Lily Kline (Character Prologue)

20 Sided Stories

Adventure Pass

MARVEL - Lily Kline (Prologue)

Air Date: December 18, 2019


Sage G.C.:         The following podcast has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, the Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

[Podcast Intro music plays.]

Jessica Dahlgren:       Thank you and welcome to 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



Lily Kline (Prologue)

[Slow music.]

Sage:            Character prologue one of three.



Lily Kline, currently age thirteen, is being forced against her will by the man, by adults, by society to attend a public education system. What a drag. One day it will get better, but she’s only in eighth grade. Though soon to graduate, Lily is bored out of her mind and, right now, asleep in science class.

[Music fades.]

Teacher:       Lily, wake up! Lily!

Lily:           [grunts, coughs] What?

Teacher:       You fell asleep on your desk again.

Lily:           Mmm, I don’t know about that. I was, um, examining the molecular structure of the desk and therefore was still doing my work.

Sage:            The whole class is watching this of course, because this teacher Mr... Darelinski. [stifles laughter]

Emily:          Fuck that guy.

Sage:            Yeah. He is pointing you out again. He’s done this before.

[Stat test chime.]

Let’s roll for Soul.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Great! That is as much of a success as you could possibly get.

[Misadventure music.]

Mr. Darelinski stares at you for a moment.

Mr. Darelinski:     Oh. Oh. Okay, um… Well, did you come to any conclusions about the molecular properties of the desk?

Lily:           Uh, yup.

Mr. Darelinski:     We are studying [Sage stifles laughter] molecules at the moment.

Lily:           I found that it is, in fact [knocks on desk] a solid.

Mr. Darelinski:     Very good. Very good! There are three types. We have the solids, we have the liquids, we have the gases. Right? [Sage stifles laughter] That’s all of ’em.

Lily:           Nope. There’s a fourth one and it’s plasma.

Mr. Darelinski:     Ahh, very good, very good!

Sage:            This goes on for the next forty-five minutes, and then the bell finally rings.

[Bell rings. Electric guitar music.]

Lily:           [quiet] Oh thank god.

Sage:            Lily leaves the classroom and gets ready to head over to her next class, which is band. The final class for the day.

[Lily sighs. Instrument case zips open.]

Lily:           [quiet] Okay, okay, okay.

[She blows her lips in a raspberry to warm up.]

[quiet] You got this, you got this. Embouchure, you got it girl, come on.

[She blows another raspberry.]

Okay. You’re gonna be fine.

[Footsteps approach.]

Gonna be fine.

Boy:           Um, are you practicing band stuff?

Lily:           Yeah. Do you not practice your embouchure, Ted?

Ted:           Oh, well—

Lily:           Or do you play the violin?

Ted:           Well, I actually, um—

[Instrument case clicks open.]

—well, it’s funny ’cause I just actually recently, um, as of recently- if this is—

Lily:           I don’t need your life story.

Ted:           Well, I just- I—

Lily:           I need to go to band practice. I need to get my fucking mouth position right. I need to get an A on this.

Ted:           Well, I guess I’m, like, gonna be your partner. [nervous] Well, like, I- well, I- I was on violin, and they said that I wasn’t, um, uh, that I just, uh, best, you know, just not- [mumbles] I’m not very good at it. So I’m not, um, gonna be playing the violin anymore. They said I’m going to join the bass clarinets.

Lily:           Oh.

Ted:           So now—

Lily:           [irritated] Oh good. That’s- that’s just me.

Ted:           Yeah.

Lily:           That- yeah. One.

Ted:           So there’s now two of us. It’s just me and you. Um… [clears throat] So I’m heading to the same place you are. Um, you wanna walk together?

Lily:           Nope. Can you read music, Ted?

Ted:           Can I— What does that mean?

Lily:           Yup. Okay. Bye.

Ted:           Wait. Wait! [distant] Wait!

[Shoes tap on tile as Lily heads to class. She blows her lips to warm up the whole way.]

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck.

Sage:            Lily bumps into some jock asshole.

[Thud. Light rock music.]

Jock:         Hey! Watch where you’re going.

Lily:           [quiet] You fucking watch it. I swear to god, I’ll beat your ass with a bass clarinet!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Let’s roll for Power.

[Failure chime.]

[Stifled laughter.]

[groans] Lily feels the fire inside of her, however, after this very awkward exchange with Ted, she is not feeling totally confident. So what she said came out a little more meek.

Jock:         Sorry, nerd? You talkin’ to me like that? Do I have to go start somethin’ somewhere?

Lily:           Yeah- yeah, like where? D’y- d’you know the names of places and things?

Jock:         Like right here.

Sage:            And he pushes Lily down on the floor and walks off.

Lily:           Bye, tiny dick! See ya never!

[Emily stifles laughter.]

[Shoes scuff to a stop.]

Ted:           Are you talking to me?

Lily:           You really need to learn some self-respect, dude.

Ted:           I just- I- I was going the same direction as you, so I just caught up naturally.

Lily:           Did you push a helpless, young woman to the floor?

Ted:           N-no. I’m Ted. ’Member me? I’m Ted?

Lily:           Yeah, I know.

Ted:           I saw him pushed you. Um…

Lily:           Yeah, I know Ted.

Ted:           That’s—

Lily:           Ted. Ted.

Ted:           Yeah.

Lily:           I’m gonna give you a little piece of advice.

Ted:           Okay. What’s your name? Sorry. You go first.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Ted… Shut up.

Ted:           Oh.

[Footsteps fade as Lily walks away. Rock music picks back up.]

Sage:            [chuckles] Ted waits for Lily to leave and then, as you get a couple feet ahead of him, he has to go in the same direction, so Ted is shadowing right behind you, maybe three to four feet.

[Lily sighs.]

And looks away every time you turn around.

Lily:           Keep up. [blows lips]

[Music crescendos and fades.]



Sage:            We cut towards the end of band class. You have been partnered up to work together and practice.

[Various instruments play randomly in the background. Lily sighs.]

Lily:           Don’t forget to empty your spit valve right in front of Greg so he slips.

Ted:           Oh, that’s a lot. [clears throat]

Lily:           Yeah. Tip it upside down.

Ted:           Okay.

Lily:           Tip- tip it upside down.

[Liquid splashes.]

Ah, that’s a splash.

[Ted groans in disgust.]

Oh, yikes. That was gnarly.

Ted:           [quiet] Yeah.

Lily:           You got a lot o’ spit in you for a little man.

Ted:           Yeah, I salivate a lot.

Lily:           Yup.

Ted:           I have…

Lily:           Okay.

Ted:           I have generalized—

Lily:           Nope! Nope. We’re good.

Ted:           Okay.

Lily:           We can stop there. Wonderful.

Ted:           What is your name? You never told me.

[Lily sighs.]

Ted:           Oh wait. The teacher said it. Lllila.

Lily:           Yeah. Sure, we’re gonna go with that one. Okay. Hold on. Hold this end while I empty the spit out.

[Instrument case rustles.]

Ted:           Okay.

[Clarinet clicks open and liquid splashes.]

Lily:           Whoo-whee! Very good. I guess, uh, I’m salivating a lot too.

Ted:           Oh.

Lily:           Wonderful. Alright, well someone’s gonna have to clean that up… Not me. How much time until this is over?

Ted:           Five minutes.

Lily:           Yeah, okay. Miss- Miss- Miss Jameson? Uh…

Miss Jameson:         Yes?

Lily:           Can I use the restroom?

Miss Jameson:         Uh, well, there’s five minutes until the bell rings, I think you can wait.

Lily:           I don’t know about that. Pretty sure they’d, uh, changed that law recently, where you can’t deny students going to the bathroom.

Miss Jameson:         Uh, I didn’t get a memo for that. You’re just gonna wait five minutes. Okay.

Lily:           Well, there’s already a lot o’ liquid on the floor. Might as well…

Ted:           Hey- hey, Lila, I had a question. I don’t have anybody else to ask this question. Um, I don’t get along very well with my brother, Robin. He’s really mean to me and, uh, I don’t know. You’re kind of cool. Do you know anybody who… Do you know how to… How do I get along with my brother?

Lily:           I’m in the middle of trying to go pee, Ted. Can we- can we table this one?

Ted:           Well, the teacher said you can’t.

Lily:           Yeah…

Ted:           So you can’t do it.

Lily:           Right. But do you see how I’m currently dismantling my instrument, putting it in my case, and standing up to go?

[Instrument clatters and rustles. Misadventure music builds.]

Ted:           I know. I just- I’m gonna have to see my brother soon, and so—

Lily:           Goodbye. Goodbye, Ted.

[Footsteps tap as Lily hurries away.]

It’s an emergency, Miss Jameson! I’ll see you tomorrow!

[Door creaks open. Music crescendos. Bell rings.]

Sage:            Relief!

Lily:           [sighs] …Fucks sake.

Sage:            Finally, another day in the system has been conquered.

Lily:           Smash that. Nailed it. Up top, my man.

Sage:            [amused] You randomly high-five somebody. They go along with it.

[High-five claps.]

So Lily normally rides the bus, so she heads for the bus.

[Bus door creaks open.]

Gets on the bus, and there’s only—

Lily:           [quiet groan] Oh good.

Sage:            —one seat left on the bus. [stifles laughter]

Lily:           [groans] Awesome.

Sage:            And you’ll never guess who’s in the other seat. [chuckles]

Emily:          [chuckles] How did he get here before me?

[Bus starts and the engine revs as it pulls away. Lily takes a deep breath and sighs.]

Lily:           [mumbles] Mother of…god…

Ted:           Oh.

Lily:           [mumbles] This is why god invented headphones. [scoffs]

Ted:           Wow. Uh, wait, oh. Can you not… Hey.

Sage:            Lily is drumming on her thigh.

Ted:           Hey, hey!

Sage:            Ted starts poking you on the shoulder.

Lily:           [sighs, resigned] Yes, Theodore.

Ted:           Don’t you think— Oh, you used my full name. That’s…like what my mom says. And my brother when he’s being a dick.

Uh, I think it’s just kinda neat that somehow, we ran into each other in passing before we got partnered in band, and then also we’re on the bus together, and it was the one seat that was left. Don’t you think that’s kind of neat?

Lily:           [false awe] Wow. It’s like cosmic destiny.

Ted:           Yeah, like, they- cosmic.

Lily:           No, Ted.

Ted:           Like the cosmos is like—

Lily:           We are two people in a six-hundred-person school, and we’re in the same grade.

Ted:           [quiet] Oh. Yeah, I guess the odds aren’t—

Lily:           Do you like math, Ted? I’m gonna go with yes.

Ted:           [quiet] I’ll just stop talking.

Lily:           That’s—

Ted:           [mumbles] Everybody I talk to doesn’t like me when I just say things—

Lily:           Ted.

Ted:           —and then everybody hates me. So I’ll stop.

Lily:           It’s not- it’s not- it’s not you, Ted. I just- I’m not good with people. Especially people who talk for an extended amount of time at me. Not- not great, but… [sighs] I- I have a sister.

[Sentimental music plays.]

Ted:           Oh.

Lily:           I- I know [mumbles] what it’s like to have a sibling and, you know, have it be hard. So… [normal] Cosmic fate. [laughs mockingly]

Ted:           What’s- what’s your sister’s name?

Lily:           H-her name is Masha.

Ted:           [quiet] Oh, that’s neat.

Lily:           Yeah. It’s, um, Russian.

Ted:           She go here?

Lily:           Uh, no. She- she goes to, uh, Hamilton High School.

Ted:           Oh, okay.

Lily:           Yeah.

Ted:           So she’s older. That’s cool. My brother’s older than me too. They’re— Are all older people mean, or is it just my brother?

Lily:           [sighs] What I find is that when Masha is having a hard time with herself and what’s going on, that sometimes she’ll take it out on me or the people she loves, but it doesn’t- it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love me or whatever. It just means that, you know, sometimes people are doing stuff that you don’t see and it makes them act different. But you didn’t do anything wrong? Or something. I don’t know. I don’t [mumbles] fuckin’ know.

Ted:           No that’s…that’s helpful. Thank you, Lila.

Lily:           It’s- [sighs] it’s Lily.

Ted:           Oh. Is that what the teacher said? I’m sorry.

Lily:           No, it’s fine. I don’t think she likes me very much, so…

Ted:           Yeah. You yell a lot...

Lily:           Also pretty sure her last name’s not Jameson, I just saw her getting wasted at a staff party once, so…

Sage:            All of a sudden…

[Eerie whoosh. The Snap echoes.]

You feel like something’s up, and the bus veers off the road.

Lily:           What the… Holy shit!

Ted:           Uh oh. That can’t be good.

[Bus drives over the rumble strips.]

Sage:            Everyone begins to take notice. The bus is about to crash into a building and ash is flying into your face from the front.

[Children begin murmuring. Muffled screaming is heard in the street.]

Lily:           What the fuck?

Ted:           Oh no. Oh no. Ah! Ugh. My eyes! Wait…

Lily:           Oh my god. What is this?

[Ash rustles softly.]

Ted:           Uh…

Lily:           Is this a- this dust?

Ted:           Uh, Lily…

Lily:           Ted. Oh, oh shit.

Ted:           Where is my arm going?

Lily:           Ted.

Ted:           Why are- what is happening?

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck. [normal] What the fuck? Does this normally happen to you?

Ted:           [worried] No.

Lily:           Fuck. Oh…

Ted:           [worried] Thanks for the advice.

[Tires squeal as they jump the curb.]

Lily:           Holy—

[Bus slams into a building, glass shatters, deafening silence.]


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Fire crackles. Ash rustles as it rains down. Lily moans as she wakes up and coughs.]

Lily:           Ted?

Sage:            There is ash all over the bus. When you look in the front seat there is no driver.

Lily:           Hello?

Sage:            There’s no Ted next to you.

[Lily exhales in panic.]

There’s not students onto your left side either, in the other two seats.

[Lily exhales in panic again.]

But you do see some people, somebody passed out further on the bus.

Lily:           [grunts] Hello?

Sage:            You crawl, try to get their attention.

[Metal creaks. Clothes rustle.]

Lily:           Hey. [fast] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Wake up!

Sage:            You roll them over, and it’s that asshole, bully jock who pushed you earlier.

[Jock grunts in pain.]

Lily:           Hey.

Jock:         [dazed] What’s happenin’?

Lily:           I don’t fucking know.

Jock:         Oh my god, my neck hurts.

Lily:           What happened to everybody?

Jock:         I had- the driver just started fading into dust.

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck.

Jock:         I feel sick. I don’t know if that’s the car… [groans] My stomach. I feel, like, nauseous.

Lily:           Okay. Don’t throw up on me, first of all. [nervous chuckle]

Jock:         Did I push you earlier?

Lily:           Yeah. You fucking did!

Jock:         [dazed] I’m sssorry.

Lily:           [quiet] I don’t give a shit.

Jock:         Your nose is bleeding.

Lily:           [sniffs] Yeah. I know.

Jock:         Did you hit your nose?

Lily:           Well, probably! Does it…does it look broken?

Jock:         It looks like… It’s, like, profusely running.

[Lily sniffs and groans.]

Sage:            And then Lily gets in- this insane, unbelievably, overwhelming sense of smell.

[Suspenseful music. Lily sniffs and groans in discomfort.]

Ash. Burnt metal and rust. Blood.

Jock:         Are you okay?

Lily:           Oh…

Jock:         What’s going on?

Lily:           [worried] I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. [sniffs] Can you smell that?

[Lily pants in suppressed panic.]

Jock:         Uh, no. I mean, it smells like smoke a little bit.

Lily:           [sniffs] Oh my god.

[Lily covers her nose.]

[muffled] Oh my god. I have to go.

Jock:         W-wait.

[Shoes stomp as Lily runs.]

Sage:            Lily leaves. She looks around and hears chaos throughout the city of Los Angeles.

[The bus engine idles. People scream in the streets. Glass breaks. A panicked child’s shrieking cuts over the noise. Car horn blares ahead.]

People are running around and screaming. There’s ash, there’s- like, everywhere. You feel sick. You feel throughout your veins that there’s- it’s, like, almost this burning sensation, and you just can’t get over the sense of smell. You can smell everything around you. It is so overwhelming. Between shit on the streets, the smoke from the cars, the ash on the ground.

Lily:           [groans] Oh. Masha. Shit! [fast] Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Sage:            Lily pulls out her phone.

[Phone dials and rings. Lily groans in discomfort from all the smells.]

Lily:           [plugging her nose] Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up. Oh my god, please pick up.

Sage:            It doesn’t.

Voice Mail:           Hi, you’ve reached Masha Mirova—

Lily:           Fuck!

Voice Mail:           —please leave a message after the tone. Bye. [beep]

Lily:           [plugging her nose] M-Masha! It’s- it’s- it’s me. I… Everybody turned to dust and [groans] god the smell. Oh my god. [sniffs] The smell. [groans] Please, please call me back. I-I’m gonna try to get home, okay? You try to get home too. Okay? [exhales in panic] Please call me. [exhales] Oh fuck. D-did Mom pick up Rose? Oh, sh- fuck. Okay. I’m going home. I’m going home. I’m going home. Please meet me at home. Please.

[Phone beeps as she hangs up.]

Guess I’m walking. [groans] Shit.

Man:                —just disappeared. Everybody’s just gone!

Lily:           Wh- h- excuse me. Excuse me.

Man:                [gasps] What?

Lily:           Do you know what’s going on?

Man:                No! Everyone just disappeared! I gotta go find my family. Get away from me!

[The Man shoves her and runs away.]

Lily:           Ugh. Fuck. ’Kay.

Sage:            That person smelled.

Lily:           Ugh. Take a bath! [muffled] Jesus.

[Shoes continue on pavement. Lily groans as she walks home.]

Sage:            Finally, Lily gets to the door of her house. She is feeling very worn down.

Lily:           [sighs, calls out] Mom? Dad? Masha? Rose? Are you- are- are you home?

[Clothes rustle as she searches her pockets.]

I can’t find my fucking keys.

Sage:            [chuckles] Lily stands outside of her front door for quite a while.

Lily:           I’m going to have to break the fucking window. [groans, quiet] Oh Jesus. Oh my god.

[A brick scraps as she picks it up.]

Sorry, Mom.

[Lily grunts and a window shatters.]

[Episode End music.]



Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves.

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina.

Direction, Editing, and Music by Sage G.C.

Thank you all for your support, as always. Two more prologues are on the way, so I’ll see you on the next 20 Sided Story. Later.

Masha Mirova (Character Prologue)

20 Sided Stories

Adventure Pass

MARVEL - Masha Mirova (Prologue)

Air Date: January 8, 2020


Sage G.C.:         The following podcast has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, the Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

[Podcast Intro music plays.]

Jessica Dahlgren:       Thank you and welcome to 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



Masha Mirova (Prologue)

[Gentle music.]

Sage:            Character prologue two of three.



Masha Mirova. Currently seventeen years old, about to graduate high school and move on to college life and adulthood.

Masha was born in Russia and adopted by the Klines at a very young age. She’s an all-star student, but a little anxious due to a secret she’s had for as long as she can remember.

Six superpowers, all entirely different, but she could only use one at a time, and which one is totally random.

Her sister, Lily, thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world, but until Masha learns to control these powers, she’s very hesitant to embrace or use them.

Masha is home, it’s the early afternoon, and she’s expecting a phone call. One that can completely change the course of her life.

[Suspenseful music.]

[Phone rings. Masha gasps.]

Masha:            Oh, wait. [clears throat] Oh my gosh.

[Phone beeps as she answers.]


Man:                [over phone] Hello?

Masha:            H-hi!

Man:                Am I speaking to Masha Mirova?

Masha:            That is me. That is I [nervous chuckle].

Man:                Hello, Masha.

Masha:            Hello!

Man:                Mirova. If I’m not mistaken, that’s Russian in origin.

Masha:            Yes.

Man:                Excellent. Now, that is actually going to be my first question. We just wanted to get this, uh, outta the way, ’cause we’re—

Masha:            I’m sorry, who is this?

Man:                Oh! Great question.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

I’ll give you a little star right here.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Thank you.

Man:                My name is Richard.

Masha:            Hi, Richard! Do you have a—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

—title, or a last name or… Now I’m kinda worried.

Richard:         [over phone] My name is Richard Dickens.

Masha:            Richard Dickens.

Richard:         [Sage chuckles] Correct.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

I’m just here to interview you. I’m a recruiter. I’m overseeing the vetting process in the September Foundation.

Masha:            [gasps] Oh, yes!

[Music becomes hopeful.]

Richard:         From Stark Industries for young prodigies.

Masha:            Yes, yes, yes.

Richard:         Yes. We’ve done some email exchanges, um, talked to your parents and whatnot, so now we’re at the phone interview, and if this goes well, we’ll, uh, send you an email or a letter of some kind, and move on to further steps. Eventually that’s the onsite interview, there might be a couple of those.

Masha:            Oh, wow, yeah.

Richard:         [over phone] Yeah. And then we’ll rope you in if everything’s great.

Masha:            Oh my gosh, okay. Yeah, well, I-I’m just at home right now, so I have all the time for this, uh, phone interview.

Richard:         Get outta school today? You had school today, right? It’s a weekday.

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no. I-I do, like, a work study program, so I get outta school a little bit earlier than others, um, so…

Richard:         Excellent. Excellent.

Masha:            Yeah.

Richard:         That is splendid. Now, I just had a couple of questions here.

Masha:            Okay.

Richard:         Firstly, I just wanted to make sure, ’cause it was a little unclear. Do you require any sort of visa or permit to work in the United States?

Masha:            Um—

Richard:         Or any sort of sponsorship?

Masha:            N—

Richard:         Are you a legal U.S. citizen?

Masha:            Y- I- I am a legal U.S. citizen. I recently, uh, couple years ago, got my legal citizenship. I- I was a part of the foster care system when I was young, and then my parents adopted me a little over ten years ago, and, uh, ever since then we’ve been in the process of getting my citizenship.

All this to say, yes! I am an American citizen.

Richard:         Good to know. So, uh, it says here you have two sisters.

Masha:            Yes, I do. Uh, Lily and Rose.

Richard:         Ah, tell me about them.

Masha:            Uh, well, Lily—

Richard:         You are the oldest, correct?

Masha:            I am the oldest. Uh, Lily is the second oldest. She’s in eighth grade right now. Um, she’s very spunky and, em, she’s, like, a force to be reckoned with. And Rose is the cutest girl in the world. Um—

Richard:         How old is Rose?

Masha:            Um, Rose just turned seven.

Richard:         Adorable.

Masha:            Yeah. She’s—

Richard:         She at school right now? She- she just got out?

Masha:            Yes. She’s wicked smart. Her and Lily should be home soon.

Richard:         [over phone] And they probably both look up to you quite a bit, don’t they?

Masha:            Yeah. [nervous laugh] Yeah. I hope that I can be a good role model to them.

Richard:         Moving on…

Masha:            Okay.

Richard:         What are your strengths?

Masha:            Oh. Um, I work like a maniac. Um, like a good maniac! I’m not crazy—

Richard:         What are your weaknesses?

Masha:            Um, I can be sometimes a little, like, nervous, like right now. Sorry. To be honest, I’m a little nervous, but you know, it’s just—

Richard:         Why should the September Foundation consider you over any other candidate? We do hand out, of course, multiple scholarships.

Masha:            Right.

Richard:         What d’you think makes you stand out?

Masha:            I think I have very pure and good i-intentions in what I wanna do, and I a—

Richard:         Do you have any relatives, maybe friends, family of any other employees that could refer you inside the system? ’Cause that’s something I didn’t notice on your application, was any sort of referral from anybody in Stark.

Masha:            Well…well, my parents are, um, my mom teaches third grade, and my dad he just works at, like, an office for a company. So, um… We’re- we’re a very, like—

Richard:         So that’s a no, then?

Masha:            What was that?

Richard:         That’s a no, then?

Masha:            Um. N-no. I don’t- I don’t have any—

Richard:         You don’t have any referrals?

Masha:            Referrals, like, within Stark Industries?

Richard:         Yeah, anybody that you could call upon. Anybody that even you, uh, know of.

Masha:            Uh, well, I know Pepper Potts. Not person—

Richard:         You know Pepper Potts personally?

Masha:            [fast] No, no, no, no. But you said I—

Richard:         Okay, great. Good to know, um.

Masha:            Okay. [nervous chuckle]

Richard:         What would be your ideal institution? Where is this money going?

Masha:            Maybe, like, Stanford or, um, maybe Brown. I hope that one day I could also work for Stark Industries, because I feel like I’d be a really good asset, and I think—

Richard:         [over phone] Okay, great. How do you handle people that annoy you?

Masha:            Um, I treat people with kindness.


I try to.


Richard:         Mmm, ’kay. And do you have any techniques, or tools maybe, to keep yourself organized?

Masha:            I do a lot of, um, guided meditations, and I like to jog in the morning occasionally. I should do it more than I do, but, uh, I feel like that helps my mind stay more focused.

Richard:         And which mark of the Iron Man suit was your favorite?

Masha:            I…liked the newest one. Because—

Richard:         And which mark was that?

Masha:            [nervous chuckle] It’s slipping my mind right now. [nervous chuckle] It’s funny.

[Richard’s scoff of feigned amusement comes clearly over the phone.]

Richard:         Oh. Is it- is it really?

Masha:            Um, yeah.

[Clothes rustle as Masha moves her phone to look at it. She searches the Internet quickly.]

Let me…uh. I’m sorry. I think you might be, uh, cutting out. Um, uh—

Richard:         That’s okay, we’ll just move on to the next question.

Masha:            I- I really like the—

[Search result pings.]

—Iron Herald armor.


Richard:         Uh, that doesn’t exist. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Masha:            Um, no [nervous chuckle] I’m just kidding.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[Fingers tap quickly on phone.]

Um. I really like, um—

Richard:         [over phone] Nah, it’s okay. Next question.

Masha:            No, no, no. I mean—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[Masha chuckles nervously.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Masha, can you go ahead and roll me Personal Soul and Personal Reality. To see how well this interview went. How is [amused] Richard Dickens taking it?

Jessica:          So, I’m rolling Soul first.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

It’s a hard yes.

Sage:            Great.

Jessica:          Reality….

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

A no.

Sage:            Hmm.

Richard:         [over phone] So what are you planning on majoring in? It says here “undeclared”.

Masha:            Um, yes. Uh, right now I’m undeclared, just because there are several different fields that I feel like I could be good in. Whether that be, uh, engineering for one, um, since I did really well in my engineering academy. Uh, but also poli sci really interests me, um, um, philan—

Richard:         You know this is just a fun little question, just something we like to ask at the end here. Uh, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Masha:            [nervous laughter] Wow. Um, just one superpower?

Richard:         [amused] Just- just one. Just one.

Masha:            [nervous] Yeah…

Richard:         I know sometimes people think of six different ideas, but just one.

Masha:            If I just had one superpower, I guess, um, it would be to heal.

Richard:         Healing powers? Like regenerative stuff?

Masha:            Regenerative powers, yeah. So, um, I think that a lot of people have superpowers that are very disruptive, so if I had a power, I would like to have healing, because then I could heal people of cancer, I could heal people who have in some- any other kind of illness, I could heal- even infrastructures and buildings if there was some kind of disaster.

Richard:         D’you have any secrets?


Masha:            [nervous chuckle] Well.


Um. N—


Richard:         [amused] I’m just messing with you.

[Masha laughs nervously.]

Ah, just a trick question. Love to throw the little fun ones in there, and that’s so fun.

Masha:            Mr. Dickens, that’s really funny.

Richard:         But really, if you had any secrets, we would need to know.

[Masha chuckles nervously.]

Just letting you know.

Masha:            Okay. Yeah. [chuckles nervously]

Richard:         Alright, Masha, uh, think I got everything on—

[The Snap echoes.]


Masha:            Yeah?

[Ash rustles.]

Richard:         Well… Okay.

[Ash rustles.]

Hold on.

[Ash scatters and the phone clatters to the floor.]

Masha:            Mr. Dickens?


[nervous chuckle] Is this another joke? [nervous chuckle] Hahaha.

[Phone disconnect tone.]


Sage:            Masha hears the sound of screaming and chaos coming from outside her home. She looks out the window.

[Muffled screaming in the street outside. Feet pad across carpet and a window blind is pulled up.]

Masha:            [quiet] Oh my god.

Sage:            There’s ash flying through the sky. The sounds of yelling, concerned screaming, people confused.

Masha:            Oh my go— I’m just gonna call my parents. Um.

[Phone beeps as she dials.]


[Phone rings.]

[nervous sigh] It’s calling, it’s ringing, it’s ringing. Okay, okay.

Sage:            There’s no answer.

Voice Mail:           Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system. [beep]

Masha:            Hey, Mom, um, yeah. Uh… Just [nervous chuckle] Uh, just wanted to check you’re okay. I heard a lotta screaming outside, and there’s ash, so um, just call me back whenever you get this. Everything’s fine at home, I just wanna make sure you’re okay. I’m gonna call Dad. Um. [quiet] Okay, fuck. Um…

Sage:            And then there’s a knock on the door.

Masha:            …Um. O-one second! Um… Shit.

[Feet tap across carpet as she heads to the door.]

Man:                [muffled] Help! Help! Please!

Masha:            Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming! Who is it?

[Door creaks open.]


Man:                It’s me.

Masha:            I d- I don’t know who “me” is. I’m a—

Roger:            Roger!

Masha:            Roger?

Roger:            I’m your neighbor!

Masha:            Oh, Mist—

Roger:            From across the street?

Masha:            Oh, Mr. Henderson!

Roger:            I give you butter all the time—

Masha:            Mr. Henderson, I’m—

Roger:            —and you forget my name?

Masha:            No! I’m so sorry! I just call you Mr. Henderson—

Roger:            Do you see what is happening right now?

Masha:            Is there a fire?

Roger:            Yes! Look at my house!

[Distant fire crackles.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh my god, Mr. Henderson! Okay, well—

Roger:            My wife, Mrs. Henderson, she was cooking potatoes! And then she disappeared! [Sage stifles laughter] And she dropped the pan. And before I knew it the whole house was burst into flames!

Masha:            Uh, well, have you call the am- like, 911? You should—

Roger:            Yeah, they didn’t answer!

Masha:            Wh- oh my god!

Roger:            911 didn’t answer!

Masha:            Um…

Roger:            This is madness!

Masha:            I- [frantic] What d’you want me to do? I’m seventeen!

Roger:            [frantic] I don’t know!

Masha:            I wish I could help you! I don’t know what else to do! I’m tryin’ to call my parents, my- I [takes a breath] Um, have you heard from my dad?

Roger:            No!

Masha:            Okay, hold on. I’m gonna turn on the news, okay? Maybe there’s something going on.

Roger:            [loud] The n- why d’you need to watch tv right now?

Masha:            I ju—

Roger:            This is a crisis!

Masha:            I’m not gonna watch tv! I just- if 911’s not answering and no one’s answering, I gotta turn on the news, Mr. Henderson. I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to yell. This is really—

Roger:            Where’s Iron Man when you need him?

Masha:            [quiet] I don’t know.

Roger:            Where’s the Hulk? Where’s f- that f- lighting god?

Masha:            Thor?

Roger:            You know ’im?

Masha:            I know of him.

Roger:            All the damn heroes are all the way on the east coast. I bet those New York folks would help us, but we don’t have anyone here!

Masha:            Okay, um—

[Shoes tap on pavement as Roger Henderson walks away. Distant fire crackles.]

Roger:            The end! This is the end of all things! [cries] My wife.

Masha:            Mr. Henderson, where are you going?

Roger:            [cries] I don’t know.

Masha:            [calls out] What about Whiskers?

Roger:            [sobs] It’s all doomed! [distant, yells] Where are the heroes when you need them?

Masha:            [yells] Okay! I get it!

[She steps outside and slams the door. Action music.]

Masha… Masha. Okay. Try to do something. Just try to do something. [burps] Got that out. Oof.

Sage:            The fire is spreading.

Masha:            [nervous] Oh my god, oh my god, okay.

Sage:            It’ll reach the other neighbor’s homes if she doesn’t act now.

Masha:            [nervous] Okay, I’m gonna act now!

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Reflexes?

[Sage stifles laughter. Jessica chuckles.]

Sage:            And how good are these reflexes?

[Stat test chime.]

Jessica:          Um. It’s 11 [chuckle].

Sage:            A single piece of wood falls! And she does a bunch of flips and jumps and dodges it, barely.

[Masha grunts as she moves around.]

She tries to conjure up some more energy. Maybe she can try again. There are five other possibilities here.

Masha:            [sighs] Okay. Alright. God, I hope nobody sees me. I’m gonna hide behind this bush. [whispers] Okay, come on, come on, Masha. Masha, Masha.

[Buzzing crinkle.]

Masha:            [whispers] Healing!

Sage:            Masha focuses in.

Masha:            [whispers] Okay.

Sage:            One of her six superpowers.

Masha:            [sighs, whispers] Secret superpowers.

Sage:            Is to heal matter. If she can focus in on it, depending on how she can conjure up the strength.

[Stat test chime.]

Jessica:          18.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            She can heal anything. With an 18, she takes a deep breath and uses her healing power.

[Masha inhales deeply and slowly releases it. Her healing powers chime and she grunts with the exertion.]

Masha:            [whispers] Is it working?

Sage:            There’s a catch though. While her healing power can restore matter, [amused] it can’t extinguish fire. So she watches this structure, as it’s crumbling, rebuild! It’s a brand new house! Fully remodeled, it looks perfect! The wood and the metal has been restored. [amused] But the fire is still there.

[Fire whooshes.]

Masha:            [nervous] I have nothing. Alright, you know what? Maybe- maybe I’ll try— [whispers] Okay, take a deep breath. Try one more time. Maybe if I have enough power I can break that fire hydrant…and the water will just help or something like that. [worried] Alright. Here I go. Come on, Masha. Come on, you just rebuilt his house!

[Buzzing crinkle.]

Goddammit! Healing again.

Sage:            [amused] Well, right in time! Because it was starting to burn down.

[Masha grunts.]

And the charred wood is restored! But the fire is still there. Masha has two more charges before she passes the fuck out [chuckles].

Masha:            [whispers] Oh god. Come on, come on, come on. You got this, you got this.

[She takes a deep breath and activates her powers again.]


[Echoing warble builds until all sound cuts off.]

Sage:            Time is frozen!

Masha:            Okay. Uh…

Sage:            The fire is still.

Masha:            Oh my gosh. Um.

Sage:            But how much time does she have?

[Stat test chime.]

Roll to find out.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          [whispers] 22.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Whoa. Yeah. You’re good. What d’you wanna do? [chuckles]

Masha:            I’m gonna go inside… Is- if the fra- if the flames are still going, but they’re still, is it still hot? I feel like I should know this, because…I’m really smart. [sighs] But I’ve never- no one’s ever frozen…fire before. Not…like water. Okay. I’m getting way too… It’s much—

Sage:            Times starts ramping back up. [amused] Masha spent all this time trying to think about what to do, and now the fire—

Masha:            Alright. I’m picking up this big ol’ boulder… I’m hittin’- I’m throwing it at the—

Sage:            Well, then you’re gonna have to roll Personal Strength instead of Powerful Strength.

Masha:            [nervously] I’m throwing it at the fire hydrant.

[Net chime.]

Jessica:          On the number.

Sage:            Hmm. She throws it at the fire hydrant and it makes a little dent. Some water spurts out. [amused] That’s not enough to save the house.

Masha:            Alright, I got one more. I got…

Sage:            She has one more charge. She’s feeling very tired and very exhausted.

[Buzzing crinkle.]

Masha:            Turn to steel! [gasps]

Sage:            Masha turns into this big block of iron!

[Metal scrapes and echoes. Masha’s voice sounds like it’s coming from metal tubes.]

Masha:            I’m gonna… Yes, yes, yes! [gasps] Punch this frickin’ fire hydrant!

Sage:            She herself does not have a lot of Personal Strength when she’s in her steel mode, but…

[Stat test chime.]

If she could roll me full orange, that’s Personal Strength and Powerful Strength, we could maybe see how she can use her weight.

[Failure chime.]

Jessica:          Personal Failed. 26.

Sage:            Personal fail with a 26 on Power! Well, then shit. Fuck everything I just said.

[Jessica and Sage chuckle.]

This is the strongest aluminum alloy you’ve ever encountered. This is basically a new element. [amused] This is the strongest steel any— This would be studied in labs for generations to come. Through Masha’s motivation, she’s able to conjure in a tremendous amount of weight within her body. She herself is not the force, it is just through gravity that she lifts her fists and then lets it go!

[Masha growls as she slams into the fire hydrant. Metal clanks on metal. Water sputters.]

Water sprays.

Masha:            Okay, I’m gonna make sure, while I’m steel, that Mr. Henderson’s cat is okay.

[Suspenseful music builds.]

[Heavy footsteps stomp as she runs inside.]

Sage:            Masha runs inside, clanking metal down on the ground.

Masha:            [pants] Uh, Whiskers! Whiskers!

Sage:            She’s running outta time. She’s gonna turn back to normal very soon.

[Fire crackles loudly. Cat meows in panic.]

Masha:            Whiskers! Whiskers! Come here. Come here, Whiskers!

[Cat meows.]

Whiskers, kitty, kitty, kitty. I know. It’s me. It’s Masha. I’ve come for you.

[Cat meows.]

Sage:            Masha’s made of metal and tries to gently pick up the cat.

[Metal clanks.]

Masha:            Okay, careful. Okay, I’m gonna shield you from the flames with my arms.

Sage:            She’s extremely hot and the cat jumps out of her arms.

[Cat yowls.]

Masha:            [frantic] No! Oh my god, I’m an idiot!

Sage:            ’Cause she’s capturing the heat from her body!

Masha:            Whiskers!

Sage:            But luckily, the cat jumped right out the window.

Masha:            [sighs] Oh, thank god. Okay, I’m getting out.

[Heavy footsteps stomp outside.]

Sage:            And right as she exits the building Masha is human again.

[Masha’s coughing warps from metallic to organic. A car whooshes past.]

Masha:            [coughs] The smoke is… Oh my god.

Sage:            Then you see, there’s some [stifles laughter] dorky lookin’ kid, maybe six years old, standing outside on the sidewalk, who just saw everything go down.

Masha:            Um…heeey.

Kid:            Dat was so cool!

Masha:            Yeeeah…What you just saw was, um…a…dream.

Kid:            [Sage stifles laughter] What?

[Masha makes silly ghost noises.]

[Sage stifles laughter] No, I’m- I’m wide awake, I’m not…

Masha:            Okay, well, um… Y- don’t tell anybody what you just saw, okay?

Kid:            Oooh, I see. You wanna keep it a secwet?

Masha:            [whispers] Exactly.

Kid:            [whispers] Okay, okay. I’ll keep it a secwet.

Masha:            [whispers] Okay, can you pinkie promise me?

Kid:            [whispers] Yeah. What- what do I call you?


Masha:            [whispers] Roulette.

Kid:            [whispers] That’s a very clever name. Whoever came up with that name is very clever.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh, well, uh, thank you.

Sage:            Masha turns around and turns around and goes to enter her home, but she notices…across the street! Right there! Is Lily. Her sister!

Lily:           [distant, groans] Jesus.

Masha:            Lily!

Sage:            Banging on the door, trying to get in. And then she picks up a rock—

Lily:           [distant] Sorry, Mom.

Sage:            —and throws it through the window!

[Glass shatters.]

Masha:            Lily! [coughs] I’m right here! Lily!

[Music builds and fades out.]



Sage:            20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves.

Masha Mirova, aka Roulette, was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Character artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

and Direction, Editing, and Music by Sage G.C.

Thank you so much for your support as always. One more prologue is on deck, so I’ll see you on the next 20 Sided Story. Later.

Eric Stanton (Character Prologue)

20 Sided Stories

Adventure Pass

MARVEL - Eric Stanton (Prologue)

Air Date: January 15, 2020


Sage G.C.:         The following podcast has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, the Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon. This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

[Podcast Intro music plays.]

Jessica Dahlgren:       Thank you and welcome to 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



Eric Stanton (Prologue)


[Gentle music.]

Sage:            Character prologue three of three.



Eric Stanton. Currently age twenty-five and living in Bolivia, South America.

Eric, aka Scry, is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, conscripted at the age of seventeen practically against his will. Eric has a very special and very specific power. Since puberty he has been able to tap into the senses of anyone he’s touched. So long as he has made physical contact, like a radio signal, he can hear what they are hearing, see what they are seeing, smell what they are smelling, and so forth. The farther away they are the harder it is to connect.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by the secret Nazi organization Hydra, Eric fled to Bolivia. For the past four years, he has been living there alone, doing what he does best: selling information and working as a sketchy private investigator.

Eric hears the sound of an alarm clock and opens his eyes.

[Alarm clock blares annoyingly. Eric takes a deep breath and groans.]

Eric:             [groggy] Saturday. Great.

[Sheets rustle as he reaches over and clicks the alarm off.]

[groggy] Okay, what’s happening?

Sage:            Eric’s looking at this alarm clock…

[Warbling whoosh builds.]

…and then it explodes.

[A bullet whips past, and the window and alarm clock shatter.]

Eric:             Jesus! Christ!

[Action music.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll me Mind, Eric

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Eric does not have any idea where this came from, but he’s pretty sure somebody just shot his alarm clock through the window—

[Travis and Sage stifle laughter.]

—attempting, possibly, to shoot him.

Eric:             It’s happening! It’s happening! Okay! Okay. Okay. Bag. Bag. Bag. Floorboard! Bag. Floorboard! Floorboard!

[Bare feet slap on wood as he runs across the room.]

Sage:            Eric goes to his hidden floorboard in the kitchen. He lifts up [chuckles] the—

Travis:          No, the bag is hidden under the fl- the floorboard is there—

Sage:            Yes, yes [chuckles].

Travis:          —the bag is under the floorboard. The floorboard is in plain sight.

Sage:            [amused] Okay.

Travis:          I don’t need to hide the floorboard.

Sage:            But, you lift up a floorboard and you find—

Travis:          I mean, maybe there’s a rug on it but…

Sage:            [chuckles] Yes. Yes, there’s a rug. You push it outta the way.

Travis:          Roll the rug back, get the floorboard…

Sage:            Lift it up, and there is a bag. And what is in the bag?

[Eric pushes a rug away and the floorboard creaks open.]

Eric:             Okay, uuuh, money. Uh, supplies, first aid. Dadada. Gun! Gun! Alright, um. Bows, passport, another passport, ID.

Sage:            Roll Combat. That’s Powerful.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

10! Wow! Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. In the dead center of 1-20. Um…

Travis:          Paid for a full season o’ this shit.

Sage:            [chuckles] Another bullet grazes right by Eric. He didn’t move [stifles laughter], but now he knows he needs to.

Eric:             Okay! Okay! Okay! I’m out. I’m out, I’m out. Beh leh leh. Out!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[A door bangs open as Eric rushes out of his apartment and into the stairwell. His voice and footfalls echo a bit in the enclosed concrete space.]

[mumbles] Okay, okay, okay. [normal] That’s the… I’m facing that, so the north side. Higher. Okay, I gotta go out the back. Okay, uuuhhh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric can roll full blue.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Travis:          6 on Personal, 8 on Powerful.

Sage:            Yeah, um…

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Eric is so flustered, [amused] he trips and falls down a flight of stairs.

[Thudding is heard as Eric falls. He grunts in pain the whole way down.]

Eric:             D-dammit. Ow! Fuck. Dammit! Ow! Dammit. [pants]

Sage:            He lands right in front of a door and then somebody opens it.

[Handle clicks and door swings open.]

Eric:             Shit!

[Suspenseful music.]

[Gun clicks as Eric raises it.]

Who’re you? What d’you want?

Sage:            He cocks his head. He’s wearing a mask of some kind.

Man:                You gonna give me ya money.

Eric:             [confused] You want my money?

Man:                Well, I want your money, personally, but then I’m also gonna take you somewhere.

Eric:             [mildly annoyed] Oh. No. No. Ah, dammit. Why couldn’t it just be a… How ’bout I give you the money and we don’t go somewhere?

Man:                How much money d’you got?

Eric:             Uhhh, hundred thousand?


Man:                You have a hundred thousand dollars?

[Eric makes a vague agreement noise.]

Where is it?

Eric:             It’s in this…it’s in this bag right here.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Let’s roll for Personal Reality.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Eric:             I can show you.

Man:                You have twenty seconds.

Eric:             Okay. No problem. Um…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Powerful Speed.

[Dice roll on table.]


[Net chime.]

Great! Uh…

Travis:          Hey! [amused scoff]

Sage:            You pull it out. However, it wasn’t quite fast enough to stop him from pulling his gun out.

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            You’re both now at gunpoint. Uh, some people have noticed [amused] behind this- behind you guys, and they scream and they run out of the apartment building.

Eric:             Mrs. Contrarez, I’m sorry! This isn’t what it looks like.

[Woman runs away screaming.]

’Kay. Now we both have a gun. And I still have a hundred thousand dollars. I swear. [stifles laughter]

[Sage chuckles.]

Man:                This is already taking a lot longer than it needs to.

Eric:             Yeah.

Man:                I’m gonna get in trouble if I don’t kill you.

Eric:             I bet. Here’s the— If you don’t kill me?

[Music stops.]

Man:                That’s what I’m here for.

Eric:             Oh, well, fuck this then [amused scoff].

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          20! And suck my dick.

Sage:            WOW! [chuckles]

[Three rapid gunshots go off. Man gags on blood and collapses with a thud.]

He collapses to the floor.

Travis:          I’m gonna touch his face.

Eric:             You still alive, still alive, you still alive, you still alive?

Sage:            Hella dead.

Eric:             God dammit.

Sage:            [amused] Hella fuckin’ dead.

Eric:             I did not think that through. Alright, fine. I gotta get outta here. I gotta go out the back. I gotta get to town square.

Sage:            Eric starts moving through La Paz, and he finds his way into some crowds to try to lay low. He’s checking his shoulders every moment he can and he is seeing- starting to see a pattern. There’s a lot of people watching him.

Eric:             I gotta go. I gotta go go. Alright. [sighs] Cathedral.

Sage:            Eric finds the nearest cathedral. It’s a pretty big one. Not, like, humongous, but it’s nice. Um, and he [amused] uh, makes his way into the confession booth.

[Door handle clicks and door squeaks open.]

Eric:             I could cable car? But then they’d be on a cable car, which is, by definition, the most inefficient means of public transport. I’ve got nothin’. I’ve got nothin’. I’ve got…


Holy shit. Okay.

[Clothes rustle as he pulls out his phone and dials.]

[quiet] I swear to god, you better pick up this fucking phone [sighs].

[Phone rings. It rings again. And again.]

Dan:             [over phone, hesitant] Eric?

Eric:             I need your help.

Dan:             Duuude.

Eric:             Uh-huh. I know, long time. It’s- long story. It’s- I’m in- okay.

Dan:             [over phone] I can’t believe I still had your number in this thing.

Eric:             Yeah, well, you know. I figured, uh…

Dan:             How- how- how ya doin’, man? I haven’t seen you since, you know, the whole Hydra thing.

Eric:             Mm-hmm. Uh, not great. So I have been hiding, uh, in Bolivia for the past however many years and—

Dan:             Bolivia?

Eric:             Yeah. Again, long story. Great place, great racquetball scene.

Dan:             Oh, that’s neat.

Eric:             Yeah. But, my spot just got blown up, and by blown up I mean someone shot my alarm clock and then tried to shoot me. I’m kind of in over my ass here, I could use some help.

Dan:             Oh, shit, dude.

Eric:             I don’t know if you have any contacts or anything, but this is literally my last.

Dan:             I mean, I ditched S.H.I.E.L.D. the same time you did.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Uhhh [sighs].

Eric:             I figured we all kept doin’ spy shit. Are you tellin’ me you’re not doin’ spy shit anymore? [scoffs in amusement]

Dan:             Well, I wasn’t for a little while—

Eric:             Okay.

Dan:             —but then they- they got in contact with me recently—

Eric:             They?

Dan:             S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric:             S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Dan:             Yes.

Eric:             Did you tell them to fuck themselves?

Dan:             We considered it, but the pay’s pretty good.

Eric:             You just be— So wait, are you just working for Hydra again? I don’t understand what’s—

Dan:             No, no, no! They’re not Hydra anymore. They- they- they weeded ’em out. They weeded ’em out. I mean, one still pops up every now and again, and they go, “Op! There’s another Hydra!” But- but generally speaking, you know, they’ve rebuilt a little bit. It- there’s just been a lot of stuff going on with the Avengers, and it’s a lot to keep track of.

Eric:             I’ve been keeping tabs… I’ve been actively avoiding everything about that. Uh, here’s what’s up, though. I’m in a church in La Paz, and my shit’s about to be—

Dan:             [over phone] Yeah, yeah. Um, okay, well, we can try to transfer you to, uh, Robert. Robert is kinda, like, my local manager. He’s not that high up, but he might be able to, you know.

Eric:             What is this, a solar panel company? Local- yeah sure. This- I’m sorry. Look, I’m sorry. I’m stressed. Di—

Dan:             The structure is still, you know what I mean, like, there’s still work— There’s a lot of fundamentals in S.H.I.E.L.D. that have been kinda…you know.

Eric:             Alright. Cool, yeah. Patch me though, please.

Dan:             Okay. [clears throat] Ehh, find the- find the number.

Eric:             I’ll- I’ll get in- I’ll let you know as soon as I figure out what’s goin’ on.

Dan:             Okay. Alright. Here we go. Robert’s comin’ your way.

[Phone rings.]

Sage:            The phone rings a couple times. Then Eric hears the front door of the cathedral open.

Robert:         [over phone] Hello?

Eric:             [whispers] Is this Robert?

Robert:         [whispers over phone] Yes this is Robert. I believe, uh, what’s his name?

Eric:             [whispers] Daniel.

Robert:         Daniel. Yeah. Daniel Daniels.

Eric:             [quiet] My name is Eric Stanton, agent name Scry. I’ve been off the grid—

Robert:         He mentioned you are in our system.

Eric:             [quiet] Right, I’ve been off the grid for a while. Listen, I am interested in getting back into the fold and could use, uh, an immediate interview, and after that potentially an extraction.

Robert:         Oh! Okay, uh, let me look you up really quick.

Eric:             Oooh, okay. Um. [nervous scoff] Any chance you can take my word for it?

Robert:         Uh, no it’s just protocol. You’re good, right? You good for time? It’ll just take a minute or two.

Eric:             [quiet] Yup, yup, yup. Yup.

Sage:            Some footsteps…getting closer to the booth.

[Footsteps echo closer.]

Robert:         [whispers over phone] Okay. Yeah, I found you! Eric Stanton.

[Footsteps stop.]

Ah, Scry. That’s a cool name. Oh. You’re an enhanced operative. You’re only level four, it looks like. You’re in Bolivia, you said?


Eric:             [whispers] Yes.

Robert:         I’m sorry, what?

Eric:             [whispers] Yeees.

Robert:         Is that…

Eric:             [whispers] Y-E-S.

Robert:         Oh, oh. Gotcha. Gotcha. Are you okay, by the way? I don’t- you seem a little stiff. Little tense.

Eric:             [whispers] Nooo!

[Sage and Travis stifle laughter.]

Robert:         Oh. Oooh I’m readin’ more on your dossier right now. Oh. Oh, you’re an info guy. Yeah, okay. Look, we don’t have to get into a whole thing. There is a helipad. Uh, we actually have an operative flying out in about twenty minutes.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Uh, it’s on the opposite side o’ town, but if you sprint there—

Eric:             [quiet] That’s almost too convenient.

Robert:         We have a lot of contacts. Believe it or not, we’ve rebuilt, you know. It’s going okay. There’s definitely some big threats right now, but- but—

Eric:             [urgent] Okay, Robert?

Robert:         Yes?

Eric:             Where do I gotta go?

Robert:         Oh, that’s right. You’re about to be assassinated.

Eric:             Assassinated, yes.

Robert:         Yes. Uh, so go ahead and head over, uh, towards… [tsks] Do you know where [pronounces badly] Aeropuerto Internacional El—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Hoooly shit. I thought I was bad. Yes.

Robert:         [pronounces badly] El Alto. Oh! Oh! Oh, aeropuerto- it’s- it’s the airport! The airport.

Eric:             Yeah, aeropuerto. [stammers] Yes! The airport. They’re—

Robert:         Yes, yes, yes. That’s west. It looks like it’s west of your position.

Eric:             Yes. Okay.

[Clothes rustle and the phone beeps as Eric hangs up. Suspenseful music builds.]

Sage:            However, right as Eric hangs up the phone, he can see through the blinds in the booth… There’s somebody in there.


Eric:             My son.

[Sage and Travis laugh.]

Sage:            Yeah, you’re rollin’ Reality for that.

[Stat test chime.]


[Travis and Sage chuckle.]

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]


Thug:           [muffled] Oh, uh, [clears throat]. Sorry, uh, wrong- wrong booth.

Eric:             [accent] Have you come to—

Thug:           [muffled] Nope, nope! Sorry, uh. [fast] ’Nother day, ’nother day, ’nother day.

Eric:             [accent] Are you sure? Please. Please.

Thug:           [muffled] Nope! I’m leaving.

[The other door opens and footsteps fade away.]

Sage:            You wait a minute. You hear this operative leave the cathedral.

[Distant door bangs shut.]

Eric:             Holy shit. Okay.

[Rapid footsteps tap across the tile and a door bangs open. Action music.]

[pants] Christ. Fuck. Christ. Shit. This sucks.

Sage:            Gunshot!

Eric:             Ah, AH!

[More gunshots ring out. Eric cries out as he continues to run.]

Sage:            Gunshot!

Eric:             [frantic] Stop shooting at me!

Sage:            [chuckles] There are people up in the hills with snipers. But you get to the airport, you see where there are some ’chopters.

Travis:          [amused] I’m gonna let you take that again [chuckles].

Sage:            ’Copters. [chuckles]

Travis:          No, no, no. It’s 2020-whatever. We don’t know! Maybe there’s something called a ’chopter now.

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Yeah, a helichopter.

Travis:          A heli— [chuckles]. Hellachopter.

Sage:            It has blades on the blades.

[Travis chuckles.]

Eric:             Fuck is this… Helipchopter?

Sage:            [amused] It says that on the side, too, and it looks vicious.

[Helichopter whirs as it gets ready to take off.]

Eric:             Ah! Who? Hey!

[Eric charges toward the helichopter.]

Sage:            Somebody in a suit sees you, and they’re in the ’copter, and they were about to get up and they were about to leave!

Eric:             Stop! But also keep going!

Agent:             [from above] Are you Eric Stanton?

[Eric runs just below the ’chopter as it flies.]

Eric:             Yes!

Agent:             We’ve been waiting for you.

Eric:             Great!

Agent:             We were about to leave.

Eric:             Okay!

Agent:             You’re late.

Eric:             Gimme the fuckin’ rope!

Sage:            He throws you a rope. Eric, you need to roll me Power Personal, Combat Powerful.

[Engine revs harder as it starts to pull up.]

[Net chime.]

Eric’s reaction time is always fucking excellent.

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            So you grab the rope. However, Eric hasn’t worked out in a while. He’s been in Bolivia for several years. So the helicopter is pulling up, and as the helicopter is going up, Eric is slipping down this rope.

[Helicopter rotor blades get faster and louder.]

Eric:             Oh god. Oh god.

Sage:            Gunshot towards his foot!

Eric:             Jesus! Hey!

Agent:             You gotta pull yourself up, kid.

Eric:             Yeah, okay, look. To be completely—

Agent:             You’re slipping, you’re slipping!

Eric:             I’m aware! Alright here we go. I’m gonna pull- I’m gonna do the leg cross thing, I’m gonna pull myself- I’m gonna- here we go, I’m gonna pull myself up.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll on full orange. Personal and Powerful.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Travis:          [groans] 12 and 6. [stifles laughter]

Sage:            [amused] Eric is hanging from the edge of the rope, swinging through the- the mountains surrounding La Paz. It’s cold!

Eric:             I’m out of my element!

Sage:            They throw another rope. This time, though, the rope has got some tech on it, and it wraps around your foot.

Eric:             Not proud o’ this!

Sage:            And then it yanks Eric and flips him 180° upside down.

Travis:          Op, do I keep my bags?

Sage:            Nope, your bags fall.

Eric:             Ah, fuck!

Agent:             Come on, kid. Come on.

[Eric sighs.]

Here we go, and ready?

[Agent and Eric grunt as they work to pull him inside.]

Sage:            And they shut the door.

[Helicopter rotor sounds muffled. Eric groans.]

Agent:             You gotta work out more.

Eric:             Shut up!

Agent:             Tryin’a get a job with S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Eric:             [groans] Please take me somewhere that isn’t here.


Who’re you?


Sage:            He stares at you and takes off his shades. And then reaches into his vest slowly, deviously [stifles laughter].

Eric:             God dammit.

[Stat test chime.]

Travis:          Uh, 20.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Perfect. Even before this guy in a suit can pull out the gun, Eric knows what’s up. He is working for whoever is trying to kill him and, with Eric’s master judo training, has disarmed him completely.

Eric:             [grunts] Fuck you! God dammit!

[Scuffle. Agent grunts.]

Sage:            He’s down on the floor, you have him in a choke hold, and his arm’s, like, tied in a knot with his other arm. He can’t move anywhere. Also, you opened the door to the helicopter all in the same move. You have him hanging out the side.

Eric:             Who…are you? Please?

Agent:             [sighs] The end is near.

Eric:             Is this Hydra or is this, like ten rings shit? I’ve… Look. A lot of my sources went dark, I don’t have a lot to go off of here. I’ve been out of range of everything, I don’t know shit, and I’m not used to it, so you’re gonna have to tell me something.

Agent:             You know too much, kid.

Eric:             [irked] Oh my god. Uh, look.

Agent:             The end is near.

Eric:             You know what I could do? You know what would be really fun? If I let you go, and then I s- and then I just wanted to see what that was like. The fall to my death. Like, I could do that. We could do this together. You wanna do it together? It’d be really fun.

Agent:             Even if you kill me, there’s still gonna come after you wherever you’re headed.

Eric:             I. Fucking. Know. I’ve spent the last five years of my life selling out drug lords against each other.

Sage:            The pilot opens the door to the cockpit.

Pilot:            Hey, what’s going on back there?

Eric:             We’re talking about…racquetball.

Pilot:            Right on! They did a tourney last weekend!

Eric:             Oh! No shit?

Pilot:            Yeah, it was great.

Eric:             Oh, do you- so you stay- do you stay in Bolivia, or are you…?

Pilot:            Yeah, yeah. I live half time here and I live half time up in the U.S.

Eric:             Oh! Right on. Is racquetball caught on yet?

Pilot:            In the U.S.?

Eric:             Yeah.

Pilot:            No. Not even a little bit.

[Eric groans in disappointment.]

I would say most people don’t even know what the fuck that is.

Eric:             Alright, that’s fair.

Pilot:            You’d have a better chance of saying bocce ball or pickleball or something like that.

Eric:             So are you just a pilot or are you also, uh, an employee of some, uh, uh, multinational—

Pilot:            S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric:             S.H.I.E.L.D.? Like, S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Pilot:            Yeah. I’m a S.H.I.E.L.D. operative.

Eric:             Okay. Now—

Pilot:            I fly a helicopter. That’s literally my job, to fly this thing.

Eric:             Are we talkin’ like- like- like S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Pilot:            Why do you have the door open? It’s very loud.

Eric:             Oh, sorry. Here, let me- let me just- let me just…

[A punch is heard. The Agent screams as he falls. Eric shuts the door.]



Sage:            Eric lands eventually, after a couple of transfers, in Los Angeles, California.

Pilot:            Whoa. That was quite a trip.

Eric:             Oh, you’re still here?

Pilot:            Yes, I transfer from helicopter- it’s a- it’s a security thing.

Eric:             Oh! So you’re like my escort.

Pilot:            Yeah.

Eric:             Oh, that’s exciting.

Pilot:            Yeah. But I’m gonna go back now. So I’m not- I’m not escorting you through the city. You’re on your own.

Eric:             I’m on my own?

Pilot:            Yes. You’re on your own.

Eric:             But where do I- I’m supposed to meet with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pilot:            Uhhh... Give ’em a call.

Eric:             Alright. Well, I’ll do that. Uh, thanks Frank.

Frank:          No problemo.

[The Snap echoes.]

Sage:            But as you shake Frank’s hand—uh, the helicopter landed at the top of a skyscraper in downtown, and since you’re pretty high up, the winds are also very fast—and as you shake Frank’s hand, you feel like you didn’t touch it. And then you try again—

[Ash rustles.]

—and you just feel…graininess. And his hand is turning to ash. Blowing in the wind, millions of pieces of dust.

Frank:          Holy…

Eric:             Okay, [fast] no, no, no, no, no, no.

Frank:          What’s happening?

Eric:             You got- I don’t know. I don’t know. An-anyth- what do I do? What d’you need?

Frank:          Figure this out, Eric.

Eric:             What, me?

[Eric scoffs in panic as Frank disintegrates completely.]

Sage:            Eric leans over the side of the skyscraper. There’s all sorts of dust flying in his face. The city is in chaos.

[Clothes rustle and a phone beeps as Eric dials. The phone rings once.]

Dan:             [over phone, frantic] Eric?

Eric:             Daniel?

Dan:             [over phone] Yes.

Eric:             Holy shit, wha—

Dan:             [over phone] Please call me Dan. I don’t know if you forgot that.

Eric:             Do— Are you okay?

Dan:             Uh, I’m okay, but nobody else is! Everyone’s disappearing to dust, dude!

Eric:             Yeah, I know.

Dan:             Are you on your way to L.A.? That’s a—

Eric:             I just landed, the guy who piloted the helicopter just du- just- I thought I did it to him. He just disintegrated in front of my—

Dan:             Uh…

Eric:             What- d’you- what is- what’re you guys doing? What the fuck is—

Dan:             Ah, it wasn’t me. This wasn’t—

Eric:             No—

Dan:             —I don’t know anything about this.

[Eric sighs.]

S.H.I.E.L.D. said there was some shit goin’ on up in space, they didn’t wanna t—

Eric:             In space?

Dan:             They said it was way above my pay grade.

Eric:             [groans] Oh god.

Dan:             Somethin’ went down in Africa, dude. Holy shit. Look, meet up with me at, um…uh… I d— [sighs] I don’t wanna send- I’m at the bar. I’m at Lost Property, it’s a bar. Uh, yes, I know it’s 3PM, what am I doing at a bar? Sh-shut up Eric! Okay?

Eric:             That’s- Iook, I been there. I been all—

Dan:             Everyone at the bar is disappearing—

Eric:             Look, it—

Dan:             —everyone’s screaming here!

Eric:             St- okay, look… Okay, I’ll- I’ll see ya there.

[Phone beeps and clothes rustle as he hangs up and puts his phone away.]

Oh my god. Um…

Sage:            Eric is thinking about all these people that might be disappearing. Is there- is there a method to the madness? Did somebody instigate this? Is it anybody he knows?

Eric:             [quiet] Oh my god.




Is she here?

[Suspenseful music.]

Sage:            And Eric attempts to make a tap.

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric uses his power to tap into someone’s sense.]

He can vaguely see what she is seeing. It’s a little rough. She must be on the opposite side of the city. A lot of dust. A lot of screaming. A lot of shock and silence. She looks at her arms. She’s fine.


And then she looks up and sees the title of a bar…called Lost Property.

[A gentle rumble returns Eric to reality and he gasps.]

[Music slowly fades out.]



Sage:            20 Sided Stories was produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Eric Stanton, aka Scry, was played by Travis Reaves

Character Art by Rhea Lonsdale

Direction, Editing, and Music by Sage G.C.

That’s a wrap for the prologues. Hope you’ve enjoyed meeting the three new heroes of MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and you’ll hear the trio interact in our official pilot episode very, very soon.

As always, thank you so much for your support, and I’ll see you on the next 20 Sided Story. Later.

Introducing Marvel: Survivors of The Snap

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap


Air Date: January 22, 2020


[Subtle anticipation music.]

Sage G.C.:         This podcast is an improvised parody, and has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company or any other associates or official cannon.

[Podcast Intro music crescendos.]

Jessica Dahlgren:       Thank you and welcome to 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Gentle music.]

Narrator:         Back in 2008, billionaire Tony Stark built an iron suit and the world was forever changed. The Avengers first assembled in 2012 to fight off an alien attack in New York City.

[Laser guns fire and ships fly overhead.]

They won, but the scale of threats only increased. As did the casualties.

In 2016 the United Nations created the Sokovia Accords in response.

[A gavel bangs. Background chatter from the courtroom.]

This agreement puts the Avengers, and all enhanced individuals, under supervision. It splits off the team ideologically, causing in-fighting. A civil war. The conflict was never truly resolved.

Which brings us to 2018.

[Masha’s action theme plays.]

Meet Masha Mirova. Superhero name: Roulette.

Masha is about to graduate high school and move on to college and adulthood.

[Phone beeps.]

Masha:            Hello?

Man:                Am I speaking to Masha Mirova?

Masha:            That is I.

Man:                Hello, Masha.

Masha:            Hello.

Man:                I’m overseeing the vetting process in the September Foundation.

Masha:            [gasps] Oh, yes.

Man:                From Stark Industries for young prodigies.

Masha:            Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Narrator:         Masha has six completely different powers, but she can only use one at a time and at random. She was orphaned at a very young age from Russian parents with no idea of their whereabouts, why they abandoned her or where her powers came from. She floated around the foster care system until adopted by the Klines

Man:                It says here you have two sisters.

Masha:            Yes, I do. Lily and Rose. I am the oldest. Uh, Lily is the second oldest. She’s in eighth grade right now.

Man:                They probably both look up to you quite a bit, don’t they?

Masha:            Yeah. I hope that I can be a good role-model to them.


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[Lily’s action theme plays.]

Narrator:         Meet Lily Kline. Superhero name: Bloodhound.

At least, it will be. Lily doesn’t have any powers beyond being an angsty eighth-grader, but all that’s going to change.

Man 2:             Lily, wake up! Lily!

[Lily grunts.]

Lily:           Hmm? What?

Man 2:             You fell asleep on your desk again.

Lily:           I was, um, examining the molecular structure of the desk. And therefore was still doing my work.

Narrator:         Soon to graduate, Lily hopes to get into a special music program playing guitar at Hamilton High, but right now she’s stuck with bass clarinet.

Lily:           Don’t forget to empty your spit valve right in front of Greg so he slips.

Boy:           Okay.

Lily:           Tip- tip it upside down.

[Liquid splashes on the floor.]

Ah, that’s a splash.

[Boy groans.]

That was gnarly. You got a lot o’ spit in you for a little man.

Boy:           Yeah, I salivate a lot.

Lily:           Yup.

Boy:           I have—

Lily:           Okay.

Boy:           I have generalized—

Lily:           Nope! No, we’re good.

Boy:           Okay.

Lily:           We can stop there.


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Narrator:         Can’t stray too far from Avengers talk without mentioning S.H.I.E.L.D..

Formerly led by Nick Fury, the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division maintains national and global security threats. Especially those regarding enhanced individuals.

In 2014, Nazi organization Hydra, infiltrated and attempted to take over. They mostly failed, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has never since been the same.

[Alarm clock buzzes.]

Eric:             [groggy] Saturday. Great.

[Alarm clock clicks off.]

[groans] Okay. What’s happening?

Narrator:         Meet Eric Stanton. Agent designation: Scry.

Eric is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent recruited at the age of 17, practically against his will. He has the ability to tap into one of the five senses of anyone he’s come into physical contact with. Like a radio signal, his ability gets weaker the farther away his target is. After the Hydra Incident, Eric fled to Bolivia and used his leverage and information to work in private investigation.

[A swish is heard and glass shatters as something crashes through the window. Eric’s Action theme plays.]

Eric:             Jesus! It’s happening. Okay.

[Rustling is heard as Eric gathers items.]

Money, uh, supplies for a safe- uh, gun!

[Gun clatters.]

Gun. Alright.

[A door opens.]


[Gun clicks as Eric raises it.]

Who’re you? What d’you want?

Man 3:             [whispers] The end is near.

Eric:             Is this Hydra or is this like, 10 Ring shit, I’ve- look.

Man 3:             You know too much, kid.

Eric:             God dammit!

[Gun fires. Man gags on his own blood and collapses with a thud.]

I gotta get outta here.

Narrator:         Entering the back-end of his twenties, Eric has been alone for four years, pitting drug lords against each other and using his powers to pay the bills. But now, his spying has caught up with him and he’s being hunted. It’s time to return to Los Angeles.

[Phone dial tone rings.]

Man 4:             Hello.

Eric:             Listen, I am interested in getting back into the fold, and could use an immediate interview. And after that potentially an extraction.

Man 4:             [tsks] Oh. You’re an enhanced operative. Only at level 4, it looks like. There is a helipad. It’s west of your position.

Eric:             Oh, shit. ’Kay.

[Footsteps stomp on tile as Eric runs. A door bangs open.]



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[Gentle music.]

Narrator:         Since the formation of the Avengers, many other heroes and exceptional beings have come out from the woodwork, introducing Earth to a whole multitude of cosmic-level threats, including the immense power of six Infinity Stones.

These stones were scattered across the universe at the dawn of all things. And within them, control all aspects of our very existence. They’ve been fought over and sought after by many. Including an ambitious, mad Titan.

[The Snap is heard.]

A genocidal warlord, working in the shadows of space for years.


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[Radio static.]

Man:                Hold on.

[Rustling and a loud crackle.]

Masha:            Mr. Dickets? [laughs nervously]

[Phone disconnect tone.]



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[Ash crackles.]

Boy:           Oh, no. [groans] My eyes. Wait…

Lily:           Oh my god. What is this?

[Distant screaming.]

Is this…dust?

Boy:           Uh, uh, Lily…

Lily:           Ted, oh, oh—


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[Ash crackles.]

Pilot:          What’s happening?

Eric:             I-I don’t know. I don’t know. What do I do? What d’you need?

Pilot:          [weakly] Get us outta here.

Eric:             What? Me? [groans]

Narrator:         Stepping out with a master plan to end all suffering.


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[Radio static. Suspenseful music.]

Various Voices:     You are not hallucinating and if you’re hearing’re one of the lucky ones.

[Radio switches stations.]

If you are a survivor of The Snap, it is recommended you stay indoors.

[Radio switches stations.]

I repeat, half the population—

[Radio switches stations.]

Really fifty…have they counted…okay. Fifty percent of all living lifeforms—

[Radio switches stations.]

There’s- No one is safe from this desolation.

[Radio switches stations.]

Ash flooding the sky. Chaos is—

[Radio switches stations.]

[A man screams for a few seconds.]

[Radio switches rapidly between stations. Voices overlap.]

Exactly fifty percent of all life. Fifty percent of the trees—

—and it’s times like these, I wonder—

—world born is the brave and gallant souls, half of which disappeared—

—there is, uh, so much room in my neighborhood now—


—everybody gone!—

—billion lives a snap.

[The Snap is heard.]

Narrator:         And just like that, Thanos won. His plan to wipe out half the universe succeeded. They were all gone within minutes and that...was that.


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[Traffic rumbles in the background. A horn honks. Feet scuff on pavement. Slight feedback is heard as a man turns on a loudspeaker and speaks into it. People shout indistinctly in the background.]

Inciter:            Avengers, Avengers. Where are the Avengers?

[Calm guitar music plays.]

High up in their high castle. Out in the scenic back country of New England, chewin’ on shawarma and cruising in their Audi’s, funded by the corporate shroud, the killer’s weapons. Settin’ up brick after brick to keep us on the ground floor, walled off.

You wanna know where the Avengers are? Not savin’ us. That’s for sure. They’re callin’ it an Infinity War. Yeah. Can you believe that?

But we know the truth. The Avengers and Stark Industries and the United States government and the 1%, they’re fine. They’ve always been fine! And they’ll always be fine. So it’s time we stop beggin’ for scraps and hoping to be seen.

Heroes of Los Angeles! You heard me right. You are a hero! No need for no Big Apple or the crack o’ thunder at your fingertips.

You sick o’ S.H.I.E.L.D. turnin’ their backs on you? Then you come to The Fort. Old Griffith, she’s observed better days, but we’re building a new timeline. A revolution, one where the freaks don’t need to hide in the shadows.

Surely you’ve heard o’ The Castle, yeah? Think they got all the answers? They don’t. Bunch o’ bootlickers. Stark-lovin’, authoritarian, Orwellian, bullshit-spreading pigs! Don’t trust a single Castleton. Not one! Yeah, that’s right.

[Crowd begins cheering and whistling.]

You wanna make the world a better place? You wanna see the corporate boogey man squirm in their high rise apartments as they look down on our movement? Then you come to The Fort! Come get work! We’re gonna fix this city, and we’re gonna bounce back from The Snap like it was the best damn opportunity that ever did show itself!

Indie heroes, let your voice be heard! Let your powers be known! Assemble! Assemble! Assemble! Assemble!

[Cheering grows louder.]


Game Rules

[Rock-style Marvel Theme music.]

Sage:            As per 20 Sided Stories fashion, everything in the ten episodes that follow is improvised. It will all be brought to life with detailed sound design and original music and is assisted by an original table-top role-playing system.

Each hero has two sets of stats: Personal and Powerful.

The Personal stats use a d6 and are represented by the six Infinity Stones. Power, Soul, Reality, Space, Mind, and Time.

The Powerful stats use a d20 and are represented by the official Marvel Comics power grid. Strength, Energy, Durability, Combat, Intelligence, and Speed.

When you hear this sound…

[Stat test chime.]

It means a character needs to overcome some difficult obstacle or test. One of the aforementioned categories will be called upon. By rolling their respective dice they may succeed…

[Success chime.]

They may fail…

[Failure chime.]

Or they may land somewhere in the middle.

[Net chime.]

Whatever the result is, we have to stay in character, act it out, and carry on.


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Narrator:         Half of everyone and everything is gone. Thanos has fled. The Avengers have failed and, for the next five years, Earth is a depressing mess. But in the fragmented city of Los Angeles a revolution is brewing.

Small time crime fighters like Roulette, Bloodhound, and Scry are leading a new scene of superheroes. The ones who never got their movie. Who never got their tv show. Who never got their shot to shine. In the wake of The Snap, there lies a colossal vacuum of power and opportunity. With devious forces aiming to take control of the anarchy. It’s anyone’s game.

Thank you for tuning into 20 Sided Stories.

This is MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap.

[Music fades out.]



Sage:            Episode One of our Marvel series will premiere Wednesday, February 5th.

By the way, those snippets featuring main characters Masha, Lily, and Eric are from their pre-Snap prologues. Available exclusively to those who snag an Adventure Pass.

Go to if you wanna check ’em out. It really does help the show out a whole lot. Totally optional, though, of course.

You can follow us on social media for free @20SidedStories. Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next one. Later.

#1 - The Fort

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 1 - The Fort

Air Date: February 5, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you’re about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we’re so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

Travis:          I’m Travis.

Jessica:          I’m Jessica.

Sage:            And I’m Sage. Just a heads up, we do have a short introductory episode right before this one if you want a refresher on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and an overview on how the role-playing works on this podcast. But otherwise, let’s dive in.

[Intro music crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro music fades out.]


Episode 1 - The Fort

[Radio clicks on.]

Woman:          You’re listening to…

[Rock music intro.]

Man:                616 Power.

Garth:          Welcome to Power 616 FM coming at you in this nice calm Wednesday. I am Garth, and I’m joined by my co-host as always.

Bart:               Bart. Pleasure to be here.

Garth:          How’s it going Bart? How you doin’ this morning?

Bart:               We’re looking great, Garth. We look down there at this traffic report we’ve got, and it looks like every freeway in the city is completely smogged out.

Garth:          It is unbearable. You cannot even see several feet in front of you.

Bart:               Disgusting.

Garth:          Absolutely abhorrent. You know it reminds me—thinking of abhorrence—what’s going on with those Sokovia Accords? Hearin’ all sorts of stories, something goin’ on in Africa right now.

Bart:               Last time I heard about it, the supers were refusing to register the way they were supposed to, and it was leading to a lot of internal strife in the super community.

Garth:          Kinda disrespectful if you ask me. I mean, is it so much to ask that we just get them a license?

Bart:               I just wanna know who these people are and if they’re in my hometown and what they’re up to.

Garth:          Keep the world safe. Know what I’m saying, Bart?

Bart:               Yeah, their job is to keep the world safe. So why are they so resistant to actually identifying to the government who they are and getting the documentation that they need? I don’t see the holdup.

Garth:          Thankfully, local celebrity Tony Stark—fan of the show I would hope—pushing the Sokovia Accords as far as we’re aware.

Bart:               Thank God we’ve got guys like him on that team.

Garth:          Yeah.

Bart:               They bring some sense to the discussion.

Garth:          Stark Industries. You know, a lot of help for the world, I would say. Doin’- doing a good job. They get some criticism, but—

Bart:               The backbone of this country.

Garth:          Yeah, truly.

[Garth clears his throat.]

Uh…hey, uh, Bart?

[Garth blows heavily.]

Bart:               Yeah Garth?

Garth:          Feel a little sick. Uh…

Bart:               That’s too bad.

Garth:          Do you think we can stop? Do you think we can stop?

[Garth clears his throat.]

Bart:               How bad is it?

[Suspenseful music starts.]

Garth:          We’re live, right?

Bart:               You need to go to the doctor? You- you need a Tums?

[The crackling and hissing of moving sand.]

You alright?

Garth:          Uh. Yeah [stifles cough] yeah, can you go get some Tums?

Bart:               You want an aspirin?

Garth:          Yeah, uh…

Bart:               I got a little bottle under the desk…

Garth:          Sorry, listeners. Um, you know, this just happens sometimes. Do your radio show for 10 years every now and—

[Garth clears his throat. Crackling continues.]

Bart:               Yeah, you can’t just interrupt, uh, airtime, right. How sick are you? Are you—

Garth:          Hey, Bart…

Bart:               What’s going on with—

Garth:          Are you seein’ this?

Bart:               Is this like a special effect thing? What’s going on here?

Garth:          What’s…hey, uh, I’m- I’m disappearing, Bart.

Bart:               What the hell is that?

Garth:          I am g- I am literally disappearing.

Bart:               [yells] Oh my god!

Garth:          Bart, Bart…

Bart:               Dude! Bro! Stop! Stop, stop, stop!

Garth:          Bart…

Bart:               Get the recording.

Garth:          No! No! No!

Bart:               Somebody call the ambulance!

Garth:          Please!

Bart:               It’s coming off.

Garth:          [groans] Stop!

[Garth screams, but his panic is cut off as he disintegrates completely.]

[Suspenseful music intensifies.]

Bart:               What the hell’s going on here? We need a head-count of the employees in this radio station. Who’s gone? Cut to commercial. I need a head-count of the people in this radio station! Who else is here? Somebody get me the phone book! I need my cell phone! [yells] Give me a goddamn phone!

[Music cuts off. The Snap echoes.]


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[Police sirens wail. Glass shatters.]

Masha:            Lily!

[Suspenseful music.]

Lily:           What? What? Oh, shit! Masha!

Masha:            I’m right here! What are you doing?

Lily:           I- I forgot my keys. I don’t know! I c- there’s a lot going on and I couldn’t get into the house.

[A helicopter passes overhead.]

Masha:            Well, yeah, clearly. Let’s just g-go inside, go inside.

Lily:           O-oh okay.

[Masha coughs. A door clunks shut and keys clatter on a table.]

Oh, god.

Masha:            Okay.

[Lily takes a deep breath and groans quietly. Masha fumbles with her keys.]

I’m so glad you’re okay!

Lily:           We need to find Rose. I- I- I can- I can smell her, but I can’t smell Mom and Dad and—

Masha:            What are you talking about, you can smell her?

Lily:           Okay, so like- [frantic sigh] So, like, the bus crashed and everybody was, like, dust and now I can smell everything.

Masha:            Dust? Um…

Lily:           People turned into dust.

Masha:            Oh my God.


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[Suspenseful music continues, police sirens wail.]

Man:                He said he was gonna be here. I don’t, uh…

Woman:          He’s okay? He’s—

Man:                I talked to him on the phone. He called me right when everything started happening.

[Eric runs up the sidewalk.]

Eric:             Hey! I’m comin’!

Man:                There he is. See, see? Eric! Eric!

Woman:          Oh my god!

Eric:             Hey, hey, Daniel! Elle! Oh my god.

Daniel:              Oh, thank god.

Eric:             [pants] I got dropped off in Pershing Square.

Elle:         Oh my god. That’s really far!

Eric:             [pants] It was seven miles.

Elle:         Wow.

Eric:             [coughs] Oh god, I’m so happy to see you both.


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Lily:           I don’t know why. I was just on the bus and people just started disappearing and then we crashed, and I woke up, and I can smell everything.

Masha:            What does that m- you smell everyth—

Lily:           I don’t know. I- I- I—

Masha:            Can you smell Mom and Dad?

Lily:           I mean I can smell their scent, like, on their clothes but it’s, like, I don’t know. It’s old.

Masha:            Do you have super powers?

Lily:           [whispers] I don’t know. I think…maybe…I do…now. [normal] But that doesn’t make any sense.

Masha:            No, not at all.

Lily:           [nervous] But, I can also tell you that none of our neighbors are here.



Eric:             Oh god, everything’s awful!

Daniel:              I know. I- I- do you know what’s happening? [nervous chuckle] ’Cause I’ve tried calling everybody in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Elle:         My parents aren’t an—

Eric:             I gotta…[groans]

Elle:         My parents aren’t answering their phone. I’m getting really scared.

Eric:             [groans] Think I’m gonna pass out.

Daniel:              Let’s go inside the bar, at least. Where there’s not fire and- and people yelling.

Eric:             [pants] Okay.

Elle:         I can’t imagine a better time for a drink. Let’s go get one.

Eric:             Okay.

[Door creaks open.]

Daniel:              Hey. Wow, it’s empty. Shit. [nervous chuckle]

[Door clacks shut. Eric coughs.]

Elle:         Looks like these taps still work. I’ll pour us some beer.

Eric:             Can I have some water? Please? I just ran seven miles. [stifles laughter]

Daniel:              Hefeweizen for me.

Eric:             Actually, and tequila, please. Water… Water- water and tequila, please.

[Liquid pours into separate cups.]

Elle:         Here you go.

[She sets the cups on the table in front of them.]

Eric:             Thanks.

Daniel:              How are you doing, Eric?

Elle:         Are you okay?

Eric:             I’m okay…. I’m not okay. Nothing is okay. Nothing’s okay. Right?

Elle:         Right. You tried calling anyone?

Eric:             Uh, no. No. I- I just- well, I called- called Daniel and got here as fast as- yeah and how’d you—

Daniel:              Please call me Dan. Dan. I go by Dan now.

Eric:             Really? [chuckles]

Dan:             Yeah. It’s been, like, a while.

Eric:             Yeah, it has been a while. What do we do?

Elle:         I don’t know.


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[Suspenseful music.]

Masha:            So you’re telling me you possibly have powers and I also have powers.

Lily:           I’m saying that everybody in our family, who’s currently in this house, maybe has superpowers.

Masha:            That’s crazy!

Lily:           I don’t know. I mean, like, I kind of always wanted this but—

[A muffled explosion goes off. Dishes and furniture clatter as the house shakes. Lily and Masha scream.]

Masha:            Oh my god! Okay, let’s go find Rose.

Lily:           Okay, we gotta get out of here. I- I gotta follow the scent.

Masha:            Okay.

Lily:           Let me just focus. Let me just…

[Lily takes a deep breath. Masha stifles a laugh.]

Masha:            Wow, it’s like you’re a bloodhound.

[Police sirens wail outside.]

Lily:           Oh…hold on a second.

[Masha stifles laughter.]

That’s pretty cool. [chuckles]


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Dan:             You’ve been in Bolivia for, like, five years.

Eric:             I got dropped off by a S.H.I.E.L.D. guy who, before he turned to dust, told me that I had to figure this out. So [tsks] I guess this is kind of on me right now.

Elle:         [quiet] Oh my god.

Eric:             Though, do you have any idea where I could find some help with figuring out why everybody just turned into dust?

Dan:             Everybody I’ve tried to call has either hung up on me or not responded. At all.

Elle:         None o’ the news networks know either. It’s…

Dan:             Everything’s dark.

Eric:             [quiet] Jesus Christ.

Dan:             Man, uh, weird question. But I mean, can you still like- like, what happens when you, like, tap into people? Like, if someone was Snapped and you try to, like, tap into them?

Elle:         You met my mom. Could you…try to see?

Eric:             Sure you want me to?


[A rumbling whoosh as Eric uses his power. A second of silence passes before a gentle rumble returns him to reality. He groans and coughs.]

Elle:         [quiet] No.

Dan:             [quiet] Dammit.

[Sad guitar music.]

Eric:             I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.

[Elle sighs.]

Dan:             Well, the…three of us are fine, then?

Eric:             What- what do we do?

Dan:             Well, I’m gonna keep pestering S.H.I.E.L.D.

Elle:         I’m just gonna call all of my connections. Every news network, see who is…alive?

Eric:             Okay.

[Elle sighs.]

I’m happy to see the both of you.

Elle:         [sad] It’s really good to see you.

Dan:             Yeah. Truly.

[Clothes rustle as the group reach their cups toward each other. Glasses clink together. Music fades out.]



Sage:            Year One of the Snap.

[Gentle guitar music.]

We cut to a dingy office at Hamilton High School. There are only two people in the room and this big ol’ wooden desk. Some principal, the window behind him, looking across to a very impatient, kind of angsty, Lily Kline. Lily is sitting across from this desk and awaiting some news.

Principal:        Miss Kline?

Lily:           [tsks] Yeah?

Principal:        Do you know why I’ve asked you to come in?

Lily:           Um…I can imagine it probably is school related.

Principal:        Very good.

Lily:           Thanks.

Principal:        Tell me a little bit more about these…conflicts you’ve been getting into.

Lily:           [sighs] I’m not sure, like, who told you what you think you know, um, but I was provoked? Therefore, like, I don’t know, that’s an issue you guys have to sort out. Like, administration-wise. Because, like, if you have people, like, at this school who are gonna, you know, act the way that they do and it’s like nobody’s keeping anybody in check anymore, then what the hell am I supposed to do?

Principal:        It is not your job, Miss Kline, to choose who should be disciplined and how.

Lily:           Well… [sighs]

Principal:        Look, with your history of violence, there’s no way we’re letting you into the music program.

Lily:           Oh, uh… I’m sorry, what?

Principal:        The music program is specifically for children who are well-behaved, who are orderly. Being a musician requires—

Lily:           Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there. What fucking successful musician has ever been behaved or orderly in the history of the world? The whole point of music is fucking shit up and making people feel a certain type o’ way.

And if somebody wants to come at me with an attitude, and I come back, and I match that same energy, that doesn’t make me less of a musician. That just makes me a more passionate musician! I have something to fuel me rather than these boring, prep-school kids who’ve been babied their entire fucking lives, lost nobody in the Snap, and have nothing to play for!

[Music stops.]

Principal:        Get outta my office.

Lily:           Fine.

[The chair creaks as Lily gets up. Her boots stomp across the room and she slams the door open.]


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[Gentle jazz music plays.]

Sage:            We cut to a Starbucks. It’s one of the only ones left on the street, since so many businesses closed down after the Snap. So here’s Masha at the counter of this depressing café, and a customer with bags under her eyes comes in.

[A bell over the door chimes. Footsteps slowly approach.]

Masha:            Hi, welcome to Starbucks.

Woman:          I need a Frappuccino with double whip and triple espresso, and also could you just top it off a little decaf. Thanks.

Masha:            Um…Whip cream? Did you want whip cream?

Woman:          Yeah.

Masha:            Okay, I’m so sorry. Yes, uh…

Woman:          [tearful] Yes, I wanted whip cream.

Masha:            Yeah, no, you can get whip cream. I’m so sorry, you don’t—

Woman:          [tearful] Can you sell me whip cream?

Masha:            You can totally do whipped cream. So we got a whipped cream- we got a, um, triple- what was that?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Woman starts crying.]

I’m so sorry. Ma’am! Ma’am. Okay, um, don’t worry about it. It’s on me. Okay?

Woman:          [tearful] Just…

Masha:            Whatever.

Woman:          Okay.

Masha:            What was your name?

Barbara:       Barbara.

Masha:            Barbara. Put a little heart on it.

Barbara:       Barbara Miller.

Masha:            We don’t have to put last names—

[Barbara cries quietly.]

But if you want me to put your last name on it…

Barbara:       [tearful] You don’t have to.

Masha:            I can totally put your last name on it.

[Barbara takes a deep breath.]

Barbara:       No, it’s okay.

Masha:            Well, Barbara Miller, I hope you enjoy this free Starbucks on me today.

Barbara:       Thanks. I will.

Masha:            Can I get a Frappuccino for Barbara?

[Gentle jazz music fades out.]

Sage:            After a long, exhausting day of endless depressing customers coming in, Masha heads home. But she’s keepin’ her chin up because she’s expecting some news. Hopefully, hopefully, maybe this will be the day.

[Masha walks down the sidewalk. She sighs.]

Masha:            Um…well, I guess I’ll check the mail. Doesn’t seem like Lily’s home yet. Um…

[Mailbox clanks open.]

Here we go. Alright, um…

Sage:            And there’s an envelope in there. An envelope stamped from Stark Industries.

[Hopeful-anticipation music. Masha’s piano motif is introduced.]

Masha:            Oh my god…. Oh my god. Oh my god. [fast] Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Okay.

Sage:            Masha runs inside.

Masha:            Masha, Masha. Okay.

[She pants eagerly and runs inside, shutting the door behind her.]

Okay, whatever happens, um, everything is going to be totally great. Like, um, you’ve had a rough patch but, like, we got this, we got this. Okay, I’m just gonna open it.

[She tears open the envelope. Suspenseful music. A heartbeat thumps.]

Masha Mirova,

We’re contacting you in regards to the Stark Industries September Foundation for Young Prodigies.

[Masha gasps quietly.]

As you know, the Snap has set us back quite a bit but, fortunately, we are still going strong. We have heard from, and been impressed by, many talented students who will be receiving the scholarship. You were not one of them.

[Music and heartbeat stop.]

Hopefully you were not riding on this and had other plans in motion.


Stark Industries.

Signed Pepper Potts.

[Paper crinkles as Masha grips the letter tighter.]

Masha:            Wow, that’s real ink. Pepper Potts, uh, held this- held this paper. [voice wobbles] Um… [normal] Okay. Well, uh…

[Sad music.]

That’s okay. I don’t- I don’t have to, like… Lily needs me. Um, we can focus on the- the house. I think, actually, you know what? If I- if I had gotten the scholarship, I… She- she’d be really lonely, and then she’d have to uproot her whole life for me, and she just started high school. So, um, I guess this is- this is it. I’ll be working at Starbucks. And, um, that’s- that’s all I’m doing with my life, I guess.

[Door creaks open. Lily sighs and clears her throat. Door shuts.]


Lily:           Hey.

[Cloth rustles as Lily sets her backpack down.]

Masha:            How was, um, school?

Lily:           [hesitant] I- I didn’t get accepted to the music program.

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           Yeah uh…but it’s fine! No, it’s- it’s totally fine, ’cause, like—

Masha:            I’m so sorry.

Lily:           Yeah, yeah, you know, just kinda hoping for…something to work out. [resigned chuckle]

Masha:            Yeah. Which, also, great day for me as well. I- I got the letter from the Stark Industries.

Lily:           Oh. Oh my god!

Masha:            I didn’t get into the September…

Lily:           What the fu- Why? That doesn’t make any sense. Are they fucking crazy?

Masha:            It’s okay, ’cause I mean, I- I- I- it- I should be staying here with you. Because you’re—

Lily:           N-n-n- [sighs] I don’t- I don’t want you to put your life on hold for m—

Masha:            But literally, like, Mom and Dad are gone and Rose’s gone. Like, I think we just have to stick together. And I don’t wanna leave you. And I don’t wanna uproot you either. So this is- I think this is gonna be, um, a good thing. Like, maybe I can use this time to look for Rose and- and—

Lily:           [sighs] I haven’t been able to find her yet. And that- that worries me because- because the scent, it just- it just stops.

Masha:            I don’t know, maybe she’s farther away. And then if I work more, I pick up more hours and I don’t- I take a break from school, like, take a gap year or something, I can- I can save up more money to get someone who’s like an investigator like a PI to actually look for her. And I don’t even wanna think about what could have happened to her if she didn’t even Snap. You know what I mean? Like…

Lily:           I know, I know. I know.

Masha:            I’m just…

Lily:           But I don’t want you to feel like you have to take care of me.

Masha:            Lily, you’re- you’re fourteen. I can’t just leave you alone.

[Lily sighs quietly.]

This is a good thing, and we’re gonna get outta this, uh, funk. And, so what, you didn’t get into Hamilton. Well, you can go somewhere else, and you don’t need them. Because you’re badass and rock and roll and stick it to the man, you know?

[Lily sniffles and chuckles.]

Lily:           Yeah. [sighs] I just wish I could do more.

Masha:            Me too.



[Music shifts to atmospheric synths.]

Sage:            Year Two of the Snap.

Cut to a real shitty apartment in Koreatown.

Travis:          Otherwise known as an apartment in Koreatown.

[Emily chuckles. Sage stifles laughter.]

Sage:            Eric Stanton, about twenty-seven years old right now, is hanging out alone.

[Music stops.]

Eric:             [sighs] I should do those dishes.



[Music resumes.]

Sage:            Eric’s only been back in the U.S. for two years. He was living in Bolivia for several more, as he fled there shortly after the Hydra incident that broke up S.H.I.E.L.D. many years ago. But he’s now back in Los Angeles, trying to rebuild. He feels like, around every corner, there’s somebody who’s gonna shoot him!

[Eric sighs and takes a deep breath.]

Nope. Nobody’s there.

Eric:             I need work. I need work!

Sage:            And then he gets a call.

[Cell phone buzzes. A beep is heard as he answers.]

Eric:             Hello?

Man:                [over phone] Is this Eric Stanton?

Eric:             Speaking.

Edmond:        [over phone] My name is Edmond. I’m a representative from, uh, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric:             Look, if this about- look, I- I- I can’t pay this month.

Edmond:        [over phone] Uh, no—

Eric:             I truly- I- I don’t have it.

Edmond:        Uh, no—

Eric:             It’s- work’s been tight.

Edmond:        I’m not—

Eric:             I’m a private investigator.

Edmond:        Not your land—

Eric:             I haven’t had any cases.

Edmond:        Uh, Eric? No—

Eric:             It’s- it, look, it’s just- [louder] it’s not it’s not an indictment on my ability. It’s just- it’s that kind of time right now. You know!

Edmond:        Eric. Eric.

Eric:             I mean look outside!

Edmond:        Eric Stanton—

Eric:             Everything’s falling apart!

Edmond:        Eric.

Eric:             And God damnit, [yells] it’s not my fault that it happened when I was gone!

Edmond:        Mr. Stanton—

Eric:             [yells] I am not a part of the problem!

Edmond:        Mr. Stanton! I am simply calling to return your inquiry into getting your old job back in S.H.I.E.L.D. It’s been taking—

[Stealthy music.]

Eric:             Oh shit!

Edmond:        —quite a while. I’m sorry, this has taken two years. Finally, I’ve been able to go through things. You know, the Snap was a huge decimation for us.

Unfortunately, we don’t need you anymore. And actually, after the Snap, we’ve done a lot of reworking. We lost a lot of employees. And so it’s been a little bit of a- a little bit

of a restructuring at S.H.I.E.L.D. Uh, we already went through this once. So we have a whole protocol for this happening again—

Eric:             I’m gonna- I’m gonna to stop you right there. What’s your name?

Edmond:        Edmond.

Eric:             Edmond. So, A-Agent Edmond? Like? Sergeant? Lieu… I’m not sure. Are you—

Edmond:        I’m not a field agent. I- I mean my job is mostly regarding phone calls. And a little bit of administrator.

Eric:             Edmond. I’m not sure if you know, really, what it is that I did when I was with S.H.I.E.L.D. but—

Edmond:        You were a spy. I have—

Eric:             I was—

Edmond:        I- I know exactly what you—

Eric:             I was the spy, Edmond!

Edmond:        You have- I- I don’t know how you- I wouldn’t know. I have your dossier right in front of me. I know everything about you that I could possibly ever know.

Eric:             Well, where am I now?

Edmond:        You’re in Koreatown in Los Angeles.

Eric:             Fuck you, Edmond! This isn’t the news I needed. I can do anything. I can—

Edmond:        You cannot do anything. You can specifically tap into the senses of other human beings within a radius circumference of about 100 miles. I don’t think there is a lot of use for your type of agent—

Eric:             You got a big tone for a fuckin’ desk jockey, you know that, Edmond?

Edmond:        [tsks] Uh…

Eric:             So if you’re just gonna sit here and tell me why

Edmond:        Eric this was not my dec—

Eric:             —why you can’t do it, and all the reasons “it’s just not the right fit”, “It’s not the right time”, you can take ’em and shove them up your ass, ’cause I’ve heard a lit—

Edmond:        Eric, this was not my decision and I’m sorry to inform you, but the phone call ends here. Um, If you have any inquiries, you do have contacts. Of course your friend who you brought into S.H.I.E.L.D., Daniel Daniels, he still works for us. So maybe we can try again in a couple years, but right now we’re restructuring and I’m sorry, uh, we have no work for you.

[Phone beeps as Eric hangs up. He chucks the phone away.]

Eric:             Fuckin’ Nazis.

[Someone knocks on the front door.]


Dan:             [muffled] Hey, uh, it’s me. Daniel.

Eric:             Damn it. Alright.

Dan:             [muffled] We’re gonna watch a movie tonight.

Eric:             [loud] Man. Look, I’m not feeling it right now. Alright?

Dan:             [muffled] We had plans!

Eric:             [loud] Yeah. We all had plans.

[Sage stifles laughter.]


Dan:             [muffled] What happened, dude?

Eric:             I…alright, hold on. Let me get the door.

[He walks across the room. A door creaks open.]

Hey, come on in.

Dan:             What’s goin’ on?

Eric:             Alright.

[Door clicks shut.]

I- I just I heard back from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dan:             [hyped] Oh, shit! They actually got back to you?

Eric:             They—

Dan:             Dude, I have been bothering them left and right. You don’t understand. I mean, I’d forget for months at a time, but then inbe- after those months I will bring it up, and they’ll go, oh yeah we’ll look into it, and so- I- dude, I been trying. I swear I been trying.

Eric:             I- I, look, it’s—

Dan:             They flew you out here and everything! I assumed that it would go through. So- so what happened?

Eric:             They’re “restructuring”. They’re restructuring and they don’t need someone who can literally see, visually, what people are doing through their eyes or hear what they’re hearing through their ears or taste for whatever reason that has to be done. And every time I’ve had to do it, it’s been fucking gross but I did with a fucking smile because that was my job…and they’re “restructuring”.

Dan:             Yeah, they’re- we’re- yeah, we are. [mumbles] We have been restructuring.

Eric:             What the fuck does that even mean, restructuring?

Dan:             It just means that, like—

Eric:             You had years to restructure when you found out that half of y’all were Nazis!

Dan:             And they did that and it went very well, as I told you, but then—

Eric:             What, did the not-Nazi half get Snapped away?

Dan:             [quiet] I…look… [sighs]

Eric:             I’m sorry. I’m just—

Dan:             No, no. Honestly I’m—

Eric:             —it’s- it’s not been a good month.

Dan:             No, you’re fuckin’- no, you’re fucking right, dude! You’re completely right. You don’t underst- i-it has been two years and I’ve been bothering them. Yes. I- okay, my mistake. My mistake. I didn’t do it as much as I could have.

Eric:             This isn’t a—

Dan:             Maybe I could have pushed a little bit harder. I messed up there. I’m sorry.

Eric:             Daniel, it’s- Daniel. Dan-Dan-Dan—

Dan:             Put it on me.

Eric:             Daniel! Daniel!

Dan:             Yes? Please call me Dan.

Eric:             I’m not blaming you. Don’t blame yourself. This isn’t about when they got back to me.

Dan:             Who called you, by the way?

Eric:             Some dick named Edmund who works at a desk.

Dan:             I’m gonna call him. Right now.

Eric:             Don’t- no, don’t—

Dan:             No, I’m callin’ him right now.

[Phone beeps.]

Eric:             Daniel! I don’t need—

Dan:             I’m callin ’im!

[Eric sighs. A dialing tone.]

Hey, yo, Edmond!

Alex:             [over phone] Uh, this is Alex.

Dan:             Where’s Edmond?

Alex:             [over phone] Uh, Edmond’s gone on his lunch break. How can I help?

Dan:             He went on his lunch break. You hear that, Eric? He went on his lunch break!

Eric:             Dude, Daniel, don’t…

Dan:             You hear this? Alex.

Alex:             [over phone] You want me to try to take a message for him?

Dan:             Hey, Alex.

Alex:             [over phone] Yeah?

Dan:             Yeah, it’s me. Daniel Daniels, otherwise known as Agent Fragrant, okay? I’ve been—

Eric:             Cannot believe you stuck with that.

Dan:             —working for this company for years.

Alex:             [over phone] Oh, hey. How’s it goin’?

Dan:             Uh, I’ve never met you, so it- great. Whatever. Look, why don’t you—

Alex:             [over phone] How can I help you today?

Dan:             Uh, are you new? Are you a temp of some kind?

Alex:             [over phone] Oh, absolutely. They hired me straight away.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             What?

Alex:             [over phone] Oh, yeah, no. I just walked in and they gave me the job. It was great.

Eric:             What’s he saying?

Alex:             [over phone] How can I help you?

Eric:             What’s he saying?

Dan:             Mmm.

Eric:             What’s he saying?

Dan:             I don’t know if I should say.

Eric:             Is that Edmond?

Dan:             Uh, no. It’s- it’s not Edmond. It’s a temp, uh…

Alex:             [over phone] So you work here too, right?

Eric:             [yells] They have temps?

Dan:             They have temps. Somehow they have—

Eric:             [yells] I’ll temp!

Alex:             [over phone] I thought it was weird because I can’t even type.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Okay. Okay. Alex. Alex, I’m gonna- I’m gonna- I’m gonna stop you, okay? Um, wh-when Edmond gets back from his lunch break, why don’t you tell him that I quit.

Alex:             [over phone] Uh…

Dan:             I quit!

Alex:             [over phone] I- I gotta be honest—

Eric:             No.

Dan:             I quit. I’m done.

[Eric and Dan talk over each other.]

I’m done. I quit. I’m done with it. I’m—

Eric:             No. Dan- you quit- no. [fast] Give me that. Gimme the phone! Gimme the phone! Gimme the—

[Cloth rustles as Eric and Dan fight over the phone.]

Dan:             No. Hey, I—

Alex:             [over phone] I’m gonna have to call—

Eric:             [loud] This is a prank! This is a prank call.

Alex:             [over phone] You know you pranksters. You need to stop calling in here, because—

[Dan and Eric speak over each other.]

Dan:             Eric, give me the- give- give it—

Eric:             [fast] You’re right, I learned my lesson see you later. Bye, bye, bye! Hang up!

[Phone beeps. Clothes rustle as Eric lowers the phone.]

[slowly] Don’t quit S.H.I.E.L.D. you idiot!

Dan:             If they’re gonna fire my best friend, I’m done!

Eric:             That’s not… [sighs] Look…

Dan:             [fast] Like, what do I have to work there? I’ve been waitin’ this whole two years for you to come join me. Like what do I wanna—

Eric:             Daniel, you don’t—

Dan:             Dan.

Eric:             [groans] Look, even though the shit I did for them was truly, a lot of the time, horrifying. And then to later come to the realization that not only was I subjecting myself to experiencing literally the worst that humanity had to offer, but I was doing it for actual Nazis. Like, literal Nazis.

Dan:             Yeah, that was pretty dumb.

Eric:             Yeah. We’re—

[He sighs in exasperation.]

So coming back here now, it’s…

Dan:             We’ll figure it out. Big city, man. You know what I’ve been hearing?

Eric:             What?

Dan:             Lot o’ people who don’t want to be registered, uh, hanging out.

Eric:             That’s the thing. I can’t- I’m doing this private eye shit ’cause I can’t be, like, a hero. I can’t tell—

Dan:             D’you think I can? I just smell nice. I don’t even have any powers.

Eric:             Yeah, that’s… Again, the Agent Fragrant? Like…

Dan:             Look, it just stuck, man. I’m not gonna fight it. I’m not gonna fight it. It was mean at first and it hurt my feelings. And you know what, um, I’m just owning the joke now. ’Kay? That’s all.

Eric:             [sighs] Alright. Don’t quit your job.

Dan:             Well, we’ll see what happens. [chuckles]


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Hopeful music.]

Sage:            Year Three of the Snap.

We’re in the backyard of the Kline residence. You’ve set up some target practice and Lily is holding a phone, filming.

Lily:           Okay, come on. Come on do it. Just one more time, one more time, one more time!

Masha:            [sighs] I can’t just do it. Like, I can’t just redo what I just did.

Lily:           Right, no, I know it’s different every time, but, like- okay, hear me out. Somehow YouTube videos still monetized, right?

Masha:            Yes.

Lily:           Ad revenue. Literally how else are we supposed to make money [amused] as young women alone in this world?

Masha:            I mean, that’s a really fair point, but we don’t even have any viewers. So I’m just- you’re gonna upload a video of me exposing that I’m a freak! Something that I don’t really want people to really know about.

Lily:           Wear a mask. I’ll hold my breath. You take my mask.

Masha:            Oh and just put it over my- okay.

Lily:           Yeah, yeah.

Masha:            Your mask. Your- your mask that you have over your mouth and your nose and I’ll put it over mine.

[Clothes rustle as Lily takes off her mask and hands it over.]

Lily:           [coughs, groans] Ah, fuck I forgot how it smells out here.

Masha:            Oh my god, wait. Lily, Lily, please put it—

Lily:           No, it’s okay.

Masha:            No, Lily, come on. Put it back on!

Lily:           I’m just gonna hold my breath. Okay?

Masha:            Oh my god. Okay.

Lily:           [holding breath] I got great lung capacity. Don’t even worry about it.

Masha:            Alright.

Lily:           [holding breath] Years o’ bass clarinet. But please be quick.

Masha:            Okay, you’re- are- you’re recording?

Lily:           Uh, yeah.

[Phone beeps.]

Masha:            Okay.


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Sage:            And we cut over to Korea Town.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Traffic rumbles by. Footsteps tap on sidewalk.]

Eric’s about to enter his apartment. And he’s on the street, walkin’ down alone. He notices, across the street, some dude in a trench coat and glasses watching.

[Suspenseful music.]

Eric:             Hmm…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, you’re gonna roll me Soul.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          Seeing as that’s the lowest it possibly could be, failure.

Sage:            It’s a failure?

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            Okay. Eric thinks this guy is totally fine. [stifles laughter]

Eric:             I know I should be suspicious of this, but I just can’t seem to fucking care. I’m exhausted. I’m gonna go back up to the apartment.

[He continues walking down the sidewalk.]

Sage:            Eric gets back into the apartment. And Eric, being a private investigator, has [stifles laugh] alerts set up on Craigslist. Just in case somebody makes a post looking for a PI, he gets alerts. And he has one.

[The gentle ping of a notification goes off. Muffled traffic rumbles outside the window.]

He notices, on his little laptop there, somebody named Lily made a post. And there’s a photo of Lily and two sisters. And the post says that they’re looking for the youngest one in the picture, who disappeared sometime around the Snap.

Eric:             Neat!

Sage:            However, before Eric can really dive in… There’s a fire escape that goes up to a window into Eric’s house and he looks and there’s another person in a trench coat staring him down.

[Suspenseful music.]

[Stat test chime.]

Eric, roll me Soul.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Eric:             I think a flash mob’s about to happen.

[Jessica stifles a laugh.]

Are flash mobs back now? Is that where we are?

Sage:            Eric is tired and done for the day. So Eric sits down on the couch and pulls up YouTube. [stifles laughter] What else to fucking do in Koreatown? Cable’s not been working. Nobody’s been managing that right now.

Eric:             Disney Plus is shut down.

[Muffled traffic rumbles outside. Dull thunks are heard as Eric taps on his phone.]

YouTube Woman:     Having the same credit card as Professor Hulk? Priceless. Master Card.

Eric:             Sell out.

[YouTube switches channels.]

YouTube Woman 2:   [quiet, indistinguishable accent] Hello. My name is Ygritte. Thank you for coming back to my ASMR. This is leather purse.

[Obnoxious leather squeaking.]

Eric:             Oh, god. No, no. Why does anyone like this?

[YouTube switches channels.]

Sage:            And then that person starts knocking on the window.

[Knocking on glass.]

Eric:             I don’t want to be a part of the flash mob!

[Stifled laughter.]

It’s not- it’s not my thing.

[Another knock.]

What- I don’t have a trench coat! I can’t get into costume.

Sage:            They pull out a gun and they point it at Eric.


Eric:             Oooh.

[Stifled laughter]

[Stat test chime.]

[Suspenseful music.]

Sage:            Roll for Soul.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Hey, I got one!

[Sage chuckles.]

Sage:            Gunshot!

[A gunshot goes off, glass breaks. Eric screams.]

Eric:             God dammit! Okay, ah, bedroom closet.

[Eric runs to his room.]

[fast] Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun. Gun. Gun!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll for Combat.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          Uh, 6.

Sage:            6 total?

Travis:          Yeah.

Sage:            Oh shit. Eric comes out of the closet and the man has grabbed him from behind.

[Rapid footsteps approach. A firm tap and clothes rustle as the Man grabs Eric. Muffled rainfall patters outside the window.]

Eric:             Okay, look. I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons you could be doing this right now. But I want you to tell me…three.

Man:                You’re a target. We’ve been watching you.

Eric:             That much is clear! You pointed a gun at me!

Man:                Eh, it seemed to take you a while to notice.

Eric:             Look, I had a long day of investigating privately. So I’d appreciate it, if you could leave me to the privacy of my own home to investigate…what’s new on YouTube.

Man:                Look ahead.

Eric:             [tsks] ’Kay.

Sage:            Another trench coat enters the building.

[Footsteps tap across the tile.]

Man 2:             You know too much.

Eric:             Not in this situation, I don’t!

Man 2:             End it.

[A gun cocks.]

Eric:             [coaxing] Look, whatever you guys need, I can find it. Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, I can help. I can get it done faster, I can get it done in a more comprehensive fashion. Do you know who I am? Instead of killing me, what if I helped you do whatever the fuck else you’re trying to do, and then you get it done faster and you wouldn’t have to be a part of it.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Personal Reality. Powerful Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Fail and 20.

Man 2:             He’s a liar. Shoot him in the head.

[The swish and thuds of combat begin. A sickening snap. Man 1 grunts and coughs.]

Man 2:             Fuck, he’s loose! He’s loose! Get ’im!

Eric:             Gimme that! Gimme that! No!

Man 2:             Get up! No!

[A gunshot and a wet splat against the wall. Man 2 collapses with a thud. Eric pants.]

[Suspenseful music.]

Sage:            They have no information on them. They are completely clean. You’ve never been able to tap into these people before, and you don’t know why they’re after you.

Eric:             [slow] I have to stop killing them first and touching them second.

[Stifled laughter.]

I should know this by now. God dammit, Eric.

[He walks out of the bedroom. Clothes rustle as he runs a hand through his hair.]

I can’t keep doing this alone.

Sage:            Then his phone starts making noises.

[A muffled grunt from the phone.]

And he pulls it out. Eric realizes he didn’t stop watching YouTube and he landed on a random video that YouTube had recommended to him.

[Stat test chime.]

[A buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Healing. [chuckles]

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            Two young women in a backyard.

[A quiet, chiming squeal as Masha’s healing powers are used. Leaves rustle.]

Lily:           Oh, wow! You made- you made the plants grow again.

Masha:            Alright, alright, uh. [chuckles]

Lily:           You got this. You got…

Masha:            I’ll do it…

Lily:           One more time!

Masha:            One more time, one more time!

[Stat test chime.]

[A buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

Reflexes! I’m…just…

[Jessica stifles laughter. Sage joins her.]

Eric:             What the fuck am I watching?


Sage:            Do, like, flips and shit for no reason.

[Masha grunts on the video.]

Lily:           Wait, hold on. Hold on, let me throw something at you real quick.

Masha:            Throw something at me. Now!

[A swish is heard and Masha grunts as she dodges. She pants.]

[Stat test chime.]

[A buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Freezing time.

Sage:            The main girl in the video just, like, sprints back and forth around the backyard at the speed of light. It is insanely fast.

[Masha pants. Footsteps scuff to a stop.]

Lily:           Ah, shit. That was so cool.

Masha:            [coughs] Okay, okay. I don’t think I can do more. [coughs]

Lily:           Can I have my mask back?

[The video ends with a beep.]

Sage:            And then the video ends.

Eric:             Holy shit.

[Light-suspense music.]

Sage:            Eric then has a little bit of a eureka moment. Looks at this video, and then he looks at that Craigslist ad. He looks at the video. And then the ad. And the video. And the ad.

Eric:             Oh my god! Okay, okay. I’ll reply. I’ll reply!

[He walks over to the desk. A keyboard clacks and Eric speaks as he types.]

[Action music plays.]

Hi, I am a private investigator, and I am very interested in helping you find your family. Call anytime. Thanks? No. Sincerely. Mmm. Regards. Send.

[Mouse clicks and a chime goes off as the message sends.]

I didn’t put my name on it because it’s already at the top.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Sage:            And then he gets a call almost immediately.

[Phone buzzes. Clothes rustle as Eric pulls it out of his pocket.]

Eric:             The fuck? Blocked?

[Phone buzzes again.]


Lily:           [over phone] Hi. Um, did- did you, um, answer an ad on Craigslist?

Eric:             What kind of ad?

Lily:           [over phone] Um, uh, a missing persons ad.

Eric:             Y-yeah. Uh, but that was, like, ten seconds ago.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           [over phone] Are- are you serious or- or not?

Eric:             Yeah, no, I’m serious. It was, like, ten seconds ago.

Lily:           [over phone] Okay, meet me, uh, at the Starbucks at Hollywood and Vine—

Eric:             [quiet] Wait, what?

Lily:           —at 1 PM. Don’t bring anybody.

[Phone disconnect tone.]

Eric:             The hell was that?

[Phone beeps and clothes rustle as Eric puts it away.]

Alright, well… I gotta find a bird.

[Action music.]

Sage:            We cut to Starbucks at Hollywood and Vine. Coming in from the left is Lily, walking alone. And then on the right…[amused] some blonde dork on a Bird is driving a scooter [chuckles] down the sidewalk and stops at the front door, and they arrive at the same time.

[Eric burps.]

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           [quick inhale, clears throat] I’m, um, like, not supposed to talk to strangers. That being said…did you answer an ad on Craigslist?

Eric:             For a private investigator?

Lily:           [sarcastic] Oh no, for a birthday stripper. Oh, this is so awkward. Oh no.

Eric:             Alright. You must be the person that called me back immediately and then hung up on me.

Lily:           I imparted information, but okay.

Eric:             Now, are you young or just short?

Lily:           [tsks] Wh—

Eric:             If you’re under eighteen I probably need to get somebody’s parents involved to make sure that this is, like, legal.

Lily:           Great. I carry a taser.

[Clothes rustle and electricity zaps.]

Sage:            And then Masha comes out right in the middle of them, with Lily with a taser out and Eric [stifles laughter] standing on a Bird still. He hasn’t gotten off the scooter.

[Gentle misadventure music.]

Masha:            Lily! [fast] Wha- why are you- what did you- are you gonna attack my sister?

Eric:             I’m not—

Masha:            Hey!

Eric:             I’m not attacking- I’m riding a Bird. I’m riding- I’m saving the environment. What’s left of it.

Masha:            Okay, what is going on? Are you—

Lily:           I hired a private investigator to find Rose.

Eric:             Okay, now we have this out in the open. Hi, you’re her sister? I’m a private investigator. I responded to her ad on Craigslist.

Masha:            You put an ad on Craigslist?

Eric:             Which is a site that professionals use!

Masha:            Who are you?

Eric:             That is not- I am a s- I work for S.H.I.E.L.D.


Masha:            Oh, yeah, sure.

Lily:           Oh, so you’re a secret Nazi!

Sage:            Eric, roll for Reality.

[Everyone laughs.]

[Stat test chime.]

Masha:            Sure, Mr. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Colton:            Reality check!

Sage:            Personal roll for Reality.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Success.

Sage:            Okay!

Lily:           O-okay.

Masha:            Okay…you look like you’ve worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. I guess?

Sage:            They decide this conversation shouldn’t continue—

[Everyone laughs.]

—right out front of a Starbucks, because there’s a bunch of people that are, like, waiting to get in and you’re literally blocking the door.

Masha:            Sorry, Wanda, I’m goin’ away!

[The three walk down the sidewalk.]

Sage:            The three of them then [chuckles] awkwardly try to shuffle into the back alley behind Starbucks so that they can talk in private.

Eric:             This is not discreet.

[Sage chuckles.]

Masha:            Lily, okay, so…

Sage:            On the way there, some guy in the trench coat bumps into Eric. Not good vibes, but they keep going.

Eric:             Okay, so any other sisters I need to know about before we talk about…

Lily:           Well, I mean, yeah, the one we’re looking for.

Masha:            Okay, wait. Slow down. I’m sorry. What money are you going to use to pay him?

Lily:           [slow] The barter system?

[Masha sighs.]

We learned about it in school.

Masha:            He doesn’t- do you even have a rate? Are you even a private investigator? Is this what you do for a living? Why are—

Lily:           Why did you answer this ad?

Masha:            Why are you guys- why are you meeting at my work? I could get fired!

Eric:             Now, as a private investigator, usually I’m asking—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

—more of the questions than the people who contacted me.

Masha:            I didn’t contact you.

Eric:             That’s fair.

Lily:           I didn’t contact you, either. You contacted me.

Eric:             And you contacted me back.

Lily:           It was reciprocal!

Eric:             Okay, look, this is—

Masha:            I’m sorry, sir. I don’t think we can afford to pay you to be a PI for us. I’m sorry. Lily didn’t talk about this with me, and I don’t ha- I can’t budget this. Okay? I work at Starbucks!

Eric:             Are you the same people from this video?

[Clothes rustle. Video turns on.]

Video Masha:         Throw something at me. Now!

Lily:           Oh…

[Video Masha grunts and pants.]

Masha:            Put that down! Put that away!

[Video continues.]

Put that down!

Eric:             Okay, okay. I’m sorry.

[Phone beeps as he shuts off the video.]

Lily:           [quiet] Shit. [slow] If you’re here to kill us, we could prob’ly kill you first and harder.

[Misadventure music resumes. Masha sighs.]

Eric:             Okay. How ’bout nobody kills anybody? That sounds great. Let’s just- let’s not do that.

Lily:           Okay, we could start with that.

Eric:             Okay, look. I am a private investigator. This is my job. I- I do this for a living. And because of that, I often find myself in situations where pretty powerful people would rather have me dead. Now.

[Masha sighs nervously.]

That has happened today. Pretty recently.

Sage:            Speaking of which…

Eric:             And in fact, there’s something about where we are right now. Just one second, please.

Masha:            [uncertain] Are you meditating or…?

Lily:           Do you have powers?

Masha:            Do you have to use a bathroom? I can give you the code to the Starbucks.

Lily:           1738.

[Eric shushes them.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Can you roll to Tap?

Masha:            I think he’s constipated.

Sage:            How attuned is…

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          [stifles laughter] It’s a 1.

Sage:            [yells] What?

[Failure chime.]

You got a 1?

Travis:          I got a 1.

[Emily laughs.]

Sage:            [laughs] No!

Travis:          ’Cause they’re talking! ’Cause they’re talking! I can’t concentrate!

Masha:            I jus- listen!

Travis:          With all this talking!

Sage:            Eric untapping and rolling a one, somebody in a trench coat just literally landed on top of him. [chuckles] Jumping from—

Eric:             I swear to god, I can’t hear anything with you guys just- I need the co—

[Air rushes overhead. A thud as a man lands on Eric. Eric grunts and Masha screams. Eric grunts as he fights with the man on the ground.]

Sage:            They pull out a gun.

Lily:           Holy fuck!

Sage:            They’re about to shoot Eric in the head!

[A gun clicks.]

Lily:           Holy fuck!

Masha:            Okay. Hi! Uh, uh, uh. Plea—

Lily:           Masha!

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Do something!

Masha:            [groans] Okay.

Lily:           Ahh! Krav Maga!

[Boots pound across the pavement as Lily charges.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Both of you roll for Combat.

[Failure chime.]

Jessica:          I got a 3.

Emily:          20.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            3 and 20! Okay, Masha is too nervous to use her powers. She doesn’t want anybody to see her, to know.

[Masha groans anxiously.]

Lily sees this, really knows her sister very well and wants to look out for her, and Lily [stifles laugh] rolled a fuckin’ 20 somehow.

Masha:            [quiet, anxious] I can’t do it, I can’t do it.

Lily:           I can beat up—

[Lily grunts. Clothes rustle.]

Masha:            Oh my god!

Lily:           Aye-YAH!

[Lily kicks out hard and hits the man’s hand. The gun clatters away.]

Masha:            Lily!

Lily:           What?

Sage:            This gives Eric a brief moment.

[Stat test chime.]

Travis:          Ooo! 23.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            [amused] Fuck.

[Stifled laughter.]

[Cloth rustles as Eric jumps up and grabs the man. Eric and Masha talk over each other. ]

Eric:             Got it! [quickly] Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep.

Masha:            [slowly] Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh…

Lily:           Yeah, get ’im!

[The man chokes. A sickening crack.]

Masha:            Oh…Oh my god!

[A thud as Eric drops the body.]

Eric:             Oh, that’s too asleep.

Lily:           [quiet] I could smell him die.

Eric:             Right on.

Masha:            [slow] You guys just killed somebody!

Lily:           I did not kill that man!

Eric:             Hey, hey, hey, look. You reacted quickly and you took control of the situation. That’s great. That’s exactly what I’m looking for.

[A mysterious misting sound. Low, suspenseful music.]

Sage:            And then our three heroes are smelling smoke, and the alley- we realize the alleyway has gotten a little foggy and smoky.

Lily:           [sniffs] What is that?

Sage:            Lily is obviously the first person to notice.

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Smoke? [sniffs] It’s a…[sniffs] But it’s not from a fire it’s…

Masha:            [quiet] Oh god. [normal] Did they burn something in the oven again?

Sage:            And then, emerging from it, two dudes.

[Eric coughs.]

Dude:         [chuckles] Would ya look at that, Siggy. Quite the display, huh?

Masha:            Uh…

Lily:           What?

Eric:             Okay, hold the fuck up.

Siggy:          Well, well. This one’s younger than I thought. Can you even drive?

Lily:           [falsely sweet] No, but I can kill a grown man. Wanna see?

Masha:            [hushed] Lily!

Siggy:          No, no, that- that qualifies. I don’t think- that’s- yeah.

Dude:         No, no, I- I- I believe it. Listen. Saw the YouTube video of yours.

Masha:            Okay, YouTube video of mine? Like I was- wha- Who are you?

Roach:            They call me Roach. Call me Roach in the streets. Just keep it at that.

[Eric and Siggy talk over each other.]

Siggy:          You know what they call Roach in the—

Eric:             What do they call you in the sheets? [chuckles]

Siggy:          [amused] Yup! Thank you, sir.

Roach:            Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fun, fun, fun. I’m telling you something you need to know. Okay? They’re gonna come after you.

Masha:            They…?

Eric:             They.

Roach:            You know, “they”. The “they” they.

Lily:           Like- like you?

Siggy:          The big, scary “they”.

Roach:            No, not us. Not—

Masha:            Wait, do you guys know each other or something?

Siggy:          We look like a “they”.

Eric:             No, but I know the “they” that they are talking about.

Roach:            We’re not talking about the “they” they “they”, we’re talking about the “they” they for sure.

Eric:             [slow] Yeah.

Lily:           Okay.

Roach:            But we’re not the “they” or the “they” they, or the “they” they “they”.

Siggy:          We’re pretty open-minded about pronouns.

Roach:            Yeah.

Lily:           Great. Question for, like, literally all of you. Do you normally track down young women from the internet?

Masha:            And questionably both could be minors?

Siggy:          Kinda.

Roach:            I mean…

Siggy:          I guess.

Roach:            Y-yeah.

Siggy:          I mean, not- not specifically…

Roach:            But it doesn’t have anything really to do with that stuff. We’re innocent! As a matter o’ fact, we got some’in’ to offer you.

Masha:            And that is…?

Roach:            [quiet] Come on, keep it on the DL. Keep your voice down.

Masha:            [whispers] What is it?

Lily:           If it’s candy, we’re smarter than that.

Roach:            No! No, no, no.

Eric:             What is this about? What do you want?

Roach:            You don’t wanna be running for the rest of your life. Don’t wanna be, slave to the man. Don’t wanna be tracked down, used, abused. Well, that’s where we come in. We’re representatives of the Fort.


Eric:             The Fort? That’s up at the—

Roach:            You’ve heard. He’s heard. He’s heard o’ the Fort!

[High-fives tap.]

Siggy:          Hey!

Roach:            That’s right!

Siggy:          Startin’ reputation!

Eric:             Like, all the homeless have filled in the Griffith, right?

Roach:            Homeless.

Siggy:          Well, I mean…

Roach:            Squatters.

Siggy:          That is now our home.

Roach:            Like… Look—

Siggy:          Like, yeah, no. We’re not homeless if we’re livin’ somewhere, right?

Roach:            Yeah, yeah. It’s ours now.

Siggy:          Yeah.

Roach:            We- we took it.

Masha:            What is th- what is th- I’m so sorry. Uh, what is the Fort?

Roach:            I’m gonna give you a little card here.

[He walks up to them. Clothes rustle as he pulls the card out of his jacket.]

You three. Think about it. You know where to find us.

[Footsteps fade as the two leave.]

Eric:             Think about what? You haven’t pitched anything!

Roach:            Just think about it.

Siggy:          No, no, no. Think about it.

Roach:            Think about it.

Eric:             You’re fuckin’ up my whole thing here.

Sage:            Siggy and Roach leave the alleyway.

Masha:            What…

Eric:             God. Assholes. Everybody’s a fuckin’…mystery these days.

Lily:           [hesitant] So, are you gonna help us find our sister?

Eric:             Yes. And you don’t have to pay me. But…I need help with that.

Masha:            With—

Eric:             That thing? With the guy who- like they’re- people are falling out of the sky to kill me. That’s where we’re at now.

Masha:            [quiet] Yeah, that’s—

Lily:           Yeah, what did you do?

Sage:            Oh, Eric totally dislocated his shoulder. I’m just gonna throw that in there. [chuckles]

Eric:             Hold on.

[Sage and Emily stifle laughter.]

[A loud crack, Masha groans, and Eric screams.]

Masha:            Oh my god!

Lily:           Masha, can you try to heal?

Sage:            [amused] Too late. Too late! It doesn’t matter!

[Emily chuckles.]

Eric:             Nah, It’s back in. It’s back in. It’s just gonna- there’s gonna be some swelling but it’ll be fine. I’ll ice it.

Lily:           Um…

Eric:             I’ll ice it when I get ho- oh, fuck. I can’t go home.

Lily:           But, very important question.

Eric:             [mumbles] Oh god.

Lily:           Why are these people trying to kill you?

Eric:             I don’t know. That’s the problem. There are a million reasons that any one person could be trying to kill me. There’s a lot of information that I’ve used against other people for other people who have then used information about them against them towards someone else.

Paying rent is hard in this city. You’d think, with the real estate crisis- there’s nobody living here. Still, you’d think the rent would be cheaper than this! But no! So what do you gotta do?

Lily:           Yeah, okay.

Eric:             You gotta take one drug lord’s identity!

Lily:           Okay.

Eric:             You gotta sell it to another one!

[Masha groans.]

Next thing you know—

Lily:           Hey! Hey! Hey!

Eric:             —you have men in trench coats trying to murder you in your apartment!

Lily:           Okay! Do you think you can find our sister?

Eric:             Yeah.

Masha:            Okay, fine. So what do you need us to do? I’m confused.

Eric:             Well…let me hang out with you.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh, my God.

Lily:           How are we going to explain that to people? I’m—

Eric:             What? D’you have parents?


Masha:            [quiet] Okay.

Lily:           No.

Masha:            Our parents disappeared in the Snap.


[Eric grunts.]

Fine. We will hang out with you.

Eric:             I don’t need friends. I need help. And so do you.

Lily:           Yes.

Eric:             Right?

Masha:            [resigned] Yes.

Lily:           Should we…

Eric:             You don’t post on Craigslist unless you’re desperate.

[Lily sighs. Masha groans.]

Lily:           [quiet] Fine.

Masha:            What is the Fort? You sound like you’ve heard of it.

[Guitar strums gently.]

Eric:             I’ve heard- like I said, I’m good with information. I know it’s the Griffith Observatory. There’s a bunch of squatters there, and it eventually became a bunch of super squatters.

Masha:            Here, gimme that card.

[Clothes rustle and a card flicks as she turns it over.]

Sage:            Masha looks at this card. It looks pretty cool. It’s got, like, some cool, grungy little text. Got, like, a graphic of a Griffith Observatory, but it’s all, like, shooken up. Says… “A Home”…

Jessica:          Dot, dot, dot, dot.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Sage:            …“You Bet!”

[Everyone laughs.]

Masha:            Well, there’s a lot of quality in this card, but their slogan…

Lily:           Sucks!

Eric:             They could use a copywriter.

Lily:           It’s bad.

Masha:            Okay…I mean…I guess we could…go check it out. Like, I don’t know. I’m just tired of, like, hiding all the time.

Eric:             I think that’s a great idea. On the way there, you can tell me all about your sister. What happened. Maybe some people there will have answers. Most importantly, it’s not my apartment…and you guys are strong.

Masha:            Do you even have powers?

Lily:           You have powers, don’t you?

Eric:             No. Did you see that guy fall out of the sky and crush me? If I had powers, do you think that would have happened?

Masha:            Yeah, but, why would people be after you?

Lily:           But then you- you killed him and- I don’t know. You got that weird look on your face. Which was maybe—

Masha:            Yeah you looked like you were gonna shit your pants.

Lily:           I was thinking that was just his face, but, yeah. You got that weird look like you were [groans] efforting.

Eric:             I was thinking. I’m a private investigator. I use my—

Lily:           Do you super think?

Eric:             No. I just think kinda hard. Haven’t you ever seen Sherlock? You know?

Lily:           He super thinks! That guy was a super.

Eric:             Yeah, I’m just- I’m just…

Lily:           Let’s be real.

Masha:            Yeah.

Eric:             I’m just a genius. Lea—

[Emily snerks.]

We’ll- we’ll leave it at that.

Masha:            So a super genius?

Eric:             No!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Tha- just a regular genius.

[Masha grunts in disbelief.]

And I was thinking about where potential threats could’ve been, and who’d a thunk, outta the sky. Which is why I was caught off guard.

Masha:            Also, by the way, what is your name?

Eric:             Uh, my name is, uh, uh S-Scry.

Lily:           Oh, we’re using our made-up names! Okay, um.

[Misadventure music.]

Masha:            [scoffs] Lily, that could be his real name.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Eric:             That’s- that’s- that’s my- that’s my S.H- that’s my S.H- No, no. It’s- it’s a S.H.—

Masha:            Scry’s a very interesting name, if that’s your real name.

Eric:             It’s a designation. It’s a designation.

Lily:           Yeah, what’s- what’s the origin of that one?

Eric:             It was given to me by, what I assume is, a machine. Or just somebody whose job it is to come up with clever names for people.

Lily:           Okay.

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           Coooool…



Marvel Mask Red.png


[Adventure music.]

Sage:            About 10 PM on a Saturday night in Los Angeles. Lily Kline, Masha Mirova, and Eric Stanton hesitantly have decided to approach the Fort. Some club of some kind for supers? Who hang out in the abandoned Griffith Observatory.

It was, obviously, a very popular tourist attraction and scientific exhibit prior to the Snap. Quickly after, everybody realized that just through a matter of bad luck, all of the scientists and employees were Snapped away.

And, over time, just like all the mansions that got cleared out, some squatters started coming in and filling it out over the last three years. And eventually it’s gotten a good name for itself. And it’s just now startin’ to pick up steam, so they approach the entrance to Griffith, and [stifles laughter] it looks real shitty compared to how it used to. This is not what you remember.

[Crickets chirp in the background. Music fades out.]

Masha:            Yikes. They really let it go.

Eric:             This is no longer a place of learning.

Door Guy:           What’s the password?

Eric:             Ahh!

Masha:            Uh…

Door Guy:           What’s the password?

Lily:           Oh shit. Am I gonna need my fake ID?

Door Guy:           Password!

Lily:           ’Cause it says I’m thirty.

Eric:             Gimme that- gimme that card again.

Masha:            Uh, yeah, let me just get it outta my bag.

Eric:             What’s that thing it says at the bottom?

[A purse rustles and a card flicks.]

Masha:            Um…“Pickle Feet”.

Eric:             What?


Door Guy:           Alright, you’re in.

Masha:            That’s what it says at the bottom!

Eric:             I meant the slogan.

Door Guy:           But I’m not happy about it!

[Emily laughs.]

Eric:             Where does it say “Pickle Feet”?

Masha:            On the back side. It says “Password” and “Pickle Feet”.

Eric:             Does it?

Masha:            Yeah! It’s right here.

Lily:           Is it in the same font?

Masha:            No, it’s a different font.

Door Guy:           You can come in.

[Everyone laughs.]

Sage:            This strange man opens the door to the Fort.

[Door Guy makes “Chch” noises as the garage door creaks open.]

He starts churning a crank, and this sick-ass garage door slowly opens up.

[A buzzer goes off, muffled voices, and an electric guitar slowly builds.]

Lily:           Hold on. Let me have a sniff.

Masha:            Alright.

Eric:             What?

[Lily sniffs.]

Door Guy:           Do you want me to close the door, or…

Sage:            Smells a lot like sweat. Bodies. It smells like weed. Definitely abstract rebellion. Hints of sex, unfortunately, it smells a lot like…

[Travis makes drum noises to the beat of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana.]

[quiet] Yes.

[Electric guitar and drums play.]

Lily:           Smells a little bit like a soup kitchen. And I mean that in the metaphorical sense.

Eric:             I think I mean it in the literal sense.

[Masha stifles laughter.]

Door Guy:           Takes me about five minutes to put the door up—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

—and put the door down. If somebody’s gonna come in I have to ask them the password, so…

Sage:            And then a guy you’ve seen before, you remember he’s the dude named Roach that gave you the card, walks by the front door with soup in his hand. [stifles laughter]

Masha:            Hey, look, it’s Roach! Hi!

Eric:             There was soup.

Roach:            [distant] Hey! Siggy, they came!

Lily:           I was talking about a homeless orgy. But, yeah.

Siggy:         Heeey! What’s up?

Roach:            Come on in, come on in, come on it!

Siggy:         Yeah, yeah, yeah!

[The group walks inside.]

Masha:            Wow, you guys really, uh, did some fun with the Griffith Observatory.

[Door clunks shut.]

Roach:            This is our home. This is our palace. This is our sanctuary! You got no idea. The plans we got in store… So glad you guys came!

[Roach claps his hands together.]

See? Told ya.

[In the background, someone cheers and rock music plays.]

Masha:            Oh wow, you guys have your own hype-man.

Roach:            You guys want a tour? I can give ya a tour.

Eric:             Yeah. Is it gonna get more crowded?

Siggy:         Well, hopefully, yeah. That’s what we want.

Roach:            That’s the plan. That’s the plan. Yeah, see we’re workin’ on it. We’re workin’ on it.

Siggy:         Yeah.

Masha:            Is there, like, a fire code?

Siggy:         That’s actually- you know, considering we may actually have, like, people that breathe fire at some point, that might not be a bad idea. Fire code.

Roach:            Now! Obviously we’re in the main entrance, but this is just the tip o’ the iceberg, you know what I’m sayin’?

[The group moves farther inside.]

If we look over to the left wing, this is where we work. You’re lookin’ over to the right wing, this is where we party.

On the left is the Hall of the Eye. You’re in the Hall of the Eye, you’re gettin’ shit done. You’re spreadin’ the good word. You’re recruitin’. You’re gettin’ jobs so can go an’ benefit the greater good.

If you’re on the right, the Hall of the Sky, then you are hangin’ out. Smokin’ weed, listenin’ to music, flexin’ your powers—if ya got ’em—whatever floats your boat, you know what I’m sayin’?

Now, let’s keep it movin’ shall we? Go forward here through this gallery…

[A door creaks open. Music is more muffled, their voices echo.]

And BOOM! Look at this planetarium!

Lily:           Does it…does it still work?

Eric:             Why’d you spray paint “Eat shit!” on the wall?

Roach:            Nah, that wasn’t me.

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

Roach:            We have a policy. Phrases, mottos like to catch on here. We change our password every day, we change our slogan on the cards every day. We let people express themselves.

Masha:            Wow.

Siggy:         Expensive to print. You have no idea.

Roach:            Yeah. Somebody was like, let’s try “eat shit out.” They wrote it on the wall with some red graffiti, there it is. Nice and big and bold.

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

Roach:            See? It’s catchin’ on! It’s pretty good.

Siggy:         Art that inspires, that’s what we’re about.

Lily:           Yeah, it’s pretty punk rock.

Eric:             Cool.

[They continue their walk.]

Roach:            We’re goin’ down the steps now, we’re goin’ through the Cosmic Connection.

[Calming background noise.]

Eric:             The fuckin’ what?

Siggy:         Yeah, preach.

Masha:            Sounds um…

Lily:           Is that, like, another thing you guys came up with?

Roach:            We didn’t do that one, no, unfortunately. Pretty good, so it kinda stuck. We’re not gonna change that one. This is the Cosmic Connection. Feelin’ it?

Lily:           [quiet] Wow…

Eric:             Alright. What happens in here?

Roach:            Well, we walk through the Cosmic Connection. Ya feel some connection of some kind.

Lily:           With the cosmos?

Roach:            With the cosmos.

Lily:           [quiet] Wow. [normal] Never coulda guessed.

Roach:            And we pass on through.

[Science lab music.]

And here we are. You might think this is a gift shop, but! No longer is it a gift shop.

Eric:             There’s a lot of gifts for some reason.

Roach:            Let me introduce you to Gift Bag over here!

Eric:             [quiet] Okay.

Roach:            Gift Bag is one of our main stays. Gift Bag’s been here—

Theo:            Roach, are you doing tours?

Roach:            Yeah, we got some new guys.

Siggy:         Yeah, come on.

Theo:            I-it’s Theo. Thank you. Hi.

Masha:            Is your hero name Gift Bag?

Theo:            No. No. It’s not. Th-Theo is fine.

Roach:            Gift Bag here is whippin’ up some o’ the finest tech. We’re talkin’ gadgets, we’re talkin’ research, we’re talkin’ experiments, information

Theo:            Roach. Roach, Siggy, uh, d’you mind- could I take over? Just, you know, for a few minutes.

Roach:            Oh, oh, I see. You’re workin’ on somethin’, Gift Bag. Somethin’ private, he doesn’t wanna—

Theo:            [exasperated] You caught me! Yeah, yeah.

Roach:            Gonna hype ’em up! Gonna hype ’em up!

Theo:            Of course. Of course.

Roach:            Smart, smart, smart.

Theo:            Of course.

Roach:            Yeah, actually, I’m gonna go finish the soup. We cook up some dinner every night. Anybody comes in—

Siggy:         Anybody want soup?

Roach:            Soup? Soup?

Masha:            Do you guys have other things beside soup?

Lily:           [sniffs] No, they don’t.

Siggy:         It’s cream of mushroom.

Roach:            Yup.

Siggy:         It’s pretty good.

Roach:            We change up the soup every night, though.

Masha:            Yum.

Lily:           The cream is overwhelming and not fresh.

Theo:            I’m jus- y-you- enjoy dinner. I’m gonna close the door on you. Oh, oh, oh.

[Theo herds Roach and Siggy out. The group shouts over each other.]

Masha:            I’ll- I’ll pass on the soup!

Roach:            Have fun with those science experiments!

Siggy:         I- I feel you. Have fun, now. Goodbye.

Lily:           Bye.

[Door clanks shut.]

Eric:             What the fuck was that?

Theo:            You go far back with Roach?

Masha:            Uuuuhh. Earlier today?

Theo:            Quite a character, right? So, uh, I’m Theo. This is my cat Toffee.

[Cat meows.]

Masha:            [coos] Hi, Toffee.

Theo:            What- what are your names? Either code or- or first names. E-everything’s fine.

Lily:           Oh, oh!

Theo:            If you’re trying on code names?

Eric:             You can call me Scry.

Theo:            Scry?

Eric:             Yeah.

Theo:            Like…

Lily:           [amused] Yeah, but that’s, like, not his real name.

Eric:             It’s a professional designation.

Theo:            You play some Dungeons & Dragons when you were younger?

[Masha snorts.]

That- that’s not a judgement!

Eric:             Look…

Theo:            It’s, uh, you know…

Eric:             When you’re given the opportunity to make up your own name when you’re seventeen years old, maybe sometimes you pick something that you regret when you’re twenty-seven…eight.

Lily:           Remember when you tried to convince us you were a super genius?

Eric:             Okay.

Lily:           And not just shitting yourself?

Eric:             Uh-huh.

Theo:            I mean, they picked Gift Bag for me. And you?

Masha:            Uh, Roulette.

Theo:            Roulette?

Masha:            Yeah.

Theo:            Charming. And…

Lily:           I’m Bloodhound.

Theo:            Bloodhound. Was that your choice or…

Lily:           Oh, uh, Masha gave it to me. Yeah.

Theo:            Masha?

Masha:            Yeah, oh…

Lily:           [nervous chuckle] Oh, fuck me.

Theo:            It’s fine.

Masha:            It’s okay!

Theo:            Roulette. Roulette! It’s- it’s fine.

Masha:            It’s okay.

Theo:            It’s okay. This place is sound-proof.

[Everyone chuckles.]

I have to have it sound-proof to get any work done in here.

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah, so my real name is Masha. Surprise. Uh, but Roulette… Yeah, so, yeah, I came up with Bloodhound because, um, she has, like, a really good sense of smell.

Theo:            Is that unpleasant?

Lily:           Um. In this particular establishment.

Theo:            I’m… Here, hold on. Let me get- let me get you some coffee grounds.

[A cabinet squeaks open. A can top pops off.]

Lily:           Oooo. Organic beans.

Theo:            Sc-Scry what d’you do?

[Cabinet clicks shut.]

Eric:             Hmm? Oh, I’m just a private investigator.

Theo:            Okay! Um, and- and Ro…

Masha:            Roulette.

Theo:            The YouTube girl! Right.

Masha:            Yes, um, I—

Theo:            That was quite the demonstration!

Lily:           [eager] Oh, you have no fucking clue.

Masha:            So, yeah. Basically that was, like, three of different powers that I can do. I don’t have any real control over what comes out.

Eric:             Wait, what?

Masha:            I have, like, a known set of six different “super powers”, I say in quotation marks. Like—

Eric:             You have six?

Lily:           Y-yeah.

Masha:            Six, yes. And I don’t really get to choo- it just kinda comes out. If I wanna, like, try something it just—

Eric:             Wait, what are the other ones?

Masha:            Well the ones I’ve had—

Eric:             ’Cause I saw there was fast, there was plant growing.

Masha:            That- that’s- I can, like, heal things or, like, make things, like, yeah. Like plants grow or, like, if someone was sick, I can, like, make ’em feel better. There’s uh, the- the fast one, that was like time was going slow for me but it was fast for you. And then I can do, like—

Sage:            Knock on the door very loud.

[A loud knock and the door creaks open.]

Siggy:         Hey, kids!

Roach:            Hey! We’re back, yo!

Masha:            Oh, I’m so sorry! I- I had said when you guys left we don’t need soup for now, but—

[Bowls and spoons clatter as Siggy shoves them into everyone’s hands. Masha groans quietly.]

Siggy:         Cream of mushroom!

Masha:            Okay…

Soup Guy:         Yum, yum!

Theo:            Just indulge them. Indulge them.

Masha:            Okay, okay.

Theo:            The cook is good. I will—

Siggy:         Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Roach:            One for everybody!

Eric:             Is this the cook?

Soup Guy:         Time ta serve the soup!

Masha:            Are you the cook?

Soup Guy:         Yeah! Big-ass soup.

Theo:            We eat well here.

Soup Guy:         Yummm!

Lily:           I’m sure it’s good, but also the, uh, the milk you used, uh, went bad four days ago and you cooked—

Soup Guy:         Yup!

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Roach:            Well, Gift Bag. Got anything to show us or what?

Theo:            Come over here. Uh, Blood- Bloodhound? Could you act- blo- could you hold this for me?

[Spoon clatters in bowl as Lily sets down her soup.]

Lily:           Sure.

Theo:            Alright, uh, when you get the chance, just squeeze those beads.

[Electricity crackles quietly.]

Scry! Uh, take- take any of those. You- you look athletic. Uh, take any of those clay pigeons. Just, toss ’em. Hard as you can.

[A clay pigeon scrapes across the desk as Eric picks it up.]

Eric:             Where?

Theo:            At Bloodhound.

Eric:             What?

Masha:            What?

Theo:            At Bloodhound. Just try it out.

Lily:           Fuckin’ try me!

Eric:             Can I throw ’em at soup guy?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Soup Guy:         Hey!

Lily:           Hey, hey, hey. You hit me, I hit you back.

Eric:             That’s- I- that’s the last thing…

[Stat test chime.]

Sorry in advance if this kills you.

Lily:           [scoffs] Oh, I think I’ll be fine.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Scry throws it, but then it bursts into a bajillion pieces as if it hit some sort of, like, invisible wall.

Eric:             Holy shit.

Masha:            What the…?

Siggy:         [impressed] Yeah.

Lily:           Whoa! That’s cool!

Roach:            Nice!

Theo:            It- it- it’s very- it’s rare stuff, that. Uh, I don’t know who I’m gonna use it for yet, but—

Eric:             Is that—

Roach:            Vibranium power.

Theo:            It is.

Siggy:         It’s good shit, is what it is.

Theo:            It came into hand- it- it came into our hands recently.

Eric:             You guys get your… Okay.

Roach:            Wakandan stuff, right? Somebody brought that from the research center.

Theo:            This is the only Wakandan thing. Keep that on the down low.

Roach:            Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. See you mentioned it…see, see?

Siggy:         Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Masha:            Oh no.

Roach:            You don’t need to worry. You’re in the warmth of the Fort now. Alright?

Siggy:         We’re gonna hold you in our warm arms.

Eric:             It’s really warm in here.

Roach:            Yeah!

Soup Guy:         Warmth of the soup!

[Emily chuckles.]

Sage:            Warm soup in hand, Roach, Siggy, and Theo and [chuckles] Soup Guy shuffle everybody into a theatre. Previously known as the Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon Theatre, and this—

Travis:          Now known as Leonard Nimoy’s Eat Shit Spectacular.

[Everyone laughs.]

Sage:            Lots o’ people hangin’ out in there.

[Background chatter.]

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

Roach:            Eat shit!

Siggy:         Eat shit!

Kid:            Eat shit!

Lily:           Yeah. Eat shit.

Sage:            And, uh, yeah, there’s, uh, maybe, like, five or six other people hangin’ out.

[Gentle guitar music.]

Theo:            We work with what we get here. We have a lot of useful people who- who bring things in. Sometimes we find things.

Roach:            Like Gift Bag!

Siggy:         Yeah!

Theo:            Yeah.

Roach:            Stuff like Gift Bag’s tech is ultimately gonna be what gets us ahead o’ the Castle.

[Music fades out.]

Eric:             The Castle?

Roach:            Have you heard?

Eric:             That’s at Stark’s place, right?

Roach:            Mm-hmm. Old mansion out in Malibu.

Theo:            Can’t even be bothered to clean up after himself.

Roach:            [groans] They just up an’ left. Took all the jobs over to the East Coast. And what d’we get? Broken-ass cliffside and Griffith.

Lily:           And soup.

Roach:            And soup. Lots o’ soup.

Siggy:         We do got good soup, though.

Roach:            Cream o’ mushroom.

Lily:           [quiet] So much soup.

Theo:            We’re making it work. Uh, we’re doing what we can. I think we’re building something good here.

Eric:             Okay, I gotta ask. For what? What’s the idea here?

[Inspiring music starts.]

Theo:            H-have you ever seen an Avenger stop a robbery?

Roach:            Have you ever seen an Avenger save a cat, like Toffee here—

[Toffee meows quietly.]

—from a burning house?

Siggy:         Walk a little ol’ lady across the fuckin’ street?

Theo:            You probably know this yourself. I-it’s hard times. People have to help each other out.

Roach:            So your question is, Scry, what’s the point? Right?

Eric:             [stifles laugh] Yeah, why are we here?

Sage:            Roach stands up on this make-shift stage. Doesn’t look very safe.

Eric:             [mumbles] Jesus Christ.

Roach:            Listen!

Eric:             Is that a spotlight?

Lily:           [quiet] I smell a monologue coming.

Theo:            [quiet] You have no idea.

Sage:            Siggy starts deliberately blowing some smoke out of his nose.

[Everyone starts coughing.]

Siggy:         It’s- it’s theoretically non-toxic. I was just tryin’ to add some atmosphere.

[Eric’s voice is muffled as he covers his face with his arm.]

Eric:             Theoretically non-toxic?

Siggy:         Theoretically non-toxic.

Lily:           It has—

Siggy:         There’ve been plenty o’ people that’ve inhaled that smoke and been just fine.

Theo:            It’s a little toxic.

Lily:           It has a certain odor.

Sage:            After it settles, it creates this fog-like effect. Looks, with the spotlight shining through, a little epic. And very extra.

[A loud tap and feedback as Roach taps on a microphone. He takes a deep breath.]

[Light Rock music.]

Roach:            Crime fightin’ ain’t easy! Losin’ half your family ain’t either! Life is harder now than it ever probably will be.

Siggy:         Preach!

Roach:            It’s lonely, cold, dark, bleak, and heavy, but if you look around, positivity is blooming all around us. Opportunity! Alright? In the wake of destruction, small-time heroes like us still have solidarity and hope. We do. We do!

The Avengers- you know the Avengers, right? Scry, you heard of ’em?

Eric:             Yes.

Roach:            They did the whole thing wrong. All of it. Too corporate, too loud, too big, too irresponsible. You know how many lives have been screwed over from their destruction? There’s a whole work-force of task force clean-up guys. Very high-paying career, by the way. Very lucrative. But! Shouldn’t be necessary.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Snap wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t get involved in all this space junk as far as I’m concerned. First, Iron Man comes up and he’s like, “Yo. I am Iron Man.” And then, before you know it, aliens are comin’ outta the sky! And now half everybody’s dead.

I’m just tryin’ to look out for our fellow man. Give you guys a good home.

[Lily and Masha gently snap as though they are at a poetry open mic.]

Siggy:         Wow, whoa. Jeez. You guys are pretty insensitive.

Masha:            Oh ho! My gosh! I’m so sorry!

Lily:           [quiet] Oh. [whispers] Fuck.

Roach:            Hey, hey, hey! Let’s be respectful in here, okay?

Siggy:         Come on.

Eric:             Jeez.

Theo:            Old habits.

Lily:           Oh, we’re bad people.

[Inspiring rock music slowly builds.]

Roach:            There is another way. No destruction, no nanotech, no billion-dollar funding. Screw all that noise! Do it old school! We’re hittin’ the ground runnin’. We’re gettin’ out there, we’re demanding answers, we’re savin’ lives, we’re lookin’ sick while doin’ it too!

You know how many people I see comin’ here gettin’ fired from S.H.I.E.L.D.? Gettin’ denied scholarships? Gettin’ kicked outta schools ’cause they were too problematic?

[Sage stifles laughter. Emily joins him.]

Too many people!

Lily:           That was weirdly specific.

Roach:            Oh, can you relate?

Lily:           [mumbles] Yeah.

Roach:            The outside world ain’t kind to us freak folk. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have superpowers. It’s a good thing. I think we just gotta use it, benefit the greater good. And that’s the problem. All they do is build walls. They don’t build bridges.

[Music intensifies.]

Siggy:         We’re snappin’ for you in our hearts.

Roach:            We survived the Snap for a reason! Let’s own it! Unless you’re a Castleton, in which case go fuck yourself! Eat shit.

[“Eat shit!” makes its way around the room. People cheer.]

Sage:            Roach drops the mic. It’s very loud and there’s a lotta feedback.

Siggy:         Oh god.

Masha:            Ahhh.

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Lily:           I mean…

Masha:            Okay…

Lily:           I’m not gonna lie, this is kinda punk rock.

Masha:            Yeah, it is very, um…

Theo:            Can I- can I ask you a question?

Masha:            Yeah.

Theo:            Why did you make that YouTube video?

[Gentle guitar music.]

Masha:            [sighs] Well…

Lily:           It was my fault. I…it was my idea and it obviously was not good. So that’s- I don’t—

Theo:            I disagree.

Lily:           You do?

Theo:            I think it was a great idea. You’re getting yourself out there, which helps other people know that they aren’t alone. I mean. To the side, do you think I would be hanging out with Roach if he wasn’t on to something?

Masha:            [whispers] What does Roach even know how to do? I haven’t—

Lily:           Yeah, what’s his superpower?

Theo:            He’s pretty good at speeches. I mean, he got me here.

Lily:           Wait, no, hold on. That’s not a superpower.

Eric:             No, but it is—

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I’m gonna roll for Roach’s speech.

Chad:           Yeah. [chuckles]

[Failure chime.]

[Sage snorts.]

Sage:            Okay. It was j- it was okay.

[Everyone laughs.]

Theo:            I mean, Scry here can tell you, you don’t need powers to help people.

Eric:             It’s true.

Lily:           Allegedly.

Theo:            I think the people here would love to help you.

Masha:            Wow. Thanks, Theo.

Lily:           Yeah.

Siggy:         Despite all the theatrics, we are a community.

Lily:           How do- how do we start helping people, though?

Roach:            We got jobs here. Siggy here is our street guy.

Siggy:         Yes, sir.

Roach:            We go out together sometimes, but I try to stay here down and try to hold up the Fort, if you know what I’m sayin’. Siggy goes up, hits the ground runnin’.

Siggy:         I know the streets.

Roach:            And he finds some jobs. He’ll come back here, give you some assignments. You know, it’s like an analog Indeed.

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           And if- if we needed help? There’s somebody that we needed to find?

Eric:             Somebody coming after you?

Theo:            I have a few, let’s say, bootlegs and backups of some billionaire technology that I found can be very useful. Little outdated, but you’d be surprised how far it goes back.

Masha:            Nice!

Lily:           Oh.

Theo:            And at the very least, I can make it harder to find you via the internet or whatever this fellow did.

Eric:             Look, I’m here as- you can call it, uh, uh, you can call me a chaperone.


Siggy:         Is that your new—

Eric:             I’m a private investigator in Koreatown.

Roach:            Is that your sig—

Siggy:         Are you "The Chaperone”?

Roach:            [chuckles] I mean, it’s alright.

Siggy:         It’s not bad.

Theo:            It’s not terrible.

Eric:             I’m not- that’s not—

Roach:            We gotta workshop it.

Lily:           I kinda like it.

Eric:             [sighs, mumbles] God.

Masha:            Better than “Scry”?

Lily:           Yeah, it’s better than “Scry”.

Eric:             [mumbles] I hate this.

Roach:            Yeah, let me spray paint it on the wall right here. See how it looks out. This is how we kinda workshop ideas.

[A ladder clatters as Roach carries it over to the wall. A spray can clatters as he shakes it.]

Sage:            Roach goes up to the wall and nice big graffiti spells out “The Chaperone” all stylized and—

Hype Man:        [distant] The Chaperoooone!

Eric:             Oh, now the guy—

Roach:            Chaperone is in the house!

Eric:             Now the guy’s saying it. God dammit.

[Boots tap on stone as Roach jumps off the ladder.]

Roach:            Not bad. Sorry. What were you tryin’ ta say?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Eric:             I’m sick of shady people beatin’ down my door just because I’m the guy that knows things.

Theo:            I think you belong here. I think we can all relate to people beating our doors down.

Roach:            Absolutely.

Siggy:         That’s why we have Door Guy.

Sage:            And then…

[Suspenseful music.]

Door Guy comes running in. He is flustered and concerned. [chuckles] He’s sprinting, covered in sweat, drenched.

[Boots pound on stone as Door Guy runs up to the group, grunting and panting.]

Jessica:          Ew.

Siggy:         Speak of the devil.

Eric:             Got a limp on ’im.

[Emily giggles.]

Masha:            Are you okay?

Siggy:         Door Guy, talk to us.

[Door Guy grunts harder.]

Oh god!

Eric:             Jesus Chri—

Siggy:         I think he’s havin’ one o’ his episodes, Roach.

Door Guy:           [pants] Ca-Castleton. Castleton. Iron shirt! Iron suit! Iron! [grunts]

Roach:            They’re here.

[Light rhythmic clapping begins to build.]

Theo:            Castleton!

Roach:            They’re here! We got the Castles in the house!

Siggy:         Castleton!

[A klaxon begins buzzing.]

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

Eric:             Is that a klaxon alarm?

[Music intensifies.]

Sage:            A bunch of the superhero rejects get outta their seats, stop eatin’ soup, stop playin’ music, and they start strappin’ on some masks, or puttin’ on some weird gadget of some kind. There’s about ten of you that shuffle up to the front door. Door Guy cranks as fast as he can to open the thing. And it opens slowly to reveal a sole character, alone in this sparkly, not-unlike-Iron Man, iron suit.

Travis:          Is it flying?

Sage:            It’s floating just above the ground to show off.

Masha:            Whoa.

Woman:          [muffled in suit] Ew, this is exactly what I thought it would look like in here. I’m not going to stop floating, just ’cause I don’t want my feet to touch this- my sparkly suit cannot get dirty here.

Roach:            What a showoff, am I right?

Siggy:         Yeah, big talk for a tin can.

Hype Man:        [distant] Eat shit!

Woman:          My tin can costs more than this fort even when it was still running.

Lily:           What’s your superhero name?

Woman:          It is…

Siggy:         [quiet] It’s the Tin Can. She doesn’t want to admit it.

Lily:           I- I don’t think she’s Iron Man.

Door Guy:           [whispers] Iron Maiden.

Eric:             That’s pretty good, I’m not gonna lie.

Glitter Can:          Um…It is Glitter Can.

Siggy:         [stifles laughter] Glitter.

Roach:            Oh, I see. Tin—

Siggy:         [amused] ’Cause that’s much better than “Tin Can”.

[Emily giggles.]

That is better.

Roach:            Yeah, tin wasn’t sparkly enough for the Castletons.

Siggy:         [amused] Of course.

Theo:            Oh.

Roach:            I see, I see.

Masha:            And you can never, ever get rid of glitter.

Glitter Can:          Exactly.

Siggy:         That’s true! Alright, it’s clever.

Glitter Can:          Wherever I've been, you know.

Lily:           It’s…the STD of craft supplies.

Door Guy:           Hep-G.

Glitter Can:          I’m here to tell you that you’re incomprehensibly stupid, all of you.

Roach:            Hey!

Glitter Can:          And you all need to be quiet and stop smelling so bad and stop making dairy-based soup. You can smell it all the way over the hill.

Soup Guy:         [quietly] Big-ass soup.

Glitter Can:          You are, abomination to all supers and the city of L.A. [amused] Even at half mass.

Lily:           Well, you smell like body odor and aluminum made by Chinese children, so I don’t really know what you’re talking about.

Glitter Can:          That’s Japanese deodorant! It smells good!

Sage:            She lifts up her right hand.

[Suspenseful music.]

And you all recognize this little circle that can blast lasers into the door.

Glitter Can:          Tell me one more time what you just said.

Siggy:         Uh, maybe we should get inside folks.

Theo:            Hey, I- I don’t know what you’re looking for here. We want nothing by peace.

Glitter Can:          I don’t believe you.

Masha:            Uh—

Glitter Can:          I’ll start with you, I’ll start with your door man, then it’ll be your soup kitchen, ’cause I’m through with all of you.

[Soup Guy moans in fear.]

Sage:            Soup Guy is bawling.

Masha:            Aw!

Glitter Can:          He sweats way too much!

Masha:            Soup Guy.

Lily:           You made Soup Man cry!

Glitter Can:          I’ll make you all cry.

Masha:            Well…

[Footsteps scuff on pavement as Masha approaches Glitter Can.]

I can take you.

Glitter Can:          [scoffs] What do- you don’t even look like a super. You’re just wearing- you’re wearing a Starbucks apron. [chuckles]

[Everyone laughs.]

Masha:            Um…

Glitter Can:          Do you work at Starbucks?

Eric:             I told you to change. I said, we’re going—

Masha:            [scoffs] I just washed it! I don’t wanna rewash it! I didn’t wanna get it dirty!

Lily:           Masha, you don’t have to do this.

Masha:            Yes—

Glitter Can:          You supers have taken on minimum-wage jobs? Oh, I feel a little sorry for you now.

Lily:           Never mind, fuck her up.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll for Power, Masha. Roll for, also, whatever power we’re gonna get.

Eric:             I’m backin’ the fuck up.

[Dice roll on table.]

[A buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Emily:          What is it?

Jessica:          Hulkerella.

Emily:          [yells] Yes!

[Stifled laughter.]

[Masha roars, her voice growing deeper. The sound of stretching skin and clothing as she grows.]

Eric:             What the sam fuck is going on?

Soup Guy:         [distant] Yeah, soup!

Lily:           I’ll come- I’ll- I’ll cover you.

Siggy:         That was not on the YouTube video!

Sage:            Masha Mirova, otherwise known as Roulette, has six powers that come out at random. We’ve seen three and now, as a fourth, Masha turns into a big-ass woman!

Masha:            [she-hulk voice] I rip my Starbucks apron!

[Fabric tears.]

Sage:            It rips to shreds. She’s huge! She’s much bigger than Glitter Can over here.

[Masha stomps forward. She growls.]

Masha:            Get outta here!

Sage:            Masha grabs Glitter by the legs.

[Masha roars. Swishing is heard as Glitter Can is swung around in circles.]

Glitter Can:          No, no! I got this on sale!

Sage:            Starts swinging her around like a lasso.

[Masha roars.]

Lily:           [yells] That’s my fuckin’ sister!

[Glitter Can screams. Masha roars.]

Sage:            And throws her off the cliff at the edge of Griffith, down toward the city!

[Masha roars. The Fort crew cheers. Glitter Can screams in the distance.]

And everybody, in unison, as she’s flying in the distance…

The Fort Crew:      [together] Eat shit!

[Punk-Rock music slams in!]



[Survivors of The Snap Main Theme music plays throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Music crescendos and fades out.]


After-Credits Scene

[Door opens]

Elle:         Hey.

Eric:             Hey.

Elle:         Where’ve you been?

Eric:             Sorry, sorry I was…big day. Late night. Um.

Elle:         Yeah.

Eric:             Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m just—

Elle:         [quiet] It’s fine.

Eric:             —happy to be home. How are you?

Elle:         [sighs] I’m fine. Uh, long day, too. Are you hungry?

Eric:             Did you make dinner?

Elle:         [amused] No.

Eric:             [amused] Fuck.

[Elle chuckles.]

Alright, well, yes. You wanna order out?

Elle:         Yeah, I was thinking, like, Thai.

Eric:             Thai sounds great.

Elle:         Yeah. Which is- What’s still open?

Eric:             Like, what’s still open, like, period?

Elle:         Like Thai.

Eric:             I don’t know. We have slim pickin’s these days.

Elle:         Yeah, we haven’t had it in a while.

Eric:             Um…[tsks]

Elle:         You seem really distracted lately.

Eric:             It’s just been busy with work.

Elle:         I know.

Eric:             Lot o’ projects goin’ on, and…there are a lot o’ moving parts.

Elle:         Sounds so like, uh, like, uh, textbook corporate…

Eric:             [sighs] Believe me. I- I know. I get fed the same stuff.

Elle:         Uh-huh.

Eric:             All you need to know is that…I- I promise I’ll do a better job keeping in contact. And I’m sorry, and I love you.

Elle:         Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you too.

[Episode End music builds.]

Eric:             Alright.


Special Thanks

[Episode End music throughout.]

Sage:           Wow! It has been a while since we have done this. So we have so many Patrons to thank. So many that I can’t fit them all in this episode. So if you don’t hear your name, you’ll be thanked on a future episode. So let’s just get this started. Everybody, thank you so, so much. Staring with…

Emily:          Andres S.

Jessica:          Leonardo C.

Travis:        Connor S.

Sage:           Sarah T.

Emily:          Niel Robman

Jessica:          Johnathan P.

Travis:        Chris B.

Sage:           Benjamin B.

Emily:          Robert Loftus.

Jessica:          WilliamHP3

Travis:        NotBatman52

Sage:           Thank you, Amy. Ryan B!

Emily:          Reckless Fool.

Jessica:          Ghram W.

Travis:        John F. Kennedy.

[Everyone laughs.]

Jessica:          JFK!

Sage:           JFK!

Travis:        JFK

Sage:           Regan G.

Emily:          Regal Algorithm.

Jessica:          Horse Hermit.

Travis:        Woogoshi

Sage:           Kirsten B.

Emily:          Mike U.I.

Jessica:          Ben A.

Sage:           Daniel.

Travis:        Oh, HA! This one’s mine! Tony. Tony, thank you so much.

[Emily chuckles.]

Listen, Tony. I don’t know what you’re doing next week—

Emily:          Don’t listen to him! [chuckles]

Travis:        —but like, if you wanna hang out—

Emily:          Dad! [laughs]

Travis:        —and like, just, you know, just kinda—

Emily:          Dad! [chuckles]

Travis:        —get to know each other a little bit better. Don’t worry about what anyone else—

Emily:          Travis wants to be friends with my dad!

Travis:        —has to say about it! This thing could be fun!

Sage:           Now also thank her mom! [chuckles]

Travis:        We could have a fun time hanging- she can come too! I’d love to meet…Elisa!

[Emily laughs.]

Sage:           There it is! Kaitlyn D. Thank you so much, Kaitlyn.

Emily:          Brandon S.

Jessica:          Spencer “My Dad Can Beat Your Dad Up” Whaley.

Travis:        Liam Belson.

Sage:           That is everybody for this week. More to come.

Travis:        Let me see…let me see how fast I can read them all.

Sage:           Okay. Travis is gonna read all of them as fast as he possibly can.

Travis:        ’Kay. Here we go.

[Travis takes a deep breath and begins rattling off names like a medication side-effect announcer.]

Andreas S.

Leonardo C.

Connor S.

Sarah T.

Niel Robman

Johnathan P.

Chris B.

Benjamin B.

Robert Loftus.




Ryan B.

Reckless Fool.

Ghram W.


Regan G.

Regal Algorithm.

Horse Hermit.


Kirsten B.

Mike U.I.

Ben A.




Kaitlyn D.

Brandon S.

Spencer “My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad Up— “My Dad Can Beat Your Dad Up” Whaley. [stifles laugh]

Liam Belson


Sage:           Spencer, you screwed it up. Everybody else, though, it was great.

Travis:        Thank you.

Emily:          Solid.

Travis:        Thank you.

Sage:           That was good. That was good. I guess our dads have to fight, Spencer. All of our dads. [chuckles]

[Everyone chuckles.]

Everyone:        [together] Dad fight, dad fight, dad fight!

Sage:           Thank you guys so much! It means the world. And it really does make a huge, huge difference on the podcast and helping me stay sane, and also funding stuff like art, and equipment upgrades, and these lovely actors’ time. So thank you. Thank you so much.

Wanna be cool like them and get a shoutout on the show? Go to

$1 is all you need to be thanked on the show. You don’t have to get the Adventure Pass if you don’t want to, you can’t afford it, or whatever the reason may be.

Travis:        But why wouldn’t you? Other than you can’t afford it.

Sage:           Yeah, I mean it is a lot of content—

Travis:        Yeah, you get—

Sage:           —for $3.

Travis:        Yeah.

Sage:           Yeah.

Travis:        Yeah.

Sage:           But, you know, you do you.

Travis:        Cancel Disney Plus. [chuckles]

[Everyone laughs.]

Sage:           By the way, if you have signed up or you’re going to sign up, go ahead and send me a message on Patreon. Tell me how you want us to say your name, otherwise I’m just gonna use how it appears on Patreon.

Okay, so! This has been the super pilot of MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap. Episode one of ten.

We’re going to be switching to a biweekly schedule, so you can expect new episodes every other Wednesday, starting today. I shoot for midnight Pacific time releases, but sometimes crunch happens and, you know, it’ll drop sometime during the day, sometimes.

Really quick before I dip, because god knows this episode needs to be even longer, I just want to thank everyone who helped make this possible.

Mayanna Berrin. Thank you, Mayanna, for doing the credits on this season.

Rhea and Josh, holy shit! Rhea Lonsdale made incredible, official character portraits of Lily, Masha, and Eric. And Josh Wolf is doing episode art for every episode! I seriously don’t deserve either of you! It’s so good!

Dear audience, if you haven’t seen the artwork for Marvel—or Pokémon!—go to check it out.

Alright, who else?

Emily Ervolina. Emily, thank you so much for coming on to be our third leading player for the season. You killed it! I’m stoked for everyone to hear what’s coming up.

And to any and all of the cast and crew on previous seasons, this season, future seasons, look, I do a lot for the show, but truly it wouldn’t be possible without you and your support and your creative ideas.

Anybody who’s helped or done anything for 20 Sided Stories, including you, the listener, for giving your time, ’cause that’s a really big deal. It means the world to me, and I appreciate it beyond words.

Feel free to reach out on social media whatever the reason may be. Otherwise, I’ll see you all on the next 20 Sided Story.

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]



[Masha pants.]

Sage:            There’s cheers from all around from the Fort! They won! Victory!

Theo:            Oh my god. That was amazing!

Siggy:         Oh sh- oh sh- we got a hulk! We got a hulk!

Roach:            You got hulk powers?

Masha:            [out of breath, nervously] Yeah.

Roach:            You’re not green, though, so it’s a little different. You just really big and really strong. [chuckles]

[Masha pants and coughs.]

Soup Guy:         Big-ass soup.

Sage:            Masha slowly morphs back into herself.

Eric:             [mumbles] Holy shit.

Masha:            [coughs] Um, yeah. That’s one of my, um, powers. [coughs] I can get really big and really strong.

Theo:            Wow!

Siggy:         Hey, that’s great.

Roach:            Amazing.

Theo:            R-Roach. What d’you say we crack into the pizza fund?

Roach:            Hell, yeah!

Siggy:         Yeah!

Roach:            [claps] Gift Bag over here knows how ta cook it up! Knows- well, you’re gonna order the pizza, right?

Theo:            I’m gonna order it.

[Lily chuckles.]

#2 - First Job (w/ Josh Simpson)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 2 - First Job

Air Date: February 19, 2020

[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro music crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro music fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               [sighs] Thank you for tuning into Power 616 FM. I'm your host, Bart, but I've been taking the call myself The News.

Today multiple sightings have been reported throughout Los Angeles of quote unquote “shady” people on street corners and in front of coffee shops with “The end is near” on everybody's lips, screaming out “the end is near” at passersby. “The end is near” sandwich signs on their backs as they do their rounds. Raving lunatics in the streets.

This is me coming to you live alone [sighs] in the studio. Oh, here's a news piece. Uh, there is an escalating conflict between these two groups of people, these Fort folk—hippie burnouts—versus a group calling themselves the Castletons, who are escalating the violence in the streets.

This is a big public safety problem. But since when did people care about public safety? Because sometimes that comes back on us. Just wanted to throw that out there. There's not a whole lot of other news.

If I had someone to help me report the news, that would be nice, but I can only report so much. And inexplicably, even though we're all kind of at half-mast here, traffic is still congested on the 405.

This has been The News. Wishing you a great rest of your twenty minutes. And now rock ’n’ roll.

[Rock music.]


Episode Two - First Job

[Chatter is heard in the background. Rock music plays throughout.]

Narrator:         Eric Stanton, Lily Kline, and Masha Mirova aka Scry, Bloodhound, and Roulette, were all struggling as rejects three years into a near-apocalyptic Snap. But they struck a deal that may turn things around.

Eric, being a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and PI, is going to help Masha and Lily find their sister, Rose, in exchange for some added protection as Eric tries to figure out why he's being hunted by people in trench coats.

For the time being, our three heroes have joined the Fort, a former Griffith Observatory turned commune for up and coming indie supers. It's early in the evening, following the night of their first tour and a scuffle with a rival Castleton, Scry, Bloodhound, and Roulette are simply hanging out.

Masha:            [sighs] Wow. It's like, exciting to be back. [chuckles] I have good memories now here, you know? I- I didn't think that I was actually gonna…

Lily:           Yeah, you kicked ass.

Masha:            Yeah. [chuckles]

Eric:             That was very impressive. You turned into the Hulk and threw a lady in a tin can off of a mountain. I didn't think I was gonna say that sentence in my life. But you did it. It’s great.

Masha:            Thanks!

Lily:           I was hoping I would get to say that sentence in my life. But Eric said it first.

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           So.

Eric:             I mean, you can still say it.

Lily:           No, it's gone now.

Eric:             Alright.

Indie Hero:        [distant] Hit Man. More like Can't Man! Am I right?

Indie Hero 2:     [distant] Yeah. Dude, go long!

[Hero 2 throws a football and a window shatters.]

Eric:             Gotta say, probably the best outcome of a Craigslist response I've ever had.

Lily:           Yeah, I was gonna ask you at some point. Like, do you answer a lot o’ Craigslist ads?

Eric:             No, not really, but I don’t like to miss out on work so I have an alert system set up for when someone needs a private investigator on Craigslist. Turns out...pretty much never.

Lily:           What's the best thing you've ever had to find for someone?


Eric:             [quiet] A ring.


Masha:            Like…? I mean—

Eric:             It was in the drawer.


Masha:            That's the best thing?

Eric:             I made forty bucks.


Masha:            Are you an actual PI?

Lily:           Yeah. Or is that just, like, a cover?

Eric:             I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Lily:           Yeah…

Masha:            And the best thing you've ever found was a ring?

Eric:             Well, I mean as a- as a freelancer.

Lily:           Are you, like, the- the West Coast Jessica Jones?

[Masha snorts.]

Don't laugh Masha. He might be. [chuckles]

Eric:             Yeah, just without the 12-step program.

Masha:            Oh…

Lily:           [quiet] Ouch. Wow.

Masha:            Do you know her?

Eric:             Sorry, there's a lot of animosity between private eyes.

Masha:            Wait, do you know her?

Eric:             Do I know her?

Masha:            She’s really cool.

Eric:             Yeah, we meet at the superhero private investigator meetings that happen every Thursday.

Lily:           Did she punch you in the face?

Eric:             Look, it’s not [scoffs] a bad thing—

Masha:            Did she hold you like a baby?

Lily:           Did she punch you in the face?

[Eric sighs.]

Have you been punched by Jessica Jones?

Masha:            [gasps] Did you date Jessica Jones?

Eric:             We— Date is a strong word!

[Lily and Masha gasp.]

We met once! It was—

Masha:            You went on a date [squeals]!

Lily:           Oh, you went on one date and she never called you!

Masha:            Oh god!

Lily:           Was that the vibe? Vibe check.

Eric:             I'm done talking about this.

Lily:           Okay.

Masha:            We don't have to talk about your dating…

Lily:           Better hope we don’t get any East Coast jobs.

Masha:            Yeah. That would be real awkward.

[Lily and Masha chuckle together.]

Indie Hero:        [distant] Cloak and Dagger ain’t got nothin’ on my Cloak and Swagger, am I right, guys?

Indie Hero 2:     [distant] You’re right! Go long again!

[Indie Hero 1 chuckles. A swish is heard and another window shatters. A cat yowls.]

Eric:             So I’m a little confused as to how this whole gig thing works here. Are we just supposed to go up to like- it's like a job board or something? I don't- they didn't- they weren't too clear on how this whole, like, getting work goes.

Masha:            That's probably a good question.

Eric:             We're supposed to go, like, do hero stuff?

Lily:           Could we, like, find somebody that we know, and maybe ask them? And also ask them where the restroom is. And make sure there's toilet paper beforehand, because this doesn't strike me as a toilet paper place.

Eric:             It strikes me as a toilet.

[Sage and Jessica chuckle.]

Sage:            And then with a huff and a puff, but not angry, a funky-looking dude approaches, blowing a little smoke from his nose with his apparent powers. You recognize him from the night prior, right-hand man of Roach, it's Siggy.

[Footsteps tap as Siggy walks up to the trio.]

Siggy:         Hey, kids. How's it goin’?

Masha:            Oh, hey!

Eric:             Hey.

Lily:           Hey.

Masha:            Um, what was your name again?

Siggy:         Uh, you can call me Siggy. Siggy’s fine, yeah.

Masha:            Siggy, cool.

Lily:           Okay, I have a question.

Siggy:         Alright, I have an answer.

Lily:           I know it's probably, like, a question you get a lot but like…

Siggy:         Uh-huh?

Lily:           Can you- can you blow it out of…

Siggy:         Wow.

Masha:            Lily!

[Stifled laughter.]

Siggy:         That is- that is not the question I was expecting.

Masha:            Lily!

Siggy:         Usually I get—

Lily:           Oh come on!

Siggy:         —usually I get the chicken or the egg question. Like, do they call you Siggy because of the smoke or were you Siggy before? That's the more common one.

Eric:             People ask that of you? I feel like it’s pretty—

Siggy:         Yeah. I have it all the time.

Eric:             I'd imagine Siggy an’ the smoke. I don't think I've ever met someone named Siggy before.

Siggy:         My real name is Sigmund.

Eric, Lily, Masha:        [together] Oooh!

Siggy:         Yeah, had you goin’ there, huh?

Masha:            Oh, so it’s with an “S”.

Eric:             Well, fuck me.

Siggy:         Are you guys looking for your first gig? Is that…

Eric:             Yeah. So how does that work? You just tell us to do stuff? Is this—

Siggy:         Yeah, essentially.

Eric:             —a mission?

Siggy:         I'm, uh, actually the one, more or less, in charge of the gig distribution. If you're looking for something to do you come and see ol’ Siggy. Having spent some time out in the streets, well, you hear some things don't you? When you- when you're out there, people talk, they whisper, and I heard whisperings. Lots of whisperings. And I write them down and I give them to people like you. People who got abilities and whatnot.

Masha:            So- so we go to you?

Siggy:         Yeah, yeah. You come to me.

Eric:             Do you have any whisperings for us?

Lily:           Do you have a list, or…

Siggy:         Yes sir, yes sir. Let's see.

[A box clatters lightly as Siggy opens it. Note cards rustle as he looks through them.]

So…uh, let's see. Here we got…alright. Anybody here ever been to Long Beach around here? Spent some time in Long Beach?

Masha:            Yeah we have an aunt that—

Lily:           Not willingly.

Siggy:         Yeah, oh.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

On the Port of Long Beach, we've been hearin’ that people have been, uh, bringin’ in something maybe not so…good. Not so legal. Can't say exactly what it is. It might be harmless. It's probably harmless. So we're gonna have you guys check it out. It should be just a simple, you know—

Eric:             Can't or won't say?

Siggy:         Well, don't get cancer. I don't know.

Eric:             Oh, okay.

[Colton stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh.

Siggy:         If I knew I would tell you. I'm not gonna hold out on ya here.

Eric:             ’Cause I can’t extrapolate what the fuck you're talking about.

Masha:            So are they, like, importing—

Siggy:         So they really heard about this on the street. There’s a—

Masha:            Is it like drugs or…

Lily:           It kinda sounds like drugs.

Siggy:         Literally no idea. I have no idea.

Lily:           Oh, that's- Wait. How—

Masha:            I mean it could—

Eric:             But if you had to guess, with all the…

[Sage chuckles.]

Siggy:         I don’t know!

Eric:             Can you- can you contextualize any—

Siggy:         There’s something that they, like, brought in probably from, like, another country. It could be drugs, could be knock off CDs—

Masha:            Exotic animals?

Siggy:         —like- What? What? Sure.

Eric:             Hold on. Knock off CDs?

Siggy:         Yeah! Why not?

Masha:            It could be exotic animals.

Lily:           First of all, CDs?

Siggy:         You know the little plastic things. They play music.

Eric:             Alright.

Masha:            She's too young to remember.

Lily:           iPods?

Siggy:         [scoffs] Alright, wow.

Sage:            And then, wearing a V-neck with a stethoscope around it and some cheap torn jeans, a cool dude of average height walks in looking like he already knows what's up with this newbie job.

Dude:         Hey, what's up, bro hams and [chuckles] ladies. Sorry.

Siggy:         Guys, this is, uh, this is Dr. J. He will be escorting you on your first mission. This is, uh, something of a company policy.

Eric:             Escorting?

Siggy:         Yeah, he's kind of a—

Dr. J:            Taggin’ along.

Siggy:         Yeah.

Lily:           What kind of doctor are you?

Siggy:         He’s like a brain doctor.

Dr. J:            He nailed it. I'm a brain doctor.

Lily:           You’re a brain surgeon?

Dr. J:            I’m a doctor of conflict resolution.

Lily:           That’s a r—

Dr. J:            Um, a doctor of virology. That was my old job.

Siggy:         Hey, you should see his videos. It's good stuff.

Dr. J:            “How to be the Best You”. I'm just here to kind of oversee— Make sure that you new- you new recruits are sort of just operating under company policy. Even just moral policy and just also friendship policy. ’Cause we’re—

Lily:           You guys have company policy?

Masha:            You have a friendship policy?

Siggy:         Well, it’s— To be blunt, we like to, you know, make sure that you're not above our craziness threshold, if you will.

Dr. J:            Well, that's not how we say that. So that's not how anyone should say that.

Siggy:         Friendship Policy! We like to make sure—

Dr. J:            It’s a Friendship Policy.

Sage:            And then another entrance. The other punky-looking dude, who you met before who runs the show, and just loves to talk and talk, Roach approaches.

[Subtle adventure music builds.]

Roach:            Hey, yo!

Siggy:         Hey.

Roach:            Heeey, Siggy! Dr. J! We got our first recruits comin’ in?

Siggy:         Yeah, yeah, yeah! They're goin’ out for their first gig.

Eric:             You’re giving us a fucking handler?

Siggy:         Well…

Roach:            Uh, it's just company policy. You know what I'm saying?

Lily:           You guys have a company policy?

Siggy:         Well…

Roach:            Well, policy around here, is just like—

Eric:             You don’t have—

Roach:            —who writes stuff on the walls and then which…

Dr. J had a really big message he wrote out about friendship. And it was very inspiring. It was a year ago, so we decided that it was a good choice to bring the new recruits a, uh, a nice little escort.

Dr. J:            I’m invisible.

Siggy:         Yeah. You're lucky we’re not making you eat shit.

Dr. J:            Yeah.

[Stifled laughter.]

That— N-no one’s gonna eat shit.

[Jessica laughs.]

I promise you that.

Masha:            I mean, I don't think it's that big of a deal guys. It's like vetting, right? Like you guys are just m— It’s like we're on trial period or—

Lily:           Do you have powers?

Dr. J:            [chuckles] Hey, Roach, can you throw me that Spalding?

[Stifled laughter.]

Roach:            Yeah, I got you- got you right here, Dr. J. You ready?

[A basketball bounces.]

Dr. J:            Throw it up towards the—

[A swish is heard as Roach tosses the ball. Dr. J grunts and several basketball bounces are heard. A basketball hoop clatters.]

Reverse dunk!

Roach, Siggy:        [together] Whoa!

[Basketball bounces away.]

Roach:            Look at Dr. J!

Eric:             That was- that was tight.

Roach:            Never, never seen him ever miss a shot.

Masha:            Wait. That's a superpower?

Siggy:         They let Hawkeye in the Avengers, so…

Dr. J:            So what's the lesson we've learned here?

[Stifled laughter.]

As I'm hanging on this rim? I think it's don't prematurely judge people and set your expectations high, because I bet you didn't think I could dunk. I’m all of 5’7”. Right? Right?

Masha:            Yeah, that's- that's accurate.

Eric:             That’s- yeah.

Lily:           That is correct.

Dr. J:            But I did. I dunked. And it's my job to help you dunk—

[Feet tap on stone as Dr. J lets go of the frame and lands.]

—on this mission. Come on, let's all get…


Oh. Is it not time yet?

[Stifled laughter turns into full blown laughter.]

Masha:            So wait is that—

Colton:            Hop in the van, kids!

Sage:            No, there’s actually- there's a zipline from the Griffith balcony—


—that goes down into the city.

Dr. J:            Now come on! Let's go check out the zipline!

Roach:            [distant] Good luck on your first mission!

[Adventure music.]

Dr. J:            Did you ever go to summer camp or to the rain forest of any kind?

Masha:            Uh…

Dr. J:            Oh, this is fun. You're gonna— People pay for zip tours. You've never been?

Masha:            I've never been, no.

Dr. J:            Try to enjoy the scenery.

Masha:            Okay.

Dr. J:            But also we have to use this for utility. We have to get down the hill.

Masha:            Okay.

Dr. J:            Okay? But, yeah. I will give you a little tour as we go.

[Dr. J turns away and grabs onto a zipline handlebar.]

Masha:            Alright!

Eric:             We’re taking a zipline to the city?

Dr. J:            Yeah. Right down, uh, we’ll get right to Vermont Avenue from, uh—

[Eric scoffs.]

—from the observatory.

Masha:            Wow, that's really convenient, because honestly, it's a- it's a hike.

Dr. J:            Yes. Yeah, that's why we built it.

[Everyone laughs.]

Sage:            Alright and following suit, Dr. J gets up on the zipline. I'm not gonna make you roll for it. Perfect form, swings on down to Vermont Avenue and lands, and you hear him shouting at the top of his lungs. It's very, very faint, but to get your attention.

Dr. J:            [distant] Yip! This way! Yip!

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            And one by one our three heroes, Masha, Eric, and Lily, are gonna go down the zipline.

Masha:            Alright, I-I guess I…I’ll…

[Lily groans.]

I mean, does anyone want to go first? I'll go first.

Eric:             Yeah, you go ahead.

Lily:           [unenthused] Yeah, go for it.

Masha:            Test- test it out. Alright. Gonna…

Sage:            Alright, Masha.

[Stat test chime.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

I'm gonna have you—

Jessica:          Crap.

Sage:            —roll for Personal Time.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          Oh!

[Success chime.]

Yeah, I got it right.

Sage:            Great. Have fun. [chuckles]

Masha:            Bye, guys! Whooo!

[Zipline whirs as Masha swings down, her cheer fading.]

Sage:            Next up.

Lily:           [unenthused] You- you wanna- you wanna go or you- you want me to go?

Eric:             I mean do you- are you good? Do you like…help with it?

Lily:           Ladies first.

Eric:             Okay, child.

Masha:            [distant] Someone go!

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [yells] Coming!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, roll for Time.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Did it.

Sage:            Great.

[Stifled laughter.]

Travis:          As much as I could.

Sage:            Have fun.

Eric:             Alright, it’s a zipline.

[Zipline whirs.]

Lily:           Bye.

Eric:             Bye.

Sage:            And Eric lands, and last we have Lily rolling for Time. Once again, how’re your acrobatics, how is your focus? How is your form?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Emily:          3.

Sage:            Which is your number?

Emily:          Yeah.

Sage:            [tsks] Alright, Lily hops on. She feels good about it.

Lily:           [sighs] Okay, here we go.

Sage:            Jumps on. This is kind of a very, very [chuckles] sketchy zipline. They don't have harnesses, they don’t have any safety measures of any kind. It's pretty much just the pole that you hold on to and you swing down a rope. It's bouncing, she's balancing.

Lily:           This doesn't feel safe.

Sage:            She leans to the right, she’s about to fall off.

Lily:           Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!

Dr. J:            [distant] Think positively!

Lily:           Fuck you!

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            And then she falls!

[Lily lets go too soon and hits the ground hard.]

Lily:           Shit!

Masha:            Lily!

Lily:           Shit.

Sage:            But luckily, she was right above Vermont Avenue, and just lands on her hip. It hurts, she’s got a scab.

Dr. J:            Now, you see, it was the negative sh— You did some negative yelling, did you not? And now look, you've got a scab on your hip.

[Light, misadventure music.]

[Lily sighs.]

So, let's learn from that scab.

Lily:           Masha, I need you to hold my hand so I don't karate chop this man in the neck with it.

Masha:            I, uh, think that’s a great idea!

Eric:             I gotta be honest I think I side with Dr. J, here. Think, uh, if we all, uh, maybe took this in a little more positive bent, we’d all…

Masha:            I did- I did fine. So I would say you’re on to something, Dr. J. Uh, Lily’s doing great, though. Lily, you’re doing fabulous. I will hold your hand.

[A light tap as Masha grabs Lily’s hand in support.]

Uh, the scab just adds to your aesthetic. So look at you!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily, how are you doing? Let's roll for Personal Reality. [chuckles]

Emily:          [chuckles] There's no way.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]


Sage:            Lily is pissed! [stifles laughter]

[Lily takes a deep breath and sighs.]

Sage:            As a sixteen-year-old girl, and people are starting to tell her what to do, this is not a fun time.

Lily:           Yeah, don't need parents. Thank you. Both of you. All of you, actually.

Masha:            Do you- do you still want me to hold your hand?

Lily:           Nope.

[Clothes rustle as Lily pulls away.]

Masha:            Okay.

Lily:           Don't even fuckin’ touch me. Thank you. Okay.

Masha:            Sorry.

Dr. J:            Okay, I'm gonna let you process that.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Sage:            And we proceed to the Port of Long Beach. It's a kinda long bus ride there.

[Everyone laughs.]


Special Thanks

[Commercial jingle.]

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsor.


[Tape rewinds.]

Josh Simpson:       My idea is I want to be like a grief counselor or like a therapist. Someone to- [chuckles] that's helping the Marvel Universe after the terrible Snap. Someone that comes along for the ride to keep spirits up, or to work through emotions.

Sage:           So you could be like the Fort's morale coach, like…

[Everyone chuckles.]

Josh:          But also a counselor and a therapist, you know.

Sage:           Yeah, yeah.

Travis:        The on-site psychologist.

Sage:           Yeah, exactly.

Emily:          Oh, I kind of love that.

Sage:           Yeah, that fits perfectly into… You have a split identity. Does your character not care about that as much or…?

Josh:          Do you mean like, is he like a skate punk on his own time?

Sage:           [amused] Sure.

Josh:          And then he becomes, like, a counselor.


Emily:          I’m not, like, a normal counselor. I’m a cool counselor.

[Tape fast-forwards.]


Sage:           That was a snippet from our patron-exclusive episode with Josh, where we discuss a bit of his background, Marvel, and then build out Dr. J, stats and all. This and so much more, like, so much more—I think we’re at over 50 episodes now—are in the Adventure Pass podcast feed at

Speaking of which, thank you to…

Travis:        Justin

Jessica:          Joshua M

Sage:           Dugan the Creator

Travis:        Will Clark

Jessica:          Ben Signpost

Sage:           Hendo Bendo

Travis:        Luis Gustavo

Jessica:          Jacob Gomez

Sage:           Kevin Hernandez

Travis:        Fernanda

Jessica:          That one Jake guy

Sage:           Michael Etaneetu

Travis:        Eric Johnson. That's not the guitar one right? No? Still cool.

Sage:           And your good friend Zack.

Thank you all so, so much. If you didn't hear your name, you'll hear it on a future episode or it was in the last one.

If you wanna be cool like all those folks we just mentioned, get a shout out on the show, access to a bunch of bonus episodes of all kinds, and the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting independent artists, go to

Alright. Let's get back to it.


First Job - Part II

[Gentle guitar music.]

Dr. J:            I do do have to—

[Josh stifles laughter.]

—Venmo me for the TAP card. Because it all came off my TAP card.

Masha:            You guys don't cover for, like, transportation?

Dr. J:            No, not for the first run.

Masha:            Oh.

Dr. J:            Mm-mmm.

Masha:            Oh wow.

Dr. J:            You’re kind of interns at this point.

Masha:            Got it.

Dr. J:            Um, so…

Eric:             What— Do we— Is it like a pass/fail system?

Dr. J:            Hey, no. No.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

It's more like, just, uh…

Lily:           Are you, like, judging us and then you’re gonna go back and tell them whether or not you think that we're good superheroes?

Dr. J:            Hey, no judgment on my end. I just wanna see how you work as a unit, and I wanna help you reach new heights. Okay? So—

Masha:            Okay, just a disclaimer like me and my sister, uh, we just met Eric. So like, we're working on our- our, uh, dynamic. So if it's, like, familiarity that you’re basing it on…

Dr. J:            Okay. I sensed that. I sensed that Eric was not getting along.

Lily:           Yeah, he internet-stalked us so he could find us.

Eric:             What? That’s not—

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            You did kind of stalk us.

Dr. J:            Hey, not all stalkers are bad, right?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Have you had a good stalker?

Eric:             Exactly!

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Dr. J:            I mean, what is a security guard but a stalker that is also a friend. You know? They follow you around everywhere just to keep you safe. So, let's not put judgment on the word stalker.

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Masha:            A part of me thinks that… I- I’m not gonna ask.

Dr. J:            What?

Masha:            Have you stalked someone before?

Dr. J:            I'm stalking you a bit right now.

[Sage and Emily chuckle.]

Although from the front, ’cause you're following me.

Masha:            Oh, okay. Okay.

Dr. J:            And I know how to get to Long Beach.

Bus Driver:       [over speaker] Final stop. Port of Long Beach. Please get off my bus.

Dr. J:            You got it, Roger. Alright, right this way.

[Light-suspense music. Clattering is heard as shipment containers are moved around. Seagulls cry.]

Sage:            And our three heroes—joined by Dr. J, the guidance counselor—walk towards this huge shipyard. You recognize, lit up, the Queen Mary is there permanently. The ship doesn't do anything anymore. It's a tourist attraction.

But beside the Queen Mary is a huge amount of shipment crates. I mean, a lot. I mean, they all look very big, but this is kind of intimidating. The closer you get to it, the more you realize this is a labyrinth. And there's a fence. You're not allowed inside. But there's a security guard [chuckles] at the fence and she's, uh, just on her phone.

[Footsteps tap on pavement as the group slowly approaches the gate.]

Dr. J:            Who would like to, um, engage with the security guard? Who- who can—

Lily:           I don't respect authority, so it probably shouldn't be me.

Masha:            Do you not— Do you know her? Can- can you do it? Or…

Dr. J:            Do I know the security guard?

Masha:            Yeah.

Dr. J:            Uh, absolutely not. I don't know what would give you that impression. I don’t—

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Masha:            I don't know. I’m new to this!

Dr. J:            You think I know everyone in this— It’s not a small town, it’s Los Angeles.

Eric:             You knew the bus driver.

Masha:            You knew Roger on the bus!

[Josh and Emily stifle laughter.]

Dr. J:            Well, he's a bus driver, so I've seen him around. I’ve never tried to get into the shipyard.

Eric:             I'll talk to her.

Dr. J:            Great.

Guard:          Hey! Who goes there?

[Footsteps scuff to a halt.]

Eric:             Hi. Uh, we're here to do some routine maintenance on the Queen Mary and we need to get to where our tools are kept, which is inside the shipyard.

Guard:          Wh-what qualifications do you have?

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, roll for Personal Reality to see if you can deceive her.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          [groans] Nope.

Sage:            She ain't buying it.

Guard:          You seem like you have a face that would lie.

Eric:             ...Hurtful.

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           True!

Guard:          D’you— I need some kinda badges. Some’in’—

Eric:             I gotta be honest, we- we usually pass in and outta here without much of a problem. Is this- is this your regular night? It's— You know, we don’t have any- any issues with, um. [tsks] What’s the other person who works this shift? Uh…

[Eric snaps his fingers, pretending to recall.]

Guard:          Carl.

Masha:            Carl!

Eric:             Yeah, yeah. Ca—

Guard:          [annoyed] Everyone likes Carl. You know, he has an old iPhone. He's not that cool.

Masha:            [quiet] Oh...

Lily:           Yeah, so here's- here's the thing, right? Like obviously, like, I’m, like, a sixteen-year-old girl, and have you heard of the, um, the Big Brother program? Where, like, underprivileged youth have an older, wiser man assigned to them to teach them a trade, is what I'm pretty sure that organization does.

Sage:            Ooo, Lily let's roll for Personal Mind.

[Stat test chime.]

Is that what they do?

[Everyone laughs.]

Are you correct?

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          Nope.

[Jessica chuckles.]

Sage:            You're making all this up. Our security guard, let's call her…

Guard:          Georgia.

Sage:            It's Georgia.

Georgia:       I call it bullshit. What brothers and sisters? [stammers] Who— What kind of company is that? You just have brothers and sisters.

Lily:           It’s a non-profit!

Masha:            We're, uh, we’re- we’re just starting up. Hi, uh, I-I'm, uh—

Georgia:       Who’re you?

Masha:            The older sister. I'm the big s- I am the big sister.

Georgia:       Well, I'm confused now. Are you her real sister or, like, a company sister?

Lily:           No, it’s like a metaphor—

Eric:             [mumbles] Oh jeez.

Lily:           —that they're trying to teach me how to be an adult.

Masha:            Yeah, we're not related.

Georgia:       Related shmelated. I need some badges. Or s—

Dr. J:            What about badges of honor?

Georgia:       You have a badge of honor?

Dr. J:            All four of us do.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Dr. J, can you please roll for Soul?

[Everyone laughs.]

That would be [chuckles]—

Josh:            This one?

Sage:            That is correct.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Yup.

Sage:            A hard success.

[Josh clears his throat.]

Dr. J:            Hey, listen.

[Josh stifles laughter.]

[Gentle, inspiring music.]

You can sit here and ask for a laminated pass that any of us could make at a local Kinkos. Or you could take our word for it. This is my sister, and that's my sister, and that's my brother, and you are…my mom in a way.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Because I'm asking you permission to come through to the shipyard so we can teach this young apprentice how to fix a ship.

Lily:           Please.

Dr. J:            Alright? And if you like I'll dunk a damn basketball, if that helps.

[Sage and Emily stifle laughter.]

Georgia:       You know how to dunk a basketball?

Dr. J:            I noticed you got a huffy portable hoop sitting right here.

Georgia:       You- you know how to—

Dr. J:            You throw the alley, I got oops all day.

Georgia:       H-how tall are you, like 5’7”?

Dr. J:            You nailed it.

[Action music builds.]

[Everyone laughs.]

Sage:            Georgia hands Dr. J the basketball.

[Backpack zips open.]

Georgia:       Happen to have this in my bag.

[A hollow thunk is heard as Georgia tosses the ball at Dr. J.]

Sage:            I'm not gonna have you roll for that. We all know Dr. J's superpower is to always dunk 100% of the time.

[Emily laughs.]

Travis:          What kind of dunk does Dr. J do?

Dr. J:            I’ll do a windmill. Was hoping for an alley-oop, but it didn't seem like she was up for it.

[Everone laughs.]

Just handed me the basketball. Cross over, cross over.

[Shoes scuff and the basketball bounces as Dr. J shows off.]

I’ll close my eyes. Cover them. Dribble, dribble, dribble. From the free throw line. Windmill! Dunk! And now that I'm hanging on the rim.

[Basketball bounces away.]

Georgia:       Wow.

Sage:            Georgia is floored.

Georgia:       That…[emotional] that was beautiful.

Dr. J:            And you know what else is beautiful? Your soul, for hearing us and for letting us in.

Georgia:       [gasps] Wow.

Dr. J:            So let the lesson of the day be—

[He lets go of the rim, and his shoes scuff as he lands.]

—don't prejudge anyone. Okay?

Georgia:       You all got a good brother…father figure here.

Masha:            Yeah, it's amazing how handy dunking comes.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Georgia:       Alright, alright, you got- y'all got- you impressed me. You all got fifteen minutes, you better make it quick.

[A lock clicks and a gate creaks open.]

Sage:            She opens the gate and it is our three heroes’, joined by our guidance counselor, chance to investigate these shipment crates. They're huge. There's lots of them. It is a maze, but you're tryin’ to look for one in particular where there might be some shady figure. There might be something up. There may be something in there, maybe a certain sound.

Masha:            Scent?

Sage:            A certain scent. Improvise.

Dr. J:            You guys almost blew it back there.


Masha:            I know—

Dr. J:            If I wasn’t here, you would’ve been screwed.

Masha:            I-I was about to do something about it. You know? Like I could’ve— I was on— You interrupted me. So- so…

Dr. J:            Okay.

Masha:            But I really appreciate that you were able to help us.

Dr. J:            No problem. But do better.

[Stifled laughter.]

Eric:             A lot of us are more experienced with just sort of taking things or using force.

Dr. J:            Sure.

Eric:             Or- or not being— You know, and this one's twelve. So, it's…

Masha:            She's sixteen.

Lily:           I'm sorry, what was that, grandpa?

Eric:             [quiet] Shut the fuck up.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Dr. J:            Alright. Well, we gotta find something suspicious in here. So…

Lily:           Okay.

Dr. J:            Follow your instincts.

[Lily sniffs hard.]

Masha:            Lily do you wanna sniff somethin’ out? Oh. You’re- you're already doin’ it.

Sage:            [amused] She smells cocaine.

Dr. J:            Oopsy daisy.

Masha:            What is it?

Dr. J:            Oopsy daisy!


Got a little in my shirt pocket.

Sage:            Then Lily takes another whiff.

[Stat test chime.]

Lily, can you roll for me full blue. Powerful Combat and Personal Space.

[Success chime.]

Emily:          Made it for Space and 16 for Combat.

Sage:            Excellent. The cocaine smell goes away.

Lily:           [groans] Oh, Jesus Chr—

Dr. J:            Yeah, don't smell cocaine too hard.

[Everyone chuckles.]

It's kind of the whole point.

[Mysterious, suspenseful music.]

Sage:            And then she smells something…something she can't describe. It's almost intuitive in nature. It's something that doesn't have a name and she feels like she's the only person who could ever smell what this smells like. It's both the first time and the seventieth time she’s smelled this. She can't describe it, but she can follow it.

Lily:           [sniffs] Oh, what is that? It's like a…[sniffs] It's- it's that- It’s that smell when you…when…[sighs] and then- and then…

Eric:             What is it girl? Come on.

Masha:            Let— She's getting— Shh! She’s getting’ into it.

Lily:           Just- just let me follow it. I’ll just follow it, I’ll just follow it.

Sage:            We go through this labyrinth of cargo boxes. There's so many of them. And eventually we find this green one.

Lily:           It’s this one.

Masha:            Wow.

Sage:            But then there's some guy in front of it.

[Travis snorts.]

Lily:           And he did not put on deodorant today.

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Sage:            Some guy who doesn't smell great, and…he's wearing a trench coat.

Eric:             [quiet] Shit.

Dr. J:            Hey, don't prejudge. That's the whole lesson.

[Eric takes a deep breath.]

Eric:             You haven't been wrong yet.

[Travis and Josh stifle laughter.]

Dr. J:            Yeah? Well, I'm just saying just ’cause you see one guy in a trench coat, doesn't mean you should fear everyone in a trench coat. Okay? So, you know, just learn from that. And whatever you want to do for the trench coat guy.

Masha:            Are you just gonna sit back and like—

Dr. J:            Oh for this one, yeah.


Masha:            O-okay.

Dr. J:            Unless I see a basketball that needs to be dunked in there.

[Jessica chuckles.]

Trench Coat Guy:    [quiet] You're all just standing there.

Eric:             [loud] What's in the crate?

Trench Coat Guy:    [quiet] Wouldn't you like to know?

Eric:             Yes.

Lily:           Who’re you?

Trench Coat Guy:    [quiet] I can't tell you that.

Lily:           Why?

Masha:            Okay, I was told not to judge. You sound kind of creepy, but okay.

Trench Coat Guy:    [quiet] Will you keep your voices down? Are you trying to get caught?

Masha:            [whispers] No.

Eric:             I mean, given the situation. I think we're trying to catch you?

Trench Coat Guy:    Wait. What?

Masha:            I'm sorry.

[Footsteps tap as she walks up.]

My name is Roulette.

Trench Coat Guy:    Roulette?

Masha:            Yes.

Trench Coat Guy:    You one of those supers? One of those freaks?

Masha:            I prefer super. But yes.

Trench Coat Guy:    Super freak.

Dr. J:            You don't say— Hey, we don't say “freak”. Okay?

Trench Coat Guy:    Who are you?

Dr. J:            I'm Dr. J.

Trench Coat Guy:    Dr. J?

Dr. J:            Yeah.

Trench Coat Guy:    Are you one of those supers?

Dr. J:            Um…

Trench Coat Guy:    Are you a freak?

Dr. J:            No one here’s a freak, and if you say it again, we're gonna have a problem. Okay?

Trench Coat Guy:    You all look like a bunch of super freaks to me.

Dr. J:            [gently] You look like a super dumb-ass—

[Stifled laughter.]

Masha:            [quiet] Dr. J!

Dr. J:            —’cause if you got something valuable in that cargo thing, why are you standing by that? You know what a giveaway that is? All these other ones—

[Josh takes a breath and fights back laughter.]

[still gentle] If you were smart, you should be sitting- standing by an empty one. But you're standing by the one that's got—

Trench Coat Guy:    Shut up.

Dr. J:            —stuff in it?

Trench Coat Guy:    Shut up.

Dr. J:            No, you're dumb.

Trench Coat Guy:    [Sage stifles laughter] Shut up.

[Dr. J continues in the same calm tone.]

Dr. J:            And I'm sorry that you saw me lash out like that.

Masha:            Wow.

Dr. J:            But I couldn't help it, and he called me a freak and I don't like it. Sorry.

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Sage:            This weird man in a trench coat, pulls up his phone slowly. He's checking something. everybody's eyes are locked. He glances once down to the phone, and then back up to Eric. Cocks his head…and goes for a gun.

Travis:          Fuck.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric roll Powerful Combat.

Travis:          Ooo. 6.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Oh shit, [amused] Eric gets shot in the leg.

[Travis laughs.]

[A gunshot goes off. Masha screams. Eric grunts.]

Lily:           Oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

Masha:            Dr. J!

Sage:            He walks up to Eric.

[Eric pants in pain.]

Trench Coat Guy:    It’s time. The end is near.

Eric:             Stop saying that! Oh my god, you're sss— You and your friends, suck!

Masha:            Alright, um, you know what? I'm done being nice.

Lily:           Come on, Masha.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Masha, you know what to do. You gotta roll your power.

Jessica:          Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Healing! 16!

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Great! Masha can quickly, using one of our six random powers, heals Eric's wound, just like that.

[A quiet, chiming squeal is heard as Masha’s powers are used. Trench Coat Guy grunts in confusion.]

Eric:             Cool. Gimmie that!

[Eric grunts. A thud is heard as he grabs Trench Coat Guy.]

[Stat test chime.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          14. That’s better.

Sage:            Okay, great. Uh, he’s—

Travis:          Arm bar!

[Sage chuckles.]

[Eric grunts. The swish and thuds of combat are heard as he fights Trench Coat Guy.]

Eric:             No, no, no, you're going over my shoulder. Come here!

[Trench Coat Guy groans. A thud is heard as a punch lands. Masha groans in awe.]

Gimmie that gun.

[A gun clacks as Eric grabs it away.]

Sage:            Eric barely gets the gun out of his hand.

Dr. J:            Quick, throw the gun up towards that basketball hoop!

[Everyone stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Not the time!

Dr. J:            Okay, I- it could be cool.

[Jessica chuckles.]

Trench Coat Guy:    [groans] You don’t know what you're getting into.

Eric:             Honestly, I—

Trench Coat Guy:    Scry.

Eric:             Shhhh. Who are you? What's in the fucking crate?

Trench Coat Guy:    The end is near, Scry.

Eric:             Oh my god. I'm gonna break your arm, dude. Don't—

[A sickening crunch is heard. Trench Coat Guy screams in pain.]

Sorry, I got upset.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Dr. J:            Okay, so let's talk a little bit about retaliation. Alright? He shot you in the leg.

Eric:             [quiet] Huh?

Dr. J:            That was healed. And then you broke his arm. I feel like he was gonna— You know, torture rarely works.

Lily:           You wanna hold and I'll punch?

[Josh stifles laughter.]

Dr. J:            Oh, okay. They’re gonna go for this.

[Jessica chuckles.]

[Multiple thuds are heard. Lily grunts as she punches him. Trench Coat Guy cries out in pain throughout.]

This is where the—

Trench Coat Guy:    Ah, ow! No, stop it! Ow, cut it out! Cut it out!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily, can you roll for Powerful Strength?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          4!

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            Just like lightly slapping him basically.

[Jessica laughs.]

[Light slaps.]

Trench Coat Guy:    Can you fucking cut it out, please? What the hell is wrong with you?

Lily:           [whispers] You’re a bitch!

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Trench Coat Guy:    Ow, stop it. Jesus. Look, Scry. I can't tell you anything because they're going to kill me no matter what.

Eric:             That- that doesn't mean you can't tell me anything. You can totally tell me something.

Trench Coat Guy:    Not unless you…

Sage:            Roll Soul.

[Stat test chime.]

Personal Soul.

[Travis snorts.]

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          No.

Sage:            I'll roll for him.

[Net chime.]

Perfectly balanced as all things should be. You have the gun held away from him, but he brings his arm closer in. It hurts. You're trying to hold him back.

[Eric and Trench Coat Guy grunt in exertion.]

Eric:             [groans] What’re you—

Sage:            He fires.

[A gunshot and wet splatters are heard. A body collapses with a thud.]

Masha:            Oh. My…

Lily:           [quiet] Holy shhhhit.

Eric:             Just so everyone's clear...

Sage:            The trench coat man shot himself in the head and fell to the floor.

Dr. J:            Hmm. If only that gun was through a basketball hoop and not in his hand.

[Stifled laughter.]

Masha:            Oh my god.

Dr. J:            Well, I'm just saying look where we are now. I could have dunked it into that cargo—

Masha:            [frantic] Eric, why didn’t you dump it into the cargo?

Eric:             Because it was a gun!

[Travis and Josh stifle laughter.]

Masha:            Oh my god.

Eric:             Not a basketball!

Dr. J:            I can dunk anything.

Masha:            I've never seen a dead corpse before.

[Masha heaves and vomit splashes.]

Lily:           He literally killed someone in an alleyway yesterday.

Masha:            But not someone who shot themselves! It's different!

Dr. J:            So, let's take a look at the corpse and let's all talk about how we feel about it. Alright?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

[Masha moans pitifully. Lily takes a deep breath and sighs.]

Death sneaks up on us. We didn't expect this man to blow his brains out but he did.

Lily:           Ugh. Smells like blood in here.

Dr. J:            You seem to be the most troubled, Masha. So tell me what you're feeling right now.

Masha:            [nervous] Um, depressed and really scared. And he's just still bleeding. It's just constant blood.

Eric:             It’s not gonna stop for a while.

Dr. J:            The blood probably won't stop. Yeah.

Sage:            Since Lily was smelling, she smells metal on him.

Lily:           There’s metal…something.

Dr. J:            Prob’ly iron. It's blood.

Lily:           [sighs, falsely sweet] Thanks. I think I know what blood smells like at this point.

Dr. J:            Oh! Okay, so you're lashing out because you're upset about the body as well. I understand that.

[Footsteps scuff as he moves closer to Lily. Lily sniffs a few times.]

I'm here. Go ahead, tell me what you’re feeling.

Sage:            She finds a key chain. There’s one key on.

Lily:           Hey, does this look relevant to our search?

Dr. J:            “God didn’t have a driver's license, so he invented mom's.” What the hell is that keychain?

[Everyone stifles laughter. Travis bursts into laughter.]

Sage:            Lily, who is just done with everyone’s shit, opens the door to this cargo box.

Eric:             These guys are freaks.

[Lily grunts and a metal door creaks open.]

Sage:            It’s a big-ass metal box. There are no lights inside, it is pitch black. And it looks like there's basically nothing in there. It's almost empty. But then Lily gets that scent again.

Lily:           That smell…

Sage:            One she kind of recognizes.

Lily:           It- it's something I know. I can’t…

Sage:            And then all of a sudden—

[A loud clang and creaking.]

A vision. A shape glowing green. So incandescently bright it's hurting your eyes.

[Everyone’s voices sound muffled and warbled.]

Lily:           Wha- what?

Masha:            What is it, Lily?

Lily:           Oh god can you see that?

Masha:            I don’t see anything.

Sage:            And then she snaps back out of it.

[Sound returns to normal.]

Lily:           [slow] Holy fuck, I think I'm crazy.

[The crew slowly walks inside the container.]

Sage:            We look and lying on the floor of this container is a single syringe with barely anything in it.

Dr. J:            Oh, that's too bad.

Lily:           Wait.

Dr. J:            This is just a junkie’s thing. You know what? He guarded the right thing and I insulted him and then he shot himself, and now I feel bad.

[Jessica and Travis stifle laughter.]

Lily:           No, no, no, no.

Dr. J:            There’s nothing in here.

Masha:            What is it, Lily?

Dr. J:            Hey, don't play with needles you find in the thing.

[Stifled laughter.]

[A footstep taps as Lily turns around quickly. A loud snick is heard and Dr. J cries out.]

Masha:            Oh my god, Lily! Don't do that!

Eric:             Holy shit. Calm down.

Dr. J:            She poked me with it!

Masha:            Oh my…

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily! You actually poked him?

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Oh my god. Did you- did you actually poke him with it?

Eric:             Yes! Oh my god.

Dr. J:            She poked me with the need…

Sage:            Oh my god.

[Dr. J groans. The crew shuffles out of the container.]

Lily:           I’m so sorry! That was an accident! Oh my god!

Sage:            Dr. J starts turning green.

[Everyone stifles laughter.]

[Dr. J's flesh squelches as it mutates.]

Dr. J:            Oh, this is…hey!

Sage:            Then falls over and dies! [laughs]

[A thud is heard as Dr. J collapses.]

[Josh laughs.]

Masha:            Dr. J! AHH!

[Josh continues laughing in the background.]

Oh my god!

Lily:           Oh my god, it was so dark in here I had no depth perception!

Sage:            [amused] With his final- with his final breath, he speaks out.


Dr. J:            You're a brat.

[Stifled laughter.]

You shouldn't have done that. Okay? I’m sick o’ tossing dice.

Lily:           I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! This was so much an accident!

Dr. J:            You guys are maniacs. I could have dunked the gun and saved the day. And you quit playing around with a junkie’s old needle. Now I'm dead. I'm green and dead. So you know what? You fail. You fail HR, you're not superheroes in the report.

[Dr. J death gurgles and collapses.]

Masha:            But…

Sage:            Joel Ferris has passed away. And he lies right next to the other guy who shot himself in the head for some reason.

Masha:            [whispers] What…the…?

Lily:           [quiet, shock] Oh my god. I just killed someone.


[Footsteps scuff on pavement.]

Georgia:       Hey, your fifteen minutes are up. What’re you all still doin’ here?




[Sad music. Crickets chirp. Footsteps tap as the group walks back to the Fort.]

Eric:             Okay, look at me, look at me, look at me. That didn’t happen.

Lily:           What? What are we—

Eric:             There was a struggle for the gun. He shot Dr. J. I took the gun, and got him in the head.

Masha:            We should’ve brought his body with us, though. It's wrong to leave him there. Just—

Eric:             We buried him at sea!

Door Guy:           What's the password?

Eric:             Huh?

Masha:            AHH!

[Lily lets out a startled gasp.]

Lily:           Do we get a card for today? Doesn't it change every day?

Masha:            You don't remember us? We came in the other day.

Door Guy:           I see a lot o’ faces, honey.

Masha:            I was the one that destroyed that, like, iron lady! I—

Door Guy:           Who’s got the password?

Masha:            Um…Dick.


Door Guy:           Alright, you’re in.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Great. Lucky guess, I guess.

Sage:            He cranks open the garage door.

[Door Guy makes “Chch” noises as he cranks.]

[amused] I'll do the sound effects in post, David, thank you very much.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Door Guy:           But I’m the door guy! I like making the noise while I do it.

Sage:            [speaks through teeth] Dave I’ll do the sound effects in post—

[Door Guy makes more “Chch” noises.]

[Stifled laughter.]

Masha:            Why’re you making that noise with your mouth?

Door Guy:           It's a coping mechanism—

[Josh chuckles.]

—with some serious mental problems. Just let me be, please, I'm living my best life!

Masha:            O-okay.

Sage:            When the door is almost at the top and open, he mentions to them…

[Footsteps tap as the group walks inside. Suspenseful music.]

Door Guy:           Roach has been expecting you. He's worried.

Eric:             [quiet] Right. Lily?

[Lily grunts quietly.]

[quiet] You didn't do that. There was a struggle for the gun, he shot Dr. J—

[Lily mumbles unhappily.]

—I wrestled it away from him, and I shot him the h—

Roach:            Oh! You guys are here! Gift Bag! Gift Bag! Get up here!

[Roach runs up to the group.]

Theo:            Yeah. Hold on! Hol…

Roach:            Where have you guys been?

Masha:            Uh…

Lily:           [fast] Long Beach!

Theo:            Oh, hi!

Masha:            [forced cheerful] Hey!

Roach:            We have been waiting all night. [fast] I was so worried! You guys got the newbie job and you didn't come back ’til three in the morning? Sometimes they take a little longer but—

Eric:             Roach. Roach. We were am—

Roach:            Where's D- where's Dr. J?

Eric:             We were- that's- we were ambushed.

Roach:            Ambushed?

Eric:             Yeah. [sighs] There was a lot of ’em. They came from everywhere.

[Eric sighs quietly.]

[whispers] Fuck. [tearful] They shot Dr. J.

Theo:            [forced sad] Oh, no.

Roach:            They shot J?

Eric:             Yeah. We were just—

Theo:            [forced sad] Oh, not Dr. J.

Roach:            [quiet] Shit.

Eric:             He was tryin’ to get us into the gate—

Theo:            [forced sad] Oh.

Roach:            [quiet] Shit.

Eric:             —by doin’ a windmill. They shot him mid-dunk.

Roach:            [quiet] Shit.

Masha:            Theo, are you actually upset? You seem…

Theo:            [forced sad] So upset. Dr- he’s- it’s— Real loss for the Fort today.

Lily:           [quiet] It was an accident.

Eric:             It was murder. They murdered him.

Lily:           Yeah, but we—

Masha:            [loud] Oh, murder’s a strong word! I think it’s like—

Door Guy:           Hold on, was it a murder or was it an accident?

Roach:            Door- Door Guy, can you—

[Josh laughs. Jessica stifles laughter.]

Mind your own business, Door Guy.

Masha:            Live your best life by the gate.

[Door Guy grunts. Footsteps fade away.]

Roach:            Did you at least come back with anything of use?

Lily:           [quiet] I mean…it’s in my backpack.

[Suspenseful music intensifies.]

Eric:             [quiet] Yeah.

[Lily sighs. A backpack zips open. Wrapper crinkles.]

Lily:           Be careful, please.

Theo:            [quiet] Hold on. [normal] Yeah, I got it.

Roach:            Gift Bag, Gift Bag, you take it. You take it.

Theo:            Yeah. Yeah, oh! Okay. Okay! Um, can you all follow me, please?

[Episode End music.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:     20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Joel Ferris, aka Dr. J, was played by special guest Josh Simpson.


Guest Spotlight

Sage:           Alright, we did it. Episode Two is in the bag!

Josh:          Hooray!

Travis:        Hooray!

Jessica:          Whoo!

Sage:           Josh, holy shit, man. Thank you so much for doing this, though, so much fun.

Josh:          That was fun.

Emily:          I’m so sorry.

Josh:          I had a blast.

Travis:        You hold the record for most points scored in an episode.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Sage:           So, where can the people find you? Where can our listeners go to view your awesome stuff?

Josh:          A lot of my stuff is on Improv workshops and stuff I teach in LA and you can get a hold of me if you ever want to let me come visit you in your city to teach and perform or whatever. The Meat improv is on all the social stuff. is where you can get a second bonus episode every week. And then @MrJoshSimpson on Twitter, JoshSimpson on Instagram. That cover it?

Sage:           Amazing!

Travis:        Josh, will you bet me right now, $20 that at Giannis doesn't back-to-back MVP.

Josh:          I think he will. Yeah.

Travis:        Alright. It's on.

Josh:          Alright.


Sage:           And this is now a basketball show. Thank you so much, everybody!


After-Credits Scene

[A door bangs shut.]

Mysterious Man:         Status?

Lackey:        The shipment has been compromised. And it looks like Scry was the perpetrator.

Mysterious Man:         Then no longer can he rest.



[Rock music plays throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]



Indie Hero:        Hey! Chaperone! You got eyes in the back o’ yer head!

Eric:             [irked] Uh-huh. Thank you.

Indie Hero:        Chaperone, Chaperone! I wish I had you in high school!

Eric:             Nope, yup. Nope. That’s not— Appreciate it. That’s not—

Hype Man:        [distant] Chaperone!

Eric:             That’s not my fucking name!

#3 - The Castle (w/ Will Hines)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 3 - The Castle

Air Date: March 4, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               Good morning Los Angeles. This morning a pair of bodies were found in the Long Beach water. The cause of death has not been disclosed to the public. This is the world we're living in now, where dead bodies are getting fished out of the drink.

Also, we dispatched some reporter teams to a couple different locations to get some feedback from our famous, growing super population. One team went with me to this place called the Castle where the gentleman there showed us their technology. Another team was dispatched to this place called the Fort where they were chased away with gravel being hurled at them as the occupants yelled, “Eat shit. Eat shit.” over and over again. I don't know if I'm allowed to say “eat shit” on the radio, but I am The News now. So I'm just going to do that.

Now, because of the Snap, our content has kind of fallen by the wayside. One of our intern’s, sisters-in-law is going to come on and give us a monologue about her recent mammogram. So stay tuned. Thank you.



[Suspenseful music. Clothes rustle as Theo moves around.]

Theo:            Hold on, let me get my gloves.

[Rubber gloves snap as he puts them on.]

Okay, this is very interesting. And you just found this in a storage container?

Lily:           Uh, yeah. Mm-hmm.

Theo:            No other symbols? Nothing else?

Lily:           That was it. That was the only thing.

Eric:             You have any idea why there'd be such heavy security around a syringe?

Theo:            I think so, but I need to do some homework.

Lily:           Is it dangerous?

Theo:            Yes.

Lily:           [quiet] Uh-huh.

Theo:            [whispers] It’s strange.

[A microscope slide scrapes into place.]

Lily:           When I- when I smelled, um, the syringe I kinda, like, saw something and I- I don't know what it was, but it was, um, it felt answer.

Theo:            Well, what did you see?

Lily:           It was green and there was- there was a- a door.

Theo:            Uh, Bloodhound. How long have you had your abilities?

Lily:           Since the Snap.

Theo:            I-I typically do some kind of blood test on newcomers to the Fort. I don't like to spring that on people early. You don't know me well, um, but it is volunteer-based, if you're curious. I'm especially curious with you Roulette, but that- that's just for people's own interest. There's some strange things at play. For your comfort and for, I mean, disclosure, my own interest, if you don't mind, I-I can look into this.

Lily:           I mean, yeah, I guess. I just…

Masha:            That'd be, um, great. I think that I should know everything that I can. [nervous chuckle]

Theo:            Yeah. Come over here. Have a seat.

[Masha walks across the room. A chair squeaks as she sits and clothes rustle as Theo rolls up her sleeve.]

We can start with blood and then I can go from there.

Masha:            Okay.

Theo:            Slight pinch.

Masha:            Do you have, like, a stress ball I can squeeze or something?

Theo:            Absolutely.

Masha:            Okay, thank you. I need to, like—

Theo:            Yeah, I've got three.

[Cabinet door squeaks open.]

Do you want the fox or the koala?

Masha:            Fox sounds great.

Theo:            Fox. You got it.

[Toy squeaks as Masha squeezes it. She sighs.]

Okay, I'm going to get to work.

[Chair squeaks as Theo turns to his computer and begins typing.]

There's so much with all of these abilities people are manifesting. There's so much to look into. I'll let you both know as soon as I have something.

Masha:            Fantastic!

Lily:           [quiet] Thank you.

Theo:            Eric, uh, you got any abilities you want me to look into?

Eric:             Nah, blood pressure's fine. Thanks, though.

Theo:            [chuckles] Yeah, okay.

Masha:            Is there anything we can do to help?

Theo:            If you remember anything, if you find anything else on the field about this vial, I would love to know about it. I think it could help. At the very least, if someone's running around with this in their bloodstream, this could be extremely dangerous.

Lily:           To who?

Theo:            Anybody without the right genes.

[Suspenseful music fades out.]


Episode Three – The Castle

[Action music.]

Narrator:         After agreeing to help each other out, new heroes Roulette, Bloodhound and Scry received their first mission from the Fort to investigate a shipment at the Port of Long Beach. Though they didn't come back with their escort, they found a dangerous syringe, near empty, being guarded by a man in a trench coat. One of many that continue to appear in pursuit of Eric. Questions continue to linger, but life in the Snap moves on.

We cut to woodworking class, the final period of the day, where two sixteen-year-olds, Lily Kline and Henry Sampson, have been partnered on a project.

Henry:             Cool.

Lily:           [sighs] Why do I always get paired with the nerds?

Henry:             Oh man, can you believe it? You, me again. I love it.

Lily:           Can't believe it. Wow…

Henry:             Hey, good news. This blade wasn't sharp, but I melted it and re-solidified it, so it's sharp again. So we can make, like, the best bookends in the class, basically.

[A table saw buzzes in the background.]

Lily:           [quiet] Dude, you gotta be fuckin’ subtle about this, though. Like—

Henry:             [whispers] I was subtle! Nobody even cares. No one even knows. No one's even lookin’ at me.

Lily:           [sighs] Fine. Wait, make the best what?

Henry:             Birdhouse and bookends. For woodshop. I volunteered us to make a birdhouse and then some bookends. I took both of the assignments. Do you remember, Mr. Allsworth was like, “Which one do you want?” I was like, “We'll do both.”

Lily:           Yeah, I don't listen when he talks. Um, but cool?

Henry:             Oh. He's pretty nice, actually. He’s goin’ through a hard time, I think. Yeah, so we gotta do a birdhouse and bookends, but it won't be tough, because we got the best saw, basically, right now, ’cause o’ what I did.

Lily:           Okay. You wanna, like, show me? Or something?

Henry:             Oh, I don't know how to do it. I just know how to make the tools good. I thought you- I thought you'd be good at it.

Lily:           [groans] We wor—

Henry:             Do you, like, smell which wood is good or something?

Lily:           [whispers] Oh my god. [normal] I should never have told you. I should never have told you.

Henry:             I didn't tell anybody.

Lily:           Remind me next time I wanna tell you something, to not tell it to you.

Henry:             Well, that's a logical impossibility.

[Misadventure music. A man approaches and clears his throat.]

Man:                Children!

Henry:             Oh, hey, Mr. Allsworth.

Mr. Allsworth:     Where are my bookends and my birdhouse?

Henry:             We're working on it. We're, uh, we’re just- we got a little behind. I—

Mr. Allsworth:     Oh, behind?

Henry:             [amiable] Yeah.

Mr. Allsworth:     Well, when I said that you shouldn’t take both projects because there was going to be too much work—

Henry:             We can do it!

Mr. Allsworth:     —now you’re eating crow aren't you?

Henry:             No, no, no, we can do it, Mr. Alls—

Mr. Allsworth:     Of course not, ’cause there's no birdhouse for that crow, is there?

Henry:             No, no. We're gonna make a birdhouse!

Mr. Allsworth:     You are, are you?

Henry:             Yes.

Mr. Allsworth:     Well, how ’bout this, if you don’t have that bird house and those two bookends finished by the end of this period, you're both getting a big, fat F!

Henry:             Jeez, Louise. An F for the whole class?

Mr. Allsworth:     F for the whole class, children!

Henry:             Alright, alright, we’ll do it—

Mr. Allsworth:     To teach you the importance of avoiding hubris.

Henry:             Okay, we’ll do it!

Lily:           Can you not take your personal issues out on us?

Henry:             Yeah, what’s going on with your life?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Mr. Allsworth:     You know I’m goin’ through a hard time!

Sage:            The bell rings. [chuckles]

Henry:             Ah, but you didn’t give us any time!

[Emily laughs.]

I didn’t know there was ten seconds left!

Mr. Allsworth:     Failure! Failure!

Henry:             That’s not fair! That’s not fair!

Mr. Allsworth:     Failure of the class!

Henry:             That’s not fair!

Mr. Allsworth:     Failure!

Henry:             That’s not fair!

Mr. Allsworth:     Failure chi—

Sage:            [amused] Okay, okay, hold on. Okay.

[Emily giggles.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Can Lily and Henry both roll me for Personal Soul?

[Net chime.]

Emily:          It is my number.

[Failure chime.]

Will:         Did not make it.

Sage:            Okay. This is a tough sell, and you’re blowin’ it.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Will:         Way over.

Sage:            Yeah.

Lily:           Listen. Listen, listen, listen.

Mr. Allsworth:     I’m listening.

Henry:             [frantic] Please! Come on! Please, please, please! Please, please, please, please!

Lily:           Henry!

Henry:             [frantic] We’ll do one tomorrow morning! I’ll do it in ten seconds! Gimme ten more seconds!

[Stifled laughter.]

Mr. Allsworth:     Nemesis follows hubris!

Henry:             What?

[Stifled laughter.]

Did you say nemesis?

Mr. Allsworth:     Follows hubris!

Lily:           Mis-mist-mister A., we’ll—

Henry:             Give me five minutes! Easy!

Lily:           Nope! No.

Henry:             Easy!

Lily:           No.

Sage:            Lily drags Henry all the way outside of campus.

Jessica:          [chuckles] Oh my god.

Sage:            [amused] And she’s furious.

Henry:             I get so nervous.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

I’ve never had a teacher yell at me that much. He was leaning right over us!

Lily:           Yeah. He’s having a hard time.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Henry:             Going through some kinda hard time…changed his medication. I know he’s on medication, ’cause he talked about it once.

Sage:            And then, honking her horn, Masha pulls up in a car to pick up Lily. Masha, Lily’s foster sister, frequently picks her up after school.

Lily:           [embarrassed] Oh my god.

Masha:            Lily, why are you walking so fast? I’m here! I’ve been honking for, like, the past twenty seconds.

Lily:           I’m getting in!

[A car door opens.]

I’m getting in, I’m getting in, okay.

Masha:            Am I giving Henry a ride? Henry—

[Footsteps scuff as Henry hurries over.]

Henry:             Hey, Masha! I’d love a ride. That’d be great!

[Jessica and Sage stifle laughter.]

[A car door opens and shuts quickly.]

Lily:           [groans] Masha!

[Will chuckles. Sage stifles laughter.]

[Car engine revs gently.]

Masha:            Henry has a long way to go, and his parents work full time.

Henry:             I’m goin’ to the Fort. My dad doesn’t get home ’til midnight. He works- he’s workin’ the night shift at the mill.

Masha:            Lily, did you tell him about the Fort?

Lily:           [sighs, put out] Henry’s got powers [quiet] and stuff.

Henry:             I do have—

Masha:            What?

Henry:             Oh, yeah, I’m a superhero.

Masha:            Oh.

Henry:             My name’s Matter O' Fact.

Masha:            Oh. What’re th—

Lily:           Yeah, he—

Henry:             Have you heard of me?

Masha:            N…Uh, no.

Lily:           As a matter of fact, NO!

Henry:             Ah! See? It’s a great name!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Because it’s good for segways in conversations.

Masha:            Oh. Yeah.

Henry:             Yeah. It humanizes me.

Masha:            Wha- so what’re your powers, Henry?

Henry:             I can change states of matter.

Masha:            Wow!

Henry:             Like, you see that water bottle?

Masha:            Yeah.

Henry:             Now the water’s ice.

[A low, vibrating hum as Henry activates his powers. Ice crackles.]

Masha:            Oh my gosh.

Henry:             Now it’s steam.

[Low, vibrating hum. Steam hisses.]

Now it’s liquid.

[Low, vibrating hum. Water bubbles.]

Masha:            This is…

[Low vibrating hum.]

Henry:             Now it’s back to normal. This particular demonstration is useless, but that’s pretty cool.

Sage:            Really quick—

Lily:           [begrudging] Yeah, he’s actually kinda super powerful, it’s annoying.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Really quick, Henry, can you roll me Powerful Energy. Just the d20.

Will:         Uh, 8.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            8! Mmm. [stifles laughter]

Henry:             I’m kinda nervous.

Masha:            The interior of my car!

Henry:             This never happens!

[Sage and Emily chuckle.]

Sage:            There is smoke fuming from underneath Masha’s hood. The hood of her car.

Henry:             This is so strange. Oh, I blew it!

[Masha coughs.]

I just- oh, I think I melted something in your car.

Masha:            Oh my god, my car!

[Lily mumbles unhappily. A door opens as Masha gets out. Steam hisses. Traffic whooshes nearby.]

Henry:             Is this a good car?

Masha:            I mean, it was our parents’ but…

Henry:             Oh no. I can fix it! I can fix it! Give me five minutes!

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Do not. Do not let him— No!

Masha:            Henry…

Eric:             Give me five minutes! I can fix it!

Masha:            Henry, you’re—

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll, Henry, roll for full purple. That’s both dice, Personal and Powerful, Soul and Energy.

Will:         Uh, 17.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            17.

Will:         Soul I missed by one.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Mmm. [amused] Okay.

Lily:           [irked] There are other people who can fix cars!

Henry:             No, I can do it! I once saw a YouTube video on carburetors.

[Henry grunts and a low, vibrating hum is heard as he focuses his power.]

Masha:            Okay…Oh!

Sage:            The smoke stops.

Masha:            Oh!

Sage:            And then the car breaks down. [chuckles]

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Henry:             Oh.

Masha:            Oh my god, we’re stopped. We’re—

Henry:             I solidified it, but I didn’t know what I was doing, so I might’ve- I might’ve turned a spark plug into a block. I don’t know. I can- we- gimme, just like, two seconds.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Henry…

Henry:             It’s not on fire. I got excited.

Masha:            [sighs] Okay, well, I don’t have insurance.

[Emily snorts.]

I guess… Let’s just walk.

Lily:           Somebody at the Fort can probably fix a car, right?

Masha:            Yeah. Alright, let’s just go.

[Traffic continues whooshing past.]

Hen-Henry, you can come with us, if you want.

Lily:           No. Oh—

Henry:             That’d be great.

[Jessica and Sage stifle laughter.]

Sage:            We walk up to the Fort!



[Gentle music. Footsteps scuff as the group approaches the Fort.]

Henry:             Yeah, I’m tryin’ to find crimes around town, but it’s sorta tough. Walk around banks, mostly. But I don’t know if people rob banks, like, in person, like, with digital security, but I have been casin’ ’em. I don’t see anything weird. I think there might be something weird at the Bank of America on Melrose, but I don’t think it’s crime-related. I think just somebody’s selling meth.

Masha:            Oh.

Henry:             Which is sort of something I’m a little scared to get involved with. I’m hoping to get right involved with robberies and burglaries. I could buy p—

Lily:           You could literally turn meth into something else.

Henry:             Oh, yeah, no, I’d be great at making it. [groans] Jeez. Tempt- tempting.

Lily:           Whoa! Not what I s—

Henry:             Tempting.

Lily:           [sighs] Henry.

Henry:             I’m only kidding. I would never do drugs.

[Sage and Jessica stifle laughter.]

Sage:            We arrive at Door Guy.

Door Guy:           What’s the password?

Masha:            Oh, gosh darn it.

Lily:           Oh. Fuck you, let me in!

Door Guy:           Alright, you’re in.

Sage:            [chuckles] He cranks open the door.

[Door Guy makes “Chch” sounds as the door cranks open.]

Henry:             Why’s he makin’ that noise with his mouth?

Masha:            This is just his coping mechanism.

Door Guy:           Don’t question it, kid. Chchchch.

Masha:            He’s living his best life.

Henry:             He looks so tough, and then that’s the nerdiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Sage:            We go inside. People are getting jobs on the left wing and hanging out on couches in the right wing. You’re startin’ to notice more people at the Fort. It’s subtle, but it’s pickin’ up steam and that’s actually how Henry had heard about it.

Henry:             I can’t believe I’m here already. I heard about this! I’m so excited!

Masha:            Yeah, I mean, uh—

Lily:           So you have said.

Henry:             Yeah!

Masha:            Did you- so, I’m sorry, did you say your dad was here?

Henry:             No, my dad’s at work until midnight. My hou- I don’t have to be home until then.

Masha:            Oh, oh. Okay.

Henry:             Yeah.

Sage:            Eric walks in.

[Footsteps scuff closer.]

Eric:             Hey! Hey, oh, uh…

Lily:           Do you know how to fix a car?

Eric:             What? No. Kidding me?

Lily:           They don’t teach you that in S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Eric:             No!

Henry:             You were in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Eric:             Oh boy. [nervous chuckle]

Masha:            Oh, Eric, this is Henry. He’s a classmate of Lily’s.

Henry:             Did you ever meet Nick Fury? No, of course you didn’t. That’s crazy. I’m sorry! Do I look stupid?

Eric:             Well, once.

Henry:             [yells] Oh, you did? Oh my god!

Eric:             Yeah, and th- uh, uh, Nick’s—

Henry:             What was he like?

Eric:             Tall. Uh...

Henry:             Ooo! I knew it!

Eric:             Quiet.

Henry:             Ah! I love it!

Eric:             And- and had that eye patch.

Henry:             Yeah! [chuckles] Sounds like him!

Eric:             Yeah, uh, what’s- what’s your name? Hi, who’re you?

Henry:             My name is Matter O' Fact.

Eric:             Oooh.

Henry:             It’s Henry. Just call me Henry.

Eric:             Oh, okay.

Henry:             I’m sorry. I couldn’t do it.

Eric:             No, it’s—

Lily:           Please just call him Henry.

Eric:             That’s- hey, I’ll- whatever- whatever you wanna go by.

Henry:             Me and Lily are, like, best friends at the high school.

Eric:             Oooh!

Lily:           This is— We go to high school together.

Masha:            Yeah, Lily, didn’t you guys used to date in middle school or…

Henry:             Oh, no.

Lily:           No.

Henry:             Uh, we went to a dance together, but she didn’t realize that’s what was happening.

Lily:           Yeah.

Henry:             We went to— We arrived at the dance at the same time and I told some people we were there together. And I am sorry about that.

Masha:            Oh, I—

Lily:           And I’m sorry I punched you.

Henry:             No, it was fair.

Eric:             Alright.

[Stifled laughter.]

Well nice to meet you, Henry.

Henry:             Oh, yeah! Nice to meet you.

Eric:             It’s good to know that Lily has friends. Didn’t know that was a thing that could happen.

Lily:           It isn’t.

Eric:             Alright.

Henry:             We’re friends.

Sage:            And then, passing by, suddenly Eric sees…Daniel Daniels? Aka Agent Fragrant, aka one of his best friends.

[Footsteps tap close by. Lily scoffs happily.]

Lily:           Somebody in here smells amazing.

Eric:             [quiet] Oh, Jesus Christ. [loud] Daniel!

[Footsteps scuff to a halt.]

Dan:             Whoa! Hey.

Eric:             Hey.

Dan:             Eric!

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             You’re- you’re comin’ here?

Eric:             Yeah, looks like it. [chuckles]

Dan:             You’re hangin’ out here?

Eric:             Just started.

Dan:             Whoa! Yeah, I just started too! Th-the- I mean, word’s gotten out, uh, holy shit! This is great!

Eric:             Oh, aren’t you- aren’t you—hey you’re gonna love this—aren’t you with S.H.I.E.L.D., though?

Henry:             Wha!

Dan:             [groans] I mean—

Henry:             Did you ever meet Nick Fury?

Dan:             I have not, actually.

Henry:             Ah HA!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

This guy has. Oh! You got him beat!

Dan:             [amused] Yeah, yup.

Henry:             You met Nick Fury!

Eric:             I—

Dan:             He’s—

Henry:             That must burn you good!

Dan:             Uh, we’ve had—

[Henry cackles.]

Eric:             You know what? I like him. This is great.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           We are not keeping him.

Dan:             I’ve been on thin ice for the past two years, and I almost quit that one time. Uh, [nervous chuckle] So I’m not very high up. Please don’t ask for any autographs or anything.

Henry:             Oh. Okay. Okay, okay.

Dan:             But, yes, I do- I do work…

Henry:             Oh, that’s so cool.

Dan:             [whispers] But I don’t- I don’t really want anybody here to know that.

Henry:             Do you have a badge?

[Dan sighs. Clothes rustle as he pulls his badge out of his jacket.]

Dan:             [mumbles] Daniel Daniels. Here we go. It says my name, aka Agent Fragrant.

[Henry chuckles in awe. Footsteps scuff as Lily approaches Dan.]

Lily:           Hi, I’m Lily. Uh, you smell amazing.

Dan:             Wow! You s- you hear that? Nobody’s ever said that to me before! They always just say that I have too much cologne on.

[Eric sighs.]

So, I guess we’re all supers here. Call me Agent Fragrant, um, or Dan. Uh, so, uh, I was in an accident at a Febreze factory. Fell in and my skin was chemically infused with the product.

Lily:           Oh my god, I love it.

Dan:             Yes, that was what happened.

Lily:           Yeah, like, I’m sorry, but also, like, oh my— Can I, like, stand a little closer to you? You have no idea! It’s like fucking torture living in this city.

Masha:            Okay, L-L-Lily, Lily.

Lily:           What?

Henry:             I’m extra sensitive to liquid and you’re covered in sweat right now. A thin sheen of it, but I can tell.

Lily:           Turn it to—

Henry:             I can turn it to ice if you—

Lily:           No, turn it to air, Henry.

Henry:             Oh, yeah.

[Low, vibrating whoosh. Steam gently hisses.]

Got it.

Dan:             How old are you, by the way?

Masha:            She’s sixteen!

Dan:             Okay.

Henry:             Sixteen, just like me.

Dan:             I’ll take one step over here.

[A single footstep is heard and a boot scrapes across the floor as Dan scoots away.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

So, uh, cool. Eric, you doin’ jobs? You got any jobs?

Eric:             Yeah, yeah. We just- we had a first one. Went- it went fine.

Dan:             Yeah, they said that I was supposed to have some sort of guidance counselor come with me on my first gig. Um…but apparently—

Lily:           [loud] He accidentally died!

[Masha groans.]

Dan:             Oooh. Shit. People don’t wanna talk about it, but he got killed on your guys’ mission, right?

Masha:            Um…

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           Yeah.

Dan:             That sucks.

Henry:             Whoa. That’s awesome.

[Lily grunts uncertainly.]

Masha:            It was- it was—

Henry:             That’s amazing.

Lily:           Nope!

Henry:             I mean, not that he died, but that’s like— That means you were on a real mission.

Masha:            Yeah, it was a real mission alright. And there were a lot of basketballs involved.

Eric:             We were swarmed by men in trench coats.

Lily:           [quiet] And basketballs.

Eric:             Glasses with guns.

Dan:             I’ve seen a lot o’ those. Uh, we should talk about that later.

Eric:             [quiet] We should talk about this.

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             We should talk in general.

Dan:             Movie night, though, again? Still on?

[Eric scoffs in amusement.]

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Yeah. Alright! Catch ya later. Nice to meet you— What was your name?

Henry:             Her name’s Lily.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Okay, she’s sixteen.

Lily:           And you smell really good. [fast] Good bye!

Dan:             Bye.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Footsteps tap as Dan leaves.]

Eric:             That was embarrassing for everybody.

Henry:             Wow, you like him.

Masha:            Oh my god.

Henry:             You like him so much.

Lily:           I like—

Henry:             I’ve never seen you happy before.

[Travis stifles laughter.]


That was incredible. If you applied some of that work to our birdhouse, we woulda gotten it done.

Eric:             Birdhouse?

Henry:             Some o’ that energy. We were making birdhouses and bookends in shop. We’re shop partners.

Lily:           I need all of you mediocre smelling people to stop talking to me. Immediately.

Masha:            Liiittle rude, Lily. Just a little bit.

Lily:           You smell fine.

Masha:            Thank you.

Henry:             You can do better than that guy.

[Lily sighs in exasperation. Masha chuckles. Footsteps scuff closer.]

Sage:            Siggy comes in with a nice, new piece of parchment, ready to give a job to whoever wants it. Callin’ out.

[Parchment crinkles as Siggy waves it around.]

Siggy:         Hey, hey, hey!

Henry:             I got it! Me!

[Parchment rustles as Henry snatches it.]

Siggy:         Heey! How’s it goin’?

Henry:             Oh, great!

Siggy:         Matter O' Fact! How you doin’, pal?

[Henry giggles.]

Henry:             Yes!

Masha:            Oh my gosh, word travels fast.

Siggy:         What’re you doin’ hangin’ out with these guys?

Henry:             Uh…

Siggy:         These are small timers.

Henry:             Yeah, I’m slummin’.

Siggy:         Yeah, well, alright.

Eric:             ’Scuse me?

Lily:           Yeah, okay birdhouse.

Henry:             Ooo, that hurts.

Masha:            He knows Fury.

Eric:             What? [stammers]

Siggy:         Fury…what?

Henry:             This is, like, Nick Fury’s basically best friend.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Siggy:         Fury who?

Eric:             [quiet] Oh, Jesus Christ.

Masha:            Nick Fury! The guy with the eye patch.

Siggy:         Nick…Nick who?

Lily:           This is Nick Fury’s son.

Siggy:         Nick…I don’t—

Henry:             You don’t know who Nick Fury is?

Eric:             Not—

Masha:            They look exactly alike!

Eric:             ’S not important.

Siggy:         I don’t…I’m—

Lily:           You should tell everybody.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [loud] So you got a job for- you got a job?

Siggy:         Uh, well, yeah, yeah. I mean, it’s a little below your- your pay grade there, Matter O' Fact, but um…

[Will stifles laughter.]

Masha:            We don’t even get pai—

Lily:           ’Scuse me!

Siggy:         But yeah! We have somethin’ that actually could be kinda fun. So you guys obviously remember. We were visited by a Castle chick.

Masha:            Oh, I remember.

Siggy:         Yeah, I bet you do! Well, uh, we thought it might be fun to, uh, have a little payback. But we’re gonna do it Fort style.

Eric:             So we’re gonna throw trash at ’em?

Lily:           We’re gonna throw soup on them?

Siggy:         Well, if that- whatever floats your boat. See, this- this job, uh, involves a little creativity. You gonna go over there, you gonna do some’in’ to, you know, ruin their day. You could be funny, it could be—

Sage:            Siggy starts handing Masha, Eric, Lily, and Henry, uh, [amused] garbage, eggs, toilet paper.

[Items clatter as Siggy shoves them into everyone’s arms.]

Siggy:         I got whoopie cushions. Yeah, you know get creative. Do your thing.

Eric:             You’re sending us on a- on a pranking mission?

Siggy:         Hell yeah, I am.

Henry:             This is awesome.

Siggy:         Yeah, it’s perks o’ the job, baby!

Masha:            But this doesn’t really- this has nothing to do with, like, saving humanity or the world or the city. This is just…

Siggy:         Well, it’s- it’s a matter of perspective.

Henry:             I have a question.

Siggy:         Yeah?

Henry:             Can we use our powers in this prank?

Siggy:         [amused] Yeah.

Henry:             This is great.

[Masha sighs.]

Siggy:         Yeah. Actually, really, I can’t think of anybody better for the job than M.O.H. over here. Or, uh, F. M.O.F over here.

Henry:             I can turn the trash into gas while we transport it, and then solidify it when we get there. It’s interesting about objects, if you turn them into gas and then resolid—

Eric:             Holy shit, what can you do?

Henry:             I can turn the- change the states of matter. If you turn an object into gas, I have found—and I’m still sort of figuring it out—and then you resolidify it, it tends to reassume the shape it already had without any manipulation from me. It tends to want to be the shape it was.

Which is good, ’cause I accidentally turned my dad’s dresser into billowing steam. But I got it back before he went home. Which is how I could- I know I could fix your car, if you give me, like, five minutes.

Lily:           Yeah, the operative phrase was tends to want to return.

Henry:             Doesn’t always.

Lily:           Yeah.

Siggy:         Soup Guy, loves this kid.

[Footsteps tap and scuff as someone approaches.]

Sage:            [amused] Soup Guy comes in with some soup.

Soup Guy:         Big ass soup!

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Oh good, it’s Soup Guy.

[Soup lid clatters.]

Soup Guy:         Soup?

Lily:           We’re not hungry, thank you!

Soup Guy:         Big ass soup?

Henry:             I’ll have some soup.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Soup Guy:         Heey!

Henry:             Look, hey! Lily, look at this. I can turn the soup into cubes. Look.

[Low, vibrating hum. Soup squelches.]

Lily:           Oh, yeah. The old soup cube trick…go for it, Henry.

Henry:             You want one?

Siggy:         Yeah, it’s good for the on-the-go hero.

Henry:             D’you want a broth cube?

Lily:           Um, can I throw it at Eric?

Henry:             Uh, yeah.

Lily:           You wanna catch this judo?

Eric:             I don’t want it stu— Don’t throw the soup.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll for a full blue. Space and Combat, Eric.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Got a 19, yes.

Sage:            Great, you know what to do.

Lily:           Catch!

[A swish is heard as Lily tosses the soup cube. A thwack is heard as Eric slaps it away.]

Henry:             Ooo, that was nice.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

That was a Fury-level block.

[Sage chuckles.]

Eric:             Don’t throw soup at me. Please.

Lily:           I warned you.

Eric:             Alright…

Sage:            We cut on over to Malibu.


Special Thanks

[Commercial jingle.]

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsor.

[Tape rewinds.]

Will:         Superhero is called Matter O' Fact.

Jessica:          Need that trademarked, by the way.

Will:         Mm-hmm. Fine.

Jessica:          Okay.

Sage:           Fine.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Will:         I surrender it. I expect to not be using it—

[Everyone chuckles.]

—in the future. Matter O' Fact. He is a young boy who can control the states of matter. Change liquid to solid to gas, and vise versa, of anything—

Sage:           You say young boy.

Will:         Uh, I think a teenager, yeah. Like a sixteen-year-old.

Travis:        Great!

Sage:           Oh my god. Excellent.

Emily:          Oh no.

Sage:           You 100% went to school with Lily Kline, who’s sitting next to you. She’s playing a sixteen-year-old.

Will:         Oh, excellent.

Emily:          I’m sixteen, yes.

Will:         Yes, me too. I’ve never emotionally advanced beyond that—

[Travis and Sage chuckle.]

—so I don’t see any reason why my avatars should.

Emily:          Wonderful! We’re gonna have a great time. [chuckles]

[Tape fast-forwards.]

Sage:           That was a snippet from last week’s Adventure Pass episode where we sit down with Mr. Will Hines, voice of Matter O' Fact, and dish about comics and build out his character sheet and all that fun stuff. One of many episodes from the Catacombs series, which is essentially the non-fiction companion podcast to 20 Sided Stories. Who are we really?

Well, for $3 you can find out.

Speaking of which, thank you to…

Jessica:          Han Griggs

Emily:          Lady Bear

Sage:           Eurish51

Travis:        Eric John E.

Jessica:          Dally

Travis:        Ben RiTou

Jessica:          Chris Brooks

Travis:        Joshua

Jessica:          Megan Mueller

Travis:        Chaley Brown

Sage:           Andre Rasmuchev

Emily:          Eric Mathis

Sage:           Ty Underwood

Travis:        And Joshua Yeup. [pronounces it differently] Let me know if I’m doing that wrong.

Sage:           We love you all so much.

We hit a new record last month, which was awesome! So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Let’s keep the momentum going at

Now, if you’re wondering, “Okay, I like the show and I wanna support it, but I can’t drop cash,” no problem! Just share it. Share it. Share it with someone. Anyone. Make sure you hit that subscribe button and then tell some of your nerdy friends to as well. None of us are famous, so we could use all the help we can get, you know?

Alright, let’s get back to it.


The Castle – Part II

[Gentle action music. Crickets chirp in the background.]

Sage:            It’s a warm, dark night in Malibu, California. Right on the tip of the coast, just west of Los Angeles, and our four heroes, with their pranking supplies in hand, arrive. They’re in the trees shrouded before they get into the parking lot of the driveway of this mansion that looks a little rough. [stifles laughter]

Henry:             What’s up with…are these people rich or not?

Eric:             Well, see, Tony Stark was rich. And they just live here now.

Henry:             [whispers] What?

Eric:             Yeah, this is his old house.

Henry:             [whispers] Are you pooping me?

Lily:           They’re just squatters with attitude.

Eric:             No. We’re not- we’re not pooping you. We’re not…

[Sage and Jessica stifle laughter.]

Lily:           God, Henry.

Henry:             Tony Stark used to live here?

Masha:            Yeah, he did.

Eric:             Yeah. Then they- and then—

Henry:             Okay, if I accidentally turn into steam, I will come back.

[Eric chuckles.]

Sometimes that happens when I get excited.

Masha:            Please don’t do that, because I don’t want your parents to worry.

Henry:             No, no. I- th- changing myself is the easiest thing I can do.

Sage:            A car comes by!

[A car whooshes past the group.]

Henry:             AHH!

[Low, vibrating hum. Steam gently hisses.]

Masha:            Henry.

Lily:           Henry.

Eric:             Holy shit, he wasn’t kidding.

Sage:            A couple of seconds go by.

[A whoosh is heard as Henry solidifies.]

Henry:             Sorry.

Eric:             I didn’t- I mean, I don’t have any of you in me, right? That’s not…

Henry:             I don’t think so.

Lily:           Did you inhale?

Eric:             Uuuuuh. Yes.

Lily:           I would check your stool later.

[Eric groans.]

Masha:            Ew. [amused scoff]

Henry:             I have wondered if I teleport with somebody, if there could be a fly-like situation, where our genetics fuse, but I haven’t had a chance to try that out.

Eric:             Gift Bag must love you.

Henry:             Uh, yes. Everybody loves me!

[Sage stifles laughter. Jessica chuckles.]

Lily:           Hey, Henry, can I t- can I talk to you for a second?

Henry:             Course. We’re talkin’ right now.

Lily:           Uh, no over here.

Henry:             Oh.

Lily:           Over- over here.

[Footsteps crunch on leaves and dirt.]

What an interesting tree. Follow me.

Henry:             Secret, secret.

Lily:           Follow me this way.

Masha:            [tsks] Awwww.

Lily:           [whisper hisses] Masha.

Eric:             This is honestly adorable.

Lily:           [whisper] Henry.

Henry:             Yes?

Lily:           I swear to god, if you embarrass me—

Henry:             Okay.

Lily:           —in front of my sister and [clears throat] Eric, I will—

Henry:             You hate Eric.

Lily:           —never speak to you again.

Henry:             Okay.

Lily:           Or be your partner in wood shop.

Henry:             Okay.

Lily:           Yeah?

Henry:             Can I just say that I appreciate you being honest with me and I’m going to respect that boundary. Can I just ask one question? What did I do that was embarrassing? Is it just, like, I’m being a lot?

Lily:           You know, sometimes when you steam yourself, it’s not- it’s not the opportune moment for it.

Henry:             Mm-hmm.

Lily:           And, uh…

Henry:             Okay.

Lily:           Please, please don’t accidentally fuse your genetics with anyone I know.

Henry:             Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Easy.

Lily:           Other— People I don’t know? Fine.

Henry:             No, no. I don’t wanna fuse my genetics with anyb- that’s- I’m down with that. I’m cool.

Lily:           Okay.

Henry:             Yeah.

Lily:           We’re…we’re fine.

Henry:             Yeah.

Lily:           We understand each other.

Henry:             Yeah. You really like that Fragrant guy?

Lily:           Okay. We’re in—

Henry:             He seems like a douche.

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           [loud] Okay, Masha, we’re catching up!

[Footsteps crunch on leaves and dirt.]

Henry:             Looks like a capital A- capital A douche.

Lily:           [loud] We’re catchin’ up to you!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Alright, you guys.

Sage:            The party reconvines, and they get back in their little spot shrouded in the bushes. They’re looking up towards the window. It’s pretty well lit, even though it looks a little rough, but it is generally trying to emulate the same kind of structure that Tony Stark’s mansion had. It’s almost like they rebuilt the same house with less of a budget. And they see something very peculiar.

[Stat test chime.]

Who wants to roll Space?

Travis:          I’ll do it.

Sage:            Eric is gonna roll for Space.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          Nope.

Sage:            Nope. Lily, roll for Space.

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          No.

Sage:            Masha, roll for Space.

Jessica:          [groans] Good luck, guys.

[Net chime.]

Jessica, Sage:       [together] Eh.

Sage:            She sees about what I already told you.

[Everyone chuckles.]

And then Henry.

[Dice roll on table.]

Will:         Nope.

[Failure chime.]

[Everyone chuckles.]

Emily:          Superheroes!

Jessica:          We’re so aware!

Henry:             I’m not good with perception, sometimes. I get excited and I can’t perceive information in a fast way.

Lily:           Yeah.

Sage:            So, these windows are a little obscure. It’s kinda hard to see what’s goin’ on in there. They don’t know if they have a clear shot.

Henry:             If- if you want, I can turn to gas and float up there and solidify and take a look.

Eric:             I got…wait.

Henry:             Oh. You’d be better at this.

Eric:             Well, no, but when you’re gas, can you, like, see things? Can you—

Henry:             Mm-hmm. Yes.

Eric:             Whoa.

Henry:             Uh, I have a more limited field of vision then, it’s not as good as solid eyes.

Masha:            Okay, but- but I don’t want Henry to stay gas for a long time. Wouldn’t that like- do- would you scatter?

Henry:             Nah, it’s great.

Masha:            Oh.

Henry:             If I get tired I’ll just turn solid again pretty automatically.

Eric:             Yeah, why don’t you gas up there and see what’s goin’ on?

Henry:             Alright. Here we go.

[Low, vibrating hum is heard as Henry activates his power, turning himself into a gas. He chuckles quietly.]

Lily, tell me this isn’t cool.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily:           This isn’t cool.

Henry:             Oh. Didn’t expect that. Here we go.

[Jessica and Travis stifle laughter.]

Sage:            Henry starts floating into the mansion, and he makes his way through the air-conditioning. It’s cold.

[Henry groans in discomfort.]

[Sage chuckles.]

And then he comes out into the living room.

Henry:             I’m gonna solidify to get a better look.

Sage:            Henry then comes out of his gaseous form and lands.

[Low, vibrating hum. A tap is heard as Henry’s feet hit the ground.]

Henry:             Hmm. This place is dumpy.

Sage:            And, since Henry failed on his Space roll, he’s gonna turn around, and there’s a woman standing right there. [stifles laughter]

Glitter Can:          Who’re you?

Henry:             Oh, uh…



Masha:            [whispers] Is he talking to somebody?

Eric:             Uh, let’s find out. Alright, hold on. Please be quiet.

Lily:           Wait... What the fuck is he doing?

Masha:            [quiet] I don’t know.

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric taps into Henry’s hearing.]

Henry:             My name is… I’m- I’m Clyde.

Glitter Can:          When- when’d you get here?

Henry:             Clyde. I got- I’ve been here for…oh! I’ve been here for, uh, this afternoon. A while.

Glitter Can:          Your name is Clyde?

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric untaps.]

Eric:             Oh, he’s fucked, we gotta get in there.

[Action music.]

Masha:            What? Wait.

Lily:           You have powers! You have powers!

Eric:             Oh, shit I forgot.

Masha:            Oh my god, what did you just do?

Eric:             Don’t worry. We have to get in there.

Lily:           You have fucking powers!

[Eric frantically shushes her.]

Masha:            What is wrong? Is he okay?

Eric:             This is not— The wrong—

Lily:           Fine, but are talking about this later!

Eric:             That’s fine.

Masha:            Alright, guys, let’s go! It’s Henry!

Sage:            They run across the street. A car’s coming!

[A car horn blares. Masha cries out in surprise.]

They’re fine. They get up to the other side of the street and the door’s locked.

Masha:            [groans] Oh my god.

Sage:            But you’re standing in front of very big windows.

Masha:            Is that…

Eric, Glitter Can:    [together] Glitter Can.

Sage:            Glitter Can, out of her suit, sees them run up to the window. They’re banging on the window.

[Glass rattles and loud knocking.]

Masha:            Henry!

Glitter Can:          [muffled] What is going on?

Lily:           Oh look, it’s Shitter Can.

Glitter Can:          [muffled] It is Glitter Can, you little girl!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Gonna roll power?

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Turn to steel.

Lily:           Run through the wall! Run through the window!

Jessica:          15.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            You’re good!

[Masha’s voice echoes as though it’s coming from a metal tube. She growls and heavy footsteps thud as she charges forward.]

Masha:            Oh my god!

[Glass shatters.]

Sage:            Glass shatters everywhere.

Henry:             Whoa! That’s awesome. I don’t know them. I don’t know her. But that’s cool!

Masha:            What’s up, Trash Can?

Sage:            Also, when Masha ran in, she dropped all of her toilet paper and her eggs, and there’s just a mess on the floor right now.

[Travis and Emily chuckle.]

Masha:            You got a mess to clean up after me!

Glitter Can:          [gasps] My Glitter Can suit is around here somewhere!

[Footsteps tap as she runs off.]

Eric:             Henry.

Henry:             Yeah?

Eric:             Turn into gas and float over here.

Henry:             Oh.

[Low, buzzing hum.]

Sage:            As Glitter Can is looking for the suit and her- her- she’s looking for her iPad so that she can tell the suit to attach to her body. She can’t find the iPad. She goes into a closet, she’s rummaging through.

[Glitter Can grunts as items rustle around.]

Masha:            Okay, well, while you’re lookin’, I’m destroyin’ your house!

[Walls and windows shatter. Masha grunts and heavy footsteps thud around as she tears through the house.]

Glitter Can:          No! Just gimme five minutes!

Sage:            Masha’s destroying her house.

Masha:            I’m pranking!

Sage:            Glitter Can, looking through the closet, throwing out coats, and then she throws out a coat that lands on Lily.

[Music quiets. Lily sniffs.]

And immediately, Lily knows whose coat this is.

Emily:          Whose coat is this?

Sage:            This is Rose’s coat.

[The sounds of Masha’s destruction continues.]

Lily:           Masha! Masha!

Masha:            What is it?

Lily:           Masha!

Masha:            I’m wreckin’ house!

Lily:           Masha!

Masha:            What? What?

Lily:           Rose was here!

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Rose was here!

Masha:            No…what? No, she’s not.

Lily:           This is her—

Sage:            We cut on over to Eric and Henry. Henry floats over and then, in gaseous state to Eric, hugs him around a little bit, and then turns to solid.

[Low, vibrating hum. Shoes squeak on the floor as Henry lands.]

Henry:             Ah, fun, right?

Eric:             Yeah. Well, for one, I just kinda wanted you over on the side where there’s more people that you knew. Other than—

Henry:             Oh.

Eric:             —over there. Um…

Henry:             Thanks, yeah.

Eric:             Uh, but also, uh—

Henry:             I had that woman fooled. Cold.

[Eric snorts as he stifles laughter.]

Eric:             And it was honestly great.

Henry:             Oh. Thank you.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Henry, really quick, just to make sure. Can we roll for Personal Reality?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Will:         Yes, I got it.

Sage:            Okay, yeah. Yeah. She was genuinely fooled. His name is Clyde.

[Stifled laughter.]

[amused] Um, he has no association with you whatsoever.

Eric:             Well, obviously this has gone…completely off the rails.

Henry:             I think it’s goin’ pretty good.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

[Masha grunts and the sounds of her destruction resume.]

I mean, we’re supposed to prank the place, right? This is pretty pranked. Like, we have a steel woman wrecking the joint.

Eric:             That’s fair.

Henry:             That’s solidly pranked. We hate these people, I assume? Are they, like, super bad?

Eric:             From what I understand this is some sort of test—

Henry:             And we’re committing a crime right now, so this is…

[Travis and Sage stifle laughter.]

[hesitant] Is it worth it? [firm] I’m down. I am in.

Eric:             And we love that.

Sage:            Masha’s powers subside. She turns from steel back to her normal, fleshy self.

[Masha pants.]

Lily:           Masha!

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Look!

[Clothes rustle as Lily waves the coat.]

Masha:            What- why’d—

Glitter Can:          Oh, you’re not steel any more, are you?

Lily:           Shut the fuck up!

[Glitter Can squawks.]

This is Rose’s!

Sage:            And then, Glitter Can’s glitter iron woman suit—yes, it’s covered in glitter. That’s canon—attaches to her body and she lifts up her arm to shoot a phat-ass laser beam at our huddled heroes in the corner of the living room.

[Clicks and whirring are heard as the suit attaches. The suit lifts off the ground and hovers a bit.]

Masha:            Um.

Glitter Can:          [muffled inside suit] You think you can prank me? My iPad is working now. Get the bloody fuck out of here or I will blast you with my iPad hand.

Masha:            Uuuumm.

Lily:           Whose coat is this?

Glitter Can:          You know what? I don’t want to tell you, ’cause you’re all rude and you’re trying to prank this house.

Lily:           I’m not kidding around with you anymore, Glitter Can. Who does this belong to?

Glitter Can:          Does it look like I’m kidding around?

[Electronic whirring is heard as the laser powers up.]

I have my hand in your face.

Masha:            Okay.

Henry:             We’re takin’ the coat with us, but we’ll go.

Glitter Can:          What?

Henry:             We’re takin’ the coat with us, it’s ours, but we’ll go.

Glitter Can:          Clyde, Clyde, stay out of this.

[Everyone stifles laughter.]

I thought you…

[Kaitlyn stifles laughter.]

I thought you lived here.

Henry:             I do! I’m taking it with me to my room. Excuse me.

[Clothes rustle as he pulls the coat away from Lily.]

Masha:            Yeah, we’re—

Glitter Can:          Well, you know what—

[Lily punches Henry and yanks the coat back.]

[Jessica scoffs in amusement. Travis stifles laughter.]

—I still have a very—

Henry:             Ow!

Glitter Can:          —haphazard about this. This is not okay, you all must pay. Not you, Clyde. You’ve been very super in this.

Henry:             Thank you.

Glitter Can:          Everyone else, get the fuck back to the Fort right now, or I’ll blast all of you in the face!

[A chime is heard and Glitter Can’s voice echoes over a loudspeaker.]

Castletons, everyone evacuate! We are in lockdown! This is a code 4-8-3, that means—

Henry:             So many codes.

Glitter Can:          —get the fuck out.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Henry:             Four hundred and eighty three codes? How many codes do we have?

Masha:            That’s a lot o’ crazy. Let’s just grab- kee-keep the coat, Lily. Come on, let’s go!

Eric:             Yeah I don’t think we got- I think we just got the one.

Lily:           I need to follow her scent! I’m staying here!

Glitter Can:          Blast- blasting! I’m gonna start blasting!

Masha:            We have to go now!

Glitter Can:          Now!

[A low, vibrating buzz is heard as the laser powers up, and a high-pitched squeal is heard continuously.]

Sage:            There is no other scent of Rose in this house. Lily tries her best to figure it out. It ends with the coat.

Masha:            I don’t know! We’ll figure this out later, let’s go back.

Henry:             Lily, just leave it. We’ll- we’ll come back and get it—

Masha:            No, no. We’re taking it with us. Keep it, keep it.

Glitter Can:          Coding in a blast formation!

Henry:             Okay, let’s go.

Lily:           Okay fine! We’re going, we’re going!

[Footsteps tap as the group walks away. The high-pitched squeal fades as the laser powers down.]

Henry:             We’re going! And I’m gonna go with ’em, even though they’re strangers, ’cause I have a good sense about them.

Masha:            He’s gonna escort us out.

Henry:             Get outta here, you jerks! And I’ll be right with you. Me, Clyde, that...I’m comin’ back to someplace I live around here.

Glitter Can:          Thank you, Clyde.

Henry:             You’re welcome.


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Light-suspense music. Footsteps tap as the crew walks into the Fort.]

Sage:            And we cut to the Fort. Everybody runs in, exasperated.

Masha:            Oh my god.

Henry:             That went great.

[Eric grunts. The garage door cranks shut. Masha moans.]

Sage:            But before they can even catch their breath, Theo, aka Gift Bag, comes in with a little surprise.

[Indistinct chatter is heard in the background.]

Theo:            Oh, Henry! Almost got those test results ready.

Henry:             Ooo.

Theo:            Roach should be back soon. You guys wanna follow me down to the lab real quick?

Masha:            [mumbles] Alright.

[Footsteps tap and shoes squeak as the crew heads to the lab.]

Sage:            And we all shuffle down to Gift Bag’s lab. It’s getting pretty late.

Theo:            Oh my god. Coffee. Do you guys want any coffee?

Henry:             Yes!

Masha:            Yeah.

Henry:             I’ve never had it.

Theo:            Matter...yeah.

Lily:           [sighs] Do not give him coffee.

Theo:            Matter O' Fact, uh, Henry.

Henry:             Yeah?

Theo:            Could you- there’s- there’s a residue in this vial, could you please turn it into a liquid.

Henry:             Yes.

Theo:            It’s…please.

Henry:             Yup.

[Low, vibrating hum. Liquid bubbles.]

There you go.

Theo:            [sighs] Thank you. Um, your results. Yeah. So we’ve managed to isolate—

Henry:             We’re using me to turn small amounts of inorganic material to different matter.

[Coffee pours into a cup.]

I can’t do living things yet, except for me, which I’m good at.

Theo:            Yeah. Um—

Henry:             Is that cool? Do you guys want me to dump exposition into conversation? Or do you guys not do that?

Theo:            I love exposition. I mean, as much as possible.

Henry:             Me too! I love it!

Theo:            Absolutely.

Henry:             I’m gonna be a history major—

Sage:            This goes on for an hour.

[Travis and Jessica chuckle.]



[One hour later.]

Henry:             Yeah, and then I found- I think I’m gonna- AP history is gonna be the class that I’m really looking the most forward to—

Theo:            H-Henry I think you—

Henry:             Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, sure.

Theo:            I think you’ve out done me o-on this one.

[Footsteps pad across the room. A chair wheels over to a desk.]

So about your powers. I think it’s genetic.

[A mouse clicks and a keyboard clacks.]

You have something in common here with many other people.

[Search result chimes.]

Henry:             Oh. Other people who can control matter?

Theo:            There are a number of different ways it manifests, but this is the common element.

Henry:             Okay.

Theo:            I wish I could tell you more than that, but this is at least a start. It’s a genetic thing.

Henry:             Uh-huh.

Theo:            I don’t think it’s dangerous.

Henry:             Oh, I don’t feel dangerous.

Theo:            I mean, if—

Lily:           You don’t look dangerous.

[Stifled laughter.]

Henry:             Thank you!

[Jessica chuckles.]

Oh wait. You’re bein’ mean.

[Stifled laughter.]

Well, that’s— You can— You’re figuring out how I work?

Theo:            I-I hope so.

[Chair creaks as he leans back.]

I think so.

Henry:             Can I help? Do you want— Should I cut off a finger?

[Sage and Chad scoff in surprise.]

Theo:            Uh, no. No, no, no. Well, l-let’s cover this next week. I’ve got a project that’s, uh, occupying a lot of my time. I don’t think this is urgent. I think you’re safe. I haven’t slept in thirty-seven hours. Um, I really appreciate the help with the vial. And the exposition, top notch. I think—

Henry:             [quiet] Thank you.

Theo:            I think that gate guy would love that. He seems really bored these days.

Masha:            Do you have any updates on my powers?

Theo:            Sorry, Roulette, not yet. Still workin’ on it.

Sage:            And then!

[A clock ticks loudly as it changes hours and begins chiming.]

The clock strikes midnight.

Henry:             Oh, I’m sorry, I—

Eric:             Wait, what time does your dad get home?

Henry:             Midnight. Oh boy. Uh, uh, does anybody have a working car?


Lily:           [quiet] Henry.

Henry:             I can— Gimme a shot. Oh, no. We walked away from it. Um…Okay, I gotta go. I gotta go. Does anybody have a bicycle?

Masha:            There’s a zipline.

Lily:           Just cloud over home.

Henry:             I go slow as a cloud.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Gift Bag, have you got any way to get this kid home?

Henry:             I mean, if it was like, a windstorm that happened to be blowing northeast, I could do it.

Theo:            Yeah, no. He- yeah, I’ll- h-have Roach drive you home. I think he needs to have a talk anyways.

Henry:             Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry. I wasn’t, uh…

Theo:            No, no, no. You’re perfect! A week. Next week!

Henry:             Okay!

Theo:            Thank you.

Masha:            Henry?

Henry:             Yeah?

Masha:            Oh, I just wanted to say bye. Um, I hope you get home safe, and I hope your dad isn’t mad. I’m sorry that I couldn’t get you a ride home.

Henry:             Are you standing near me, right now?

Masha:            Um…

Henry:             Thank you.

Masha:            Yes. [chuckles] You’re welcome.

Henry:             [whispers] Lily. Your sister likes me.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Uh…

Henry:             [whispers] I hope this doesn’t hurt our friendship.

Lily:           No, you’re right, Henry.

Henry:             [whispers] Okay.

Lily:           Yeah, no, she... No, that’s too mean. Never mind.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Sage:            And everybody heads back upstairs in a haste, but they’re stopped by Roach, who looks pretty concerned.

Roach:            Uh, hello? Hello! Hey, newbie team? Uh…why’s my phone blowin’ up about some Castletons goin’ nuts? Some’in’ ’bout a lockdown over there. Some’in’ about kickin’ my guys up on the streets. Some’in’ about some big ol’ window got blown up. Some’in’ about stealin’ jackets. Some’in’ about, uh, some guy, some operative named Clyde—

[Will scoffs in amusement.]

—was helpin’ people out. Like, what’s— You guys, first off, someone got killed on your last mission, and now this mission—which was supposed to be a very simple prank—you’re tellin’ me you’re blowin’ up the walls o’ their house. What the hell is goin’ on?

Eric:             We pulled the greatest prank of all. We fucked with their heads.

Henry:             Yeah, we did.

Masha:            Yeah, Henry’s “Clyde”.

Henry:             I’m “Clyde”. And I’m also Henry. I’m mostly Henry.

Roach:            You’re Matter O' Fact!

[Henry giggles.]

Henry:             Yes!

Roach:            I’ve heard of you, yeah. This ’s a little low- this ’s a little below your pay grade, this job.

Henry:             [chuckles] Yeah, I’m slummin’. Take it easy.

Eric:             How high is his pay grade?

Roach:            Matter O' Fact’s tier three.

Eric:             First off, are we getting paid?

[Will stifles laughter.]

Roach:            Well you’re paid in—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

—exposure, and—

Lily:           We don’t have time for this! We need to find Rose!

Masha:            [sighs] I mean. You- you just smell Rose—

Lily:           Yeah, we finally found something that proves she’s still here! And you’re not taking it seriously.

Masha:            I am taking this seriously. It’s just a lot to comprehend right now and- and I don’t like the idea that Rose is in some frickin’ evil, ex-Tony Stark mansion.

Eric:             We don’t know that they’re evil. They just seem contentious at best.

Henry:             How well do you know Rose?


Masha:            Um…

Henry:             Are you sure she’s good?


Lily:           She’s our sis—

Masha:            She’s our sister.

Henry:             Th-then she’s still good. She’s still good somewhere.

[Episode End music builds.]

Eric:             Look, Roach, sorry we caused a bunch of commotion. Won’t happen again.

Roach:            Sorry?

[Roach scoffs in amusement.]

With Henry here, we got an insider now.

Sage:            Roach walks over to some display case, pulls out a mace.

[Footsteps tap, a door creaks open. Heavy metal clunks and a swish is heard as Roach twirls the mace around. Footsteps tap as he rejoins the group.]

Roach:            This city is gonna be ours, and the war to claim it has just begun.

[Episode End music crescendos.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Henry Sampson, aka Matter O' Fact, was played by special guest Will Hines.


Guest Spotlight

Sage:           Hooray!

Jessica:          Yay!

Travis:        Hey, we did it.

Emily:          Whoo!

Sage:           We did it. Will Hines, thank you so much for being here.

Will:         Man Not This You! Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. A bottle of Man Not This You!Oh, yeah, my pleasure.

Sage:           So much fun! Love your character.

[Stifled laughter.]

Will:         Oh, thank you.

Travis:        [quiet] Good lord.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Emily:          Thank you. Thank you for that.

Will:         Oh, yeah.

Sage:           Where can the people find you?

Will:         I’m on Twitter @willhines. W-I-L-L-H-I-N-E-S. They’re all lies. It’s 100% lies.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Travis:        Highly recommended follow.

Will:         And then I have an improv book called How to Be the Greatest Improviser on Earth you can find that on Amazon. If you’re an improv nerd, you might like it. Those are my plugs.

Sage:           Fantastic. Thank you so much!

Jessica:          Thank you!

Emily:          Thank you!


After-Credits Scene

[Static crackles. A switch clicks and the noise stops.]

Elle:         TV’s not working.

Eric:             Again?

Elle:         Again. Is Best Buy still a thing? I haven’t seen one in a while.

Eric:             That’s the problem, is that there’s…it’s hard to find any kind of, like, uh, retail store that’s accepting returns at this point. Like, every market crashed. So we’re kinda stuck, I mean, I don’t…

[Elle sighs.]

Elle:         Have you been going to the Fort?


Eric:             No.

Elle:         It just…it seems fishy. It seems like you have been there.

Eric:             Well, I've just been busy at work. You know. Goin’ out on missions, leavin’— Like, we’re doing important stuff these days. We’re gettin’ everything back together, um, and we’re gonna start makin’ the world a safer place again. Really. And I know, it’s been taking me everywhere but here. And just, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to just, since I am here, I’d like to spend my time with you and leave that outside.

Elle:         Do we- well, we can’t even watch TV.

Eric:             There’s plenty of other shit we can do!

Elle:         What’re we gonna do?

Eric:             I don’t know! We could… Board game? I don’t know.

Elle:         I suppose we could go old school.

Eric:             Like, looks like you’re just try- you’re- you’re looking to be mad at me about this.

Elle:         Let’s sleep on it.



[Rock music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Rock music crescendos and fades out.]



[Table saws buzz in the background.]

Mr. Allsworth:     For any children who smoke cigars, feel free to use this template for a humidor. But make sure that you’re using fine oak! If you pick the wrong one, you’re gonna be screwed for the rest of your life!

Just like I picked the wrong lawyer! Who screwed my wife and then screwed me!

#4 - Catalina Weed Mixer (w/ The Way Highway)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 4 - Catalina Weed Mixer

Air Date: March 19, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               Good afternoon, Los Angeles. This is The News. Our contacts over at the Castle have reported that they’ve been attacked by a...Fort person, as we’ve been calling these supers.

Uh, my main question is how many innocent people need to get hurt in what is, effectively, you know, terrorist attacks—that’s what these are. They’re effectively terrorist attacks—and they’re only going to accelerate and advance as these go on. They’re going to be matching, both sides. This is just gonna set off a total escalation.

How many people have to get hurt in this, that are innocent, before somebody, like an elected official or people that we put in charge, step in to try to mitigate this? That’s the only thing I’m asking for. You know, the— All I’m asking for is a little accountability from somebody, but it doesn’t look like I’m gonna get it. This is the Sokovia Accords all over again, only this time we don’t have S.H.I.E.L.D. to come and back us up. We’re dealing with this on our own. So that’s just my opinion.

There’s a lot more opinions, ’cause there’s a lot less news, because, oh yeah. Here’s a reminder for everybody. Half the people in the world are gone! So we’ve only got about half as much news. So havin’ a little bit of a hard time holdin’ back how I feel. It’s been a...been a rough day for me today. Been a rough day.

Anyway, now, we’ve got trained dogs barking in unison. Stay tuned.



[Suspenseful music. A door opens and clicks shut. Lily sighs.]

Masha:            [groans] Okay, well I’m gonna go to sleep.

Lily:           I wanna go back out and look for her.

Masha:            It’s 3AM, Lily. We’re not going outside.

Lily:           This is the first lead we’ve had in a very long time.

Masha:            Okay, it could be another jacket. Uh, she got it from Target, so it’s not like…I mean—

Lily:           Here.

Masha:            Are you su—

Lily:           Just, you- you try to smell. Just really, really, inhale. Just think about your sister for a second and tell me if this reminds you of her.

Masha:            [sniffs] It smells like clothes to me. I don’t- I can’t…

Lily:           I need to go out and continue to look for her.

Masha:            Listen, there’s just a lot of thi—

Lily:           Are you going to help me?

Masha:            Sure. But can we do it later?

Sage:            And then, as Lily clutches this sweater…

[A loud bang. An echoing creak draws out.]

She’s back.

[Lily and Masha’s voices become muffled. Lily groans.]

In a dark place. Looking, searching, just a portal. Green. Consuming all her senses.

Lily:           M-Masha?

Masha:            What is it, Lily?

Sage:            And then…

[A vibrating whoosh, and sound returns to normal.]

She’s back in the house.

[Lily groans. Sound steadily increases to a deafening pitch.]

And everything is very loud.

[A high-pitched ring is heard continuously. Lily groans and frantically shushes everything.]

It’s like she’s wearing hearing aids.

Lily:           Oh my god.

Masha:            What’s going on?

Lily:           Shhh! [whispers] Please, please.

Masha:            Lily, what’s happening?

Lily:           [whispers] Please, it’s so loud. You’re so loud right now.

Masha:            [whispers] What?

[High-pitched ringing fades out. Lily continues whispering]

Lily:           I can hear.

Masha:            What’s going on?

Lily:           I can hear everything.

Sage:            And then, Lily hears a little click. It clicks again. And again.

Lily:           What is that?

Sage:            And it leads her…

Masha:            Lily, where are you going?

Lily:           Shh shh shh.

Sage:            …to Masha’s chest.

[Clothes rustle as Lily presses her ear to Masha’s chest.]

Masha:            Lily, what the…what are you doing?

Lily:           Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Shhh.

Masha:            Um…

[Gentle clicking is heard.]

Lily:           It’s- it’s coming from inside.

Masha:            Is it my heartbeat

Lily:           No, no, no. This is like- it’s like- it’s like a clock.

Masha:            Okay, that’s really… We need to go to sleep. I think this has just been a really rough night.

Lily:           No, no, no. Shhh!

[Lily takes a step back.]

I don’t know what just happened. I can hear really good, right now.

Masha:            Okay, well, I don’t think so, because you’re saying that my chest sounds like a clock. I am a human being. I don’t have a clock inside me.

Lily:           But—

Masha:            Maybe you’re hearing—

Lily:           Masha, no. Think about it. Think about it. It’s something mechanical inside you, like- what if—

Masha:            Okay, you know what? I’m losing track of everything I need to go to sleep.

Lily:           Can you please keep your voice down?

Masha:            I’m sorry. Let’s just go to sleep. We can sleep in Mom and Dad’s room, okay?

Lily:           Okay.

Masha:            I can make you tea. Do you want tea?


Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            Okay.

[Episode Intro music.]


Episode 4 - Catalina Weed Mixer

[Rock music.]

Narrator:         After pulling a destructive prank on the Castle, three reject heroes, Masha, Lily, and Eric, have begun making their mark in the Fort. Picking up jobs in hope of improving life for all during the Snap. The search for Masha and Lily’s sister, Rose, as well as the search for Eric’s trench coat assassin continues.

They found Rose’s coat at the Castle, but otherwise, no new leads.

It’s currently sundown on the Griffith balcony. Looking out to the half-as-smoggy skyline of Los Angeles.

[Muffled rock music is heard in the background. Crickets chirp.]

[Masha sighs.]

Eric:             All I’m saying is, if I did touch you just even, like, on the shoulder, then I could help figure out, like, if you’re looking for Rose, either with your new fuckin’ crazy hearing or your nose, like…

Lily:           If you touch me, just even on the shoulder, we can abs— Fuck! No, I’d have to touch you to fight you.

[Eric laughs.]

I need [sighs] like a melee weapon.

Eric:             You couldn’t even— You don’t understand. I was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent! I can fight y— I’ve kill- I’ve killed people in front of you!

Masha:            Yeah, but you’ve been lying to us so much!

Lily:           Judo is fighting for weak people.

Masha:            What about—

Eric:             That’s fo— Wait, what?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Masha:            You never talk about your personal life with us, Eric.

Eric:             I opened the jar! I opened it! We can put it to bed. You gave me the jar, you said can you open it? Sure. I hit it with a knife, but I got it open!

Masha:            Eric. Eric.

Eric:             [sighs] Sorry…

[Masha clears her throat.]

Lily:           Oh, did you, uh, find the guy we talked about?

Eric:             Oh, for Rose.

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             Um, not yet.

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck.

Eric:             The problem is, with this power, when half of everyone disappeared, there went most of my channels. So I’m having to reestablish contact, and it’s been a while. I’m kinda rusty with intel.

Also, every six seconds, some figure in a trench coat tries to end my fucking life. Which is why I’m here in the first place. And is honestly why I’m having issues letting people in. Because when you’re an asset and not a human, your life is as valuable as you are useful, and, uh, your death is as valuable as you are useful against that person.

Lily:           Eric.

Eric:             Huh?

Lily:           Are…are we wearing trench coats?

[Clothes rustle as Lily holds out a calming hand. More clothes rustle as Eric hesitantly reaches for her hand.]

Eric:             You’re not—

Masha:            Are you guys about to—

Lily:           Um, no. Don’t touch me. This is just—

[Clothes rustle as Lily snatches her arm away.]

Eric:             Then don’t put your fucking hand out like you’re gonna—

Masha:            Don’t touch my sister! Ew!

Eric:             I’m not gonna…that- that’s not…[sighs]

Masha:            Okay, I’m sorry.

Lily:           I’m saving myself for one man and one man alone.

Masha:            Oh my god, Lily.

Eric:             Fucking—

[Feet scuff as someone walks up.]

Dan:             Hey, guys.

Sage:            Daniel Daniels—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

—otherwise known as Agent Fragrant comes in. [chuckles]

Masha:            Get out of here! You have the worst timing!

[Lily inhales deeply and sighs happily.]

Eric:             That was honestly pretty great timing.

Masha:            [scoffs] Not in my opinion.

Dan:             What are you talking about? I was just hanging out here.

Lily:           Hello.

Eric:             Hey, Dan.

Dan:             Oh, Lily’s here [sighs]. [resigned] Hi, Lily.

Lily:           [whispers] Hi Dan.

Eric:             Hey, what’s up?

Dan:             Eric, is this- is she…

Eric:             She’s a teenage girl, man. What d’you want me to do?

Lily:           Oh shut up!

Masha:            Lily, you’re coming off a little too, [whispers] you know, strong.

Eric:             Desperate.

Masha:            No. Okay, I wouldn’t say that. Uh, you know, just [quiet] play it cool.

Eric:             What’s up, man?

Dan:             Oh, just saw you guys hangin’ out.

Eric:             Oh. Right on.

Dan:             Uh, yeah.

Lily:           You wanna hang out with us? What? [giggles]

Dan:             Yeah, there’s no jobs right now. So, I’m just chillin’.

Eric:             Yeah I know. Last week they had us go help a guy move.

[Dan chuckles.]

It’s like, did everybody stop doing crime? I don’t get it.

Dan:             Well, you guys have been doin’ a good job! I mean, the three of you have, like, I mean not quite to Henry-level, like, no one’s ever gonna be as good as him.

Eric:             [quiet] Fuckin’ Henry.

Dan:             But the three of you, I’d say, are prob’ly doin’ the best out of everybody.

Masha:            Oh, there’s Henry. Hey, Henry!

Dan:             Hey, you wanna come hang out?

[Footsteps scuff in the distance.]

Henry:             [distant] Sorry guys, Roach gave me, like, a huge job. It’s very difficult and I am swamped.

[Footsteps fade.]

Dan:             Damn. Prob’ly doin’ recon work at the Castle. Lucky bastard.

Lily:           Hey, has he touched you?

Dan:             Who? Eric?


Eric:             Yeah, but I don’t- I don’t- I don’t spy on my friends.

Dan:             Yeah, we- yeah we- we talked about- we have boundaries. He knows not to—

Lily:           H-how d’you know he’s not watching you?

Eric:             ’Cause I’m not a fucking sociopath!

Dan:             [amused] Yeah, like, we’ve been friends for, like, twelve years. Since high school. We’ve been S.H.I.E.L.D. agents together. Like, Eric wouldn’t do- that’s fucked up. I mean, he’s messed—

Eric:             Stop looking like you know.

Masha:            I wasn’t—

Eric:             You don’t know.

Masha:            Lily’s very wise for her age.

Lily:           Thank you.

Masha:            You’re welcome.

Lily:           That’s what it said on all my report cards.

Eric:             Yeah, she reads at a twelfth-grade level. We’re all very proud.

Lily:           Thanks!

Dan:             Wait a minute, Eric. Couldn’t you be spying, too? Like, did you touch any Castletons while you were over there?

Eric:             Oh. Yeah, no, I got nothin’. We were in and we were out.

[Dan grunts.]

I got a question about that.

Dan:             Mm-hmm?

Eric:             You know all that Stark tech they have?

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             Are we sure that works? ’Cause that— She had us at repulser point for five minutes, and did not—

Dan:             This is where we’re crossin’ the streams. My job with S.H.I.E.L.D. gets a little dicey and I don’t—

Eric:             What d’you mean your job? It’s- wha- I—

Dan:             Well, it was your job. Your ex-job, my current job.

Eric:             So?

Dan:             So…

Eric:             It’s basically like I still work there.

Lily:           And, I mean technically, since you touched him…

Eric:             I don’t do that!

Dan:             He doesn’t do that. ’Kay? Eric’s sketchy, but he’s not that sketchy. Which, you’re makin’ sure no trench coats are comin’ in here, right?

Eric:             Doin’ my best, but it seems I’m the fucking trench coat magnet. And of all people, me, should be able to figure out anything at any time, I have no—

Dan:             They keep comin’ in to, like— Every time we try to watch a movie. We were watchin’, what was it, uh—

Eric:             Big Trouble in Little China.

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             Your favorite movie.

Dan:             My [chuckles] I have childhood memories with that movie.

Lily:           I love that movie!

Eric:             You don’t- you don’t know what that movie is.

Dan:             [amused] You don’t even know what that is. You weren’t even alive, I don’t think, when that was shot. [chuckles]

Eric:             Well, you can watch movies even if you weren’t alive when they were made.

Dan:             [sighs] Look, I’m sorry. Lily, I’m not tryin’ to be rude or anything, it’s just, you know. No means no. That’s all. That’s all. No means no.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Well if anybody cares, I’m doing well today.

[Sage chuckles.]

Uh, hi everyone!

Dan:             Hi, Masha.

Lily:           Hey.


Masha:            That’s all I have to say. I don’t…

Eric:             Great.

Lily:           No, we’re glad, though.

Masha:            Thanks.

Eric:             See, I got nothin’ on them. Do you ?

Dan:             No. Um…

Eric:             All they keep saying is “the end is coming” then they try to kill me.

Dan:             I’ve tried to look in on the S.H.I.E.L.D. database but, like, they don’t really let me. I’m still not— Don’t really have [takes a deep breath] you know, access to anything really. So…

Eric:             And there’s nobody there, that I know?

Dan:             Well, you know people.

Eric:             Well, you know what I mean.

Dan:             But I don’t know if they’re related to this at all. They- they don’t have- they don’t seem to care. They don’t seem… I-I don’t know. They don’t think it’s related, so. [tsks]

Eric:             Alright.

Dan:             Like I said, I’ve been on thin ice ever since that one phone call. They just don’t trust me with anything. So…

Masha:            Hmm.

Eric:             Also probably because you hang out at what is ostensibly, like, a halfway house for superheroes.

Dan:             They don’t- they don’t really know that I’m here, though. It’s still- it’s still—

Eric:             You think they don’t know? Dude, they know everything.

Dan:             [quiet] Shit. You’re right.

Masha:            Maybe you should go home.

[Dan scoffs in surprise.]

Dan:             Oh.

Lily:           Masha!

Masha:            Oh, I’m sorry! I don’t mean that to be aggressive. I’m just saying, you know, if your- if your job is on the line, maybe you shouldn’t be here, and—

Dan:             I like it here! Look S.H.I.E.L.D.’s kinda boring right now. I mean, like, the world is a mess—

Eric:             Yeah but the health benefits, and the—

Dan:             The world is a mess. Everybody is still depressed and a lot of supply chains are still messed up. But it’s a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s hands at this point. The organization being so small now, the U.S. government is handling it, uh, poorly, but they’re handling it. And I’m not exactly getting a promotion [sighs] any time soon.

Plus, sometimes it just feels like S.H.I.E.L.D. was part of the whole machine that escalated this in the first place, so…I don’t know. I wanna feel like I’m making a bigger difference than just, like, working for some corporate suit. You know what I’m saying?

[Masha grunts in agreement.]

Eric:             Yeah. I get that.

Dan:             Well, still on for movie night tonight? Try again? [amused] Master and Commander starring Russell Crowe?

Eric:             Far Side of the World? Yeah, you know it. My favorite movie from childhood.

Sage:            And then…

[People in the Fort start screaming in panic and running around. Rock music starts.]

Everybody hears chaos coming from inside the Fort. Everybody is screaming at the top of their lungs and Siggy runs out, manic.

Lily:           Fuck.

Siggy:         Guys, guys, guys! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Sage:            [amused] He’s puffin’ smoke like a chimney.

Eric:             What’s—

Lily:           It’s real fuckin’ loud!

[Masha coughs. Smoke hisses as Siggy blows more smoke from his nose.]

Eric:             What’s happening?

Siggy:         You gotta- you gotta come an’ get— Come on, come on! Come with me!

Masha:            Can you stop that, please? [coughs]

Siggy:         N-no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. When it’s high-stress situations I can’t control it. Just… come on!

Eric:             Alright.

Sage:            Siggy pulls our trio into the Fort. Everybody’s running around with their hair on fire! Not literally, but they’re acting like it.

Eric:             As if their hair were to be on fire.

[Stifled laughter.]

b>Sage:            And you’ve never seen the Fort like this. Everyone’s usually chill, havin’ a great time, relaxed.

Lily:           [quiet] Oh god.

Sage:            But this is crazy! Roach joins the group.

[Masha coughs. Footsteps scuff up as Roach runs up to the party.]

Roach:            Hey! Yo! We got a totally crisis situation goin’ on here!

Eric:             Okay.

Siggy:         You guys are not gonna believe it!

Eric:             Okay.

[Masha coughs.]

Roach:            Look, Henry’s out on the Castle doin’ some recon right now, so he can’t do this job, otherwise I’d give it to him. This is top tier priority. The three of you—

[Masha coughs.]

—happen to have the best reputation. Masha, are you doin’ okay?

Masha:            Yes, I’m fine, just spit it out. [coughs]

Siggy:         We’re talkin’ end-times status here, people!

Roach:            This is an absolute doomsday scenario!

Eric:             If you ask us to help another guy move, I swear to fucking god…

Roach:            No! The weed’s gone!

[Rock music stops. Everyone continues screaming in panic in the background.]

Lily:           The what?

Siggy:         The weed! It’s gone! We are out—

Roach:            We have no more weed!

Siggy:         —of weed!

Roach:            Nobody’s comin’ to the Fort if we don’t have weed! What d’you think people hang out here for?

Masha:            To help—

Roach:            We’re out! We stock full- we’re chock out! We’re done! We’re screwed!

Siggy:         Our name brand is Eat Shit and Smoke Weed and we are all out of weed.

Masha:            I feel like I missed a memo here, but…

Eric:             Oh, no. There is more graffiti on the wall now. I see that. It’s “Eat Shit” and “Smoke Weed”.

[Masha groans.]

Siggy:         Yeah, you know. We like to switch it up.

Lily:           Wait…

Eric:             Alright, I can understand the appeal. What do we do about it?

Roach:            Our guys are out on Catalina Island. They have the biggest cannabis farm. They’re Siggy’s guys. They—

Siggy:         Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Roach:            You guys go way back.

Siggy:         Yeah, you know we met at sort of an underground club. It was literally, like underground in the sewers.

Masha:            [uneasy] Ooh...

Siggy:         And you know, they hooked us up. We got some good shit.

Masha:            Wow.

Eric:             Okay.

Siggy:         But we haven’t heard from ’em.

Eric:             So you want us to go to your dealer? Is that what I’m getting out o’ this?

Roach:            Kinda!

Siggy:         Kinda, yeah.

Roach:            Yeah, yeah. But it’s not a weird situation. Everything’s cool. I mean, yeah.

Masha:            Well, then why is it such an emergency?

Roach:            Because we don’t have any weed!

Siggy:         Because we’re out of weed!

Masha:            Oh—

Roach:            We’re outta weed, Masha!

Masha:            And you can’t get it yourself?

Siggy:         No!

Roach:            Not as much as we need for this kinda joint! You know how many people come in an’ outta the Fort now?

Siggy:         Big joint.

Roach:            This is high times!

Masha:            Okay.

Eric:             I see…

Lily:           Well, I was kicked out of D.A.R.E.

[Travis stifles laughter. Jessica snorts.]

Eric:             For what?

Lily:           What d’you think people get kicked out of D.A.R.E. for?

Eric:             I don’t know. D.A.R.E. was somethin’ you sat through. You had to do something actively during the seminar to get kicked out of D.A.R.E.

Roach:            I don’t give a shit how you—

Lily:           No, no, no. I joined D.A.R.E. for the t-shirt.

Roach:            I don’t give a shit—

Eric:             Oh, you joined D.A.R.E.

Roach:            I— Hey! Hey! Hey!

Lily:           The ironic shirt.

Eric:             Oooh, okay.

Siggy:         We get it. You’re super punk rock.

Roach:            Bloodhound!

Eric:             And then- well, then what happened?

Roach:            Bloodhound and Scry!

Eric:             What?

Roach:            Deal with this on the helicopter. Get your asses over to Cat—

Eric:             We’re taking a helicopter?

Masha:            You have a helicopter? That’s fun! Let’s go!

[Rock music.]

Siggy:         Yeah, we got that helicopter.

Lily:           [groans] Oh, it’s gonna be so loud.

Siggy:         Oh, yeah, right. Shit.

Masha:            Awww yeah!



Sage:            [amused] And we cut to the helicopter.

[The swish and clunk of a door sliding closed. Helicopter blades whir.]

Eric:             Dan, is this a helichopter?

Dan:             Yeah! Wait. How d’you know about the helichopter?

Eric:             I got picked up in one in Bolivia.

Dan:             Oh, shit. That’s right.

Eric:             Yeah, did you- did you steal this?

Dan:             Don’t tell anyone, okay. I gave ’em the hookup. They don’t- they don’t even— S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t— They’re not even gonna miss it.

Eric:             It says “Helichopter” on the side!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             We’ll paint over it.

Eric:             Okay.

Masha:            Wow, this is so fun! I’ve never been in a helicopter before! Isn’t this so great, you guys?

Lily:           Nooo!

Masha:            Oh my god look at how small—or big the city looks, actually—but everything’s so tiny!

Eric:             I don’t know what Roach thinks…what kinda special powers any of us could pass to get more weed. Like…

Dan:             You guys have just been doin’ good on jobs. So, you got that high tier work. Also everyone else was manic and you guys weren’t, so… I mean pretty straightforward.

Eric:             Alright. Right on.

Dan:             Like, pick the, you know, most sane [burps] person there.

Masha:            Oh, excuse you.

Dan:             Smells good, though, right? See, even my burps, not just my skin. My gas as well.

Lily:           It’s true.

[Masha sighs.]

Eric:             Mmm. Don’t like this.

[Sage chuckles.]

So who’re these people on Catalina Island that have all this weed?

Dan:             Uhhh. They both go by MJ.

Eric:             ’Kay.

Dan:             I’ve heard they could have powers? I mean, that’s why they’re affiliated with the Fort and stuff but, uh, yeah. I don’t know, somethin’ happened. Who knows?

Eric:             Do we buy it? Are we just gonna show up and…

Dan:             I have no idea what’s going on.

Eric:             Did someone just forget to pick it up?

Dan:             I don’t even- I didn’t even- I don’t know if I should—

Lily:           Are we stealing drugs?

Dan:             No, no. We’re just gonna see what’s goin’— Why’re you talking— By the way, I’m not the- the mission-giver here. My name—

Masha:            Why’re you here?

[Sage chuckles.]

Eric:             You keep answering the questions, man!

Dan:             Look, I-I— As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, that’s just my job. To know information. Uh, so I’ve been doin’ that at the Fort. I ask around.

Eric:             Oh, is it? Is it?

Dan:             Yes.

Eric:             Your job is…okay.

Dan:             Yes.

Eric:             Okay.

Dan:             Yes, that—

Masha:            Oh my gosh, look!

Sage:            We land in Two Harbors, uh, on—

Travis:          At once.

[Everyone stifles laughter.]

Sage:            On Catalina Island. Everybody gets out o’ the helicopter.

[Footsteps tap on pavement as the crew jumps down. A quiet hum is heard throughout as the helicopter powers down.]

Masha:            Whoa.

Lily:           Oh thank god!

Masha:            Catalina Island’s beautiful. I’ve never been here before.

Lily:           Smells like the shit of a large animal.

Eric:             That’s prob’ly the weed.

Lily:           No.

Sage:            And they’re greeted by two folks who come up very enthusiastic and [chuckles] who have no idea that anything wrong has happened.

Man:                [languid] Wait, I know you guys.

Woman:          Oh my god, they look so familiar. [chuckles languidly]

Man:                I know you guys.

Eric:             ’Scuse me?

Woman:          [chuckles] You guys are, like, people, right?

Masha:            Wha...uh, hi!

[Man laughs languidly.]

Eric:             What?

Woman:          Hi!

Masha:            Do we—

Man:                No, no, for real. For real.

Lily:           [slow] No, we don’t know you.

Masha:            [slow] Wait, were you…

Lily:           They’re high.

Woman:          What?

[The Man and Woman both laugh languidly and sigh happily. Relaxing beach music starts.]

Man:                I’m Marty!

Woman:          I’m Mary!

Marty:           This is my sister Mary.

Mary:              I’m Mary.

[Marty chuckles.]

Dan:             Hello, Marty. Hello, Mary. My name is Daniel Daniels, aka Agent Fragrant, but please call me Dan.

Mary:              Whoa, man.

Marty:           Whoa, Agent Fragrant.

Mary:              That’s a great name.

Marty:           That’s a cool name.

Dan:             Yup. That was my S.H.I.E.L.D. designation as a matter of fact.

[Mary chuckles.]

Lily:           ’Sup? I-I’m Bloodhound.

Marty:           Bloodhound?

Lily:           Mm-hmm.

Mary:              [quiet; amused] What?

Marty:           Sweet. Sweet. Cool, cool. When we toke it up, that’s gonna be powerful for you.

[Sage chuckles. Jessica stifles laughter.]

Mary:              Oh my god.

Marty:           Who we got over here?

Eric:             Hey, my name’s Eric. Or Scry, sorry. How’s—

Marty, Mary:           [together] Scry!

Marty:           Like, cry with an S!

Mary:              Do you prefer Eric, though?

Marty:           Yeah we can call you…

Mary:              Because I wanna respect whatever you feel.

Marty:           Whatever you want, man.

Eric:             Eric’s fine. Thanks, guys.

Marty:           Cool. Eric. Eric. We’ll do Eric.

Mary:              Hi, Eric. It’s so nice to meet you.

Masha:            Hi! I-I’m Roulette.

Marty:           Hey, Roulette!

Mary:              Hi!

Masha:            Hi. Hi.

Marty:           [laughs] Oh man.

Masha:            So I—

Mary:              I love games. [laughs]

Marty:           I love games so much! I like to get high and play games.

Mary:              Oh fuck.

Marty:           Not Russian Roulette, though.

Mary:              No, that’s bad.

Marty:           Yeah, man. That game’s hard.

Mary:              [quiet] That’s bad.

Masha:            That’s…yeah.

Lily:           She is Russian.

Marty:           Oooh. You don’t sound Russian, but you know what—

Masha:            Well, I was- I grew up here. I was—

Marty:           On Catalina Island?

[Stifled laughter.]

No way! No wonder we know you, man!

[Marty and Mary laugh.]

We’re like neighbors.

Mary:              Because you live here. It makes sense now!

Marty:           ’Cause you live here. You live here now.

Masha:            Okay, I think I’m just gonna let that ride. I-I—

[Mary laughs.]


Marty:           Okay. Okay.

Mary:              Where do you live?

Marty:           Who’s this last guy over here? Wait, wait, wait. Where d’you live? Tell us where you live, first.

Masha:            Oh, well, I-I actually live in, uh—

Mary:              Great.

Masha:            Oh. [stifles laughter]

[Marty and Mary laugh.]

Masha:            Yeah [chuckles] Actually, so, uh, Mary, Marty. Do you- d’you guys know where we can find M th- MJ? Or, or…

[Marty and Mary laugh.]

Marty:           You found ’em man. We’re both—

Mary:              It’s us. You’re lookin’ at ’em.

Marty:           Yeah, like, you’re lookin’ at ’em!

Masha:            Wait you g- you both are M… Oh, you’re MJ—

Marty:           Marty Jane.

Marty, Mary:           [together] Mary Jane. MJ! Squared!

Masha:            Wow.

[Marty and Mary laugh. Masha chuckles.]

Lily:           Are those your real names?

Marty, Mary:           [together] Yeah.


Lily:           Oh.

Marty:           Yeah. Our mom, Tammy Jane, and our dad…

Mary:              Phil.

Marty:           Phil Jane.

Lily:           Big- big fans of the- the herb?

Marty:           Yeah, that was our Grandpa. Herb Jane.

[Jessica and Sage stifle laughter.]

Eric:             God. Sss—

Mary:              He was such a good man.

Marty:           He was a good man.

Mary:              I’m so glad that you’ve heard of him.

Marty:           Aw.

Eric:             Lily, act like you’ve been here before. Jesus Christ.

Mary:              Thank you.

Masha:            Just a heads up, she’s sixteen.

Marty:           Oooh.

[Mary laughs.]

Eric:             So she’s supposed to be cool, right?

Marty:           You’re gonna need a doctor’s rec’.

[Marty and Mary laugh hard.]

But good news! I am a registered cannabis doctor.

Mary:              Ah, he is!

Marty:           I am, I am.

[Clothes and paper rustle as Marty pulls a license out of his pocket. He shows it off with a laugh.]

Masha:            Wow.

Eric:             Look at that.

Mary:              It’s written with crayon, but it still counts.

[Jessica laughs.]

Marty:           Still counts.

Eric:             And the state is Idaho.

Mary:              It still counts.

Marty:           Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know. Potatoes, weed, vegetation.

Mary:              Growing.

Masha:            That makes sense.

[Mary chuckles.]

Eric:             I see.

Dan:             Yeah, uh, about that, uh—

Marty:           Mm-hmm?

Dan:             —that’s- that’s why we’re here.

Mary:              Mm-hmm?

Dan:             Hi, yeah, it- me. Daniel Daniels, Agent Fragrant again.

Marty:           Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mary:              He smells good. [chuckles]

Marty:           He does smell pretty good.

Dan:             Yes, that- yes.

Lily:           [quiet] Yeah, he does.

Dan:             There was an accident in a Febreze facility my skin got merged with—

Mary:              Shut up!

Dan:             Yes, yes.

Marty:           Oh, wow.

Mary:              I love Febreze.

Marty:           Yeah, Febreze is great. You’re like the world’s most absorbent couch as a person.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             I like that.

Dan:             Yes, I’ve also heard I’m a walking car freshener as well. That’s a good one.

Marty:           Okay, nice. That’s a good one. That’s a good one.

Mary:              That’s nice.

Marty:           Okay, but you have feelings too. So let’s not- let’s not dig too much into it.

Mary:              No.

Dan:             Nah, it’s all good. Uh, we- we got a call about a thing.

Eric:             Yeah, we’re from the Fort. We’re supposed to pick up ostensibly a shit load of weed from you guys. Because we’re out.

Dan:             Yeah you guy’s’ve been our main dealer to the—

Marty:           [sober] We look like a couple o’ drug dealers to you?

Masha:            Oh!

[Suspenseful music.]

Dan:             Well, sorry, sorry. Business—

Marty:           [irked] We look like a coup— No, no. Shut your mouth. We look like a couple o’ drug dealers to you guys?

Masha:            No, no, no, no!

Mary:              Okay.

Marty:           That what we look like? Huh?

Mary:              Hey.

Masha:            N-n—

Marty:           Huh?


[chuckles languidly] I’m just kidding, man. Of course we can hook you up with pot!

[Masha chuckles nervously.]

Yeah, that’s all we got!

Masha:            [nervously] That was really funny. [chuckles]

[Marty laughs.]

Mary:              [amused] That’s all we got.

Lily:           [unfazed] Yeah, that’s...good.

Marty:           [laughs] They were freakin’ out! Oh man.

Mary:              Sometimes he does it to scare people. [chuckles]

Marty:           Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Masha:            Yeah, I got really scared for a second.

[Marty continues laughing.]

Mary:              [amused] Sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.

Masha:            It’s okay, it’s okay.

Dan:             So I have a feeling everything is autonomous and it just kind of has been dealing it- on its own? Just- you don’t really—

Marty:           Yeah.

Dan:             Okay.

Marty:           We don’t have to do a lot of work. Yeah, this stuff just grows. It keeps growin’.

Mary:              Mm-hmm.

Marty:           I talk to the plants.

Mary:              Yeah.

Masha:            I heard that’s really good.

Marty:           Yeah, it’s good for ’em.

Dan:             Is that your power?

Mary:              Whoa.

Marty:           Whoa, who ever said anything about powers?

Mary:              What’s your power?

Marty:           What’s your power?

Dan:             I-I—

Mary:              Oh, wait. You smell good.

[Marty and Mary laugh.]

Dan:             Yeah that’s my… [resigned] Yeah, that’s my power. Yeah.

Eric:             We- we heard- we heard through the, uh, weed vine.

Marty:           Weed vine!

[Marty and Mary chuckle. Masha chuckles nervously.]

Lily:           You could workshop that.

Eric:             Alright, alright, alright.

[Relaxed beach music resumes.]

Sage:            Marty brings everybody inside of their little shack in Two Harbors. [amused] This used to be where the Boy Scouts come and do their little vacation. But after the Snap, nah. Not a thing. No Boy Scouts anymore. So you guys took over. Not in any malicious way. This is just, like, where you hang out. It’s kinda your base.

Marty:           From a young age, I started toking up, and, you know, I was able to do things with my mind.

Mary:              Mm-hmm.

Marty:           Mostly cannabis style. You know, the things that come with smokin’ weed? Paranoia, munchies, friendship.

Mary:              Yeah. He can, like, make you feel those with his brain.

Marty:           Yeah. And you know a range of other things too.

Mary:              Uh-huh.

[Marty chuckles.]

Masha:            Oh, wow.

Marty:           Yeah.

Masha:            Yeah, I…

Eric:             Holy shit, that’s wild.

Marty:           It’s pretty wild. [chuckles]

Eric:             Oh my god.

[Masha scoffs in amusement.]

Marty:           It’s pretty cool. But you know, I mostly just stay here in Catalina and grow weed. So, like…

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Mary:              Yeah.

Marty:           I’m not really gettin’ out of…

Dan:             Yeah, do you guys know that nobody’s gettin’ your shipments?

[Suspenseful music.]

Marty:           What?

Mary:              What?

Dan:             Yeah, I don’t know. Somethin’ happened. That’s why the four of us are here.

Marty:           Oh, man.

Mary:              Oh, shit.

Marty:           Uh-oh. Like…

Mary:              Oh, fuck.

Marty:           Like, uh…

Eric:             How d’you- how d’you guys export your products? What happens?

Mary:              Well…

Eric:             What’s the process? ’Cause it can’t just be the two of you here, shipping out all this weed.

Marty:           Yeah. Well—

Mary:              No. So, like, I mean. Okay. Well, I guess that’s where, kind of, my power comes in.

Marty:           Yup.

Mary:              ’Cause I, like, when I get high, whatever I imagine basically comes into existence. But then if I create something else, then the thing that I created before doesn’t exist anymore. So, like, I created an entire infrastructure in which weed would get put into different places throughout the entire world and get shipped.

Marty:           Yeah, yeah. So we’re just- we just kinda have a lot o’ weed and a lot o’ shipping orders, but I feel like there were other people here.

[Suspenseful music intensifies.]

Mary:              Yeah.

Sage:            Then, suddenly!

[A screech in the distance.]

Lily:           Do you guys hear that?

Masha:            Hear what?


Special Thanks

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsors.


[Tape rewinds.]

Kristin:          I feel like MJ.

Sean:           D’you wanna be Ma- be Mary Jane. D’you wanna- should we be related? ’Cause then I could be Marty Jane.


Mary and Marty Jane.

Jessica:          Oh my god!

Sage:           Please! Please.

Kristin:          Yeah.

Sean:           Okay. Marty Jane.

Travis:        [accent] It’s your cousin, Marvin Berry.

[Sean laughs.]

Jessica:          You were like, ganja girl?

[Stifled laughter.]

Kristin:          Yeah, kind of like a- a weed version of the green lantern.

Sage:           What’s- so what’s like- what’s like her weakness? Or like her- the thing that would be like—

Kristin:          Lung capacity. [laughs]

Travis:        Short term memory.


[Tape fast-forwards.]


Sage:           That was from a bonus episode that just dropped on the Adventure Pass feed earlier. Last week! With Sean and Kristin of The Way Highway. They talk about their characters and we build them out.

Obviously you’re gettin’ the pattern here. We did this with all our guests and it’s a really, really fun time, and it’s an exclusive little gift for all the patrons. Speaking of, thank you to…

Travis:        Michael Aldritch

Jessica:          Thank you, Thomas Holloway

Emily:          Runner5. Thank you, times five!

Jessica:          Thank you, Him.

Travis:        Anthony Rameres

Emily:          Thank you, Jamie Cassick

Sage:           Doug Lane Anderson

Jessica:          Thanks, Ethan.

Emily:          Carrie Lee

Sage:           Nicole Loopers

Travis:        Ryan Pravol, thanks.

Jessica:          Thank you, Anujuc Chokshi

Emily:          Thank you, Alex Cullens.

Sage:           Thank you all so, so much. If you haven’t got yourself an Adventure Pass like they all did. You should!

Travis:        If any of you are fans of the POKÉMON! season and want more stuff from that world, Xander has a patron-only miniseries called “Xander’s Meanders” where you can follow him, retracing his steps along the journey through Kanto, and interviewing people he meets along the way.


[Tape rewinds.]

Boy:           Shorts are here to stay! I can move like a gazelle with these things! Look at my legs!

[Shoes scuff on dirt as the Boy kicks his legs.]

Totally bare! Unencumbered by fabric. You wanna see me run into Mt. Moon?

Xander:       Wha- uh, okay.

Boy:           You wanna see me do it again?

Xander:       …Okay.

Boy:           That’s the magic o’ shorts, baby!

Xander:       [quiet] This is—

Boy:           How come you’re not wearing shorts yet?

Xander:       ’Cause I don’t want to.

Boy:           I don’t see you—

Xander:       I don’t want to!

[Tape fast-forwards.]


Travis:        It’s a podcast, within a podcast. If you thought we couldn’t get more niche, you were wrong.

[Sage, Jessica, and Emily laugh.]

Sage:           Check it all out at

Only $3 a month and you can cancel anytime. Which, by the way, times are real weird right now and I’ve gotten messages in the past of people feeling guilty about having to drop their subscription. Don’t even worry about it. I understand completely. Hopefully, we’ll see you back in the future! And for those who can continue their support, it actually is a pretty solid chunk of my income right now, so just want to let you know it means the world to me.

Jessica:          Thank you so, so much!

Emily:          Patreon or no patreon. I love you all.

Sage:           But guess what? There’s a way to support the show for free! All of $0!

Emily:          If you don’t already follow us on social media, we are @20SidedStories on both Instagram and Twitter. We post memes, we post beautiful, beautiful episode art.

Sage:           It’s really good!

Emily:          Josh Wolf, you’re a magician.

Sage:           That’s @20SidedStories. See ya there.


Catalina Weed Mixer - Part II

[Suspenseful music. Water laps against the beach.]

Masha:            What is it, Lily?

Lily:           I heard something out here, I swear.

Dan:             Uh, yeah. There’s no pilot. Where’d the- where’d the pilot go?

Masha:            What?

Eric:             What d’you mean, there’s no pilot?

[Footsteps crunch on grass.]

Dan:             Guys, come over here.

Masha:            Um, what’s going on?

Eric:             Holy shit, there’s no pilot.

Dan:             No pilot.

Lily:           Hold on, wait. Let me see if I can…hear ’im.

Masha:            Smell him?

Lily:           Or smell him. I don’t know. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

[Lily takes a deep breath.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll full blue.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Emily:          Yes Personal. 7 for Powerful.

Sage:            Hmm.

[Emily groans quietly.]

[A bird cries out multiple times.]

Sage:            Lily is pretty confident that this trail is leading to the water and it’s pretty obvious something…something strange took the pilot. However it ends cold pretty quickly and you can’t track it. As soon as it goes in the water, you don’t know where it went or what happened.

Lily:           I mean, something dragged ’im and took ’im in. But all I smell is salt.

Eric:             Something dragged him?

Masha:            Do you guys have, like, a—

Eric:             What kind of Doctor Moreau horseshit is goin’ on on Catalina Island these days?

[Mary and Marty chuckle.]

Marty:           I don’t know, man. We don’t go in the water much.

Mary:              Yeah.

[Marty chuckles.]

Eric:             Has this not happened before?

Mary:              What?

Marty:           What?

Eric:             ’Cause our ride outta here just disappeared.

Mary:              That sucks, man.

Marty:           That sucks, bro.

Masha:            Okay, okay.

[Masha begins breathing hard in panic.]

Mary:              But, like, we have an extra room if you guys wanna stay.

Marty:           Yeah.

Mary:              Like, you guys are totally welcome.

Lily:           You’re tellin’ me they didn’t tell you how to fly a helicopter in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Eric:             Stop…

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Stop undercutting me when I’m having conver- tryin’ to be serious!

Masha:            I’m kinda freaking out right now, guys. Oh my god.

Eric:             Chill out, chill out.

Marty:           It’s chill. You should smoke a blunt.

[Masha groans.]

Mary:              To— Here.

Marty:           Roast up, man. It’ll chill you out. Here, take this.

Masha:            [pants] I have a confession, I’ve never done this before.

[Everyone cries “Oh!” in unison and begin talking over each other.]

Marty:           Hey, hey, hold on!

Mary:              Whoa, whoa, hold on!

Lily:           Okay, Masha, Masha, Masha!

Eric:             Okay, hold on, hold on. Before we go- before we go smoking shit that’s- that’s…

Masha:            Okay.

[Bird cries out multiple times.]

Mary:              No, we’re good den mothers. We don’t do that shit. If you’ve never done this before, we’re gonna make sure you’re comfortable as fuck.

Marty:           Yeah, we gotta get our records goin’. Play— Put on a nice record. Chill out.

Mary:              Some calm music.

Marty:           Some calming music.

Mary:              Some lights, yeah.

Lily:           Should we maybe try to make sure that the pilot’s not, I don’t know, dead?

Marty:           Oh, yeah. Sure, sure. Cool, cool.

Mary:              I feel like that should’ve happened a while ago.

[Mary and Marty chuckle.]

Dan:             Uh, well, we’ll stay out here an’ keep an ear out.

Eric:             Good call. Uh, we’ll take Masha inside and see if we can calm her down.

[Masha breaths out slowly. Footsteps pad away on grass as the group splits off.]

Dan:             Hope the pilot’s not dead.

Mary:              People don’t normally breath well underwater. [chuckles]

Dan:             Yeah. Well…

Lily:           I just wanna see if I can, I don’t know, like hear him splashing around under there?

Dan:             Did you hear anything specific before, when he grabbed—

[Suspenseful music continues. Birds cry out.]

Lily:           Let me, let me, shh, shh.

Dan:             ’Cause you— Don’t you have good hearing now or somethin’ like that?

Lily:           Shh, shh. You beautiful man, shut up.

Dan:             Oh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily roll for Personal Space.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Lily:           I mean, I can hear, like…there’s, like, bubbles rising somewhere nearby. But, I mean, that could just be, like, a seal. Or, like, a dolphin.

Dan:             Shark.

Lily:           [whispers] There’s sharks out there?

Dan:             There are- what, what?

Lily:           There’s- there’s sharks out there?

Dan:             Yes. There’s- there’s sharks in the...Pacific Ocean. That’s- that’s where they—

Lily:           But- but, like, here?

Dan:             Well, yeah. [stifles laughter] The ocean didn’t go anywhere. It’s still right there.

Lily:           How many d’you think- think got Snapped?

Dan:             Y-you’re really close to me. [nervous chuckle] Can we- can we watch our personal space really quick?

Lily:           I’m sorry! It just smells like bison shit and salt water here, and you just smell like…

Dan:             Yeah, okay.

[Lily sighs.]

Just keep listening for any sort of, I don’t know, crocodile or whatever the hell…shark or person that’s being weird.

[Water bubbles up from the shore.]

Lily:           Wait, shh, shh, shh.



[Fades into water bubbling from lighting a bong.]

Masha:            Wow, this is really helping me.

[Masha sighs in relief.]

Marty:           Right. [chuckles]

Masha:            [chuckles languidly] Wait, why didn’t I do this before?

Marty:           [chuckles] The more the merrier.

Mary:              Totally.

Marty:           Is a thing you say about people.

Mary:              Uh-huh.

Marty:           But it’s how I feel about the weed here. You know?

Mary:              It’s true.

Marty:           The more the merrier. [chuckles]

Mary:              The more of it that we have, the better.

Marty:           Yeah.

Masha:            I feel very merry.


Marty:           Ooooh!

Mary:              Like me?

Masha:            [laughs] That is, like, your name!

Mary:              That is my name.

Masha:            That’s so funny.

Marty:           Merry or Mary?

Masha:            Both.

Marty:           Or both?

Masha:            Both.

[Marty chuckles.]

Eric:             So has there been anything else that’s ever disappeared from the edge of the island that’s been dragged into the water?

[Masha chuckles.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            And then…

Marty, roll me Intellect.

[Light Rock music intensifies.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Plus 6?

Sean:            Yeah.

Sage:            Is a full 20.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Jesus Christ.

Sean:            Shweet.

[Electronic warbling and chirps are heard.]

Sage:            Like a flash of lightning, Marty gets all these images appearing in his head. He’s, like, computing the THC flowing through his brain, sending all this information. He remembers something he just happened to forget.

[Travis and Sean chuckle.]

Legends call it…Man-Fish.

Marty:           Yeah, it’s the fish thing.

[Suspenseful music.]

[Masha chuckles.]

Eric:             Excuse me, the what?

Marty:           It’s the fish thing.

Eric:             The fish thing?

Mary:              Ooooh.

Marty:           Oh, I’m so sorry. Man-Fish. ’Cause, like, what could come grab ’im out and pull ’im in? Man-Fish.

Mary:              You know.

Eric:             Man-Fish?

Marty:           Yeah.

Masha:            Sounds like a song.

[Marty chuckles.]

Eric:             There’s a Man-Fish?

Masha:            [sings] What could go an’ grab an’ pull ’im out, Man-Fish!

Mary:              Well, I mean, is it a real Man-Fish or is it, like, cryptozoology, like, uh, like- like a- like a bigfoot.

Marty:           Right.

Mary:              Like, ’cause it was always a legend, man.

Marty:           Right.

Mary:              [chuckles] Like, we didn’t think, until, like, you’re dude went away. [laughs]

Marty:           Right, right, right. But I ju- uh [tsks] I’ve totally interacted with it before.

Mary:              Shut…

Marty:           Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you.

Mary:              Up.

Marty:           I didn’t wanna worry you, but I’ve totally, like, seen it, and come across it.

Mary:              Did you name ’im?

Marty:           Fishman.

Mary:              Fishman?

Marty:           Yeah.

Mary:              Aww.

Eric:             There’s a Man-Fish and he took our pilot, dragged him into the water…

Marty:           Yeah. [sighs] You know, for all this time, I like to give people and things the benefit of the doubt. And I was like, Man-Fish prob’ly chill. I guess Man-Fish is not chill.

Masha:            Oh no. [chuckles]

Marty:           Yeah.

[Mary chuckles with Masha.]

Masha:            I’m laughing but it’s not funny. [chuckles]

[Marty laughs.]

Mary:              It’s okay.

Marty:           I do that all the time!

Mary:              Sometimes, you need to laugh, so that you don’t cry.


Masha:            Wow… That’s really deep.

Eric:             You guys alright?

[Masha, Mary, and Marty start chuckling.]

Man-Fish got a house anywhere?

Marty:           You know it! Avalon.

[Masha and Mary chuckle.]

D’you want me to bring you there?

Eric:             Yes! That’d be great!

Marty:           Oh! You wanna get your buddy back.

Eric:             Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Marty:           [chuckles] I just put this all together.

[Mary chuckles.]

Eric:             You’re right on it. You’re on top of the- you’re on the ball. That’s great.

[Clothes rustle as everyone stands up. A door creaks open. Footsteps tap on grass as they return to the others.]


Dan:             [distant] I’m eleven years your senior! Like, I don’t know how many times we go over this, okay?

Eric:             Man-Fish!

Masha:            Lily!

Dan:             It’s not— Oh, hey guys.

Masha:            You’re making a fool outta yourself. [chuckles]

Dan:             I’m sorry, Eric. What the fuck did you just s—

Eric:             Man…Fish.

Lily:           Yeah. M-man-Fish. Fishman? I heard something fishy.

Masha:            So there’s a big ol’ fish man. It took the pilot.

Mary:              Fishman.

Marty:           Yeah.

Lily:           Are you high?

Masha:            Maybe.

[Mary and Masha giggle.]

Dan:             [slowly] Let’s go catch the fish?

Eric:             Marty knows where he lives. It lives.

Marty:           Yeah. I could take you there. For sure.

Masha:            Is it underwater?

Lily:           Is he hostile?

Marty:           Um, you know, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m pretty sure—

[Masha snorts.]

[Sage chuckles.]

Lily:           I heard- I heard you say that, yeah.

Marty:           —that Man-Fish is not chill.

Lily:           Yeah.

Marty:           So probably hostile. Yeah.

Masha:            Maybe you should bring some o’ your weed. ’Cause I was having a bad day today, but now today’s looking way better.

Marty:           [chuckles] Alright. I’ll bring some weed.

Mary:              I always have weed.

[Mary, Marty, and Masha giggle.]

Dan:             Good thing we gotta walk all the way to Avalon.

Eric:             Where’s Avalon?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             The opposite side of this big-ass island.

Eric:             Oh.

Lily:           We have to walk here?

Marty:           Oh, Mary!

[Marty and Mary chuckle.]

You coulda created, like, a car or something. [laughs]

Mary:              I mean, let’s do it!

Marty:           Alright. Okay.

[Mary takes a deep breath.]

Oh wait!

[Mary holds her breath.]

Make the pork chop express.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Yes. Yes, please. I would like to see that. That’d be great.

[Mary slowly releases her breath. Masha coughs. Swishing is heard as smoke whirls around, slowly forming into something.]

Eric:             It’s a bunch o’— Oh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            And, Mary Jane, could you please roll me Powerful Energy to see how good this thing is?

[A crinkle is heard as Mary’s creation solidifies.]

[Failure chime.]

[Kristin stifles laughter.]

Travis:          [laughs] It’s a beater.

Sage:            What’s—

Kristin:           [laughs] A 7.

Sage:            A 7 in total?

Kristin:           In total.

Sage:            Okay.

Sean:            Oh no.

Sage:            It’s not great. It’s not great.

Marty:           Oh man. That’s not the truck from Big Trouble in Little China.

Mary:              [chuckles] I’m sorry man.

Marty:           That’s alright.

Mary:              I couldn’t remember what it looked like, so I—

[Marty laughs.]

This is kinda what I imagined it would be.

Marty:           You made a skateboard.

[Mary laughs.]

[chuckles] Alright, everyone. Pile on!

Mary:              Let’s do this!

Dan:             I can’t believe it took years for anything to go wrong.

[Travis laughs.]

[Adventure music. A skateboard rolls across the pavement.]

Sage:            And we tandem skateboard all the way to Avalon. It becomes immediately clear when we arrive in the harbor that something is happening.

Woman:          [distant] Oh my god, something’s happening!

Man-Fish:          Man-Fish strikes again! [gurgles an evil laughs]

Sage:            And you see this angry, orange fish just attacking boats and being very mad.

[People scream in the background. The sounds of destruction are heard.]

Masha:            Whoa...

Man-Fish:          Sobriety to the shores! Taste my kindred kelp! Run, citizens, run!

[A swish is heard and glass shatters.]

Eric:             Yeah, this guy’s not chill.

[Mary chuckles.]

Lily:           Well, I’m sober.

Marty:           Not chill at all.

Masha:            Uh, wait you guys see a big, giant, fish man?

Mary:              Mm-hmm.

Marty:           Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s Man-Fish.

Lily:           Yeah. Masha.

Masha:            Oh my god, I forgot that’s why we’re here. We’re seeing a Man-Fish. Okay, okay, okay.

Lily:           Are you gonna be okay?

Sage:            And then all of a sudden…

[Noise stops.]

Masha feels a click in her chest.

[Masha coughs.]

A heavy— It’s almost as if her heart stops.

[Masha’s piano motif plays softly. Masha coughs.]

Lily:           Was that…

Sage:            Something is…fading. Something is leaving her.

Masha:            Did weed kill me just now? Oh my god, [tearful] I knew I shouldn’t’ve done it.

Sage:            And just like when Masha uses her powers, in that brief moment before one comes out, she feels connected to all six. She can almost see them like gates. And one’s going away, and she has to decide which one. And it will never come back.

Masha:            [thoughts echo] Eh…Mind. Photographic memory. Never use it anyway.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[A whoosh as the power disappears.]

Sage:            It fades. Then…she’s back. And everybody’s freaking the fuck out because Man-Fish is going on a rampage!

[Screaming and suspenseful music resumes. The sounds of Man-Fish’s destruction continue.]

Eric:             What Scooby-Doo-ass shit is this?

Man-Fish:          Eat my seawater spit!

[Man-Fish hacks. Slimy water splatters everywhere. Everyone groans.]

Masha:            Ew.

Lily:           What the fuck going on?

Eric:             Marty.

Marty:           Oh, yeah, yeah?

Eric:             Didn’t you say you can make him feel shit? Can you…you can do—

Marty:           Oh, yeah. Okay. D’you want me to see if I can turn myself into High Guy?

Woman:          [distant] He’s going for my yacht! Please help!

Eric:             Yes!

Lily:           Oh my god, just fucking— You with the fish!

Eric:             That would be great!

Marty:           Alright, man.

Eric:             [whispers] Who’s High Guy?

Mary:              High Guy’s his alter ego, man.

[A swish is heard as Marty twirls around. He claps.]

Marty:           [sober] What’s up? I’m High Guy.

Mary:              Hi, Guy.

[Marty laughs languidly.]

Marty:           High Guy!

Mary:              High Guy!

Eric:             He spun around.

[Mary and Marty chuckle.]

Marty:           Alright.

Man-Fish:          Brace yourself for my brine barracuda attack!

[Man-Fish hacks and slimy water splatters everywhere.]

Marty:           Okay. Let me see what I can do.

Eric:             Ugh. This is…so gross.

Masha:            This smells so—

Lily:           Alright, Eric. What the fuck are we gonna do?

Eric:             What? In general?

Lily:           Yeah. You, me, the only

Eric:             Let this play out.

[Lily sighs.]

Marty:           Check this out. This is what I can do. I can get inside his mind. I can make him paranoid.

Eric:             Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do that. Do that.

Marty:           You want me to do that?

Eric:             Yeah!

Lily:           Yeah, if it’s gonna work.

Marty:           Alright, alright. Cool, cool, cool.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Marty, roll me full yellow. So you’re gonna be looking at Mind and Intellect.

Sean:            Is 11.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          You get it.

Sage:            That’s a success.

Sean:            Okay.

Sage:            And a little bit amplified.

Sean:            Alright!

Sage:            Not great, but better than nothin’. You are able to tap into Man-Fish ever so slightly to try to get an inkling of his psychology.

[A low buzz is heard as Marty’s power activates.]

Marty:           [thoughts echo] Oh, Man-Fish.

[Man-Fish gurgles.]

Oh, you got such a little fishy brain.

[Marty chuckles. Man-Fish growls.]

Check this out, man. What are you doin’ out here? You gotta be in the water to live.

[Man-Fish gurgles questioningly.]

You know? That’s where all your other fish friend-o’s are.

Man-Fish:          There are no other Man-Fish. Only Man-Fish.

[Chad stifles laughter.]

Marty:           Aww. But, maybe you should—

Man-Fish:          No fish but Man-Fish!

Marty:           Maybe if you try to get along with regular fish, you know, you can find some friends.

Man-Fish:          But…but I must seek revenge on the shielded shore-goer!

Marty:           Oh. Oh man. No that dude kicks everyone’s ass.

Man-Fish:          The seagulled-capped nemesis!

Marty:           Yeah, yeah. Captain America. Yeah. He kicks everyone’s ass.

[Man-Fish screams.]

He kicked my ass once. I let him do it.

Man-Fish:          Y-you too?

Marty:           Yeah.

[Gentle music.]

Man-Fish:          Man-Fish is not the only one?

Marty:           No, it’s chill, Man-Fish.

Man-Fish:          Years I plotted my revenge.

Marty:           Yeah, nah. Don’t worry ’bout it, man. A life built around revenge is not much of a life, you know?

Man-Fish:          You wanna come down to my sea cave and talk about it?

Marty:           Um…I’m in the middle of something…

[Man-Fish screams.]

Marty:           Oh no! Or um—

Sage:            And we break out of the mind meld.

[Stat test chime.]

I would like Lily, Masha, and Eric all to roll me full power. Go all orange.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          So, like, no.

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          Absolutely not.

Jessica:          Um…Hulkerella.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Shit. Okay. Lily and Eric, you’re fuckin’ useless. Masha starts to transform.

[Masha roars.]

Masha:            [she-hulk voice] Get back in the ocean, man!

Man-Fish:          Oh, what? Holy shit! Oh my god!

[Heavy footsteps thud as Masha charges.]

Masha:            I’m gonna mess your face up!

Marty:           Whoa.

Man-Fish:          Oh god!

[Heavy thuds as Masha punches Man-Fish. Man-Fish cries out in pain.]

Sage:            [amused] Are you beating up Man-Fish?

Masha:            Go back! Submit, submit!

Sage:            Alright, I—

Man-Fish:          Slippery scales, don’t fail me now!

[Masha as Hulkerella continues to relentlessly punch Man-Fish.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Rolling for Man-Fish’s durability.

[Net chime.]

Uhhhh. [stifles laughter] He’s barely breathing.

[Travis and Sean chuckle.]

Lily:           Masha, you’re killing him!

Masha:            Okay! I’ll stop. [roars] I can’t stop!

[Punches continue landing. Wet squelches are heard.]

Eric:             I don’t know if this is a crime, but it feels like one! We should stop!

Marty:           Whoa.

Lily:           Masha, this isn’t you!

Mary:              Whoa. Masha!

Eric:             Get back in the ocean!

Mary:              Take a hit o’ this.

Lily:           Masha, we need to find where the pilot is!

[Heavy footsteps thud as Masha walks over to Mary.]

Masha:            I’mma take a hit.

[She takes a deep breath and coughs.]

Sage:            Masha calms down and turns back into herself.

Lily:           We need him to find the fucking pilot!

[Man-Fish hacks and vomits.]

Mary:              Hey, hey. Man-Fish.

Sage:            [amused] He throws up the pilot. He’s dead.

[A wet thud is heard as the body gets vomited up. Everyone groans.]

Mary:              Shit.

Marty:           Munchies. [chuckles]

Lily:           I shoulda smelled that.

[Man-Fish gasps for breath.]

Mary:              I’m sorry about that, guys.

Masha:            I’m so sorry!

Sage:            But then Man-Fish smells the old Mary Jane. [stifles laughter]

[Man-Fish sobs. Gentle guitar music plays.]

Mary:              You okay?

Man-Fish:          [tearful] I just want someone to talk to.

Marty:           Like, we were just talking.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Man-Fish:          I have all these streaming accounts—

Marty:           Oh.

Man-Fish:          —and no one to watch them with.

Mary:              Duuude.

Man-Fish:          I make separate profiles for people who don’t exist just so that I think I might know friends! [sobs]

Mary:              You wanna come over sometime?

Man-Fish:          What?

Marty:           Y-yeah. I mean, I didn’t wanna go to your place, ’cause it’s like, underwater. But like—

Mary:              We can’t breathe there. [chuckles]

Marty:           We can’t breathe there. But, like, you couldn’t—

Man-Fish:          Oooh!

Marty:           You can come chill out. Rip a bong.

Mary:              It’s pretty great.

Lily:           This is the weirdest fucking thing we’ve ever done.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Man-Fish:          Man-Fish would love to— Yes! Yes! Yes!

Marty:           Alright.

Mary:              We’ll have to figure out how it works with gills but, like, I’m excited about it.

Masha:            Can I just take a moment? [tearful] I’m feeling really emotional now. Mr. Man-Fish. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do that to you.

Man-Fish:          It’s okay. I’m- I’m used to rejection by society.

Masha:            I feel that too! I feel so lonely all the time.

Man-Fish:          Oh! You want a fishy hug?

Masha:            Yeah!

[Man-Fish and Masha hug and cry.]

Man-Fish:          I’m sorry about the slime. Oh, Captain America.

Lily:           Yeah, fuck that guy.

Man-Fish:          Curse you for keeping me from having friends for these last fifteen years!

[Man-Fish coughs a little.]

Eric:             Well, now that…this is resolved…or, as close as this is gonna be…

Marty:           Yeah.

Eric:             Can we get that weed from y’all?

Marty:           [sober] Do I look like a drug dealer to you?

[Eric groans in exasperation. Mary snorts. Masha chuckles.]

Is that what I look like? A drug dealer?

Dan:             You did this bit.

Masha:            That was funny!

Eric:             Yeah, you did this bit.

Marty:           Yeah, okay. [chuckles] Of course, of course.

Dan:             Can you make us, like, a- like, a new boat? Or whatever, and…

Mary:              Oh. Did I forget to mention that I can pilot a helicopter?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             What?

Marty:           [laughs] Whoops.

Mary:              Yeah! I can, like, take you back, guys.

Lily:           Okay, but like again. You’re S.H.I.E.L.D. training just, like, didn’t include helicopters?

Eric:             There are clearly defined roles—

Dan:             There are tiers of employment, and I have not been promoted in five years, so please get off of my back.

Masha:            Should we—

Eric:             Not everyone gets to fly the helicopter. It’s a privilege, not a right!

Dan:             You have to earn it, and you also have to be very diligent in how you ask for meetings—

Masha:            Okay. Can you guys—

Dan:             —to talk about it, and you’re gonna get a lot o’ “No”s.

Eric:             And sometimes, if you don’t spy on—

Mary:              Hey, guys.

Lily:           I hit a sore spot.

Mary:              Why don’t you guys hit some o’ this?

[Marty laughs.]

Masha:            Yeah, you guys are being really mean.

[Clothes rustle as Dan reaches forward.]

Dan:             Alright, fuck it. Here we go.

Eric:             Alright. Yeah.

Lily:           Fuckin’ Catalina weed mixer.



[Gentle music. Helicopter blades thrum.]

Eric:             Wow, uh, did that just happen?

Dan:             Yeah, I mean, were we even on that island? Honestly, I mean the whole thing feels like a dream. I feel a twist coming on.


Mm. Maybe not.

Masha:            Man, I can’t even tell what’s goin’ on right now. I had a fever dream and there was a giant Man-Fish, and I just—

Eric:             Man-Fish was real. We all saw the Man-Fish.

Dan:             Yeah, that was not…that was not—

Lily:           Unfortunately.

Masha:            Well, did you guys see the gates, then?

Eric:             Hmm?

Lily:           What?

Eric:             Whoa, you were really high.

Lily:           Yeah, which—

Masha:            I don’t know, man. I saw, like, a bunch o’ gates, and I think they, like, represent, like, my powers and—

Eric:             I remember my first time.

Masha:            —I gave one away, and it was really weird.

Lily:           Wait, Masha, what?

Masha:            I don’t know. My heart felt like it was gonna stop, and I thought I was gonna die for a second. But I think that just a part of me died.

Lily:           I mean, I heard it click. I know you don’t believe me, but…

Dan:             Looks like we’re, uh, landing.

Mary:              Guys, this is awesome.

[Metal clanks as the helicopter lands.]

But, like, flying you guys here, especially with my experience only being YouTube videos, so, like, that’s a lot o’ trust.

Eric:             [quiet] Holy shit.

Masha:            Whoa.

Dan:             Does everybody just resort to YouTube nowadays? Isn’t that how you found them? Never mind.

Eric:             Mm-hmm.

Dan:             I’m high too.

Eric:             It’s great.

[Masha stifles laughter.]

Mary:              [chuckles] We hot-boxed the shit outta this, it’s like... [laughs]

Marty:           I wasn’t sure if I was still here. But I am! ’Cause I’m right here!

Mary:              We both are!

Marty:           We’re both still here!

Eric:             Everybody’s still here.

Marty:           Oh, man. S-sometimes I forget where I am, for reals. I haven’t been on- off o’ that island.

Mary:              Yeah. This place looks a lot different.

Man-Fish:          I’ve never been in the sky before.

[Misadventure music.]

Dan:             [startled] Man-Fish, you’re stuck in the helicopter?

Lily:           AHH!

Masha:            Oh my god!

Eric:             Man-Fish is still here!

Marty:           Ah, Man-Fish.

Man-Fish:          I thought we were all friends now.

Dan:             Ah, shit.

Man-Fish:          You said get in the copter.

Lily:           You guys didn’t smell him this whole time?

Masha:            Honestly, so many things have been happening and I just thought that was me and I didn’t wanna embarrass myself even more and ask if you smelled fish, because I smell it but—

Lily:           He smells like a bathroom in an all you can eat sushi restaurant.

Man-Fish:          Thank you!

Masha:            Yeah, that’s it. You’re more specific.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Well…Marty and Mary…uh, thanks...

Marty:           No problem, man!

Mary:              You’re welcome!

Marty:           Was our pleas’. [chuckles]

Eric:             So yeah. I guess we’ll just—

Mary:              You know where to find us.

Eric:             Yeah. When we need more weed we’ll just...bring another helicopter.

Masha:            Do you guys have, like, a phone number maybe?

Lily:           Send someone else that’s not us.

Eric:             Yeah. Yeah.

Masha:            D’you have a cell phone that we can maybe get you at?

Marty:           I’ve got a pager.

Mary:              [laughs] Yeah!

Masha:            Okay.

Eric:             Perfect.

Lily:           And you’re not a drug dealer?


Marty:           [sober] What d’you mean by that?

Mary:              [sober] What are you saying?

Marty:           What’re you tryin’a say?

Lily:           Uh, you know, I—

Marty:           What’re you tryin’a say about— Doctors have pagers.

Dan:             Alright, let’s—

Lily:           Okay, okay. Sorry.

Eric:             Let’s- let’s—

Marty:           Didn’t I tell you before—

[Paper snaps as Marty shows his license.]

—I am a doctor.

Eric:             [quiet] Ah shit, guys, I think he’s serious this time.


Marty:           [laughs languidly] Cannabis credentials!

[Mary laughs. Masha chuckles.]

Eric:             God dammit.

Mary:              It’s a crayon. [chuckles]

Lily:           Can I please leave?

Dan:             Let’s go.

[Helicopter door squeaks open and clunks shut.]

[Episode End music.]



[Episode End music throughout]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Weed-Powered Supers, Mary Jane and Marty Jane, were played by special guests Kristin Sanchez and Sean Cowhig.


Guest Spotlight

Sage:           Hooray, we did it!

[Everyone cheers.]

Travis:        That was a cartoon. I loved it.

[Everyone laughs.]

Sean:           So much fun.

Sage:           Sean, Kristin, thank you so much for being here. We super appreciate it! That was so much fun.

Sean:           Thanks for havin’ us, yeah!

Kristin:          Of course!

Sage:           Where can the people find you?

Sean:           Yeah, hit us up on Instagram @wayhighway to find our radio show. I’m @seancowhig. That’s S-E-A-N-C-O-W-H-I-G.

Kristin:          And I’m @siren16x

Sean:           Boom.

Kristin:          It’s Kristin Sanchez @siren16x

Sage:           Sounds like a different superhero.

Travis:        Yeah, I was gonna say.

Sage:           You’ll have to play next time!

Kristin:          [chuckles] Yeah!

Sean:           Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sage:           Awesome, I’ll put links in the description. Thank you guys so much once again.

Sean:           Radical!

Kristin:          Thanks for having us.

Sean:           Thank you.

Jessica:          Yay!

Sean:           [quiet] Whoo hoo!


After-Credits Scene

[Television clicks off. Muffled rain falls outside the window.]

Dan:             Ah, Russell Crowe. Never forget.

Eric:             Yeah.


Dan:             ’Member the, uh… Remember the first couple o’ weeks of this whole thing? Sometimes I forget.

Eric:             Like, what d’you mean?

Dan:             Well, I don’t know. The first couple o’ weeks.

Eric:             Oh. [stifles laughter]

Dan:             When all this happened so suddenly. It was like…you know.

Eric:             It was wild.

Dan:             It felt like we were gonna live in that forever. But…

Eric:             You mean absolute fucking pandemonium?

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             Yeah, people lost their fucking minds. You couldn’t go- couldn’t go to the store. Couldn’t fuckin’ go outside for a while.

Dan:             But you flash forward three years and, I mean… Somehow, someway we’re still here watching Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.

[Dan and Eric chuckle quietly.]

So I don’t know. I guess I wish I could’ve told myself that at the time. ’Cause at the time I was freaking out a lot. That’s all.

[Beat. Gentle music.]

You, uh… You doin’ okay?

Eric:             N-nah, sorry. I’m just…I’m just in a thing. Look, I know you got a lot on your plate, like...

Dan:             We’re workin’ on it. We’ll be fine.

Eric:             Uh, yeah, I— Don’t worry about me. I’m good. Uh, just…

Dan:             Okay.

Eric:             Focus on what you got goin’ on. It seems like a lot.

Dan:             Yeah. But…to be honest it still doesn’t feel like enough.

Eric:             What d’you mean?

Dan:             I just feel like I need to be doing more.


Eric:             I admire that. As someone who is…pretty fine doing whatever it is that gets me through to the next day, I’ve always admired that about you. That…[sighs] you actually want to help people, you know?


It’s cool. I guess. I don’t know. I-I’m not- I’m not your dad. And I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying.

[Dan chuckles.]

Dan:             Yeah, get off my back. Dad, get outta my room! [chuckles] I’m watching a movie, Dad.

Eric:             Shut up! [chuckles] Shut the fuck up.

Dan:             Is dinner ready? Hey, Dad!

Eric:             Look, I ch- I be vulnerable for one fucking second—

[Dan chuckles.]

—and this is what happens? That’s fine. I’m clamming up. Never saying it again. If I made fun of anyone in this fucking group half as much as they made fun o’ me…

Dan:             [chuckles] Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I gotta dart, I gotta dart. It’s gettin’ late.

[Clothes rustle as Dan stands up.]

Eric:             Oh, yeah. Get- get home. Go…

Dan:             What’re we watchin’ next? [chuckles] Say it on three.

Eric:             Say it on— Alright, fine. One

Eric, Dan:          [together] Two, three. Drive Angry (Samurai Jack).



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]



[Faint music plays in the background.]

Dan:             You know there’s a band playing downstairs? Really good band.

Lily:           Yeah, I can hear ’em. They’re shit.

Dan:             Wha…okay, clearly we have different music tastes, and that’s okay.

Lily:           We’ll get past it, baby.

Dan:             Whoa!

Masha:            Whoa.

Dan:             Let’s not use the B word! Okay, lets—

Masha:            Lily, Lily, Lily.

Lily:           Man?

[Dan lets out a groaning sigh.]

Masha:            [whispers] Lily.

#5 - Narc Hunt (w/ Tanner Risner)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 5 - Narc Hunt

Air Date: April 1, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               Good afternoon, Seattle. Here’s The News.

Uh, our contacts over at the Castle have a new one for us. You ready for this fresh freak show? Uh, you’re not gonna believe this. Man-Fish has been sighted stompin’ around Catalina Island.

Now what they do on Catalina is their business, alright. It’s a free country, they can do what they want. But Man-Fish? Seriously? All this collateral damage, people dying in the streets, everything…it’s gettin’ crazier every day out here.

We’ve got— The DMV is responsible for keeping people who aren’t safe drivers off the road. Why don’t we have some kind of system in place to kinda put a lasso on these freakshows out here, alright?

Now, S.H.I.E.L.D. definitely had problems in upper management, that’s- that’s, you know, definitely true, but just because the brass have a problem in a company doesn’t mean that the boots on the ground have the same problem. So I don’t know.

I don’t think the answer is completely hands off. I-I just can’t believe that that’s the answer. Because you got these people around here with power. We know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. You got Man-Fish interrupting people’s smoking sessions unilaterally. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Any college dropout now can put on a cape and LARP as Batman and nobody can do anything about it. I’m sick of it. I’m absolutely sick of it.

Alright, now we’ve got, uh, Cordelia calling in. Uh, she’s just calling in ’cause we’re giving her her own show on the phone. She can just call in and say whatever she wants. That’s gonna be the next half hour. Stay tuned. Thank you.



[Suspenseful music. Police sirens wail. A man grunts. Clothes rustle.]

Lily:           Alright. Now…

Man:                Where the hell am I?

Lily:           You are probably the last person to have seen my sister alive. So I need you to be very

Man:                Oh my god, you’re hangin’ me over a…

[Voice fades momentarily as he glances over his shoulder.]

You’re hangin’ me over the side of a fuckin’ building right now?

Lily:           I need you to be very straightforward with me, and think very, very hard about where you were during the Snap.

Man:                I was at my job and then I- and then I left ’cause I got a call from my girlfriend. Wha- it— How old are you?

Lily:           Oh.

Man:                Are you like sixteen-years-old? Playin’ vigilante right now? Kid, take off the mask. What are you doin’?

Lily:           I will break your no…I’ll break your fucking nose. I swear to god.

[Stat test chime.]

[Net chime.]

[A thud is heard as Lily punches him in the face. The man grunts in pain. Lily growls. Clothes rustle and feet scuff as they struggle for a moment.]

Man:                Kid- okay, kid. Stop! Look, look. Who’re you lookin’ for? Your sister?

Lily:           Yes. Rose. I know that you took care of her. I know that you were probably one of the last people to see her.

Man:                You’re gonna have to ask around, ’cause I don’t know anything.

Lily:           Did— Who picked her up that day?

Man:                Nobody. ’Cause I left.

Lily:           Oh that’s really fucking convenient.

[Police sirens wail.]

Man:                When shit hit the fan, everybody had to look out for themselves and just themselves, okay?

Lily:           Um, no, because you’re a childcare worker, so fuck you.

Man:                [defensive] Just part-time.

Lily:           Had anybody else come to pick her up that day? Had anybody else asked about her? Had you seen anybody suspicious?

Man:                There was some new customer that looked pretty sketchy. I don’t remember what they were wearing or why they were there, but they didn’t look like somebody who had kids. That’s all. That’s all I know. I- I- and that was weird and then the thing happened.

Lily:           Man? Woman? Tall? Short? Young? Old? Jesus Christ!

Man:                [fast] I don’t know! I don’t know. They looked sketchy, like they were bad with kids. I don’t know. That’s all.

Lily:           That’s a really weird thing to remember and not remember any other details about them. I still…I am suspicious of you…but—

[Traffic rumbles below.]

Man:                Gonna go home, kid. Look, you’re not Daredevil, and I’m hungry.

[Lily groans in exasperation.]



[A door creaks shut.]

Elle:         There you are.

[Footsteps tap.]

Eric:             Hey! Hey, babe. I’m home.

Elle:         What, uh…

Eric:             Uh- y- oh.

Elle:         Uh, wow just off stench alone, so many questions.

Eric:             Yeah, uh…

Elle:         And the hour? Are you okay?

Eric:             I’m fine. Everybody’s fine. It was a long day. We—

Elle:         Where were you?

Eric:             [chuckles] Uh, Catalina Island.

Elle:         You were at Catalina Island?

Eric:             Yeah. Turns out, it’s a giant weed farm now.

Elle:         Wicked, I guess.

Eric:             Yeah, run by two weed, like, enhanced people? They have—

Elle:         What?

Eric:             It was very cartoonish. The whole thing felt like a Hanna-Barbera—

Elle:         Weed en- like, weed-themed—

Eric:             Yeah, well, and then there was- and then- the- there was a fish but it was also a man. It was a Man-Fish!

Elle:         What?

Eric:             Yeah. And he was lonely. He kept on shoutin’ about bein’ the only Man-Fish. [sighs]

Elle:         Wha- these- these supers are coming out. I’ve never heard of, like, half of these—

Eric:             Everyday there’s- there’s six new people with twelve new powers and all of them get wilder and seemingly more ridiculous by the day. But [stammers]… How was your day?

Elle:         I mean, not- n-nothin’ like yours.

Eric:             What’d you get up to?

Elle:         And it happened yesterday… But—

[Eric stifles laughter.]

Eric:             I’m sorry.

Elle:         Yeah.

Eric:             W-we had to—

Elle:         L-like a text, you know. Something so I’m no- make sure you’re not—

Eric:             I dropped my phone in the ocean.

Elle:         [stifles laughter] You have a, you know, crazy job in life…

Eric:             Well, you do too! You’re always out and about workin’ on articles. [sighs] Actually I wanted to talk about that. When you said that I was going to the Fort and that things look fishy, both are literally true.



[Gentle guitar music. Footsteps tap on carpet and stairs creak.]

Masha:            Lily, where have you been?

Lily:           Out.

[Stairs creak as Lily turns toward Masha.]

Masha:            It’s, like, 4:30 in the morning! What d’you mean you’ve been “out”?

Lily:           I was out looking for leads on Rose, okay? Eric helped me find somebody who might know something, and they sorta did know something, and so it was actually really helpful, and it was fine and I didn’t even have to break any bones. It was totally okay.

Masha:            Okay. Hold on. Slow down. Why couldn’t you wait to do this in the daytime? Why didn’t you tell me before you left? I literally am so worried sick about you—

Lily:           Because you wouldn’t’ve come with me! You do not care about finding Rose.

Masha:            I do care! I care about you! I don’t want you to be gone just like her, okay? You can’t just—

Lily:           It’s the only way we’re gonna find her, is if we actually look for her, Masha.

Masha:            Well isn’t that what you hired Eric to do? It’s bad enough going out by yourself as a young woman at night in downtown Los Angeles, let alone doing this after the Snap! I mean, come on! You know how crazy people are out there! It’s like Waterworld out there, but…without the water!

[Sage snorts.]

Lily:           Eric is helping, but I know her! I know her scent. I-I know—

Masha:            I’m just trying to keep the family together as much as I can. I’m sorry—

Lily:           You’re not our mom! You’re not Mom, because Mom—

Masha:            [loud] Yeah, I know I’m not Mom!

Lily:           Mom would be out there looking for Rose.

Masha:            Well, no one’s here, okay? So I’m sorry [emotional] I’m not perfect, and I’m sorry I don’t know how to do anything, and everything, okay? But just don’t… Ugh! God! Just don’t leave in the middle of the night, that’s all I’m asking for, okay?

Lily:           Alright.

[Masha sighs.]


Masha:            I’m sorry. D’you just wanna talk about this later?

Lily:           Please.

[Footsteps tap and stairs creak as Lily goes up to her room.]

Masha:            Okay. Just…it’s late, or early.

[Lily’s door clicks shut.]

[loud] Just please don’t start playing your guitar right now!

[Electric guitar slams in!]


Episode 5 - Narc Hunt

[Rock music slowly fades. Footsteps tap on pavement and scuff to a halt.]

Elle:         Uh, hi?

Door Guy:           Roach. Roach! Get over here. Roach!

Elle:         Um, can I- can I go through that door, please?

[Background chatter from Fort dwellers.]

Door Guy:           Roach! Roach!

Elle:         No. M-my name- my—

Roach:            I’m comin’, I’m comin’, I’m comin’!

Door Guy:           Roach!

Elle:         Oh. Oh.

Roach:            I’m here! Door Guy.

Door Guy:           Yeah.

Roach:            What’s the problem?

Door Guy:           Look! [stammers comically]

[Sage and Kaitlyn stifle laughter.]

Roach:            It’s a human being, walking in the light o’ day. Door Guy, what’s the issue here?

Door Guy:           I don’t ever seen this girl before!

Elle:         Hi, yeah. I’m- I’m Elle. Hi. You’re—

Roach:            Elle.

Elle:         Uh, wh-what’s your name?

Door Guy:           Door Guy.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Elle:         Right. Hi, Door Guy.

Roach:            Do you have a real name?

Door Guy:           Not any more.

Roach:            Alright. ’Ey, Elle. I’m the…I’m kinda runnin’ the show here. You have any problems? Somethin’ up? Come to hang…?

Elle:         Yeah, no, I’m just here to check it out. I’ve heard a lot about this place and, um—

Roach:            You got a notebook in your hands. I don’t know about that.

Elle:         To be up front I am- I’m a journalist. But I’m freelance, for myself, so I’m not getting paid for— This is all just for—

Door Guy:           I don’t trust her.

Roach:            What d’you- what do- what d’you wanna know here? I-I can tell you whatever you need to know. Y-you know, like I said, I’m runnin’ the show here. If you need to know somethin’ I can let you know.

Elle:         Well, I mean it’s hard to know unless I don’t see inside, right?

Roach:            Well, maybe we’re a little busy right now. Maybe we’re at maximum capacity. A lot o’ people like the Fort and we don’t have any room.

Elle:         I smell weed.

Roach:            Weed is legal.

Elle:         Well, it’s not- I mean… Maybe I have some.

Roach:            You some kinda narc? Sound a lot like a narc.

Door Guy:           You a narc?

Roach:            Sound like a narc.

Elle:         I have some friends who’ve been here, I’m pretty sure, and I’m just a little worried about them, and also wanna just see what’s goin’ on and maybe take some notes. If it’s okay with you! But if not, I can not take notes, too.

Door Guy:           I think she’s lookin’ for a hookup.

[Roach takes a deep breath.]

Roach:            Look, Elle, why don’t we, uh… I think we gotta reschedule this, alright? We got a lot o’ enhanced folk in there, as you might realize, who aren’t exactly, uh, registered. Folks who maybe don’t wanna answer to the power trio, ’kay? Stark, the UN, S.H.I.E.L.D., or what’s left of ’em.

Maybe you’re not a narc. Maybe you are. Who’s to say? But, uh…[tsks] I don’t know. Wh-wh-what d’you say? Thursday? How’s a Thursday?

Elle:         I-I’ll give you $50.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Roach:            What?

Elle:         I have $50. This is how rich I am.

[Kaitlyn stifles laughter.]

Door Guy:           Roach, you gotta have more self-respect than to take a bribe of $50 seriously, right?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Elle:         Come on, I gotta get in here!

Roach:            Look, Elle. We’ll talk later.

Elle:         Wait, come on, what d’you mean? You don’t even have my cell phone number!

Roach:            Thursday! D-Door Guy, Door Guy, crank…crank that thing down.

[Door Guy makes “Chch” noises as he closes the garage door.]

Elle:         [quiet] Wow. You don’t need to- It makes that noise already.

Door Guy:           I need to do it!

Elle:         Alright.

Masha, Roach:       [together] It’s a coping mechanism!

[Door Guy continues making “chch” noises.]

Elle:         I’m writing this down.

Sage:            We transition inside of the Fort as Roach enters. And there is celebration!

[Rock music. Fort dwellers cheer and clap.]

Only just yesterday did the weed supply finally come back in and everybody knows who did it.

[Noise maker blows.]

The Fort Crew:      Bloodhound, Scry, Roooulette! Bloodhound, Scry, Roooulette! Bloodhound, Scry, Roooulette! Bloodhound, Scry, Roooulette!

Hype Man:        You guys need, like, a team name! What- what’re we gonna call these people?

Indie Hero:        Bloodhound, Scry, Roooulette!

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           Oh should we, like, formulate, like, a team name?

Masha:            A team name.

Eric:             Team…we’re a team.

Masha:            I’m surprised we haven’t thought about this yet. Um…

Eric:             We did solve the weed crisis single handedly. Three- six- qua— What’s the six?

Masha:            Triple handedly.

Eric:             Is it quad? No. Sec.

Masha:            Oh, no.

[Masha stammers as she tries to think of the word.]

Eric:             Uh, hex, hextuple . Hex-handedly.

Lily:           Did they teach math in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Indie Hero 2:     [amused] Uh, think- think on it. Just think on it.

[Everyone chuckles.]

Indie Hero:        Yo, should be the Blaze Brigade!

Indie Hero 2:     That’s a good one!

Masha:            That’s a— We can workshop that one. I like it.

Eric:             Maybe—

Indie Hero:        Write it on the wall!

Siggy:         The Weed Creed.

[Masha and Eric chuckle.]

Eric:             Alright.

Sage:            Roach then enters the scene. Everybody is positive, having a great time and celebrating the three new heroes, who are becoming icons at the Fort. But Roach is lookin’ a little serious.

Eric:             Hey, Roach.

Lily:           What’s wrong? You look not happy.

Eric:             Look, we don’t have to be called The Weed Creed. It’s fine. What’s… Or is there something else going on?

Roach:            Look, look, look. Uh, don’t mean to be a party pooper, uh, uh, pity party of any kind. No party’s— Well, you guy’s having a party— Look, just…

[Noise maker blows. Roach sighs.]

Can I talk to you three? Everybody, you keep doin’ your thing. You…

Indie Hero 2:     Whoo!

[Footsteps tap as the others return to partying. Fort dwellers cheer and clap.]

Hype Man:        Eat shit!

Roach:            Three of you, uh… D’you guys got a team name yet?

Masha:            Well, we were thinking…

Lily:           We’re…workin’ on it.

Masha:            Yeah. There was Weed Creed, and Blaze something…

Eric:             We’re gonna see how many more things people yell, and just kinda workshop around that.

Roach:            Right, right. Well, all things considered, you’re doin’ great. And, uh, really appreciate y’all goin’ out to Catalina. It’s just, uh, [tsks]

I just talked to somebody outside. Somebody with a notepad. As far as my boy Siggy, Theo, Ed, couple o’ the faces around here, even you three! We’re in good company. It’s just, uh… There’s a lot more people around here, you know?

Masha:            Yeah.

Roach:            I’m seein’ that.

Masha:            That’s really great.

Eric:             That’s- that’s great, right?

Lily:           Henry keeps bringing new people. I told him to stop.

Roach:            Look, look, Henry’s one of our finest agents out there. Hittin’ the ground runnin’, you know what I’m sayin’?

Lily:           Fucks sake!

Masha:            Henry is very charismatic.

Roach:            It’s true! It’s true! He’s been tryin’ to get us some intel over at the Castle, see what they’re up to. They’re up to somethin’.

[Suspenseful music.]

The vocabulary they’re usin’, increased fights in the streets, the connections they seem to have with the established that we don’t…it’s not lookin’ good. Ain’t gonna let us just prance around la-la land unchecked forever, but… Look, everyone’s havin’ a good time right now. Tonight, can you guys just, you know, look around? Ask around, uh, I don’t know. Just try to keep your eyes peeled.

Masha:            Did something happen? I feel like you’re not telling us something.

Roach:            Look, look! Just not yet, okay? Nothin’s happened yet.

Lily:           Who was the person outside?

Roach:            Some woman reporter. Uh, just lookin’ to ask some questions. And normally I wouldn’t—

Lily:           Did she give you a name? A newspaper? She have a face?

Roach:            Uh, somethin’ with an E. Elle, I think?

Eric:             [quiet] Oh shit.

Roach:            Oh, that’s a letter. So not an E. I don’t know if it was L or Elle the name. I can’t…I don’t know. I didn’t ask. Point is, uh, we rescheduled. I-I-I’m startin’ to get the feelin’ that the public is maybe hearin’ about us too much, so just keep an eye out tonight.

Eric:             Well, can I ask you somethin’?

Roach:            What’s up?

Eric:             I mean, I know we’re not in this to get, like, rich and famous, but like, with the Fort, what is the idea here? What’s the goal? Are you tryin’- are you tryin’ to legitimize—

Roach:            You already forget my speech?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Hey, Theo! Hey! Hey Theo and Siggy!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Theo:            Yeah.

Lily:           Oh god.

Siggy:         What’s up, boss?

Eric:             That’s not…

Roach:            We got another one. Got a doubter.

Siggy:         [gasps] Oh. Oh!

Eric:             I’m not a doubter. I’m—

Siggy:         Should- should I start blowin’ the smoke? I can do the smoke.

Roach:            We’ve got a- we’ve got- we’ve got a class D situation here.

Eric:             That’s n— [sighs]

Theo:            D-do you want more of, like, a hype-up or a sit-down talk? I could make tea, or Siggy could start yelling.

Masha:            Ooo, I’d like some tea!

Eric:             I don’t need a support group, guys. I just want—

Soup Guy:         Big ass soup!

[Pot lid clanks.]

Roach:            Soup Guy can cook whatever you wanna cook. Well…it has to be soup.

Soup Guy:         Big ass soup.

[Pot lid clanks.]

Eric:             Okay, then answer me this. You’ve been doin’ this for how long? How long’s the Fort been around?

Roach:            Comin’ in three years.

Theo, Siggy:      [together] Three years.

Roach:            Yeah.

Eric:             ’Kay, what happens five years from now, when society starts to rebuild, people are startin’ to make sense of what life is, and this inevitably gets bigger? ’Cause everything gets bigger. Everything gets more complicated. Always. And there’s gonna be more people like whoever this was outside. There’s gonna be people comin’ in askin’ for government contracts or permits for that or sanctions for that. Like, what is the plan?

Roach:            Plan is to help people out and stop people like the Castle, like Stark, like S.H.I.E.L.D., like the US government—how many times I gotta say this stuff?—from puttin’ up too many walls on our fellow heroes, alright? The Sokovia Accords are one o’ the worst things that could’ve happened in the history of- of freaks like us.

Eric:             But at the same time, you’re lookin’- you’re asking us now to look out for people inside that are, what? Shady or shifty? Or like, if there’s no walls, what’re you—

Roach:            If I’m not mistaken, around every corner someone’s been tryin’ to, you know, yoink your ass. So, I mean—

Eric:             Yeah but—

[Colton stifles laughter.]

Roach:            —if anything this is a double whammy. You get to—

Eric:             Yeah, but they’re in a trench coat and glasses. You could spot ’em from a fuckin’ mile away.

Roach:            Sure.

Eric:             What—

Siggy:         There’s a couple guys in here with trench coats. And glasses, actually.

Eric:             Wait, what?

Siggy:         Well, not like—

Theo:            I mean, not at the same time.

Siggy:         No.

Roach:            So all I’m sayin’ is a lot o’ people comin’ in the Fort. We wanna set up a safe place here. Wanna make sure people can come here and feel good.

Theo:            If you have ideas about how to expand or work into that growth…

Eric:             I mean, I have experience with infrastructure, if that’s what you’re talkin’ about.

Lily:           [quiet] Secret Nazi infrastructure?

Masha:            Lily, that’s a sore subject. He didn’t know, okay? It wasn’t… He was, like, a child.

Lily:           They’re not secret Nazi— Okay, no but here’s the question. Like, sure whatever, big picture blah, politics, but…strange lady outside the gates? Like, what’s the plan with that? ’Cause I feel like we can work on that.

Masha:            We can watch out. If that’s what you want us to do.

Roach:            ’S all I’m askin’.

Eric:             Is there anything you want us to look for?

Roach:            Anybody who, uh, maybe wants to take us down before we even started, you know what I’m sayin’?

Siggy:         Squares. Look for squares.

Eric:             [mumbles] Oh god, what?

Roach:            Yeah, look for some stiff-ass narcs that might be looking to lock up some undocumented heroes.

Siggy:         Just pretty much anybody with even a remotely larger stick up their ass than you have, would be great.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Wh… Got it.

Sage:            Siggy and Roach high-five and walk off.

[Siggy chuckles. A high-five taps and footsteps fade away.]

Theo:            Uh, yeah, I’ve got… You can come back for the tea I just, it seemed… Yeah. Bye!

[Footsteps fade quickly.]

Masha:            Bye, Theo! Thank you!

Lily:           Bye, Theo.

[Suspenseful guitar music.]

Sage:            And then, as Roach leaves, he passes by some other punky lookin’ dude. He’s leaning, arms crossed, by a pillar, dressed in a black-on-black ensemble and denim shorts. Fits right in. But you notice Roach leans over and whispers something in his ear, and they’re both looking at you three. Weird vibe. Then Roach trails off.

Eric:             Look, I like the both of you a lot. Honestly. I am having a good time doing this hero thing as weirdly structured-not-structured as it is. I just don’t…I don’t know if I buy into all this shit that we’re a part of right now. I don’t think anybody knows what they’re doing, and that scares the shit outta me.

Masha:            Well, I feel like most people don’t really know what they’re doing if you think about it. We’re just trying our best.

Lily:           Yeah, the problem is when those people are in leadership positions. Like, I mean, Roach is nice, but, like, his answer for everything is just, like, punk rock! Which, like, same, but also…

[Lily and Masha chuckle.]

It’s not a great business model.

Masha:            Well this is good then! If we- if we feel like we can change something, if we can improve it, we have good contributions and we’re doing really well and I think if this is— This is like a opportunity!

Eric:             All I know is that the second people who believe in a cause start worrying about the security of the cause, that’s when they stop trusting everybody, and that’s when things get weird.

Masha:            I mean, eat shit’s not good enough for you? Is it…

Eric:             Eat shit’s fine! I get eat shit, that’s clear. When it’s “Eat shit but look out for the guy that doesn’t think- that seems like he might not wanna eat shit, but we’re not sure if he does or not, so just look out for him and maybe take him out back, and then maybe touch ’im, and maybe spy on ’im…” It gets too complicated.

Lily:           Whoa. That- that- yeah. That took a wild ride. Uh, I guess the first thing in order is… We need a team name.

Eric:             Yeah, I guess. I would- I would like that. I’d like- I would like to have something that is- sets us as us. The three of us. That’s—

Masha:            We’re the chip-da-the— Sorry, I stuttered. Um. [chuckles] I’m kinda nervous.

[Gentle action music.]

Sage:            And the very same punky hero, who Roach just spoke with, invites himself over. As he gets closer you recognize his face a little bit more. You’ve probably seen ’im around. Just haven’t officially met yet.

[Footsteps scuff to a stop.]

Lily:           Hey.

Man:                What’s up, guys, um… I don’t know what you guys are calling yourselves now, I heard maybe like GSR or some, like, punk stuff like that, but like… I’m sorry, who’re you?

Masha:            We’re- we’re the ones that got the weed back.

Man:                [impressed] Oh, yeah, you guys.

Lily:           Yeah, us guys.

Man:                Guys, that’s, uh—

Masha:            I’m- I’m Roulette.

Man:                Nice to meet you, Roulette.

Lily:           Uh, I- I’m Bloodhound. Yeah.

Eric:             Uh, you can call me Eric. What’s up?

Man:                Wow. Uh, that’s a lame name.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Um. First off, Bloodhound, your name is siiick.

Lily:           [chuckles] Oh my god, thank you.

Man:                Uh, thought you should know. Um, but, guys.

[Masha sighs.]

You guys’re, so far, pretty punk in my book. Guys gettin’ the weed back into this place? But it’s gettin’ a little, um, [tsks] what’d you say, um, [chuckles] too much in here? Right? I don’t know you. So I don’t know which one o’ you’s a narc and which one o’ you is, like—

Eric:             Hold on! Who are you?

Short Circuit:         Uh, I’m sorry. My name’s Short Circuit, bro.

Eric:             Okay?

Masha:            [gasps] I’ve heard about you!

Short Circuit:         Yeah, it’s like—

Eric:             You have?

Lily:           [quiet] Oh, he “bro”ed you.

Masha:            Yeah, they talk about ’im. I just never- I—

Eric:             I thought they were just talkin’ about how everything in this place short circuits all the time.

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           Nah, dude, how d’you think we have power in here?

Short Circuit:         Yeah, dude, that’s me. I’m, like, the house battery of this here Fort.

Eric:             Oh. Cool.

Short Circuit:         So, um, you’re welcome.

Eric:             Thanks for the toaster.

Short Circuit:         Yeah. Absolutely. That’s my favorite part. It’s the toaster.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Look, I don’t know you guys all too well, so I think you should know that I’m just gonna be keepin’ my eyes close to you guys. ’Cause I’m not tryin’ to get any, like, yuppies to come up in here and, like, smoke out some o’ these, like, unsanctioned heroes.

Masha:            We’ve been here for a while, though…

Short Circuit:         Well, you’re still new blood to me. So…

Lily:           How long have you been here?

Short Circuit:         Oh, I’ve been here since inception. Maybe, you know, just after inception, really.

Masha:            The movie?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

The one with Leonardo DiCaprio?

Short Circuit:         Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, Gordon. Gordon-Levitt. That guy.

Masha:            Yeah!

Short Circuit:         Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Great film. Um, when did that come out?

Masha:            Uh…I don’t remember.

Short Circuit:         Yeah, it was after that.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh, okay.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Short Circuit:         I’m really just tryin’ to make this a home for people. And so, just so you know, I’m still not totally cool with you guys.

Masha:            Oh…

Lily:           Um…

Eric:             That’s fine by me, buddy.

Lily:           R-Roach said we’re cool with him. Just, like, in case that counts for anything.

Masha:            He asked us to be on the lookout for people.

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            That have stick up their asses, so…

Lily:           I think we’re on the same side. Is- is what you’re saying.

[Short Circuit grunts in vague acknowledgment.]

Masha:            Yeah, yeah, that’s what I’m- was tryin’ to say.

Eric:             I thought she meant you looked like you had a stick up your ass, which frankly…

Short Circuit:         See that’s also what I thought she was getting at.

Eric:             Yeah.

Masha:            Oh! No, no, no, no! [nervous chuckle] I wasn’t being like—

Lily:           She would literally never say that about anybody ever.

Eric:             That’s what I’m getting at.

Short Circuit:         Oh.



Masha:            Alright…

Lily:           Are they doing, like, a man posturing thing?

Short Circuit:         Wow.

Masha:            This is, like, a toxic masculinity thing goin’ on.

Lily:           Yeah, it is.

Eric:             Shut- that’s not what this…

Masha:            Uh…

Lily:           You guys are just staring at each other.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Yeah.

Lily:           And you’re sweating a little bit.

Masha:            And your arms are crossed! I think that’s what this is.

Sage:            [chuckles] Short Circuit and Eric don’t move for, like, three minutes. Nothing’s being said. It’s very uncomfortable for everybody.

Masha:            Should we go…

Lily:           Yeah, do you guys wanna be alone?

Sage:            But then…

[Suspenseful music. Footsteps tap as someone passes the group.]

Somebody walks by. Somebody in a long-ass coat. Somebody with their face a little obscured. And they head into the left wing.

[Adventure music.]

Masha:            You know, as much as I wanna watch you guys stare at each other really intensely and, you know…

Lily:           Yeah. Eric.

[Short Circuit grunts.]

Masha:            [stage whispers] Someone in a trench coat is walking in the left wing!

Eric:             What?

Lily:           Eric. Coat. Obscured face.

Eric:             What where?


Special Thanks

[Commercial jingle.]

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsor.


[Tape rewinds.]

Sage:           Tell us about Short Circuit.

Travis:        And why is his name Ed Helms?

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Tanner:           No relation.

Travis:        Okay.


Tanner:           Literally just for that exact reason.

[Jessica chuckles.]

Sage:           Great.

Tanner:           Short Circuit pre-Snap. He was just a concert light technician. He is this, like, mid-thirties, like, not exactly crust punk, but he’s, like, a little punky.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Yeah. You know. Are you punk enough to jam with the punks?

Sage:           Please talk like that the whole time.


Travis:        I’m gonna murder—

Emily:          You’re making Sage so happy with all o’ this punk stuff.

Travis:        I’m gonna murder this guy.

Sage:           That is the aesthetic that I wanted to— ’Cause it, you know, we could just—

Travis:        You picked the one aesthetic I am just fundamentally against as a whole.

Sage:           Oh you just hate it.

[Sage and Jessica stifles laughter.]

Travis:        I fuckin’ can’t stand—

Emily:          You square.

Travis:        Yeah!

Tanner:           Okay, Boomer.


Travis:        I like haircuts and I like shower—

Sage:           [claps; amused] Fuck!

[Tape fast-forwards.]


Sage:           You know the drill! That was from our patron-exclusive interview with Tanner Risner where we discuss a smattering of topics like van-life and his hero, Short Circuit. It’s available exclusively to very cool and chill people. Such as…

Travis:        Aela Taylor

Sage:           Dillon Adams

Emily:          Cameron Spear

Jessica:          Christian McDow

Emily:          Juline

Sage:           M. Colton Broduer. Colton, I told you not to…

Everyone:        Thanks Colton.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Jessica:          Kaylin Secouy

Emily:          April Stools [chuckles] Got ’im.

Sage:           And…

Travis:        Eric Deck

Sage:           Thank you all so much! The patreon really keeps me going and it pays for, like, my groceries. So that’s nice!

If you wanna snag an Adventure Pass like them and listen to a whole bunch of secret content, go to

We have a couple of slots for bonus content coming up, actually. Give us ideas! No guarantees, but we love to hear ’em.

Alrighty. Let’s return to the episode.


Narc Hunt - Part II

[Adventure music]

Eric:             Trench coat? Here? Where? Where’d they go? Where?

Lily:           Shh, shh, shh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily tries to hear. Lily, can you roll me Powerful Combat?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Emily:          21.

[Travis whistles.]

Sage:            21!

Jessica:          Damn.

Tanner:        Dang.

Sage:            Lily listens in. She has this new hearing ability that she’s still trying to get used to, and she’s able to track some footsteps. There’s a lot of footsteps. However, rolling a 21, yeah! You’re able to pinpoint the exact walking pattern and rhythm as they cross into the west hall.

Lily:           O-okay. They’re- they’re at the, um…Oh sh- I heard them go to the left balcony and they shut the door behind them.

Masha:            Oh, well let’s go! Let’s go!

Lily:           Okay, quietly.

Masha:            [whispers] Okay.

Eric:             You know, if you just let me touch you, I could hear where they’re going and I can help.

Lily:           [slow] Don’t even think about it.

Eric:             Fine. You coming?

Short Circuit:         Sure.

Eric:             Great.

Short Circuit:         Just to watch you, though.

Eric:             Likewise, you fuckin’ Bad Brains shirt and your IATSE badge.

Short Circuit:         Whoever’s in this house o’ mine, we’ll take ’im down

Sage:            Our three heroes, joined by Short Circuit, travel into the left wing. Not very far, they’re already in the top floor. There’s a lot of people. Everyone’s still hanging out and having a great time getting high and just celebrating the fact that shit’s workin’ out here.

As they start to parse through the crowd, passing a bunch of people, and they get to the door and they open it.

[Metal door creaks open.]

They’re outside now. It’s sundown and nobody’s there.

Masha:            You smell anything?

[Crickets chirp. Footsteps scuff to a stop.]

Lily:           Hold on, let me… [sniffs]

Sage:            Nothin.

Lily:           Um. I’m gonna be real right now. It smells like weed.

Masha:            Oh.

Short Circuit:         Mm-hmm.

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            That makes sense.

Short Circuit:         Right.

Lily:           It’s a hybrid, though. Think it’s Cookies.

Masha:            Nice.

Lily:           [sniffs] Yeah.

Short Circuit:         [quiet] Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

Eric:             So any idea of—

Short Circuit:         So, um… Well, we just lost ’em?

Lily:           Did they jump over the balcony?

Eric:             I don’t know.

Masha:            Well, I’m just so confused, because it sounds like they were really strict with not letting this reporter chick in, but now all of a sudden there’s, like, suspicious people inside here that we have to look out for, but, like, how are they getting in? ’Cause if they’re really strict and the reporter couldn’t come in, then why- who— [moans]

Eric:             This is what I’m talking about. It’s mismanagement. You guys have been goin’ just with whatever feels right in the moment, and the second it gets too big, all of a sudden you start layin’ down these abstract rules of, like, oh look out for anyone whose vibe doesn’t match. And, like, you can’t quantify that.

Short Circuit:         What? A vibe?

Eric:             Yeah.

Short Circuit:         As in cool or not cool?

Eric:             Yeah.

Short Circuit:         As in like, you know, a narc or not a narc?

Eric:             Yeah. Or a piece o’ shit.

[Masha groans.]

Short Circuit:         Whoa. I think—

Eric:             Who thinks he’s better than everyone just because he’s been here longer.

[Masha groans.]

Short Circuit:         Listen, dude

Masha:            Hey boys! [nervous chuckle]

Short Circuit:         How’s this feel? So, here’s what’s gonna happen.

[Action music.]

I’ve got this Wi-Fi monitor that I’ve hooked up through all the security cameras.

[Footsteps scuff and clothes rustle as Short Circuit pulls out a tablet case.]

Masha:            Perfect.

Lily:           Great, so we can just see where they went?

[Zipper opens as Short Circuit opens his tablet case.]

Short Circuit:         Yeah. Where did you hear them last? Where were they running towards?

Lily:           Well they- out towards the balcony. I mean—

Masha:            Right here?

Lily:           —they came down here and then I- I can’t— I didn’t hear them anymore, but I figured that’s prob’ly ’cause, like, the ground is grass down there.

Short Circuit:         Okay, then I’m gonna turn this on—

[A switch clicks and electronic whirring is heard. He types as he speaks.]

—and let’s check out the cameras on the terrace towards the planetarium.

Eric:             This is really good.

Short Circuit:         And— Oh thank you. Whoa.

Lily:           Did you just compliment another man?

Masha:            A breakthrough!

Lily:           Aww!

Sage:            While Short Circuit’s booting up his system to check on these cameras, Lily hears a noise.


Lily:           Wait, hold on. There’s something…

Sage:            It’s like somebody’s climbing. Somebody’s ruthlessly climbing to sneak into the Fort. And she pulls herself up.

[A woman grunts.]

Lily:           There’s somebody climbing up one of the balconies. I can hear her making—

Eric:             Do they- how many roofs are they doing it with?

[Stifled laughter.]

Lily:           Wait, wait, wait. It’s- it’s over there, by the zipline! By the zipline, yeah.

[Footsteps scuff and patter as Elle stumbles onto the balcony.]

Elle:         Fuckin’ shit, ugh. Ah, finally.

Eric:             Holy…

Masha:            [gasps] Oh my gosh.

Lily:           Do you know her?

Masha:            Hey!

Elle:         AH! Sorry, what?

Masha:            What are you doing here?

Eric:             Elle.

Elle:         Hi.

Lily:           Are you a reporter?

Elle:         Um, no. Uh…

[Clothes rustle as Elle hides her notebook behind her back.]

Sage:            [amused] She quickly puts away her notebook, that’s very obviously filled with all sorts of notes.

Lily:           Okay, sorry. [sighs] Let me backtrack really quickly. You’re the reporter from earlier.

Elle:         Nnno. [scoffs]

Lily:           Also, why do you look like you know her?

Eric:             What?

Masha:            You look very shocked and stunned.

Elle:         Eric?


Eric:             E-Elle.

Elle:         Heeey.

Eric:             Hey. Hey!

Elle:         What, you’re in here? What…

Eric:             Y-yeah. Yeah, l-long time…

Masha:            Uhhh.

Short Circuit:         Hmm.

Lily:           Eric knows people that aren’t us?

Masha:            Eric why do you know somebody who’s tryin’ to sneak into the Fort?

Short Circuit:         It’s prob’ly because he doesn’t belong here.

Eric:             Oka— [sighs]

Elle:         Wh-what’s up?

Lily:           I mean, like she definitely doesn’t…

Masha:            I thought you were supposed to tell us everything. What’s going on?

Lily:           How do you know him?

Elle:         W-well…

Eric:             We…

Sage:            But then!

[Computer beeps. Clothes rustle as Short Circuit moves to check it.]

An image, he sees, going downstairs. Somebody in a long coat passes through previously known as the Stellar Emporium Gift Shop, now known as Gift Bag’s lab.

[Action music.]

Short Circuit:         [quiet] Ooh. [normal] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Masha:            What is it?

Short Circuit:         Gah. The— Whoever was in the trench coat that we were chasing is now in the lab. In Gift Bag’s lab!

Masha:            Alright, well, l-let’s go!

Eric:             Gift Bag’s lab?

Masha:            Lady in a trench coat— Or no.

Lily:           Okay, well we have to tell Theo.

Masha:            You- you’re not in a trench coat. Uh, I’m—

Eric:             Her name is Elle! Elle.

Elle:         I can just- I’ll follow you. That’s—

Eric:             Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s not safe. Come on, let’s go.

[Footsteps tap as everyone runs to the lab.]

Sage:            We all go downstairs, passing through the Cosmic Connection. There’s a brief moment of tranquility.

Masha, Elle, Lily:     [together] Wow…

Sage:            And then we’re in the gift shop and Theo’s there.

[Door clanks open.]

Eric:             Where’d they go?

[Chair creaks as Theo turns around.]

Theo:            What?

Lily:           Did somebody come in?

Masha:            [quickly] Did you see somebody with a trench coat? A really long coat?

Short Circuit:         Yeah, they were just here.

Theo:            I have been staring at my screen. I am so sorry. What’s going on?

[Masha groans quietly.]

Eric:             There’s an intruder in a trench coat.

Masha:            [fast] One o’ the people that’s tryin’a kill Eric!

Eric:             We think.

Short Circuit:         Got a narc!

Theo:            Hold on. Let me pull this up.

[Chair creaks as he turns around. A mouse clicks and the computer beeps as he taps into the security feed.]

Oh, yeah. Yeah! They went- looks- right that way. Right that way.

Masha:            Wha—

Theo:            I- yup.

Short Circuit:         They just- r-right past you?

Theo:            I was just- I mean the work is very important, there’s a lot going on here [stammers].

Lily:           It’s okay. Wait, shh, shh, shh. Let me see if I can hear.

Elle:         [whispers] I’m sorry, did this place used to be the gift shop and it’s now—

Lily:           I-I—

[Masha and Theo frantically shush them.]

Elle:         [quiet] Sorry, sorry.

Eric:             [whispers] What’re you doing here?

Lily:           I can- I can hear your heartbeat from twenty feet away, so…

Masha:            [quiet] Everybody quiet!

Theo:            [whispers] Sorry.

Elle:         [whispers] Wow.

Eric:             [whispers] Shh, shh.

[Muffled noise overlaps. Footsteps thud in the distance.]

Lily:           They’re upstairs in the right wing.

Eric:             [whispers] Is Daniel here? What’s…

Short Circuit:         Alright, I’ll pull up that security camera.

Lily:           I would know if Daniel was here. [sniffs and sighs]

Elle:         [quiet] You know who Daniel is?

Eric:             [quiet] It’s not important.

Theo:            Hey, Short Circuit, yeah. I can just feed the screens to you. You don’t have to do it manually.

Short Circuit:         Oh, yeah. If you- please.

Theo:            You- you got it.

Short Circuit:         Thank you.

Theo:            I’ll be your person on the ground.

[Mouse clicks.]

Short Circuit:         Oh, absolutely.

Theo:            Yeah.

Short Circuit:         D’you have- If we start running away, do you have your—

[Chair squeaks as Theo stands up.]

Theo:            Here’s an ear piece, here’s an ear piece.

[Clothes rustle and footsteps tap as Theo hands it over.]

Short Circuit:         Yeah, do you have your ear piece? Thank you so much.

Theo:            Do- do you guys also want ear piece— Who are you? Hi.

Elle:         Hi, I’m Elle.

Theo:            Hi, Theo. Nice to meet you.

Elle:         Who are you? Are you a super?

[Everyone shouts over each other.]

Short Circuit:         We don’t have time for introductions.

Masha:            We don’t have the time! I would like an ear piece! I would like an ear piece!

Theo:            I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Ear pieces, ear pieces. Here you go!

Eric:             She’s doing a piece on the thing.

Soup Guy:         Big-ass soup!

Eric:             These are the ones we don’t have to do anything and then they work, right?

Theo:            Exactly.

Eric:             Like magic, almost?

Theo:            Yeah.

Short Circuit:         Yeah.

Eric:             Okay, great.

Masha:            Let’s go!

Lily:           Can you set the volume really, really, really, really low?

Theo:            I already took care of it.

[Lily sighs in relief.]

Short Circuit:         Basically off.

Eric:             I wanna be able to hear it no matter what’s happening, even if it’s, like, explosions and murder and—

Masha:            Okay, there’s a trench coat dude upstairs somewhere and he’s gonna kill somebody!



Sage:            And we cut to the right wing again. Everybody’s hanging out, it’s so hustle and bustle right now. There’s not been this many people at the Fort yet. There’s almost too many people! Tryin’a get through, tryin’a get through the crowds and tryin’a see if somebody is visible.

[Footsteps tap and squeak. Masha grunts as she jumps, trying to see over the crowd. Clothes rustle.]

Eric:             You know for half all the people being gone, there’s still a lot o’ fuckin’ people in this place.

Elle:         Um, how many would you say, approximately?

Eric:             I do— What? I don’t know. Like, couple hundred?

Lily:           [loud] She’s a reporter! [normal] Maybe. I don’t know.

Masha:            Didn’t you know that? You know her.

Eric:             Yes, I know. Yes, yes. We know each other. That’s… Where is the person wh—

Lily:           Why didn’t you just ask him about the Fort?

Masha:            Okay, well, let’s look around.

Eric:             She didn’t know—

Theo:            [over radio] Everyone, someone th- someone threw underwear over the camera in this room. I can’t see anything but I can still hear you.

Masha:            Ew!

Short Circuit:         Oh my—

Eric:             Now they’re naked?

Theo:            No, in the room you’re in. I can see the next one.

Short Circuit:         Oh, so you can’t see us? You can just see…

[Masha gasps.]

Theo:            I cannot see you.

Masha:            Oh my god.

Short Circuit:         Okay, so they’re in here.

Masha:            We gotta get outta here.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Short Circuit:         Get outta here? We gotta…

Eric:             What? No.

Masha:            I’m terrified!

Short Circuit:         …sniff out this person.

Lily:           Oh. Okay.

Masha:            But they’re gonna do something to us! I’m sorry. I’m scared right now!

Eric:             [gently] Masha, Masha, Masha.

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Wait. How d’we—

Eric:             [gently] We have super powers. We’re gonna be alright.

Masha:            [whispers] Okay, I have super powers, I have super powers.

Lily:           How do we know the underwear’s the trench coat person’s? We don’t know that. Could just be party people.

Eric:             He’s sounding more and more like a flasher. This might just be a flasher here. Is that what’s going on?

Masha:            It’s a wild party maybe?

Sage:            Theo then gets an update.

[Computer beeps.]

Theo:            [over radio] Hey, someone just went in the planetarium.

Short Circuit:         Great!

Lily:           Oh, shit.

Short Circuit:         Guys, if we get to the planetarium, I can lock them in there. If we get in there, I can use the security system and lock it.

Theo:            [over radio] There are multiple entrances.

Short Circuit:         Well, they’ve got gates, right?

Lily:           Yeah, I think the doors are electronic, ’cause, like, back when they used to do the show it’d be like [mocks] ooo, the doors open and close automatically. Wait behind the yellow line. Don’t walk into the planetarium.

Masha:            Alright, let’s do it!

Short Circuit:         Wow you have some issues with the planetarium. But yes, let’s do this.

[Footsteps tap as everyone runs.]

Sage:            There’s a couple of people hanging out inside there. It’s a cool room to hang out in. It’s very vibe. But you definitely see, aside from the small crowd hanging out in there, two separate people on opposite ends of the room. Both wearing long dark coats.

[Background chatter continues. Suspenseful action music.]

Theo:            [over radio, whispers] It’s the one right there. [normal] Sorry, I don’t need to whisper. It’s the one right there.

Eric:             Hey. I’m gonna go beat the shit outta that guy in the trench coat.

Short Circuit:         Hell yeah.

Lily:           Which one?

[Short Circuit stifles laughter.]

Eric:             That one. The one that looks like the one that’s been tryin’ to kill me.

Masha:            Wait, but I thought we were chasing that one.

Eric:             Okay.

Lily:           We are.

Eric:             We’re gonna split up into teams.

[Short Circuit grunts.]

Masha:            [groans] Oh, this doesn’t end well.

Eric:             And some of us are gonna kick that one’s ass.

[Masha sighs.]

Short Circuit:         Yeah.

Eric:             And some of us are gonna kick that one’s ass.

[Masha groans.]

Short Circuit:         Totally.

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           We- but Eric. One of them snuck in. One of them we’ve been following, the other one you’re now saying is also bad.

Eric:             Yeah, so be—

Short Circuit:         We can just—

Masha:            Sounds like a riddle. I’m not good at riddles, I’m not good…

Lily:           Can you electrocute people?

Short Circuit:         Um, I can lock us in, create a cage-match environment, and we can just kick ass, ask questions later. I don’t know why we’re still standing here.

Masha:            Alright, let’s do—

Eric:             Do it.

Lily:           Yeah, you know what? Yeah. I’m into that.

Eric:             Do journalists carry a gun? Do you have a gun?

[A gun slips out of a holster and cocks.]

Elle:         I do, actually.

Eric:             What?

Elle:         I mean, it’s post-Snap! Come on!

Masha:            Holy sh—

Theo:            [over radio] I’m hitting record!

Sage:            Short Circuit goes over to the door.

[Rapid footsteps tap as Short Circuit runs.]

[Stat test chime.]

Go ahead and roll me full purple right now. That’s Energy and Soul.

Tanner:        Full purple.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Electricity crackles as Short Circuit’s powers activate.]

Great, I got under, and then I rolled a 24.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Holy shit!


Sage:            God damn!

Jessica:          Oh my god!

Travis:          The doors have never been more sealed!

[Everyone chuckles.]

Sage:            They come crashin’ down harder than Door Guy could ever do it before.

[Electricity crackles. The doors slam shut with a loud bang.]


The Fort is on full lockdown.

Lily:           Shit, that’s cool.

Sage:            But he doesn’t stop there. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! And then rock music is blasting really loud and a fog machine bursts in from above and flashing strobe lights.

[Rock music blares.]

Masha:            Oh my god, this is giving me so much anxiety right now!

Eric:             Use it!

[Masha groans.]

Lily:           You got this, come on!

Short Circuit:         Oh, let’s do this. [cracks knuckles]

Theo:            [over radio] Damn, Short Circuit. You went full rave!

Lily:           Unleash the beast!

Elle:         Does this happen regularly in the planetarium?

Short Circuit:         Not enough.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Are you rolling for your power?

Jessica:          I’m rolling for my power.

Sage:            Alright, roll!

[Jessica groans in worry.]

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Oh no.

[Sage chuckles. Travis laughs.]

Emily:          No!

Jessica:          It was my memory!

Sage:            In which case, in that brief moment where Masha feels connected to her powers, for the five that are left, she suddenly has control and is able to guide the missing gate to one of the others.

Masha:            Um, what should I do, uh…

Sage:            Everybody goes into places and starts to fight.

Lily:           Hey, you! Yeah, you!

Man:                Huh?

Lily:           Yeah, you with the long-ass coat on in L.A. in the middle o’ summer!

Man:                Yeah?

Lily:           You wanna tango, bitch?

Sage:            [amused] Elle is just pointing her gun.

[A gun cocks.]

Everyone’s like “Whoa!”. They shuffle to the sides of the room. Some people start throwing punches ’cause they think it’s a mosh pit.

[Crowd growls and cheers “Eat shit”.]

Masha:            Stop! Stop everything! Stop! There’s too much going on!

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Jessica:          15.

Sage:            Lily has her arm up, she’s mid-punch about to sock some guy in the face.

[Rapid footsteps tap. Lily roars.]

Short Circuit is getting ready to—

Tanner:        Crowd kill. I bum rush him. I swing, windmill style, into, like, their full body.

Sage:            Nice.

Travis:          Like a human bey blade!

Tanner:        Yeah. [chuckles] Exactly.

Travis:          Let ’er rip!

Sage:            Eric, all stealthy like, goes over to the trench coat figure who he thinks is the perpetrator. Elle has her gun pointed, keeping the crowd under control making sure nobody interferes with this plan. The moshers are getting riled up, pushing in, forming a wall of death, but then—

[Noise cuts off. Masha sighs.]

Everything freezes. It’s a very brief moment. Nobody can really feel this, to be honest. But for Masha, nobody moves. Masha has a quick moment to approach whoever she wants.

Masha:            [fast] Okay. Okay. It’s okay. I got time, I got time. I got time to figure it out. Okay. Time to figure it out. Who am I gonna go- who- um. Oh, fuck I didn’t think this through! I don’t know what to do! I don’t know!

Sage:            Things start speeding back up.

Masha:            Okay, um, uhh, I’m gonna help Eric I guess.

[Masha moans and footsteps tap as she runs across the room.]

Sage:            Masha cuts to the front side of the trench coat. Time is ramping up quickly and now we are in present tense!

[Rock music blares, the sounds of fighting resume.]

The trench coat guy is surprised. You just appeared right in front of ’im!

Masha:            Boo! Sucker!

Trench Coat Guy:    Whoa! Hey!

[Sage chuckles.]

You scared me there.

Masha:            Yeah!

[A loud smack as Masha punches him in the nose.]

Take that!

Trench Coat Guy:    Ow! The fuck is going on? I can’t see anything. There’s fog everywhere!

Masha:            I got you by the arms!

[Masha growls.]

Eric:             Alright, great! Hold ’im there!

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Sage:            He’s tryin’ to push you off.

[Stat test chime.]

Masha, roll for Durability.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Masha:            I got ’im, I got ’im!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, roll me Combat, just the d20.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          20!

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Nice!

Travis:          Snap his neck!

Sage:            Holy shit [chuckles]!

[Clothes rustle as Eric grabs the man, followed quickly by a sickening crack as he breaks Trench Coat Guy’s neck. A thud as the body collapses.]

Masha:            Oh my god. [gasps] Ew, ew, ew, ew!

Eric:             Ah, fuck!

Lily:           Aw man. I could smell that one die, too.

[Eric groans.]

Masha:            [moans] Oh my god. We just killed somebody again.

Lily:           No, no. Eric killed him, it’s fine.

Masha:            [moans] But I helped.

Eric:             I know. I’m supposed to—

Theo:            [over radio] Are you capturing them? I can’t see anything with the fog.

Eric:             Nope!

Lily:           Eric killed somebody.

Theo:            [over radio] What?

Masha:            Oh my god.

Elle:         How many people die here a week?

Lily:           Again.

Eric:             Uh...

Theo:            [stammers] None! I wha- what?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Man:                Um, hey.

[A thud as Lily tackles him. The man cries out in surprise.]

Lily:           Lay down, motherfucker!

[A second thud is heard as they fall.]

Short Circuit:         Yeah, there’s still one more, guys. Can we just…

Tanner:        Curb stomp him.

[A squelch is heard as Short Circuit stomps on the man’s face. Music stops.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Eric groans in surprise.]

Masha:            Oh, gross! Oh god.

Lily:           [groans] Sick.

Short Circuit:         Just teeth everywhere.

Lily:           Ah, his skull cracked so hard.

Masha:            [moans] I think I’m gonna throw up.

Eric:             I think you opened ’im up like PAC-MAN.

Lily:           Oh, that was real punk rock.

Masha:            [sighs] Oh god.

Elle:         …Is this a regular occurrence here?

[Tanner stifles laughter.]

Lily:           I don’t know, but I think I’m getting used to it.

Eric:             I’m sorry you had to see that.

Sage:            The doors open. Lockdown has been lifted. Roach and Siggy come in.

[The doors clank open one by one. Footsteps tap closer.]

Eric:             Everybody okay?

[Siggy groans.]

Roach:            Whoa!

Siggy:         I haven’t even been in here yet. Wow.

Roach:            Hey, did you just put everything on lockdown?

[Travis laughs, Sage stifles laughter, Emily chuckles.]

Ed, did you just put everything on lockdown?

Short Circuit:         Yeah, we had some, like, narc just run in and try to like— I don’t know what they were doin’, just runnin’ around and sneakin’ around.

Masha:            We just killed two people! We didn’t even know who they were!

Roach:            I knew it. I knew it. Knew it! Knew it! See! What did I say? Some Castletons comin’ in here, tryin’ to wreck up the Fort.

Short Circuit:         Absolutely.

Siggy:         Yeah.

Eric:             We don’t know that that’s who this is. In fact—

Lily:           Yeah. It’s…

Short Circuit:         And we’ll never know.

Masha:            Wait, wait, wait! We—

Siggy:         It’s kind of a clusterfuck, I’m not gonna lie.

Masha:            Well, why don’t we check their pockets for their ID? I’m gonna go check.

Eric:             If one o’ these- if one of these people have bothered to carry ID on them, I’d be pretty surprised.

Masha:            I’m gonna check the left person.

Eric:             I’ll check the right, I guess.

Sage:            Masha goes over to the left. This is the person that Ed [amused] curb stomped. Her and Short Circuit look at the body, and they search around.

[Stat test chime.]

Short Circuit, roll me Personal Mind.

[Dice roll on table.]

Tanner:        1. So…

[Net chime.]

Sage:            You have a 1.

Travis:          [quiet] Oh.

Tanner:        Yup.

Sage:            Yeah, okay. [stifles laughter]

[Tanner chuckles.]

Great. Short Circuit finds an ID. Masha’s not finding anything, but Short Circuit looks at this ID. Some person [stifles laughter] named Steven.

Short Circuit:         You guys know a Steven?

Sage:            Steven Leonard. [snickers]

Short Circuit:         Steven Leonard.

Sage:            Looks like a nice guy.

Short Circuit:         Looks like a nerd.

[Sage stifles laughter. Colton laughs.]

Or used to, at least. Before, you know, the whole curb stomp, teeth, face thing. Um. Anyone? Here pass- here you guys should prob’ly look at this, ’cause you can’t see what he looks like now.

[Clothes rustle as Short Circuit passes the ID to the others.]

Lily:           Um… [sniffs]

Masha:            I’ve never seen ’im before.

Sage:            Just seems like a regular guy. [stifles laughter]

Siggy:         Does it look like anything to you, uh, Roach?

Roach:            No. Don’t think I’ve ever seen this guy— OH! Wait, you know what, he came in— Yeah, no, he came in a few days ago.

Short Circuit:         Uh-huh.

Roach:            Yeah, somethin’ about the battle o’ New York and got involved with some smugglers, but then you know he was gonna try to turn things around. [hesitant] He’s gonna fill in a similar roll to Dr. J since we lost…him.


Short Circuit:         Hmm.

Roach:            Steven.

Short Circuit:         Oh.


Like, uh…like he was wantin’ some protection?

Roach:            Kinda, yeah.

[Masha and Lily groan.]

Siggy:         Well, that worked out.

Masha:            Oh my god…

Short Circuit:         Well, you know, you hang out with the wrong crowd and [quiet] this is what happens.

Masha:            He was by himself!

Door Guy:           His troubles are over now. I mean…

Roach:            Hey, Door Guy.


Elle:         Did you ju— Wait, am I understanding you just killed someone you were supposed to protect?

Masha:            Okay, listen—

Short Circuit:         Yeah, I’m sorry, who’re you?

Eric:             The—

Elle:         I’m Elle.

Roach:            H-holy shit. How the hell’d you get in here?

Elle:         Uh…wha—

Masha:            She snuck in here.

Short Circuit:         Oh, yeah.

Lily:           She climbed. She climbed the fucking balcony.

Door Guy:           She did not come in through the door.

[Emily chuckles.]

Siggy:         Somebody curb stomp her face!

Roach, Eric:        [together] Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Short Circuit:         I got you.

Roach:            Siggy, Siggy, Siggy.

Elle:         Hey, I got a gun.

Roach:            Okay.

Lily:           She does have a gun.

[Roach sighs.]

Elle:         Uh, well, I won’t— Well, I-I know too much now, so you might as well keep me here, right?

Eric:             [quiet] The fuck you tryin’ to do?

Lily:           Why are you here?

Short Circuit:         And how do you two know each other?

Lily:           Yeah, good question.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I’m gonna roll something really quick.

[Dice clatter and roll on table.]

Oh, yay!

[Success chime.]


I just rolled for Steven Leonard.

Tanner:        Oh, no.

Sage:            I rolled full green. Durability and Reality…and he got a critical success.

[Steven gags. A squelch is heard.]

Eric:             WHAT?

[Steven coughs.]

Lily:           Oh, no.

Masha:            Oh Jesus.

Siggy:         Oh shit.

Lily:           Oh my- Theo!

Short Circuit:         Oh guys, we should—

Lily:           Theo!

Eric:             Can you—

Masha:            Theo, can you come down?

Eric:             Can you heal him?

Siggy:         Medic!

Masha:            Oh! I can try to heal him!

Eric:             You healed that gunshot in my leg that one time. That was amazing!

Masha:            Okay.

[Steven coughs.]

Elle:         You heal people?

Masha:            Yes, if I- if I do it just right.

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Shit. I’m turning to steel. Oh god.

Lily:           Oh god. Everybody step back.

[A metallic clang is heard. Masha’s voice sounds as though it’s coming from a steel tube.]

Masha:            Okay, I’ll just sit back.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

I’m gonna cool out for a sec, guys. I’m just- I’m just raw steel.

Sage:            Big metal statue Masha just walks into the corner.

[Masha cries pitifully.]

Siggy:         Wow.

Lily:           [gently] Masha it—

Eric:             That’s the first time that hasn’t worked out for us.

[Sage chuckles.]

Lily:           —it’s- it’s okay. It’s okay.

Theo:            [over radio] Don’t move ’im, I’ll be right down. I’ll be right down!

Sage:            Theo rushes into the room as fast as he can. Steven is coughing on his own teeth. [stifles laughter]

[Footsteps tap as Theo approaches. Masha moans in the background.]

Theo:            Jesus Christ. Uh, yeah…

Lily:           Oh, I’m two for two.

Theo:            Can you hold his legs down for me, please?

[Clothes rustle.]

Thank you.

Elle:         I can help out. I-I did some time overseas.

Theo:            Yeah, yeah!

Short Circuit:         You did some time?

Elle:         Yeah.

Short Circuit:         Where at? San Quentin?

Theo:            Come on. Let’s get to work.

Eric:             D-doctors Without Borders. It was great.

Short Circuit:         Oh.

Elle:         Yes.

Eric:             She’s a real humanitarian.

Short Circuit:         Nice.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Alright, Elle, roll Personal Mind.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Kaitlyn:          3!

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            Great.

Theo:            You’re- you’re doin’ great. Just watch the neck. Just try not— Okay. There we go.

Elle:         Just- so now he can breathe without choking on his insides.

[Labored breathing is heard as Steven gasps for breath.]

Theo:            Exactly.

Elle:         He still needs- gonna need actual, like…

Theo:            Yeah, no, I got a brace. I got a brace. Just a sec.

Elle:         Now he’s just not gonna be dead.

Theo:            Hey, hey buddy.

[Steven coughs.]

I bet you’re in a lot o’ pain. I’m gonna give you something for that.

Steven:        Wh-where’re all my teeth?

Theo:            Just try- try not to move.

Steven:        Where are my teeth?

Theo:            It’s okay.

Steven:        But where are my peef?

Masha:            [tearful] I’ll gather them for you.

Lily:           Masha, Masha. Your hands are too big.

Masha:            [tearful] Okay, I’ll just go in a corner and be frickin’ useless.

[Heavy stomps as she walks away crying.]

Theo:            Here, can you stick ’im with this?

Elle:         Yeah.

[A plink and a thud as Elle jabs Steven with a syringe. Steven groans.]

Steven:        Ouch! I still don’t habe peeth.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Yeah, there’s no shot for that, buddy.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Theo:            And three, two, one.

[Steven sighs in relief.]

Steven:        Hey, did you kick on me in da face?

Short Circuit:         Um…



[Emily stifles laughter.]

Steven:        [tearful] Why?

[Tanner stifles laughter.]

Short Circuit:         Look, kid. Hang out with the wrong crowd and like this trench coat guy that we also killed. I think—

Steven:        Oh, dat’s—

Short Circuit:         I’m just in here tryin’a cull the herd, you know?

Eric:             Actually yeah, not to jump on this, but do you know who this guy was right here?

Steven:        Oh… A bad guy.

[Jessica and Travis stifle laughter.]

Short Circuit:         And how would you know that unless you’re in league with him!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Steven:        What?

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Uh, you look at Steven. He’s [chuckles] he’s dressed in religious robes. Very similar to a trench coat, right?

Eric:             Do you have some kind of god powers? What’s- what’s the shtick? I don’t get it.

Steven:        No, I’m a priest.

[Misadventure music.]

Masha:            [cries] Oh my god, we almost killed a priest!

Siggy:         You know, I forgot we had a priest.

Lily:           Masha, it’s gonna okay.

Eric:             We have a priest?

Short Circuit:         Hey, uh—

Steven:        I thought I’d come and jutht be a pothitive thpirit. My cousin got killed in New York—

Theo:            O-okay, buddy. We’re gonna—

Eric:             Bud—

Theo:            We’re gonna get you up on this stretcher. Just…

[Stretcher clicks as the wheels lock in place.]

Steven:        Okay.

Theo:            Alright, here we go. One, two, three. [grunts]

Steven:        [groans] Wait, really quick. You. You, you, you.

Eric:             Yeah?

Steven:        Did you thop ’im?

[Stifled laughter.]

Eric:             Yeah, buddy.

Steven:        You thopped ’im?

[Stifled laughter.]

Door Guy:           Yes, Father.

Steven:        Hey, hey.

Eric:             Yeah?

Steven:        You my hero.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            [cries] Oh my god. This is so tragic.

Sage:            [amused] They shuffle his gurney out of the planetarium.

Elle:         Oh no.

Eric:             You can try again later.

[Masha cries.]

You can try to heal him again later, it’s fine.

Lily:           Masha, Masha, it’s okay. Shhh.

Siggy:         Sh-should we- should we pray for him?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             I think he’s good.

Lily:           I don’t think we’re allowed to do that.

Roach:            Hey, uh. [clears throat] Short Circuit.

Short Circuit:         Yeah?

Roach:            [hesitant] Maybe you should hang out downstairs. Go back, do your thing.

Short Circuit:         Uh yeah. That’s- that’s fair, I guess. Yeah, totally.

Roach:            Look we appreciate your service, you know, all I’m sayin’ is, you know, I just, uh…

Short Circuit:         Yeah, I really messed some stuff up here.

Roach:            Every time you come up here, everyone starts brawlin’ and we almost just killed a priest, so…

Short Circuit:         Ye- no. It, uh, yeah. Uh-huh, I get it. I get wha- yeah. Uh…

Roach:            Hey, hey, hey. Ed?

Short Circuit:         Yup?

Roach:            We’d be nothin’ without ya.

Short Circuit:         Nah, thanks Roach.

Roach:            Yeah, you got it.

Short Circuit:         Take it easy.

Eric:             Hey, uh, sorry I was a dick.

Short Circuit:         Hey man. You kicked that guy’s ass.

Masha:            [coos] Oh my god you guys are hugging. This is so cute!

Sage:            [chuckles] Hugging hands.

Lily:           Oh, wait, wait, wait! No! That’s not cool, man.

[Short Circuit and Masha gasp.]

Eric:             What? This isn’t gonna tell me anything you can’t figure out by looking at ’im.

[Episode End music.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Ed Helms, aka Short Circuit, was played by special guest Tanner Risner


Guest Spotlight

Sage:           Yay!

[Everyone cheers.]

Emily:          That was punk rock!

Sage:           Now we know Eric can spy on Short Circuit whenever he wants.

Tanner:           Dammit.

Jessica:          Oh, sorry!

Travis:        Ahh! [clicks tongue]

Jessica:          That was my fault!

Sage:           Tanner, thank you so much for doing this.

Tanner:           Yeah! This was great! Thank you guys for having me.

Sage:           Yeah!

Tanner:           It was awesome.

Sage:           Where can the people find you?

Tanner:           You can find me in one place. It’s on Instagram @thetannerrisner

Sage:           Amazing, I’ll put the link in the episode description.

Travis:        Any big tips for other van-lifers out there?

Tanner:           Top tips. Keep bottle on hand. Unless you have a compass and toilet, but those things are expensive. Um. Keep bottle on hand.

Sage:           [chuckles] Nice.

Jessica:          And for those of you really confused why we’re talking about van life.

Sage:           Check out that Patreon episode.

Travis:        Oh shit, that’s right.



After-Credits Scene

[A knock on a door.]

Masha:            Um, Lily?

Lily:           [muffled] Come in.

[Door creaks open.]

Masha:            Hey. Um, I just wanted to check in and, um, I’m sorry that I—

[Gentle music.]

Lily:           I’m sorry too. [sighs] Let’s agree not to fight at 4:30 in the morning. [nervous laugh]

Masha:            Yeah, that’s probably [chuckles] a smart move.

Lily:           I’m- I- I don’t mean to take things out on you, it’s just… I mean, it’s kinda either you or Eric.

Masha:            [nervous laugh] Right. Um…

Lily:           And he’s an easy target. [chuckles]

Masha:            Yes, he is a very easy target.

Lily:           I know you get it. I mean… I- I’m also lonely and I don’t know what to do about it. And looking for Rose makes… I don’t know. It- it’s something.

Masha:            I just want you to know I’m not trying to be a helicopter mom…

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            I’m just scared, and we’re broke and ever since Catalina with my mind power being gone, I…feel like I’m losing a sense of who I am.

Lily:           Yeah, I mean. You should talk to Theo about it, ’cause, I don’t know. It’s just- it’s all so weird. Like, you losing your power, me, I guess, gaining a power. Like, it’s…

Masha:            Do you think it’s, like, related?


Lily:           I don’t know.

Masha:            Oh. Well, um… Thanks for talking with me. You can get back to playing the guitar.

[Lily scoffs in amusement.]

Lily:           Yeah. It’s great. You’re prob’ly the only person who’s ever gonna hear it. [chuckles]

Masha:            Well you’re get- you’re- it’s getting really good.

[Lily scoffs in amusement.]

Lily:           Alright, well…

Masha:            Okay. Anyway. I’ll- I’ll go, um, I have to get ready for my shift. So I’ll see you in a- in a bit.

Lily:           Okay.

Masha:            Okay.

[Door clicks shut. Lily gently plays a riff on her electric guitar (Sisters Motif).]



Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Guitar playing ends.]


Teaser Announcement

Sage:           And now for a special announcement.


[Upbeat music.]

Narrator:           Are you ready? ’Cause it’s time! We are so excited to present to you the newest series from 20 Sided Stories. Thomas the Tank Engine!

[Train whistle blows.]

In this improvised railroad RPG, you’ll meet three new beloved trains. Starring Emily Ervolina.

Harriet:           It’s me, Harriet the tank engine!

Narrator:           Jessica Dalghren.

Olivia:          Good morrow! My name is Olivia!

Narrator:           And Travis Reaves.

Nathan:         I’m Nathan Train of the circus domain! I’m a struggling actor.

Narrator:           Together they’ll embark on a locomotive fiasco and do cool train things!

Harriet:           Oh, how wonderful to be a steam-powered locomotive on such a beautiful spring day!

Olivia:          I am here to bring you bread today. Yum, yum, yum!

Nathan:         What d’you mean they’re switchin’ to renewable energy?

Narrator:           A fun podcast comedy to brighten your day! With wonderfully clever cast performances.

Olivia:          Oh no! My tracks are all rusted!

Nathan:         I’ve been pickin’ up acting tips from the sword swallowers and the hobos that have been jumpin’ on the rail car. I use the tigers as scene partners.

Harriet:           My engine is revving in delight!

Emily:          Is that too sexual?

Narrator:           Original characters, parody, satire, fan-fiction, and completely unmarketable artsy nonsense! All the things that make a 20 Sided Story what it is.

Harriet:           What a cheeky engine that Percy is.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Olivia:          Get that fire exit door. I’m off.

Taunting Train:         Nathan, you’re dumb. Trains can’t be actors.

Nathan:         You sound like my father! You just wait. Once I’m done carting around this entire circus, I’m gonna choo my way straight to Hollywood and be a big-time star!

Narrator:           And this time, appropriate for all ages!

Nathan:         Fuckin’ asshole!

Narrator:           Oh! Whoopsie!

Olivia:          Thomas, would you like to come by my tunnel for some tea and biscuits?

Harriet:           Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, choo, choo!

Narrator:           Premiering probably eventually sometime vaguely in the future with completely unrealistic deadlines, but amazingly immersive steam-train sound design!

[Train whistle blows.]

Nathan:         Thomas gets all the attention, but nobody knows what a self-absorbed prick he used to be! It’s all an act!

Harriet:           Oh no! It looks like the tracks end here. Where ever will I go?

Olivia:          I’m absolutely gutted!

Narrator:           Thomas the Tank Engine. A railroad RPG. Look for it out on Luminary.

Nathan:         Viva la revolucion!

[Train squeals to a stop.]



Sage:           Yeah. April fools.

#6 - Nonstop Printing (w/ Micah Martinez)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 6 - Nonstop Printing

Air Date: April 27, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               HooWa! Good afternoon, Los Angeles. It’s me, The News! And I’m in the captain’s chair ready and rarin’ to go.

[Clears throat.]

Just read a new article on Medium. I hate Medium, man. I always check it every morning lookin’ for news, because it’s one o’ the only outlets that’s still publishing new articles given all the terrible stuff that’s been happening in the world. And, uh, Medium’s got this new puff piece up here on the Fort and their poster team [sighs]. Let’s call them the ScAvengers. Talkin’ about how great, grand, and wonderful they are. They’re apparently doing shopping for blind kids, they’re knockin’ over mafia dons, they’re cleaning up toxic waste. I don’t know what the hell these people are actually doing.

All I know is they believe they can make up their own rules about what’s right and wrong. They’re vigilantes, alright? There’s nothing new. I’ve been in this business a long time. I’ve seen a lot o’ vigilantes, and I know how it always ends. With innocent people getting hurt!

[sighs] I’ve taken some heat personally for some remarks I’ve made about S.H.I.E.L.D. back in the old days, and I just want to clarify the remarks I made. S.H.I.E.L.D., as I said, had some political problems in the top brass. But that didn’t necessarily filter down to everybody who had their boots on the ground.

And I just want to point out, if anybody here’s ever worked for a company and thought that the corporation they were working for was evil, but didn’t do anything about it, that’s the most normal thing in the world! And what I’d like to point out is, without S.H.I.E.L.D. what did we get? Half the population of the planet got murdered. And that’s not an exaggeration. That’s not even a joke. That’s just a fact. Half the population got murdered.

So the point I’m tryin’a make to people, before you start enjoying the Fort—I’m calling them the Fort Frickers, because I’m tryin’a watch my language this year and if I swear accidentally, I’m sorry if it slips out—but remember if a superhero can do whatever they want and choose which laws they obey, do we still technically have a democracy?

So before you start fondling all over the Fort remember that these people are waging a war in the streets. And it’s an anti-democracy war at all our expense.

And now, I’d like to bring you over to weather, uh, it’s sunny. Thank you.



[Door creaks open. Suspenseful music.]

Mysterious Man:         Status?

Lackey:        The double agent…uh. He’s dead. He didn’t come back, and we got a confirmed kill. Just…out in the dumpster.

[Mysterious Man sighs.]


Mysterious Man:         Then we need more recruits. A lot more. Every starry-eyed undergrad. Every unemployed drifter. Every desperate young soul. We will provide a home for them. A purpose for them. You understand?

Lackey:        Yes. I— Yes, of course.

Mysterious Man:         Good.

Lackey:        We did get something.

Mysterious Man:         Is that so?


Episode 6 – Nonstop Printing

[Action music.]

Bart:               I’m sorry to harp on this point, but the only other thing in the news really is that a quote unquote “villain”—who’s actually more of a burn-out and a has-been who’s off his meds—named Gun Hand Man has allegedly robbed a bank in Anaheim and escaped into Disneyland.



[Running footsteps stomp and scuff to a halt.]

Lily:           Oh, we’re in. Uh…

Masha:            I’m surprised no one’s here besides Gun Hand Man.

Lily:           We have to bring Short Circuit when we come back.

Masha:            Oh, yeah.

Eric:             Oh, that’d be fun.

Lily:           So he can turn everything on.

Narrator:         Time is passing our heroes by. Masha Mirova aka Roulette, Lily Kline aka Bloodhound, and Eric Stanton aka Scry, collectively the ScAvengers, are gaining a reputation. Picking up bigger and bigger jobs to help the greater good.

Masha:            Oh, I think I see somebody! I think I see him on the Matterhorn.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           Are you sure that’s not a yeti?

[A gunshot rings out and a bullet hits the dirt nearby. Masha and Lily cry out.]

Eric:             Jesus!

Gun Hand Man:        [distant] Hey!

[Masha and Lily cry out.]

Eric:             Huh?

Gun Hand Man:        [distant] Stay back ScAvengers!

Lily:           Oh, he knows who we are!

Masha:            You know- wow, hi! Uh…

Gun Hand Man:        [distant] I’ve heard of you. You’re not taking my money!

Narrator:         With the help of the independent press, the Fort has placed itself among the eyes of lowly heroes and Accord supporters all across the greater Los Angeles area.

Lily:           Gun Hand Man!

Eric:             Hey, Gun Hand Man!

Masha:            Gun Hand Man!

Lily:           Come out with your…hands up? Your guns up?

Eric:             Gun Hand Man! Gun Hand Man who snuck into Disneyland man!

Lily:           Just come here so we can fight you!

Gun Hand Man:        [distant] Never!

[Gunshots ring out and bullets ricochet.]

Masha:            Let’s go on the Matterhorn!

Lily:           Let’s fuckin’- let’s fuck up these bobsleds and go get ’im.

Masha:            Yeah!

Eric:             I’m gonna go climb the mountain. See ya there.

[Running footsteps fade.]

Lily:           Masha, get in, put your seatbelt on.

Narrator:         But as they level up their rep, Lily and Masha also continue to see their powers change for reasons unknown.

Lily:           Man, Rose used to love this ride.

Masha:            Wait a minute.

[Metal bangs. An echoing creak draws out. Noise begins to warble. Lily and Masha’s thoughts echo.]

Lily:           Oh, no. [sighs] Oh god [sniffs].

Masha:            [groans] Oh not again. Alright, steel this time, I guess.

[Noise returns to normal. Masha sighs.]

Did we both just…

Lily:           Oh my god the wind! [gasps] I can feel all of my arm hairs moving. Oh no. Do I have…

Masha:            Lily.

[Roller-coaster clicks as it begins to move.]

Lily:           Am I Spiderman now?

Masha:            Lily, wait what happened?

Lily:           I don’t know what’s going on. We can talk about it later. Yeah. Table it.

[Roller-coaster clicks as it rises]

Masha:            Oh, looks like we’re going anyway.

Narrator:         Eric too still struggles to pin down the cult that’s targeting his life, but for the three of them, the truth is inching itself closer and closer.

Gun Hand Man:        Hey!

Eric:             Yup.

Gun Hand Man:        Stand back!

Eric:             Look, man. You got nowhere to go.

[Masha and Lily’s screams get closer.]

Lily:           Jump! Jump!

Masha:            Watch out!

[A thud as Masha and Lily land on the platform with the others. Gun Hand Man grunts as Masha lands on top of him.]

[laughs] We got you now!

Eric:             I had him! I didn’t need to get- go-god dammit. Asshole, come here!

[A scuffle as Eric grabs the man and takes his guns.]

Gun Hand Man:        Hey, no! No!

Eric:             Yeah. I’ve got your gun-hands now. I’ve got your gun-hands.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Gun Hand Man:        Not my gun hands!

Eric:             You’re just Man at this point.

Lily:           I’m just gonna punch ’im! I’m gonna punch ’im really hard!

[A thud as Lily punches Gun Hand Man in the nose.]

Gun Hand Man:        Ow!

Narrator:         Together, and in their own scrappy way, the ScAvengers are making their mark and doing their part to offset the blight of the Snap.

[Music quiets.]

Eric:             Okay, can we go? Did we get ’im?

Gun Hand Man:        Damn you, ScAvengers! Damn you!

Lily:           Shut up! You’re, like, the worst villain.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Gun Hand Man:        Fuck off, I was born this way.

Eric:             That’s actually pretty insensitive.

Gun Hand Man:        Look at my hands. Look at them! You think I would choose this life?

Lily:           Buddy, you could’a had ’em, like, replaced. There’s technology. Both of ’em—

Gun Hand Man:        That’s what the money was for!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             He’s like the free health clinic version of the Weapon X program.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

[Lily sighs.]

Lily:           Well, did anyone bring [hesitant] handcuffs…for his gun-hands?

[Handcuffs click.]

Gun Hand Man:        [sighs] Both fuckin’ suck. I hate you guys.

[Sage and Travis stifle laughter.]

Masha:            Hit ’im again.

[A swish and a thud as Masha punches him.]

Gun Hand Man:        Ow!

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Good job, Masha.



[Muffled rock music from a band playing inside the Fort.]

Narrator:         A few days later, things are good and our heroes are looking out to the skyline on the balcony of the Fort.

Eric:             You know, it’s been a pretty okay couple o’ weeks around here.

Lily:           Yeah. This week has not sucked.

Masha:            It was really nice going to Disneyland.

[Eric chuckles.]

For a quick moment.

Lily:           Yeah, we should definitely go back.

Eric:             And bring, uh, uh, uh, Gaff Tape, uh…

Masha:            Short Circuit.

Eric:             Yeah!

Lily:           Yeah, your best friend.

[Masha snickers.]

Eric:             Yeah, we’ve been getting a lot of good stuff done. Like this work we’ve been doing. These jobs we’ve been goin’ on. Like, we’re starting to effect some real change and, like, even the Fort seems like everything- like they’re- everybody’s getting their shit together.

Sage:            It’s a little cleaner! They got a Roomba!

Eric:             They got a Roomba. One Roomba for the entire Griffith Observatory!

[Lily and Masha chuckle.]

Like, we’re startin’ to make some friends around here, you’re not kicked outta school yet. That’s good.

Lily:           Yeah. You can thank Henry for that. He somehow managed to get us school credit for hero work?

[Masha scoffs happily.]

Masha:            Henry’s just the sweetest.

Eric:             Yeah. I think I see him. Hey, Henry! Hey!

Henry:             [distant] uh, I’m busy! I just- I turned the kitchen into steam, so I’m gonna fix it, and then I can go later.

Eric:             Oh, okay. He’s busy. How’s the… You still feelin’ like a raw nerve? This whole touch…enhanced touch thing?

Lily:           Yeah, I mean, it’s- it’s definitely, like, weirdest when I wake up in the morning and I forget that I have it and it’s, like, oh god sheets. But…

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

I don’t know. I guess I’m kinda getting used to it. In a weird way, it’s not as bad as, like, hearing. ’Cause hearing is just overwhelming, but with the touch at least I feel like, I don’t know, like, more attuned to what’s going on. I don’t hate it. And I feel like Spiderman. Which I also don’t hate. Surprisingly. ’Cause I hate most things.

Eric:             Word.

Lily:           Puberty is rough.

Eric:             Okay. Yeah [stifles laughter].

Masha:            I’ve been going to therapy.



Lily:           Oh.

Masha:            It’s okay. My therapist told me to be honest and upfront and proud of it.

Lily:           I thought you were dating someone.

Masha:            No [sighs].

Eric:             I thought you couldn’t do that. You can’t date your therapist, right? You’re not…

Masha:            No! It was something that I didn’t- I wasn’t…um… I’m proud of it now. I just, um.

Lily:           Yeah, I mean, like, no- no shame at all. Just yeah. You didn’t tell me.

Masha:            Um, yeah, no I-I… Just ever since I lost my steel power on the Matterhorn I’ve been feeling pretty reserved and kind of…shamed by it. But I’m trying not to be that way.

Lily:           Did you…did you, like, choose like the last time? Did you smoke weed?

Masha:            No! So—

Eric:             If that happens every time you smoke weed, you should stop smoking weed.

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            Yeah, no, I thought that’s what it was. I smoked weed once and it didn’t happen, and then it happened, and I wasn’t high. So process of elimination. I just- I don’t- I can go inward and I-I just know it’s not there anymore. Which, yeah, I chose that because, um… I don’t know. It’s just, I’m tired of being really destructive, and that one was pretty destructive [nervous chuckle]. Um…

Lily:           Okay. Uh, h- are you…

Masha:            I’m talkin’ to Theo about it as well. We’re tryin’ to figure out. I don’t e- ’cause I don’t even know why I’m like this anyway, um, and my therapist has been really great and, like, tryin’a help me with that as well, ’cause I don’t know.

Lily:           [hesitant] Yeah, I wasn’t sure if I should say anything, but the ticking in your chest is…slower.

Masha:            Yeah, it’s still very alarming that my body ticks [nervous chuckle]. No one really knows what that means, so… Um, anyway. Yeah, that’s all I know. And I will tell you if I know more.

Eric:             That’s…

Lily:           Okay.

Eric:             That’s great. And whatever you’re—

Lily:           Thank- thank you for sharing. Yeah.

Eric:             Yeah, that’s—

Masha:            I just want us to be honest with each other.


Eric:             Yeah.



[Gentle guitar music.]

Sage:            We cut outside the Griffith Observatory. Somebody approaches to the door. He’s alone, doesn’t quite remember how he got up here, but he knows he came up here for a reason. He heard about it. Door Guy sees him approach.

[Footsteps scuff to a halt.]

Door Guy:           What’s the password?

Man:                Who’re you?

Door Guy:           I am [assertive] Door Man.

Man:                Alright, looky here guy, um, I—

Door Man:           Door Man.

Man:                Guy, um—

Door Man:           [slowly] Door. Man.

Man:                Door person. That’s the best you’re gettin’.

Door Man:           Close enough.

Man:                Alright. Um—

Door Man:           No, that was the password. You can come on in.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Man:                Oh! O-okay.

Door Man:           Welcome to the Fort. I’m working on my shpeal because I’m taking on a lot more responsibility. I’m moving up in the management structure.

Man:                Oh, there’s management here?

Door Man:           Is this your first time at the Fort?

Man:                I don’t know where I am right now, so…

Door Man:           You’re at the Fort.

Man:                I heard. Thank you. Um—

Door Man:           This is a place where people with powers can come together, powwow, and potluck and have all kinda good time.

[Jessica stifles a laugh.]

Man:                Okay, yeah, so that was my question. So like—

Door Man:           Come on in!

Man:                Okay.

Sage:            Cranks open the door.

[Door Man makes “Chch” noises as the door cranks open.]

[Jessica laughs.]

[Footsteps tap.]

And as Spencer walks into the Fort, pretty cool there’s lots of stuff on the walls. It’s totally different than Griffith Observatory.

Door Man:           I’m prob’ly gonna have to close the door behind you, okay?

[Footsteps scuff to a stop.]

Spencer:         That’s fine.

[Door Man makes “Chch” noises as the door cranks shut.]

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            He looks to his left, and Spencer sees a group hanging out. Three heroes who are then joined by— What does Theo look like?

Chad:         [stifles laughter] Theo wears, like, Birkenstocks and sweats and, like, a robe.

Jessica:          Oh.

[Stifled laughter.]

Travis:          With a pony tail?

Chad:         Hair’s definitely real shaggy.

Sage:            Three heroes are then joined by—

Travis:          Some fuckin’ hippie.


Sage:            In Birkenstocks and some robe. He’s- he’s a chill guy. But we all know it’s Theo. Gift Bag is his nickname and Theo is his real name.

Theo:            Hey, I think I figured it out.

Lily:           Really?

Theo:            It’s not what it looks like. It’s not a form suit.

[Clothes rustle as Theo shows off a suit.]

But it’s kind of a form suit. I think this’ll help with the touch thing. It’ll help keep out the senses you don’t want.

Lily:           Oh.

Theo:            I-I mean it’s a prototype, but it- it should mitigate it a little bit. You’ll still be aware. You won’t be overwhelmed. I hope. I mean I think it’s gamma. I’m pretty sure it’s connected to gamma.

Lily:           O-okay. So…

Theo:            I didn’t, like, there’s no color to it in particular. I don’t know what- you guys aren’t at the point where you’re tryin’a pick out color schemes but, like, if you want we could.

Lily:           Um, I think- I don’t know. I feel like my- my color scheme’s kind of, like...blood red.

[Masha chuckles.]

Theo:            I-I was gonna go with that, but I—

Lily:           It also helps ’cause, like, if other people bleed on me, like, I don’t have to wash it.

Theo:            Ah, I really worry about you guys.

Masha:            [tsks] You probably should wash it. Is it dry clean?

Eric:             Is that a Body Glove logo on it?

Sage:            Spencer approaches the group.

[Footsteps scuff closer.]

Theo:            Uh, hi!

Spencer:         [hesitant] Hey.

Theo:            I don’t think we’ve met. I-I’m Theo.

Spencer:         Oh, yeah, I’m, um, um, my name’s Spencer. Um, yeah.

Theo:            Spencer.

Spencer:         Hi. I don’t know what’s going on, but my friend said to come here and then there’s this weird person at the door that is loud as hell and now here I am.

Eric:             Did he make a sound like “chug, chug, chug, chug” when he—

Spencer:         For whatever reason he decided to do that today.

Eric:             ’S Door Man. No, no, no, that’s every day [stifles laughter].

Spencer:         Okay.

Masha:            Yeah, he does it all the time.

Lily:           All the time.

Spencer:         Oh! Oh.

Masha:            It’s a coping mechanism.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Spencer:         Okay. Um, that’s good. Good for him. Um…

Eric:             Who’s your friend that told you to come here?

Spencer:         Uh… So I can do this thing where I can just make things happen, and then I start forgetting stuff. So I know that this person is my friend because they said that they were, and they said to come here because you guys might be able to help me, and that’s…

[Muffled rock music plays.]

Eric:             Ah.

Spencer:         That’s all I got.

Eric:             Prob’ly Elle’s article.

Masha:            Yeah. Probably.

Lily:           So you have powers?

Spencer:         Yeah.

Eric:             And you n-need help?

Spencer:         Yeah. Yeah.

Theo:            O-okay. Do you wanna- do you wanna come into my lab? We—

Spencer:         That sounds weird. What?

[Sage chuckles. Jessica stifles laughter.]

Theo:            I’m so sorry.

Eric:             Yeah, you gotta—

Theo:            It used to be- it used to be the gift shop, um…

Eric:             You gotta come on a little softer with these things.

Spencer:         That’s still gettin’ weird.

Theo:            [sighs] It’s…you know—

Lily:           He- he’s really nice.

Spencer:         Okay.

Lily:           Like, I’m a young woman and he’s never touched me so we’re probably—

Theo:            Not even close.

Eric:             And again, you always bring it back to that.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Lily:           It’s hard out here for a teenage girl.

Masha:            She’s not wrong.

[Footsteps tap as the group moves to the lab.]

Theo:            Y-you said memory. Do you know how long this has been going on?

Spencer:         I mean, I know it’s been since the world went to shit, basically. But um…

Theo:            ’Kay.

Spencer:         Before that I was just, like, normal. I would just make stuff. Like, I mean, like with my hands. Like, I-I write- I like—

Theo:            And now you make things with your mind.

Spencer:         Yeah. Yeah. And I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know how to make it not go on. But it happens. And it happens a lot more frequently now.

Eric:             Spencer, when you say make things, do you mean, like, do you- do you make real, like, things? Like what you think of? Or is it—

Spencer:         Real, tangible, hold them, like—

Lily:           Can you show us?

Spencer:         If I show you I might forget you. So, um, if that’s—

Theo:            [stammers] Let’s hold— I mean I think you found— Th-these- this is Scry, this is Roulette, and this is Bloodhound.

Eric:             Hi.

Theo:            Bloodhound got her abilities during the Snap.

Spencer:         Okay.

Eric:             Um, Roulette, it’s a roulette any time you try to use your abilities and if you need a peer group…

I mean, I’m doing research in this, but it’s- it’s a long process. I-I’ve got a few avenues narrowed down. I could try to help if you’re interested, but that might be a little… That might not be short-term enough for you.

[Lab music. A door creaks open and then shut.]

Sage:            We go into the lab. We finally arrive, we see all of Theo’s tech. It’s all been upgraded. Basically some street agents, you know, in the Fort have done what they can to, like, scavenge different kinds of technology and upgrading things. His database is still a little outdated. It’s still the old version. The pre-Hydra S.H.I.E.L.D. database, but he has access to that. So he boots up his machine, um, and he has the ability to run a test.

[Computer beeps as it boots up. A mouse clicks a few times. Chair squeaks as Theo rolls around the room in it.]

Theo:            If you’re comfortable, most people do just a very short blood test. Barely more than what a, you know, diabetes test would be. It’s…

Eric:             Spencer, how can we help you?

Spencer:         I just don’t know what’s going on, dude. Like, I’m… I feel like everything’s upside down and I don’t know how to, like, not make it that way. Especially ’cause I don’t really remember where I’m from.

[Masha gasps quietly. Gentle guitar music plays.]

I don’t remember wh…stuff before this. And, um, and it’s scary, but I know if I can make stuff happen then I’d like to hopefully make something good out of it or maybe at least stop forgetting every goddamn thing in my life [nervous chuckle].

Masha:            You’re literally, like, speaking my soul right now.

[Spencer chuckles nervously.]

I really under- I feel that. Um, you can hang out with us today, if you want.

Theo:            Yeah, maybe if you’re having memory issues, being around a few others who can keep track of you and vouch for y— I can vouch for these three. Th-they’ve done a lot of good. And I-I can run a- start with a blood test. A quick scan and get back to you maybe by the end o’ the day I can at least have, like, an avenue.

Spencer:         O-okay.

Theo:            Okay. Little- little finger prick.

Spencer:         O-okay.

Theo:            Alright. Took it like a champ.

[Chair creaks as Theo scoots back.]

Okay. I’m gonna get to work on this, guys. Call me if you need anything.

Eric:             Yeah. We’ll, uh, we’ll show you around.

Spencer:         Cool.

Lily:           Yeah, we’ll give you a tour.

Sage:            And we walk through the Cosmic Connection. You get back upstairs. It’s very tranquil for a moment.

[Calming background noise.]

Eric:             This is the Cosmic Connection.

Lily:           It’s very tranquil. For a moment.

[Voice whispers “Cosmic Connection”.]

Eric:             Ignore all the profanity on the walls.

[Voice whispers “Eat shit”.]

Lily:           Yeah, eat shit’s kind of like a…

Masha:            Our slogan.

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             So—

Lily:           Not our slogan, but like the- the…

Eric:             The battle cry.

Lily:           Yeah.

Spencer:         I like that slogan.

Sage:            And we exit the Cosmic Connection.

[Gentle guitar music.]

And we’re back upstairs, and we’re standing outside the planetarium, kind of in that main entrance hall.

Spencer:         What’s that little circle thing on the floor over there?

Masha:            [quiet] Um…

Lily:           [quiet] What?

[Roomba whirs as it moves around the room.]

Spencer:         It’s like a vacuum?

Masha:            Oh, it’s the- it’s our Roomba.

Lily:           Oh, yeah.

Masha:            Have you seen a Roomba before?

Spencer:         Uh…maybe.

Masha:            Oh! Right. Okay, this is a Roomba. It’s kinda like a vacuum but it’s like a little robot, and it, like, roams around. It has these little S-Swiffer arms that just, like—

Eric:             It’s like if a dog ate trash but you didn’t yell at it.

Spencer:         I love that.

Masha:            And it bumps into walls sometimes.

Spencer:         [chuckles] Like that too. Okay.

Lily:           We- we named it Tony Stark.

Spencer:         Wait, he’s, uh, he’s one o’ the- the Avengers. Right?

Masha:            Yes.

Lily:           Yeah! Good job!

Spencer:         Okay. I remember, like, some stuff. But not like…

Lily:           Okay, cool.

Eric:             He was sort o’ captain o’ the ship. He’s… Does anybody know where he went?

Masha:            I think he, like, went into the woods or something. That’s what I heard. I heard he, like, went into the woods—

Lily:           I thought he went to space? I don’t know.

Masha:            Oh.

Eric:             Maybe he’s at sea.

Lily:           I get all my information from Henry.

[Roomba makes vague, electronic speaking noises.]

Masha:            Oh. This Roomba also talks [stifles laughter]. Normal Roombas don’t, but this one does.

Lily:           Yeah. Theo’s good with tech and Short Circuit really did a number on this one.

Eric:             Someone else who works here.

Spencer:         Okay.

Eric:             Yeah.

Spencer:         I was just about to ask. Um—

Eric:             So where- where you from?

Spencer:         Um… Is “around” an answer? I mean, like, I—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

—I remember—

Eric:             You get that a lot around here.

[Micah stifles laughter.]

People are pretty cagey with personal info. Sorry for bein’ so invasive.

Spencer:         Oh, you’re fine. I remember I was, like, from out east when I was younger.

Masha:            Oh, wow.

Spencer:         And then it kinda gets dicey memory-wise when I start getting into my late teens, early twenties.

Lily:           How old are you now?

Spencer:         Um, now I’m…

Masha:            Oh no.

Spencer:         [mumbles] That’s a fun question.

Eric:             Age is a number. It’s whatever. Here, we’ll introduce you to some more o’ the people around here. There’s uh…

[Footsteps tap as someone approaches.]

Sage:            And right on cue, Siggy approaches.

Siggy:         Hey, kids.

Eric:             Hey!

Siggy:         How’s it goin’?

Lily:           Hey, adult.

Siggy:         Alright.

[Micah stifles laughter.]

Masha:            This is- this is Siggy!

Spencer:         Hi, Siggy.

Siggy:         Uh, hey. Uh, who’s- who- who’re you?

Spencer:         Um, uh, Spencer.

Siggy:         Spencer?

Spencer:         Yeah.

Siggy:         Alright. Who’s Spencer, kids?

Eric:             Spencer’s, uh, comin’ in here for a sort of a routine checkup.

Lily:           He’s cool. He’s with us.

Siggy:         Alright, alright. Well, I’ll trust you. Well, listen. We got a- a request in. Are you guys up for a job?

Masha:            Yeah! Yeah.

Lily:           I mean, I…

Masha:            As the ScAvengers. Is that what—

Lily:           We’re the [enunciates] Scavengers!

Siggy:         Are we- boy, you’re stickin’ with that?

Lily:           It’s Scavengers!

Eric:             We’re keeping that?

Lily:           It’s cooler when it’s Scavengers!

Siggy:         Scavengers is cooler.

Eric:             That asshole disk jockey is gonna name—

Lily:           We’re gonna reclaim it from the man!

Siggy:         But that voice, though. Man.

Eric:             It’s really nice.

Spencer:         I mean the first one sounds like some sort of disease, right?

Masha:            Yeah.

Lily:           ScAvenger. Yeah.

Eric:             ScAvengerosis.

Lily:           The ScAbies.

Masha:            I think I mighta been saying it wrong. He said it so weird. I think it was to mock the Avengers.

Lily:           He said it ’cause he was making- yeah. He was making fun of us.

Eric:             Yeah.

Masha:            Yeah. Okay. Well, Scavengers. We’re the Scavengers.

Lily:           But, hold on, like—

Eric:             [mumbles] If I ever see that guy…

Lily:           —we are sort of in charge of Spencer right now. Like, are we just gonna take a job?

Eric:             [hesitant] I’ve- in charge of- we’re just showin’ ’im around—

Lily:           Well—

Siggy:         Uh, it’s actually, as you mention it, it’s a four-person gig, so…

Lily:           Oh.

Siggy:         If you have the fourth person might as well put him to use. Assuming that he is capable…

Lily:           [hesitant] Are you comfortable using your powers?

Spencer:         Eh, sure.

Eric:             Wanna go for a ride-along?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Spencer:         Yeah.

Lily:           Yeah, just- just come with.

Spencer:         I’ll just watch.

Lily:           You don’t have to do anything. Don’t worry.

Masha:            And you don’t necessarily have to use your powers. Just, like, it’s a four-person job. So, like… But if you wanna use ’em, you totally can. No pressure. Like, no worries.

Lily:           Yeah. Like, see what we do.

Spencer:         O-okay.

Lily:           Yeah, yeah.

Eric:             Maybe- let’s—

Siggy:         You’ll have an opportunity. First mission with the big dogs.

Masha:            Yeah. And, like, Eric barely uses his powers with us anyway, so it’s like, you know.

Eric:             [bitter] Because every time I even mention it, I get shit for it. So, you know.

Spencer:         Wait, what’s your power?

Lily:           Wha- sorry. What’d you mention?

Eric:             Um.

Masha:            His powers.

Lily:           Oh!

Eric:             I—’cause we’re all being honest—whenever I make physical contact with somebody, at any point in time after that I can, uh, tap into their senses and watch them like TV.

Spencer:         Okay. So you stay over there.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             Yeah. Yeah, I get that.

Lily:           Same.

[Anticipation music.]

Siggy:         So this one feels like a real crisis to me. There’s a printing company. Have y’all heard of Nonstop Printing?

Masha:            [hesitant] Yeah.

Lily:           [hesitant] No.

Spencer:         Mmm…

Masha:            Wait, isn’t it on Santa Monica?

Siggy:         Yeah. Santa Monica. Yeah, exactly right. You know your geography.

Eric:             Print shop?

Siggy:         Yeah, so Nonstop Printing. It’s a very literal name. Before now they have never stopped printing. But now they have stopped printing, and it’s a problem. And it’s…

Masha:            It’s a crisis?

Siggy:         I mean, it’s a big deal. They have stopped printing.

Spencer:         Is it, like, new management?

Eric:             Has something stopped them?

Lily:           Are we, like, saving trees or something?

Eric:             That’s—

Lily:           Also, who needs a print shop right now? In the world we live in?

Siggy:         Are you kidding me? With everything that’s happening, you’re willing to lose a print shop?

Spencer:         I mean, we still have cell phones.

Siggy:         Oh my god.

Masha:            Well…

Eric:             Siggy, this feels like—

Siggy:         [quiet] Fucking kids these days.

Eric:             —something a little more personal. Like, you might have an attachment to dead formats and, like… Is this your job, or is this the Fort’s job?

Siggy:         No. This was- this was put up on the board, alright. I’m not, you know- but it’s- it was like, you know, a big red stamp. Like, it’s fuckin’ urgent.

Eric:             Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. I know. You stam- but you have the stamp, don’t you?

[Jessica stifles laughter. Sage chuckles.]

Masha:            Well…

Lily:           This is a—

Siggy:         Just because I have the stamp—

Lily:           This has, like, a special place in your heart.

Siggy:         Alright, fine. Fine! Fine. Yes, alright. I have a- I have a vested interest in this shop. It’s run by some friends.

Masha:            Uh…

Lily:           [quiet] What kind of friends?

Eric:             Okay. [fast] Are they in trouble? What the- what do- what’s the- what’re we gonna go do?

Lily:           Is somebody in bodily harm?

Masha:            Do they just need to hire a repairman? Is the printer broken?

Siggy:         Oh my god.

Spencer:         What is… Do we need an on switch?

Siggy:         I don’t know, alright?

[Pot lid clanks open.]

Soup Guy:         Low-carb soup?

[Stifled laughter.]

Siggy:         I have been try—

Masha:            Soup Guy, no, not today. Thank you, though.

Lily:           No!

Soup Guy:         [disappointed] Mmm.

[Pot lid clanks shut quietly. Soup Guy shuffles away.]

Siggy:         Some friends of mine requested that I send a team over to check out the Nonstop Printing shop for them.

Spencer:         Did they try turning it off and turning it back on again?

Eric:             That was gonna be my next question.

Siggy:         I’m assuming they probably did but, you know, that’s your job to find out.

Spencer:         Oh.

Eric:             Dude, you don’t have an IT— Are we your IT team too? Come on?

Siggy:         We don’t actually have an IT team, so yes.

Eric:             Alright we’ll talk about that when we get back.

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Siggy:         You kids are gettin’ fuckin’ picky now.

Masha:            Uh, we—

Lily:           Well, just…[scoffs]

Masha:            We- we were on the radio.

Spencer:         I’m new.

Eric:             And you’re gettin’ pretty fuckin’ choosy.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Siggy:         Well…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Masha, can you roll me Soul.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          Yup.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            You wholeheartedly trust Siggy.

Jessica:          Yeah.

Sage:            You know he has never lied to you. Every job he’s given the three of you has been something that has at least led to something important. And you guys get the best work. So even though this is personal for him, you know that he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t think it was something that needed to be done. Also, he gave it to you guys. Nobody else.

[Gentle guitar music.]

Masha:            Hey, hey, guys. Um, you know what? I— So my therapist wants me to be more honest, as I said, um, but I have the most, uh, natural instincts of the three of us. Like, my intuition is the better one. It is. It’s a fact. And—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Uh—

Masha:            I’m just- I’m sorry. Don’t look at me like that, Eric. You look offended, but it’s just- it’s just the truth. Um, I may be indecisive sometimes, but I just… Siggy I trust you. And I don’t think he would send us on something that isn’t pointless. Maybe something personal in his life, but you know, we- I—

Siggy:         Well, it’s also important.

Masha:            You’re a friend! You’re a friend to me, and you’re a friend to us.

Siggy:         I appreciate that.

Masha:            And we- we will do this.

Siggy:         I consider you my friends.

Lily:           [irked] Okay, we’re going! Fine!

Siggy:         These are my friends. Friends in need. Friends of friends. One- one last thing, kids. When you get there, if anybody asks, tell ’em the lizardmen sent you.

Masha:            The lizard…

Spencer:         The— Who?

Masha:            Are you the lizardman?

Lily:           Wait…

Eric:             Let’s just not read into this.

[Sage chuckles.]

Let’s go.

Siggy:         Lizardmen. Men.

Lily:           Wait…

Masha:            Men. Oh.

Eric:             Nope. We’re gonna go. Give me that map!

Lily:           [loud] Like the lizard people of L.A. that live in the tunnels?!

Eric:             [shouts] We’re going!

[Emily chuckles.]

Siggy:         Good luck kids.

[Footsteps tap as the group leaves.]

Sage:            Our trio, joined by Spencer, exits the building and they pass Agent Fragrant along the way, who’s going to enter the Fort.

[Lily inhales deeply. Masha quietly groans.]

Dan:             You guys gonna do a job?

Lily:           [awed] Oh, I smelled him from a mile away.

Masha:            We—

Eric:             Yeah!

Dan:             [resigned] Hey, Lily.

Eric:             We got somethin’ for Siggy.

Lily:           [quiet] Hi, Dan.

Eric:             Somethin’ real important only to him.

Masha:            Listen, Daniel. We’re doing a four-person job and this is our new friend Spencer. He’s pretty awesome.

Spencer:         Hi.

Masha:            And he’s going to be joining us.

Dan:             Nice you meet you, Spencer.

Spencer:         Nice to meet you.

Dan:             Daniel Daniels. Please call me Dan, otherwise known as Agent Fragrant. That’s why everything smells really—

Spencer:         Daniel Daniels?

Dan:             Daniel Daniels is my legal name.

Spencer:         Alright.

Dan:             Yeah, I didn’t pick it. You know, my parents did.

Spencer:         That’s not—

Dan:             It’s not my fault—

Spencer:         That was rude of them.

Dan:             —so please just relax. Um, anyway.

Eric:             Dan.

Dan:             Yes?

Eric:             What’s up?

[Travis stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Uh… Oh! Uh, I-I’m going in to get a job. Uh, just passing through, but, um, do you wanna talk later?


Eric:             Okay, yeah.

Dan:             Okay. Yeah. Uh, no- no biggie, but just—

Eric:             S.H.I.E.L.D.? Did they call?

Dan:             Uh… It’s a whole thing. You guys do your thing.

Eric:             Alright.

Dan:             We’ll talk when we have time.

Lily:           [awed] Okay. Talk when we have time. Goodbye, Dan.

Dan:             [nervous chuckle] Lily, stop winking at me, please.

[Footsteps fade away as Dan goes into the Fort.]

Lily:           [whines] I can’t control it.

Spencer:         Are you with S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Masha:            He was a secret Nazi, but he’s not anymore.

Spencer:         Oh. ’Kay.

Eric:             [loud] I was not a se— [sighs]

Masha:            He didn’t know it at the time.

Lily:           He worked for secret Nazis.

Eric:             Look, just because your therapist s-said you sh- you should be honest doesn’t mean about other people [nervous chuckle]. Some of us can’t a—

Masha:            Well, honestly- honestly, I feel like I have to pick up the slack. And I don’t mean to be rude, Eric, but you hold back from us a little bit, and I- I’m not— You tell me on your own time, but you can be honest in saying that you lie to us, and you have lied to us, and I, you know, I respect your boundaries, but I’m just being honest for everybody. [tearful] I’m just tryin’a be stronger. Okay? I’m sorry.

Lily:           Oof.

Masha:            No, I’m not sorry. We’re going to the print shop! Let’s go!


Special Thanks

[Commercial jingle.]

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsor.


[Tape rewinds.]

Sage:             So it’s just reality manipulation, but…

Micah:           Reality manipulation but, um, the kind o’ crux for it is going to be that any time it’s used, he loses a little bit of his own sanity. Just because it’s like while he’s bending the world around him, he’s also bending his own mind. I know some people, like, wish they had super strength. I know some people wish they could teleport, everything like that.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

But like, I could just, like, get out the shower and be like “I don’t wanna wear this outfit” and it just happens. Like, I could just manipulate the world around me and warp it to be what I want.

[Jessica chuckles.]

That’d be fuckin’ lit! [laughs] So that’s where the idea for reality manipulation comes from.

Sage:             No argument there.

Micah:           Like, I’m just like yeah, like, I want spaghetti carbonara, and it just appears and I’m just like Boom!

[Stifled laughter.]

Like, that would be really cool for me.

Jessica:            Honestly, that makes me think of, like, when I play the Sims.

Micah:           Right.


Jessica:            Like, I’m always just, like, if I wanna get a new couch, I just bloop, bloop.

Micah:           [laughs] Right.

Jessica:            Like, that’s it.

Micah:           And then you, like, walk into the room and then clap and Simlish and then just walk away. And it’s really…


Like, it’s a non-issue. And you just move on with your life.


[Tape fast-forwards.]


Sage:             That was from our Patron-exclusive interview with Micah Martinez where we talk about X-Men and MCU premiers and build out his original superhero, Spencer Croix. It’s available to and made possible by our lovely patrons. Speaking of which, thank you to…

Travis:          Hasha Machasha

Emily:          Ryan Parks

Jessica:            Emma Marshal

Travis:          Jackie Bets

Sage:             Taylor Sprayberry

Jessica:            Johnathan Aurel

Emily:          Girra Moriarty

Sage:             Matthew Anderson

Jessica:            Pal Minniar

Sage:             You’re all so great. I know if you keep caught up on the show we prob’ly sound like a broken record at this point, but the Patreon really is a huge part of what keeps this show going and we do our best to keep the Adventure Pass feed up to date and interesting with new stuff every single month.

But maybe you’re like, “Ew! Subscriptions. Ugh, subscriptions.” Well, if you go to you can snag any series of the show for a single, one-time purchase. Name your price and there’s a really, really, really good time to do it coming up!

May 1st, which is also, coincidentally, our three-year sort-of-versary. Bandcamp is waiving their fees on May 1st. May 1st! So if you want a cheap, quick, awesome way to help us out, open up your calendar and put that in there. May 1st! Support 20 Sided Stories on Bandcamp on May 1st!

Look, you’re gonna forget if you don’t jot it down now. So do it right now. You know you will! Jot it down. May 1st.

Or you can just follow us on social media and we’ll do the work for you and remind you. See what I did there?

Okay. I’m sorry. I’ll stop panhandling. Let’s get back to the episode.

[whispers] Love you all.


Nonstop Printing – Part II

[Light-anticipation music.]

Sage:            We arrive at Nonstop Printing.

[Footsteps tap on sidewalk.]

There’s not a lot of chaos going on. Seems like a regular evening.

[Lily inhales deeply.]

Masha:            What is it, Lily?

Lily:           Paper.

Eric:             She can smell really good.

Spencer:         Checks out.

Lily:           Not, like, I smell really good, like [whispers] Daniel—

[Masha groans]

—but, like, I can smell very well.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Would you like to roll me full blue?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Emily:          Yes and 7 [stifles laughter].

[Net chime.]

Sage:            In addition to all the parchment, which sometimes can smell good, like a new book. Like a library. Like a FedEx. A Kinkos. You also smell people. And you’re quick to distrust people.

[Stifled laughter.]

Travis:          Wow.

Lily:           Okay, well, it smells like paper and also people.

Eric:             That makes sense. It’s a print shop and there are people in there.

Sage:            And then it smells like…non-people. [chuckles]

Lily:           [sniffs] Hold on, this smells like a… Oh, oh, oh. Okay, I’m havin’ like a- I’m havin’ a mem- Help me out. It’s, it’s— Okay, remember, remember, um…

Masha:            Okay. Charades.

Eric:             Alright.

Masha:            We’re- we’re a team. Here we go.

Spencer:         [mumbles] I'm bad with singing.

Lily:           Okay. Okay, you remember on Burbank Boulevard.

Masha:            Mm-hmm.

Lily:           You know the place? The place with all the- the animals. It smells like- it smells like- Oh, sh—

Eric:             The zoo?

Masha:            Oh like, uh, Petco!

Spencer:         Petsmart!

Lily:           Yes! It smells like pets! Pets!

Spencer:         I remember pets!

[Micah stifles laughter.]

Eric:             That zoo that burned down?

Masha:            Okay, okay…

Lily:           Not the zoo. No, no, no. Pets. Like pets…

Masha:            Like a- like a cat? A dog? A turtle? A bird?

Spencer:         Hamster!

Lily:           N-n-no.

Masha:            A fish? A gerbil? A snake?

Lily:           N-not a fish. Not a—

Eric:             Dog. Jackal?

Lily:           [sighs] Okay. Here’s the thing, here’s the thing, here’s the thing, hear me out. He said lizards and now I can’t unsmell lizards.

[Light Rock music intensifies.]

Eric, Masha, Spencer:  [together] Oooh!

Masha:            The lizardmen!

Eric:             [mumbles] A lizard?

Lily:           But I don’t know. I really- I don’t know. It just… In my brain, it’s like—

Masha:            You don’t know if it’s, like—

Lily:           It’s like paper and- and feces—

Masha:            Ew.

Lily:           —and- and scales, maybe.

Eric:             I mean, this is also Los Angeles.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Smells like shit, like, all the time.

Masha:            Why don’t we just—

Lily:           Yeah, but this is like… I don’t know. This is… [groans]

Eric:             Why don’t we just—

Masha:            Let’s go in!

Eric:             —go in? Yeah.

Masha:            Yeah. Let’s just go in.

Sage:            Somebody comes out of the Nonstop Printing shop.

[Door creaks open. Footsteps scuff on sidewalk. Light suspenseful keys play underneath.]

Woman:          Hey.

[Door clicks shut.]

Masha:            Oh, hi.

Woman:          Who’re you?

Lily:           Siggy sent us.

Spencer:         I’m Spencer.

Woman:          We’re closed, Spencer.

Lily:           Yeah but Siggy sent us. He said he’s friends with—

Masha:            He said the lizardmen. Siggy? The lizardmen?

Woman:          Hmm.

Eric:             You guys in trouble or…

Masha:            We heard—

Woman:          No!

Lily:           We heard the printing stopped.

Woman:          There’s no trouble here.

[Masha moans with uncertainty.]

What made you think we’re in trouble here? We’re closed!

Lily:           Yeah, that’s- that’s what we thought that the trouble was.

Masha:            What’s your relationship to this shop?

Woman:          Uh…none o’ your business. I don’t know you.

Spencer:         Are you the manager?

Woman:          N- m- yes.

Spencer:         Mmmmm...

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Sage:            Spencer…

[Stat test chime.]

Can you roll me Personal Soul?

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Micah:             Oh! I did that.

Sage:            Great. Spencer has excellent intuition. He looks in the eyes of this person guarding the door. She doesn’t want to be doing this. It’s almost like she’s scared and she has to not let you guys in. She’s definitely the manager.

Woman:          Y-you want— Y-you- you can’t be here! Yes, I am a woman.

[Jessica stifles laughter. Micah chuckles.]

Masha:            Oh.

Spencer:         Alright.

Woman:          Just for clarification.

Spencer:         So, before I take my badge out, do you wanna just have us go in or would you like me to call for backup?

Woman:          No, no. I don’t need backup! I’m— We’re closed! Scram!

Eric:             Look, we can have the whole squad here in fifteen seconds if you don’t let us into this building.

Woman:          N- you- wait, why would you—

Sage:            [amused] Wait, you’re all lying to say you’re cops? Is that what you’re—

[Micah and Emily laugh.]

Travis:          [loud] Yeees!

Jessica:          That’s what’s happening! Pick it up!

Emily:          We’re cops!

Sage:            Alright.

Chad:           [sings] Let’s be cops.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I want everybody to roll Personal Reality and Personal Time.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Yes and no.

[Net chime.]

Emily:          Same.

[Net chime.]

Jessica:          Yes and no.

[Net chime.]

Sage:            Is everybody yes and no?

Emily:          Yeah.

[Net chime.]

Micah:             Holy shit.

Sage:            Uh…

[Sage and Kaitlyn chuckle.]

[sighs] You know they’re not the cops, but you also know you can trust them.

Woman:          Hmm…

Masha:            Hey, ma’am. Woman to woman.

Woman:          Yeah?

Masha:            We’re here for you.

Woman:          You don’t understand.

Lily:           Okay, help us understand.

Eric:             What’s goin’ on? Are you in danger?

Spencer:         Who hurt you?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Woman:          I’m not hurt. This is just- I’m supposed to be here. Just standing here right now and not letting anyone- anyone in. Including cops, but you’re obviously not cops. But—

Lily:           Do you want us to, like, pretend to punch you and you can just, like, lay down?


Woman:          Yeah.

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            [amused] Lily punches her in the face.

[A swish and a thud are heard as Lily’s fist connects with the woman’s face.]

Woman:          Oh shit!

[A thud as the woman falls to the ground.]


Eric:             Oh, you hit her hit her.

[Masha gasps. Spencer hisses in a breath and moans.]

Masha:            Uh oh. Are you okay?

Spencer:         Have fun watchin’ that channel, bud.

Eric:             Let me help you up.

Woman:          Ow.

[Masha groans.]

Lily:           No...

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I’m gonna roll for her durability really quick. Okay. She’s fine.

[Success chime.]

That was a tough hit, but she gets back up.

Woman:          You got a mean punch, kid.

Lily:           Thanks [chuckles].

Eric:             Alright, now that you’re standing again, I-I’m now confused as to why we all just went through that.

[Jessica chuckles. Emily stifles laughter.]

Lily:           I told you! Let her lay on the ground!

Eric:             I forgot what the plan was!

[Masha groans.]

Lily:           I’m gonna have to hit her again!

Eric:             Goddammit!

Masha:            I’m go- I’m going inside. I’m going inside.

[Footsteps tap on pavement.]

Eric:             Let’s just go. Let’s go. You’re fine.

Spencer:         Just throw something at the window.

[Door handle jiggles.]

Sage:            The door is locked.

Spencer:         God damn…

[Eric groans.]

Woman:          [quickly] There’s a really important information that you need to know. I will die if I let you in.

Spencer:         Okay, so, um, so is it a key that we need or, like, what is it? What’s…

Woman:          I can’t tell you.

Eric:             Aw, fuckin’…

Woman:          I… You all seem like great people, but this is a life or death situation.

Eric:             I’m gonna kick Siggy’s ass when we get back. This sucks.

Masha:            What if I told you- what if I told you I could protect you?

Woman:          [quiet] No one can protect me.

Masha:            [quiet] But I can.

Spencer:         I’m gonna go check out this lock real quick, guys.

Eric:             Sounds good.

[Footsteps tap as Spencer walks over to the door.]

Lily:           I’m gonna, I don’t know, try to go around the side, see if there’s maybe a window where I can hear something.

[Footsteps fade as Lily goes to find a window.]

Woman:          You don’t understand. Anyone gets in here, I die.

Spencer:         [calls over shoulder] It looks like it’s just a keycard.

Sage:            This lady with the gravely, reptilian voice, uses her keycard and slips inside as fast as she can, giving them a look and then shutting the door.

[Masha scoffs.]

Lily is already on the side right now, and she listens in.

[Stat test chime.]

Lily, roll me Powerful Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

How are your senses? How is your hearing?

Emily:          [giggles] 24!

[Success chime.]

[Travis whistles.]

I rolled a natural 20.

Sage:            There’s basically not walls for your ears. You are hearing directly into the room right now. However, you are separated from everybody else.

Eric:             All I’m sayin’ is, like, this can’t…like the Avengers. They don’t get- they don’t get told no. They just get into places. They just break the fucking door. Can we just- can we just do this now?

[Masha sighs.]

Aren’t we cool enough to break doors and- and not be- not- and get away with it?

Spencer:         Well, I mean if, like, we just need to get in, I could, like, make a keycard.

Eric:             What?

Spencer:         Yeah. Remember, whole thing.

Eric:             Oh.

Spencer:         I can make things.

Eric:             Shit, that’s right. Is that a—

Spencer:         Yeah. That’s what I was tryin’a figure out. And then she ran inside ’cause she a punk.

Eric:             Well I mean, I don’t want you… Don’t do anything that’s gonna hurt you or…

Spencer:         It doesn’t hurt. I’m just gonna prob’ly, like, forget, like, algebra or something. But I don’t do math anyways.

Eric:             I think that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Sage:            Cutting over to Lily, who’s spying in on the inside of Nonstop Printing, both her nose and her ears are going nuts. She’s hearing a bunch of people talking. Some of them are scared and they sound…not totally human. The rest of them are cold, dark, and they smell like that green door. They also smell…like Rose.

[Music crescendos.]

Not roses. But Rose.

Man:                He needs to come in here alone. If the other two are with him— How many are out there?


I said how many are out there?


Man 2:             How many are out there?

Man:                Answer m—

Man 2:             He’s asking you a question!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Man:                Answer my goddamn question!

Woman:          I’m sorry.

[Kaitlyn stifles laughter.]

I’m so scared. There’s four. There’s four of them.

Man:                If he doesn’t get in here alone, I’m killing you and I’m going down into those sewers and I’m killing all of the rest of you.

Woman:          No! Please!

Man:                [slow, intense] Scry needs to be alone.

Woman:          Okay, okay.

Man 2:             Get rid o’ the other three.

Woman:          How— I’m just- I’m just the manager. How ’m I supposed—

[Jessica and Kaitlyn stifle laughter.]

Man 2:             Manage!

Woman:          How else- how else—

Man 2:             Just tell them whatever they wanna hear and get them out of here!

[Action music.]

Sage:            Spencer uses the keycard. At the same time Lily comes running around the corner, and at the same time that the manager opens that front door.

[Suspenseful music.]

Lily:           Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Masha:            What, what, what?

Spencer:         Uh, keycard’s done.


Masha:            Are you okay?

Eric:             What d’you know. Let’s go.

[Micah stifles laughter.]

Lily:           They only want you.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           They only want you.

Eric:             Who only wants me?

Lily:           The—

[Door clicks shut.]

Woman:          How d’you know that?

Spencer:         She can hear real, real good.

Woman:          Oh. Shit.

Lily:           I know. I know they’re holding you hostage. Somebody hostage. I don’t know. They want you, Eric.

Eric:             Who wants me?

Lily:           These lizard people.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           They’re gonna kill a whole bunch of people if you don’t go in there alone.

Woman:          Yeah.

Lily:           Which, I’m not saying go in there alone. I’m just letting you know that, like, little lizardlings are gonna die.

Woman:          Literally what she said.

Spencer:         Are they, like, tadpoles?

Lily:           You forgot biology.

Eric:             Let’s get this straight. Are you a lizard person?

Woman:          Yes!

Masha:            I thought the lizardmen sent us?


Eric:             Again. I’m gonna kick Siggy’s ass when we get back. This—

Lily:           Oooh. Siggy’s in with the lizard people.

Eric:             Is Siggy a lizard person?

Masha:            Is that why—

Woman:          Siggy!

Lily:           Have you seen that tattoo on his neck?

Masha:            We said Siggy!

Lily:           The lizard person tattoo?

Woman:          That’s our guy.

Eric:             We asked you that when we got here!

Woman:          Oh.

Man:                [muffled] Miss Manager? What’s going on at the door over there?

Spencer:         [falsetto accent] Housekeeping.

[Music stops.]

[Jessica laughs.]

Sage:            Alright. Roll Reality.

[Stat test chime.]


[Suspenseful music resumes.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Is it under?

Micah:             No.

[Failure chime.]

Jessica:          Aw.

Man:                [muffled] Bullshit.

Sage:            You hear a gunshot inside the Nonstop Printing shop.

[Muffled gunshot. Masha gasps. A muffled thud is heard as a body collapses. Muffled scream.]

Woman:          Oh god, please.

Man 2:             [muffled] Someone just got Nonstop Printing shot!

Masha:            Oh my god…

Woman:          You got- you gotta help us!

Lily:           How d’we get into the sewers?

Eric:             Hmm?

Woman:          If you smell a line of rat poo, you will find—

Eric:             [yells] It’s L.A. it’s all rat poo!

Spencer:         That’s also true.

Woman:          Half the rats are dead.

Eric:             Okay. Hold on, hold on.

[Micah stifles laughter.]

So we’re going to assume that, not only could you A) get into the sewer system, but then B) you’d find a tunnel like it’s some sort of ninja turtles bullshit—

Masha:            I’m just gonna use any of my powers because any outcome will help us! I can either bombard in like a freakin’ hulk, I can heal whoever just got shot, I’ll freeze time and make everything stop, or I’ll be super fast reflexes and no one can frickin’ touch me!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            [urgent] Masha and Eric, I need you both to roll for Time. Personal Time.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Yes.

Jessica:          Yes.

[Success chime.]

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Great! Okay, even though you were screaming in this room, you were all whispering and you were very focused.


Man 2:             [muffled] Have you gotten rid of the other three yet?

Man:                [muffled] What is going on over there? I’m gonna shoot more lizards if I have to. Get Scry in here alone!

Lily:           Wait. Spencer, I know it’s a lot to ask, but could you make another Eric?

[Masha gasps. Action music.]

Spencer:         That’d be weird. Are you…that…cloning?

Eric:             What’re you…I mean… Look, man, weird is…

Spencer:         I just… Think about it.

Masha:            Let’s just try it.

Spencer:         Alright.

Eric:             I’ve got an idea. Yeah.

Masha:            If that’s okay with you. If that’s totally okay—

Eric:             Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.

Spencer:         Alright, gimmie a minute [sighs].

Lily:           Okay.

Sage:            Alright, Spencer.

[Stat test chime.]

Full purple. You’re gonna roll both dicesss.

[Dice roll on table.]

Did Personal pass?

Micah:             Yes.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            And d20. What is the total when you add that number to it?

Micah:             Uh, 22.

[Music intensifies]

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Fuck yes.

Emily:          Fuck yeah! Mmm!

Jessica:          Oooh!

Travis:          Thank god.

Sage:            An absolute, uncanny clone of Eric “Scry” Stanton forms.

[Soft squelching is heard as the clone forms.]

Masha:            [slow] Oh my Thor!

Lily:           That is really messed up.

Sage:            Spencer has never tried to create a full human before but it’s a perfect one to one of Eric.

David:           What about mentally?

Sage:            It’s the same person.

David:           Oh, okay. So this is full on—

Jessica:          It’s like the meme with the spidermen that go “Hey!....Hey!”


Emily:          Somebody has to do fan art for that.


Sage:            Eric and Eric look at each other.

Woman:          Should I take the real one or the fake one?

Masha:            Which one’s the fake one? I forgot.

Lily:           Take the fake one.

Spencer:         So…what is his name?

Lily:           [gasps] Does the clone have powers?

Sage:            The clone has powers.

Lily:           Ho—

Man 2:             [muffled] What’s the holdup out there? I’ve got Black Talons loaded in the clip ready to take out these fucking lizards.

Woman:          No! Please, fake Eric, come with me.

Eric:             Alright, here, hold on.

Clone Eric:       Man Not This You! Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. A bottle of pippin stocks for Man Not This You! Sphinx of black quartz, Uh, hey.

Eric:             Hey.

Clone Eric:       Hey?

Eric:             Hey.

Man 2:             [muffled] Five…four…

Eric:             Alright, high-five. Ready?

Clone Eric:       Okay. Fine.

[Rapid footsteps tap as Clone Eric runs to the door. The two Erics high-five as he passes.]

Man 2:             [muffled] I’m gonna shoot you, manager.

Eric:             Okay go. Go, go, go, go!

Sage:            Clone Eric goes inside and the door is shut from behind. But luckily Spencer still has a keycard, so if they need to barge in, they can.

Eric:             Alright, everybody, I’m… I need to focus. Need to quiet. I need…

Sage:            Real Eric is tapping in on Clone Eric.

[Warbling is heard as Eric taps into his clone’s senses.]

Eric:             Oh, the metaphorical ramifications of this are much…

Sage:            There is a feedback loop much like a mic being dropped near a speaker. Eric is almost listening to himself think. It’s like if you were to wear headphones and the mic is also putting your own voice into your ears.

Travis:          For the audio nerds in the crowd [chuckles].

Sage:            And…

[Stat test chime.]

He’s able to focus up after rolling full blue.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          16!

Sage:            Great. What sense are you using?

Travis:          Sight.

Sage:            Okay. Clone Eric walks in. Real Eric focuses up and he sees the situation. There are two men in trench coats.

Eric:             Lily, can you listen?

Lily:           Yup.

Eric:             I don’t have ears.

Sage:            They’re both pointing guns at a bunch of people, but they have, like, reptilian eyes. Some of them have, what appear to be, scales underneath their clothes. They’re pretty well disguised, but after getting to know the manager, you can recognize there’s a bunch of lizard people being held hostage. The employees who ran the shop! These two men in trench coats see the fake Eric walk in.

[Footsteps tap and scuff to a halt.]

Clone Eric:       Alright. What d’you want?

Man:                There you are.

Clone Eric:       Here I am. Who the fuck are you?

Man:                I didn’t think we’d get this far.

Man 2:             I’m…I’m happy, but I’m also a little…one foot off the merry-go-round. It’s been such a wild success that we got ’im here.

Man:                Yeah. This is kinda- okay [clears throat].

Lily:           They’re saying they’re surprised that they got this far?

Man 2:             I’m giving myself a nice fair pat on the back.

Man:                Eric…you have two options here.

Man 2:             Two!

Man:                Me and my partner shoot you in the head.

Man 2:             Boom.

Man:                That’s the preferred option.

Man 2:             Yeah.

Man:                Option two, you come with us and you meet the Tie Breaker.

[Music intensifies.]

Lily:           They want you to meet the Tie Breaker. That sounds ominous.

Eric:             Yeah, no shit.

Clone Eric:       Alright.


Man 2:             Alright to which one?

Man:                Yeah. A or- A or B?

Clone Eric:       You’re not gonna shoot me in the head. We’re not doing that.

Man:                Alright.

Clone Eric:       Now, before I go anywhere, are you the assholes in the trench coats with the glasses that keep showin’ up on every fuckin’ corner everywhere I go? Just tryin’ to have a normal life and there’s somebody there that I have to murder. I don’t want to. In fact I’m trying not to. But I keep doing it on impulse. Is that you?


Man:                All will be explained in time. The end is near. Fear the Tie Breaker. As you can see, my partner is putting his hands up and making weird little “Whoo, ooo, ooo” patterns.

[Man 2 whistles low and wiggles his hands.]

Lily:           They’re being weirdly cryptic.

Man:                This is our job. We have to say this stuff, so just go along with it. Okay.

Clone Eric:       Yeah, it seems like everybody involved in this would kinda rather not be doing it. Is that- I’m getting that? Is there…

Man:                Well, I don’t wanna die. Hence plan B—

Clone Eric:       Well, neither do I!

Man:                —which is taking you to the boss, alright?

Man 2:             Some people commute for, like, an hour to work.

Clone Eric:       [sighs] Let’s go.

Man 2:             People do what they don’t wanna do.

Sage:            They pull out what appears to be high-tech vibranium-powered handcuffs. And this shit is intense. Boom! Cuffs your hands together.

Travis:          Do I touch them?

Sage:            You have a very quick moment. I’m adding a difficulty modifier to this.

Travis:          Sure.

Jessica:          Wait, so does this mean Clone Eric—

Emily:          Yeah. [laughs.]

Travis:          Inception, baby!

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            Clone Eric has a brief moment before getting handcuffed where he can maybe scuff one of the trench coats.

[Stat test chime.]

Roll for Powerful Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          [snorts] I got, like, 4.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Clone Eric tries and they knee him in the gut.

[Clothes rustle and a thud is heard. Clone Eric grunts and falls to his knees with a thud.]

Man:                Nice try, buddy.

Clone Eric:       Before anything else happens [quiet] fuck [coughs], if I go with you, you gonna let them go?


Man:                No.

[Music intensifies.]

Clone Eric:       What?

Woman:          What?

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table. Sage chuckles in mild horror.]

Sage:            Got a 20! Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

[Gun cocks. Five gunshots are heard.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Spencer Croix was played by special guest Micah Martinez


Guest Spotlight

Sage:             Hooray!

[Everyone cheers.]

Jessica:            Oh my god!

Sage:             Micah! Thank you so much. They’re gonna hear a little more of you on the next episode, but we had so much fun and we hope you did as well.

Micah:           I had a blast. This was great.


This was fun.

Travis:          Oh good.

Sage:             Where can the people find you? What would you like to plug?

Micah:           You can find me on on Instagram @micahmartinezx2 and you can follow my JustForFans.

Thank you.

Sage:             These are Not Safe For Work links, correct?

Micah:           No! Sure not. [laughs] No way.

Sage:             Okay. No worries.

Jessica:            Yay! Thank you.

Travis:           Finally, some sex appeal.



After-Credits Scene

[Phone dialing tone is heard.]

Elle:         [on answering machine] Hi, this is Elle. Sorry I missed your call. If you’d like to leave your name and a phone number, I can get back to you as soon as possible. This includes any leads or public contact information. Thank you.


Roach:            [on answering machine] Yo, yo, yo! E-L-L-E! Elle! This is Roach. Roach is callin’. That’s me. I’m Roach. And I am the big asshole who didn’t let ya into the Fort when you were tryin’ to do some research on your article. Same article that I...just read. And I uh, just wanted to apologize, ’cause, uh, yeah. I don’t even know what to say. This is… It means a lot, that’s all. I really…

Coulda really done us under if you mentioned Steven Lenard, uh, but you didn’t. And I heard- I heard he’s makin’ a full recovery, by the way. Still keepin’ his faith.

Look Elle, uh, you’re welcome back any time. I know you know some folks in there. Scry, Agent Fragrant. You don’t need to call me back or anything, I-I got nothin’ for you. Just…just thank you.



[Episode End music plays throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Episode End music fades out.]



Bart:               Gun Hand Man, uh, has skipped his meds and, uh, robbed a bank in Anaheim, and he’s escaped into Disneyland to hide out.

And if it had been me, I would’ve hidden in California Adventure, ’cause nobody fucking goes to California Adventure. I would have the place to myself. You could hide out there for, like, a month. Live like a king.

I-I wonder if he actually has a gun for a hand or if he’s just always holding one. Uh, c-can we pull up a picture here? Are we still on air?

#7 - Scry Me a River

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 7 - Scry Me A River

Air Date: May 6, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               It’s getting worse out there, people. There’s unexplained murders, there’s monsters, there’s open acts of violence in the streets. It’s goin’ non-stop. I been sayin’ it for a lot o’ years now. I’m sayin’ it again. I feel like I’m turnin’ myself blue, sayin’ it. Where are the people who’re supposed to be protecting us?


In my days as a cop— I, uh, actually had some contacts, and between them, and our people at Castle, I’ve heard some stories, but I never said them on air before because they’re too out o’ this world.

The hypothesis is that a giant gorilla-man came out of space and used some kind of weapon—I don’t know what weapon. Maybe it was experimental government technology. Maybe it was this or that—and this gorilla guy, unidentified, out o’ nowhere, because of all the super activity, is the one who blighted half of the world out of existence, if not the universe. And when I asked my contact “Who taught this gorilla monster where the weapons were? Who showed them where the weapons were?” You know what he said? “The Avengers did.” The Avengers showed ’im.

So there’s this recurring theme I’m seeing where the people who’re supposed to be keeping us safe are actually… Who’s supposed to protect us from the people who are supposed to be protecting us? That’s my only point.

So hopin’- hopin’ that everything is goin’ well with everybody else. You stay classy Los Angeles, and God bless.

And now we’re gonna go over to a live coverage of a ballet recital over at Pendleton Middle School. Alright. Thanks.


Marvel Mask Red.png


[A warbling whoosh is heard continuously. Voices echo and overlap.]

Elle:         You seem really distracted lately.

Eric:             It’s just been busy with work.

Dan:             If they’re gonna fire my best friend, I'm done!

Elle:         Sounds so, like, textbook corporate…

Eric:             I know. I get fed the same stuff.

Masha:            Do you have a girlfriend?

Elle:         Have you been going to the Fort?

Lily:           Has he touched you?

Dan:             Who? Eric?

Elle:         Wow, just just off the stench alone, so many questions. Where were you?

Eric:             Catalina Island.

Dan:             We’ve been friends for years. Since high school.

Elle:         You have a crazy job in life.

Eric:             You got a lot on your plate, like…

Dan:             We’re workin’ on it. We’ll be fine.

Elle:         Eric!

Eric:             Elle!

Elle:         Heeey.

Eric:             Hey. Hey!

Elle:         You’re in here?

[A plink is heard and the warbling fades into static. A rumble steadily grows. Sound cuts out.]



[A gun cocks and five gunshots are heard. Wet splats hit the wall and bodies thud to the floor.]

Sage:            Using every bullet in the gun—

Lily:           Ffffuck…

Sage:            —every single lizard person running this shop just got shot in the head.

Lily:           Oh god, he killed them all.

Masha:            What?

David:           The lizard women and the lizard children?

Lily:           He killed them all.

Sage:            Including the lizard women and the lizard children.

Lily:           He- he shot them all.

Spencer:         I’m going in.

Lily:           He shot them… N-no!

Masha:            You’re going in?

Sage:            Spencer uses the keycard in the heat of the moment. He doesn’t want lives to be lost! The door is opened and they’re gone.

[Beat. Suspenseful music.]

Spencer:         Where did they go?

Eric:             I’m trying to figure that out.

Lily:           Oh god… Masha. It smells like Rose in there.

Masha:            What?

Lily:           It smells like Rose.

Masha:            Like our sister Rose or like the flower rose?

Spencer:         Who’s Rose?

Masha:            That’s our sister.

Spencer:         Oh.

Lily:           Our sister, Rose.

Sage:            Eric is watching as he has tapped into Clone Eric and it seems that they jumped through some sort of shortcut using the sewer system under L.A. [amused] and they’re just flyin’ real fast. Just truckin’ on through.

[The dull hum of a motor.]

Travis:          It’s a fan-boat!


Watch out for them gators in the sewer!

Sage:            They’re plowin’ through the sewers, turning left and right, and they’re getting farther and farther away in this fan boat, and they splash out of the spillway into the L.A. river, but then…Clone Eric looks over, and the Trench Coat cultist hits him in the head.

[A metallic echo and a whoosh are heard as Eric is forced to untap.]

Real Eric has lost contact.

Lily:           What are you seeing? Where’d they go?

Eric:             I don’t know.

Masha:            What?

Lily:           What d’you mean you don’t know?

Eric:             I don’t know. They got in a…

[Sage stifles laughter.]

They got in a fan boat…

Masha:            What?

Eric:             And they took off through the sewers. And… What did they say? I had—

Lily:           They— Something about the Tie Breaker. That’s where they’re taking you.

[Suspenseful music intensifies.]

That’s- that’s apparently it. That’s the end.

Eric:             The—

Lily:           Is the Tie Breaker. That’s what they’ve been trying to do.

Eric:             Maybe we can go— Can- can we go down there and heal them or something—

[Light-anticipation music.]

Masha:            Wait. Just wanna check in. Spencer, are you okay? Can you- do you know who we are? Like, you just did a lot of work.

Lily:           Yeah you did.

Sage:            To conjure Clone Eric, that was the most taxing, difficult power Spencer has ever done. But I’m gonna let it be up to him how much it made him forget, ’cause he did roll really high [stifles laughter].

Spencer:         I mean, I’m still kind of tryin’ to piece together you guys’ names, but I don’t think much else is gone. But…

Lily:           Alright.

Spencer:         Aside from most of today. Like, I don’t really know where I’m at. And…

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           We’re on a hero mission. You’re saving the day.

Spencer:         [nervous chuckle] Am I?

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             A lot more than [sighs] I did. Twice.

Lily:           Yeah. Yeah, you did a lot for us Spencer. I’m sorry we made you do that.

Spencer:         No, it’s fine. If I didn’t want to do it, I wouldn’t have done it.

Masha:            We really appreciate it. I think this is a huge breakthrough. We- we know there’s a Tie Breaker person, entity, somewhere out there. And now, cool, we can report back to Roach and Siggy. I— Thank you, Spencer, for helping us. Um, my name is Masha.

Spencer:         Okay. Masha.

Masha:            Aka Roulette. Yeah.

Spencer:         Cool.

Lily:           I-I’m Lily. And this is Eric.



[Gentle music.]

Sage:            Our heroes come back to the Fort with Spencer, who’s having a hard time remembering why he did this. But Theo greets them ’cause he’s got good news.

[Footsteps tap as the group enters the Fort. Rapid footsteps approach as Theo hurries up.]

Theo:            Hey, I’ve got something.

Eric:             What?

Spencer:         Who’re you?

Theo:            Oh god. Um, hi! Theo. We met before.

Lily:           We, um… He used his powers and it took a lot out of him.

Theo:            I-I imagine. Do you- would you like some cookies?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Would you like some coffee?

Spencer:         Yes. The answer will always be yes.


Theo:            Okay, come in. Um, come in!

[Footsteps tap as everyone hurries downstairs.]

Sage:            They rush down to the lab and everybody notices that Theo is particularly excited and energized.

[Lab theme music. Door creaks shut.]

Theo:            Spencer, there’s something… I-I mean I’ve had a theory for a good year now, but it— Something about the nature of your abilities and a commonality I’ve identified here. I’ve taken blood samples of a lot of the supers here and a lot of them have a common element, but I couldn’t lock it in. It- it’s not the gamma, i-it’s coming from a source, and… Here, let me show you.

[Chair creaks as Theo sits and turns to his computer. Computer beeps as it boots up.]

There’s a gene here that you have in common with Siggy, Short Circuit, Matter O’ Fact, and with a number of the other people that we can have you talk to. This is the source. I don’t know exactly what it is, but this is the thing. This is what gives you your abilities.


Spencer:         So I’m not alone.

Theo:            You are not alone.

[Music intensifies.]

You’re unique, but that- that was the thing that was so hard to pin down. With everybody it was manifesting in different ways, but maybe there was a common ground. Maybe they were pulling from another dimension, but with you

I mean reality manipulation, that is not common. This is something new.

[Spencer takes a deep breath.]

And this is going to help us help other people. Not only in the Fort, but…everywhere at least understand that you’re working from common ground.


Spencer:         Holy shit. Thank you, person I just met.

Theo:            [chuckles] Th-thank you for… Yeah. This was amazing. Thank you so much.

Spencer:         I’m really processing. This is huge. I just… Sorry.

Theo:            I know it’s a- I know it’s a lot. You can sit down. Do you- do you wanna meet my cat? Do you like cats? This is Toffee.

Spencer:         Do you have those cookies?

Sage:            Toffee comes in.

[Chair squeaks as Theo turns. Toffee meows.]

Theo:            Yeah! Here’s toffee cookies, and- and Toffee the cat. I find she has a calming effect.

Spencer:         Is there, like, actual toffee?

Theo:            Yes, yes. Here you go.

Spencer:         Oh, great. Alright.

[Jars and lids clatter as Theo opens them and sets them on the table.]

Theo:            No, I got that. And coffee.

Spencer:         Okay.

Theo:            I mean, I have a whole snack, uh, pantry. Go- go for it.

Spencer:         You know, just lay it on me, dude. Thanks.

Theo:            Yeah.

[Toffee meows. Suspenseful music.]

Masha:            Theo, uh, not to drop a bomb or anything but, um…

Theo:            Mm-hmm?

Masha:            Yeah he made a- an entire clone of Eric and that clone is, uh, being taken to some entity called Tie Breaker. There’s a lot going on right now. Um…

Theo:            What?

Spencer:         I created life today.

Lily:           Yeah. He created life.

Masha:            He created a whole Eric.

Spencer:         Suck it, God.

[Sage chuckles.]

Theo:            Like, like simulacrum or are we talking, like, an identical…

Spencer:         Uh—

Lily:           It’s- it’s Eric.

Spencer:         Yeah.

Lily:           It’s Eric.

Theo:            Wait, it’s an identical Eric. Does it ha- did it have your clothing?

Eric:             Yeah.

Theo:            So it has your phone?

Eric:             Yeah.

Theo:            And it has access to your accounts?

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           So we can track ’im.

Masha:            Maybe.

Spencer:         I do know how to make a phone.


Episode 7 – Scry Me A River

[Gentle warbling. Suspenseful music plays. Subtle background static throughout.]

Eric:             Okay, so…I think I need to tell you this. Like, I’d tell you this anyways, ’cause I tell you everything, but, like, I need to tell you this.

Elle:         Wh-what? What?

Eric:             I-it’s- it’s with work. Things are goin’— [sighs]

Elle:         Are you okay?

Eric:             Y-yeah. No, no. I’m- I’m fine. I’m—

Elle:         You seem a little flustered.

Eric:             [sighs] Babe, listen. It’s just that…

Elle:         Should I get my notebook out?

Eric:             Yeah. Please. Might as well.

Elle:         Okay.

[Clothes rustle as Elle stands up. Footsteps tap as she walks across the room. Paper rustles as she grabs her notebook and flips it open.]

Eric:             Um, so, like, things are goin’…were goin’ well at work and…

Elle:         Yeah?

Eric:             [sighs] I’m just hearin’ word that, like, you know. We’re- we’re still puttin’ stuff back- we’re still puttin’ stuff back together.

[Muffled screaming from children and dogs in the next-door apartment.]

There’s a lot o’ crime in the streets and there’s gettin’ to be too much, an’ the organization’s gettin’ a little… They get nervous. So they thought, you know, well what can we do? Let’s maybe consolidate, uh, consolidate our organization with another, like, upcoming power. And [sighs] Sorry, I’m— I can’t think straight. I’m sorry.

Elle:         Wait. If I asked questions would that help?

Eric:             Yeah. Interview me. Be, uh, do- do the- the job [nervous chuckle].

Elle:         Your work wants- is struggling with all the new crime that’s happening and they wanna outsource?

Eric:             Yes. They’re… Yes. Outsource. Like, contract. They’re…they’ve been in—

Elle:         Who?

Eric:             The—

Elle:         And to what?

Eric:             You know the Castle? Stark’s old place?

Elle:         Yeah.

Eric:             It’s just, it makes me nervous because…I’ve been hearin’ all these whispers about, you know, a new approach to law enforcement in this new world. This new normal. And [sighs] actually S.H.I.E.L.D.’s lookin’ to integrate the Castle into their organization.

Elle:         What?

Eric:             And take this new auth— It just feels super authoritarian, and, like…

You know the last time this happened, someone tried to- to- to police the world they- a city fell outta the sky! And I just, I [sighs] I’m really uncomfort- and I think- I-I gotta quit. Like, for real this time.

Elle:         Wait. So S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to hire the Castle to become the new police force.

Eric:             Yes. To use in—

Elle:         In L.A.

Eric:             Maybe they’re working with Stark. I don’t know. Nobody’s got tabs on them except for the highest- the highest brass.

Elle:         You know- an— There’s no— Avengers are not to be seen still.

Eric:             I know.

Elle:         This is just…

Eric:             And it’s— The secrets have started again. And that’s the thing that- that made everything go to shit in the first place. And it’s like, maybe it’s just ’cause I’ve been at the Fort too much, but there’s just, like, I just got this vibe that just, like, it’s not

I-I can’t do it anymore.

Elle:         Y-you can’t do it anymore?

Eric:             I don’t wanna be a part of another…

Elle:         You’re gonna- you’re gonna quit?

Eric:             I think so.

Elle:         I think- I think you should talk to Eric about this.

[A low rumble builds.]

Dan, Eric:       [together] I mean, it’s just… Last time I talked to him about it, he told me not to quit. So I didn’t quit and I’m feeling…

Dan:             …like maybe I should’ve, ’cause then I work in the Fort and I like what they’re doing. But then [takes a breath] Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll, uh…[sighs] I don’t know. You guys haven’t talked in a while. I mean, do you…

Elle:         We have. I saw him last—

Dan:             Oh. When you stopped by the—

Elle:         Mm-hmm.

Dan:             Yeah. That was a great article, by the way.

Elle:         Thank you.

Dan:             I just wanna put that out there.

Elle:         Still got it.

Dan:             Uh, why don’t we [sighs] go talk to him?

Elle:         You should, you should really talk to him.

Dan:             I— Can you come with me, though?


Elle:         Yeah. Yeah.

Dan:             I-I told Eric I was gonna tell him about this, I just- he was busy with a job, so…

Elle:         Okay, yeah. Wait. I wouldn’t… Yeah this is kinda crazy. This is our new world order. That’s…

Dan:             Yeah, I don’t know how extreme they’re tryin’a go. There’s some guy that they said is trying to instigate it. Uh, he’s one o’ the Castletons, and I don’t know if this is related to the- the trench coat people that have been tryin’a kill Eric, but- ’cause S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t really have a lot o’ intel on them, and they just don’t think they’re a threat for [frustrated] some reason. I’ve been tryin’ to tell them, [normal] but they don’t listen to me. So…

Elle:         Yeah, why S.H.I.E.L.D.- why would S.H.I.E.L.D. choose the Castle? What… This makes no sense. I think, yeah. I think we need to go talk to Eric.

Dan:             Alright. He’s prob’ly at the Fort right now. I don’t know if they got that job done, but why don’t we go over there.

Elle:         Okay.

Dan:             [sighs] Okay. Thanks, babe. I really appreciate it.

Elle:         Of course.

[Suspenseful music.]



Eric:             [sad] ’Cause I don’t- [sighs] I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to face him like this [sighs].I feel so responsible for what happened.

Lily:           I mean, if anything it was my fault. It was my stupid fucking idea, and nobody lived.

Masha:            No.

Lily:           We didn’t save anybody!

Masha:            [soothing] It’s not any of ours fault, okay? We did everything that we could do. [sighs] I-I think we did a great job and it’s just a misfortunate outcome that was out of our control.

Lily:           We messed with reality in a way that we can’t take back.

Eric:             [nervous scoff] No kidding. I thought that I was gonna be able to use the actual power for something that was gonna help save lives without some sort of structure that I had to fit into. Some sort of organization. And it didn’t work and people died.

Sage:            Siggy is standing at the other side of the room.

Lily:           Siggy…

Siggy:         [distant] Guys?

[Footsteps tap slowly closer.]

Masha:            [quiet] Hi, Siggy.

Siggy:         [hesitant] Hi. What’s up? You look a little…down. How did it go?


Lily:           [gentle] We got intel.

Masha:            Um.

Siggy:         Yeah?


Masha:            [gentle] I’m gonna be honest here.

Siggy:         That would be great.

Masha:            Um… The lizard people in the shop were murdered.


Siggy:         [quiet] Murdered?

Masha:            And we did everything we could to stop it, was— A lot happened. Um…

Eric:             What d’you- do you know anything about [sighs] T-Tie Breaker? Does that mean anything to you?

Siggy:         [shock] N-no. Sorry. Hold on. They’re…they’re dead?

Masha:            Not all- not everybody. There was just a-a-a- some—

Lily:           [gentle] Everybody in the print shop was shot by a man in a trench coat and glasses…because we were tricked.


[Shoes scuff as Siggy turns away.]

Siggy:         Dammit!


Masha:            I’m really sorry, Siggy. But, uh, also, other news is Theo found a breakthrough within a gene that apparently you share with Spencer.

[Shoes scuff as Siggy turns back to the group.]

Siggy:         [stammers, sighs] I gotta go. I… Who- who are these people? The Tie Breaker? A guy in a trench coat?

Eric:             Uh [sighs] You- you know as much as we do. There’s—

Siggy:         Well I can start with that, then.

Eric:             They took off in a fuckin’ fan boat down the sewers.

Lily:           It’s the guys in trench coats who’ve been coming after Eric. It- it was them, and they’re taking- [sighs] well, they’re taking Eric to meet the Tie Breaker.

Eric:             Right now.

Siggy:         Are you- you’re what? You’re doin’ your power thing?

Lily:           No. S-Spencer helped.

Eric:             Yeah. Long story but we might have- we might have a way to- to track them. And as soon as we can crack that we’ll get with Theo and we’ll—

Siggy:         I- [sighs] I can’t wait. I can’t wait! I have to go.

Lily:           They didn’t hurt the people in the sewers.

Siggy:         I’m gone. I gotta go let people know, and I gotta find out who the fuck did this, and I need to take care of it.

Lily:           Siggy, we’re so sorry.

Eric:             Dude, you can’t go alone, that’s—

Siggy:         [growls] It’s gonna be fine.

[Footsteps fade.]

Sage:            Siggy heads toward the door—

Masha:            Siggy!

Sage:            —and pushes Door Guy outta the way.

[A thud is heard and Door Man grunts.]

Eric:             [quiet] God dammit.

Lily:           We should, I don’t know, let Roach know he’s going out on his own.

Eric:             I gotta… I-I gotta go be alone for a while, guys. I’m sorry. I need—

Door Man:           [tearful] He went through the door without letting me go Chchch.

Masha:            It’s okay. He’s- Siggy’s going through a moment right now, Door Man.

[Door Man grunts tearfully.]

Sage:            But before the door can be shut back down…

[Gentle music.]

Elle and Daniel Daniels show up.

[Lily takes a deep breath.]

Dan:             Hey, wait, wait, uh, Door Guy, wait! Hold on.

Door Man:           [mumbles] Okay.

Dan:             It’s- it’s me. Agent Fragrant.

Door Man:           [mumbles] Yeah, yeah.

Elle:         And me. Hey.

Dan:             D’you remember her? Reporter.

Elle:         Hey, chug chug chug.

Door Man:           [mumbles] Yeah, whatever. Nobody takes me seriously around here!

Dan:             Hey, you got a brief mention in that article that Elle wrote!

Elle:         Yeah!

Door Man:           [irked] Bye!

Dan:             Alright.

Elle:         I quoted you.

[Door clanks shut.]

Dan:             Eric! Hey.

Elle:         Hey! Hey.

Eric:             [quiet] Oh, hi. Hey!

Dan:             Hey, uh…

Lily:           Oh, it’s you.

Elle:         Hey. Yeah, I’m- I’m back. We kinda have to talk to you.

Eric:             What’s goin’ on? You guys remember—

Dan:             Yeah, Elle, uh, Lily, Masha.

Lily:           Yeah. She wrote that article.

Elle:         Yeah. That was me.

Dan:             Yeah [sighs].

Elle:         It was good, right?

Dan:             Everything okay?

Masha:            Yeah, it was really well written.

Dan:             I thought that I was all tensed up, but then even you guys seem- feel tensed up. I…

Masha:            [sighs] We had a really hard mission and, um… It’s kind of a lot to unpack right now, so what- what’s goin’ on?

Lily:           Yeah, what’re you guys here for?

Dan:             Oh. Um…

Elle:         Um…

Eric:             You said you wanted to- [deep breath] you said you wanted to talk about somethin’?

Dan:             Yeah. Uh, I don’t- [quiet] Is now an okay time?

Eric:             Not- at this point every- I- this all might be- anything could help. This all might be connected.

Dan:             It’s- it’s about work. It’s about S.H.I.E.L.D. So I don’t know if you wanted me to…

Eric:             With the police thing?

[Beat. Suspenseful music.]

Dan:             I…

Elle:         [quiet] What?

Dan:             I didn’t…I didn’t tell you about that…yet.

Elle:         Wait. How d’you know that already?


Eric:             Y…y-you…told me that. Right?

Elle:         What?

Dan:             About S.H.I.E.L.D. and—

Elle:         When?

Eric:             Yeah, when…we talked.

Dan:             —the Castle? We passed earlier? Before you went and did the job?

Eric:             Yeah, you said there was…

Elle:         Whaaat?

Dan:             [hesitant] I’m pretty sure I… [firm] No. Elle, I didn’t- I didn’t tell anybody. Tha-that’s why we came here, ’cause it’s—

Elle:         Yeah. We needed to talk to you about that, ’cause we just talking about it and—

Dan:             It was Elle’s idea. She said, you know, like, um…

Elle:         I’m gonna go talk to you about it.

Dan:             Dude, you look like you’re in a rush. Like you’re about to leave or something.

Elle:         Are you okay?

Eric:             Oh, it’s—

Elle:         Is it something you wanna tell us? Or is it- is it that you don’t know?

Eric:             Oh, no, it’s right. That’s- I totally- yeah, no, you didn’t tell me that. I don’t know what I was talking about.

Dan:             Whoa, hold on, hold on. Wait, Eric, Eric.

Eric:             No, don’t listen to me, don’t listen to me, don’t listen to me.

Dan:             I wouldn’t have told you that. I found out about this yesterday.

[Eric and Dan talk over each other.]

Eric:             Don’t listen to me. It’s fine. Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to me! Don’t listen to—

Dan:             The only time I’ve seen you was earlier today when I walked in and I said I wanted to talk—

Eric:             [yells] Because I looked!

[Music thrums.]

Dan:             What?

[Masha groans nervously.]

Masha:            Should we be here?

Lily:           Masha.

Masha:            [quiet] I’m sorry.

Dan:             Wha-wha-what d’you- what d’you mean? You been tapping?


On us?


Elle:         Wait. Who? You have been tapping.


Dan:             W-wait, wait [nervous scoff]. E-E—

Eric:             [nervous] I’m so sorry.

Elle:         Me?


Eric:             [tearful] I’m so sorry.


Elle:         Uh, for how long?


Eric:             [quiet] I-I don’t know. Like, three or…three or four years.

Dan:             You mean, like, when the Snap happened?


Elle:         Why?

Dan:             You guys broke up in high school.

Elle:         High s…yeah.

Dan:             What the fuck are you doing?

Eric:             I…

Masha:            Wait, are you guys together?

Dan:             Yes!

Masha:            Oh my…

Elle:         Yeah, that’s- we—

Dan:             Me and Elle have been together for six years now. Like, we live in an apartment. Together. And sometimes Eric comes over and we watch a movie. And sometimes we go to Eric’s house and we watch a movie [takes a breath] but I didn’t realize that that meant that when I wasn’t with Eric that I was also still with Eric! Who knows?

Was it my touch? Was it my ears? Was it my sight? I mean- I-I-I mean you and Elle obviously go way back. So who know- e-e- left and right, maybe…

Dude. I thought you said you would never do this! You said you don’t do this and you would never do this and- and so you tell me now that—

Eric:             [yells] I lied!

Dan:             So you’re a liar.

Eric:             Yeah, man. I- that’s- that’s- that’s what I’ve been. That’s who I am.

Elle:         Alright, alright.

Eric:             Look, I can—

Elle:         Wait, is there…there’s gotta be a good reason. There’s gotta be—

Eric:             When…

Masha:            [quiet] Oh my god.

Eric:             When my- when our- when [nervous chuckle] half— [sighs]

When the Snap happened, I had to see…who was safe. I-I wanted to see who was safe. And when I checked on- [sighs] checked on you, I saw Daniel…

Dan:             And then we all met up at Lost Property?

Eric:             Yeah [sighs].

Dan:             So you’ve been spying on us…

Elle:         Since you got back.

Dan:             Like, vicariously putting yourself in the—

Eric:             That’s—

[Masha groans.]

We don’t need to—

Dan:             I just don’t understand why else you would do that. We- like—

Elle:         How often do you do this?

Eric:             There’s just not a lot to look forward to these days. And it’s just that being- [mumbles] Oh god. [normal] Being there with you—

Elle:         Why? Why?

Eric:             Because…it feels…[quiet] good.


Elle:         That’s it?


Lily:           You guys never did anything to cope with the Snap that you’re not proud of?

Eric:             Don’t…please don’t defend me.

Lily:           No.

Eric:             No, please don’t—

Lily:           No, no, no, no, no. Eric, you’ve been the only family Masha and I have had for years now. And is this, you know, weird or inappropriate? Maybe. But I know you’ve been trying to be better. I know you’ve been trying to be the best for us. You help me look for my sister. Every day. You’re flawed. We’re all fucking flawed!

Masha:            Have you been looking for our sister every day?

Dan:             Yeah, except if you’re talking about trying to be better, maybe starting today.

Masha:            Bu—

Dan:             ’Cause if you know about—

Masha:            Wait, bu—

Dan:             —what I was talkin’ to Elle about, that was literally a couple hours ago.

Eric:             We’ve been busy, man!

[Masha sighs.]

We were in the— [sighs] There’s another me—

Masha:            Can I just s-s—

Eric:             There’s an entire clone. There’s- there’s a lot goin’ on th-th-that I’d love to catch you up on, but right now I’m not only guilty, blood on my hands again. Again. But now this. And I’m sorry. This is not- I’m not- I’m not the one that’s supposed to be…on the attack.

Dan:             No, trust me, I didn’t come here planning on any—

Masha:            Okay—

Eric:             It’s just— [sighs] Look. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. When you—

Elle:         You swore you would never do that.

Eric:             I know. And—

Dan:             Yeah. We joke about it.

Eric:             Yup. And I—

Elle:         And what- what- what have you seen?

Dan:             [quiet] Okay I mean, Elle. Do we really wanna ask that question? I mean—

Masha:            Can we please just stop for a second? I- Lily, I- are- are you looking for Rose every single day?


Eric:             [nervous scoff] Yes.

Lily:           He’s been helping me.

Masha:            Wha… I thought we talked about this. I th… You don’t un- do you not understand how unsafe it is for you to go out? Why didn’t you tell me?

Lily:           ’Cause you gave up.

Masha:            I didn’t give up! Okay? I already told you. There’s not much we can do! And- and I know you don’t agree with me—

Lily:           [loud] Do you wanna say what you came here to say, Daniel? So we can get that information then we can go?

Elle:         Why don’t you tell them?

Dan:             [seething] Yeah. Yeah, Eric. Why don’t you be the one? Go for it.

Eric:             [hesitant] From what I understand, and correct me if I’m wrong, you came to tell me about the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking to…employ or work with or in some way integrate the Castletons, which may or may not still be linked to Tony Stark wherever he is, to assume some sort of authoritarian police control over at least the city if not more than that.

This has something to do with this Tie Breaker bullshit, which is what I wanna tell you about. [deep breath] But really, all I’d like to do right now is kinda go away if everybody- if I could just, like, there’s a lot—

Dan:             No! Eric. You don’t get to run from this one. Alright?


When you called me in Bolivia, I understood. ’Kay? Several years going by, couldn’t talk to my best friend, then we come back. Y-yeah, I get it. But this is not a cowering situation, okay? It’s gonna take a long time to rebuild any sort of fucking trust between the two of us, by the way. But—

Elle:         How ’m I supposed to trust that you’re not gonna keep doing this?

Eric:             You can’t! Nobody can trust me! That’s- no— [sighs] That’s just part o’ the deal. That’s what it is. Because even if I do or if I don’t, there’s always the idea that I might, and I s— [sighs]

You don’t get it! I spent so much of my life looking into the fucking bowels of human potential. Seeing just the worst- the worst in what people were capable of. And when I found out that it was for the wrong cause, it shattered every notion of good-will I had towards any living being until I saw the two of you interact. And then for fucking once, I felt like people were good. And okay. And I felt happy and [sighs] trusted. And...loved.

[Sad, gentle music.]

Dan:             [sighs] Look, dude. I, uh… We’ll talk about it some other time. I… I’m not saying I don’t understand…it’s just…

Elle:         No matter what, we need to figure out what’s happening with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Castletons and forcing new law enforcement that no one else is picking. That’s…pretty messed up.

Dan:             Yeah. And I don’t exactly have high-level access or anything. So everything I’ve heard is just kinda been through the grapevine. But, um, yeah. It sounds eerily similar to before, but for whatever reason they don’t see the Castle as, you know, as bad as Hydra.

Which, I mean- I mean how could you know? You know? How can you trust an outsider? After all of that it sounds so much like the Project Insight bullshit all over again. Hydra literally used to have a base called the Hydra Castle, you know that?

But of course, it’s all connected because a lot o’ the Castletons are former Stark employees. And, as you know, Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. have been pretty buddy-buddy since, like, mmm, forever. Thanks, Howard.

With the organization being as small as it is and technically in its second iteration going from Fury to Colson to Gonzales to Mace to McKenzie to whoever the fuck it is now.

Steve Rogers is our life blood! Oop, just kidding. Don’t trust Rogers at all! Also if you’re hiding anything about where he is, we’ll kill you.

We’re at war with the inhumans! The who? Classified.

Earth’s being invaded again! Why? Classified.

I can’t keep track of a single goddamn thing they do, and they don’t tell low-level agents like me anything [sighs].

All I know is there’s…some sort of deal. And I don’t wanna be a part of it. So…

Eric:             The question is, do we go after S.H.I.E.L.D. or do we go after this Tie Breaker? But—

Dan:             I mean, we don’t even know where to go for that. I don’t even know what happened on your guys’ last mission. I don’t even know anything about the Tie Breaker. I…I mean. Your ears are everywhere, so you would be the one to know.

Eric:             Well, my literal ears are also somewhere… Look, the last- the last person we worked with… Uh, there’s another…there’s a- there’s another me out there. There’s a-a perfect, like, life-model decoy, but it’s real life, of me with whoever is at the core of this right now, and I can’t- I can’t track me right now. But I know- I’ve got—

Elle:         You have a clone?

Eric:             I have a- yeah. Not to- this doesn’t help my argument, but yeah. I have a clone. There—

Masha:            It wasn’t his choice.

Lily:           It- it was me. It was my idea.

Eric:             That’s—

Elle:         That’s crazy, but also, good idea.

Eric:             Y-yeah. So I’m thinkin’ I can’t- I don’t— [sighs] I-I lost- I-I don’t know where I am, but I’ve got a phone on- same phone. I can- I can take it to- take it to Gift Bag. Take it to Theo. He can see if he can find- and we can fix this, and we can- we can make it right. We can figure this out.

Roach:            [distant; shouts] I say you break into S.H.I.E.L.D.!

[Anticipation music]

Dan, Masha:           [together] Roach.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           How long’ve you been here?

Roach:            [approaching] Last couple minutes. I missed the whole beginning thing. Uh.

[Footsteps tap closer.]

Lily:           [mumbles] Oh my god.

Roach:            No big deal, uh, clearly some personal matters goin’ on. This is always part o’ the process. Where’s Siggy, by the way?

Masha:            [quiet] Oh.

Lily:           He, um…he left. We’re- we’re worried about him.

Eric:             If you know where he might be or where he goes or any way to contact him, I think he’s- he might try to do somethin’ really dumb right now.

Lily:           He went to his people.

Roach:            Lizardmen [sighs]. He’s goin’ down to the sewers. Whoever’s left. They get, you know [clicks tongue] on that last mission?

Masha:            Yeah.

Roach:            [quiet] Shit.

Lily:           [quiet] Yeah.

Roach:            Oh, he’s real loyal to them, right. They- they gave ’im a home back in the day when bein’ a freak wasn’t so popular. Really took solace in, uh, in that community. Me an’ him ended up meeting up and tryin’ to do the same thing with the Fort one way or another. Still keeps in contact. I guess they run a printing shop or something like that. And they haven’t stopped.

Lily:           Well, now they have.

Roach:            Look, I, uh— [clears throat] I say all this mopin’ is a waste of time. Healthy! But you gotta move before things get movin’ if you catch my drift. Sick o’ trench coats creepin’ around the Fort, and you know what? I see it as an opportunity. Yo Dan!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Agent Fragrant. You got access, right?

Elle:         Mm-hmm.

Dan:             Yeah.

Elle:         He does.

Roach:            Well, then bust your ass in there. Take the ScAvenger- Scavengers and bust into the nearest outpost. I don’t know where it is, but I know you know somethin’. There’s gotta be somethin’ nearby, right? Somewhere we can get intel.

If Siggy’s goin’ after whatever they’re doin’, I hope for the love o’ god I can catch up to ’im, ’cause if I lose that guy, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself. But, we can maybe find- what, you said you have some sort of spy out there?

Eric:             Uh, yeah. It’s- it’s a literal clone. There’s a clone out there of me.

Roach:            Yeah, okay. I just wanted to make sure I was following, ’cause that’s some fuckin’ Inception shit.

Eric:             Yeah.

[Eric scoffs in half amusement, half nervousness.]

You’re tellin’ me.

Roach:            Not to mention the whole…[tsks] There’s a lot o’ layers here. This is like a big stupid super onion.

Eric:             Some would say it’s overly complicated.

Sage:            [unamused] Yes. Okay.

[Anticipation music builds.]

Roach:            I wanna run a tight ship here, you know what I’m sayin’? If the Castletons are up to no good, then we gotta go after them. My bias has been confirmed, yo.

Dan:             Yeah, but then I’m gonna have to, like, break in, right? I mean, that’s my job, and I’m gonna, like, have to [scoffs nervously].

Eric:             I… You can—

Dan:             You’re in the database too, Eric. And if they know that we did this, they’re gonna come after us and then we’re gonna—

Eric:             Dude, they’re al- they’re already after me. I’ve got nothin’, at this point, to lose.

Elle:         And you said you wanted to quit anyway, right?

Dan:             Go out in style?

[Dan takes a deep breath and blows it out nervously.]

Okay. Well, there’s the Stark HQ in downtown, by the industrial district, but they’re gonna have way, way too much heat. So I guess there’s this outpost out in Death Valley. Kinda like an intermediary storage unit, basically.

Eric:             Let’s go.

Dan:             [deep breath] Well, that’s just the problem, isn’t it? You said it yourself. You…can’t be trusted.

[Music fades.]

Lily:           [sighs] You know what? Eric?

Eric:             [quiet] …Yeah?


Lily:           I trust you.

[Gentle guitar music.]

Come here.

Masha:            Lily.

Eric:             Oh, you really… Look that’s not…

[Footsteps tap as Lily approaches Eric.]

Masha:            Lily, what are you…

[Footsteps scuff to a stop and a gentle thud is heard as Lily hugs Eric. He grunts nervously.]

Oh my god. Lily! What’re you doing?

[Clothes rustle as Lily backs away.]

He literally just lied to his best friend!

Lily:           If he can help us, and he has helped us, and I trust the son of a bitch despite everything, I don’t care. Plus, when’s the last time someone hugged you?

Dan:             I mean, that would prob’ly explain why you did it in the first place, if that hasn’t been happening in a while.

Eric:             [nervous chuckle] Okay, everybody.

[Masha sighs.]

Elle:         Has no one hugged you?

Eric:             We get it! Eric’s sad! We all get it! Eric’s sad!

Dan:             Elle, why don’t you help out Roach.

Eric:             Eric’s- Eric’s okay. [tearful] Eric’s gonna be fine.

Dan:             You got contacts, right? You know some people?

Eric:             Thank you, Masha.

Elle:         Mm. Mm-hmm. Yes.

Dan:             You stay here. I don’t know…

Eric:             Thank you, Lily.

Dan:             The S.H.I.E.L.D. thing might go south pretty quick.

Sage:            [amused] Theo hears the word “S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost” and he runs upstairs.

[Rapid footsteps tap as Theo approaches the group.]

Theo:            H-hey. Ro- are- are we doing this? I mean, we’ve talked about this for a couple years, but are- are w—

Roach:            Now’s the time! We got an operative! Ain’t that right, Dan? If you’re ready to do it, ready to quit. I heard that conversation. I was lookin’ for a good window, and the window’s open. There’s a nice cool breeze of break in. Let’s fuckin’ surf the wind while we have it.

Theo:            Cool! Yeah. Uh, I have some tech in prep for this, but also, like, a massive favor. We need our system updated, like, somethin’ fierce. I’m workin’ on 2013 info here. Like, I’ve got, like, um, the front of a manilla folder on you. I’ve got— It- it’s trash. So, like, it’s—

Roach:            It’s pretty bad! It’s, uh, yeah. Um…

Theo:            Um. I mean this is extra circular, but if you could get us- especially with what I just found and what I’m looking at with- with you, and, like—

Roach:            Which, by the way, just in case it wasn’t clear, Eric, we’ve known about your powers the whole time.

Eric:             Oh, fuckin’ really?

Roach:            Yes.

Theo:            Yeah.

Eric:             God dammit.

Theo:            Well, yeah.

Roach:            You should stop lying bro, it’s kinda dumb [stifles laughter].

Theo:            I mean, I figured you’d come and talk to me about it if you- if it was- I- you know, you got your own thing.

That being said, I need you to take a box into their database and please copy it for me.

Roach:            If ya see any tech? Take that shit. Take it. Swoop it. Grab it. Pym stuff, Wakandan stuff, Stark stuff, I don’t give a shit what it- Chitauri stuff. What else is there? Grab it. Grab it! Theo’s got all sorts o’ gadgets he’s been workin’ on. I don’t wanna talk about it. I don’t wanna spoil it for ’im, but just grab whatever you can.

Theo:            Yeah. Castletons… That can’t happen.

Roach:            They’re up to no good. I’ve known it since the very beginning.

Theo:            Th-that can’t hap- like, no more suits. No more o’ this superheroes trying to rule the world with some robotic iron fist. I’m- I’m not okay with that.

Roach:            Meanwhile, [sighs] Elle, you stayin’ here? Reporter?

Elle:         Yes.

Roach:            Me, you, and Theo will hold up the Fort and we’ll, uh, we’ll, uh, try to track down Siggy or somethin’—

Masha:            I don’t know if I can do it.

Eric:             I mean should… What?

[Music halts.]

Lily:           What d’you mean?

Masha:            I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t know if I can do it.

Eric:             In…

Lily:           Are you worried about your powers?

Masha:            Um…

Eric:             Do you have a scheduling conflict?

Masha:            [tearful] Just feeling really overwhelmed right now.

Lily:           We can’t make you go. But we do need you there.


Masha:            I just don’t…

Sage:            Masha, which power did you just lose?

[Masha’s Piano Motif plays sadly.]


Jessica:          Healing.


Lily:           Did you lose one?


Masha:            Yeah I lost he-healing.

Lily:           [gentle] I’m so sorry. Did it let you choose?

Masha:            [tearful] Yeah.

Lily:           Okay.

Masha:            I didn’t wanna lose that one.

Lily:           [gentle] I know.

Theo:            I’m sorry. I’ve been trying so hard to figure out what- what’s been going on with you. If you get that database, they’ve got way more than I do. Maybe we can find something that’ll help.

Dan:             Also, Masha, for, I mean, what it’s worth, like, literally my power is smelling good. But not, like, smelling well, like your sister. Like, just- I just smell good. I don’t have anything extraordinary.

Elle:         Yeah.

Dan:             To get into this situation.

Masha:            I don’t care! I don’t care about my powers!


[emotional] I don’t know. I’m just finding, like, I just don’t understand why I’m even here. I don’t mean to…insult anybody, I just. Right now, I just don’t really feel like, um, like I just feel like everybody- I’ve been trying to be really honest with everybody and I don’t feel like anyone’s being honest with me.

[Masha takes a shallow, tearful breath and swallows.]

I just don’t know if I’m that helpful anymore. And the only power I wanted to keep was healing, but now I just… Fine. I’m accepting that I’m getting rid of them. I don’t need to have them anyway.


But I’ll come if it means that I can find out who I am and what’s going on. I didn’t- I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Dan:             [gentle] They’ve gotta have intel.

[Gentle music.]

Masha:            [quiet] Okay.

Lily:           I’m glad you’re saying these things. And we’re being honest with each other now. Because we are a family. For better or for worse. You and I are not related by blood, but you are my family. And that now extends to some of these other weirdos and misfits too. We all have each other’s backs, but we all need to all have each other’s backs.

Elle:         S.H.I.E.L.D. is a powerhouse of answers. If you were gonna find anything about yourself, it’s gonna be there.

Masha:            [quiet] Okay.

Eric:             And I understand what you mean by not feeling useful. Or feeling confused as to why you’re here. And while…not exactly the paragon of, uh, you know, uh, good sense or anyone who should be giving advice at the moment, um, sometimes taking a selfish action could, uh, bring you closer to, uh, what it is you’re supposed to be doing for people you care about.


Masha:            Okay.

Lily:           We’re together, so we’re in the right place, yeah?

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[Soup lid clanks open gently.]

Soup Guy:         Low-carb soup?

Masha:            That would be…good.

[Anticipation music.]

Soup Guy:         You know, I always looked up to y’all. But I never had any powers. But I made up my mind. I’m a souper hero.

Masha:            Soup…

Soup Guy:         Er hero.

Lily:           Yeah, you are.

Soup Guy:         Yeah, you are.

Roach:            [amused] Damn right, Soup Guy.

Soup Guy:         Big-ass soup.

Roach:            Big-ass soup.


Eric:             [quiet] Everybody get their speech in?


Dan:             Alright. Let’s go…q-quit my job [nervous scoff]. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself. You can have your own…

Elle:         And you stay the fuck outta my head. We’ll talk about that later.

Eric:             [nervous] Yup.

Dan:             Yeah.

[Episode End music.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.


After-Credits Scene

[Metal clanks and echoes as someone climbs down a ladder. Voice echoes off the walls.]

Siggy:         Ugh. The sewers. I thought it smelled bad in the Fortress.

[Footsteps tap and scuff to a halt.]

Oop. Forgot to close the manhole, shit.

[Metal scrapes, creaks, and clanks shut. Water drips.]

There we go. Uh… Hey guys? Hello? Anyone? Hmm. Oh! Right, the password. Ah, shit. What was it this week? Uh, I need to stay on top of the newsletters. Uh, oh!

I was sent by the man from the knickerbocker with the African Grey.

[Metal doors creak open.]


Lizard People:     [together] Siggy! Hey! Whoo!

Siggy:         It’s good to see you guys. Listen. Nonstop Print Shop…it stopped. For good.

[Indistinct whispering.]

Lizardman:       What d’we do?

Siggy:         We’re not gonna take this sittin’ down. We’re not gonna hide down here in the sewers and pretend that everything’s alright. That we’re better off.

I think it’s about time we take a stand.



[Music resumes; dark and steady.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Music, Editing and Sound Design by SageG.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]



[Crickets chirp. Footsteps tap.]

Eric:             Shotgun! Let’s go!

Lily:           Whoa, h-hold on. Did Henry ever fix your car after he broke it?

Masha:            Oh, yeah, yeah. It was actually pretty fine. I-I ended up calling a tow truck and they just brought it to the Fort and everybody just helped and fixed it. So yay!

Eric:             Isn’t there- there’s like a mechanic hero, right? There’s a guy who’s superhero is… He’s just—

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah, his name is Otto, so…

[Sage stifles laughter.]

It’s Otto Repair.

Lily:           Like it—

Eric:             I hate this place. Let’s go fast from this place.


#8 - Mare in the Night (w/Beth May)

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 8 - Mare in the Night

Air Date: May 20, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Traivs Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Radio switches on.]

Woman:          You're listening to…

[Rock music introduction.]

Man:                616 Power!

Bart:               Good afternoon, Los Angeles. This is The News [sighs]. Um, got a lot o’ flack recently about some comments I made about the Avengers. Lot o’ their fans are out there saying that they meant well and they’re just out there meddling in other peoples’ affairs for the sake of human rights.

Well here’s The News! You have to be human to have human rights. Okay? Our top guys speculate that there’s some core elements to being a super that separates you—

Let me ask you this, if you can go around doing whatever you want—bending time and reflecting lasers—are you human? Really? In a practical sense, are you human?

It’s kinda like that old- that saw. Everybody is made equal but some people are more equal. That’s what we’re dealing with. That’s what’s going on here, people. That’s why you see all this chaos in the streets. That’s why there’s this madness. And I have to say, as a flesh and blood human, I can tell you for a fact…

Look at the polar bears, look at the mammoths, look at the Neanderthals. Every species that takes a subservient role gets driven out, made extinct, and destroyed. That’s what’s goin’ on, and I’m just tellin’ you how it is. Sorry that- sorry that’s how it is. That’s just how it is.

And now we’re going to take a quick commercial break for this word from Oreos.

[A switch clicks as Bart turns off his audio recording. Paper rustles as he gathers his notes and taps them on the table.]


[A chair creaks as he leans back.]

Another one for the books.

[A power door slides open. Metal footsteps clank.]

Glitter Can:          I’m here.

[Suspenseful music slowly builds.]

Bart:               [haughty] Glitter Can, put that visor up and look me in the eye when you’re talkin’ to me.

Glitter Can:          Excuse me?

Bart:               [slow] Put your visor up and look me in the eye when you’re talking to me.

Glitter Can:          That was a rhetorical “excuse me”. These are my eyes. Just tell me what you- tell me what you need me to— Just fucking talk to me.

Bart:               [sighs] Cyborgs. Half- one foot in, half foot out [sighs]. Glitter Can, I gotta- I gotta ask you something.

Glitter Can:          …Yes?

Bart:               I gotta ask you to do something for me.


Glitter Can:          What?

Bart:               Go destroy the Fort!

[Suspenseful music crescendos and cuts off.]



[The low hum of a driving car is heard. Masha hums a tune.]

Lily:           I need to pee.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Well, um…

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

You want me to pull over or… I mean there’s not really a spot to…

Lily:           Just, like, I don’t know. Next gas station or rest stop. Like…

Dan:             I don’t think there’s gonna be anymore. We’re gettin’ pretty close and in the…pretty much the literal middle of nowhere.

Lily:           [groans] I’ll pee in S.H.I.E.L.D., fine!

[Sage snorts. Emily stifles laughter.]

[Car engine begins rumbling.]


Masha:            Oh god.

Lily:           Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Masha:            [moans] Nooo.

[Engine cuts off. Music.]

Eric:             You put water in before we left?

Masha:            What?

Eric:             [quiet] Never mind.

Lily:           Is it supposed to smoke?

Dan:             Did the car just break down?

Masha:            Y…this isn’t supposed to happen, so yes, the car is breaking down. I don’t know what’s going on. This is—

Eric:             Alright, alright. Pull over. Pull over.

Dan:             I thought you said Matter O’ Fact fixed it.

Masha:            No, I said Otto Repairman fixed it.

Dan:             So- but he didn’t. Clearly he didn’t.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Dammit.

Eric:             Well, I mean, this thing- this- this is old. This could be one of anything. My mom had one of these cars. They’re [sighs] After a while— German engineering, what can you do? Look, can we pull over?

Masha:            Yeah.

[Tires crunch on gravel, slowing down.]

Well, kinda have to now [nervous scoff]. Um…

[Lily groans. A light clunk is heard as Masha puts the car in Park.]

Here, Lily, you can go pee outside if you want now.

[A car door opens.]

Eric:             Might need you to pee on the engine block. It’s overheating.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[Masha moans in disagreement.]

Lily:           I’m not gonna do that.

Masha:            Yeah, it doesn’t sound very safe.

Eric:             That was…that wasn’t serious.

Masha:            Oh. You were making a joke [chuckles]. Sorry.

[Dan sighs. Lily laughs mockingly.]

Eric:             Alright.

Masha:            Um…

Dan:             So what now?

Masha:            Well…

Lily:           We gonna walk to S.H.I.E.L.D.?

[Quiet clicking as the car’s engine cools down.]

Masha:            Really late right now, though. Should we wait and- overnight in the car and then go or…

Dan:             Eric, you packed those beers, right?

Eric:             [hesitant] Yeah. They’re warm. But they’re here.

[Dan sighs.]

Look, I-I don’t think any of us are in the place to really go storming…walking through the desert, like we’re founding some religion, and then storming S.H.I.E.L.D. We’d probably be better off hunkering down for the night, getting a start early, and hopefully sleeping off some of, uh [tsks] whatever it is that we’re going through right now.

Lily:           Yeah, how long do you guys think we can sit in uncomfortable silence before we pretend to sleep?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

[Footsteps crunch on dirt.]

Eric:             Drinkin’ warm beer!

[Car door opens.]

That’s it. Drinkin’ warm beer!

Lily:           Alright. I’m gonna go pee. I-I’ll be right back.

[Car door shuts. Beer can cracks and hisses open.]

[Episode music plays.]


Episode 8 – Mare in the Night

[Crickets chirp. A fire crackles.]

Dan:             Alright, alright, alright [sighs]. Um [tsks] Okay. Okay.

[A beer can cracks and hisses open.]

Fuck, marry, kill. Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, uh, Professor Hulk, Hawkeye.

Masha:            …So you fuck the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?

Dan:             Well, no, it’s up to you. What you wanna- is that what—

Masha:            Oh, I thought- okay.

Lily:           [languidly] He’s, like, suggesting three names and then you gotta, like [clicks tongue]—

Eric:             Pick.

Lily:           —make a decision.

Masha:            Okay, can you repeat that one again?

Dan:             Devils of h- Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, uh, Professor Hulk, and the bow guy. The Hawkeye. Bow guy.

Masha:            Oh, wow. That’s kinda hard.

Dan:             I mean, I got my answer. But I pitched it, so I can’t go first.

Lily:           I bet you Hawkeye’s good with his hands.

Dan:             Good aim.

Masha:            I would wanna, like, fuck and marry the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.

[An owl hoots.]

I feel like he has a way with moves [chuckles]. Sorry guys.

Lily:           Masha! [chuckles]

[Dan, Lily, and Masha chuckle.]

Eric:             Guys, it’s…it’s easy. You kill Hawkeye, because…come on. You fuck the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, ’cause that’s a great time. You marry Professor Hulk because, you know, he’s safe.

[Masha makes a vague disagreement noise.]

Dan:             He’s safe, he’s smart, he’s big.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Yeah, honestly, Eric, changed my answer. You- you convinced me.

Masha:            Yeah, but he can get really—

Lily:           Is that what you look for in a man? Safe, smart, and big?

Eric:             It is, in fact.

Masha:            ’Cept for the fact that he turns into, like, a really big, green monster.

Eric:             Have you s— He is a big green monster. Have you seen him?

Dan:             Yeah, I don’t know if you saw. It’s permanent now. He’s good.

Masha:            Oh, yeah!

Dan:             Yup.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Yeah.

Masha:            That’s true.

Eric:             He was on Access Hollywood yesterday.

Masha:            He’s just milking it up.

Eric:             He’s in a movie. Him and Dwayne.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

It’s wild. It’s him and then Dwayne and then Kevin Hart.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            And then John Cena has a cameo.

Eric:             Yeah. They’re doing Twins

Lily:           I thought John Cena got Snapped.

Eric:             —but it’s quintuplets. No. Quadtuplets.

Masha:            [scoffs] Did he? I have to check. Let me Google it.

Eric:             What does it mean when there’s four kids?

Lily:           Check- check- check the app.

Masha:            Yeah, let me check the Snap App.

[Clothes rustle as Masha pulls her phone out.]

Eric:             I can’t belie— That seems in such poor taste, that they made that.

[Quiet snicks are heard as Masha types on her phone.]

Lily:           Are there ads on that? Do they monetize it?

Eric:             No, there’s a pro version you can get.

Masha:            Yeah, there’s, like, in-app purchases.

Dan:             It’s only a dollar.

Lily:           That’s really fucked [scoffs].

Masha:            Um, John Cena—

Eric:             It suggests other people that may have been Snapped too for you to check on.

Lily:           Oh.

Masha:            Yeah, John Cena got Snapped. I totally thought he was in that movie.

Dan:             Oh, you’re thinking of Jason Statham.

Masha:            Oooh!

Eric:             Really?

Lily:           Did he get Snapped?

Masha:            No, John Cena got Snapped.

Dan:             Yeah, John Cena got Snapped.

Lily:           Oh. Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Eric:             But is Mark Wahlberg okay?

Masha:            I don’t- let me check.

[Search result beeps.]


Eric:             Yeah, what?

Masha:            He’s fine.

Eric:             Oh thank god.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             It’s amazing that you have reception out here.

Masha:            Well, you know. Verizon.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Verizon.

Masha:            Yeah.

Dan:             AT&T Snapped?

Masha:            Yeah.

Dan:             [quiet] Yeah. That’s too bad.

[Traivs snorts. Emily stifles laughter.]

Masha:            The whole network is gone.

Dan:             Speaking of, uh, any texts from Theo on the whole clone situation?

Masha:            No, not yet.

Dan:             [tsks] Hmm. Well, smart call on those beers, Eric.

[Traivs snorts.]

Eric:             You’re, uh, you’re welcome. I, uh, needed cash back.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Nee… Like- like you want me to pay you back?

Eric:             No, no, no. As in, I got— I-I-I needed cash—

Dan:             Oh, you needed cash and you need to go buy—

Eric:             —but I didn’t wanna go to the ATM—

Dan:             Yes.

Eric:             —’cause I didn’t wanna pay the service fees.

Dan:             So you—

Eric:             So I went to the grocery store—

Dan:             So you bought two six-packs.

Eric:             And I bought two six-packs because, you know, it’s- they’re gonna be a long- but it was mostly for the… You’re welcome.



Lily:           Do we feel like the drinking age applies after the Snap?

Dan:             Oh shit! [stifles laughter] Are you drinking? Should we be- should we be letting her drink?

Eric:             Oooh.

Masha:            Lily!

Eric:             Oh god.

Lily:           I’m not driving!

Masha:            Oh my god.

Lily:           Nobody’s driving.

Eric:             Yeah, nobody’s driving. We’re not driving this car anymore. This car is done.

Dan:             It’s fine, we’re all—

Lily:           Dude, d’you wanna- d’you wanna feel how drunk I am [stifles laughter] right now?

[Dan stifles laughter.]

You wanna feel how drunk I am right now?

Eric:             No.

Dan:             [amused] Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Eric:             No. No.

Lily:           Come on, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!

Eric:             No.

Lily:           Come on! [giggles]

[Eric groans and sighs.]

Masha:            She gave you permission.

Eric:             But I don’t want to! That doesn’t mean- just because she— [sighs]

Dan:             [mumbles] Didn’t stop you from tappin’ into me. Go for it.

Eric:             Shut the fuck up, Daniel.

Dan:             Go for it.

Eric:             I just apologi—

Lily:           [giggles] Yeah, shut the fuck up, Daniel!

Dan:             Please call me Dan.

Masha:            It was a solid burn.

[A rumbling whoosh as Eric uses his power. A second rumble is heard as he untaps.]

Eric:             Yup, she’s drunk.

Lily:           [stifles laughter] What’re you? A cop? [giggles]

[sighs] Does anybody have water?

Dan:             Uh…

Eric:             I only got the six-packs.

Dan:             Well, we’re only, like, a mile [sighs] from the base. It’s, uh, it’s in, like, a…like a [stammers] It’s like an aband- it’s like a ghost town thing. Like, it looks like a ghost town when you pass through. It’s called Skidoo, but if you actually go into the mine, they set up a whole thing.

Lily:           [snorts] Sorry. Can you say that one more time? [giggles]

Dan:             Uh…Skidoo.

[Lily snorts.]

The S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost is in the ghost town, Skidoo.

[Lily wheezes.]

[amused] Look this wasn’t my decision.

Lily:           Please stop saying it [giggles].

[Dan chuckles.]

Masha:            Alright, I think we should probably go to sleep. I don’t want Lily getting more drunk than this. I’m a little concerned [stifles laughter].

[Leaves rustle.]

Woman:          [distant; grunts] Oh, shoot.

[Suspenseful music. Masha gasps.]

Dan:             Somebody just trip in the bushes?

[Sage stifles laughter. Traivs snorts.]

Masha:            Do you guys hear something?

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           [sighs] Yes. Always.

Masha:            Have you been hearing a lot of things since we’ve been parked here?

Lily:           Uh, there’s, like, a very quiet coyote, maybe, whose leg is broken. Um, ’cause there’s somebody’s doin’- doin’ a stumble. [takes a breath] Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Dan:             [quiet] Eric, you think it’s one of the…agents? No, but they think- they think—

Eric:             Out here?

Dan:             They think you’re dead, right? They- oh, they got you. They have you right now.

Eric:             Y-y-yeah. No. I’m- I’m- I’m good. I mean, I’m in danger, but I’m good.

Dan:             But other you…yeah. Okay. Y-you’re- yeah.

Eric:             Yeah, no. I’m in serious trouble, but I’m fine.

Dan:             Okay, um…

Eric:             Are we— It’s the middle of the desert. Who’s gonna be out here? It’s a coyote or a tumbleweed. Like…

[Lily makes a drunken disagreement noise.]

Dan:             Mmm.

Lily:           It’s a tumbleweed that breathes. And also smells like meat.

[Footsteps crunch on dirt. Leaves rustle.]

Masha:            I see something moving outside.

Eric:             Hmm?

Dan:             Who goes there? Hello?

Eric:             Hello?

Dan:             Me and Eric have guns! Er, me and Scry have guns!

Eric:             Man, just…

[Try-hard villain laughter.]

Eric:             That person sounds like they’re opening their mouth way too much to laugh.

Lily:           Nnnot a coyote.

Eric:             Who is this? Hello! Who are you?

Lily:           That sounds like a lady person.

[Suspenseful music.]

Lady Person:      [English accent] You people and your silly guns! They- they won’t keep out intruders in the night.

Dan:             [stifles laughter] Did we end up in the UK at some point?

Eric:             What hap—

Lily:           [groans] Oh, this is a really bad production of Oliver.

[Sage and Traivs stifle laughter.]

Lady Person:      Oye! What’re you talkin’ about?

Masha:            How can you see? It’s dark at night.

Dan:             [amused] Yeah, take off your sunglasses.

Lily:           What’re you doing here?

Dan:             Wait a minute.

Eric:             Huh.

Dan:             Eric.

Eric:             What?

Dan:             She…[slow] looks like one of the…

Lady Person:      I look really cool!

Masha:            [stage whispers] She’s got a trench coat on!

Eric:             Oh!

Dan:             [whispers] She’s a trenchcoat person.

Lily:           [slow] Oh no.

Eric:             Oh!

Lily:           [slow] Oh, but she’s- she’s talkin’ an’ stuff. And she’s British.

Dan:             [whispers frantically] Lily, Lily, L…relax.

Lily:           What?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lady Person:      Yeah, you’re right, I’m talkin’. I’m talkin’- I’ll talk all night! Wh-whatever you guys got to say, I’ll talk over it. So shut up!

Eric:             [slow] Okaaay.

Dan:             Look, if you’re- if you’re here to kill us, uh—

Lady Person:      I ain’t here to kill you. I’m here to scare you. That’s right. I know all of your inner thoughts an’ fears, and I, with the power of this trench coat, an’ what I have in my pocket, am gonna make it happen.

Masha:            Make what happen?

Lily:           Ah, Christian Bale! That’s who she sounds like!

[Traivs stifles laughter.]

Just came to me. Just got it. Loop just caught up.

Eric:             O-okay. Um…

Masha:            What d’you- what?

Eric:             She’s—

Masha:            You sound like you’re crazy!

Eric:             She’s got something in her pocket, and she knows all of our fears aaand that’s about- that’s what I got from that.

Masha:            Are you mentally well?

Lady Person:      Oye, you there.

Eric:             Hmm?

Lady Person:      I’m not sure what you look like. Other than…um…dumb!

[Traivs scoffs.]

Obviously! Um…

Eric:             Ow.

Dan:             That’s rude.

Lily:           Got a point. She got a point.

Lady Person:      Good thing that car’s not working, ’cause that honk noise would make you think about geese, and you’re afraid of them. ’Cause I know what your mind says.

Lily:           [gasps; amused] Are you afraid of geese? [chuckles]

Eric:             What? No. J- I’m not afra—

Lady Person:      Honk, honk!

Eric:             I’m not- Shut up!

[Lily giggles.]

I’m not afraid of geese.

Lady Person:      Honk!

Dan:             Look, since you get to know all my secrets, Lily, Masha, he’s 100% afraid of geese [chuckles].

[Lily gasps in amusement.]

Eric:             Shut up, Daniel!

Lily:           [slow] Oh my god!

Dan:             [chuckles] Hundred percent! Please call me Dan.

Eric:             I told you—

Dan:             Hundred percent! ’Fraid o’ geese. One time at the park, holy shit [stifles laughter].

Eric:             [yells] I said we were never gonna talk about that anymore!

[Eric, Masha, and Dan yell over each other.]

Masha:            [yells] Yeah, but you told- you didn’t—

Dan:             [loud] You said- you also said you weren’t gonna tap into me, so go!

Eric:             [yells] They’re mean! It’s a bird that’s vindictive! That’s not okay?

Lily:           Listen—

[The Lady Person lets out another try-hard villain laugh.]

Lady Person:      Anyways.

[Sage snorts.]

Tell me all your secrets!

Eric:             Huh?

Lily:           What?

Masha:            No.

Lily:           No.

Eric:             Uh, n-no.

Lady Person:      Wha— Uh, don’t you know who I am?

Masha:            No…

[Eric stammers in confusion]

Lily:           Absolutely not.

Eric:             No. Could- what?

Dan:             You work for somebody, but we don’t know who and—

Eric:             Or do they work for- you’re—

Masha:            You’re probably from England, but I still don’t really know if that’s—

Lady Person:      I work for somebody who’s very important! I work for somebody so important, that I’m also important. I’m so high up the chain, that I’m very important. So you guys should all be afraid of me. Which I know you are! ’Cause I can read—

Eric:             Are you two orphans in one trench coat?

[Sage chuckles.]

’Cause this is the kind of logic I’d expect from two orphans in one trench coat.

Lady Person:      Honk, honk!

[Clattering and splashing as Eric chucks his beer can.]

Eric:             Fuck!

Lady Person:      And you! I know what your fear is.

Masha:            Me?

Lady Person:      Yeah! Decide between your worst fears, and I’ll know you can’t decide, because you have a fear of decidin’.

Masha:            [quiet] Um…

Eric:             I mean, I knew that.

Lily:           Oh. Yeah.

Masha:            Yeah, I’m kinda- I’m- I’m—

Lady Person:      Well, I’ve never met her before, but I still knew that.

Eric:             Oh.

Masha:            Well sometimes—

[The Lady Person lets out another try-hard villain laugh.]

Masha:            Some- sometimes—

Lady Person:      Honk!

[Traivs stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Sometimes people can tell—

Eric:             You gotta stop that shit, okay?

[Beth stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Sometimes people can tell my— It’s okay, I don’t need to finish.

Eric:             No, no. I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry. [to Lady] I’m sorry, we’ve been drinkin’.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lady Person:      I bet you couldn’t decide what to drink!

Lily:           No, he actually- he brought it. So he made the decision for us.

Lady Person:      Oh.

Masha:            Yeah, I didn’t really have to make a decision. I just felt like I needed a drink, so I just drank whatever was there.

Lily:           She decided to drink that! The fuck do you know?

Masha:            Thanks, Lily.

Lady Person:      I know—

Lily:           Up top!

Lady Person:      —what you’re afraid of!

Masha:            High-five.

[Hands clap as Lily and Masha high-five.]

Lady Person:      That’s what I know. I know what you’re afraid of.

Lily:           Yeah?

Lady Person:      ’Cause I can read your mind.

Lily:           Uh-huh. Yeah.

Lady Person:      There’s somebody you’re missin’.

[Footsteps crunch on dirt as the Lady Person comes closer to the group.]

Somebody you’re afraid you’ll never find. And guess what? You’ll never find—

[A thud as Lily leaps at the Lady Person and grabs her coat. Clothes rustle as Eric jumps in and holds Lily back.]

Lily:           Fuck did you say to me?

Eric:             Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold on. Easy, easy!

Dan:             [groans] Touchy- touchy subject.

Eric:             Easy. Oh.

Lily:           Let me at her.

[Scuffling as Lily struggles in Eric’s grip.]

Let me fuckin’ at her, Eric!

Eric:             No, just sit…stop. Please.

Masha:            Lily, it’s okay.

Eric:             Deep breath.

[Lily pants in anger.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Spooky lady in the bush, please roll me Personal Reality for trying to deceive them.

[Dice roll on table.]

Though, you’re not completely wrong. Did you roll under your number?

Beth:          No!


[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Okay. So you haven’t been lying, but also you’re…everyone’s getting the idea that there’s a little bit of an air being put on here.

[Lily pants in anger.]

Masha:            Okay, Lily, it’s gonna be okay. Just sit down, take a deep breath.

Eric:             Okay.

Lady Person:      Alright, alright, I’ll—

Lily:           Hands off!

[Footsteps scuff as the Lady Person and Lily struggle against each other.]

Lady Person:      Look, look. Take your hands off me. We’ll sit down, we’ll talk about it like, um, gentlemen and women…and gentlewomen.

Masha:            Okay.


Special Thanks

[Door Man and Soup Guy’s theme plays.]

Door Man:         Uh, Soup Guy, what the hell are you wearing over there? Soup Guy, what’s that say on your shirt?

Soup Guy:

Door Man: Why are you wearing that on a shirt?

Soup Guy:        ’Cause that’s who made all this possible. Like the soup.

Door Man:         Oh yeah. The soup we’re about to eat! Man, that was a crazy time, gettin’ this soup together, let me tell you.

Soup Guy:        Yeah. ’Cause all the beautiful people on that website made this soup possible. Including Erin_404

Door Man:         Oh, yeah, yeah. Also you remember M? Just the letter M? Best name in the world.

Soup Guy:        And I remember James Emerson was also a huge help.

Door Man:         That makes me think of Christian A. Seeward. Christian A. Seeward, thank you so much!

Soup Guy:        Um, I wanna give a personal shoutout to Brandon Quinn.

Door Man:         I also wanna give my own personal shoutout. Santiago Perez. Thank you!

Soup Guy:        And of course, Will Sowards.

Door Man:         Champion. Last but not least. Night. N-I-G-H tay…T. Tay. N-I-G-H-Tay.

Soup Guy:        N-I-G-H-T.

Door Man:         Don’t correct me!

Soup Guy:        Without whom, none of this soup could’ve ever been possible.

Door Man:         Yeah. We came really close to not having any soup ready for our esteemed patreon contributors. That woulda been a nightmare. But thankfully, thanks to their help, we managed to make it out in time. But I tell ya, it sure was a wild ride. Remember?

Soup Guy:        Oh yeah. I remember.

[Door Man and Soup Guy’s theme plays.]


Sage:             The adventures of Door Man and Soup Guy! A two-part bonus minisode where David Michmerhuizen plays every single character, is out now for Adventure Pass holders at

Get it while it’s hot!


Mare in the Night – Part II

Glitter Can:          Destroy the Fort?

Bart:               Was that rhetorical? Was that rhetorical that time?

Glitter Can:          Possibly. One more question.

Bart:               Okay.

Glitter Can:          Why?


Bart:               Cyborgs [sighs].

Glitter Can:          I’m allowed to ask a question that’s not rhetorical.

Bart:               Pseudo root.

Glitter Can:          I haven’t seen those hooligans and I’d like to keep it that way. So why should I listen to you?

Bart:               You’re going to have to deal with them sooner or later. So it might as well be sooner. So go. Destroy. The Fort.

Glitter Can:          I can’t just single-handedly destroy a whole fort of supers.

Bart:               [shouts] Then what’s all that stuff all over you? What’s with the metal? Why’re you covered in metal? Why d’you have laser-vision? Why d’you have these superpowers, you can’t go destroy one measly fort? [takes a breath] Am I talking to my fucking self?

It seems like I’m talking to my fucking self. [slow] Go destroy the fucking Fort fucking please!

Glitter Can:          Humans. Male humans.


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Crickets chirp. Fire crackles. Gentle guitar music.]

Dan:             Okay, so…

Masha:            Do you have, like, a crew? Are you by yourself?

Lady Person:      I have a- I have a crew. And it’s a big crew, and it’s for a very important person, so…

Masha:            You seem like you’re by yourself. You’re very alone.

Lady Person:      I’m not by myself! I’ve never been by myself, not for two weeks!

[Beth stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Oh. But then where is the person that’s supposed to be with you, then?

Lady Person:      He’s…too important to be here with you guys, who’re all afraid of things.

Masha:            Oh.

Eric:             Can I ask you a very important question?

Lady Person:      Uh, I don’t know. I might be too important for an important question.

Lily:           [drunkenly] Tell us why you’re here. I’m gonna break your fuckin’ face.

Dan:             [whispers] She seems a little fresh off the boat compared to the other Trench Coats.

Eric:             [stammers] But she seems…it’s like a wild card. I don’t know if it’s gonna be…

Dan:             Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lady Person:      This trench coat, it’s a real trench coat. You can feel it!

[Clothes rustle as the Lady Person reaches out. Lily sniffs hard. Rustling is heard as Eric touches the Lady Person’s arm.]

Masha:            Oh. Wow. You touched her.

Dan:             Op.

[Eric grunts in amused agreement.]

Lily:           Oh you [singsongs] shouldn’t’ve done that.

Lady Person:      Wait…what?

[Beth chuckles.]

Eric:             [loud] Oh, let’s just all just talk about it like it’s not a thing that should be fun to have as a secret, right?

Dan:             Look, man…

Eric:             Everybody.

Dan:             Simple concept of consent. Just sayin’.

Eric:             Th- we don’t- this person seems opposed to us!

Dan:             Oh yeah. You’re right. They’re bad, prob’ly. Hey! Uh..

Masha:            Also, she did sidle up on him so…

Lily:           Yeah, Daniel.

Eric:             Yeah.

Lady Person:      Wha- I didn’t mean to. I mean, yes, I did!

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

I mean… Honk!

Masha:            Are you okay?

Lady Person:      Yeah, I’m—

Masha:            Do you need a friend?

Lady Person:      I’m- I’m bloody fabulous! I-I- I’m working for a cause so beyond your level, that I want to know your secrets and what your level is so I can tell it to people at where I’m supposed to be.

Lily:           Are you just gonna threaten us with your f- with our fears?

Lady Person:      Maybe!

Eric:             Are y- are- here s- are you in danger?

Lady Person:      Uh…um…n-not yet. If y- [pleading] not if you tell me your secrets.

Eric:             Do you need us to help you? I’m s—

Lady Person:      [American accent] Okay, guys, look, look, look, okay. I, um—

[Gentle guitar music.]

Eric:             Whoa, accent’s gone. Holy shit.

Lady Person:      [fast] Well, I mean, I, like, I-I— British people are really scary, right? I mean, I guess technically they’re English, ’cause I guess technically you can be, like, from all sorts of areas and still be considered British, but like, if…

English people in particular are very, like, very scary and very, very angry all the time. But they’re not angry. But they’re just kinda, like, they can just really get under your skin.

And so I thought maybe I could get under your skin like that. But anyways, guys! I’m supposed to get your secrets and if I could, that’d be great! ’Cause I- I have, uh…

Like I said, like I said! I was not lying. I have a very important person to tell your secrets to and I am a S-P-Y, spy!

[Guitars fades.]

Masha:            Well, that was not the thing to do if you were a spy. Um, I don’t—

Lily:           [mumbles] She’s talkin’ real fast for my beer brain [sighs].

Masha:            Um, you know what? Why— I think you’re on the wrong side. What was your name?

Lady Person:      Wait. Was it not- what? It wasn’t the right thing to do? If I wasn’t—

Masha:            You- you just told us that you were a spy.

[Owl hoots.]

Dan:             Yeah.

Masha:            And you blew your cover.

Lady Person:      Wha- [English accent] I’m gonna put these glasses back on.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Ah, wait, what’s your name?

Dan:             [amused] Wait, hold on. Putting the sunglasses back on, like, that isn’t just gonna make us all forget. We’re drunk, but we’re not that drunk.

Eric:             If you feel more comfortable in the sunglasses, that’s fine. I know what it’s like to kinda be an exposed nerve in a situation like this before, when you’re tryin’ to…tryin’ to lie about something but it’s not going super well.

Lady Person:      [American accent] I mean, I-I wasn’t lying. I know- I know that you’re afraid of geese.

[Fire snaps.]

Eric:             I don’t know where you think you’re getting that information from, but you’re sorely mistaken.

Masha:            Just- we know you’re afraid of geese.

Eric:             [loud] I’m not afraid of geese! And I can open jars!

Masha:            Okay, take a sip o’ that beer.

Lily:           I’ve not seen you open a single fucking jar.

Eric:             Uh huh.

Masha:            I opened that beer for you, Eric.

Eric:             Yeah, and what about those Krav Maga lessons you’ve been taking, huh? Haven’t seen a whole lotta that. Huh? Huh?

Lily:           Well, I mean smash—

Eric:             What’re you doing Thursdays from 4-6, then? Huh?

Masha:            You don’t wanna see her Krav Maga. That’s why she doesn’t do it. It’s very dangerous.

[Eric lets out a groaning sigh. Crickets chirp.]

Lily:           Very dangerous.

Eric:             Sorry, what’s your name?

Dan:             Yeah, do we have to kill you or…are you just giving up the trench coat thing?

Lady Person:      Maybe you’re afraid to kill m- I actually—

Lily:           You want me to punch you and you can run back and say that we overpowered you and you couldn’t do it? ’Cause I could do that.

Lady Person:      No. No, no, no. I don’t want that, I don’t want that. I was just wondering if I could, like, uh—

Eric:             You want our secrets.

Lily:           But, like, which ones?

Lady Person:      Y- um… Okay. Hypothetical, guys. Hypothetical. Let’s just say you could know a certain thing about a person, like, kind of like their fears or something, but then maybe, like, you told some very important people that I work for- if- it’s- hypothetically, if I told a very important person—

Masha:            Yes.

Lady Person:      —that I could read minds—

Lily:           Mm-hmm.

Lady Person:      —and that therefore I could spy on enemies of the very important person—

Masha:            Oooh.

Lady Person:      —that would make them— I- okay, so I have this very important mission, but I’m actually not very important and that’s- that’s the problem. Is that I’m not very important.

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           So you can’t read minds.

Lady Person:      I mean I can, I can, I can! Um, only when you’re sleeping though.

Eric:             So you can read dreams?

Lady Person:      I mean, yeah. In a- in a sort of crystal-y sort of way. And a sort of Medium, like, open sign and a psychic at 2AM on a- on a Lincoln Boulevard sorta way, yeah. I-I-I can- I can read—

Masha:            So- so- so you can read dreams and you know our fears. Are they related in some way? Can you read our—

Lady Person:      Well, dreams are only sometimes good and they’re only sometimes horny and I-I can not only read dreams—

Masha:            Oh.

Lady Person:      —but I can read [deep voice] your nightmare. I mean [English accent] your nightmares!

Masha:            You don’t have to—

Lady Person:      Dadadadada! Honk!

Dan:             How long have you been with this- this cult?

Lady Person:      I wouldn’t call them a cult, it’s more like—

Eric:             You’re all wearing the same thing.

Lady Person:      I-it’s more like a collective thought where it’s like if you go—

Masha:            Cuuult-lective.

Lady Person:      —like, if you go away from the thought that, then you’re, like, bad and stuff like that.

Lily:           Ha. Good.

Lady Person:      But, like, cult is, like, kind of like, uh, like, I mean, it’s not like we’re selling Tupperware here. It’s not like, you know, if I- if I bring you on to read my dreams that you have to read the dreams of six other people, and then—

Lily:           That’s a pyramid scheme—

[Masha stifles laughter.]

—not a cult.

[Dan snorts. Masha chuckles.]

Lady Person:      Um. Yeah, well, like, a cult is a very, um…

Anyways! So, okay, so all nightmares are dreams, but not all dreams are nightmares.

Eric:             Okay.

[Lily blows out an exasperated breath.]

Lady Person:      And some dreams that are nightmares, I can actually, uh… Like, s-say we all went to sleep right now. Um…

Lily:           Okay, I’m down!

Masha:            Uh…what?

Lady Person:      We could all go to sleep right now and w-we could all- we could all dream the same thing.

Eric:             Huh?

Lady Person:      I mean, it wouldn’t be a good dream, but, like…

Masha:            You can connect ea- ourselves? We can, like, be in each other’s dreams together?

Lily:           Like Inception!

Dan:             Keeps comin’ back to that.

Lady Person:      What?

Dan:             Did Leo get Snapped? [chuckles]

Lily:           Oh sh- please check.

Masha:            Well, let me check the app.

Lily:           Important to me.

[Snicks are heard as Masha types on her phone. A chime goes off.]

Masha:            He did.

[Everyone groans.]

Eric:             I’m sorry.

Lady Person:      Oh my gosh! I thought he was so talented. I can’t believe that he—

[Dan sighs.]

Eric:             At least he got the Oscar.

Lady Person:      Yeah. Um, well, okay, what’s something—

Eric:             Sorry, we’re derailing you. Please keep going.

[The Lady Person stammers.]

Dan:             Yeah, ho— [amused] So are you or are you not going to kill me or Eric?

Eric:             Yeah.

[The Lady Person laughs a little.]

A lot of people try to do that.

Lily:           It’s not always about you, man.

Lady Person:      Oh my gosh! Kill you? God, I don’t even know you [chuckles].

Dan:             Okay, Eric, she’s- she’s on a different…

Lady Person:      I-I-I—

Masha:            We still don’t know your name! What is your name?

Lady Person:      My name- i-it’s—

Masha:            Don’t lie.

Lady Person:      [English accent] Nightmare!

Masha:            [resigned] Okay.

Eric:             [mumbles] That’s…mmm. That’s pretty good.

Mare:              [American accent] You guys can call me Mare, though, like, Maredith [nervous chuckle].

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           Is your name Maredith?

Mare:              [English accent] It’s NightMare! [mumbles] …idith.

[Beth stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Okay.

Eric:             So Night- NightMare. NightMare…idith.

Lily:           [groans] I’m gonna call you Maredith.

Eric:             NightMare.

Mare:              ...idith.

[Beth stifles laughter.]

Eric:             What is it that you were sent here to get from us, and from who specifically, and also why? If you don’t mind.

[Suspenseful music.]

Mare:              [American accent] These are- these are all very good questions.

Eric:             Okay.

Mare:              And they’re questions that I also have.


Eric:             Huh?

Masha:            Why don’t you just leave them and join us?

Lily:           Do you know who you’re working for?

Mare:              My employer goes by many names. Such as…

[Music stops.]

The Church of the Mad Titan!

[Suspenseful music thrums.]

Masha:            That sounds like a cult.

Mare:              Or- o-or so-sometimes- sometimes Mysterious Nameless Man! Uh—

Masha:            Sounds like the leader of a cult.

Mare:              —or- or- or s-sometimes, uh, the Prophet. Or Boss Guy.

Masha:            That definitely…

Mare:              And I’ve heard some people call ’im Jared.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Like, from the Subway commercials?

Mare:              Much more powerful!

Eric:             Did he get Snapped?

Masha:            Oh, whoa.

Dan:             Please tell me he got Snapped.

Lily:           Please, please, please, please.

Mare:              Gosh, I hope so.

[Snicks are heard as Masha types into the app. A chime goes off.]

Masha:            No, he’s still here.

Eric:             Aww! Really?

Masha:            Yeah.

Lily:           [disgusted] Jared stayed?

Masha:            Leo’s gone.

Dan:             This world sucks!

[Lily grunts in agreement.]

Eric:             Yeah, it’s the balance thing.

Masha:            Okay, so—

Dan:             Okay, so who [sighs]…

Masha:            What’s this Titan church?

Mare:              Um, the Church of the Mad Titan is not a church.

Lily:           Well [amused scoff].

[Dan grunts.]

Mare:              But it’s a very powerful entity.

Eric:             So like scientology?

Mare:              Like, not a church but, like, taxes exempt. Yeah.

Eric:             Okay. And what is- what is the goal? Sorry, I don’t want this to be just an interview, but what’re you tryin’a do here?

Mare:              Interview?

Dan:             I’ve—

Mare:              [English accent] More like an interrogation!

Dan:             [mumbles] Oh there she goes again.

Lily:           Where is your car?

Masha:            Did you walk all the way here?

Eric:             And then from where?

Mare:              [American accent] Yeah, I-I walked from Palm Springs, actually.

[Beth stifles laughter.]

[Masha gasps.]

Eric:             I think that you should take— From Palm Springs?!

[Beth chuckles.]

Masha:            Oh my god!

Lily:           Girl.

Masha:            I think— Girl, I think you need water!

Mare:              Um, well, y-you guys have—

Lily:           We don’t have water.

Mare:              Do you guys have—

Eric:             All we got is beer.

Mare:              Okay, yeah, sure. Sure, yeah!

Eric:             Yeah, yeah.

[Clattering as Eric grabs a beer can and clothes rustle as he hands it over.]

Totally, that’s…

Mare:              Oh thank you.

[A beer can breaks open, Mare gulps, the empty can clatters as she tosses it aside. Mare lets out another try-hard villain laugh.]

Masha:            Wow. She downed that fast.

Eric:             Oh.

Mare:              [English accent] Nothin’ like a pint, am I right?

Eric:             You shotgunned it!

[Beth chuckles.]

Lily:           Ssshe did. Is this what college is like?

Mare:              Oye. Nothin’ makes me- nothin’ quenches my—

Eric:             Honestly, yeah. Kinda.

Mare:              —thirst like a good pint of Coors Light.

Masha:            What if- what if instead of us telling you our secrets, you, in air quotes, “take us captive” to wherever you’re going, and you help us help you, and you can help us—

Mare:              “Helping us help you” is a quote that the Church of the Mad Titan is very keen on. And so I think that sounds like a great idea!

Masha:            Oh—

Eric:             O-okay.

[Clothes rustle as Mare reaches into her pocket. Metallic clinking is heard as she pulls something out.]

Mare:              I have a couple of handcuffs in my trench coat. It’s a big trench coat, so I’ve been able to fit many pairs of handcuffs— Have- you guys could, like, cuff yourselves—

Eric:             I know, this seems to be a one-size-fits-all. It’s kinda draggin’ on the floor a little bit for you [stifles laughter].

Mare:              Um, y-yeah. They’re always saying like [falsetto] get it hemmed! And I’m just like [English accent] No! My soul drags on the floor from Palm Springs. Miles and miles and- and so trench coat-y walking through the trenches.

[American accent] Do you guys have a Band-Aid? My feet are kinda blistering up.

Masha:            Let me check in our trunk.

[The trunk of the car opens and muffled rustling is heard.]

Lily:           I really just wanna go to bed—

Masha:            Oh I have a first aid kit! Here.

Mare:              Oh, thanks.

Lily:           —but I don’t want this bitch to read my dreams.

Mare:              [English accent] Why? ’Cause you’re afraid that I’ll…find…

Dan:             [quiet] I mean honestly, Eric, I can’t tell if she actually works for them or not [chuckles]. Seems like she does…

Eric:             First off, I don’t even know who “them” is, and if this is “them”, then no wonder I’ve been droppin’ ’em like nobody’s…

[Dan and Eric stifle laughter.]


Dan:             [amused] Seems like they’re just pickin’ up anybody at this point.

Eric:             No, I feel a lot better about this.

Dan:             Yeah.

Mare:              [American accent] Well, [stammers] what if I could get one of them on the phone right now?

[Suspenseful guitar music.]

’Cause I have Verizon—

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

—and I- I could call them and a- and ask—

Masha:            Me too!

Mare:              It’s great! It’s so much better than AT&T. Like, oh my gosh. I was, like, I was doing AT&T before and I was like no I’ll do Verizon and then I was like [English accent] Yeah I have Verizon now. I’m English!

Masha:            Yeah, and that T-Moblie guy.

[Music fades.]

Eric:             Don’t you get, um, what d’you get with Verizon? You get, um… Isn’t that Apple TV? You get something with Verizon, right?

Mare:              [softly] Ya’ get Spotify.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Do you?

Masha:            Just go back and forth—

Eric:             Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Masha:            —on that persona.

Lily:           Do you know who the Tie Breaker is?

[Suspenseful music resumes.]

Mare:              Ah, yes, the Tie Breaker! It’s the break to end all ties.

Eric:             Does it have anything to do with who you’re working with?

Mare:              Very much so.

[Eric spits out his beer in surprise. Liquid splashes.]

Eric:             That’s what we were looking for!

Masha:            Take us with you!

Lily:           [smug] I asked the right questions.

Mare:              Sure! Sure, yeah, yeah! I mean, I was actually gonna think about, like, oh man if they like me I’ll go with them maybe. But no, I’m gonna take you with me—

Dan:             Oh wait, hold on [stifles laughter]. That sounds like a better offer.

Eric:             Wait, wait, wait, hold on that’s what…okay.

Dan:             Well, ho…d’you even—

Eric:             Wait—

Dan:             Wait. Y-you g—

Eric:             Okay, you g—

Dan:             Yup—

Mare:              I’ll go—

Eric:             Okay we’ll all go at the same time.

Mare:              You go. Okay, alright.

Dan:             Okay.

Eric:             Okay.

Lily:           [shouts] Eric, you go!

Dan, Eric:       [together] One, two, three—

Masha:            I’ll go!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Let’s do the plan that I said earlier.

Mare:              Yeah, y-you guys will be my prisoners and they will be so proud o’ me, and they’ll be like yay, good job, Mare!

Dan:             Do you even know where— Where’s their base? Are they—

Mare:              I’ll- I’ll call. I’ll be like, uh—

Eric:             Call your direct report?

[Feet scuff on dirt as Mare turns and talks into her phone.]

Mare:              Siri, call my contact. I mean [English accent] Siri, call my contact.

[A chime is heard. Phone ringing tone is heard.]

[American accent] It’s ringing, guys [chuckles]. It’s ringing.

[Phone ring tone. Suspenseful music intensifies.]

Man:                [over phone; resigned] Hello, Maredith [sighs].

Mare:              Hey, what’s up? Hey, um, okay, so I mean—

Man:                [over phone] What is it this time, Maredith?

Mare:              [English accent] Oye, what’s up? I got some great news, mate.

Man:                [unamused] Wonderful. What d’you got?

Mare:              I got a bunch o’ prisoners! And they’re comin’ with me if y- if we could meet at a meeting place.

Man:                Suuure you do.

[Misadventure music.]

Mare:              Um, no I do! W-wait—

Man:                How many prisoners you got, Maredith?

Masha:            Help, help!

Mare:              I got- I got, um…

Masha:            I’m Roulette and have been trapped! Help!

Mare:              Hear that? They’re in pain because of my mental strength.

Man:                How many you got, Maredith?

Mare:              Four!

Man:                Oookay.

Mare:              I got four for real, and they’re all real- real afraid.

Man:                Maredith, if this is another one o’ your ill-conceived—

Mare:              N-no.

Man:                —hare-brained schemes…

Mare:              It- it’s not. It’s real this—

Man:                Put one of ’em on the phone, Maredith. I’m not fallin’ for it again.

Mare:              [American accent] I don’t trust- I mean [clears throat; falsetto] Hi, I’m—

[Masha scoffs in amusement.]

—I’m with Maredith, I’m really scared. She can read all of my thoughts.

Masha:            [whispers] Maredith, we’ll do it.

Man:                Maredith, I can tell it’s just you’re doin’ a funny voice. You don’t really have any prisoners, do you?

Mare:              [English accent] No, I have prisoners! Um, uh, let me put you on speaker phone.

[An echoing click is heard as she switches to speaker phone.]

Masha:            Um, hi—

Man:                Maredith, that’s sounds— That’s the same voice you were doing before.

Masha:            Eric, you go.

Eric:             Hey, hey, hey! Hey!

Man:                Maredith, what the hell happened to you?

Eric:             No, this is— [sighs]

Man:                I mean…

Eric:             It’s not Maredith. Maredith, kee- talk at the same time I’m talking, alright? Can you say anything?

Mare:              I can say—

Eric:             Okay. There we go.

Man:                Okay I’m on—

Mare:              —can I say. Okay, okay. Yup.

Eric:             Yup. Okay. Okay.

Man:                —I’m on speaker phone—

Mare:              Uh, alright. Okay.

Eric:             You’re on speaker.

Mare:              You’re on speaker phone.

Man:                —Please stop talkin at the same time.

Eric:             Well [scoffs].

Mare:              Okay, well…

Eric:             Look, we’re prisoners—

Mare:              Look, we’re prisoners.

Eric:             —and—

Masha:            No, you’re—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [amused] You got- you can stop now, Maredith.

Mare:              I can stop now, Maredith.

[Traivs chuckles.]

Man:                Please stop talking at the same time.

Eric:             Maredith [chuckles].

Man:                Maredith, I just wanna go home to my kids, okay? It’s 4AM.

Masha:            [shouts] Where are we gonna go? Just tell us the location!

Man:                Okay, hold on. Let me get in touch with the supervisor. I think I’m willing to give you another shot. But this is the last time, Maredith.

Masha:            Y-y-yeah I’m- I’m so grateful!

Man:                [speaks over shoulder] Charlie, where’re we gonna send her?

Charlie:           [over phone] We’re not supposed to give out information. Keeps the location secret for a reason. No.

Man:                Maredith, we’re gonna call you back, okay?

Mare:              Okay. Um, alright—

Man:                Click.

[A beep is heard as he hangs up.]

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Mare:              —well, okay. Um, that sounds great. She—

Lily:           Well, that went really well.

Mare:              Um, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, because I know that, uh, you are waiting on very—

Dan:             Maredith, he already hung up the phone.

Mare:              —Okay.

Dan:             He [stifles laughter] he’s on—

Eric:             He’s on speaker phone [stifles laughter].

Mare:              [American accent] Um, okay, okay. So I don’t have the location exactly. But I have, I, uh… Okay, so I don’t have the location [nervous laugh]. Okay, uh.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

I mean [try-hard villain laugh]. Um, but I… Let’s just, like, sit tight. Maybe we can, like, talk about our feelings or our fears or maybe just, like, talk about what we’re thinking so that maybe, like, I can write it down and then give it to somebody, but also, like, um… Where’re you guys goin’?

Dan:             Uh…

Eric:             Yeah, we gotta go to S.H.I.E.L.D., man.

Dan:             Yeah, uh, hold on.

Eric:             Like I’m all for this, but we got shit to do.

Dan:             So, d’you— So you don’t know where— So you’re working for these- the mad titan people.

Mare:              Yes.

Dan:             This is really, Eric—

Mare:              Maybe.

Dan:             —horribly convenient. Like- like s-stupid. Like, I can’t believe they—

Eric:             I can’t tell if that means it’s good or not.

Dan:             Well, it’s probably good. Y-you’re- how- you didn’t answer my question. How long—

Mare:              [English accent] But it’s bad! Be afraaaid!

Dan:             [fast] How long have you been work- how long have you been working for them?

Eric:             [unfazed] We’re afraid.

Mare:              [American accent] Uh, uh, like f-fourteen…days.

Eric:             How—

Mare:              Two weeks.

Dan:             [quiet] Okay.

Eric:             Can I- can I ask you a personal question?

Mare:              Yeah, yeah! Sure.

Eric:             How old are you?

Mare:              I’m, um [clears throat nervously] old enough to [slow] be good at things…

Eric:             Did we just— Are you allowed to drink that?

Mare:              Um [English accent] I did! I’m allowed in the UK—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

—where there’s a lower drinking age.

[Fire crackles and crickets chirp.]

Eric:             Okay…

Mare:              [American accent] I’m nineteen.

Eric:             Oh.

[Lily and Dan grunt.]

Right on.

Mare:              I’m nineteen in two months. Um…what’re you guys up to?

Dan:             We’re doin’, like, a heist thing.

Mare:              Oh…

Eric:             We’re get- go get a bunch of- we’re gonna bu- steal a bunch o’ secrets [stifles laughter], to be honest.

Dan:             Yeah. I guess we’re doin’ the same thing.

Mare:              Oh, cool!

Eric:             Yeah.

Mare:              Oh, cool, cool! ’Cause I was, like, totally doing that too! Um…

Eric:             D’you…d’you…

Mare:              Do I…do I…eh, what?

Eric:             [cautiously] Wanna come with us—

Lily:           Eric!

Eric:             —to steal the secrets?

Lily:           Why? Why?

Eric:             Because I feel bad! Because this was me! This was me! I was seventeen and asked to do a whole bunch o’ shit I didn’t wanna do and gather a bunch of information—

Lily:           And if the head of your organization turned and was like, okay, like, you’re in. You’re in with these guys and now you gotta do bad shit for me, would you not have been, like okay, like, I’m gonna do that because I belong to your organization—

Mare:              ’Scuse me, ’scuse me. Sorry. I just can’t believe you were this cool at seventeen [chuckles]. I mean [try-hard villain laugh].

Lily:           I’m gonna kill ’er.

Eric:             [resigned] Alright.

[Masha groans.]

Mare:              Um, well, okay. I don’t know what’s useful for this podcast, but, like, yeah sure, like, I’ll come along, but I don’t wanna be that NPC that’s just around—

Dan:             Like me!

Mare:              —so maybe I’ll just, like, learn your secrets and then I’ll go back and then—

Masha:            [hopelessly confused] Wait, whaaat?

Dan:             Okay, look, look, look. Maredith, Maredith. Do you even wanna be…

[Gentle guitar music.]

…like, working for them? I mean, I could be just projecting here, but it just seems like you might not…

Mare:              [fast] Yeah, but I’m- I’m nineteen and I don’t know what I wanna be doing and then all this- this Snap happened and then everybody was like [falsetto] oh choose a side. And I was like, which side? And- and they’re like [falsetto] good and evil. And I was like, what’s good and evil and everybody was like, don’t take, um, don’t go to college ’cause you might get Snapped into an MFA and you might be stuck there for four years. And I was like, I don’t know. So I just like- I don’t wanna decide anything, you know? I—

Dan:             [gently] I don’t- I don’t think these people are the good guys.

Mare:              Oh. I mean [nervous chuckle] yeah. Obviously [chuckles].

Dan:             Oh.

Masha:            I mean she chose to do that evil laugh. I think she kn- I’m assuming you know that you’re on the evil side?

Mare:              Uh—

Dan:             You don’t know what the Tie Breaker is and even what they’re planning on doing? As far as we’re led to believe, it’s bad stuff, but…we don’t know what that is yet.

Mare:              Th- I mean, okay, like, okay. They gave me, um, they gave me two bowls of Easy Mac, and that was kinda the first thing that I’d had in a while and so I was just, like, kinda willing to do whatever they said.

Dan:             Alright.

Mare:              And they were like, here’s a trench coat, and I was like [try-hard villain laugh; English accent] Trench coats.

Masha:            See, we have soup. We have a Soup Guy.

Mare:              [impressed scoff] Oh, oh my god!

Eric:             [mumbles] Yeah, see.

Mare:              Oh my god! Wow! No, yeah. Like, yeah!

Masha:            He makes gourmet soups.

Mare:              Like, what d’you wanna know about them? I know nothing, but I’ll tell you all my secrets. All my secrets, yeah!

Masha:            Oh.

Mare:              No, like I’m totally, like, on the good guy side now.

Eric:             I mean, that can be relative. D’you want some unsolicited advice from an older white man?

[Traivs and Sage stifle laughter.]

[Masha sighs.]

Mare:              Um, s-sure. Yeah, yeah. Why not? It feels like I’m getting it anyway.

Eric:             Yeah.

[Traivs stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Yeah, you don’t really have a choice. [mumbles] Patriarchy. I’m gonna take more…drink another beer.

[Clothes rustle and a beer can clanks as Masha reaches over and opens another beer.]

Eric:             I was in a position not quite unlike yours when I was your age.

Mare:              [English accent] That’s what she said [chuckle morphs into try-hard villain laugh].

Eric:             [whispers] God, you’re nineteen.

[Beth and Jessica stifle laughter.]

If I could do it again, I wish I would’ve gotten out when I had the first chance, because, uh, it sucked. And then it got bad, and then there were Nazis. So I’m not saying it’s gonna be the exact same, but, like, you know, just food for thought.

Mare:              [American accent] I mean, yeah. Like, I mean I feel like I’m—

Lily:           This is a touching father-daughter moment—

Eric:             Okay.

Masha:            [snickers] Burn.

Lily:           But I really don’t wanna break into a fucking facility with a stranger who was, moments ago, not on our side.

Mare:              N-n- I-I mean, I-I-I- y-you got a—

Lily:           Seems weird coming from you, Eric.

Mare:              You got a—

Lily:           I’m gonna take a dirt nap.

[Clothes rustle as Lily stands up.]

Mare:              You got- you got a good point—

Lily:           Goodbye.

[Footsteps scuff on dirt as Lily shuffles away.]

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Mare:              You got- you got a good point.

[A thud as Lily flops down next to the fire.]

[English accent] Is she asleep? ’Cause I can read her dreams.

Lily:           [distant] I swear to god, if you do any weird brain shit to me—

Mare:              [American accent] Okay, she’s awake. Um.

Lily:           —I’ll remove your brain from your body.

Mare:              Okay, so what I was thinking is, like, since, like, the group I’m working for is already two out o’ three things, like, maybe I could just, like, take some time and, like, figure out, like, uh, what I want? Which I don’t know…but I will, and when I do…I’ll be able to [English accent] choose a side. [American accent] And then who knows who’ll be the real Tie Break…er.

Anyways, like, if you guys—

Masha:            Okay—

Mare:              —need any help or anything—

Masha:            Do you—

Mare:              —yeah, like, I’m- I’m happy to- to- to do that, but, like, other- otherwise I just, um… You know, like, I just think you guys are really cool.

[Masha groans sympathetically.]

[Gentle music. A low buzzing is heard as a phone vibrates. Clothes rustle as Mare pulls her phone up, and a beep is heard as she answers it.]

Hello, this is- I mean [clears throat, English accent] ’Ello. This is Maredith. I mean NightMare…idith.

Man:                [over phone] Maredith, it’s me givin’ you a call back.

[Music intensifies.]

Mare:              Oh. Thanks for callin’ back, I knew it wouldn’t be long—

Man:                Maredith, I’m gonna- not gonna waste your time. Um.

Mare:              That’s good.

Man:                I feel like— Me and the other managers have been talking and considering that the season’s up, we’re gonna go ahead and—

Mare:              Thank you for—

Man:                —not renew your contract.

Mare:              …I… Wha—

Man:                So anyway, good luck to you and your future endeavors and all your things. If you need a reference, yeah, you’re gonna have to look elsewhere. Goodbye. Click.

[Phone beeps as the Man hangs up.]

Mare:              I…um…I…resign!

Eric:             Did they—

[Beth stifles laughter.]

Mare:              I resign and th—

Dan:             Wait, hold on. What- what just happened? Did they—

Eric:             They give you the location or… Do we know…

Dan:             Yeah. I mean, they- they tell you where they’re hiding?

Masha:            Did you just quit?

Mare:              [American accent] They, um…did not give me the location. [nervous chuckle] They actually, um, just [quiet] fired me.

Eric:             Are you resigned to seeing this through to the end?

Mare:              I mean, yeah. No, no. I- yeah. I-I’m resigning to…resign from…ever…ever listening to those guys again!

[fast] Th-they- they- they treated me like- like- like scum! Like I didn’t even- like I didn’t even do anything for them, when I obviously did a lot for them by spying and telling people that I could read their minds, which I can’t but I, like, almost could, because I can read their dreams, and they never did a thing for me, so I am [nervous chuckle] actually just resigning to just sort of, like, not work for people.

Masha:            Oh. So the- but—

Mare:              I wanna be my own boss! I wanna be my own boss bitch! #bossbitch #pyramidscheme

[Beth, Jessica, and Sage stifle laughter.]


Dan:             Well, I mean, you don’t need- necessarily need the last part in that [chuckles].

Mare:              #blessed!

Dan:             Okay, that one’s good.

Mare:    …girl boss! #girlboss. Um…anyways, um…

Dan:             [quiet] Shit.

[Mare grunts quietly.]

Eric:             That sucks.

Mare:              Yeah.


Eric:             We’re outta beer, so… [quiet chuckle]

Dan:             Sorry [light chuckle].

[Fire crackles in the awkward silence.]

Masha:            [whispers] Guys look, Lily’s asleep.

[Lily snores.]


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[Quiet background hum builds. A goose honks. Dream voices echo.]

Lily:           Is that a goose on top of the planetarium?

[Goose honks.]

Oh god! Eric! Is that—

[Wings flap.]

—is that your head on a goose body?

[Goose honks. A swish is heard as it charges at her.]

Oh god, he’s got goose teeth! [groans] Man, that’s fucked up. Eric, get down.

[Goose honks]

Don’t you honk at me!

Masha:            [echoes] Lily. Is Rose dead?

Lily:           Masha. Masha, can you he—

[Gentle swishing is heard as Masha morphs.]

Oh, oh! Masha your arms. Oh. Oh! Oh, why is only one steel?

[Metallic clinking.]

Oh god, the other one’s so big!

Henry:             Oh hey, what’s up? Lily!

Lily:           Henry, shut up. You’re not helping.

Henry:             Over here! Lily!

Lily:           Shh! Go away.

Henry:             Can she hear me?

Lily:           Okay. I just gotta find my body and I’ll be okay. Just gonna find my body. Where is my body? Where is my body?

[Dream noise crescendos and fades.]


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[Crickets chirp and the fire crackles.]

Mare:              [fearful] Oh my god, guys. I-I-I- there’s this…

[Misadventure music.]

There’s this other part of this dream thing that I didn’t tell you about, and I’m so scared. But it’s, like, whenever I read nightmares, I kind of have the same nightmare. And, um, most of them are like- like sex dreams or not knowing your lines when going on stage or not knowing a test. But this one- this one is like none I’ve ever experienced in my entire life!

Y-y-you, Eric, you have the body of a goose!

Eric:             Aw, fuck this.

[Dan laughs.]

Mare:              And you’re running around with a- with a goose body, but your teeth- your teeth are, like, goose teeth! And I didn’t even know- I didn’t even know that goose had teeth. But they have teeth. And they’re, like, rows of—

Eric:             They have a lot of teeth.

Mare:              They have so many teeth and they’re, like, rows of sharp little th- and then there’s Griffith Observatory which is so far away. It’s so far away you can never find parking. And I’m so scared! I’m so scared I’m never gonna find parking!

And I-I-I- and then this guy Henry or Harry is there and he doesn’t have a body—

Eric:             Henry.

Mare:              —and he’s just there.

Masha:            Oh my god.

Mare:              He’s just there.

Eric:             Wow.

Mare:              I’m so scared.

Eric:             It’s- it’s- it’s okay. Uh, we’re gonna be- are- do—

Masha:            That’s just a dream.

Eric:             —What- how d’we— Do we wake her up? How d’you get outta this? Do we—

Mare:              No, it’s- it’s, you know, it’s, like, it’s part of- it’s part of conquering your fears. You have to experience a fear and then you- then you conquer it. You conquer it. And then you know. Then you know the truth. What somebody’s afraid of. And that’s better than mind reading. But it’s not. It’s not. So, um…

[Shuffling on dirt as Lily turns over.]

[Gentle guitar music.]

Lily:           Ah! Jesus Christ!

Eric:             Hey.

Masha:            Hey.

Lily:           Wha! Ah! AH! Whoo.

Masha:            It was just a dream.

Lily:           [amused scoff] You are not gonna believe the dream I just had.

Eric:             Yeah…

Mare:              [fast] Oh, no, no, no. I told them. I told them. And actually, I just wanted to apologize to you, because I like, I-I think I, like, misjudged you. I thought you were kinda mean, but, like, I understand now that you have real things to be afraid about and that they’re real fears and that they’re, like, coming for you. And so I have empathy towards that, so, like, yeah. Listen.

[Footsteps scuff on dirt as Mare moves over to Lily. Dirt scrapes as Mare kneels in front of Lily.]

Lily:           O-oh.

Mare:              There’s nothing to be afraid of. Except for goose…es. Geese.

Lily:           Yup. Mm-hmm.

Mare:              And their teeth.

Lily:           [unfazed] Sure are a lot.

[Clothes rustle as Mare stands up.]

Dan:             Hey, um, Maredith, speaking of the whole Griffith thing that was in Lily’s dream…

Lily:           He wasn’t in it, right?

Mare:              What’s your name?

[Beth and Sage stifle laughter.]

Dan:             Daniel Daniels.

Mare:              Oh, I think you actually were there.

Lily:           [mumbles] Oh fuck.

Mare:              Yeah.

Dan:             Oh, that’s— ’ey, look, I mean, we don’t actually need to know the rest of that.

Lily:           Yeah we don’t need to talk about this, actually.

Dan:             Yeah, I-I don’t wanna know the—

Lily:           Yeah I don’t need to know- I didn’t need to know.

[Masha sighs.]

Dan:             Yeah, no, that’s- that’s fine. Um—

Eric:             Your sister got problems.

Lily:           We’re good.

Masha:            Yeah, we all have problems [sighs].

Dan:             Uh, I don’t know if you’ve heard about the Fort. Uh, if you wanted to hang out there, it’s at Griffith.

Mare:              Yeah. Yeah, sure! I mean, like, I’m scared of finding parking there, but that’s like- that’s like most fears. You can just overcome them. Or I could Uber there. Or Lyft.

Dan:             Yeah.

Mare:              ’Cause I’m woke.

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             There’s a bunch o’ people there that have powers that are their own people.

Dan:             Yeah.

Eric:             You know they’re not- there’s not, like, a big organization thing and it’s just kind of a place to be yourself.

[Hopeful music.]

Mare:              Myself…

Dan:             Yeah and, um, I don’t know. I-I’m always afraid of what S.H.I.E.L.D. is gonna tell me and…I don’t know I hang out there, I don’t really feel afraid of it. I feel like I can kinda do my own thing. So…

Mare:              Wow. You just kind of…observe. Yourself and your feelings. At the observatory.

Dan:             Y-yeah. I guess so [chuckles].

Mare:              Wow…

Masha:            It might be really good for you.

[Fire crackles.]

Mare:              Alright, well, I mean, thanks guys. Like, I-I mean, I-I’m sorry if I [spooky wobble] scaaared you [chuckles] I’m gonna go to Griffith and I just, like, wish you- I wish you the best of luck and I wish you- that you have all the happiness in the world and, um, could I actually steal that first aid kit? ’Cause I do have a lot of blisters.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[Footsteps crunch on dirt as Mare walks over to the trunk.]

—and I’m just gonna put them on my [singsongs] feetsies.

[Light clattering is heard as she grabs the first aid kit.]

Okay. Thank you.

[Footsteps crunch on dirt as she moves away from the car.]

Masha:            Oh, uh, uh, yeah sure take it [amused scoff].

Dan:             Cool. Hey, uh, if you, um, one o’ your contacts show up, um, I mean I don’t know if they cut all ties, but just call somebody or tell somebody at the Fort.

Mare:              Yeah, I’ll tell my contacts at the- I mean.

Eric:             We’re your contacts at the Fort.

Dan:             Yeah.

Mare:              Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I’ll—

[Eric stifles laughter.]

Dan:             Well there’s also this guy name- named Roach there. Roach, he’s, you know he’s, uh…

Mare:              Wow, that’s a cool name.

Dan:             Yeah. I guess, uh—

Mare:              Roach.

Dan:             Yeah.

Mare:              [deep voice] Roach.

Lily:           He’s gonna be thrilled to hear you say that.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Mare:              [English accent] Tell ’im that you had NightMares…idith—

Eric:             Tell—

Mare:              —[American accent] on your team for a while there.

Eric:             Oh, like a reference?

Mare:              Yeah! Yeah, if actually, I could just put you guys on my resumé that would be great. I don't know if anybody’s gonna call, but then when they call you be like, [English accent] NightMare was awesome! She was so great!

[Gentle action music builds.]

Masha:            You want us to do—

Mare:              [American accent] You have to do it with the accent.

Masha:            We have—

Mare:              You have to do with…yeah.

Masha:            Okay, that answered my question.

Eric:             [quiet] Alright.

Lily:           Okay, we’ll work on it.

Eric:             Yeah.

Mare:              [English accent] Cheers!

[Footsteps crunch on dirt as Mare walks away.]

Eric:             Okay.

Masha:            [mimics Mare] Cheers.

Eric:             Oh, it’s…walkin’ off in the desert.

Lily:           She need a flashlight?

Eric:             She put her sunglasses back on.

[Sage and Beth stifle laughter.]

Masha:            I— You know I think she’s- she’s got it.

Lily:           She made it out here.

Eric:             I have so many questions.

Masha:            I know.

Lily:           You can ask her at the Fort.

Eric:             Eh.


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Glitter Can:          What if I don’t want to?

Bart:               Then I’ll find somebody who will—

Glitter Can:          Oh, you’re gonna find another super? ’Cause you’re a human who talks on the radio.

Bart:               The media controls every—

Glitter Can:          Just because we had that one night together doesn’t mean I’m just gonna go do something for you on a instant.

Bart:               Oh no?


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Crickets chirp.]

Eric:             Well, that was weird.

Masha:            Is this- I feel like I just had a dream right now. Like, this doesn’t seem real.

Eric:             Wait a minute…

Lily:           It is four in the morning. Can I go—

Dan:             Dream or nightmare…

Eric:             Wait are we— Maybe that’s— Holy shit, maybe her power is she- we’re all in a drea— Slap me!

Lily:           Okay!

[A heavy swish and a hard smack are heard.]

Eric:             Ow!



Dan:             Oh, that feels good.

Eric:             Not you!

[Sage chuckles.]

Masha:            Oh, I’ll do it.

Eric:             I said I just- No—



Dan:             Alright, Lily—

Lily:           [loud] He was obviously talking to me.

Dan:             Next up go for it.

Lily:           Alrighty.


[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            [amused] All three of us roll for Strength really quick.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

[Success chime.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Knocked out cold. Knocked out cold.

Sage:            Yeah.

[Emily, Travis, and Sage stifle laughter.]

[Eric collapses with a thud.]

Masha:            Alright, well, Eric’s goin’ to sleep now.

[Dan sighs.]

Lily:           Night, night.

Dan:             Alright, well we gotta get to S.H.I.E.L.D. Let’s take a quick catnap and then—

Mare:              [distant] He’s dreaming of geese!

[Everyone chuckles.]

[Episode End music.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Traivs Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Traivs Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

Maredith was played by special guest Beth May


Guest Spotlight

[Everyone cheers and claps.]

Sage:             Beth, thank you so much for being here!

Beth:         Thank you for having me!

Emily:          It was so much fun!

Sage:             Wild episode. I did not expect that, and I am very happy about it.

[Beth chuckles.]

Travis:          Yeah, me too.

Sage:             Where can all the people find you?

Beth:         Find me on Instagram and Twitter @HeyBethMay. That’s “Hey” like “Hi” but, like, slangy. And then Beth like my name. That’s B-E-T-H and then May like the month. That’s M-A-Y. So, like, HeyBethMay!

[Traivs chuckles.]

I’m also on this other podcast called Dungeons and Daddies.

Travis:          Is that a BDSM podcast?

Beth:         It’s- it’s actually not a BDSM podcast.

Travis:          Ahhh, coulda fooled me.

Beth:         It’s- Sorry. It’s a D&D actual play [chuckles]. There aren’t enough of those am I right, fellas?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Travis:          We’re the only two.

Beth:         [chuckles] About four dads from our world that get thrust into the Forgotten Realms of the D&D universe in a quest to find their lost soccer sons. If you have daddy issues, you should listen to it.

[Sage and Traivs laugh.]

It’s helping me and maybe it can help you.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Sage:             That’s a good pitch [stifles laughter].

Travis:          Yeah.

Jessica:            Sold.

Sage:             Dope. Thank you so much, Beth.

Beth:         Thank you!


After-Credits Scene

[Suspenseful music.]

Bart:               Do whatever you want, but I promise you this. With my followers, I can have that Fort destroyed whenever I want. I was just going to give you the honor of doing so.

[shouts] But if you’re not fucking capable for some emotional fucking crazy reason, then I’ll go find someone fuckin’ else, and it’s gonna be a little inconvenient, and I’m gonna be very disappointed. D’you wanna disappoint me? Do you want to disappoint me?

Glitter Can:          Part of me is in- intrigued to destroy them, because they’re imbeciles and hooligans and give supers a bad name. But you have to say please.

[Kaitlyn stifles laughter.]

Bart:               I…I said “fucking please”. I said “fucking please”. I said “fucking please” do it.

Glitter Can:          Well fucking alright then.

Bart:               Alright.



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]



Sage:            Some sort of exclamation, grunt, swear word, like, when you trip in the bushes and they hear you.

Beth:          Okay.


[grunts] Oh, shoot.

[Beth stifles laughter.]



[Beth stifles laughter.]

Sage:            [amused] Okay, great.

Beth:          [Goofy impression] Huyuck!

[Stifled laughter.]

David:           Hur!

Beth:          [accent] Wake me up.

[Stifled laughter.]

#9 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Heist

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 9 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Heist

Air Date: June 10, 2020


[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

Sage G.C.:         20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro fades out.]



[Nostalgic music. Voices sound as though they’re coming from a radio as memories replay.]

Eric:             I mean, I don’t- I just think it’s gonna be a good movie. It’s Justin Timberlake in, like, a Jason Bourne-type role. Seems like a new territory—

Daniel:              Mm-hmm.

Eric:             —and, like, time is money, you know.

Daniel:              Right.

Eric:             So you’re twenty-five and then you stop aging, and then there’s a clock on your arm and it’s- and it’s got, uh, a year, and if it gets to zero, you j- you die. So it’s in, like, Dayton for some- it’s in Ohio. I don’t know. I was tryin’ not to read too much into it, but, like, I don’t— Cillian Murphy’s in it. He was- h-he’s cool.

Daniel:              I mean I guess if it’s this or Harry Potter seven, then I-I’ll take this.

[Footsteps tap on tile as Daniel approaches the ticket booth.]

Yeah, two for In Time, please. 8: 40.

[Register clicks. Shoes tap as the two head inside. A door opens.]

Ticket Taker:     Theatre 4, on your left.

[Ticket rips. Clothes rustle as he hands the stub back.]

Daniel:              Here. Do you know anybody here that you could tap into? Like, that guy over there.

Eric:             Dude, can we—

Daniel:              Like, could you, like, spy on him?

Eric:             Please. I- Dude, I d- I don’t like to do that. It feels weird.

Daniel:              Bu- I- isn’t that, like, what you do when you have powers?

Eric:             Yeah—

Daniel:              You use the powers and it’s cool. Think—

Eric:             Wh- I don’t know. Like [sighs] It’s like the same reason you don’t like to pee in public.

[Daniel stifles laughter.]

It’s just, it’s not…right.

Daniel:              Well, no but- no but you don’t pee in public because people see you, but no one’ll see you scrying. Right? It’s just in your head.

[Eric sighs in exasperation.]

Eric:             [resigned] Yeah, I know a guy [sighs] that works the concession stand here.

Daniel:              [amused scoff] Okay. Well, maybe we shouldn’t do that right in front of…

Eric:             Okay.

Daniel:              How is work going, by the way? Like, how is it? Like, it- like, you- you’re not in school anymore. So, like- like, it just kinda badass. Like, it’s—

Eric:             Certainly not like the trailer for In Time looked.

Daniel:              Oh.

Eric:             It’s cool. It’s weird. Some things are scary, but, like, yeah. I’m in S.H.I.E.L.D. Most of it I’m just, like, at, like, an office, and then sometimes they, like, give me a pack of information I have to read, and then—

Stuff changes fast there. They don’t tell you anything. Like when I- when I got there, I had a partner. Uh, this guy’s name was AJ. Like, he was fine, uh, weird. Like, he wasn’t super, like, with it, but, um, I come in one day and he’s gone, and then, like, a few days go by, and I’m like, hey, uh, anyone who’s here. What happened to AJ? They just say, oh he’s been reassigned. And like, I guess that makes sense. I don’t know. Stuff happens all the time, but, like—

Daniel:              Wait, wait, wait. Okay, okay. Hold on. So when you say reassigned…like you me- you mean, like, you don’t have a partner?

Eric:             No, the—

Daniel:              Like, you don’t have, like, a- like, a copilot.

Eric:             No. Uh. No.

Daniel:              You don’t have, like, a wingman.

Eric:             No, I don’t.

Daniel:              You don’t have, like, a—

Eric:             Not right now.

Daniel:              [excited] Therefore…

Eric:             Ohhh! Wait, are you sure— Do you wanna be a s- you wanna- you wanna work for S.H.I.E.L.D.? [whispers] You wanna work for S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Daniel:              Dude I am enhanced! I’m, like, there’s not that many people like me, right?

Eric:             [sighs] I mean- [amused] I mean.

Daniel:              What d’you- what’re you laughing- what?

Eric:             Dude, Dan, I’m not laughing. N-no, y-you’re enhanced. No, totally. Like, something about you—

Daniel:              I—

Eric:             —is absolutely enhanced.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

It’s just a question of whether or not… Wh- okay, so that aside, you’re- you’re smart. So you don’t have to, like, an agent. There’s people that work like the desk, and there’s people that do, like, you know, there’s people that clean.

Daniel:              I’ll do whatever! I’ll do whatever. I’ll- I’ll- I’ll do the coffee! I’m sure I’ll work myself up the ladder or whatever. It’s all about, like, you told me about this guy with the bow and arrow, doesn’t even have any powers. So clearly if he could do it, I could do it!

Eric:             [mumbles] Well, I mean, he’s a little- little different, but [normal] you know what, yeah. Y-ye- okay. Look, I don’t have, like, pull there, ’cause I’m, you know. I’m eighteen, but we could figure somethin’ out.

Daniel:              [whispers] Yes! Fuck yeah! Holy shit. [normal, excited] I’m so ready to see In Time right now.

Eric:             I think there’s like a- if you refer enough people you get an Audi or something.

Daniel:              [whispers] Ah, sick.

Eric:             Yeah.

Daniel:              Hey, wait. What about Elle? She knows about this stuff, right?

Eric:             Yeah, I’m- I’m keepin’ ’er in the loop as much as I can, but…I don’t know. It’s not [inhales and sighs] I don’t see her as much anymore. To be real, it actually kinda sucks a lot, and I, like, like her a lot. In fact I- I, like, love her, but…I don’t know if it’s gonna work out.

Daniel:              Damn.

Eric:             [sighs] So anyways, sorry, to— I just wanna jump off that.

Daniel:              Yeah, no. I mean, we’ll- yeah. Um…we got some time to kill, so… Oh!

Eric:             Hmm?

Daniel:              Hold on. You said your partner got reassigned. So couldn’t…you tap into him?

Eric:             Oh, I don’t wanna do that.

Daniel:              What?

Eric:             Oh, I’m not—

Daniel:              [excited] But that’s how you get to find out what that means. Does that mean that he got assassinated? Did he get shipped to, like, Guana or somethin’? Or, or, or—

Eric:             Look, dude, I- I feel like that’s like a misuse of, like, what it is wha- that I can do. That- that feels selfish and also he was kinda weird. I don’t- I don’t know—

Daniel:              [groans] It’s just—

Eric:             —if I wanna know what he’s doing.

Daniel:              I mean, just- just, like, a peek. Just, like, see what he’s doing.

[Eric groans quietly.]

You don’t need to hear anything or, like, whatever, but like just like… I guess I mostly wanna know if, like, reassigning means that you get killed. Like, that’s…

Eric:             Okay, when you put it that way… Okay, hold on. I might not be able to see him. He might not even be around. Like if he’s- he’s far—

Daniel:              Sure, sure. He has to be somewhat in the, like, the Los Angeles area. Got it.

Eric:             You know, if he’s too far, I got nothin’.

Daniel:              Yeah.

Eric:             Let me see if… Hold on.

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric uses his power.]

[slow] Uuuh…he’s not close, but he’s around. He’s in the…he’s in the woods? The fuck is he doing in the woods?

[A gentle rumble returns him to reality.]

Daniel:              Well, that’s boring.

Eric:             Yeah, I don’t know. He was on like a hike I guess. I don’t know. Good for him. Okay.

Daniel:              Yeah, I guess maybe he just got let go or quit or somethin’.

Eric:             The one thing I’m learning is that S.H.I.E.L.D. is everywhere. [slow] Everywhere.

Daniel:              And that’ll certainly never change.

[Eric snickers]

Eric:             Yeah, no. They’ve been- they’ve been around since, like, the ’40s.

Daniel:              There’s no way anybody could ever infiltrate that or- or like—

Eric:             Like, remember how, like, when you were a kid and you’d see, like, the FBI warning before, like, a VHS movie started. You’re like, oh the FBI sounds scary.

[Daniel chuckles.]

Like how that felt? That’s what S.H.I.E.L.D. is. It’s fucking nuts. They’re so—

Daniel:              [excited] Yeah, dude, it’s sick to hear about it, and then to also know that I might be able to [quiet] be a, like, a partner—

Eric:             Okay, but if- if—

Daniel:              [quiet] I’m amped man!

Eric:             Okay, like, sure. I’ll think they have- but if- if you get in there, like, for real, like, [quiet] you don’t know shit. Like—

Daniel:              Okay, I know- I know nothing.

Eric:             I- sure. It- yeah, that- that- that could be- that could be cool. It’s- it’s hard, it’s weird, it’s scary, but it feels good to be a part of something that [sighs] makes me feel like I’m making a difference for the better. And that’s…that’s cool. Um, to be honest, like, I- I’m, like, proud. I don’t know. It’s weird.

Daniel:              Yeah. No, I…I, uh… Look, I could really use something like that in my life, you know what I’m sayin’? About to graduate, so it’s like, secret agent. Just makes sense.

Eric:             Beats workin’ at the laundromat? I don’t… I was tryin’a make a connection to something that that’d work to, but I don’t think there’s… I’m sorry.

[Daniel stifles laughter.]

I gotta stop makin’ fun of what you [chuckles] got goin’ on. I don’t know.

Daniel:              It’s fine. Let’s, like, get frozen yogurt or something while we wait.

Eric:             Yeah! God, another thing that will never go away.

[Sage laughs.]

[Dan and Eric’s Motif plays and echos.]


Episode 9 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Heist

[Action music. Footsteps crunch on dirt.]

Lily:           Oh, it’s so bright. Ugh.

Eric:             I forgot what it was like to sleep outside and then do a mission. This- this sucks [clears throat].

Lily:           [groans] Has the sun ever been this bright before? [whispers] Jesus Christ.

Eric:             [concerned] Are you hungover?

Lily:           Nnnn…uuh.

Masha:            Oh. I don’t—

Lily:           Doubtful?

Masha:            It prob’ly feels really bad for you.

Lily:           [groans] Yeah. I’m just gonna [heaves].

Masha:            Oh my gosh.

[Lily vomits and coughs in the background.]


[Eric groans in sympathy. Lily moans.]

I would give you some asprin, but that weird lady literally took—

[Lily vomits again.]

—the whole- okay. Ew.

Dan:             [uneasy] Does my smell mask it? Is it helping?

Lily:           Oh god. Yeah. Can you come here for a second?

[Shoes scuff a little closer.]

Dan:             I’m standing near you, but don’t touch me [nervous chuckle].

Lily:           Yeah, do- don’t worry. Don’t worry.

[She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.]

[whispers] Okay. Okay, okay. Room spray. Just a nice lavender room spray.

[She takes another deep breath.]

Dan:             Okay, we all ready?

Lily:           I’m good!

Eric:             Yeah, this is—as much as we’re havin’ a good time out here in the desert—this is serious. We’re about to break into a government facility and steal information. If anybody’s feelin’ not great—

[Clothes rustle as Lily raises her hand.]

—now’s the time to either— Oh, well…clearly.

Sage:            And Lily raises her hand.

Dan:             We saw. We saw. You threw up.

Lily:           Yeah, yeah. I’m gonna be good. I’m gonna be good. I’ll throw up on the enemy. We’ll be fine.

Eric:             Perfect.

Dan:             Both of us— Hold on, S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t the enemy. So maybe don’t throw up in the outpost, ’cause then they’re gonna trace…

Eric:             We’re just—

Dan:             Uh, somehow. I’m sure there’s some DNA they can pick up.

Lily:           That’s all PBR, baby. That’s no me, that’s all PBR [chuckles].

Dan:             [chuckles] Okay, good.

Eric:             Right. Well, Masha, you good?

Dan:             Masha you okay?

[Music slows.]

Masha:            Uuum…

Lily:           Wait.

Masha:            I lost another power again.


Lily:           I-I… Yeah, I can hear it.


Masha:            Um…

Lily:           Which one?

Masha:            My, uh, reflexes.

[Lily sighs sadly.]

So… But, you know. It’s fine. Um…but we’re- we- we should just get ready to- and- and go on the, uh, go to the sh—

Lily:           We’re gonna find information in there. We’re gonna find information.

Masha:            Yeah. We’re gonna find information.

Dan:             How many powers do you have left?

Masha:            Two. The one where I’m, like, kinda like the Hulk and one I can, like, go really fast, but you guys, like, freeze for a little bit.

Dan:             Right.

Masha:            Yeah.


Let’s keep goin’.

Dan:             Alright.

Eric:             Mm-hmm.

Sage:            The ScAvengers, joined by Agent Fragrant, enter Skidoo.

[Action music.]

There’s not much there. There’s just this old mill. Daniel is pretty confident it is simply a little distraction. The real base is inside.

[Shoes crunch on dirt.]

Dan:             Alright, this is it. Ready?

Eric:             You’re goin’ through the front?

Dan:             Oh, shit [nervous chuckle]. Yeah, I didn’t think about that.

Eric:             Yeah, there’s [stammers] Is there a- is there a back? I haven’t- I’ve never been here before, but—

Dan:             I haven’t either.

Eric:             —there’s guards, are they out— [sighs] Alright, um, here’s a thought.

Dan:             Mm-hmm.

Eric:             Let’s figure out maybe if there’s, like, even a window we can jimmy or, like, maybe a hatch or can we get into the network of this place if you have any system access.

Dan:             There’s— If there’s some sort other entrance, I- it’s somewhere out in the desert, right? Then there’s some sort of tunnel system. I don’t know how to get in.


Should we just knock or like just go in?

Eric:             [loud] Knock?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[quiet] Daniel, I’m tryin’ to st—

Dan:             Call me Dan.

Eric:             Dude. Have you not- when- how long has it been since you’ve been in the field?

Dan:             I don’t do that much for them. Like, I’m not even really technically a field operative. I’m just, like, an enhanced individual and they just, like, they’ll give me tasks around the city and stuff.

Lily:           Yeah, you’re not a very good spy.

Dan:             I’m not really supposed to be a spy. I’m supposed to just be a—

[Eric burps.]


Eric:             Sorry. Let’s just see what happens. Let’s use your keycard and let’s see what happens.

Dan:             ’Kay.

[Clothes rustle and a pocket zipper opens as Dan fishes his keycard out of his jacket. He swipes it across the pad and it beeps. A door whooshes open.]

Masha:            Well, that was easy.

Lily:           Okay.

Eric:             Far be it from me. I’m sorry that I tried to overcomplicate things.

Sage:            We walk on through. It’s very quiet. We end up in a reception area. There’s a little couch, a little chair, some [amused] flowers.

[Shoes squeak to a stop. Fluorescent lights buzz.]

Masha:            It’s nice in here.

[Lily sniffs.]

What d’you smell?

Lily:           Those’re fake flowers.

Masha:            [quiet] Oh.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily, can you roll me for Personal Space.

[Dice roll on table.]

Emily:          Yes.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Great. Lily hears somebody across the hall about to come out of a room.

[Footsteps clack slowly closer.]

Lily:           Shh, shh, shh!

Masha:            Hmm?

Lily:           [quiet] Somebody’s gonna come out. Somebody down the hall.

Dan, Eric:       [together] Hide!

Dan:             And I’ll talk to them.

Eric:             Behind the couch, behind the couch, behind the couch!

Masha:            Uh—

Lily:           Uh, okay, okay. Behind the couch.

Masha:            I’m a lamp?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Can you turn into a lamp?

Masha:            I don’t know. It just came to my head for some reason.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Scry, Roulette, and Bloodhound all roll me Speed.

Jessica:          9.

[Net chime.]

Travis:          5.

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          17.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Well, Lily’s good.

Lily:           I’m gone.

[Clothes rustle as she dives behind the couch.]

Sage:            And then the man comes out. Nice gentleman. Red hair, big smile.

Man:                Oh, hi. Can I help you?

Dan:             Hey! Uh, operative here.

Man:                Oh! Yeah! Uh C- uh, Carlos. How’s it goin’ buddy? It’s me, Alex.

Dan:             [pops his lips] Yeah. I’m Carlos. That’s me.

Alex:             Carlos somethin’-somethin’.

Dan:             Yes.

[Masha lets out a quiet, nervous groan.]

Alex:             Yeah, yeah.

Dan:             Yeah. Yeah. Alex. Alex.

Alex:             Hey, what’re you up to, buddy?

Dan:             Wait…weren’t you a temp?

Alex:             Um, I got hired, you know, after the end of the season. They kept me on, I got the benefits.

Dan:             Gotcha.

Alex:             Real easy, you know? Uh…

Dan:             And you just hang out here and, like, kinda watch the place or…

Alex:             Oh, I uh, I am the receptionist. Uh, they bumped me up to receptionist. I answer the phones, do a little bit of filing.

Dan:             Right.

Alex:             There’s a lot of training videos. It looks like you’ve got some company here. Uh…

Dan:             Oh, uh. [whispers] Shiiit.

[Clothes rustle as Eric and Masha abandon their attempt to hide and stand up.]

Masha:            [slow] Hi.

Dan:             Y-yeah, new- new recruits. New recruits! Uh, the- this is, uh, uh, this is Daniel.


Eric:             Y-Yeah. Yeah, I’m Daniel.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Dan:             And this is Rebecca.

Masha:            Hi. I’m Rebecca!

Eric:             Yes.

Alex:             Hi, Rebecca, I’m Alex.

Eric:             Nice- nice to meet you Alex.

Masha:            Hello, Alex.

Alex:             Hey, Daniel, I’m Alex.

Masha:            Congratulations on your promotion.

Eric:             Put ’er there.

[Clothes rustle and shoes tap on tile as Eric steps forward.]

Alex:             No big deal, yeah. There you go, handshake. Okay. Oopa doop.

[Hands clap together as the men shake hands.]

Masha:            Oh.

Alex:             Uh, yeah, no. I’ve actually had three promotions since I’ve started workin’ here.

Eric:             Wow, how long ago—

Alex:             Big power, big upward mobility.

Eric:             H-hold on, did you…uh. Wh-where did you start?

Alex:             I started as a temp answering phones, and uh, dealing—

Eric:             Started as a- as a- as a temp answering phones?

Dan:             Yeah, Eric, remember that—

Alex:             Yeah, and I was dealing with people that didn’t wanna- they didn’t wanna deal with for them.

[Masha groans.]

And then—

Eric:             People- people they didn’t want to deal with?

Alex:             Oh, yeah, the worst of the worst—

Dan:             Yeah, but, uh, I mean—

Alex:             Carlos, please. They had a file—

[Dan groans.]

—a filing cabinet full of people with big red Xs on their photographs and their forms—

Masha:            [quiet] Oh no.

Eric:             Uh-huh.

Alex:             —like, their files—

Dan:             And, uh, you know, i—

Alex:             —and they said, “Irredeemable”, was the name of—

Eric:             Iri- IRREDEEMABLE?!

Dan:             Yeah, and, uh—

Alex:             Yeah, that’s what it said on the filing cabinet.

Masha:            Well, uh…no. Daniel. It’s okay.

Dan:             —it’s a little, uh, Yeah, Daniel, everything’s gonna be fine. It’s, like—

Masha:            Daniel… Daniel just had a death in his family.

Eric:             This- this is- this is such—

Dan:             Like—

Alex:             Daniel, are you alright?

Eric:             —bullshit!

Dan:             —you’re not irredeemable—

Alex:             What are you upset about?

Eric:             I’m irredeemable!

Dan:             —’cause you’re- ’cause you’re Daniel, so you can still redeem—

Alex:             How—

[Clattering is heard as Lily jumps out of her hiding spot.]

Lily:           Whoa, is it dusty under this couch! [innocently] You should really be doin’ more Swiffering. Hi!

Alex:             Uh- uh, yeah. You know what, you’re right.

Dan:             Third recruit. Third recruit.

Alex:             I am suppo—

Dan:             Third recruit!

Alex:             Carlos, you got a lot of team—

Masha:            This is Elle! [quiet] Ah, fuck.

Alex:             Hello, Elle! I’m Alex.

Lily:           Hi, Alex! You need to dust.

Alex:             Ah, yeah, you’re right.

Lily:           Hello, my friends, Rebecca and…

Alex:             Daniel.

Eric:             [loud] Irre-fucking-deemable!

Alex:             Daniel. His name’s Daniel.

Masha:            Daniel.

Lily:           Daniel! I just met them.

Alex:             Carlos, what’s with all these underage girls you got goin’ around here buddy?

Dan:             Uh, you know—

Masha:            Oh.

Dan:             —we’re looking for fresh talent, and, uh, purely coincidental, uh, she—

Eric:             She’s a hacker. She does cool hacker stuff.

Alex:             Oh, I bet. I bet.

Lily:           Yeah. I’m so good with the computing.

Alex:             You know, I’ll tell you what, Elle. Uh, if you were to apply now, I guarantee you’ll get in—

[Masha groans.]

—because they’ll take pretty much almost everybody. It’s these guys, you know, they- they- they don’t really have the same strict acceptance measures that they used to. You really have to be the bottom of the crud barrel for them to refuse you. I can tell ya, I was working at a Sports Authority [chuckles] Jesus—

[Masha sighs loudly.]

Eric:             G-god—

Lily:           What’s- what’s- what’s that Daniel? Hold on, I’m sorry, I can also read minds. Um..

Alex:             Oh, okay. Cool!

Eric:             Fucking—

Lily:           He’s saying, um, oh you—

Eric:             Dammit.

Alex:             Good job, Carlos! You have real keepers!

Lily:           You got a little bit of sauce on the back of your shirt.

Alex:             Who, me?

Lily:           Yes. You should probably go to the bathroom and clean it.

Alex:             Oh, yeah.

Masha:            Oh, yeah. I see it. It’s really big!

Alex:             Ah, jeez. Okay.

Eric:             [loud, irked] You know, I just think that maybe if you gave some of these irredeemable—

[Masha begins yelling over Eric, drowning him out.]

Masha:            [yells] Hey, Daniel, why don’t we go for a walk? Hey, Daniel, let’s go over here for a second. Daniel. Daniel. Danieeeeel! Danieeeel!

Dan:             Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel.

Eric:             —people a second chance, they could maybe show that they’re- they’re pretty valuable, and maybe it’s not their fault! It’s not their fault they got caught up in that Hydra horseshit!

Alex:             You know, Carlos, I don’t think this guy’s really cut out for this position—

Lily:           Uh—

Eric:             [yells] Oh, I’m not- oh I know!

Masha:            Oookay. I give up.

Dan:             O-okay. Okay.

Alex:             He’s got some anger— Daniel, I’m- [concerned] I’m gonna have to ask you to leave if you don’t calm down.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily is gonna roll for Reality—

[Emily blows a raspberry.]

—while Alex, [amused] the S.H.I.E.L.D. temp, is gonna roll for Personal Soul.

David:           I’m actually not a temp anymore. I got promoted, so…thank you.

Sage:            Once-temp.

Emily:          Nope.

[Failure chime.]

David:           I rolled a 6.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            So we have a failure and [amused] a failure. So you don’t think she’s lying, however—

David:           Oh, absolutely not. Why would she lie? Why would Elle lie?

[Sage and Emily stifle laughter.]

Sage:            Because of “Daniel”—in quotes, really Eric—having an outburst, you’re definitely not gonna take these three recruits.

[Misadventure music.]

Alex:             [hisses in a breath] Sorry, you know. The thing is, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, Carlos, based off of how close we are, but I think there’s a form or somebody I gotta— I’m gonna make a call real quick.

[Clothes rustle as he reaches for a phone. Everyone speaks over each other.]

Dan:             Oh! You don’t need to call anybody.

Lily:           You should probably clean that sauce first, though.

Alex:             I’m gonna have to make a call about this, man. I mean, I don’t wanna have to turn you down. Yeah, the sauce can wait. There’s not a lot of traffic in this outpost right now. That’s why I wasn’t really worried about the dusting.

[Shoes tap on tile as he walks away.]

So I’m gonna make a call real quick, okay?

[Phone beeps. At the same time, the lock clicks on the door and it squeaks open. Footsteps tap closer.]

Man:                What’s going on here?

[Fluorescent lights buzz overhead.]

Dan:             Oh.

Alex:             Oh!

Eric, Alex:         [together] Wait a minute.

[Suspenseful music.]

Eric:             [slow] We’re new recruits, that’s…

Dan:             —cruits, and I’m…

Eric, Dan:       [together, slow] Carlos.

Carlos:            You’re Carlos? I’m Carlos.

Alex:             [epiphany] That’s right. You’re Carlos!

Carlos:            We’ve met. You—

Alex:             I got you so confused.

Eric:             You got promoted, and you can’t even tell whose face is whose?

Alex:             Wait a minute…

Eric:             This is horseshit!

Dan:             Uh—

Alex:             Is your name Car…

Dan:             My—

Alex:             Wait, you’re name isn’t Carlos. I know you.

Masha:            His name is Carlos…

Dan:             [urgent] Eric…

Alex:             I know you.

Dan:             [urgent] Eric.

Alex:             Eric?

Dan:             [urgent] Eric!

Alex:             Oh, w-why did you—

Dan:             No, my name’s not Eric! Eric, knock these guys out!

Carlos:            What’s- what’s going on here?

Eric:             [excited] Alright!

Alex:             What happened?


Special Thanks

Bart:               Okay, and now a word from our sponsor.


[Tape rewinds.]

Beth:         Think that a character who’s an entire identity is a lie is, like, a theme that comic books explore pretty frequently. So I— Not, like, new ground necessarily, but super fascinating ground, which is why I, like, approached the character from the perspective of like, who is she pretending to be and who is she really and what is the gulf between those two people?

Jessica:            That’s really cool.

Travis:          What does the MCU mean to you?

Sage:             Yes.

Beth:         That’s Marvel Cinematic Universe, right?

Travis:          Yeah [stifles laughter].

Emily:          You hit it! Whoo!

Sage:             Yup. Nailed it!

[Everyone cheers and claps.]

Jessica:            That’s the answer!

Beth:         Thank you!

[Everyone sings a victory song.]

[Tape fast forwards.]


Sage:             That was a snippet from our bonus interview episode with Beth May, where we talk about her character NightMare…idith briefly and then completely fly off the rails. It’s available to all who have an Adventure Pass, such as the very wonderful…

Emily:          Joel Stroud.

Jessica:            Dr. Mushrooms

Sage:             Rex. Shepard.

Travis:          David Eps. You’re so nice!

Emily:          Elizabeth.

Sage:             Ian D. Strabeck

Jessica:            Kathleen Sima

Travis:          Jordan Hight

Sage:             Thank you all so, so much for your support. If you wanna be cool like them, go to

And although Survivors of the Snap is coming to a close, the Adventure Pass feed will be continually updated with new stuff every single month. You might even get the first look into what’s coming next.

Also, this is your last chance to get a shoutout before our break, so don’t wait. Check it all out and support the show at

Alright. Let’s get back to it.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Heist - Part II

[Suspenseful music.]

Carlos:            Fisticuffs! Go!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            [amused] Scry, roll for Powerful Combat.

Travis:          8.

[Failure chime.]

[Sage groans.]

Alex:             Carlos, what is goin’ on here?

Carlos:            Get on the—

[Scuffle. Eric grunts.]

Sage:            Eric goes to—

Travis:          Judo toss him.

Sage:            [amused] Judo toss Alex. There’s some personal vendetta in this one.

[Clothes rustle and shoes tap on tile as Eric charges.]

Alex:             [shocked] Daniel, what’re you doing?

[Alex grunts a little as Eric grabs him. Eric grunts.]

What are you doing? Daniel! Stop!

Sage:            However, uh, it’s not a very good throw. He’s able to grab him and throw him down, but...

[Clothes rustle. Alex hits the ground with a thud and grunts.]

Travis:          I’m too upset. I cannot let the energy flow through me.

Sage:            Correct.

Travis:          I’m too aggressive. I am not remembering my master’s teachings!

Alex:             [irked] Ow!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, also roll me Strength.

Travis:          4 [stifles laughter].

[Failure chime.]

Not even a little bit.

Sage:            Wow.

[Travis scoffs in amusement.]

Alex:             I- [gentle] What’s wrong with you, Daniel? You need to get this anger problem under control.

Eric:             [yells] I’m gonna kill you!

Sage:            Meanwhile, Lily.

[Stat test chime.]

Roll Powerful Strength and Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Emily:          Uh, that’s a 17.

Sage:            Damn. 17, 17?

Emily:          I’m feeling bulky [stifles laughter].

Sage:            Nice. You go for real Carlos.

[Lily charges. Action music intensifies. She grunts throughout the scuffle.]

Lily:           Hiya! Krav Maga, bitch!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Carlos, what did you roll for Combat?

Chad:         I rolled a 17.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Shit. It matches hers. Oh my god. So Carlos is doing the same exact shit. [amused] You guys are both Krav Maga’ing each other hard!


Lily:           Shit, you’re good. Ahh!

Carlos:            God damn. Who’s your teacher?


Lily:           Self-taught from YouTube!

Carlos:            Have you thought of working at S.H.I.E.L.D.?


David:           Rock ’em...Krav ’em robots...

[Stifled laughter.]

Travis:          Rock ’em Krav Magrakem.

[Stifled laughter.]

Sage:            Daniel tries to chime in to help out Eric. However, because he’s not very good at fighting, [amused] he just kinda slaps a little bit and he’s really worried.

[Daniel charges over and smacks Alex.]

Eric:             [yells] Daniel, go find the computer shit!

Dan:             [loud] Uh…I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna feel bad!

Alex:             Wait, your name’s Daniel too?

Dan:             [loud] Shut up!

[Daniel smacks Alex.]

[Stat test chime.]

Masha:            Okay, I’m gonna go!

Sage:            Meanwhile, Masha is using her power and she rolled…

[A buzzing crinkle is heard as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Freeze time.

[Sound cuts off.]

Sage:            I’m adding a 6 to whatever you rolled.

Jessica:          Oh, 23.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          Holy shit.

Sage:            You got plenty of time.

Masha:            Okay. Wow. This is working out. I’m just gonna separate these guys away from each other.

[Clothes and shoes scrape as Masha moves Eric away.]

And I’m gonna move Lily to- to this weird Alex guy.

[Shoes scrape.]

Oh, this [groans] I’m not very strong. Okay, and then…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll full orange to move these bodies.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          I got it on the number

[Net chime.]

And then 18.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Masha, using all her strength tries to separate everybody from fighting and pushes them across the room in different corners of this reception hall.

[Masha grunts as she shoves everyone across the room.]

And then everybody speeds back in and they start missing all their punches and throws and landing and getting up.

[Sound speeds up and returns to normal.]

Lily:           What?

[Eric cries out.]

Carlos:            What the fuck?

Eric:             Where’s that intern?

Alex:             Dan—

Lily:           How’d he get over there?

Masha:            Everybody, stop fighting!

Carlos:            Alex, they’re enhanced!

Alex:             Oh, Daniel, this is a surefire ticket to the irredeemable filing cabinet where—

Eric:             [yells] I’m not a Nazi! I’m gonna kill you!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I need everybody to roll for Speed.

David:           5.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          5

[Failure chime.]

Jessica:          12.

[Net chime.]

Chad:         A natural 20.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Holy shit. Carlos, rolling the best with his initiative, runs for a nearby room where there’s a desk inside. Lily, suddenly notices her vision sharpening.

[Loud, metalic bang. An echoing creak.]

Everything goes green in the heat of the moment. There’s a door.

Lily:           [muffled] What? [gasps] Oh my god...

Sage:            And she sees all the way clear across to the room. It’s like eagle vision.

[Lily gasps.]

There’s a frickin’ computer in there. Carlos is running in, he’s typing shit into the computer as fast as he can. Everybody’s about to go in for a second move, but!

Lily:           He’s going for the computer! I don’t know what he’s doing, but [excited] fuck I can see him!

Masha:            What?

Alex:             [calm] Carlos, email security. Get these wackjobs outta here. Daniel, I am so- other Daniel—

Lily:           Eric go stop him!

Alex:             —I am so disappointed in you.

Eric:             Huh? Ah! Okay. Fuck!

[Eric charges after Carlos.]

I’m not done with this!

Masha:            Can everybody please stop fighting? Oh.

Lily:           We have to stop him before he does whatever the fuck he’s gonna do!

Carlos:            [distant] Type, type, type, type, type.

Lily:           He sets off the alarm.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll Speed.

David:           6.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          18.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            6, 18. Eric joins Lily and they run for the room as fast as they can. Daniel Daniels stays nearby Alex, who’s too slow to catch Eric.

Alex:             [whispers] All the time.

Dan:             Hey, Alexa [stifles laughter] play—

Alex:             Oh, you don’t even know who I am. You know how insulting that is?

Dan:             Yeah!

Alex:             That’s very inconsiderate of you.

Dan:             Also, uh, go [timid] fuck yourself? [nervous chuckle]

[Alex gasps slowly.]

Sage:            But it’s too late. Carlos hit the lockdown.

[The computer beeps and an alarm blares.]

Masha:            Oh my god, ow.

Lily:           Dammit!

Sage:            Lily and Eric come in.

[Stat test chime.]

Can you both roll me Powerful Combat?

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          18.

[Success chime.]

Emily:          10.

[Net chime.]

Travis:          Comin’ around.

Sage:            Great. Perfectly balanced for Lily. She’s able to grab Carlos but he’s not really restrained.

Lily:           [grunts] Come here!

Sage:            However, through Eric’s high Judo skill, he’s able to knock him [amused] the fuck out.

Eric:             Come on!

[A loud punch. Carlos grunts and collapses.]

Lily:           Yeah. Fuck yeah!

[Carlos groans.]

Alex:             [distant] Real Carlos, nooo!

Sage:            Daniel’s gonna try to [amused] punch you in the face.

[Stat test chime.]

Rollin’ for Strength here.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

9. It’s pretty weak.

David:           What do I roll?

Sage:            Uh, for defensive combat roll the d20 again.

David:           4.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Oh, great. Daniel’s punch is very weak, but it’s- it’s…

[Alex chokes.]

Alex:             [chocking] My adam’s apple.

[Stat test chime.]

Goin’ for it again. 18.

[Success chime.]

Roll for Durability to see if you can survive it.

David:           6.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Nope.

David:           I am dead.

Sage:            [amused] Daniel takes out some aggression.

[Dan punctuates every word with a punch.]

Dan:             Every. Fucking. Year. I ask. For a promotion. And you. Motherfuckers. Give it to Alex? God dammit!

Eric:             [distant] Yeah! Give it to him!

Masha:            Daniel, Daniel.

[Dan pants.]

Dan:             Call me Dan.

Masha:            [nervous] You really fucked up his face.

Dan:             He’s knocked out, he’ll be fine.

[Action music fades. Alarm blares in the background.]

They have- they have- they have, like, s-stuff. Medic stuff.

David:           You said “survive”. He’s dead.

[Emily stifles laughter. Sage chuckles.]

You said “survive”. Does he survive? That’s a no. You have killed this man.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Chad:         Well- well, what is the roll for lying?

[Emily continues chuckling.]

Dan:             Uhhh…

Masha:            He looks really, like, he’s not alive.

Travis:          I think Daniel has to roll Reality.

David:           My face is concave, Daniel [stifles laughter].

Sage:            Fine.

[Stat test chime.]

Rolling Personal Reality [stifles laughter].

[Failure chime.]

Wow. Uh…

[Slow guitar music.]

Dan:             Mmm…. Uh…okay, uh, don’t you have healing powers?

Masha:            [irked] No.

Dan:             What?

Masha:            I don’t have, like, any powers anymore.

Dan:             Oh, fuck. You said you only have the two.

Masha:            And besides, even if I did try to heal him. He’s like- he’s literally dead. Like, it’s so freakin’ clear.

Dan:             I’m sorry. Uh, shit.

[Alarm continues to blare in the background.]

Uh, Eric, Lily, what’s goin’ on in there?

Lily:           [distant] Well, like I held him, and he fuckin’ flipped him and we’re cool as shit!

Eric:             [distant] Yeah. How’s that? Did you get that Alex guy?

Dan:             [sad] Oh, I got him [sighs].

[Lily pants.]

Eric:             [distant] Okay. Now, I don’t know if we can open this door, but I’m pretty sure you have the USB.

Dan:             [dejected] Uh, let me…come over there.

[Clothes rustle and boots tap on tile.]

[sad] Did I really kill that guy?

Masha:            Yeah.

Lily:           [excited] You killed a guy?

Eric:             [shocked] You killed a guy?

Dan:             Ah, no. Oh god.

Masha:            He killed Alex.

Eric:             I remember my first time.

Lily:           You wanna see something really cool? Literally?

Eric:             Yeah.

Lily:           Tap in. Tap in, tap in, tap in—

Eric:             To you?

Lily:           —[louder] tap in, tap in!

Eric:             O-oka- god! Ew, god. I don’t like when people ask me to do it. Okay.

[Rumbling woosh.]

Lily:           Look!

Eric:             Oh!

Sage:            Everything in the room is sharp and crisp.

Lily:           So crispy in here!

Sage:            You know it’s like, uh, super vison. You can see across the room and you can read small little tiny details that, otherwise, the naked eye would not be able to read.

Eric:             Uhhh…[fast] this is like the time I did Adderall in college. I hate it! Okay!

[Gentle rumble returns him to reality. He gasps.]

Lily:           Pretty cool, huh?

Masha:            You were in college?

[Eric grunts.]

Did S.H.I.E.L.D. have a college?

Eric:             Nah, like, well… [sighs] We called it college. It’s…

[Sage stifles laughter.]

David:           It’s called the Hitler Youth.

[Emily and Jessica stifle laughter.]

Masha:            Oh my gosh, was that Alex’s ghost?

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Eric:             I think that dead guy just—

[Travis stifles laughter.]

—just chimed in.

Lily:           [vauge English accent] He’s not dead.

[Emily and Sage stifle laughter.]

Dan:             He’s not dead! He’s not dead!

[Sage stifles laughter.]


[Eric and Masha grunt.]

Oh, and—

[Alex death gurgles.]

He’s dead.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Eric:             That’s incredible. I hate it. You’re living like that now?

Lily:           I guess. I’m gonna have, like…I don’t know. Ask Theo to, like, make me glasses or something, but like, whoo!

Eric:             Aw, you have to wear glasses?

Lily:           Shut up. Nerd.

[Eric chuckles. The alarm continues to blare.]

Dan:             [fast] So how many— Wait, you’ve been getting heightened senses, right? Like every single time. So how many do you have now?

Lily:           I got smell. I got hearing. I got sight, and I got touch. Um…

Eric:             You’re like an amplifier for me. This is wild. Well, not for- you—

Lily:           Yeah, th-the “for me” thing’s a little weird, but yeah.

Eric:             Yeah. That’s not what I meant.

Lily:           Um, so I guess I just got what next comin’?

Everyone:       [together] Taste?

Eric:             Well, for all we know, you could grow a fuckin’ horn outta your head. Like, there’s no… There’s a pattern, but…

Lily:           [gasps] That’d be so cool.

Masha:            There’s a common theme, going on with the things that she’s getting, so…

Eric:             There’s nothing common about this.

Masha:            Like, I said a the- like, there’s a- an overall theme.

Eric:             Oh, that- well…

Masha:            Senses.

Eric:             Sure.

Dan:             That alarm’s still going off.

Eric:             Yes.

Lily:           Pretty soon I’ll be able to see dead people!

Dan:             We should probably get outta here before more agents come.

[Espionage music.]

Uh, I’m gonna patch in to Theo really quick.

[Radio headset buzzes.]

Uh, hello? Theo.

Theo:            [over radio] Hi, yeah. I’m- I’m readin’ you.

Dan:             Yeah, we’re in the base, I killed a guy, and there’s an alarm going off.

Eric:             Very loud.

Theo:            [over radio] I-I hear that. Uh, how’s… Did you get the stuff? Are you on your way out?

Dan:             Uh no. Okay, I’m- I’m at a desk now. This was the one they used to lockdown the thing. So I guess he logged in. Oh, shit! So he logged in! [relieved sigh] Okay, I did something right here. Uh, I only have Black level clearance. Uh, so what do I do? What do I do? I—

Theo:            [over radio] Uh, you try to make it as simple as possible. Put the box near the computer, press the button. If it’s logged in, that’ll do the rest. It’ll- it’ll start blinking when it’s ready.

[Case zipper opens. The box clatters a bit as Dan pulls it out. A beep is heard as he powers it up.]

Dan:             Okay.

Theo:            [over radio] And then get out of there!

Masha:            Wasn’t there something else?

Theo:            [over radio] Roach wanted you guys to grab supplies.

Eric:             Uh, uh, uh, Theo. Do you have any clue as to— Is there a layout or a map or anything? D’you— Is this, like, shit that you can see what we’re seeing? What d’y—

Lily:           What’re you looking for?

Theo:            [over radio] I’ve just- I’ve just got audio. Any- anything. Tech. Anything.

Lily:           Gimme a smell.

Eric:             Lot o’ filing cabinets.

Theo:            [over radio] D’you remember that Wakandan bracelet? If there’s anything like that, um…

Lily:           Oh, yeah!

Theo:            [over radio] D-d’you remember that- that suit Henry was wearing? Anything like that. Really just any unusual metals.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Rolling for Personal Space and Powerful Intellect.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Yes and 9.

[Net chime.]

Emily:          Same and that’s a 21.

[Success chime.]

Jessica:          23.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          [whispers] Christ.

Emily:          We so smart!

Sage:            Damn. Okay, yeah. I’d say the three of you collectively can figure this out. So go for it.

Eric:             Alright, now in most S.H.I.E.L.D. bases I’ve been in, there’s, like, an underground level and it’s, like, back and to the left, there’s, like, a fire extinguisher, and there’s a keypad on the bottom of it. Now, this looks like it’s old as shit, so I don’t know if they still have that. If my instinct is correct, it’s gonna be down the hall, to the left, fire extinguisher, but no- no guarantees. Uh…

Lily:           Well, let’s try it. Let’s just try it.

Eric:             Okay.

[The trio walks farther inside.]

Okay, goin’ down around the hall.

[Masha groans nervously.]

Lily:           Running my hands on the walls and, like, trying to feel for something.

Eric:             Got it? Um…

Sage:            There’s a fire extinguisher.

Masha:            Oh.

Eric:             [excited] Ha. Oh. Holy shit. Okay. Cool.

Lily:           Did you find it?

Eric:             Yes, uh….

Sage:            But there is no keypad.

Eric:             [tsks] It’s just a fire extinguisher.

Lily:           Take- take it off the- the thing.

Masha:            Maybe it’s behind it.

Eric:             Alright.

[Eric grunts and smashes the glass.]

Sage:            Nothing yet.

Eric:             Okay, hold on, let me use it.

[Pressurized hissing.]

Sage:            Eric sprays the wall with the fire extinguisher. And a door opens.

[A beep is heard and a hidden door in the wall slides open.]

Masha:            [slow] Whoa!

Lily:           What?

Eric:             Oh, fuck- fuck S.H.I.E.L.D. I hate this shit.

Sage:            [laughs] He throws the fire extinguisher across the hall.

[Heavy clattering.]

Lily:           Wait, no! That coulda been a weapon.

Masha:            That’s really cool.

[Sage chuckles.]

Eric:             This is that old, like, SSR, Get Smart nonsense. Like ’50s, ’60s [sighs].

[Shoes tap across the tile as the group goes inside.]

Sage:            Our three heroes enter the room. This is a storage facility. They found it! It’s almost like a little, tiny, mini vault. Now this is an older outpost. It’s very underused. It’s kind of just a connection between L.A. and other, uh, bigger outposts. However, they still have to store some stuff here when they travel.

And I’m going to roll for the loot that you guys will get, ’cause I have a list of things you could possibly find here.

[Stat test chime.]

But first, all three of you roll Personal Space [stifles laughter].

[Success chime.]

[Success chime.]

[Success chime.]

Jessica:          Good. We’re all good.

Emily:          We made it.

Sage:            All successes?

Jessica:          Yeah.

Emily:          Yeah.

[Marvel Theme music builds.]

Sage:            Amazing. Okay. Yeah, I mean. I- I expected at least one net or failure in there, but fuck. [amused] You guys find a bunch of cool stuff.

Masha:            Whoa!

Eric:             We got the loot box!

Lily:           Whoo!

Sage:            Industrial hard cases on all sorts of shelves and you all manage to find the best ones. First up, Lily opens up this one box and it’s like…it’s, like, kinda glowy and- and, like, foreign and- and weird.

Lily:           Ooo.

Sage:            And they’re knives.

[Lily gasps in awe.]

But they have some sort of power attached to them.

Lily:           [whispers] Oh, shit [giggles].

Masha:            [quiet] Oh my god.

Lily:           Guys, this is magic shit!

Sage:            Lily has found two badass Asgardian daggers.

Masha:            Oh my…lord

Sage:            Doesn’t know, necessarily, how they work yet.

Masha:            I don’t know if I…if you should take these, Lily. This looks really dangerous.

[Knives scrape against each other as Lily tests them out.]

Lily:           They’re just knives that glow and are locked in a secret facility, how dangerous could they be?

Masha:            Uh…that’s sounds…

Sage:            Meanwhile…

Eric:             What’s in that over there?

Masha:            Um…

Sage:            Masha finds this box of, pretty out of date, but still usable, arc reactors.

Lily:           What’d you find?

Masha:            [clears throat] I don’t really know. There’s like, uh. Um, looks like a gadget of some sort.

Eric:             That’s the- that’s the Ironman thing. That’s that…

Lily:           Oh my god, yeah. Like in his chest, right?

Eric:             Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lily:           Yeah!

Masha:            Oh, yeah! He does… Whoa.

Eric:             That’s his battery. That…that’s sick.

Lily:           That’s really cool.

Masha:            That is really cool.

Lily:           Maybe that could be useful, too.

Eric:             Okay. I’m opening a box. I want- I want surprise [stifles laughter.]

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Feels like Christmas! We haven’t had Christmas in a really long time!

Masha:            No we haven’t!

Eric:             This is like, weird spy Christmas.

[Lily chuckles.]

Sage:            Eric opens a box as well and finds a sniper rifle. A big one. Hammer brand.

[Rifle clicks as Eric picks it up and looks it over.]

Masha:            Oh.

Eric:             Oh! Cool! Gun. Big gun.

Masha:            Wow. Yeah, that’s…

Eric:             Yeah, it’s Hammer tech.

Masha:            Wow.

Eric:             You guys didn’t hear about Justin Hammer? He’s like, the uh—

Masha:            MC Hammer?

Eric:             No. Justin Hammer.

Masha:            Oh.

Eric:             He was the, uh, not like a Wozniak to- to- to Jobs, but more just like a…uh…he’s like…

Lily:           I have a question.

Eric:             Yeah, go ahead.

Lily:           What the fuck are you talking about?

Eric:             Never mind. It’s a fine gun. Hooray, we’ve got a gun. This is… Ah, god. [mumbles] I gotta carry this and stuff.

[Gun clatters lightly as Eric shifts it around awkwardly.]

[Sage and Jessica stifle laughter.]

Masha:            Maybe there’s a strap.

Lily:           Open another box! There’s boxes, like…

Sage:            There is one more box you have not opened.

Eric:             For some reason, I felt like we were all…

Masha:            Ooo. Let’s open it together!

Eric:             Uh, yeah. Okay, yeah!

Lily:           Okay.

Masha:            Okay.

[Box clicks open.]

Sage:            Another gadget of some kind. Looks really high-tech. Not too big and can probably carry it with, you know, two hands. Is it a gun? Yeah, there’s a little trigger there. You see on the side it says Pym. You’ve found a Pym stun beam.

Lily:           What’s this?

Masha:            Pym?

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, can you roll me full yellow? How much does Eric know about Pym?

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Not fuckin’ much.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Uh, so you just know it’s a thing.

Eric:             I think this is what made Captain America’s shield.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

I’m pretty convinced this is…it’s like—

Lily:           What?

Eric:             It’s like, it made the shield. Or it broke the shield. One of the two.

Lily:           Hey, Daniel?

Eric:             It either made the shield or it broke the shield.

Dan:             [distant] What’s up?

[Secret door slides open and boots tap as the group returns to the reception area.]

Lily:           Ask Theo what- what Pym is.

Masha:            Yeah, what’s Pym?

Eric:             Yeah, it’s the sound it made when the shield broke...pym.

Dan:             Hey, Theo?

Theo:            [over radio] Yup?

Dan:             ScAvengers are asking what Pym is?

Theo:            [excited] Yeah! Take that! Just bring it back. Definitely.

Eric:             Yeah. ’Cause it made Captain America- or broke Captain America’s shield.

Dan:             Isn’t- isn’t that the Antman thing? The shrinky shieldy- shrinky growy thingy?

Theo:            [over radio] Yeah, did you find particles? What- what did they get?

Lily:           It’s a gun!

Theo:            [over radio] Yeah, be careful! Don’t shoot anything with it. We’ll check it out.

[A gentle chime goes off near the computer.]

Dan:             We’re done. We’re done! We did it! Okay, it says “All data has been copied”.

Theo:            [over radio] Cool! Get outta there! Grab a vehicle, get out.

[Dan stuffs the box back in the case and zips it shut. Boots tromp back into the main entrance. The alarm continues to blare.]

Lily:           How do we get out?

Masha:            Uh, can’t you look? Can’t you, like, see, like, a…an exit?

Eric:             I mean, the garage is just over there [stifles laughter].

Masha:            Oh.

Lily:           But, like, we’re on lockdown, right? So…

Eric:             I mean, I don’t know what’s gonna be able to lockdown.

Dan:             Yeah, I don’t even know what’s gonna be in there. Uh… Masha.

Eric:             Could you try?

[Action music plays subtly.]

Masha:            Um…

Lily:           You got this!

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah! I think I can do it.

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          16.

[Success chime.]

[Music intensifies.]

Dan:             Do you ha- you have like- d’you have control of it? Do you get to pick which one?

Masha:            Well, ever since I started to lose some, if it- it, like it- I cou- it’s like a default. Like, I’ve been able to choose the last couple ones that I can do, and so I’m—

Lily:           Oh my.

[Masha roars as she grows.]

Eric:             Oh, it’s this one. Okay, we’re gonna. This is it, right?

Dan:             Oh, yes! This is the one. This is the one!

[Heavy footsteps pound as Masha heads for the garage. Glass shatters.]

Lily:           Come on, you got this!

Dan:             I’ve heard about this one!

[Masha stomps over to the wall.]

Lily:           Hulkerella!

Eric:             Break down that back door.

Lily:           Bring it down!

[Masha roars as she slams into the wall, ripping it open.]

Eric:             New car! New car! New car!

[Masha roars as she shrinks back down.]


Sage:            And then as Masha shrinks back down, she gets the feeling…she’ll never be Hulkerella again.

[Sad music plays.]

Masha:            [sad] Oh. Uh, guys—

Eric:             That is the most useful thing I think anyone could ever do. Just, like, to become the Hulk? I don’t- I’d do it all the fucking time. I don’t understand why we don’t do that more.

Masha:            I can’t do it anymore.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           What?

Masha:            I can’t do it anymore.

Lily:           What d’you mean? Like, it’s gone?

Eric:             Is it- d’you f—

Masha:            I don’t know, it’s just- it’s gone now.

Lily:           Alright, hold on.

Masha:            This was the last—

Lily:           Shh…

Masha:            Okay. Um…

Lily:           I’m just gonna listen.


Sage:            [quiet] One tick left.

[A quiet click is heard.]

Lily:           Okay. We…we’ll talk to Theo about this when we get back, ’cause we’ll have all the information, right? And we’ll have- we’ll have all- all the database and…and he’ll be able to figure it out, right?

Masha:            [quiet] I-I guess so, I just…

Sage:            And then Theo patches in to Daniel.

[Radio beeps.]

Theo:            [over radio] Daniel?

Dan:             Call me Dan.

Theo:            [over radio] Daniel?

Dan:             Theo, what’s goin’ on?

Theo:            [over radio] Daniel?

Dan:             We just got- we just found a dune buggy.

[High-pitched ringing is heard over the radio.]

Theo:            [over radio] Oh, shit, of fu- uh.

Eric:             And a Quinjet!

Theo:            [over radio] Daniel?

Eric:             But I can’t fly it.

Dan:             What’s goin’ on?

Theo:            [over radio] Daniel, don’t- don’t come- don’t come straight back to—

[High-pitched squeal builds.]

—The Fort.

Dan:             What? What are you talking about?

Theo:            [over radio] Hold on, I gotta—

[An explosion is heard over the radio. Theo screams in agony before it cuts off.]

[Suspenseful music builds.]

Dan:             Wha- whoa! Theo! Hey! Hey! Holy shit. Theo. Theo?

Masha:            What?

Lily:           Daniel what’s wrong?

[Suspenseful music crescendos and fades.]

[Episode End music slowly plays.]



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Travis Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Travis Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina


After-Credits Scene

[A crowd claps lightly.]

Mysterious Man:         My children. Our time has finally come. This broken world will no longer drain from you all that you deserve. It will be repaired. Our great leader spoke to me in an orange vision, and though he rests now, he smiles upon us.

Praise be the Mad Titan.

Crowd:            Praise be.

Mysterious Man:         He tells me it is now or never. We operate in the shadows no longer. Final judgment is upon us. You have had many questions. We have lost many of our neighbors, but this work is cosmic. You have sown the seeds of fairness and thus it is time for the world to know of our great gift. It is time to meet the Tie Breaker.

[Crowd cheers.]

It will rain upon this fickle experience we call civilization and, with its fiery beauty, descend on all life until it flourishes with intended equity. Greed is gone by your hands, children. There will be brief violence, but none worse than that instigated by our failed leaders. No more riots. No more hunger. The human race will know gratitude, and you will take pride in it!

The Snap was just the beginning. Prepare for ascendance, my disciples. The final moderation is upon us as the Mad Titan intended. Before you is harmony. Share with the stars above and we will become their very essence. A universe perfectly balanced as all things should be.



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing, and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston, and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

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[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]

#10 - The End

20 Sided Stories

MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap

Episode 10 - The End

Air Date: July 20, 2020


Sage G.C.:         It’s here. It’s finally here. Ahh! Thank you all so much for your patience and your encouragement. This took a month longer than I planned, and to hear your enthusiasm on social media regardless, truly, was a big motivator in keeping the wheel spinning.

I’ve realized throughout Marvel a sense of diminishing returns with the sort of typical process of producing episodes on my end. Maybe it was just this episode, but it was like this little familiar on my shoulder yelling at me to, you know, not really do anything differently, but just to take it much slower. Something to consider as 20 Sided Stories moves forward, but that’s for us to figure out and for you to hear the receiving end of. ’Cause man, what a…what a world that we’re living in right now.

Every time I think the worst has passed, it seems the worst is yet to come. Even beyond COVID, honestly, I’ve been very depressed and, uh, that was another thing contributing heavily to the struggle that was getting this episode out.

To just go on making this roleplaying podcast as if life is normal feels…very off. But, for anybody else out there struggling, ’cause I know I ain’t the only one right now, I just wanna say, I certainly hope 20 Sided Stories can be there for you as a way to either escape or reflect or recharge. And you listening, right now, means so much to me. So thank you.

Stick around after the credits, where I’m gonna thank some Patrons and talk a little bit about what’s next. Otherwise, let’s dive in.

But, of course, don’t forget.

[Podcast Intro music plays throughout.]

20 Sided Stories has absolutely no affiliation with Marvel Studios, Marvel Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, or any other associates or official canon.

Travis Reaves:       This is a fan-made parody piece created in fair use, and all mentioned names, products, trademarks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Jessica Dahlgren:       The bulk of what you're about to hear was recorded live by improvisers who love the MCU, and we're so excited for you to join us on this superpowered adventure.

[Intro music crescendos.]

Travis:          Thank you.

Jessica:          And welcome.

Sage:            To 20 Sided Stories.

[Intro music fades out.]



[Footsteps crunch on grass. Crickets chirp.]

Mare:              [sings] On the road again. Just can’t wait to get back on the road again. [normal] Excuse me. Hi, hi, excuse me, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Man:                Huh? What, what?

Mare:              I was wondering if I could, uh, could get your help. I’m looking for, uh, I’m looking for…the Fort.

Man:                The what?

Mare:              Eh, wink, wink. Um.

Man:                I- eh—

Mare:              I- ye- ye- no, it- it’s at the- it’s at the Griffith Observatory. It’s at the- it’s at—

Man:                Okay- we- no- I- I’m not interested, okay?

[Footsteps crunch away.]

Mare:              Sorry, hey, wait come back, come back [sighs].


Marvel Mask Red.png


[Eerie music builds, a guitar riff played in reverse.]

Elle:         [voice over] The Hidden Gems of LA’s Indie Superhero Scene. Draft four.

According to Urban Dictionary, Star Power is described as the power of one’s presence, either through endorsements, popularity, or a vote of confidence in said person, often lends itself to strongly influencing a certain decision or state of indecisiveness.

I can’t help but wonder where this charismatic phenomenon comes from. How, despite a lowering religious presence across the US, we still see the same pagan practices carried on to shed our sense of self.


Marvel Mask Red.png


Mare:              Excuse me, uh, yes, [English accent] I’m looking for— Don’t walk away from me! I know that you’re f- afraid of commitment!

[Man 2 grunts.]

That your teeth fall out in your nightmares because of…[American] Um… [English] commitment issues, with- with sex. I’m sorry—

Man 2:             [irked] Get outta here.

[Footsteps crunch away.]

Mare:              No, I— [sighs] Okay. [sighs] That’s okay. That’s okay. I-I-I can still- I can still make it. I just walk- just walk straight there. Straight to the Griffith Observatory and then- and then…I’ll say, “Hey! I-I used to be evil. [English accent] Evil. And I used to read minds and- and nightmares and- and that’s why they call me NightMare…idith. But now I’m- [American] I’m good. I’m- I’m a- I’m a good guy.”

And I’ll even ask for a different name! I’ll even a— I’ll just be like, [English] “I was NightMare, but now…I’m just…[American] Meredith. Mere- Merrydith… Like happy.



Elle:         [voice over] Currently, I live in Los Angeles, California. The Lost make their pilgrimage here for many reasons, but it’s really the proximity to greatness that seems to allure even the most defiant of folks. Who wouldn’t want the lifestyle of the rich and famous? What you lose in anonymity, you also lose in worry. Being in the 1% is a superpower. The Snap will hardly affect you.



Mare:              Oh my gosh. It- there it is! It- the- the Griffith Observatory. The Fort.

[Footsteps on grass slow down.]

[Distant vocals echo in the music.]

There’s my new home. Okay. I’m just gonna go there. I’m gonna be like, Hi! Hi, yeah. I used to work with these people, but then I didn’t actually work for them, and they fired me, and then I met a lot of great people and they were- they were drinking and we were- we were talking, and I was like, ‘Oh, I read your nightmares!’ a-and that was- and that was fun, and then…I’m… Now I’m here! I’m here to help! I’m here to be a part of something. Something really…[sighs, hopeful] really cool.



Elle:         [voice over] But this ritual should concern us. What use is there in praying to celebrity gods when our voices are so rarely heard? It seems obvious that community can cure ails, yet somehow we have all fallen for the selfish spell. Our jobs are provided by inheritors. Our charities built by investors. Our politicians, movie stars and reality show hosts.

These leaders don’t even know who we are. And rather than stress about fixing our debilitating mental health crisis, the people are more interested in which of the Kardashians got Snapped. We worship the idea of ease, rather than work towards it. Hollywood has become a modern day Mount Olympus.



Mare:              The Griffith Observatory, with the stars, you know? L-like- like a Hollywood star! It’s gonna be— [English] We’re gonna start over. We’re gonna start over and we’re not gonna think about nightmares anymore and- or anything like that. We’re not gonna read fears anymore. We’re just gonna- [American] we’re just gonna…just gonna think about, you know, like hope. Just, like, good things, and- and- and then- then [stammers] yeah! We’ll just…just start over. And…nobody’s gonna be disappointed in—

[Jetpack flies overhead and a rocket is fired. A moment later, a loud explosion rocks the ground. Debris flies around, clattering to the ground as the jetpack flies back the way it came.]




[Music slowly fades out.]

Elle:         [voice over] I think it’s clear, as the saying goes, “my body is my temple”. There are no gods to save us and enlighten our sense of self-worth. Only once we learn to truly trust in ourselves and our dreams can we strip away the poison of hierarchy.



Episode 10 (Finale) - The End

[Suspenseful music slowly picks up. The alarm from the previous episode blares in the background.]

Dan:             There was like an explosion or something.

Lily:           At the Fort?

Dan:             At the Fort.

Masha:            Uh—

Dan:             I don’t- I don’t know. Yeah.

Masha:            Can you- is- can you hear him? Is he—

Dan:             No! It’s just- it’s just dead! I heard, like, a little boom, and then he- and then he- he tried to hang up and then he—

Eric:             Let me see if I can find ’im.

[A rumbling whoosh is heard as Eric uses his power.]

Masha:            Anything?

Lily:           Are we too far?

[The rumbling stops as Eric stops trying.]

Eric:             [quiet] Yeah, we’re too far.

Lily:           [whispers] Shit.

Eric:             We gotta get over there as soon as I- soon as- as soon as we get in range I’ll…

Dan:             Okay. Uh… Does anybody know how to fly a plane? We could also just take the dune buggy.

Eric:             Let’s try the plane.

Dan:             [nervous] Try the plane?

Masha:            Oh god.

Eric:             [firm] Let’s try the plane.

Dan:             I kinda wanna take the dune buggy, Eric.

Eric:             [loud] The Fort is in trouble. [normal] In a Quinjet we get there in, like, twenty minutes.

Dan:             You’re right.

[Masha sighs.]

Let’s try.

[Action music.]

Eric:             Let’s do it.

Sage:            The heroes pile on.

[Jet door opens and the group walks on board.]

Eric:             Can’t be that hard. Tony Stark isn’t that fuckin’ smart.

Sage:            They all get in the cockpit and go around the console, and they’re looking to see [amused] how the fuck this thing works.

Eric:             I feel like an AI…

Sage:            It’s like a bunch of dads trying to use Facebook [stifles laughter].

Travis:          [mumbles] Where’s the lower radiator? [stifles laughter]

David:           [grumbles] Pull the lever.

Dan:             Uh, Eric. Let’s try to press some shit.

Masha:            I ca- I- I- I have- applied to be an intern.

Sage:            Okay, everybody’s gonna roll Powerful Intellect.

[Stat test chime.]

Emily:          [mumbles] Well alright.

Sage:            What have you learned?

[Dice roll on table.]

Oof. Daniel got an 8.

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          14.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          5.

[Failure chime.]

Jessica:          15.

[Success chime.]

[Sage and Traivs chuckle.]

Sage:            Yes! Okay. So the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agent dudes, who think they know everything there is to know about…

Eric:             Believe me—

Dan:             Trust me. Look, Lily, Masha, like, we’re not tryin’a be douches here, but, like, we work for S.H.I.E.L.D.—

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             So I- I think we got this. Okay?

Masha:            [nervous] Um…

Lily:           [irked] Um…

Dan:             Okay, Eric, press- press, uh—

[Multiple buttons click randomly.]

Masha:            Yeah, but I- I—

Dan:             Press—

Eric:             Okay, this one…

Dan:             Yeah, and then—

[More buttons and switches click. Various beeps are heard.]

Eric:             Pull that—

Masha:            ’Scuse me…

Dan:             Pull the thing. Yeah—

Eric:             Pull that lever. Okay.

Masha:            I think you’re doing it wrong.

Dan:             I think- I think I have to turn the knob first.

Eric:             No there’s— No—

Masha:            Excuse me—

Eric:             No, what the- there’s no- you can’t turn this knob.

Masha:            Boys—

Eric:             It’s not gonna knob.

Dan:             [frustrated] What are you- I’ve been working here the whole time!

Eric:             [frustrated] It’s the fucking cup holder!

Lily:           [sharp] Hey!

Masha:            [loud] Heeey!

[Music cuts off.]

You’re doing it wrong!

Dan:             What?

Eric:             What?

Lily:           Yeah. Sit your toxic masculine asses down and let us [shouts] fucking do this! You got this Masha!

Masha:            I was trying to apply to Stark Industries for an internship, but I’m pretty good with gadgets, and if anyone ever listened to me they’d probably know about that… But anyway, that’s another story, I’ll go do it.

Sage:            [amused] Masha just, like, presses two buttons and then an AI voice turns on.

[An AI voice beeps and warbles as it powers up.]

AI:           Greetings. Welcome to the model 17-B Quinjet. I’m your AI host, Alex. How can I serve you today?

Dan:             [quiet] Are you fucking kidding me?

Lily:           They had him do voice over?

Masha:            Oh. Wow.

Eric:             [unimpressed] Wow.

Alex:             My personality is based off of one of the star, up and coming employees at Stark Industries.

Eric:             [loud] I’m getting off the plane!

Masha:            [irked] No!

Alex:             That tone of voice registers with this AI as “Irredeemable behavior”.

[Eric grunts unhappily.]

Masha:            Hi, um…

Alex:             Greetings! My name is Alex. How can I help you today?

Dan:             [irked] Masha, just fuckin’ fly us over there.

Masha:            Okay, hi Alex. I’m Masha, we need to fly over to, uh, Hollywood.

[Excited beeping.]

Alex:             Done!

[Epic, orchestral music builds. The Quinjet slowly powers up and takes off.]

[Stat test chime.]

Travis:          [scoffs] 8.

[Failure chime.]

[Eric’s power rumbles in and out as he fails to connect with anyone.]

Eric:             I don’t know what’s going on there.

Lily:           Have you touched anybody else there?

Eric:             Uh, the- the- da da da da—

Lily:           Door Guy?

Eric:             The door—

Lily:           Soup Guy?

Eric:             Uh, no. No. Uh, Roach?

Masha:            Henry?

Eric:             No, I haven’t tou— Roach won’t touch— oh, fuck.

Sage:            As we get closer, Eric starts trying to tap into various Fort goers that he has come into contact with and…he notices a pattern. Either he can’t tap into them or they’re nowhere near the Fort.

[Eric’s powers continue to rumble in failure a few times before he stops trying completely.]

Eric:             I… I don’t know if I didn’t touch them or what, but either I’m sabotaging myself to be a good person or I just suck at this now or nobody’s there.

Masha:            [nervous] Uhhh…

Eric:             ’Cause I’ve got nothin’.

Lily:           [hesitant] Is it possible people are dead…and that’s why you can’t see them?


Eric:             How much longer?



Masha:            How much longer, Alex?

Alex:             We’ll be there in approximately two minutes and forty-five seconds.

Lily:           Let me see what I can see outside the window.

Sage:            Even though we’re far away, Lily is able to see very clearly now with her new sight sensitivity. She looks out the window of the Quinjet…sees a bunch of smoke.

Lily:           Guys, there’s smoke.

Masha:            You’re sure not- it’s not smog or something or…

Lily:           Well I mean, there is smog, but there’s also smoke.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily, I need you to roll me full blue.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Lily notices far to east this orange light…shining.

Lily:           [quiet] Uhhh.

Sage:            But! She sees something fly by the jet.

[Jet pack whooshes past.]

Lily:           What was that?

Sage:            Really fast.

Alex:             [beep] Object detected.

Lily:           There was something just flew by really fast. Did you guys see that?

Masha:            No?

Sage:            And it flies further and further away.

Lily:           Alex, what was that?

Alex:             [beep] Trace amounts of glitter have been noticed in the atmosphere surrounding the plane.

Lily:           That bitch.

Eric:             Is that a Star- is that a—

Masha:            Ugh, it’s Glitter Can.

Eric:             Alex.





Alex:             Yes, Masha?

Eric:             A—

Masha:            Hi, um, can you see what it is? Is it Glitter Can?

[Quiet chimes are heard as the AI searches its database.]

Alex:             According to this AI’s database, there is a 99.9% match with our file on Glitter Can. Thank you, Masha.

Masha:            You’re welcome, Alex.

Eric:             [mutters] Fucking hate planes.

[Atmospheric music shifts; soft, bereaved, and lonesome.]

Sage:            We land at the Fort. And we see the scene…. It’s not completely destroyed, but much of the Fort has been clearly attacked. One of the telescopes is hella broken [stifles laughter]. Blown up. Right wing. Left wing is kinda still there. Door Guy’s door, it’s gone…and it’s very quiet.

[Music fades.]

Masha:            [sad sigh] She blew up the Fort.

Eric:             How? She hasn’t done anything. Like I—

Lily:           [sad] She was all talk. I don’t understand.

[Fire crackles in the debris.]

Eric:             [quiet] Jesus Christ.

[Beat. Suspenseful music builds back up.]

Sage:            And then, as the smoke starts to dissipate, you recognize Roach. Who’s standing in the rubble with a mace.

[The group runs over to Roach.]

Eric:             Roach!

[Wooden debris clatters lightly as Roach turns.]

Masha:            [hesitant] Roach?

Eric:             R—

[Roach clears his throat.]

What happened?

[Clothes rustle. The mace scrapes across the ground and rings as Roach picks it up.]

Roach:            Fucking Castletons.

[Masha takes a ragged breath and sighs heavily.]

Eric:             Are you okay? …Is Theo okay?

Roach:            [calls out] Gift Bag?

[Debris clatters. Footsteps approach.]

Theo:            Hey.

Lily:           Oh, thank god.

Masha:            [sighs in relief] Theo!

Theo:            Ah. Jesus.

Lily:           What happened?

Theo:            Castle.

Roach:            Castletons. They sent that, uh, you know the one. The one. With the big one. Y’know the one with the, uh…

Masha:            [annoyed] Glitter Can.

Eric:             Glitter Can.

Roach:            Yeah. With the stupid gl— [shouts] That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard in my entire life, by the way.

Lily:           Shitter Can.

Roach:            Yeah. That one’s much better. Tin Can. Iron Lady. Anything would’ve been be— But, you know, it’s apt. ’Cause look at this. There’s fucking glitter, [shouts] all over my fort! Everywhere! There’s glitter everywhere!

Eric:             Is anyone hurt?

[Roach sighs.]

Sage:            We look around and we see there were some victims.

[Eric inhales sharply.]

Roach:            Everyone ran. Everyone else…you know, who wasn’t…caught in it. They ran. [shaky sigh] Or some Castletons. I gu- I- I look- they looked like Castletons. They looked a little more beefy than what I was used to. D-d— Showed up and th-they arrested everybody, yo. Like—

Eric:             Do we know where Siggy is?

Roach:            Never came back.

[Masha inhales sharply. Lily and Masha sigh in shock.]

Theo:            Well, the laptop survived. Along with some of my equipment.

Eric:             Also, not to try to paint a silver lining, but we found some stuff. And we got a Quinjet.

Theo:            S.H.I.E.L.D., they c— Can they track those Quinjets? You guys set off a lot of—

Dan:             Oh they’re for sure after us. I, uh, may have killed a guy.

Theo:            Is there an auto pilot?

Alex:             [beep] Hi, this is Alex.

Dan:             Shut up!

Masha:            That’s the…man that he killed.

Lily:           He lives on as an airplane AI.

Sage:            And right as we look over to the Quinjet…

[Footsteps crunch on dirt.]

Somebody approaches the lawn at the Fort. Coming to check to make sure, with his own two eyes, that the job was done well.

Bart:               Perfect. [pleased] Heh, perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Sage:            He’s dressed like a cop, but he looks particularly…dangerous. Pretty tall. Pretty strong. And armed.

[Danger music builds; a dark drone.]

Masha:            Excuse you?

Bart:               Uh, no, it’s just, um. Double-checking on my contractor, and they did a really good job on this place.

Masha:            You…you’re responsible for this being blown up?

Bart:               Well, let’s talk responsibility. You know, I asked somebody to do it for me, and they did it for me. So… I don’t know. How far up the chain d’you want it?

Lily:           And you’re just gonna waltz in here, just you, to the people whose home you just blew up?

Bart:               Nice ta meetcha. I’m The News.

Eric:             [irked] You’re that motherfucker on the radio.

Bart:               The News.

Roach:            [slow realization] You are that motherfucker on the radio.

Eric:             The one that comes on after Nick Cannon.

Masha:            Oh, that voice!

Roach:            Constantly talkin’ about how great the Castletons are. How great the Castle is, and dissin’ my Fort!

Eric:             People—

Roach:            You’re Bart! Aren’t you?

Bart:               You know… [disappointed] it’s not really cute anymore, actually. It’s too bad. I thought I was gonna have a good time. Have a nice glass of lemonade and I would check out what happened to this fort, but now ya’ll comin’ at me with this a—

Eric:             [shouts] People are dead!

Bart:               Yeah. It’s, like I said, not cute anymore. You know…

Masha:            [shocked] Wh—

Bart:               Watching you guys and the mental gymnastics.

Roach:            [yells] Son of a bitch!

[Clothes rustle.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roach runs at him with his mace!

[Mace whirls through the air.]

[Failure chime.]

A 4 in Strength. And Bart’s gonna roll for Powerful Combat.

David:           Okay.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Holy shit!

Sage:            With a +7 [stifles laughter]

David:           Alright, so I got a 19.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Roach runs up with the mace and tries to hit Bart, but he deflects that shit like it’s nothing.

[Scuffle. Masha gasps. Roach grunts as he’s pushed aside.]

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck.

[Roach falls to the ground with a thud and grunts in pain.]

Roach:            [quiet] Piece o’ shit.

Bart:               Yeah, things’d be easier if you would quit it with the mental gymnastics over here. You know, the crap that you’re thinking in your head to try to avoid taking responsibility for this.

Theo:            [quiet] Eric, what did you get?

Eric:             U-u-uh, uh, there’s a Pym, uh, gun and then there’s—

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll for Personal Space, Powerful Speed.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

[Success chime.]

Travis:          No and 14.

Chad:         Very much yes and 8.

[Net chime.]

Sage:            Oof. Eric is quick enough to grab the Pym gun and give it to you, but Bart sees what you’re doing.

[Clothes rustle and gun clatters as Eric grabs it and hands it over. A second gun clatters as Bart lifts his.]

He aims his gun.

Bart:               Cut it out. Really.

Masha:            Wh- uh- What is your deal?

Bart:               Uh, my deal is a done deal. And that’s all you need to know about that. It’s over. So…

Masha:            Wh- why? Why are you—

Bart:               Here you go.

Masha:            You’re- you’re on the radio.

Bart:               And while you’ve been nickel and diming, one at a timing any random thug off of the corner, I been broadcasting my message to the greater SoCal area, and my only competition is, like, Radio Disney and Country Music 1. So… You know, I was amassing a following, like, actually vetting and recruiting people while you guys were digging little holes in the sand or whatever you do here.

Roach:            [loud] We’re doin’ it ourselves, you cocky asshole!

Bart:               Yeah. You’re disorganized, you’re dysfunctional, and you’re disingenuous, frankly. You’re carrying the torch the Avengers put down, the same gauntlet, and that’s what got us into this mess.

Roach:            Oh, bullshit! I had nothin’ to do with the Avengers. As a matter of fact, I hate those fuckers! They’re the reason all of us got into this mess in the first place!

Bart:               Then why are you emulating them? All this, like, infighting and, you know, basic incompetence? Like, did ya ever stop to think for a minute that there were people who would be better at this job than you?

Lily:           So you sent a can of craft supplies to bomb us? Because—

Bart:               Worked didn’t it?

Lily:           that’s better than the Avengers?

Bart:               It has worked. Your fort’s been pretty much demolished. That can o’ glitter supplies coulda taken you out at any moment in, like, the past two years, but…

Lily:           But she didn’t.

Bart:               Uh, she just did, actually. I don’t know if you noticed.

Lily:           Right.

Bart:               This whole thing’s—

Lily:           But why didn’t she do before, if you guys are so fucking powerful, almighty, white man disk jockey in charge motherfucker?

Bart:               I actually am the one who allowed the Fort to exist, but frankly, it got old fast. Watching you guys play Avengers— Which is essentially what you’re doing.

[Music builds.]

You’re playing Avengers, because you guys aren’t even in the same universe as the Avengers. You realize that, right? Like, that’s not a surprise. I hate to be the one to actually tell you that for the first time, but the- the fact of the matter is, you’re nowhere near the Avengers. The Avengers were actual superheroes, where you’re…super zeros, to be completely honest.

Roach:            Uck, boooo!

Theo:            Well, you’ve done what you set out to do. Can you go now?

Eric:             Wait…are you…the Tie Breaker?

Bart:               Uh, no. That’s not me, bud.

Roach:            Wait, you know about it?

Bart:               Yeah.

Roach:            [mutters] Goddammit. Fuckin’ Castletons always two steps ahead with their little fancy informa— [normal] Yeah, must be nice, alright, born with a silva’ spoon in your mouth. Always havin’ everything handed to ya. Never knowin’ what it’s like to have to build with your bare hands like we did.

We built this Fort from the ground up ourselves! What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you, yo? Do you have any idea what you’re doin’? You have a platform on that stupid radio station, and you’re fuckin’ corrupting everybody! Lying to them! Over and over and over! What’s the big idea anyway, yo?

Bart:               It’s gonna be really hard to explain to you, because you don’t have…vision. And that’s your core problem.

Roach:            [quiet, intense] What?

Bart:               You’re just, uh, what I would call rabble. You’re not really a force to be reckoned with. I don’t think anybody really knows who you are. You, like so many others, are just observing history. It’s up to adults, like myself and professionals and real heroes, to actually make the history.

[Eric sighs in irritation and mutters.]

While you’re over there doing your immediate gratification song and dance, your little frat house you had here, I was actually building something—

[Eric mutters angrily.]

Roach:            [quiet urging] Eric.

Bart:               —that was gonna endure longer than me and my crew.

[Eric shifts his feet and leans forward.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Rolling for Speed. Powerful Speed.

Bart:               I’m rebuilding the world.

Sage:            Powerful Speed.

Theo:            [urging] Eric.

Bart:               After what you people did to it.

Travis:          18.

[Success chime.]

David:           [quiet] Ooo.

Sage:            Shit. Eric runs up as fast as he can to punch Bart in the face.

[Stat test chime.]

[Eric charges forward.]

David:           9.

[Net chime.]

Sage:            Eric does it. Eric runs up, grabs the gun—

[The gun clatters lightly and Bart and Eric grunt as they scuffle. Masha groans in worry.]

—right before he can fire a shot!


Nobody gets hit. Knocks him to the ground.

[Eric punches Bart, and he falls with a thud.]

Lily:           Get him, Eric!

Masha:            Oh my g- god.

Eric:             [irked] Get the fuck out! Go!

[Clothes rustle as Bart stands up.]

Bart:               Adios.

[His footsteps crunch on the dirt as he turns and walks away. Knives scrape as Lily pulls them out.]

Lily:           Back is turned to us…

Theo:            [scolding] Lily.

Eric:             [whispers, frantic] Stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Jus—

Masha:            [whispers] Will you guys…?

Eric:             [whispers, frantic] No. No, no, no, no, no.

[Lily breaths heavily, glaring after Bart.]

Splan, splan, splan, plan, plan, plan, plan. Trust me, trust me, trust me, trust me. Plan, plan. Trust me. Plan. Trust me, plan.

Theo:            Lily, chill out.

Eric:             [whispers, fast] Trust me, plan, trust me, plan. Deep breaths.

Lily:           Yeah. Yup.

Eric:             [whispers, fast] Deep breaths, deep breaths.

Lily:           Yup.

Eric:             [quiet] Is this making you feel more calm? Am I- am I- am I helping?

Lily:           [quiet] No. I don’t believe— Shut the fuck up [stifles laughter].

Sage:            Daniel Daniels speaks up.

[Danger music builds.]

Dan:             Wait. W-wait a minute. What happened to Elle?

Roach:            She’s gone, dude. Yo. Just like everybody else. They ran off. I don’t know what the fuckin’ story is, alright?

[Dan growls in panic and frustration.]

Dan:             [frantic] Can you tap into her? Just make sure she’s fine. Fuck! Just do it! Just—

Eric:             What? [irked sigh]

Dan:             Just one little quick. Just fuckin’ do it!

Eric:             Dude.

Dan:             Eric. [stammers] Just do it. I don’t wanna talk about it. Just do it.

[Masha groans uncomfortably.]

Eric:             Okay.… Sorry in advance.

[Rumbling whoosh.]

Lost Property.

Dan:             The bar?

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             The bar that we—

Eric:             Yes, yes, [fast] yes, yes, yes.

[Dan groans.]

Dan:             Okay. I have to go.

Eric:             Yeah. Dude, go.

Dan:             I’m going.

Eric:             We got this.

Dan:             Uh, [hesitant] call me if you need something?

Eric:             Okay.

Dan:             Theo, you have the box. Uh, let me know if there’s anything I need to know. Or whatever.

Theo:            Yeah, you got it.

Dan:             Roach, um…thanks, for everything.

[Footsteps crunch over dirt as Dan runs off.]

Theo:            Well…let’s go down to the lab. Or what’s left of it.

[Music shifts; Atmospheric tension.]

[The crew’s footsteps transition from dirt to tile floor.]

Sage:            We all try to shuffle downstairs. The structure of the Fort is not great, but somehow…

[Calming ambiance.]

The Cosmic Connection is still intact. [amused] And we walk through the Cosmic Connection.

Lily:           [relieved sigh] Thank god for the Cosmic Connection.

[Masha stifles laughter.]

Eric:             This is helping.

Lily:           [quiet] Yeah.

[Masha takes a deep breath and sighs.]

Eric:             Masha, how you doin’?

Masha:            Um…a little better.

Eric:             Cool.

Masha:            [quiet] Yeah.

Lily:           We’re gonna get some answers.

Masha:            Yeah. Yeah. We’re gonna get answers. Answers.

[A door creaks open and shut again.]

Sage:            We get through the Cosmic Connection and we end up in Theo Baxter’s lab.

[Music shifts; Brooding, mysterious.]

[sighs] The- the ceiling’s gone [stifles laughter].

Eric:             Jesus Christ…

Masha:            [deep breath] Whoa.

Sage:            And definitely a lot of floorboards and- and pipes fallin’ through. Some of his lab equipment has been broken, but Theo still has his laptop.

[Equipment beeps in the background. A chair creaks as Theo sits down, and a program beeps as he boots up the computer.]

Masha:            Okay, um. So wha-wha-what d’you see? What’s going on, like?

Sage:            He starts copying over the files. Theo’s very focused.

[Multiple small, rapid beeps as the files are downloaded. Theo types on the keyboard. The chair squeaks as he leans back.]

Theo:            Alright, we’re in.

[A focused, dark drum beat adds onto the music.]

Lily:           Oh. Wow.

Masha:            Cool.

Lily:           That was easy [impressed scoff].

Theo:            Not really [stifles laughter].

Lily:           Oh.

Masha:            You made it look easy.

Lily:           [agreeing] You made it look easy.

Theo:            Thanks.

Masha:            So, um, do you have any, like, information on, like, what’s going on?

Lily:           Masha lost another power.

Theo:            Yeah, I was worried about that.

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             Guys, I don’t know if this is the time to do the powers thing.

Lily:           But if she loses all of her powers, then…

Theo:            I- I’ve been—

Lily:           She’s not gonna be able to protect herself or anything. I mean…

Eric:             Right. Well we’re—

Masha:            I don’t even know if I’ll be alive.

Eric:             We can’t protect— [sighs]

Masha:            Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. has to have some answers, right?

[Theo types. Beeps are heard as his searches complete.]

Theo:            Masha, I’m…I’m running your family. Ever— There’s nothing on you here.

Masha:            [quiet] What?

Theo:            All they have is your dossier.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Masha:            Nothing on my past?


[Masha sighs.]

Theo:            I mean, I know it has to do with your heart. It gives off different energy signals depending on what powers you’re channeling, but…it’s weak. It’s almost like it’s low on power.

Eric:             Wait…

[Music shifts; soft epiphany.]

At the facility. We found arc reactors.

Theo:            [shocked] What?

Eric:             Yeah. Here. Uh, da, uh, uh…

Masha:            Um, yeah. I have a—

Eric:             They’re in the plane?

[Arc reactor clatters lightly as Masha pulls it out of her bag.]

Or do you— Oh, shit. You have—

Masha:            I have it on me. This is… We found this. Or I found this, and…

Theo:            Oh, okay. Um. There’s no guarantee here. This is still… I… I mean, this is, at best, a guess. I just wanna make sure this is your decision.

Masha:            Um. Well, I just feel like if I don’t do this I might [tearful] die so…

Theo:            Die— I— yes.

Eric:             What are you going—

Theo:            Okay.

Eric:             What are we—

Theo:            It’s not gonna be pretty. I mean [sighs]. I’m s—

Eric:             You’re gonna- you’re gonna hotwire her heart to a fucking arc reactor?

Theo:            Ye— Uh [stammers].

Lily:           You’re gonna perform open-heart surgery in a basement?

Theo:            I mean [sighs]. Um, we can make it as wh—

Travis:          [stifles laughter] With a box of scraps.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Theo:            We can make it as noninvasive as possible?

Masha:            [worried] Okay! I’ll do it if it means I’m not gonna die!

Theo:            Lil- Lily, can you help me?

[Theo takes a few steps around the lab, talking the whole time.]

Eric, will you grab—

[Music intensifies as they quickly try to work together.]

I just need anesthetics.

Eric:             [quiet] You sure that this is not just psychosomatic—

[Items shuffle around as Theo grabs things and sets up a makeshift surgery bed. Masha coughs weakly.]

Lily:           Yes.

Eric:             —or is this…

Theo:            Okay. Somebody hold her hand.

[Lily grabs Masha’s hand. Items continue rustling around.]

Sage:            We set up [amused] the shittiest surgery situation—

Masha:            [nervous, weak] Oh my god.

Sage:            —we possibly could.

[A power drill buzzes. Items hammer together.]

Travis:          [incredulous] We have her on a gurney that’s just a folding table.

Lily:           Just hold my hand.

Masha:            [bilabial trill] Okay. I’m holding—

Lily:           Just squeeze my hand.

Masha:            [nervous] I’m squeezing your hand.

Sage:            And then Theo basically grabs, like, spark plugs [stifles laughter].

[Electricity crackles.]

Chad:         Just putting cords in there, right?

Sage:            [amused] Yeah.

Masha:            [tearful] Do you even know what you’re doing?

Eric:             Hold on. Is she being cut open right now?

Theo:            Yeah.

[Blade rings out.]

Masha:            [dreading] Oh, hold my hand. Can you both hold my hands? Thank you.

Theo:            Okay.

Masha:            [deep breath] Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Theo:            I’m gonna make—

Lily:           Don’t tap in.

Theo:            I’m gonna make two cuts. This isn’t gonna go any deeper than skin and muscle.

[Clothes rustle.]

Bite on this, please.

Masha:            Okay.

Lily:           [concerned] We’re all good.

Theo:            ’Kay.

Lily:           Deep breaths.

Theo:            I’m gonna do this as quickly as possible.

[Masha sighs in anticipation.]

One, two, three…

Lily:           Squeeze the pain out.

[Blade scrapes against flesh. Masha groans and sobs around the cloth she’s biting.]

Squeeze the pain…

Theo:            You’re doin’ great!

[Masha moans and inhales.]

Lily:           Just squeeze my hand.

Theo:            One more cut.

Lily:           [sympathetic groan] Squeeze my hand.

Theo:            Okay.

[Theo makes a second cut and Masha groans. The cutting stops and she pants.]

Alright, you’re gonna get a buzz. You’re gonna get a big buzz.

Lily:           Squ— channel all that pain out.

[Masha stifles her crying as electricity crackles.]

Sage:            As power is connected there’s a flash.

[Music crescendos! Then stops.]

Sage:            The one power we never saw, the first one to go away, comes back.

[The gentle hum of electricity builds and steadies out.]

Her mind power. Her photographic memory. Masha—

[Stat test chime.]

—I need you to roll me full yellow so I can see how clear the image is.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          Yes and 22.

[Success chime.]

Travis:          [impressed] Okay.

Sage:            I didn’t want you to roll that high! [stifles laughter]

Travis:          4K HD.

[Emily cheers. Jessica chuckles.]

Sage:            Echoing where she is right now. Laying down on a table. She sees a ceiling, fluorescent lights. She looks forward, there are figures. They seem familiar for some reason. They look scared, they don’t know what’s going on. They also— Something is pushing haste throughout the whole room, and she notices…this shape. It’s metal, it has all sorts of weird sides…

[Rumbling builds and cuts out with a dull boom.]

And she’s back in the present.

[Masha coughs and pants.]

Lily:           Masha? Masha?

Sage:            And like a flood…all of her powers come back.

[Hopeful music. Buzzing crinkle builds into a static buzz as Masha’s powers rush back.]

Masha:            [pained] Oh my god.

Lily:           [concerned] What?

Masha:            [coughs] It worked, it worked, it worked!

[Metal clatters as Masha pushes herself upright on the table.]

Eric:             [fast] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy, easy. Easy.

Theo:            Uh- don’t- stay there! Stay there! Don’t move! I think—

Lily:           [soothing] Shhh, shhh, shh.

Sage:            Power, Soul, Mind, Time, Reality, Space.

Lily:           It’s okay. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Sage:            They all connect.

[Theo’s voice goes up a couple octaves in concern.]

Theo:            [nervous] I’ll just sew you up now. Just…

Masha:            [pained] Okay, okay. [fast] I’m not movin’. I’m not moving. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

Theo:            Okay.

[Cloth rustles as Theo applies pressure to her wound.]


Sage:            However, Masha feels…this is a temporary boost. Not unlike Crank starring Jason Statham.

Travis:          [accent] Jason Statham.

Emily:          Who did not get Snapped.

Jessica:          John Cena got Snapped.

[Traivs hums John Cena’s WWE song.]

Sage:            Yeah.

It might not last forever, but it’s a temporary solution.

[Masha sighs.]

Theo:            Okay. I’m…

Lily:           [hopeful] So we figured it out, right? Like…

Theo:            I’m- I’m- I’m just gonna harness this to you.

[Duct tape unravels. Items clank lightly as he works and he groans in concern.]

God, I need to do a run for more painkillers.

[Pills clatter in a bottle. Bottle thunks on the table.]

We gotta get— At least thirty hours of rest.

Lily:           [excited] This is good, this is good! Means we just have to charge you. Like a battery, right?

Masha:            Yeah, yeah. I don’t think it’s gonna last very long, but this— I ha—

[Theo’s voice goes up an octave in shock.]

Theo:            That’s not gonna last you?

Masha:            I don’t—

Theo:            [stammers] Could power half the city.

Masha:            I need more power for this.

Theo:            [whispers] Oh my god.

Eric:             This might be old. I don’t know.

Roach:            You gonna keep that battery strapped to ya when we storm The Castle?

Theo:            [horrified] She’s not going! She just—

Roach:            Who do we got, Theo?

[Masha sighs.]

We ain’t got nobody. If there’s anybody who can figure out what’s goin’ on, it’s gonna be these three.

Theo:            To what end? They blew up the— I mean, people are dead! You wanna keep provoking them?

Eric:             [fast] Okay, okay, cool it. Look. [pacifying] We still don’t know what’s going on. We have the laptop. Let’s look at the laptop, gather as much intel as we can and plan.

Theo:            Okay. Yeah. [inhales] Let’s do that.

[Music steadies; a dark hip-hop beat.]

Sage:            Everybody huddles around the laptop and is looking.

[Chair creaks as Theo sits.]

Theo:            Not you, Masha. Just—

Masha:            Okay.

Theo:            Just lay down. It’s- it- ju— Look [sighs].

Sage:            This is an oracle of answers.

[Keyboard clacks.]

The updated S.H.I.E.L.D. database Theo has been looking forward to this for years! Finally, he’s not obsolete with his information.

Eric:             Okay. Wha—

Theo:            Oh my god.

Eric:             Okay, look. Look- look- look me up. Look me up. I wanna see- I wanna see…

Theo:            Yeah, okay. Uh, let’s see.

[Keyboard clacks. A gentle beep is heard as the search result arrives.]


[Eric grunts in frustration.]

“Fled overseas during the Hydra Incident. Unlikely a traitor. Definitely could be helpful, but is definitely a coward”?

Masha:            Oh.

Theo:            Uh, “Working with cowards is against company policy.”

Lily:           [uncomfortable] Oooowooowoo.

Eric:             [stifling scream] I’m gonna kill all of ’em so fucking [stammers].

Lily:           [warning] Eric. Eric.

Theo:            You know, you- you shouldn’t take everything you read on the Internet seriously, you know? Or in a database.

[Eric stammers and pants in frustration.]

Lily:           Deeeep breaths.

Masha:            Are they aware of Lily and I?

[Keyboard clacks. Search results beep.]

Theo:            “Bloodhound: Enhanced individual with heightened senses. Unregistered. Currently no threat.”

Lily:           No threat? Are you fucking kidding me?

[Sage stifles a laugh.]

Eric:             We’re gonna kick their ass! You and me!

Lily:           Yeah! Fuck that!

[Search results beep.]

Theo:            Roulette is in here. I mean, they don’t have anything on Masha—

[Keyboard clacks.]

—but they have something on your persona.

Masha:            Let me see. Let me see!

[Masha groans as she sits up.]

Theo:            Uh- no- stay- stay on the table.

Masha:            Ow.

Theo:            Uh, I’ll read it out to you.

Masha:            [quiet] Okay, yeah.

Theo:            “Enhanced individual with an assortment of abilities. Unregistered. Considered for September Foundation, but lied about powers.”

Masha:            …What?

Theo:            Oh.

Lily:           Oh!

Masha:            Oh my god. They knew?

Eric:             Oh, they know everything. About everything.

Theo:            Jeez…

Masha:            [quiet] Oh my god.

Lily:           In a way it’s a good thing?

Eric:             Hey, uh, look up Roach.

Roach:            What d’you tr— What d’you wanna know, Eric? I can tell it to your face.

Eric:             I- I just didn’t know, you know, uh. First off, dude, do you have powers?

[Keyboard clacks. Search result beeps.]

Theo:            “Identity untraced. First name likely Carl, but changed with birth name. Leader of the unregistered enhanced safe space, the Fort.”

Roach:            [annoyed] Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [mumbles] Don’t worry about it.

Theo:            “Safe space”. That’s kinda nice.

Eric:             [taunting] Alright, Carl.

Roach:            No, nope. [fast] No, no, nope, nope, nope.

Lily:           [amused] Carl.

Roach:            [mutters] Don’t start.

Eric:             [taunting] Carl, huh?

Roach:            Don’t you dare. Cut it out.

Eric:             [amused] Ahh.

Theo:            Hey, you know, maybe I’ll start calling you “Carl”.

Roach:            [mumbles] I’m Roach. I’m Roach. I’m Roach.

Theo:            You keep calling me Gift Bag.

[Eric chuckles.]

Roach:            [mumbles] I’m Roach. I’m Roach.

Lily:           [pacifying] Yeah, Roach is better, Roach is better.

Masha:            Can you see if, uh, Rose is in there?

Lily:           Yeah.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Theo:            What’s— Last name?

Masha:            Kline.

Theo:            Kline?

[Mouse clicks.]

Rose Kline.

[Keyboard clacks. Search beeps.]

Uh, someone who works at a Subway in Indianapolis.

[Sage stifles laughter.]


Masha:            [quiet] No.

Theo:            Potential powers. Does that sound accurate? Age forty-seven?

Masha:            Nnno.

Lily:           No.

Roach:            Alright, real talk though. What’s- what’s the scoop on the Castle?

[Keyboard clacks.]

Theo:            Castle. Right.

[Search beeps.]

Uh, it does— Definitely looks like they’re officially working with Stark. Um, they’re trying to work on public security? Law enforcement. It looks like they had some kind of…deal or agreement going on with the Church of the Mad Titan.

Eric:             Oh…

Lily:           Oh, it’s what the crazy lady said.

Masha:            Oh, yeah.

Lily:           Wh— Look that up.

Eric:             L-look that up.

Lily:           Yeah. [fast] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Eric:             Look up Church of the Mad Titan.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Theo:            Let’s see. Church of the Mad Titan. “Cult of unknown assailants. Motto: The end is near. Garb: Black trench coats.

[Masha and Lily gasp.]

“According to the Castle, their ultimate goal is to continue the work of Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet and keep the population low by sheer force of will. Their mission involves an unknown project called the Tie Breaker.”

Masha:            [weak, pained] The Tie Breaker?

Theo:            What’s the tie?

Lily:           We don’t know.

Roach:            Wait, hold on y’all. Who- who- who’s the Mad Titan?

Theo:            Mad- the Mad Titan, that’s the person who’s responsible for the Snap.

Roach:            Oh. Gorilla guy.

Theo:            [stifles laughter] Yeah, purple gorilla guy. Um—

Eric:             He’s got a religion?

Theo:            They’re here as a threat, but it seems like they might be working with something. [stammers] Here’s this Tie Breaker again.

Eric:             So they’re just gonna go around killing…everything? What a stupid fucking idea. What the—

Theo:            I mean, if you think of it, it does make sense. If your goal is to keep the population to a manageable level… Populations do grow exponentially, I mean.

Eric:             So, okay—

Theo:            Even post the Snap, we’re at a higher population than we were even a couple hundred years ago.

Eric:             Oh my god. Okay, so hold on.

Masha:            We’re not justifying…

Theo:            I’m- I’m sorry. I’m just- I— Theoretically. I don’t think that’s actually what anybody should do. It’s just…

[Lily sighs.]

As far as cults go, it tracks.

Eric:             So this cult, they’re working with the Castle that’s using Stark tech? We are so fucked. Oh my god!

Masha:            Wh- uh- can- can you find anything else on the Castle?

Theo:            Uh.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Yeah, okay, okay. So, “The Castle Initiative, using high-technology and leftover Iron Man suits, Bart will oversee full integration with the LAPD with [getting increasingly offended] sponsorship of Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to combat crime, especially in low-income…area…” Are you fucking kid—

Eric:             [sighs, quiet] Jesus.

Theo:            “May extend to more cities upon success.” No!

Eric:             Oh my god. Ugh.

Theo:            Absolutely not.

Lily:           Man, fuck the LAPD.

Masha:            Who the fuck is Bart? Like, BART, like the Bay Area Transit?

Theo:            Bart like the guy you were just talking to outside.

Masha:            Oh shit!

[Masha sits up quickly, yanking the cords in her chest.]

Oh, sorry.

Theo:            Yeah.

Masha:            Ow! Ow!

[Masha lies back down with a clatter.]

Oh god.

Eric:             Oh take it easy.

[Sage stifles laughter.]


Lily:           It’s okay, Masha.

[Masha groans.]

Eric:             This is- this is like the Sokovia Accords, but…some twisted—

Theo:            We gotta stop this.

Eric:             Hold on. Where did my clone go? Do you know where my clone is? Let’s—

Theo:            [inhales] Yeah. I tried that while you were at the base. Uh, they scrubbed everything. I- I- I couldn’t find anything.

Masha:            Could you tap into him?

Eric:             I- I’ll try.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I need to see how clear the vision is.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Ooo. 21.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Clear. As. Day. I’ll even say, as a little bonus, uh, Eric is able to seamlessly switch back and forth between vision and audio with ease.

[Rumbling whoosh as Eric taps into his clone.]

Tapping into the other Scry. It’s dark. The room is very big, and the lighting is very dramatic. And it seems like Clone Eric is definitely restrained in some way.

Mysterious Man:         And now, my children, the reward you have been waiting for, our project, is ready for its first real test. I reveal to you…

[Curtain rustles as it’s drawn back.]

The Tie Breaker!

[Monster growls.]

[Spooky organ music plays.]

Now, bring me the heretic.

[Slow footsteps. Clone Eric’s chains rattle.]

It was only a matter of time, Scry.

[Monster growls.]

Now. Sacrifice him!

[Monster shrieks. Bones and flesh crunch and tear. A high-pitched ringing is heard and Eric is forced to untap.]

Theo:            What did you get?


Eric:             I got fuckin’ murdered.

[Masha gasps quietly.]

Lily:           [quiet] What? By the Tie Breaker?

Eric:             By…sssomething. S- uh- uh…

Theo:            Did you hear anything beyond the death?

Eric:             Yeah. There was a cult. There’s— The church. It has to be the church. I was somewhere echoey. They shuffled me into some room. There was like an— It was like a congregation, I heard like a curtain unveil, and then they- they killed me.

Theo:            Are we talking gunshot, are we talk—

Eric:             No. Like- like something big. Some machine that was big. There was ripping, there was tearing. A- [sighs] I could only hear it and then it cut out.

[Gentle rumbling builds.]

Theo:            Okay, let me just keep digging.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Sage:            And then Lily gets a flash.

[A loud metallic bang. Creaking echoes. Lily’s voice is muffled and echoes.]

There it is. That green portal. It’s beckoning her. It’s screaming at her.

[Lily sighs and moans.]

It’s angry. There’s energy pulsing.

[Lily moans.]

She sees someone.

Lily:           Rose? Rose?

Sage:            And she snaps out of it.

[Rumble fades. Sound returns to normal.]

Lily:           Ho, my god.

Sage:            And everything tastes kinda gross, like dust.

[Lily smacks her tongue and groans.]

Eric:             Okay, where did you go?

Lily:           [smacks tongue, disappointed] Oh, I think I got taste.

Eric:             [sympathetic] Oh.

Theo:            Did you see the green door again?

[Suspenseful music builds.]

Lily:           I did. I did and it was- it was angry this time. And I saw Rose.

Masha:            You saw Rose?

Lily:           Yeah. And now it tastes like…dust in my mouth.

Masha:            Gross.

Lily:           Yeah.

[Search result beeps.]

Theo:            Hold on, I- I got something. Here, come here.

Eric:             Hmm?

Lily:           What?

Eric:             What’s up?

Theo:            Look at this. “A few shipments of off-market soldier serum intercepted.” That’s just like the things that you found in that crate. “They seem to know all our tactics and avoid planned reconnaissance with ease. Watchlist: Forest Guero. Brandi Payne. Daniel Daniels.”

[Masha gasps.]

Lily:           Oh shit.

Theo:            “Renee Allen. Stanley Morales. Alvin “AJ” Johnston. And Ricky Hanes.”

Eric:             Whoa, hold- hold on, hold on. Alvin “AJ” Johnston.

Theo:            Alvin “AJ” Johnston.

Eric:             That…that was my first partner at S.H.I.E.L.D. Look him up. Look him up.

Theo:            Uh, okay.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Alvin “AJ” Johnston.

Eric:             Yeah.

[Search result beeps.]

Theo:            Let’s see. “Agent discharged for truancy”? They don’t have a whole lot on ’im. Just outside of— It seems like he was quiet. What- what d’you know about this guy?

Eric:             Well, he, uh [sighs] I mean, I was a kid, but he was my- my partner. He was basically showing me the ropes, but he was… I mean he was weird. And yeah, he would, like, disappear. He was bad at reporting, and then…

Okay so, years ago, I was with Daniel and we were discussing S.H.I.E.L.D.—I mean, this was like- we- I was a kid—and he had me tap into him just to see where he was, and he was, like, walking somewhere in the woods. But…shortly after that, I remember that the agency said he was reassigned. So that— Hold on.

Lily:           Wait. You can tap into him?

Eric:             Y-yeah. I- I’m- I’m gonna try to do that again. Now. Uh… I don’t know if this— I ju— Hold on, okay, hold on.

[Rumbling woosh as Eric taps into AJ.]

Sage:            And then, Eric sees…the same room that he saw when he tapped into himself not just a couple minutes ago. There’s a telescope. There’s a bunch of people, and there’s this monstrous roar in the background.

[Rumbling fades as Eric untaps.]

Masha:            What d’you see?

[Quiet, mysterious music.]

Eric:             Wherever he is, is where I am. Uh, Clone Me. Um, the- f- it’s a- it’s like the- the Griffith— It’s like the Fort. It’s like an observatory. It’s like here. It’s- it’s here, but it’s not. I- there’s— Are there any other observatories around here?

Theo:            Yeah. Hold on, let me pull ’em up.

[Keyboard clacks.]

Eric:             It’s a big telescope. Like a lab or something. Something is going on there.

Sage:            And Theo pulls up the nearest one.

[Search result beeps.]

Theo:            Uh, y— There’s Mount Wilson. Defining feature is a light that they shine. It’s a multi-prism device that can shine colors throughout the entire valley—

Lily:           Wait…

Theo:            —depending on your perspective.

Lily:           I- If that’s true, I mean…then I saw that earlier today. I didn’t know what it was, but it was…weird. I mean… [sighs]

Eric:             Why is it that we’re all hunkering down in observatories?

Theo:            I mean, they’re abandoned, they’re ideal for keeping weather off. They look kind of neat on the inside.

Eric:             Yeah, now that I think about it, that was a stupid question. That’s not helping anything right now. Anyways, let’s—

Theo:            Here’s a picture of the inside of the ele- area where they have the telescope. Does this look familiar?

[Music builds.]

Sage:            Eric takes a look and indeed it does.

Eric:             That’s it. Fuck it. Let’s go to Mount Wilson.

Sage:            But! Lily hears a voice coming from the other side of the wall. Uncomfortably familiar.

Bart:               [muffled] Got it. I’m outta here.

[Muffled footsteps fade.]

[Music shifts; a slow rhythmic suspense.]

Lily:           Oh…no.

Masha:            What is it?

Lily:           [irked] It’s that motherfucker.

Eric:             That could be any one of us.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Lily:           The radio one.

Eric:             What? Oh. Bart? What about him?

Lily:           [irked] Well he’s here. I can hear—

Eric:             [fast] What? Where?

Lily:           —his dumb voice and smell his dumb man body [Emily stifles laughter] I’m sorry.

Roach:            You gonna tap into that fucker or what?

[Masha gasps.]

Lily:           Oh, you touched him.

[Rumbling builds.]

Eric:             Okay, hold on.

[Eric taps into Bart.]

Sage:            And Eric sees, riding on horseback...

Emily:          [quiet, amused] Oh my god.

Sage:            Heading east, this light in the distance.

[Eric untaps.]

Eric:             I think he’s headed to the same place.

[Heroic music begins.]

And now he has a horse. So there’s that.

Theo:            What?

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             Um. I think he’s trying to beat us there. I think he’s working with them. I mean I knew he was the bad guy, but Jesus Christ.

Masha:            What d’we do?

Eric:             Roach. What’s the call?


Roach:            [quiet, intense] What the hell are we waitin’ for, yo? ’S much as I wanna storm the Castle right now, the Church, clearly, is the bigger threat. So I say we hop in the little Quitenjet and fly over there.

Eric:             [quiet] Quinjet?

Roach:            Quitenjet. Let’s go.

Eric:             Quinjet.

Roach:            Quinjet. Why’s it called Quinjet?

Eric:             I don’t know. I’m not fuckin’ Tony Stark.

Roach:            It’s Quin. Right?

Eric:             Quin. Quin. Right. Okay.

Roach:            That a name? Quin?

[Music quiets.]

Masha:            [weak] Am I not allowed to come?

[Theo sighs.]

Lily:           How are you feeling?

Masha:            Um [sighs]. Not like I’m getting better. I’m getting worse, but I’m okay right now—

Theo:            I mean it’s just a few incisions, a few cables… Like, it’s not like you’re gonna rip, but… [sighs]

Lily:           Can you heal yourself?

Eric:             That might not be a good idea.

Lily:           Mmm. Yeah. You’re using up the power.

Roach:            The three o’ you are smart. And good at whatcha do. I know you’ll figure it out.

[Music builds back up.]

So, Gift Bag [clears throat expectantly].

Theo:            I- I guess now is a- a good time to unveil, uh—

Roach:            [whispers, urging] Come on.

Theo:            —a little surprise for the ScAvengers?

Roach:            [quiet, urging] Yes. Come on, Gift Bag. Now’s the time.

Theo:            Yyyeah, okay. Um. You wanna hit the button?

Roach:            [loud] Hell yeah I do! Boop!

[Button clicks and beeps.]

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [quiet] That confetti?

[Sage and Chad stifle laughter.]

Sage:            And there’s also that stupid little [noise maker sound].

[Traivs chuckles and mimics him.]

[A noise maker blows and confetti rains down.]

Sage:            We see three doors drop down, and there are what appear to be DIY superhero suits.

Jessica:          Super suits!

Lily:           [shocked] Oh.

Sage:            Each meant to benefit your powers in one way or another. First up is Lily with an upgraded version of her form suit that’s—

Chad:         Blood red?

Sage:            Absolutely.

Theo:            So I’m pretty confident I know where your powers are coming from.

Lily:           Really?

Theo:            Yeah. During the Snap there was just an ungodly amount of gamma radiation that fled through, really, the entire universe, and I- it affected some people differently than others.

Lily:           Oh.

Theo:            So- so the suit, you know, keeping all of that in mind, this should help keep some of the senses focused.

Lily:           Th-thank you, Theo. [stifling grateful laughter] You’re a lifesaver.

Theo:            Yeah, I- there’s still a lot of research to do, but—

Lily:           Wait! I forgot to ask.

[Blades scrape as she pulls them out.]

What the fuck do these do?

Theo:            Oh! Yeah. Th-they’re Asgardian design.

Eric:             What?

Lily:           What?

Theo:            Thor? God of lighting. Flies around with a big hammer.

Eric, Lily, Masha:   Ooooh!

Theo:            Just know if you cut someone with that, they’ll die.

Lily:           Oh. Good tip.

[Blades scrape as she puts them away.]

Sage:            Scry gets a new, sturdy leather jacket, and there’s this cool-ass mask with, like, a computer screen on it.

Travis:          [impressed] Yeah.

Theo:            Hollow mask.

Travis:          Yeah.

Emily:          Daft punk!

Travis:          Fuck yes.

[Clothes and mask rustle as Eric puts them on.]

Eric:             Does this, uh… This helmet thing. Does it do any—

[Eric presses a button and a hologram warbles on.]

Oh shit. Oh, that’s like a hologram? Holy shit. That’s cool.

Theo:            There’s another thing in the suit. When you’re powering it, there’s a little button. Press it, it will keep you standing. That way, they don’t know… The eye will blink and continue to look around. It’s mostly like a big bluff suit so you can use your abilities and people don’t know you’re using your abilities. You won’t have to, like, conk out at the ground.

Eric:             Oh, cool. Hey!

Theo:            Also, you have guns and stuff.

[Electricity crackles lightly.]

Eric:             [impressed] Yeah. Great.

Sage:            And Masha. What does yours look like? It’s got like six different colors.

[Sage and Jessica stifle laughter.]

Jessica:          Eclectic.

Theo:            Masha, let me…help you…get this on.

[Masha’s suit rustles as Theo helps her into it.]

Masha:            [weak] Okay.

Theo:            So your suit. I made this off of a very flexible, adaptive material that should adjust based on what’s going through it.

Masha:            Oh, cool.

Theo:            Um. I- I need to make some- a small adjustment just so it fits around the…arc reactor, but…

[Items clatter as Theo fixes the suit.]

Masha:            It’s really soft.

Theo:            Uh, yeah. I tried to use some nice fabric softener with it too. Just- y- comforting smell.

Masha:            So it’s machine washable?

Theo:            [amused] It is machine washable.

[Chair creaks.]

And when your abilities aren’t working quite as you hoped they would, here is the Pym stun gun you all found.

[Gun clatters as he hands it over.]

Masha:            Oh my goodness.

Theo:            So that center setting, that’s just gonna be a really solid stun. Just shocks their entire system. Be careful with fiddling with the others. It might shrink or- or grow people. It’s a little unpredictable, honestly.

Masha:            Okay. Yeah, yeah. I got it. I won’t, um, I’ll be very…very, very careful.

Theo:            Oh, it’s- it’s not [stifles laughter] lethal. It’s just, you know…

Masha:            It’s a booboo. A booboo.

Theo:            Just a little bit of a booboo.

Sage:            And we finally see, all suited up, augmented, and ready to go.

[Music starts to crescendo.]

The ScAvengers.

Eric:             What a sorry fuckin’ sight we are. Good god. You’re half dead. You’re half of age.

Lily:           [irked] Shut the fuck up.

Masha:            [mock smug] I’m like Iron Man. I’m like an Avenger.

Lily:           Yeah.

Eric:             [chuckles] Yeah. We’re like the…

Lily:           We’re like the Avengers.

Eric:             [amused] ScAven—

[Eric and Lily stifle laughter.]

We’re the ScAvengers.

Lily:           Is this where we all, like, put our fists together and, like…

Eric:             Yeah, that’d be really stupid if we did that. That’d be…

Lily:           Fun transition.

Eric:             [mocking] Hey everybody, let’s do the thing. Let’s put our hands in.

Lily:           Okay. Fists- fists together.

Eric:             [mocking] Let’s get our cool costumes on and—

Lily:           Yup.

Eric:             —get ready to go. Save the day.

Masha:            This fits really nice.

Lily:           Yeah. Okay.

Eric:             Alright.

Masha:            [nervous] Okay.

Lily:           One, two…

Eric, Lily, Masha:   Three. ScAvengers assemble!!!

[The three put their fists together. Electricity crackles through Masha’s arc reactor.]

Masha:            Ow!

[She collapses against a table and items clatter.]

Eric:             Oh, god. Right. [fast] Let’s- let’s get you in the jet. Let’s get you in the jet.

Masha:            I’m okay! I’m okay.

Lily:           Ooo, oh, oh. Easy, easy, easy.

[Music ends.]



[The Quinjet starts to take off. Tense music fades in slowly.]

Eric:             Okay. [fast] Um, uh, um, uh.

Masha:            [weak] Okay [sighs]. Go.

[Seatbelts click.]

Alex:             Everybody, buckle up.

Lily:           Do I have to wear a seatbelt?

Theo:            Hey, Lily? If there’s anything gamma oriented with this, just- just be careful. Okay? But, yeah, it’s like toxic to most people.

Lily:           Wait, what are you implying?

Theo:            Uh, you- the door? I- I’m just saying. Watch out for them, please.

Lily:           Okay. Cool.

Alex:             [beep] Approaching Mount Wilson Observatory. Landing in T-minus three, two, one.

[Jet rumbles as it sets down.]

[beep] Have a nice day.

Eric:             Thanks, Alex.

Alex:             You’re welcome, Masha.

[AI beeps as it powers down.]

[Masha stifles laughter. Footsteps transition from the jet to pavement.]

Sage:            Everybody climbs out of the Quinjet. Mount Wilson Observatory is surrounded by forest. There’s a big telescope room, obviously. Some buildings off to the side, a long hallway. Nothing crazy. But Bloodhound notices something in particular. She looks up, with her new, sharp vision, and there’s this tower emanating a bright light. And just from the exact angle of the last step when she steps off of the jet, it’s color changes to a very ominous…bright…shining…[whispers] green.

Lily:           [nervous] Oh boy.

Sage:            It’s almost like it’s shining right at her.

Masha:            What d’you see, Lily?

Lily:           I- Something about that shade of green just…doesn’t do it for me.

Masha:            D’you not like The Great Gatsby?

[Traivs stifles laughter.]

Lily:           Uh, fuck no. Nobody in that book is redeemable. But, that’s not the point [stifles laughter].

Masha:            [weak] Oh.

Sage:            There's a brief moment, before we step forward…and, welp…what d’you wanna do?

Lily:           Hold on. Let me…I don’t know. Sense things.

Eric:             Yeah. [amused] Fire it up.

Lily:           Yeah.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Bloodhound’s gonna roll.

Jessica:          Fuck it up.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Emily:          10.

Sage:            Mmm. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Travis:          [mumbles] I hate you.

[Jessica stifles laughter.]

Sage:            You’re able to hear…the sound of screaming in that big-ass telescope. And also cheering.

Lily:           [sighs in dread] Oh god. Something fucked up is happening in there.

Eric:             Yup. That’s the spot. That’s- that’s where I died.

Masha:            We…wow. Okay. I- I’m running outta time, personally, so…if we’re gonna do it, we gotta do it now.

Sage:            But you’re not able to hear a horse coming right through [stifles laughter].

[A trotting horse approaches.]

Lily:           [whispers, irked] I swear to god.

Bart:               [nonchalant] What’s up, losers?

[Traivs snickers.]

[Clopping hooves pass by slowly and fade away.]

[Tense misadventure music.]

Lily:           Oh, he’s just gonna…keep…

Roach:            That motherfucker.

Lily:           Going.

Masha:            [irked] Well let’s go!

Roach:            I gotta beat ’im in there.

[Rapid footsteps crunch over grass.]

Sage:            [amused] Roach starts tryin’a keep up with the horse. He’s got a mace and nothin’ else.

Eric:             Okay, Theo—

Lily:           [annoyed] Roach! [sighs, whispers] Oh Jesus.

Theo:            Gotcha?

[Gun clatters lightly.]

Eric:             You ever use a sniper rifle before?

Theo:            Nope!

Eric:             Well…

[Music picks up.]

Here you go.

[Gun clatters and shoves against Theo’s chest.]

Theo:            Jee- ah- I—

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Bart, The News, roll me Powerful Speed. And Personal Time, ’cause we’re rolling for the horse too [stifles laughter].

David:           4.

[Failure chime.]

The horse is a little spooked by the screaming and the crows.

Sage:            [amused] Bart tries to react. Just like…

[Horse neighs in fear.]

Bart:               On, Gibraltar! On, Gibraltar!

[Horse neighs louder.]

Sage:            The horse is- is tryin’a buck Bart off.

Masha:            [taunting] Wow, not so bad-ass anymore.

Roach:            Tryin’a burst in, huh?

Eric:             Hold on. You’re tryin’ to burst in here? Don’t you work here? Or with them?

Bart:               Nah. We did a deal in the past, but that’s all over now.

Masha:            What?

Bart:               These guys are scum. Just like you.

Roach:            So the Castle and the Church of the Mad Titan, you guys are not affiliated? Not workin’ together?

Bart:               No. No, no, no.

Eric:             Wait, what the fuck— God.

[Eric growls in frustration.]

Bart:               I am s— No, no, no. I’ll tell you. I really don’t like degenerate scum. Like all you guys and your little forts on your hills and all your bullshit. I gotta tell you, it’s sick. So I’m gonna come in here, I’m gonna take out these zealots. You’re welcome, by the way.

Eric:             So…we’re both here to do this— We’re all here to do the same thing?

Bart:               You can try if you want, but, I mean…amateur hour’s actually gonna start in about twenty minutes, so…why don’t you go ahead and sit down—

Eric:             Oh! Amateur hour? Like that time I tackled you and slapped you across your fuckin’ mouth?

[Hooves crunch over grass as Bart approaches.]

Bart:               [indifferent] Oh, yeah, no. I remember that.

Eric:             Yeah.

Theo:            [over radio, concerned] Guys?

Eric:             What? What? Hold on, I’m arguing with this man on a horse.

[Music intensifies.]

Cultist:            The End is near!

Sage:            And there is a creepy trenchcoat cultist who sees all of you, and he looks like he’s top tier.

Cultist:            Welcome you to this great moment—

Lily:           [excited] Oh! Ooo, I have knives! I have knives! I have knives!

Cultist:            —for the Church of our great Mad Titan.

[Blades ring out as Lily pulls them out.]

Masha:            Throw the knives!

Cultist:            Interlopers! Interlopers!

Sage:            And aiming a gun, he’s about to shoot a gun!

Masha:            Ahh!

Eric:             Jesus Christ!

[Lily grunts as she hurls the knives at the Cultist.]

Sage:            And then, like boomerangs, these knives light up and they’re, like, glowing reddish, greenish, orangish, and they just [makes swishing noise].

[Lily chuckles in awe.]

They slice through the guy as if he’s butter.

[The knives ring through the air and cut through flesh. The Cultist screams as blood spurts from his wounds.]

Cultist:            AhhhAhAhhhAhhHhh!

Sage:            And they come right back to Lily’s hands.

[Knives tap as Lily catches them easily. She chuckles in awe again.]

Lily:           Oh, that was so cool! Hahaha!

Masha:            Oh. I’m gonna be sick.

[Blades scrape as she puts them away.]

Roach:            Well. They know we’re here now.

Masha:            Let’s just go iiiin!

Eric:             Alright, you do whatever you’re gonna do, we’re gonna—

Bart:               Which is go into the—

Eric:             Okay.

Bart:               —now.

Lily:           [taunting] You need me to open the door for you, sweetheart?

Bart:               No, I—

[Action music builds.]

Sage:            Roach, Bloodhound, Roulette, Scry, and The News [stifles laughter] burst through the front door!

[Metal clatters as they bang the door open. Music crescendos and ends. A crowd of cultists gasp.]

Theo, who’s staying back with the sniper rifle, watching as best as he can.

Theo:            [over radio, mutters] I hate guns.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             You’ll be fine.

Sage:            They get in. Trench coats galore.

[Cultists whisper indistinctly as they watch the group.]

There are at least forty people here.

Eric:             Fuck.

Sage:            And there is some guy standing kind of on an elevated platform. And this huge…ass…monster.

[Monster growls.]

Looks unnatural and furious.

[Gun clatters as Bart aims it at the man on the platform.]

Bart:               Freeze, dirtbag!

[Action music.]

Sage:            Bart has got no time to waste. Before they could even address whatever the fuck they’re lookin’ at—

[Stat test chime.]

—he’s gonna roll Powerful Speed to get a shot off.

[Dice roll on table.]

David:           18+1. 19.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Oh! [amused] Shit.

Travis:          Wow.

Sage:            Immediately! Shoots him in the gut!

[Two gunshots ring out. The Mysterious Man grunts in pain.]

Lily:           [quiet] Fuck.

Eric:             [quiet] Dammit...

Bart:               Rot in whatever hell you worship.

Sage:            With all his might.

[Success chime.]

Oof. Rolling for Durability. Got a 9.

[Failure chime.]

[Mysterious Man groans.]

Theo:            [over radio] Lily, that’s gotta be a gamma mutate. Just tell everyone to be careful.

Lily:           Guys, be careful. I mean, he’s mutated from gamma, it’s- it’s not safe.

Mysterious Man:         They’re here to threaten you, disciples.

Travis:          I’m gonna shoot ’im now.

[Stat test chime.]

Ah. I got an 8.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Eric misses.

[Laser shot rings out.]

Eric:             Shit.

Sage:            This man who looks awfully generic [stifles laughter]. As soon as Eric shoots the gun, he cracks his eyes in the direction and they make eye contact.


Mysterious Man:         My god…

Eric:             I’m back, shitass. Where’s AJ?

Mysterious Man:         The one we have sacrificed is back! Scry is here! You have all failed me unless you take him out! Now!

Jessica:          I’m gonna roll for one o’ my powers.

[Stat test chime.]

Mysterious Man:         Damn you, Scry. Only you.

Eric:             Wait a minute…. Oh fuck, I get it now. Oh shit.

Lily:           What d’you mean you get it now?

[The crowd screams and charges.]

Sage:            Forty people in trench coats go for Eric at the same time.

Eric:             It’s the trench coat people. They’re here—

[Masha screams nervously as her powers activate.]

Masha:            I’m [hesitant] healing.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Travis:          Fuck!

Sage:            [amused] What were you aiming—

Lily:           Heal yourself!

Sage:            What were you looking at last? You have to be honest! What were you looking at last?

Jessica:          [nervous] Oh, I was looking at you.

Sage:            Yup! His bullet wound in the chest, in the gut gets fully—

Jessica:          Well how— I have to roll- I have to roll.

Sage:            Yes, roll to see how good you healed him.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Oh [nervous chuckle].

Jessica:          Oh shit. Nah eh- well. Really well. Like i-incredibly well.

Sage:            Completely heals the wound.

[Flesh squelches as the Mysterious Man is healed.]

And then this big monstrosity—no, you cannot roll against it—picks up the man.

[Heavy footsteps pound. Monster growls.]

And as they lift him onto their back, it screams at the top of its lungs.

[Heavy footstep. Monster shrieks.]

And you see him transform.

Travis:          The man?

Sage:            The man transforms.

[Masha groans.]

Emily:          [quietly] The little man?

Sage:            The generic man—

Travis:          [amused] Little baby man.

[Emily stifles laughter.]

Sage:            —appears to have cybernetic enhancements. He has this, like, robotic eye and some metal plating. He’s jacked. He’s pretty strong. And then, his skin turns green.

Eric:             Oh. Oh my god!

Sage:            But like a pale green.

Eric:             Oh my god! I get it.

Sage:            His ears get sharp. There are lines across his face.

Eric:             [loud] Ooooh nooo!

Lily:           What are you— What?

Eric:             [loud] AJ’s a skruuull!

Bart:               [loud] I knew it! I knew it! Aliens! Fucking aliens! Aliens! AHHHH! Why did you heal him?

Masha:            [panicked] I- well just- [nervous scoff] I was trying to help! I don’t know!

Eric:             She can’t control it.

[Bart screams in frustration.]

She can’t control it!

[Bart cocks his gun, still screaming.]

Sage:            The forty trench coats swarm in on the group!

[Multiple footsteps charge closer.]

Eric:             Jesus Christ.

Sage:            And I’m gonna roll for their Speed collectively.

Lily:           Theo, how d’you stop things with gamma?

Theo:            [over radio] I don’t—

Bart:               Gibraltar! Gibraltar, to me!

Sage:            I got a 10.

[Net chime.]

Perfectly balanced [stifles laughter].

Theo:            [over radio] You don’t!

Lily:           What d’you mean?

Theo:            [over radio] You’re a gamma!

Lily:           I know! But, like, I’m gamma, he’s gamma! Can I, like, gamma hug him up?

Eric:             He, she, we, gamma!

[Sage stifles laughter.]


[Sage chuckles.]

Theo:            [over radio] Swarm it, yeah! Jump on there!

David:           I jump on Gibraltar’s back.

[Clothes and tack rustle as Bart swings into the saddle.]

Bart:               You guys suck!

[Horse nickers.]

Eric:             Alright, well fuck you too!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            They all come in for the attack. They’re gonna roll for Strength and Eric and everybody needs to roll for a Powerful Combat to defend them from the horde.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          Christ.

Emily:          Oh no.

Travis:          11.

[Net chime.]

Jessica:          15.

[Net chime.]

Emily:          9.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            I got a 17.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          Yup, yup.

Jessica:          Oh no.

Sage:            Forty is too many. They all throw each and every one of you down to the ground. They are stronger.

[Lily screams in frustration.]

Lily:           Get off me!

Eric:             Ow!

Sage:            They throw Bart off his horse.

[Thuds as the crowd pull Bart down. Bart grunts and the horse nickers in surprise.]

They snatch Roach’s mace and chuck it somewhere.

[Mace whirls through the air and clanks as it hits a wall and falls.]

Roach:            Hey! Motherfucker, give that back!

Bart:               Dirty sons of bitches! It was fine until you guys showed up.

Eric:             We’re gonna get outta this you’re gonna have to do it!

Masha:            [weak] I’m not feeling too good.

Eric:             Together, okay? Okay?

Lily:           [urgent, soothing] It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay. Try to use your powers.

Masha:            Yeah, I’ll try again.

[Stat test chime.]

Bart:               Using your powers is what got us into this mess. We were fine.

Lily:           Shut up!

Sage:            Masha, I’m gonna say, because you have this arc reactor strapped to your chest, it’s keeping you alive. This battle’s gonna take a lot out of you. You get four charges. Four uses of your power in total. But, what’s the first one?

[Buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Freeze time.

[Music builds.]

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Oh shit.

Travis:          Nice!

[Success chime.]

Jessica:          12.

[Sound freezes.]

Sage:            Everything stops for, like, five seconds [stifles laughter].

Masha:            [groans] I’m gonna punch somebody in the face.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Powerful Strength.

[Orchestral music starts to build.]

[Dice roll on table.]

[Success chime.]

Jessica:          14.

Masha:            Alright, this guy’s… I don’t care.

[Rapid footsteps tromp across the room as Masha runs to her target, coughing weakly along the way.]

Sage:            Masha attempts to climb up this, what you might assume is the Tie Breaker of which the man is on the back of.

[Masha growls as she pulls her fist back.]

And socks him in the face!

[Masha grunts. Thud!]

Things speed back into real time.

[Sound speeds up and returns to normal.]

Rolling for Durability.

Lily:           Masha!

[Bart growls in frustration, still pinned by the crowd.]

Masha, how did you get up there?

[Success chime.]

Sage:            He rolls a 17 on Durability and is able to hold on. Him and Masha are on top of the Tie Breaker.

[Heavy footsteps thud as the Tie Breaker moves. Masha groans weakly as she hangs on.]

Lily:           Oh, fuck.

Eric:             Shoot him with the thing!

Masha:            Okay, okay. I have a stun gun.

[Gun clatters.]

Sage:            Alright.

[Stat test chime.]

Roll for Powerful Speed.

Jessica:          Uh, 13.

Sage:            He’s too fast…with a 20.

[Failure chime.]

Travis:          Whoa.

Jessica:          [mumbles] Fuck me.

Sage:            Rolling a 20 on Combat, the cyber skrull dodges Masha’s blast with the Pym beam and throws her off.

[Gun clatters as Masha aims. Beam discharges and the Mysterious Skrull grunts as he shoves Masha. Masha grunts and thuds are heard as she falls. The gun clatters away.]

And then the Tie Breaker…looks Masha in the eyes.

[Heavy footsteps pound as the abomination turns on Masha.]

And goes to step on her.

Lily:           Masha, no!

[Stat test chime.]

[Masha groans as she activates another power.]

Jessica:          Photographic memory.

Sage:            [fast] The Tie Breaker’s about to step on you! How strong is your power?

Jessica:          I got a 25!

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Oh!

[Heartbeat thumps.]

Masha’s mind powers are related to memory. Remembering things. Masha has never been able to do this before. She didn’t even mean to do it, [stifling laughter] but using a twenty-fucking-five and her mind power, she is able to flash into the memories of the Tie Breaker.

[Masha pants as her powers pulse through her mind.]

Masha:            Whoa. Oh my god.

Sage:            She sees her house. Her backyard.

[Children’s laughter is muffled. The heartbeat thumps steadily.]

The swing they have and the fence. And the flowers below it that Masha healed.

[Heartbeat accelerates.]

A coat from Target.

[Heartbeat accelerates again.]

Two sisters who she looks up to so much. And then she snaps back in.

[Rumbling whoosh as sound returns to normal.]

Masha:            What the fuck? What?!

Sage:            You…know…the Tie Breaker.

Masha:            Oh my go— Oh! OOH! OOHH! I was confused I thought— I- gah! The- the- That’s ROSE!

Lily:           WHAT?!

[A huge, dark impact; Music begins to intensify.]

Masha:            IT'S ROOOOSE!

Lily:           What d’you mean it’s Rose?!

Masha:            That’s Rooose! ROOOSE!

[The Tie Breaker shrieks.]

Lily:           [emotional] Wha- what are you saying?

Masha:            [emotional] The Tie Breaker is Rose!!

Lily:           [emotional] What are you trying to say to me right now?

Masha:            Rose!

Lily:           That that’s our sister?

Masha:            That’s Rose! Rose! Rose, stop! Rose!

Lily:           [shocked, uncertain] Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit!

Masha:            [distraught] I just went into its mind. I just went into its mind, and I saw us!

Sage:            Rose, hearing her name, the Tie Breaker stops from stepping on Masha.

[Tie Breaker growls. Heavy footstep pounds as she takes a step back.]

And I’m gonna roll for Personal Soul.

[Stat test chime.]

Lily:           [mumbles] Oh god.

Masha:            Rose!

Lily:           Rose. Rose, it’s us!

Eric:             [angry] Did you know about this?

Bart:               How could I have known about this? I thought they were just gonna use her as a mascot or something. I didn’t know—

Eric:             Use her?!

Bart:               —they were gonna go all Silent Hill on this thing.

Eric:             [incredulous] You knew they took this girl, and you just let—

Bart:               No. I got mine in in the end. Weapons, info. These guys are plugged in.

Eric:             Asshole! Piece o’ shit, bastard, fucking cocksucker. It’s your fault we’re in this!

Bart:               I’d turn over a thousand children before I let this country die!

[Lily pants in panic for her sister.]

[Music halts...]

Sage:            For just a moment…she remembers.

[Tie Breaker growls softly.]

And then it disappears.

[Net chime.]

[Music resumes.]

She screams and she’s about to step. Theo, roll for Speed.

[Stat test chime.]

Chad:         15.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Good enough for me!

[Gunshot rings out as Theo takes a shot with the sniper rifle. The Tie Breaker grunts as she’s hit.]

The Tie Breaker is shot in the foot, and stops from stepping on Masha right in time.

Masha:            Rose!

Mysterious Skrull:      They were not supposed to know this.

Theo:            [over radio] Bloodhound, you should be able to suck the gamma out of her!

Lily:           How?! How?!

[Theo stammers.]

I have to get all these fucking trench coats off o’ me first!

Eric:             Use your dag— OW! Use the dag— How do— Ow!

[Stat test chime.]

Lily:           I’m trying!

Sage:            Everybody roll for Defensive Combat, including Bart.

[Dice roll on table.]

Emily:          [irked] Fucking 10.

[Net chime.]

Jessica:          12.

[Net chime.]

Travis:          16.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            10, 12, 16. 11.

[Net chime.]

Bloodhound’s not able to really get them off, but Eric is able to BOOF! Throw off two at the same time using judo kick.


Eric:             Fuckin’ I.C.E.R.s, I hate this shit.

[Eric pulls out his guns.]

Lily:           Get the fuck off of me!

[Thuds as Lily kicks and punches the cultists holding her.]

Eric:             Hold still!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Eric, you need to roll for Speed to see how many you get. I’m rolling for theirs.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          8? Oh no. 11. Ha! That was 9.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            Oh.

Travis:          Yeah!

Sage:            It’s a tie! You shoot a fair amount.

Travis:          Enough for her to get up?

Sage:            Enough for her to get up.

Travis:          Yeah!

[Eric’s I.C.E.R.s discharge a few times and electricity crackles.]

Sage:            For a brief moment.

Lily:           [relieved] Okay. Okay, uh. [frantic] How do I do this?

Theo:            [over radio] Just tap into the green door.

Lily:           Ahhh! Okay, okay, I’m gonna go!

[Lily charges forward.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            You need to roll for Energy.

[Lily grunts as she dodges more cultists on the way to the Tie Breaker.]

Full purple.

Travis:          She’s gonna go hug her? [stifles laughter]

Chad:         Yeah.

[Dice roll on table.]

Emily:          Good news is…

[Success chime.]

I made the personal [chuckles]. Bad news is…5.

[Failure chime.]

Sage:            Lily tries to get through the crowd, screaming at her sister, best as she can.

[Tie Breaker growls and turns toward Lily. Heavy footstep thumps.]

They lock eyes for just a moment.

Lily:           Rose! Rose, look at me, look at me, look at me. It’s Lily. You know me.

Sage:            Too many trench coats. They grab Lily.

[Cultists scream and clothes rustle. Lily grunts as she’s pushed around.]

Lily:           Get…off me!

Sage:            They’re barely being able to look at each other.

Mysterious Skrull:      No. Keep moving.

Lily:           [pleading] Don’t listen to him.

Mysterious Skrull:      The Titain’s plan must be enacted!

Lily:           Rose, you don’t have to listen to him. We’re here now.

[The Tie Breaker grunts.]

We’re gonna protect you, okay? But you have to come to me. Come here.

Mysterious Skrull:      Shoot her.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Powerful Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

[Rifle cocks and shoots. A high-pitched ringing as the bullet rips into Lily’s shoulder. Blood splatters. Lily groans in pain.]

Lily gets shot.

[Lily pants. More blood splatters.]

Lily:           [pained] Rose!

Masha:            Oh my god. Lily!

Lily:           [pained] Rose! Look at me. Just look at me.

Eric:             Theo, do you have a clean shot on either of these two things?

Lily:           Don’t listen—

Theo:            [over radio] Uhhh—

Lily:           Don’t shoot her! Don’t shoot her!

Sage:            Cutting over. Nobody hears this, but…

Bart:               So you got a soup can with some string in there or something? You can call cronies for backup? Like, nowish?

Roach:            Why? You got some cronies you can call?

[Beep. Powered doors slowly move.]

Sage:            The doors close.

[The doors thud shut.]

Theo does not have a shot.

Mysterious Skrull:      It’s time.

Sage:            The ceiling opens up and the telescope turns to the cosmos.

[Powered doors in the ceiling move and the telescope hums as it turns.]

[Dark, ambient music quietly rumbles throughout.]

Mysterious Skrull:      I’ve been trying for years, Scry. And who’d have thought, you still found a way here.

Lily:           [weak] Eric, please kill him.

Masha:            Lily [worried sigh]. Are you okay? I—

Lily:           I just…just get him…

Eric:             [frantic] Take it east. Sit. Li- Li- Li—

Lily:           Just- just get him.

Eric:             Lily. Stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me, stay with me.

Mysterious Skrull:      Always knew it’d be you.

Eric:             [fuming] I truly have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. But I’m about done with this shit. If you wanna go back to space, fucking go. Leave us alone.

Mysterious Skrull:      This has nothing to do with my people.

Eric:             [slow] Then what do you want from me?

Mysterious Skrull:      The end. The end—

Eric:             The end fucking happened, you wrinkle-faced motherfucker. Half of everyone died, and we’re trying to put shit back together. Now if you—

Mysterious Skrull:      You—

Eric:             —would fucking excuse us— No! I’m not done yelling at you, goddammit! Don’t drag them into this. If you want me, take me. You had me once, you killed me. Do it twice! I don’t give a flying fuck! Kill me, kill me, kill me. Let them go.

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Sage:            16.

[Failure chime.]

During that whole spiel, one of the trench coats covered your face.

[Scuffle. Eric begins a muffled rant.]

Mysterious Skrull:      You see, this world is ungrateful. This universe is cold. It’s selfish. The end, Eric “Scry” Stanton, has not happened yet. The end is only begun, and it is now as near as it’ll ever be.

Masha:            [weak] Please let me go to my sister.

[Lily coughs up blood.]

Sir, please let me go to my sister.

Mysterious Skrull:      When half the population was wiped out—

Lily:           [weak] I don’t wanna die while he monologues.

Mysterious Skrull:      —there was a problem.

[Lily pants.]

When all life in the universe is laid down, side by side, into a numerical number, it turned out odd. So what d’you do, Scry? D’you just roll with a 49.9999% of the population? No. You need a Tie Breaker.


You were the only one who could figure out who I truly was. At any moment you could’ve tapped into me. But you spent all your time helping out these hopeless super sisters instead. [scoffs] Moron.

[Clothes rustle as Eric struggles in the cultists’ grip, his screams muffled.]

Mysterious Skrull:      Too self-centered. Too big of an ego, all of you. Ego will die and the Titan’s vision will live on.

Masha:            You’re wrong!

Mysterious Skrull:      Roulette, it is unfortunate you were rolled into this situation, but sometimes odds are not in our favor.

Lily:           [weak] Rose…

[The Tie Breaker growls softly. Lily coughs up more blood.]

Mysterious Skrull:      I’m sorry it just so happened to be your sister.

Lily:           [moans] Rose…

Mysterious Skrull:      This is the beginning of the end. Now what are you going to do about it?

Masha:            I want to…

[Lily groans weakly.]

[distressed] I don’t know what I wanna do! Are you— [sighs] Should I try to heal you?

Lily:           Oh you got— [coughs]

Mysterious Skrull:      It’s too late for your sister.

Lily:           You…

Mysterious Skrull:      But it’s not too late for your sister.

[Tie Breaker growls.]

Lily:           [weak] Rose, he doesn’t control you. You’re- [coughs] You’re so much stronger than him.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Lily, roll me full purple one more time. And I’ll roll it for Rose.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          [trepidation, whispers] I’m gonna die.

Sage:            [sighs] Not unless Masha can save you.

[Music starts to build; a lone, triumphant synth.]

[Lily groans weakly and takes a shaky breath.]

Lily:           Masha…I can absorb the gamma. You should- have to bring her [groans] to me.

Masha:            Okay. Okay.

[Lily coughs.]

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]


Sage:            The Tie Breaker, with the skrull on its back, starts climbing out of the observatory.

[Buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

Jessica:          Hulkerella. 19.

[Success chime.]

[Action music crescendos.]

Sage:            But then Masha uses whatever she has left to grow! She grows!

[Masha as Hukerella growls, her skin stretching.]

She breaks off any trench coats that were holding her down!

[A whoosh as cultists are thrown off her and scream.]

Comes towards the group. 19’s pretty good! I’m gonna say you start brushin’ them off. [amused] You step on a couple.

[Eric cheers as Masha charges through the cultists.]

Eric:             Woo! There you go! Yeah!

[Masha pants.]

Masha:            [Hulkerella] Lily, come here!

[Masha grunts as she bends down to pick up Lily.]

Sage:            The Tie Breaker turns around.

Masha:            Rose!

Sage:            And screams.

[The Tie Breaker shrieks.]

Masha:            Rose!

Mysterious Skrull:      [irked] Not the plan.

Sage:            They come in to attack.

[Heavy footsteps pound as Masha runs after the Tie Breaker.]

Masha has picked up Bloodhound.

[Lily groans in pain.]

They go towards her.

[Stat test chime.]

Lily:           [weak] Rose, it’s us.

[Net chime.]

Sage:            Rolling a 12 for the Tie Breaker. They collide.

[Thud! The Tie Breaker screams.]

Hulkerella and the Tie Breaker collide. She’s trying to get Lily and her to connect. It’s really difficult! They’re almost there! And then busting through the door…

[Metal door breaks off its hinges and glass shatters as a small army breaks through.]

A bunch of preppy lookin’ assholes with armor.

[War horn blows.]

[Jessica chuckles.]

Bart:               Get those dirty pinko bastards, boys! It’s huntin’ season!

[Bart and his army scream a war cry.]

Sage:            A bunch of Castletons with a bunch of scrappy lookin’ Stark armor. It’s like Iron Man suits that don’t fly kind of.

[Repulsors discharge into the cultists. Everyone screams as they attack each other.]

They just start blasting trench coats left and right. As many disciples as they can! And then!

[Quinjet flies overhead, circling around to hover above the telescope.]

Through the ceiling, the Quinjet that was outside is hovering above with Theo looking through the window with that sniper or whatever the hell else he wants to do! He patches in, back to Lily!

Theo:            [over radio] I got a clear shot! I can blast ’em! What d’you—

Lily:           [weak] No, don’t hit her. Don’t shoot her.

Theo:            [over radio] She can take it. You can’t.

Eric:             Theo, that seems like a really bad idea.

Sage:            Theo fires some rockets out of the ship.

[AI beeps and rockets blast forward, exploding on the Tie Breaker. She growls.]

Lily:           [weak] Jus…don't shoot [groans].

I’m rolling for her Durability. Very high.

[Success chime.]

It’s like being slapped in the back.

Masha:            [Hulkerella] Rose!

Sage:            But then…Theo sees something coming in behind everybody. Bursting through the doors, a new crowd of people. He doesn’t know what it is yet, though.

[A second set of metal doors break as another army charges through.]

Theo:            [over radio] Are they with you?

Siggy:         Alright lizardmen, lizardwomen, lizard- everybody! Let’s go!

[Footsteps charge forward and the new crew screams.]

Eric:             What the—

Roach:            Yeah, that’s right!

Theo:            [over radio] Siggy?

Roach:            Yeah! My boy, Siggy!

Jessica:          Holy crap!

Sage:            And lo and behold. A whole bunch of lizardmen and kind of just humanoid people that are a little scaly, and some people that just kind of, like, rough and tough punk style. A whole spectrum of lizards come in! And they start takin’ out trench coats left and right!

Siggy:         Alright, you trench coat motherfuckers… EAT SHIT!!!

[Rock Music crescendos.]

[Siggy’s army cheers and surges forward.]

Eric:             [elated] Oh my god, you’re not dead!

Masha:            Siggy!

Eric:             And you brought the coffee shop employees.

Masha:            [cheering] Nonstop! Nonstop!

[Travis, Emily, and Sage chuckle.]

Siggy:         Alright everybody, come on. Come on!

Theo:            [over radio] Eyes on the prize, guys.

Roach:            Yo, Siggy! Come on, get up! Fog up this joint!

[Siggy takes a deep breath and exhales, laying down a thick smokescreen.]

Sage:            But then, the skrull, AJ, atop the Tie Breaker pulls out a Chitauri blaster and goes to shoot Scry.

[Gun clatters as the Skrull aims it and squeals as it powers up.]

Eric:             What the fuck?

Lily:           [weak] No! Rose!

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            He’s rolling for Speed. You’re rolling for Combat.

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          15.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            14.

[Net chime.]

Travis:          Haaa!

Sage:            Nice!

[Gun discharges and Eric rolls out of the way. The Skrull growls quietly.]

Make your move.

Eric:             Ride me over there.

Bart:               [indifferent] Alright, get on.

[Eric jumps onto Gibraltar’s back.]

Eric:             Hya!

[Gibraltar neighs and charges forward.]

Sage:            They ride over. Meanwhile…

[Masha as Hulkerella pants and growls, heavy footsteps thudding as she continues to grapple with the Tie Breaker.]

Bloodhound on Masha’s back and the skrull on the back of the Tie Breaker are kind of doing this wrestling sort of maneuver. Trying to get a hold, knock each other off and get them to connect.

[Hooves approach.]

Bart:               You ready boy?

Eric:             Get me close! Alright, here we go. Hya, hya, hya!

Bart:               On Gibraltar! Leap, leap, leap!

[The horse charges forward and jumps onto the platform.]

Masha:            [Hulkerella, weak] Stay with me, Lily.

Lily:           [weak] Eric…

[Success chime.]

Travis:          16.

Sage:            [stifles laughter] Great! You get on there! You grab that skrull!

[Eric jumps from the horse to the Tie Breaker and grabs the skrull around the neck with an arm.]

Mysterious Skrull:      [grunts] Get off me, Scry.

Eric:             We’re gonna talk about this later!

Sage:            And you’re able to grab him and pin him down as you both are riding atop of this big ol’ monster.

[Heavy footsteps pound as Masha and the Tie Breaker wrestle. The Tie Breaker growls and Masha grunts in exertion.]

Eric:             What Legolas bullshit is this?

Sage:            And Eric pulls out both of his I.C.E.R.s. He’s ready to zap him. But then…the skrull quickly transforms.

[Flesh and bone squelch as he morphs.]

Staring Eric right in the eyes, into a one-to-one clone of Eric.


Eric:             I was gonna need therapy anyways.

[Eric raises his I.C.E.R.s and grunts as he slams them down on the Skrull. The Skrull grunts as electricity crackles.]

Sage:            And the cult leader skrull is stunned. Passed out.

[His body slides down.]

He falls off of the Tie Breaker.

[Thuds as the Skrull tumbles and hits things on his way down.]

Bart:               Castletons! Take aim at that thing!

[Music intensifies.]

[Guns clatter as Bart’s army aims at the Tie Breaker.]

Lily:           [weak] No…don’t…[coughs on blood] It can- I can absorb…

Masha:            [weak] Don’t shoot her.

Bart:               Wait for it.

[The platform rumbles as the Tie Breaker takes a step back.]

Sage:            Lily—

Lily:           The gamma…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I need Lily to roll full green right now.

[Dice roll on table.]

Emily:          Oh my god. No to personal, and 10 to ability.

[Net chime.]

Sage:            [hisses in a breath] Well, it’s balanced. So you’re barely keeping alive.

[Lily coughs weakly.]

You’re gaining zero energy here. It’s hard to speak.

Lily:           [weak] Okay…

[Blood drips on the ground.]

Sage:            You’re slowly passing out.

Masha:            Oh gosh.

Sage:            Not to mention, because of Bloodhound’s heightened sense of touch, this is the most painful thing you’ve ever been through.

[Lily groans weakly.]

Masha:            [pleading] Hang in there, Lily.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            I need Masha to roll me full purple.

[Dice roll on table.]

Lily:           [weak] Masha, I think this is gonna kill me.

Jessica:          [irked] Fuck. Me! No on personal and 10 on powerful.

[Net chime.]

Travis:          [hisses in a breath] Damn.

Emily:          Same.

Sage:            You guys both got the same roll.

[Pulse guns fire and the armies continue to scream in the distance.]

Emily:          [quiet] Yeah.

Sage:            So you’re at least in sync.


[Masha groans.]

Lily:           Masha…I just need to touch her.

Masha:            I’m trying my hardest right now.

Bart:               Take careful aim, boys!

[The Tie Breaker growls.]

Masha:            Don’t shoot her!

Lily:           [weak] No. Please don’t shoot!

Bart:               Wait for it…

Theo:            [over radio] Nope, nope, nope!

[Tie Breaker growls.]

Okay, we’re gonna put an end to that.

[Jet computer beeps as he enters commands.]

Sage:            Theo sees what’s happening in the heat of the moment and he’s smart enough to know that the Castletons are not gonna hold back, and they are going to murder the Tie Breaker the second they get the opportunity.

Lily:           [weak, pleading] Theo!

Sage:            They’re aiming!

[Guns clatter and cock as the army aims once more.]

They’re firing.

Lily:           [weak] Theo…

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Roll for Intellect.

Theo:            [over radio] Alex, help me aim, please.

David:           Whoa ho.

Chad:         18.

[Success chime.]

Sage:            He fires some rockets at the ceiling.

[The jet computer beeps and rockets whish toward the ceiling, exploding and raining debris in front of Bart and his army.]

Bart:               You bastards! What’s wrong with all of you?!

Masha:            That is our sister!

Lily:           [weak] That’s my sister…

Sage:            They don’t have a shot. They’re trapped between a bunch of rubble. This telescope is almost destroyed.

Lily:           Masha— [coughs]

[Tie Breaker growls and takes a few steps closer.]

Eric:             [stammers] Fuck it.

[Clothes rustle as he pulls out his stun gun.]

Empty the clip!

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Travis:          14.

[I.C.E.R. fires and zaps. Tie Breaker yelps.]

Sage:            It stops the Tie Breaker in its tracks.

[Tie Breaker screams.]

And it gets down to its knees.


Lily:           [weak] Rose…

Bart:               Dig yourself outta that rubble, boys. Dig yourself outta that rubble now!

[Emotional, triumphant music starts to build...]

Sage:            Rose makes direct eye contact…

Lily:           Just get me to her. Please…

Sage:            With Lily.

Lily:           Please…

Jessica:          I’m carrying Lily with my own personal strength.

David:           [adoring] Aw, like Samwise.

Jessica:          I’m just gonna— [stifles laughter].

Masha:            I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you. Come on!

[Masha pulls Lily over her shoulder and drags her forward.]

[Music crescendos.]

Sage:            The Tie Breaker tries to get up to go to make another strike—a big strike—onto Masha and Lily.

Lily:           Rose.

Masha:            Rose, don’t.

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            You’re both gonna roll full purple.

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          Yes—

[Success chime.]

—and 9.

[Failure chime.]

Emily:          I made it—

[Success chime.]

—and, uh, Powerful I rolled 3.

[Failure chime.]

Technically, I rolled a natural 1.

[Traivs groans quietly.]

Sage:            [quiet] Fuck.

[Music quiets, a guitar plays the Main Theme melody sadly.]

Lily:           [groans] Masha. I…I just need to touch her…and…I think it’s gonna be…[groans] me or her. So just…let me…let me save her.

Masha:            [tearful] I’m trying so hard right now. I can’t get to her and she’s—

[Masha takes a deep breath and coughs.]

I’m running low on power [sniffles].

Sage:            Rose isn’t herself at all.

[Tie Breaker growls.]

Nothing is getting through to her. Whatever they have done to her, there’s no way to get her back right now. Unfortunately, the Tie Breaker is almost taking its final hit—

[Tie Breaker growls low and takes a few steps forward. It pulls its arm back.]

—into Masha and Lily.

Travis:          [fast] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Stat test chime.]

[Dice roll on table.]


[Success chime.]

[Music shifts; a few mournful guitar chords.]

[Eric charges forward.]

Sage:            Scry pushes himself as fast as he can and jumps in the way, right in time.

Lily:           [weak] Eric...

[Eric grunts as he leaps in front of Masha and Lily. The Tie Breaker growls as it finishes its swing, and a sickening crunch is heard as Eric is hit.]

Sage:            He’s able to stop her, but his body…

[Eric sails across the room and smacks hard into a wall. Thuds are heard as he falls to the platform and rolls off onto the tile floor.]

Like a ragdoll, flies across the room.

[Music stops.]

Eric is passed out and there are no more trench coats. Siggy and the Castletons have dealt with all of them.

[Music picks up; a lone guitar builds.]

The Tie Breaker…

[Lily groans as she struggles up and takes a shaky step forward.]

Masha:            [weak] Lily?

[Lily stifles a sob.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            While distracted punching Eric, sees where he lands…

[Lily groans in pain and hisses in a breath, taking another step.]

Lily’s…gonna…roll me…

[Jessica and Emily cry pitifully in worry. Traivs chuckles nervously.]

Masha:            Lily…

Sage:            Full…orange!

[Dice clatter as Emily shakes them nervously.]

Jessica:          [quiet] Oh, Jesus.

[The guitar crescendos and then...]

[Dice roll on table.]


[Emily and Traivs start screaming.]

[Success chime.]

Emily:          Oh my—! [laughs]

Travis:          Oh my gooooood!

Jessica:          What is it?

David:           Ahhh!

Emily:          I rolled a natural fucking 20!

Jessica:          Oh my god!

[Triumphant orchestral rock music bursts in!]

[Emily and Traivs high-five.]

Emily:          Yes!

Travis:          Yes!

[David makes airhorn noises.]

Sage:            Just as Rose is distracted, Lily uses all of her might…

[Lily grunts in pain as she moves forward. A tap is heard as she presses her hand on the Tie Breaker’s arm.]

To pull herself forward and she touches Rose. They make eye contact.

[Metal clanging as the green door appears. Noise warbles and echoes. Lily groans.]

They connect. Everything’s green. You see the door.

[Noise cuts off. A warble starts and cuts off. Lily sighs in pain and shock.]

You see this being.

[Monstrosity roars.]

Horrible. The most evil thing that you’ve ever experienced.

[Lily groans.]

The absolute lowest of the low. It fills you. It starts…consuming your soul.

[Lily continues groaning in pain. She struggles for breath.]

Lily:           [fearful] Masha?

[She pants and stifles a groan. The pain becomes overwhelming and she screams. The monstrosity shrieks back. Noise rushes and returns to normal. Lily pants.]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            Full purple to absorb the energy.

[Dice roll on table.]

[Net chime.]

Travis:          [quiet] Whoa.

Emily:          [disbelieving] Wha—

Chad:         Natural 1 and a 6.

Sage:            [stifles a sigh] That’s the worst...possible roll [sad scoff].

[Somber, ambient music.]

[Sage sighs.]


She’s not able to take it. Passes out entirely…and her body looks very deformed.

[Masha scoffs, half sad, half disbelieving.]

She falls back into Masha’s arms.

[Clothes rustle as Lily collapses into Masha.]

And Rose starts shrinking down.

[Skin and bones rustle as Rose shrinks.]

Same thing happens to her. She looks very weak, fragile, and not giant any more. And…fades. Masha lays there…

[Masha stifles a sob.]

With her two sisters in her arms.

Masha:            [tearful] Lily…. Rose. Oh.

[She stifles a sob.]

Oh. I—

[She stifles another sob and swallows.]

Please don’t go. [shaky breath] This shouldn’t happen. Take— This- this is not supposed to happen like this. I— [shaky breath]

[Stat test chime.]

Sage:            [sad] Last chance.

[Buzzing crinkle as Masha’s power activates.]

[Dice roll on table.]

Jessica:          [emotional, excited] Healing!

[Dice roll on table.]

[Emily, sniffling, quietly gasps.]

A 20!

Sage:            [yells] What?!

[Everyone starts screaming their heads off!]

Travis:          Whaaat?!

[Success chime.]

[Jessica chuckles in relief.]

David:           No way! There’s no way that just happened!

[Jessica chuckles. Emily laughs in excitement.]

Travis:          What?!

David:           There’s no way that just happened!

Jessica:          Twenty- 26!

[Emily and Traivs shriek happily.]

David:           Bullshit! No way that is— I— No way that happened! I don’t believe it!

Chad:         I’ve been watchin’ this shit.

David:           I don’t believe it!

Chad:         I’ve been watchin’ this shit. They’ve been rolling the shittiest fuckin’ rolls ever [relieved chuckle].

Travis:          God is my- God is my witness!

Sage:            Absolutely tainted with the darkest, deepest form of gamma radiation. Levels that nobody on Earth has even really researched yet, this is cosmic-level shit that absolutely was supposed to kill Lily and Rose!

[Masha groans as she clings to Lily and Rose’s bodies.]

Masha feels so much hope and compassion for her sisters. Though they are not related by blood, they are related by spirit, and through the Cosmic Connection, she rolls her final power!

Masha:            [sobs] Lily, Rose. Please come back! [sniffles]

[Masha cries and desperately channels her powers. Music crescendos; uplifting, cathartic, and emotional.]

Sage:            And heals both of them.

[Healing chimes echo through the room.]

[Lily gasps. Masha pants.]

They feel perfect.

[Music softens; Masha’s Piano Motif plays.]

Lily:           [freaked out] Oh my god.

Sage:            They wake up as if it was all a nightmare.

Lily:           [calming down] Oh my god. Oh…

Masha:            Wha- what the f— Oh my god, come here!

[Masha pulls Lily into a hug and sobs happily.]

Oh. Lily! [sniffles]

Lily:           Masha? Mash— Rose?

[Rose takes a deep breath.]

Oh my god!

[Rose pants in fear.]

Oh my god, Rose! Oh my god!

Rose:           Wha—

Masha:            Rose?

[Rose cries.]

Rose:           Ma—

Masha:            Rose, Rose. It’s Masha.

Rose:           Masha? [cries]

Masha:            Hi. Yeah, yeah, it’s Masha.

Rose:           [cries happily] Hi.

[Rose’s tearful chuckle turns fearful.]

Lily:           You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay, I promise.

Rose:           Where am I?

Lily:           [tearful] We- we got you now.

Masha:            You’re okay. You’re safe, Rose. You’re okay, you’re okay. It’s okay.

Rose:           What? It was just— I— [pants in fear]

Lily:           I know, I know. [tearful] I know.

[Clothes rustle as Lily pulls Rose into a gentle hug.]

[whispers] It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I promise. I promise. We’re back together.

[Rose’s crying calms as she hugs Lily and Masha.]

[Music fades out.]



[Gentle hum of a television, hospital monitors, and fluorescent lights. Muffled talking from the television. A knock on a door is heard and it creaks open. Dan comes in, his shoes squeaking to a stop. Quiet chatter from the hall outside is heard in the background throughout.]

Dan:             ’Eeey!

Eric:             Yeah. Hey! Hey, man. What’s goin’ on?

Dan:             Just thought I’d come take a visit. You, uh, feelin’ any better? How’s, uh—

[Phone rings in the hallway.]

Eric:             Oh god, no. I mean, like, yeah, right now? They’ve got me on a morphine drip that is really a revelation [amused scoff]. I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine. I just had every bone in my body shattered.

Dan:             [stifles laughter] No biggie.

Eric:             Yeah [amused scoff].

Dan:             Bounce back [quiet chuckle].

Eric:             Uh, take a seat, man.

[Dan closes the door, cutting off the noise from the hall.]

Dan:             Whatcha- whatcha watchin’? [nervous chuckle]

Eric:             Oh! Golf! Dude.

[Dan chuckles.]

Have you seen golf befo— I mean, that’s a dumb question.

Dan:             Mm-hmm.

Eric:             But like, okay, so the cable package here is kinda wack and, like, I found the golf channel and it’s so great. Like— So you’re, like, outside in, like, you know, the open, and then you have, like, your best friend there, but they, like, carry your stuff. And, like, everybody—

Dan:             [humoring him] Uh-huh.

Eric:             And there’s a bunch of people. And no matter what you do, like, they clap. Like sometimes they’re like [mocking] “oooohhh”. [normal] But you know for the mo—

[Dan stifles laughter.]

Honestly, this is just gonna be distracting. I’m- I’m gonna change the channel.

[Remote clicks and a news channel comes on.]

Bart:               [on tv] —in light of the senseless destruction—

Dan:             Oh shit.

Bart:               —that was wrought on—

Eric:             What?

Bart:               —the northern hillsides of our beautiful city of Los Angeles, which I am myself just barely escaped—

Dan:             Is that…

Eric:             [fast] Wait, wait, wait.

Dan:             Is that, uh—

Eric:             [irked] What the fuck is this guy doin’ on the news?

Bart:               —by sheer tyranny of will, [crosstalk] maniacal, scheming [crosstalk]

Dan:             That’s the—

Eric:             What is Bart doing on the news?

Dan:             The Power F— The 616 FM guy, right?

Eric:             Hold on, let me- let me turn it up. Let me turn up.

[Remote clicks and the television gets louder.]

Bart:               —minis that were infesting and vandalizing our beloved Griffith Observatory. The LAPD has unanimously, to every man, not a single vote against, unanimously voiced their consent to have me take the reins of their patch work and spit-polished department—

[Crowd on television cheers and claps.]

—and whip it into something that we as a populace can be proud of!

Dan:             He’s like, playing like a whole character. This is like a whole new…shtick.

Eric:             The fuck is this… Yeah, what is this bit?

Bart:               —not even really superpowered Fort frolickers and how they hide among—

Dan:             That mustache is ridiculous [stifles laughter].

Eric:             Seriously. This guy is- guy is a fuckin’ clown. ’S Clown Man. ’S his hero name. Clown Man.

[Dan stifles laughter.]

Bart:               —and I have the resources of a new source of police officer! A cybernetically enhanced Stark technology-riddled super machine person. And we’re armed to the teeth with these super-men, I will be able to ensure justice and peace and harmony—

[Crowd on television cheers and claps.]

[Ambient music builds.]

—in our beloved state of California.

[Television switches off.]

Dan:             So he did it, though.

Eric:             [quiet] God.

Dan:             Fully integrated.

Eric:             The entire city is gonna be run…by a militarized police force with that asshole at the top.

Dan:             Oh boy [sighs]. It’s gonna be a while ’til you’re on your feet, but, um…need some help with that, I guess hit me up.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             I’m gonna- I’m gonna jet. Um…

[Clothes rustle as Dan stands.]

Eric:             How’s- how’s Elle?

Dan:             Oh… [sighs] Yeah. Um, she’s comin’ around. Well…just gonna be a process, you know.

Eric:             [sad] Yeah.


Dan:             We’ll get there.

Eric:             [quiet] Yeah.


Dan:             Maybe, uh, call up Masha, see what she can do. You know, she’s got that one power. I don’t know how it works. Seems kinda finicky, but—

Eric:             Pff, I don’t want her- I don’t want her tryin’ shit on— You kiddin’ me?

[Dan stifles laughter.]

Goddamn. The only thing less reliable than her powers is that car she drove.

[Dan chuckles.]

Dan:             Did we leave that in the desert?

Eric:             Oh 100% left that in the desert!

[Dan laughs.]

Are you kidding? That thing sucked.

Dan:             [stifles laughter] Yeah. Good riddance.

Eric:             Yeah.

Dan:             Alright, dude.

[Dan heads for the door.]

Good to see you.

[Door squeaks open.]

Eric:             Yeah. Later.

[Door shuts.]

I’ma put golf back on.

[Clothes rustle as he lifts the remote and turns the television back on.]

[We hear Dan & Eric’s Motif reprise. Music ends.]



Elle:         [voice over] So…what am I going on about anyway?

[Music shift; A steady beat. Melancholic but positive.]

Griffith Observatory has been closed to the public since the Snap. Where communication has become has become still-born and unworthy of trust. There’s been hushed talk of a super squatter commune there, using a zip-line at night to travel to the city and fight crime. Sounds a bit absurd, but in my line of work you know never to ignore a good rumor.



[Radio beeps.]

Theo:            Alright, Short Circuit. Are you ready?

Short Circuit:         [over radio] Hell yeah I’m ready.

Theo:            Okay!

Short Circuit:         [over radio] I’m gonna need you to step away from the platforms.

[The hum of electricity builds.]

Keep your hands and feet outside of the vehicles.

Theo:            That’s a one…two…three…

[Masha groans in anticipation.]

Short Circuit:         [over radio] Let’s light this bitch up.

[Electricity zaps hard.]

Masha:            Oh my god!

[Lights and gears turn on all around them.]

Rose:           Wow [chuckles].

Short Circuit:         [over radio] We are up and running.

Theo:            Look at this.

Lily:           Holy shit. I mean! Um…

[Rose giggles.]

Uh, holy crap.


Marvel Mask Red.png


Elle:         [voice over] We know of the big dogs: Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Thor and Hulk, Spider-Man and Daredevil. But have you heard of the bandanna-wearing Bloodhound, the power-swapping Roulette, and the sneaky spy Scry? The Griffith Observatory is touring a new kind of space: the underground world of independent vigilantes. They call it The Fort. Unclear if The Castle was a response or a coincidence, but they dress and smell much different than your average hero or secret agent. These are regular people with a sense of youth and wonder, making something of themselves despite no one watching.


Marvel Mask Red.png


Siggy:         [over radio] Hoo! Guys, there’s no line for the Alice in Wonderland ride.

Masha:            Oh, hey, Siggy. Are we gonna talk about Roach? Like, what’s goin’ on with Roach?

Siggy:         [over radio, hesitant] Oh, uh, he’s kinda got his own thing goin’ on at the moment. You know, we’re in the happiest place on earth. Let’s- let’s be happy.

Masha:            O-Okay.

Spencer Croix:    [over radio, confused] Hey guys, I’m like…there’s a big ol’ house here. Scary man- scary- scary building. Scary mansion? Spooky mansion.

Short Circuit:         [over radio] Everybody is free to board at their will. Now, I’m gonna head over to Space Mountain, smoke a joint. Take it easy.

Marty Jane:            over radio, laughs languidly] Whoa!

Mary Jane:        [over radio] Wait…

Marty:           [over radio] Don’t I know you?

Marty, Mary:           [over radio, together] I know you, man!

Marty:           [over radio] No, I totally know you.

Mary:              [over radio] Don’t I know you?

Marty, Mary:           [over radio] You look familiar.

Marty:           [over radio] I know you.

Mary:              [over radio] I think I know you.

[Marty chuckles languidly. Radio crackles as someone else comes on the line.]

Short Circuit:         [over radio] Please don’t come.

[Soup Guy and Door Man walk past.]

Soup Guy:         Oh my god. Oh my god! Disneyland! Disneyland’s alive! I can go to the bread bowl counter, and I can make my favorite soup in a genuine Disneyland Mickey Mouse bread bowl!

Door Man:           No! We’re going on the Buzz Lightyear ride. I’m gonna get that high score before anybody else and I’m gonna finally have my name up on the scoreboard!

Soup Guy:         No, I wanna go get the bread bowl—

Door Man:           Fuck the bread bowl!

Soup Guy:         Uh, I— You’re always calling the shots because you have Fast Pass on your phone.

Door Man:           Yeah, and don’t you forget it! Follow me, Soup Guy, and we’re gonna- and we’re gonna do the chchchch for good luck all the way there, okay?

[Door Man walks toward the Buzz Lightyear ride. Soup Guy groans and follows along, their voices fading.]


Soup Guy:         [unenthusiastic] Chchchch.

Theo:            You know, I’ve always wanted to be a tour guide on the Jungle Cruise.

[Masha stifles laughter.]

So I’m gonna go practice. I’ll see you all—

Lily:           See if you can find one o’ the outfits.

Theo:            Oh. Absolutely.

[Theo shuffles off.]

Masha:            Hey! We should go check out Avengers Land. ’Cause they never finished it. We can see what it looked like.

Rose:           Yeah!

Lily:           Oh hell yeah. I wanna add an “Sc” in front of Avengers.

[Henry runs up to the sisters.]

Henry:             [eager] Hey, guys, I can hang out if you want.

Lily:           No!

Henry:             Uh—

Lily:           No, Henry.

[Lily starts walking away.]

Henry:             [distant] I’m available!

Lily:           Absolutely not.



Elle:         [voice over] These Fort Heroes make mistakes. They’re still finding their footing. Not too much to say about leadership, but it was mostly an enthusiastic affair. There was especially a lot of love for their Poster Team: The ScAvengers, a name they told me was reclaimed by “the man”.



[The sisters continue walking toward Avengers Land.]

[Music shift; soft and contented.]

Lily:           Oh, should we walkie Eric?

Masha:            Yeah!

Rose:           Who’s Eric?

Masha:            Rememb— Okay. So it— There was a guy that you accidently, like, really destroyed.

Rose:           Huh?

Lily:           Masha…

Masha:            He’s in the hospital.

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Rose:           What does that mean?

Masha:            This- you’re- it’s not your fault!

Lily:           He’s going to be fine!

Rose:           Did I do something wrong?

Lily:           He’s going to be fine.

Masha:            [fast] It’s not your fault, Rose. It’s not your fault. I was just—

[Traivs chuckles.]

Eric is fine. It’s something to remember. Obviously, you know—

Rose:           But I don’t remember it.

Lily:           That’s okay.

[Radio crackles as Lily turns it on.]

Eric, wake up.

[Eric groans over the radio.]

Wake up, bitch.

Eric:             [over radio, groggy] Oh god. Who’s…

[Sage chuckles.]

[Rose giggles.]

Who’s there?

Lily:           [loud] Rise and shine!

Eric:             [over radio] Oh. Oh god.

Lily:           It’s 5PM.

Eric:             [groggy] If this is a dream—

[Sage chuckles.]

—I hate whoever is in it sooo much. Okay.

Lily:           Eric, do you wanna see Disneyland?

Eric:             [over radio] What? No. I don’t—

Masha:            We’re in Disneyland!

Rose:           Come see Disneyland, Eric!

Eric:             [over radio] Who’s in Disneyland? Who’s that? Wait. Hold on.

Lily:           Wh- That’s Rose!

Eric:             [over radio] Oh my god. So wha—

Lily:           The one who destroyed your body.

Eric:             [over radio] Whoa! Oh.

Rose:           What?

Eric:             [over radio] Oh!

Masha:            No, Rose, you didn’t do it. Tie Breaker did it.

Rose:           Lily said…

Masha:            Well it—

Lily:           Yeah the— It’s- this- you know. Happiest place on Earth, right?

[Rose chuckles.]

Eric! Do you wanna see, uh, ScAvengers Land? As I’m going to rename it in five minutes?

Eric:             [stifles laughter] Uh, yeah. Hi.

Lily:           Okay, tap in!

Eric:             [over radio] Hold on. I—

Lily:           [fast] Tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in.

Eric:             Look, [slow] I just woke up—

Rose:           [fast] Tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in—

[Everyone begins speaking over each other.]

Masha, Rose:         [together, fast] Tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in, tap in!

Eric:             Who— Everybody— Okay! Fine! Fine. Fine! Fine!

[Lily giggles.]

Oh god, I tapped into the nurse. Hold on. I just woke up, this is hard [stifles laughter].

[Masha scoffs in amusement. Lily and Rose chuckle.]

[Sage chuckles.]

Oh god. Oh god.

Lily:           My eyes! Tap into my eyes.

[Eric takes a deep breath. A rumbling whoosh is heard over the radio as he taps into Lily’s sight.]

Masha:            You see it?

Rose:           I’m here!

Eric:             Ah!

Masha:            See look, it’s Rose!

Eric:             Oh.

Rose:           Hi!

Lily:           Hey, this is Rose!

Eric:             [over radio] Oh, you’re a lot smaller now. That’s- that’s good. Hey, alright. How you doin’?

Rose:           I was never bigger than this.


Eric:             Right.

Masha:            Baby steps, you know.

Eric:             [over radio] Okay. Hi, Rose. It’s nice to- it’s nice to meet you.

Masha:            Well do we wanna explore this spot or like…

Eric:             [over radio] Yeah, I was gonna mention. I heard that when this was comin’ up, ’cause I was really nosy about it ’cause I thought it was a bunch of fascist bullshit—

Masha:            Right.

Eric:             —that they were gonna do [takes a deep breath] a hall of- of Stark. It was gonna be like a shrine to Iron Man. All these different suits, but I—

Rose:           Ooo.

Masha:            D’you think they have more arc reactors?

Eric:             [over radio] I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess they didn’t put a billion dollar pacemaker—

[Sage stifles laughter.]

—in, like, a public space behind glass.

Lily:           They’re prob’ly wherever the frozen head is.

Rose:           Ew.

Eric:             [over radio] I forgot about that conspiracy theory [stifles laughter].

Rose:           Gross!

Lily:           Anyway! You wanna punch a statue of Tony Stark, anyone?

Rose:           I do.

[Eric stifles laughter.]

Masha:            Let’s do it.



Elle:         [voice over] No matter your opinion of the Sokovia Accords, or who you think is to blame for The Snap, I’ve realized something. We get so caught up in the glorified sight of The Avengers, it’s easy to forget all the little guys who hit the ground running. There are so many enhanced individuals walking all around us, and it seems more and more find their powers by the day. They can’t shoot fire from their fingertips, or take the impact of a moving car as if it were a scratch. But visiting The Fort made me realize, lack of flair—or money—doesn’t make you less capable of change.



Lily:           Let’s hop these turnstiles.

Masha:            Alright!

[Shoes scuff as Lily turns to Rose.]

Lily:           Alright, you need a boost?

[Clothes rustle as Lily helps lift her over.]


Rose:           Whoop [chuckles].

[The three sisters jog inside Avengers Land. Their voices echo a bit in the construction-filled hallway. Atmospheric music plays underneath.]

Eric:             [over radio] Ugh.

Lily:           Ew.

Rose:           Ew.

Masha:            This looks so…

Eric:             Gross.

Rose:           Hmm.

Masha:            …Wow.

Lily:           Yeah…. I’m gonna tag it.

[Shoes scuff and clothes rustle as she moves forward. A spray can clatters as she shakes it.]

Boost me, baby.

Masha:            Alright, alright, fine.

[Masha locks her fingers and let’s Lily step on her hands. She grunts as she lifts Lily higher. Paint sprays along the wall.]

[groaning] You got it?

Lily:           [pleased] Yeah.

Masha:            [groaning] Okay.

Eric:             Nice. Nice.

[Rose chuckles.]

Masha:            [groaning] Okay.

Rose:           Nice!

[Lily hops down and takes a step back to look at her artwork. Masha sighs in relief.]

Lily:           How’s that look, Eric? You like it?

Eric:             [over radio] Yeah, that looks good.

Lily:           This is our kingdom!

[Sage stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [over radio] Oh. Yeah, I guess so.

Rose:           Yeah!

Eric:             [stifles laughter] I’m glad that Rose is so, just, kinda on board for all this. This is…

Lily:           I know.

[Rose chuckles.]

This is why I really, really missed her.

Eric:             [over radio] Oh man.

Masha:            [loving] Yeah.

Eric:             [over radio] Well I wish I could be there with you for real, instead of just riding sidecar.

Masha:            Well you’re not really missing that much. Seems kind of wasteful here, and almost wrong.

Lily:           A real hero doesn’t need this.

Masha:            No.

Lily:           I think we know that.

Rose:           What d’you think a real hero needs?

Lily:           [hesitant] To do the right thing for the…the sake of doing the right thing. Not for a shiny hall. Or a tourist attraction. You know?

[Rose chuckles in agreement.]

Eric:             [over radio] You know what this is? This entire thing is a monument to false expectations. Regardless of what we think of the Avengers, wherever they are now—and honestly, who gives a shit—[sighs] we need to be…our own heroes and we can’t rely on these figureheads.

[Masha sighs.]

We don’t know who they are, really, and they may have their own limits. And they may not have ever thought that so many people would look to them to…just kinda…save the day. I never thought we’d be in that position, but…

Lily:           They saved the world. We saved the day.

[Eric chuckles.]

Masha:            Yeah.

Eric:             [sighs] You know, we did. And, uh, nobody knew.

Lily:           But honestly [light chuckle] I don’t care.

Masha:            Yeah.

Lily:           I feel like I can breathe for the first time in years.

[Rose scoffs in agreement.]

She knows. And to me? That’s the only thing that matters.


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Elle:         [voice over] Star Power is an illusion. Our relationship with Tony Stark will always be a one way street. I’m sure his dad’s company will figure out a way to improve things over time. But why wait for their permission? Why wait for them to learn what it means to sacrifice? If we take a moment to look around, people are saving the world every day, right under our noses.


Marvel Mask Red.png


Eric:             [over radio] Alright, I’m goin’ back to bed.

Rose:           Night, night!

Lily:           No, no, come have a moment with us!

[Masha stifles laughter.]

Eric:             [over radio] No! [stifles laughter] I’m gonna have a moment with morphine, alright?

Rose:           Who’s morphine?

Eric:             Goodbye.

[Radio clicks off.]

Masha:            Well— Wait, wait, Eric! I just—

[Radio squeaks back on.]

Eric:             [fast] What, what, what, what, what?

Masha:            I never really got to say, um…I don’t— [nervous] Ahhh, haha. [normal] I just wanna say thanks for helping me and especially Lily.

[Eric lets out a breath of a laugh.]

Lily:           [serious] Yes.

Masha:            And I really appreciate the, um, yeah. All of your help and, uh, resources [choking up] to get Rose back, ’cause I didn’t— Um. I didn’t think that that would be, but I’m so…

[Rose lets out a quiet laugh.]

Sorry, Rose. I’m so happy that you’re here. Um.

[Rose, Lily, and Masha chuckle.]

So yup. Thanks, Eric.

Lily:           We couldn’t’ve done it without you. Okay?

Rose:           Thanks, Eric.

Eric:             [groggy] You’re welcome, Rose. If I woulda known that all it took to make some real friends was to get hit by a living Mac truck—

[Masha stifles laughter.]

—um, I would’ve done it years ago.

[Lily and Rose chuckle. Eric takes a deep breath and lets out a quiet, sleepy sigh.]

And with that…I’m going to go to sleep now, ’cause the drip started again, and that’s…and that’s nice.

Lily:           Okay, we might wake you up for Jungle Cruise, though, ’cause…

Eric:             Uhhh…

Masha:            Yeah!

Lily:           Theo’s gonna narrate it.

Rose:           [gasps] I love that one!

Masha:            Yeah.

Eric:             Huh.

Lily:           Yeah.

Masha:            Theo’s gonna be— He’s workin’ on his jokes right now. [amused] I’m very excited.

Eric:             [dreading] Oh god, alright.

Lily:           [amused] Oh you know you wanna hear those jokes.

Masha:            I wonder if he’s, like, rewiring—

Theo:            [distant] Hey, guys!

Masha:            Oh!

Theo:            Hey!

Lily:           Yea— Hey!

Theo:            [voice getting closer] Hey look at this. I found- I found a notebook filled with jokes!

[Lily chuckles. Rose gasps happily.]


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Elle:         [voice over] In a strange way, despite most people being afraid to go outside, plants wildly overgrown, and any sense of community being scarce, times like these remind us that, although we are alone, we are interwoven. Every choice we make will be felt by others one way or another. Everything we do echoes, even if we don’t hear it. And when things are broken people must rebuild. They must construct their own systems of confidence, their own paths, their own homes. Even if that means tearing down the things of old.



Lily:           How ’bout, uh, the two o’ you run ahead and flip through the notebook? Um…

Rose:           Are you sure?

Masha:            Yeah. We’ll- we’ll catch up.

Lily:           Mm-hmm! Yeah, yeah. We’re right behind ya, kid.

Rose:           Okay. Bye!

[Rose and Theo walk away.]

Lily:           Bye.

Theo:            See ya!

Lily:           Oh, why is it so hard to say goodbye to her even though she’s only twenty feet away from us?

Masha:            I know. I’m, like, trying so hard not to, like, freak out right now [nervous chuckle]. I’m very sorry.

Lily:           [gentle] Come here. Come here.

[Masha sighs tearfully as Lily hugs her.]

Masha:            Yeah.

[Lily’s guitar riff, the Sisters motif, reprises gently underneath.]

Lily:           I am…so…sorry about how hard I was on you about finding her.

Masha:            [emotional] No, no. No, Lily—

Lily:           No, no, I- I—

Masha:            —I’m so sorry that I ever doubted you and- and— I mean, who would’ve thought that she would be the one person in the entire world that they turn into some, like, crazy monster? The odds were very low, but I should’ve- I should’ve just believed you and trusted you and I’m really sorry that I didn’t [tearful sigh].

Lily:           [comforting] I-it’s okay. I mean…[sighs] Thank you for sticking through, anyway.

[Masha chuckles tearfully.]

I could not have done any of this without you. I am so happy that Mom and Dad…picked you up and brought you into our family, ’cause…y— [tearful sigh] Ugh! I hate the emotions!

[Lily growls as she fights back tears.]

Masha:            It’s okay to cry, Lily, okay?

[Lily sniffles and groans.]

I’m very so, so thankful that you’ve brought so much joy in my life and how- have helped me accept who I am [sniffles] And I don’t know where I’d be without you. I’m just so thankful and it’s just such a…perfect bow on top that we broke into Disneyland [chuckles].

[Lily sniffles and chuckles.]

Lily:           We really are the best family in the multiverse.

Masha:            Yeah. And only we know it, but that’s all that matters.

Lily:           Yeah. Hopefully the Avengers have some crazy plan to bring our parents back, but…you know [scoffs].

Masha:            I know.

Lily:           One thing at a time.

Masha:            Just gotta keep hope.



Elle:         [voice over] At a certain point, it’s healthy to accept that the wealthy and well-off don’t have our best interests in mind. Even the highest ranking heroes can’t save our city from itself… We have to do that. The people. The little guys.



[Riverboat hums as it glides through the water.]

Theo:            If you enjoyed yourself, my name is Theo, and this has been the world famous Jungle Cruise. If you didn’t my name is Glitter Can—

[Lily laughs.]

—and this has been the fucking Castle.

Masha:            Nice. That was personalized.

[Rose giggles.]

Lily:           [amused] Yeah.

Masha:            Oh! By the way, Rose, what did you think of ScAvengers Land?

Rose:           Eh. ’S kinda boring. I mean, I would’ve liked it if the roller coasters were kind of bigger, but…

[Lily chuckles.]

If they ever finish this Avengers Land thingy…it should be about you guys.

You guys are the heroes.

[Music shifts; Sisters motif continues, ethereal and hopeful.]

[Masha and Lily laugh humbly.]

Masha:            Wow.

Lily:           That’s…

Masha:            Thanks, Rose [chuckles].

Lily:           Yeah.

Rose:           You’re welcome!

[Radio crackles on.]

Eric:             [over radio] Hey, guys, guys, guys. I remembered something. I just… Have you both ever- have either of you ever watched golf before?

Masha:            [quiet] Oh my god.

Eric:             It’s amazing. We’ve gotta go do it at some—

[The radio squeals as Lily turns it off.]



Elle:         [voice over] So what do I think of The Fort? A bit rough around the edges to put it mildly, but I will say their hearts are in the right place. They may work in the dark for now, but if we were to shine the sun on them for a day, I don’t know…

I think they could all be stars.

[A final, soft guitar chord.]


Sunstar - Original Song

[Guitar strings tap quietly.]

Sage:            [quiet] One. Two. One, two, three, four.

[An acoustic guitar plays. The cast vocalizes.]

I want to be the ripple of a Great Lake

Touch all shores before I dissipate

Be the echo of an encompassing cave

Covering rock walls with reverberant sound waves

Travis:          Ignite me with lighting, rightly make me feel vain

Stab me in the bank, my brittle heart condensates

Emily:          Dampen all the passion so we misbehave

Jessica:          Repeat the loop and stub out the flame


Everyone:       The stars are dimming

Sage:            and we feel the change

Everyone:       So burn it all down

Sage:            Without a name

Sage, Travis:          Drip me down the verticality

I want to see the history bleed

Sage, Jessica:          Tear it to tatters, legacy

The worst of me, through tapestries

Sage, Emily:        Closing down all the gates you keep

Then eat the key to be at peace


Travis:          I guess if don’t trust myself

How could you ever trust me


Everyone:       I want to be the ripple of a Great Lake

Touch all shores before I dissipate

Emily:          Be the echo of an encompassing cave

Travis:          Covering rock walls with reverberant sound waves

Everyone:       Galaxies turn, the gravity unconstrained

Stuck in motion with all of your decisions made

Jessica:          Invisible, in the dark, as if a grave

Everyone:       Clawing your way out through the wooden grain


Emily:          Maybe the earth will provide some light today

Sage, Emily:        A leaking sense of matter,

Everyone:       ...down spillways and drains

Sage:            Can you hear me now?

Jessica:          Can you see the shroud?

Emily:          Can you feel my wake?

Sage, Jessica:          Now that I’m out of the shade

Sage, Travis:          Can you smell the roses?

Everyone:       Wake up and revel in the rain

Travis:          I know your space is safe

Sage:            But can you taste my pain?

Sage, Travis:          Can you taste my pain?

Everyone:       Can you taste my pain?

Sage:            Can you taste my pain?!


Sage, Travis:          Will I

Jessica, Emily:         ever be the

Sage, Travis:          Marvelous

Jessica, Emily:         version of me

Sage, Travis:          Will I

Jessica, Emily:         ever be the

Sage, Travis:          Starlight

Everyone:       in the Skyline, freed

Will I ever be the

Marvelous version of me

Will I ever be the

Starlight in the Skyline, freed.



[Episode End music throughout.]

Mayanna Berrin:    20 Sided Stories is produced by Sage G.C., Jessica Dahlgren, and Traivs Reaves

Masha Mirova was played by Jessica Dahlgren

Eric Stanton was played by Traivs Reaves

Lily Kline was played by Emily Ervolina

[Rose Kline was played by Hollis Dohr]

Additional Voices by David Michmerhuizen, Chad Ellis, Kaitlyn Cornell, and M. Colton Brodeur.

Music, Editing and Sound Design by Sage G.C.

Character Artwork by Rhea Lonsdale

Episode Artwork by Josh Wolf

Special thanks to Greg Reasoner, Matt Johnston and all our Patreon Supporters

Podcast Directed by Sage G.C.

You can get the soundtrack to this series for free at

Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @20SidedStories

Or visit our website at


Special Thanks

Sage:            We made it! You made it all the way to the end. Thank you so much for sticking it out. I hope you enjoyed MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap, and if you did, tell us! Leave a review wherever you’re listening. Tweet at us, shoot us an email, whatever. We love to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate.

Thank you to our lovely, wonderful patrons who made this possible. Including:

Crypt Critter

Daniel Pugh

Tracey R Dailey

Bradley Côté

Matthew Scott

Andrew Strother

Gizelle Gando

First Encounter Pod

Traivs Cole

Devone Cleaveland

Moose with Moxie

D.B. Jarvis

T.H. Ponders

Elizabeth Villarreal



You are all rockstars. I love you, 3000. We will continue to update the Adventure Pass feed every month for you all with fun bonus episodes, including a Postmortem for MARVEL. Slated to come out later this week, where we’ll be going through every episode in the season and dishing on all sorts of behind the scenes intel. We did one of these for POKÉMON!. It’s a very fun time.

Just wanted to say thank you to all the guests for coming on the show, and then coming back and recording those little cameos for us. So good.

Hollis Dohr, holy shit you did phenomenal as Rose Kline, thank you so much.

Thank you to Cloudkicker for making your music Creative Commons. Go listen to Cloudkicker. A huge inspiration of mine.

And of course, a huge thank you for everyone in the cast and crew for tagging along and just absolutely crushing it through this wild experiment and enhancing my disjointed vision. Yes, I put a lot of work into the presentation, but it is all of your performances that gives 20 Sided Stories its pulse. In my opinion.

So! What’s next? Well, we have a bunch of housekeeping planned just on the horizon. Some exciting surprises and a lot of stuff that’s been way overdue. So just keep a lookout for that. It’s gonna be fun.

As for new episodes, well hopefully, you will not be waiting nearly as long as the gap between POKÉMON! and MARVEL was. We are actually in the process of locking down our next two series. Yes, we’re thinking two steps ahead right now, and man are we stoked! Oh my god, I’m so excited! It’s gonna be so much fun.

We will announce and share more when ready. So follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter or Instagram and you will know when we know. Otherwise, keep fighting. Keep pushing.

Earth really needs us all to be heroes right now and just to be perfectly clear here, 20 Sided Stories stands with the Black Lives Matter movement and against police brutality. We wear masks and we trust science. At 20 Sided Stories we believe women. We think trans rights are human rights. The whole progressive nine yards. If this sort of thing bothers you, then honestly this show ain’t for you, and a lot of the themes here are probably flying way over your head anyway, so…

I put some resources in the episode description. Please check ‘em out if you have a minute.

I think that’s everything. This has been MARVEL: Survivors of The Snap. Thank you all for listening, and I’ll see you on the next 20 Sided Story. Later.

[Episode End music crescendos and fades out.]


After-Credits Scene

[Fluorescent lights hum above Eric’s hospital bed as he watches YouTube on his phone.]

Dr. J:            [on video] This is Dr. J, and this was part one of “How to be the Best You”. So go ahead and like, comment, subscribe, hit that little bell, and let’s slam dunk our problems and shortcomings together, in a healthy way! [chuckles]

Eric:             Wow. That was actually really helpful… I wanna subscribe, but…it feels kinda weird since—

[Email notification pings. He sighs and opens the file, reading out loud.]

“Hey Eric. Sorry I never came to visit you in the hospital. The time came and it just felt…uncomfortable…Elle—

Eric, Dan:       —and I know you’re on your way to becoming a better person—

Dan:             —and maybe in time the tapping can be forgiven, but trust has been severed and there’s no going back. Sorry, man.

We’re moving out of state. Pretty sure S.H.I.E.L.D. leadership was gonna try to arrest me anyway whenever they’re done time traveling. Whatever the hell they’ve been up to.

It’s been great having you back these last couple years, though. I mean that. You’re the best friend I ever had. Again, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said I was going to visit.

Dan, Eric:       I knew this was the end.

Eric:             Take care, bro.


[Beat. Suspenseful music builds.]

Who the fuck was that that came to visit me? Who the— [gasps] Ooooh. Oh god dammit. And I’m in a hospital. And it’s golf!

[Eric throws his phone out the window and wiggles in his body cast, furious.]

[yells] Dammit! God dammit! Why can’t anything be over?! Why can’t anything ever be over?! This sucks! Goood dammiiit!

[Music crescendos and fades.]