitar strums.]

Alright, Granola. It’s you and it’s me.

Granola:       Are you finally ready to actually step up to the plate?

Tonu’s Mom:     Tonu! Tonu!

Tonu:            Oh. Hold on, Granola. My mom’s here.

[Emily chuckles.]

[Misadventure music.]

Granola:       God damnit!

Tonu’s Mom:     Okay, Tonu. I have to tell you something.

Tonu:            Yeah?

Tamago:       Ma’am, I’m very sorry.

Tonu’s Mom:     No- oh—

Tonu:            Oh no. The two most important—

Tonu’s Mom:     Are you tryin’a fight me?

Tonu:            The two most important women in my life—

Tamago:       No. I’m just gonna pick you up and put you over my shoulder and carry you far away from here really quickly.

Tonu’s Mom:     We’re descendants from Gohan and Goku!

[Mysterious, shocked music.]

Tonu:            What?! Who the hell are they?


Shenron Dragon icon


Mysterious Android:     [slowly] Where are the Dragon Balls?

Tooba:          [nervous] Uh… Why do you keep asking me that?

Mysterious Android:     That’s none of your concern, little Namekian. You need to tell me now.

Tooba:          O- n-no, but it- it is my concern. It’s my job to protect everybody on this planet.

Mysterious Android:     This is bigger than that.

Tooba:          Uuumm…

Mysterious Android:     I’m getting impatient.

Tooba:          [nervous] Oh gosh. Na- there’s no winning. Oh no. Oh. W- do you wanna hear a joke?


Mysterious Android:     [confused] What?

[Jessica and Sage stifle laughter.]


Shenron Dragon icon


[Crowd chatters in the bleachers. Suspenseful music.]

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Still waitin’ on Tonu and Granola to get to fightin’. Any minute now.

Tonu’s Mom:     You are a Saiyan, son. That’s why it’s too unfair for you to fight.

Tonu:            ’Scuse me, what’s a Saiyan?

Granola:       Oh my god, Tonu.

Tonu:            Huh?

Granola:       Oldest legend in the book.

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Tonu, the reason that you can do half of this stuff that I showed you how to do is because you’re a Saiyan.

Tonu:            Yeah, because Mr. S- Mr.- Yeah, Mr. Satan.

Tamago:       Oh.

Tonu:            He’s my ancestor 'cause I’m de- Yeah, Mr.- okay. I see. You getting it wrong. Mr. Satan. Everybody together. [slowly] Mr. Sata- [normal] Why is nobody doing it with me?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Tamago:       Wait, do you have a tail?

Tonu:            What?

Tamago:       Do you have a tail?

Tonu:            Well, I mean, I- I had one. But they wouldn’t—

Tonu’s Mom:     Yes.

Tamago:       And that—

Tonu:            They removed it.

Tamago:       And that wasn’t weird to you at all?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Like, you were never like, why do I have a tail?

Tonu:            Well I nev- I never really thought much of it. I went to the doctor and then they took it off, I guess. But, you know…

Tamago:       Oh wow.

Sage:            Lots of exposition has been dropped. 1,000 points to everybody.

[Powerup chimes.]

Travis:          Yay!

King Kai:           Tonu, listen to me, Tonu! Before you get into this fight you have to realize that the only reason you can do half of this stuff that I’ve shown you is because you’re a Saiyan deep down inside.

Tonu:            What’s that?

King Kai:           It’s the key that you’re going to have to unlock in order to defeat Granola. You’re going to have to more than double your old power level in order to face off against him and reign supreme.

Tonu:            [sighs] So wait. Is Mr. Satan not my grandpa? I’m confused.

Granola:       And I’m sick of [screams] waiting!

[Granola charges toward Tonu, powering up a move.]

Tonu:            Huh?

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            114.

Jessica:          Shit.

Travis:          Whoa! W-w-wa- oh, oh, oh! Shit!

Sage:            What?

Travis:          Oh, oh god math. Oh, why am I dumber than my character?

[Sage chuckles.]

Oh god. Uh, hold on. 123.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Bullshit! No! [chuckles]

Tonu’s Mom:     Tonu!

[Granola’s move slams into Tonu, but backfires when Tonu blocks it. Granola screams as he’s thrown across the ring and bounces to a stop.]

Tonu:            I blocked it. Oh my god, that’s amazing.

[Granola pants.]

It’s like something- something came over me. Like, I didn’t even mean to do that.

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           That’s the inner-Saiyan power. It’s like when you realize you’re funny for the first time when you make a crowd of people laugh.

[Jessica and Sage stifle laughter.]

You need to focus on that power, Tonu. And you need to bend it to your will.

Tonu:            Okay.

[Jessica chuckles.]

Granola:       [pants, internal monologue] Oh my god. I-impossible. I put- I put everything I had into that hit. I really thought this was it. I really thought…damnit. [growls] If I’m gonna beat Tonu, I’m gonna have to pull out one of my special techniques.

Tonu:            Okay, Granola…

[Granola grunts as he focuses on powering up.]

I know you and I have been good friends for a long time.

Granola:       [mocking] Huh. Friends.

Tonu:            But there’s obviously something more here going on than either of us know about. But all I know is that I’m a descendant of Mr. Satan, the world’s greatest hero. And I guess maybe something else that no one feels like they need to explain to me.

Tonu’s Mom:     I’ve been telling you this for years. You’re just obsessed with Mr. Satan!

Tonu:            Yeah, he’s really great.

[Tonu’s Mom groans in exasperation.]

And I’m gonna use that and whatever this is to kick your ass.

Granola:       Oh yeah? Well answer me this, Tonu.

Tonu:            What?

Granola:       What day of the week is it?

Tonu:            Uh…Thursday?

Granola:       Wrong!

[Granola’s ability chimes.]

Double Sunday!

Tonu:            Huh?

[Granola screams as he powers up.]

Sage:            Several mountains blow up unnecessarily in the distance.

[Action music intensifies.]

Tonu:            Oh my god. Wow, that was incredible. I really gotta focus here.

Tamago:       You got this!

Tonu:            Okay. My inner Saiyan. My inner Saiyan. What could that mean?

King Kai:           Well let me ask you this. Was there anything that you ever did growing up that indicated that you were different from other children?

Tonu:            Well, like they were talking about, I had a tail. And one time, I turned into a monkey that was, like, sixty stories tall and I wrecked half the city. But that’s not that weird, is it?

King Kai:           That’s pretty weird.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

You’re a Saiyan, Tonu, and you need to embrace it.

Tonu:            Is that like a- a job? Do I have to apply?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

King Kai:           No. That’s something that you’re given. It’s something that you’re born with. You’re not descended from other Earthlings.

[Tonu gasps.]

You’re a different sort of person entirely. One much more special and powerful.

Tonu:            [baffled] I’m an alien?

King Kai:           How else—yes!

Tonu:            Hey, Tamago!

Tamago:       Yeah? What?

Tonu:            I’m an alien too!

Tamago:       What? I’m an alien!

Tonu:            Yeah! That’s so cool! We’re both alien!

Tamago:       Yeah!

Tonu:            Wow!

Tamago:       Now go kick his ass because you’re an alien!

Tonu:            Oh, okay.

[Granola groans in exasperation.]


Granola:       Tonu, I’ve had enough of this. You just keep wasting my time as if the- as if- as if it just doesn't even matter to you! We’ve been rivals our entire lives! Don’t you understand how important this match is? Only one of us is gonna be in the finals! Only one!

King Kai:           Tonu, I don’t understand. How did this rivalry start?

Tonu:            I don't know. I thought we were pretty good friends but, hmm. Well, if I think about it, one time, when we were in first grade, we were both gonna go on the slide. And then I wasn’t looking and I accidently broke the slide. [Travis stifles laughter]

[David and Sage stifle laughter.]

King Kai:           What?

Tonu:            Yeah. So he couldn't go on the slide 'cause I was playing tag kind of without looking and I broke it. And I guess that’s just something he’s kinda held against me this whole time.

King Kai:           Now, when you say you broke the slide…

[Sage and Travis stifle laughter.]

D’you mean, like, in half? Or just knocked it over?

Tonu:            Well, both really. Kinda- it broke in half and then it- it fell in.

King Kai:           Okay.

Tonu:            After that, that’s when I got my tail removed.

[Sage chuckles.]

King Kai:           I don't know how else to explain this to you, but you need to play tag with Granola. You need to play tag with Granola, right fuckin’ now.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Tonu:            [determined] Okay.

Granola:       It all comes down to this, Tonu, once and for all. You and me. After years and years and years of playing tag and hot lava monster, I’m sick of your shit!

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

We’re settling this once and for all.

Tonu:            Alright. But I’ll tell you, I don’t plan to get kicked out of this ring or knocked down. So that means you’re goin’ down. And I’m gonna give it everything I’ve got.

[Stat test chime.]

[He screams and sprints forward.]

Granola:       Give me everything you’ve got!

[Granola screams and charges.]

Travis:          108.

Sage:            57.

Travis:          Alright!

[Success chime.]

[The two throw a series of quick punches and kicks. One last punch to the chest sends Granola sailing out of the ring. He screams as he bounces across the grass.]

Tonu:            [concerned] Oh my god, are you okay?

Granola:       [pants] There’s some blood coming out of my eye. And my nose and my mouth. But just—

David:           My leg!

Granola:       —a little bit. [Sage stifles laughter]

Tonu:            That’s amazing, 'cause I think I hit you in the chest.

Granola:       Yeah.

Tamago:       Wow! You really fucking got ’im!

Tonu:            Oh yeah. This is- I think I get it.

King Kai:           You knocked his block off!

[Fight bell dings.]

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Tonu moves on to the finals!

[Tonu gasps.]

Tamago:       You won!

[The crowd claps and cheers.]

Tonu:            Oh my god! I won! Wow, that’s great. Holy crap. King Kai, that tag thing you talked about, that really worked! I don't know what a Saiyan is, but I’m really glad that I am one.

Granola:       [internal monologue] Wow. I really underestimated Tonu after all. I thought I had it in me, but maybe I’m just not thinking about this correctly. Maybe I’m just being too much of a…pessimistic asshole and that’s getting in the way. Oh no. My ego. It hurts.

[Gentle music.]

Tonu:            Wow. Thanks, that was a great fight.

Granola:       [irked] Shut up!

Tonu:            Look, I know you kinda hate me and stuff 'cause of the slide thing, but that was, like, ten years ago. D’you think maybe we can get over it?

Granola:       [groans in pain] …Maybe.

Tonu:            Alright. Well, just know that regardless of how much of friends we are, or even enemies, I’m ready to fight you anytime.

Granola:       [amused] Huh. I’ll take you up on that offer.

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Alright, we have our finalist. But there’s a quick problem.

Tamago:       What?

Tonu:            Huh?

Sage:            And then, suddenly!

[A special ability warbles as it powers up.]

There’s a huge surge in energy. Something’s about to explode!

[Tamago gasps.]

The area where everybody hangs out!

David:           The lounge!

[Sage chuckles.]

Tamago:       Uh-oh.

Mysterious Android:     I’ve had enough of this.

Tooba:          Uh, what?

Mysterious Android:     Your jokes are terrible.

Tooba:          [offended] Hey.

Mysterious Android:     I’m gonna get those dragon balls.

Tooba:          What are you do—

Mysterious Android:     No matter what?

[Suspenseful music.]

Tooba:          You haven’t even told me what you’re gonna use them for. Wait, wait!

King Kai:           Tooba! Tooba, we can’t let him use the dragon balls.

Tooba:          I know!

King Kai:           Otherwise you’re not gonna get whatever the hell it was you were going to wish for.

Tooba:          [tearful] I want a mom!

[The Mysterious Android’s ability powers up even more.]

Mysterious Android:     [screaming] Insane missile!

[A beat of silence. An explosion goes off as Tooba screams! King Kai starts screaming as well. Tonu joins the chaos. Tamago chimes in with her scream. Granola pitches in.]

[Travis laughs.]

[Everyone continues screaming. Travis stifles laughter.]

David, Travis:      My leg!

Sage:            The lounge has been completely destroyed and much of the stadium as well. Deaths everywhere and the only fighters left alive…are Tooba, who was technically in the junior league—

[Stifled laughter.]

—and Tonu.

David:           Ouch.

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] What are we going to do? We don’t have enough fighters to- to do the last round.

Tooba:          Uh—

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] I mean, unless…

Tooba:          [hesitant] I’m still here. And I would really like to have a chance to [stifles a sob] have a wish. [stifles a sob]

Mysterious Android:     Not so fast.

[He flies into the ring and lands.]

I’m getting in that ring and you’re gonna give me those dragon balls.

Tooba:          No! You are not a good guy! And I’m gonna—

King Kai:           Say it with your chest!

Tooba:          I- [deeper] You are not a good guy!

[Travis stifles laughter.]

And I am the guardian of Earth. As the last Namekian from a descendant of Piccolo!

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Oh no! It looks like we might have to have a battle royale to settle this once and for all!

Tonu:            Hold on. So many people just died. What happened? [Travis stifles laughter.]

[Jessica and Sage chuckle.]

Mysterious Android:     I did what I had to to get my hands on those dragon balls. The only way for me to compete was to wipe out the competition. A costume would have just been filler. A waste of time. Everyone in the vicinity with a power level under 1,000 has fallen to one of my signature techniques.

Tonu:            [quiet, shocked] You- you killed all these people?

Tooba:          [tearful] He’s an android.

Tonu:            You…[angry] You bastard!

Mysterious Android:     I got sick and tired of waiting for all of you to expel exposition.

Tonu:            But that’s the point of the game!

[Sage chuckles.]

Tooba:          [burps] I’m nervous.

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Well, due to an ar- a completely arbitrary rule, it looks like we have to have four fighters for a battle royale.

Tamago:       Hi! I’m here! And I can fight.

[Tonu gasps.]


Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] It seems like you’re the only fighter who entered the tournament left. Even though you lost, we’ll have to go based off of audience cheer. [Sage stifles laughter]

Tooba:          They’re all dead.

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Oh no, you’re right! Then Tamago, you can’t enter the ring!

Tonu:            Wait a minute! King Kai, can you hear me?

[Mental link chimes.]

King Kai:           Yeah, what’s up?

Tonu:            Can you come be in the audience so we can get Tamago in the fight?

King Kai:           Hold on. Let me zero in on your location. Which I already have, but I’m gonna do it again 'cause I got myself a snack.

[Travis and Sage stifle laughter.]

[King Kai teleports into the bleachers.]

Okay. ’Lo we’re here.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Tonu:            Can you bring something for me too? I’m starving.

King Kai:           No, it’s too late. I’m already here.

Tonu:            Oh—

King Kai:           How can I help?

Tonu:            Oh! Ah, hey! Mr. Judge Guy, we have an audience member!

King Kai:           Whoo!

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker] Well would you look at that? One person in the audience. Good enough for me. Tamago, you’re reentered.

Tamago:       Thank you, King Kai.

Tonu’s Mom:     [pained] Tonu? Tonu?

Announcer:      [on loudspeaker, gasps] I stand mistaken. A second.

Tonu’s Mom:     [pained] Tonu.

Tonu:            Huh? Uh—

Tonu’s Mom:     It’s your mother slowly dying—

[Emily stifles laughter.]

—from calling out your name.

Tonu:            [gasps] What?!

[Suspenseful music.]

Tonu’s Mom:     And all your- you’re caring about is snacks.

[Tonu rushes over to his mother.]

Tonu:            [worried] Mom! What happened?

Tonu’s Mom:     [pained] Tonu. That android’s murdered us all. You have to fight for me and our family. [gasps]

Tonu:            Okay.

Tonu’s Mom:     I’m so sorry.

Tonu:            What- i- what? [worried] Mom.

[Tonu’s Mom groans in pain.]

Mom! No!

Tonu’s Mom:     I love you, son. [gasps]

Tonu:            D-don’t go! No, it’s okay! Don’t go. Don’t go! Don’t…[pants in fear]

Tonu’s Mom:     [moans, weak] Kick some ass…

Tonu:            [clenched teeth] No.

[Suspenseful music intensifies.]


King Kai:           She’s dead, Jim.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Tonu:            Noooooooooooooooooo!


Shenron Dragon icon


Narrator:         In a disastrous, show-stopping turn, almost all participants of the World Martial Arts tournament have been killed. Who is this Mysterious Android? And is there no end to its power? The dragon balls remain unclaimed. Can Tonu dig down to his ancestral roots and unlock the true form of a super Saiyan? What of Tamago and Tooba and their untapped transformations? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

[Rock music plays.]

[The Twilight Space music crescendos and cuts off.]



[The Twilight Space music throughout.]

Kristin Couture:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Travis Reaves, Jessica Dahlgren, Emily Ervolina, and David Michmerhuizen.

Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Twilight Space artwork by Chandler Candela

Original music score by Sage G.C.

A very special thanks to all our wonderful Patreon supporters of past, present, and future.

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram @20SidedStories

Or visit our website for all sorts of goodies at 20sidedstories.com

Narrator:         That does it for part 1. But this isn’t even our final form. Make sure to tune in next time, when we continue this saga and conclude THE TWILIGHT SPACE, with DRAGON BALL Z - Part 2.

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]


Thanks For Listening!

Sage:            [mumbling] For anyone out there following the Dragon Ball Super manga, just wanna say we recorded this back in November. I picked Granola as a name 'cause I thought it was too stupid to get picked by the actual franchise. Just sayin’. Unrelated, accidental.

[loud] Anyway! [normal] I am going to be streaming on Twitch this Saturday morning. 9 AM Pacific time, where I’ll be doing some live scoring of the music for Part 2 of our DBZ episode. So if you want a little sneak peek of what’s to come, please come hang out. I would love to see you there in the chat, think it’s gonna be a lot of fun.

This is part of a larger initiative, so to speak, to get the whole 20 Sided team and I streaming more regularly. But more on that later. I’m @twitch.tv/sagegc. Link in the episode description.

Part 2 should come out next week, but just in case make sure you’re subscribed or following on whatever app you’re listening with, and I’ll see you then. Thanks for listening.